15057/There's No Place Like (a Mage's) Home

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There's No Place Like (a Mage's) Home
Date of Scene: 08 May 2023
Location: Shadowcrest, Ground Floor
Synopsis: Harry stops by Shadowcrest and ends up staying longer than expected
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Harry Dresden

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It's around dinner time and Shadowcrest is... mostly quiet. The yards are quiet and anyone lucky enough to bear a key and enter through the front door will find the front hall quiet as well. A few chandeliers are lit, but not many. The door to the dining hall is open and there's a place set... for one.

But the most activity comes from the kitchen, where Zatanna sits perched on a counter. Dressed in a pair of (short) black shorts and an oversized pale blue tee, she swings bare feet causing a ton-ton rapping against the cabinet door below.

"Did we really not get any shopping done? Merlin-" she smacks her forehead with the heel of her palm. "Okay, okay. I'll get it done tomorrow. Just... put *something* together." All around her, nearly invisible figures move. The house staff, most noticeable due to their white gloves. They rattle around the kitchen; from the magically cold icebox to the stoves. Zee just watches.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Another chance to visit Shadowcrest. Yes, that's what he's here for. Really. Walking into the place he pauses to look over the area around him again. The place is something, enough to overwhelm most people and even after everything he's seen it does make him pause. He moves furthur into the place and studies the chandeliers.

Hearing the voice of the mistress of the house, he moves in that direction and pauses just beyond the door to announce himself,"Candy gram." he mutters in his attempts at humor. After she's had a moment to recognize the voice and not zap him, he looks into the kitchen,"I need to get some help like that." he comments thoughfully. He shakes hit off and looks her direction,"Sorry. Good evening."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Harry!" Zatanna does not, indeed, zap him. In fact, she seems very *at ease* in the house. Certainly she puts on an air of ease when out and about, but a keen eye (perhaps even a detective's eye) would be able to spot the difference. She carries herself differently and it's not just the more casual (though still showing *a lot* of leg) clothing.

She trusts it here. She feels safe here.

"Oh, them?" A glance to the various floating hands at their work. "I've actually never figured out how they were made. One of my ancestors, probably. Okay, let's make enough for two!" She hops down from the counter and gestures towards a cabinet; another place setting floats out and hovers its way towards the dining room. "Don't apologize," she tells Harry as she walks by, leading the dishes and flatware in to set next to the seat already in place. "I gave you a key for a reason."

There's a smile cast over her shoulder toward him. "Everything okay?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
For his part, he manages to not stare at the lot of leg on display. Not too bad for a guy right?" He does keep looking her way, just avoiding the eyes. He does note her more at ease way here and just marks that as comfortable at home.

When she regards the hands he looks that way again,"They would be helpful for sure." He watches her go by. Don't look at the magic lady's backside. Don't look at the magic lady's backside. He does manage to not do that, though he does watch her as she passes and follows after.

He manages to return the smile and he nods,"Everything is fine. I was wanting to ask if you would be interested in helping with something. The whirlwind you met briefly last night, Faith. She's into something and we might be able to use a few more hands. I haven't talked to her yet, but decided to see if you would be interested first. If she is right we might be able to restore people's missing memories."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Missing memories?" Once another setting is in place, Zatanna turns back to the kitchen and stops in the doorway to watch the magical servants at work. "Hope mac and cheese is okay," she says as she watches what's being assembled. It's the real stuff, at least: not boxed. "It seems I forgot to go shopping." There's a sort of sheepish smile cast towards Dresden.

