15016/Tomorrow's News, Today. Part Two.

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Tomorrow's News, Today. Part Two.
Date of Scene: 01 May 2023
Location: Legion Cruiser, Crew Habitat
Synopsis: After a conversation with Querl (Found in Part 1), Superman continues his journey aboard the Legion Ship. He comes across Umbra and sparks a conversation.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Shadow Lass

Superman has posed:
Superman is casually floating through the Legioon Crusier. Fresh from his conversation with Querl, Superman's looking for one member in particular. However, he knows the chances of running into others is high. And Superman welcomes this. It's why he casually floats down hallways. Kind of like walking, just without his feet touching the ground.

A door will open, team members may think it's someone else floating in, like Mon El. It's only when they turn to look at the new person will anyone realize that Superman just floated in.

Right now, Sky blue eyes are taking in everything. The ship on this tech reminds him of Krypton. Sadly, he only sees the vastness of his home planet via holograms. Yes, Superman does have access to -some- Kryptonian tech. However, it's a small fraction. To him, it feels like seeing a bigger piece of it.

While some may be in awe of him, Superman is in awe of his surroundings. All of it is so incredible.

"This is impressive," Superman will say to no one in particular. He may even float to unintentionally turn around. So, it may just look like someone that can fly with a big red cape. So, pretty much any meta until he turns back around.
Shadow Lass has posed:
Tasmia is training (what else would she be doing?). This time using strobe lights, trying to figure out better times to use them with the team.




Huh? That isn't a familiar voice! Stopping the program she looks around. No alerts. But the voice was /definitely/ unfamiliar. "Who goes there? Speak up!"
Superman has posed:
Superman turns around then lands on the ground. Hearing the voice, "Superman," his voice firm, like steel. Waiting for the new person to speak up again. He's not expecting a confrontation, but stranger has happened. And he will wait to see what happens next. "I was speaking to Querl, earlier. He mentioned others might want to talk to me," he explains his presence.
Shadow Lass has posed:
Superman? That was an unusual name. Then again, some people called her by Shadow Lass - which was okay, though she liked her ancestral name (Shadow Champion) much more.

Setting the light back to normal, she crossed over the training area. "He did not tell us we had company. My name is Tasmia, and a friend of his I do welcome. Even though the planet nearby and below then was not a planet they had good intel on!

"You do not have an escort." Meaning he was left to himself to wander about. Something Tamsia wouldn't have done, but then again, Querl talked rather more politely to strangers. She? Looked after saving people - not smoothing things down. "Are you lost?"
Superman has posed:
"Some people call me Kal El," Superman says as he clarifies that one, too. People know him as both. However, maybe Querl overtalked about Superman's reputation. How it pushed the Legion.

"Querl mentioned a few members wanted to speak to me. He did not know their location. So, he allowed me to roam the ship. I am sure he is tracking me, if he believes me to be a threat," Superman admits. It's nothing he doubts.

"I am not lost because for me it's not the destination, but the journey," one cannot be lost if they do not have a set destination. He'll give a friendly smile.
Shadow Lass has posed:
For a moment her lips bowed over a smile. Though she was not great with philosophy, her ancestors sometimes were. The journey, though, was very familiar to Tasmia.

Very serious, "My grandfather would say that he was only on the road that his grandmother started. And so on. I have only begun to take up the baton from them. I can only hope that I can do them proud."

She wondered. She didn't have any questions specifically for Kal-El, still..

"Kal-El. It is a unique name? The people on earth use different names. I would guess you are not from earth. And yet, you speak very fluently. Explain." A pause. "Please."
Superman has posed:
"I am one of few survivors from my homeworld. Before the planet exploded, few individuals were able to leave. My father sent me offworld via a spaceship he built in secret. I was a baby back then. Similar happened to my cousin," but Superman won't go into too much detail there. It's not his story to tell.

"My family is from the 'House of El.' The surname," he points out the obvious.

"My homeworld is from Krypton. I'm sure the ship has record of it," he says leaning into the technology aspect.

The sky blue eyes look about the place, "I've never seen my homeworld. So, the ship reminds me of what I've only seen in holograms, records and anything like that. It's amazing to see it up close," he admits and looks toward the Shadow Lass.
Shadow Lass has posed:
Nodding, Tasmia looks sad. "It must be terribly sad for you to never have seen your birthplace when you were old enough to form an impression. Pictures are not the same. Unless we can figure out how to get back from where we started, we all have lost our homes too."

She thinks a moment, and then adds, "I was the Shadow Champion of my home planet. To think of it being out there, without being to do anything.. My cousin is there, and is taking my place when went into the Legion. Though it doesn't feel the same. When you can't go home, a part of you dies a little."

"Querl keeps telling us there must be a reason to be here."
Superman has posed:
Superman's quiet and listens to Umbra teelling her tale. Everything about her story gives a similar touch of sadness. The sky blue eyes soften a little bit.

"I think home is ever changing. You will always have a home, a where you come from. But it will not always be the home you -choose-," Superman admits. The sky blue eyes look toward the woman an he floats toward her. A hand tries to touch her shoulder, "I think sometimes people end up in places they never expect. However, they become something important. I can't tell you why you're here. What I can tell you is this: I will do anything I can to help. This includes helping everyone adapt to my timeline and helping everyone that wants to return home, do," he says just being honest. It's no different than what he offered Querl.
Shadow Lass has posed:
"That much is true. Too often I forget that I chose the Legion as the best way to help my planet. I can not pick or choose what will become of that choice in the long run." Tasmia breaks a small smile at that. "I used to say, I am Tasmia, sir - granddaughter to Sarven Mallor, who you honor so. And while I do not know how... or where... I can find the strength - if the ancestors watch over me, I will die before I let them be dishonored."

"Perhaps, this is to remind me that the road can not be foreseen. But once I have committed to it, I am bound to see it through. It is not mine to etch out, but mine to complete as much as I can. Wherever it may be."

She looks seriously at Kal-el. "You have reminded me of this. For that I am deeply in your debt. If I can be helpful to you, consider my oath given."
Superman has posed:
"I am sure they will be proud of you. I do not know how, but I feel they would," Superman speaks honestly on that one. "Being in the legion is no small feat, "Supermans ays just showing Tasmina what she has done already.

"You will see through it. I just can't see where it goes. No one can. Not even Querl, not matter how much he might like to try," Superman knows Querl is trying to predict all of the possibilities.

"I will ask for your help, if ever needed. You are in no debt to me. Just help those out in this century like you would your own," he says with a soft smile on his face. "That's all anyone can ask of you."