But then back to the topic at hand. She leans onto her toes, then back to her heels; hands tucking into the back pockets of the shorts, putting a bit of an arch in her back. "Memories," she continues, taking in a deep breath. "Minds are a tricky thing. Memory even moreso. I know there's telepaths out there. And I know there's magic to work on memory. Erase it, rewrite it, even create memories wholesale. But it's very dangerous stuff and can leave a person... well, think magical lobotomy." Her mood hasn't soured, per se, but she's come down quite a lot into the land of 'serious.'
Harry Dresden has posed:
"There have been a few people around that are suffering from missing memories." he explains,"Specific memories. The sort of things you don't forget." It is a little complicated so he takes his time to explain,"Thomas' ex-girlfriend of a long time completely forgot him and probably me as well. He tells me that I had a girlfriend that is not around anymore and I have absolutely no memory of her. Another woman forgot a family member. It seems like somebody forgot how to do their job. It's all pretty random."

He smiles when she mentions mac and cheese and nods,"Sounds like proverbial Heaven to me. It's been a while. Believe me I forget to go shopping even before this happened."

He can't stop himself from arching a brow just a little bit at the stretch and shakes it off trying to focus and not stare like...well like Bob,"I don't have a lot of experience with mental magic. I am more of the ugly, throw together something, and hit something head on sort. I can do some thaumatergy, but that is frowned on, a lot. I am not fond of the idea someone is stealing memories considering I had been out of town chasing after a Denarian coin for months and I still got a little memory removal."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh. That's right. You mentioned a girlfriend you can't remember." Zatanna rocks from toe-to-heel and back, chin lifted as she gazes off into the middle distance in thought. "I didn't realize it was more wide-spread."

Lips purse as she thinks. "It's unlikely to be a spell. You're magically inclined enough that you'd likely sense it. Maybe not know it, or what it did to you, but our kind -- we can tell when magic has been used on us. And it's unlikely for a spell to be a wide-net that would affect such a variety of people."

Settling back on her heels, she looks to Dresden with a slight tilt of her head. "It doesn't sound completely random," she says, hands coming out from pockets to spread before her. Not quite a shrug, but almost. "Girlfriends. Family members. It sounds like something is eating love. Sounds demonic, to me."
Harry Dresden has posed:

"The strangest part is I was in another hemisphere when this happened and still it got me." he agrees,"I am with you though, I think it is less about magic and more something else. Regardless. I think we're going to need some backup if we go into this and figured I would ask if you would come along when we go to investigate."

He pauses as the whole eating love hadn't hit him before it seems. He frowns and nods,"Yeah. It does sound like it." he agrees. His features are grim and he admits,"I like Faith. She's a good hand in a fight, but I haven't been around her a lot. I'd like someone that, well I don't know you much better than her, but well..." he loses words for a moment. Try not to stare, try not to stare.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I am happy to lend a hand. It's why I'm with the JL. Why have powers like this and not use them for good?" Zatanna glances around the kitchen and spots the servants wrapping up with meal prep. She reaches out to put a hand on Harry's arm and lightly guide him toward the table.

There's a glance over to the man and a smile. "Then ask me anything. If knowing me better will help, I'm an open book." She claims a chair and drops into it. One pair of floating gloved hands comes by with a bottle of wine, pouring two glasses.

"I happen to think," Zee says as she settles in, "we have enough in common to build familiarity."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He nods and when she starts to lead him along, he goes with her easy enough. Once she is settled he takes a seat as well,"I would appreciate the extra help." he admits,"I start slinging magic too ugly and I will start to run down and make choices that could be harmful to me and the problem at hand."

The light touch does draw a touch of a smile to the usually creased brow and he pauses when she says ask anything. He studies her face, not directly of course and he finally says,"I just want to make sure if things start to fly off the rails I have someone at my back that will still be there. I know a litle more about you than before because I am a shameless book worm and study potential allies as much as enemies. You have a reputation for being a staunch ally." using less common words. He's trying to get a better feel for her.

"Understand, once I am allied with someone, that is almost as powerful as family. Family means everything to me. Blood doesn't make family." he continues. He laughs softly and admits,"Bob would tell you I have a bad case of chivalry and won't stand by to see a woman suffer, but really any friend. Do you feel like we have enough in common to be friends?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hopefully you skipped that time I tried a Vegas show about five years back," Zatanna quips, but smiles nonetheless.

Though she doesn't try to press any attempt to meet each other's eyes, she's also not as hesitant about it as he is. The onus, unfortunately, is on him. In her world, looking someone in the eye isn't so risky.

"I think we do, Harry. On one condition: you don't treat me like a damsel in distress." Her expression sobers, just a bit. "I get the whole... knight in shining armor thing and it's admirable- to an extent." The hands deliver the bowls of mac and cheese. It is the homemade stuff; rich and gooey with a couple different cheeses blended in. "But I am very capable myself. Not just with magic, but as my own person. Okay? I think we could be very good friends, but you'll need to let me know my own limits."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I must have missed that." he replies, returning the smile. He probably appreciates the fact that she doesn't try to meet his gaze, but doesn't comment on it or try to change his mind. He scratches the back of his neck and he nods finally.

"All right. I will do my best. If you feel I over step, you are free to call me out on it." he finally agrees,"Please bear with me. Some habits die hard. I know by reputation you are capable. You're a Justice Leaguer for pity sake." He takes a moment to absorb the scent of actual home made mac and cheese,"You feed me this good every time I come around you'll never get rid of me."

He considers for a long moment and he admits,"Last night, with Thomas. He's a handfull on the best of days, but he's my brother. He wouldn't have shook your hand if he thought you and I were something more. It's the way of that particular White Courter. Most could care less and would try to sweep you away and feed on you for as long as possible. Last night was more about a brother respecting another brother's potential relationship. Most of the time that is how Thomas sees things. A man and woman just being friends is hard for him to understand even if they just met. Regardless. I will do everything possible to respect your expectations."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever want to keep you around." Zatanna takes a sip of wine before grabbing her bowl to dig in. On the upside, she's not one of those women who is scared to actually *eat* around someone.

As he gets into a somewhat heavier topic, Zee slows down and sets the bowl back in place. She leans onto her elbow, cupping her cheek in her palm as she regards Harry. "Well, firstly... I've encountered Demons who cause a similar rush of endorphins. I can definitely see what his kind can do to someone, I've just put a lot of work into not being swayed. Can't very well banish a demon if you're swooning into its arms." Such imagery, ew.

"Potential relationship, though. Is that how he saw it?" There's a teasing quality to her smile. "It's fine. I'll just have to win you over enough that you simply admire my skills and don't worry about sweeping me out of danger's way."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He takes a bite of the mac and cheese as well and for the longest moment he just savors it. He chews it slowly and slowly inhales through his nose, exhaling just as slow. When the food is down he admits,"Amending the prior statement, there is truth to the stomach being the quickest way to a man's heart." He laughs softly and considers her words.

"Bear with both of us. We're not exactly, normal. His father is a king of psychic vampires and our mother is a magic user. My father was an illusionist with no real power to speak of. We're both a mess." He smiles a little and admits,"I have to say, it was a little bit fun watching him not have his usual effect on you. I know what you mean though. I am still trying to learn how to resist their presence. His sister is beautiful and deadly. More powerful than him. Suffice to say I go out of my way to not get close to that one."

He laughs softly and adds,"That' how he sees everything sadly. Everyone is either with someone or isn't. If they are and the love is true he will avoid them like the plague." Another bite is too hard to resist before he adds lastly,"You have my admiration already, but I take your meaning. I will do my best to not be myself when we inevitably hit a bad situation. It would be nice to not have to worry."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"And here I thought the quickest way was through the chest." A little dark humor; Zatanna can't help herself at times. Magic is inherent in walking that gray line between light and dark. And sometimes, bubbly personality aside: the darker bits peek through.

At least this one was in the form of a bad joke.

"I've told you about my family. I understand being a mess, Harry. I guess it just surprises me that someone thinks that way in this day and age. Is it only men and women? Or does he acknowledge, you know, gay couples." Fascinating and somewhat disturbing thought.

So she moves on: "As for your resistance, there's ways we could work on that. Something in a safe environment, perhaps-" she gestures broadly with her spoon, indicating Shadowcrest itself. "I could concoct some magic or another and you could practice resisting. Since I'd be the... lure or whatever you want to call it, you'd be safe."

In theory.
Provided one (or even both) of them doesn't *want* it to work.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He laughs softly inspite of himself when she mentions the chest option,"You know. I think that might well make sense." he admits. The surly scowly guy does have a sense of humor. Apparently he appreciates the dark side of humor as well.

He nods when she mentions her family. The surprise she mentons gets a raise of his brows,"He and I both come from an old time period of thinking and existing." he explains,"As for the gay couples, as far as I know love is love and he doesn't mess with it. I am sure he acknowledges that sort of thing, it just isn't him."

He looks around the home thoughtfully when she mentions the idea of helping him resist the influence of the White Court and demons as well. He frowns thoughtfully and at least for the moment has forgotten his mac and cheese. He is, of course, at times, a complete magic nerd. He strokes his jaw thoughtfully and admits,"That sounds like a good plan. I would appreciate that." He considers her for a long moment and adds,"I think you'd have the advantage too, but that might make it even better for trying to learn the resist you."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Your brother may need to learn that men and women can be friends. He can't be going up to some poor gay man and his fashionista bestie and treating them like they're a couple. People are... just people. Love is its own entity." At least that's Zatanna's view on it, even if she's fairly firm about it.

Picking up her glass of wine again, Zee does give a small laugh. "Resist the magic, not me. I'm easy to resist. I'm obsessed with magic, I've got historically terrible taste in men, I can be a workaholic, and if it weren't for the magical help - this place would be an absolute mess at the best of times." Maybe she's just feeling that weight of awkwardness and is trying to shake it off.

Maybe she really views herself in that way. Friendly, but nothing more.

"But whenever you'd like, we can give it a shot. Maybe we can even poke around the library, see if there's anything in there about this memory theft stuff."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"My brother needs to learn a lot sometimes." he agrees,"I don't anticipate that he ever will, but he needs it. Love is as you say. It isn't easily defined. I heard a gay man and a straight man talking about each other's lives and they both agreed with everything, right up to agreeing each thought the other's sex was gross. It's pretty simplistic in its way, but people got the point. I don't care who loves who anymore. It isn't for me to say. Family is the same thought process. I don't care where you genetic materials come from, those that will stand with you and protect you are your family."

Remembering the food he returns to eating it and coughs softly at something she says. He takes a shallow drink to clear his airway,"You're like a beautiful, femenine version of me. Unfortunately, as you can see by being there I lack the magic help cleaning up still. I need to work on that." He doesn't pursue the prior thought though, that is about as unawkward as he can manage.

"I would appreciate it a great deal if you could help me work on getting better at resisting the White Courtiers. Admittedly it is more about protecting myself from them, but I would enjoy seeing Lara and a few of the others get shut down. It would be good to adjust their attitudes and egos." The mention of the library and searching out the library gets a nod and a little light in the eyes of the magic nerd,"Any help we can get there would be good."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I- hmm." Zatanna is quiet for a moment and largely fills it with finishing off her wine. "You have a much broader view of family than I do." Beat. "Not that it's an unhealthy one, of course. I just... I guess I have complicated feelings around family."

Awkward, part two.

So she stands, attempting to shake some of it off. "The library, then. We can research this... memory stuff and I can look up the best option for making myself attractive to you so you can practice resistance."

No, most people don't hear themselves talk. Zee included.
Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a soft laugh as he walks with her towards the library,"Maybe someday I will introduce you to the Knights of the Cross. Three swordsmen that work doing the will of God. My best friend would stroke if he heard me say there were other gods, just lower case in terms." he explains,"Each one has a sword, set in the hilt of each sword is a nail. Care to guess where it is said that they came from? For me, they are more family than anyone other than my dad and Thomas. I barely remember my mother. Beyond that, the man who taught me after my uncle died. Well after I killed him for trying to control me and my first love. He almost killed me, but I beat him to the punch."

He reaches up and touches the pentacle at his neck,"I don't have a lot of reminders of my mother, so I tend to find my family where it is."

He shrugs as he admits,"Everyone sees the world how they see it. Just curious, how to you view your team mates in the Justice League. Is there a familial connection?"

Lastly he quirks a brow when she mentions making herself attractive. He shakes his head and sighs softly,"Lady, if there was a definition of a ten you would fit." He isn't suave for sure, but at least he is forthright.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'd love to introduce them to someone like Ares and see how they handle that." There's a flash of a grin from Zatanna. She's a stage magician; of course there's a bit of trickster in her. They approach a pair of double doors with no handles nor locks. Zee places her hand on one of the doors and intones some latin. This lock, it seems, is older and different than her usual magic.

A shimmer and the doors form handles, opening at a touch. "Welcome to the vault," she says teasingly. And yes, it might as well be such.

Not only is it a library on par with every girl's dream in Beauty and the Beast, there are artifacts just about everywhere and *all* of them exuding magical energy.

"A ten?" Zee looks over her shoulder at Harry as she steps aside to give him entry. "You flatter me." But he's asked another question and she's left mulling. "I see the Justice League as... colleagues and friends." She shrugs slightly. "I guess... I went the opposite direction. My father was my life and once he was gone..." A sort of sadness falls over her and she strides forward to a desk with a crystal ball on it, shaking off her moue. "Touch this and ask a question. If the library has a book relating to it, it'll bring it to you."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"They are an entertaining lot for sure. One is staunch Catholic. One is more Asian in his beliefs, but accepts the concept of God. The last one is at the very least agnostic if not outright atheist. Crazy as that sounds." he explaoins and watches how she opens the door, smiling at the idea of meeting Ares,"Might be good for all of them." he agrees.

He quiets some and walks into the vault once she indicates as such. He is quiet for a while, just looking at all the books and baubles. Apparently he loves the idea too. He seems to be at a loss for a while. Finally he shakes it off and looks around the room a little more thougtfully.

He doesn't chase the family arc anymore, understanding where she is coming from for sure,"We all have our ways my friend." he assures her and laughs softly when he admits,"What can I tell you? I have a soft spot for women and those I find attractive tend to bring out my honesty. I am trying to shut up before I say too much and makes things weird."

Lastly he looks at the crystal ball and at the books again,"You realize what you giving me right now is about like throwing Twinkies into a Weight Watchers convention." Bad jokes, it's a thing,"I wonder if there's anything on the Denarians..." Obsessed much?
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Atheist? And the sword still works? Interesting. Those sorts of things usually operate based on belief. There must be more to it than the artifacts it's made from." Zatanna likes to theorycraft, too. Dangerous combination in a way.

Clasping her hands behind her back, Zee stands near to Harry as he takes it all in. "It takes a lot to make things weird for me. Trust me. A guy saying what's on his mind is downright refreshing sometimes." Her lips quirk in a slight grin, but the expression shifts to one of curiosity as his question comes up.

From various shelves, books come. Not a lot, but possibly more than he expected. They all arrange themselves in a stack. Unfortunately, once reviewed they'll be fairly vague. References, mentions. Likely nothing as in-depth as Harry would hope, but maybe enough to give a lead.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I know when Shiro, Michael, or Sanya enter combat, the swords are beyond miraculous." he tells her,"I haven't ever looked to close. One of the swords is familiar to the world by name. Ammorachius, also known as Excalibur."

"I think that's why I enjoy your company Zee. I can talk shop and not get strange looks and it is difficult to weird you out. Something I am typically a master of. I am glad you like honesty because I really hate the opposite."

He watches as the books more or less come to life and make their way to where the two of you are. He scans them, not really surprised that there isn't much there. He nods though and admits,"That's something new. I will have to talk to Michael about that." After a moment he blinks and looks to her with a smirk,"As you can see, the books can steal my attention with a little too much ease."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
While he peruses, Zatanna pulls herself up to sit on the table next to the books. She seems content to watch, sometimes glancing over his shoulder to skim a page herself. "The thing about magic is... it is honesty. Most people don't think so, but at the end of the day... even a stage magician is being honest. Just because you don't show them how it works doesn't mean it's not honest. I say I'm going to cut someone in half- I do... just maybe not in the way one assumes."

She's talking while he reads and doesn't seem bothered by it.

"Oh that's fine. Books are lovely, aren't they? No matter what it is, it's useful. Whether it's informative or a means of escape. Half my bed is just books right now."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're not wrong about that. I guess I hadn't thought about it that way." he replies to her speaking of the honesty of magic. That causes him to pause and look at one of the books a little different. He looks at you and then the book again.

Reaching up, he touches his forehead with his index finger. To anyone else, that woudn't mean much, but she would probably know he is up to something. Energy is released, but not in the physical sense and his third eye opens and he takes a moment to study all the books on the table, but doesn't look up at her just yet, not with that open.

"Books are better than most people." he admits,"Right up there with cats and dogs." Probably neither are aware of the song about reindeer being better than people, but she might. He frowns as he examines each book and absently replies,"That's one way to keep the bed to yourself." Yup, perfect way to really embarass himself, but he doesn't really realize how it could be taken. When the third eye is open, he is pretty tunnel visioned.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Or a way to prevent a bed feeling empty," Zatanna notes idly. She's distracted as well, but that could be more than just Harry being just as obsessed with magic as she is over there. Surrounded by so many artifacts, many volatile... she's likely got half her mind on making sure none of them try anything.

It is a risk. Enough power and time can make a magical thing go a little self-aware. Sentience in magic items is always dangerous.

"I think those are harmless enough that you could borrow them. It's the knowledge in those aprticular books that's best kept from less experienced eyes, but I think I can trust you-"

Zee looks over to him now, not considering the risk of him looking back at her. "Right? I can trust you, can't I?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
Finally nodding, acecpting the books for what they are. He touches his forehead again and closes his third eye. The energy shuts down and he nods,"I can understand that. Sometimes there is a war for space on my bed as well, but that tends to have more to do with he who rules over the apartment. Mouse doesn't care for sleeping on my bed. Mister does occasionally." he explains.

There is a nod as he agrees,"They are safe enough. I just had to look. Sometimes, most times, the case is closed for something that is blazingly obvious if you just look closer. I'd make sure to keep them from Bob. That would be all we need."

There is a moment, maybe a shift in both of their presence. He looks at her, not thinking about it either initially. His gaze is steady and he replies softly,"I would never deliberately hurt you or lie do you. You've become way too good a friend and ally entirely too fast for that."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, the good news is because it's my library, I can locate a book at any given time. So even if you were to forget where you put it, we could find it." Zatanna smiles, briefly, but fleetingly.

And when he looks at her, she doesn't *really* think about it. There's no risk for looking into someone's eyes for her. That's a fairly unique thing for his brand of magic. So rather than quickly look away, she just meets his gaze as he reassures her. There's a soft smile; the kind that a person doesn't show very often. It's not the big thing she puts on for a crowd. It's a more private kind of expression. "I believe you," Zee says quietly. "And... same. I have no intention to ever hurt you, either. It's... too rare to find someone who not only understands magic, but stays on the good side of it."
Harry Dresden has posed:
There is a moment there, where he just doesn't know what to say. Not all the uncommon. Usually the only time he excels at speaking is when he's throwing spells,"I wouldn't lose anything, but it is good to know. That would be a very helpful trick." She really is beautiful to him, he isn't kidding about that. Everything about her distacts him and he really doesn't think about what is going on at first.

While this doesn't effect her magic, when he doesn't break the gaze right away, she can feel her perception starting to fade almost towards him and his towards her. Their minds and souls starting to connect together on every level. It isn't like anything she has likely ever experienced and could be somewhat uncomfortable.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There is another unfortunate factor in this. No, Zatanna doesn't suffer from the same concerns in regards to a soul gaze, so it's easy for her to 'slip up' because for her... looking into someone's eyes carries little risk. But the other and perhaps greater issue is that there's an almost academic fascination to it. Even as she feels her perception shift and the world focus in on not just that moment in time, but Harry himself... she stays with it. Because it's *different* and the curious part of her cannot help itself but... be curious.

In Zatanna's soul there is... balance, but a precarious one. She's standing on a precipice in the cosmos. Brilliant light to one side and a darkness on par with the deepest corners of hell on the other. She balances this line, but with an eye toward the light; Temperance in tarot. Pinpoints of light on her burn; some more brilliantly than others. There is the keen nature of her mind. There is the hope in her heart. But there are also darker facets: the vastness of space echoes her loneliness. The fires of hell licking at the edges of her darker half are the things she has done -- has *had* to do -- that may be for the better good, but don't align with good itself. And the rock she stands on is full of cracks and fissures; her own power solid, unmutable, and yet a fear beneath that it could destroy everything at a second's notice.

It is the truth of Zatanna Zatara, laid bare for Harry to see.
Harry Dresden has posed:
This isn't anything new to him as far as how it comes to pass. As he watches her soul open, he feels his own come into her view. The first thing she finds is a young man, a scared kid with a defiant fire in his eyes. He seems to steel himself against the world. While she doesn't recognize the face, the eyes are impossible to mistake. This is Harry.

He seems like he is standing down the world alone, but then a woman of Hispanic heritage stands near his left shoulder. At his right shoulder is a smaller, feminine shade with no clear features other than a gun in her hand. He stands at the north point. At the east, west, and south points three different men appear, each holding a mystical sword. She can see the makings of his family as it were. Suddenly just before him appears Mouse, energy sparkling off him.

She can sense all the bad he's seen, some that he has done, and it is impossible to miss the streak of chivalry and the code he lives by. Above them, looking down as if from a celestial realm, there is a demonic looking female scowling at them all. She smirks and Zee can hear the words,"Just ask." mockingly in her mind.

After that, the connection is complete.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When the world snaps back into place, Zatanna takes a sudden, shuddering breath as if the first in years. She just stares at Harry for a moment longer, processing all of it. The sensations, what she's seen, and all of the theorycrafting about what *he* saw that her mind can concoct in the spare, but rapid-fire seconds that pass in the aftermath.

Licking her lips, Zee lifts a hand from the table's edge and starts to reach toward Harry... but hesitates, fingertips curling back against her palm. "The world is not yours alone to save," she says quietly, as if speaking any louder than a whisper might break not only the moment, but them. "You're surrounded by people who stand with you."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He is used to the coming down and so he waits for her to recover. Harry looks at her again and offers,"It's a lot isn't it?" he finally asks her. When she reaches out and withdraws he holds his hand towards her palm up and replies,"I'm working on it." he admits,"I still have a ways to go."

He forces a bit of a smile,"What you saw will be as real in ten years as it just was. You'll never forget it. If you have regrets I apologize." He shrugs a little and he adds,"We can look at one another safely now though. Won't happen again." He lets that hang for a second and adds,"Assuming you are still willing to keep me around knowing the less than polite sides of me."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When he extends his hand in return, Zatanna relaxes; muscles releasing from her hand all the way up to her shoulder. A tension she likely wasn't aware she'd held bleeds out as she places her hand -- lightly, but not hesitantly -- into his. There's an overall softness to her, but her hands hold callouses -- faint, but there -- of someone who works. Just another small piece of evidence that she's not 'just a performer' nor does she rely only on magic.

"No, no regrets," Zee insists with a small shake of her head. "I like knowing things. And I like knowing about the people in my life even more." At his last, however, her entire mien dissembles. There's an openness to her features; a care, a concern there in the lift of brow and the cant of her lips. "Oh Harry," she says, withdrawing her hand from his but only so she can reach out and place her palms to his face, cupping his cheeks. There's a gentleness in her touch, but her overall demeanor is one of insistence; of concern. "Harry, no. Nothing in what I saw shows you in a negative light. If anything, I want you around all the more. You are *good* and you *care* and you are clearly stubborn but in all the good ways."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"You're amazing Zee, Zatanna." he replies softly,"You have seen the light and the dark and you walk it carefully and fight for what is right." He laughs softly and admits,"Maybe like me, occasionally you bend the rules to help the people. There is a difference between evil and doing something less than upstanding to protect those you care about." He's definately not one to judge there.

When she cups his cheeks, he closes his eyes in reflex. Not to avoid the eye contact, because a moment later he opens them again and looks at her,"You probably learned a lot tonight then. Plenty to unpack. I do try for that good moniker, sometimes I do better than others." A look of feigned shock,"Me? Stubborn? Whatever do you mean?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Not just those I care about. Everything. If the world, the very... universe around us is at risk, I'll do anything. It's... worth my humanity if it means there's still something to wake up to in the morning. Goodness means... nothing if it all falls apart around us." A sentiment, though spoken softly, that she is certain he understands.

"A lot to unpack, yes, but... in a good way." At the last, she smiles, gaze dropping away only briefly as her hands fall away. There's a bit of a hesitation in doing so, perhaps, but they do fall to her lap as she straightens slightly where she sits on the table's edge.

"Yes, stubborn. You, Harry Dresden, are a very stubborn man. But-" she tilts her head toward him briefly, a smile shaping not just her lips, but her features altogether. "All the best wizards are."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I get it." he tells her softly and listens carefully,"So far I haven't had to face it on a real galactic scale yet, but tomorrow is another day." He considers more and adds,"Just know if you need my help, especially now, you only have to ask."

When her hands drop to her lap again he turns a bit to sit next to her on the table lightly. The typical slouch in his shoulders might be a little more pronounced or maybe just more noticable.

He smirks at the last and meets her eyes again, something he is only too glad to be able to do now,"If that's the case, I must be the best." he teases lightly. He studies her face and he admits,"So sitting here. I have been thinking about something thess last few minutes, but old fashioned me isn't really sure how you might feel about it."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Maybe next time I have to go talk to the Spectre, I'll bring you along." It's a joke, but also very much *just a joke*. Zatanna would never do that to anyone. Even she doesn't much like dealing with the embodiment of God's wrath.

But who would?

As he posts up next to her, Zee turns just slightly to better face him. There is a bit more ease, being able to look one another in the eye. It's a very important facet of human interaction for some, after all.

"The best? Mmm, my library would argue that." She's smiling, though; teasing fairly easily now that the mental and physical shock of the soul gaze has properly passed. She does tilt her head, curious. "Well, I'm very much not old fashioned. What is it?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I have heard of this Spectre. Insteresting tales." he admits and doesn't press since it's a joke on the surface. Once they are turned more towards each other he manages to laugh self depriciating like,"It's funny. I don't get comfortable around people easily, so how did you manage to disarm the traps of the grumbly wizard?"

He studies her features for a long time and finally admits,"I keep going back and forth. If I try to kiss the pretty lady will I end up a frog on the street?" Mostly he is teasing, but he really is bad at personal relationships, well the deeper things.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh, I have... experience with disheveled, improperly socialized mages," Zatanna says with a teasing sort of grin. She doesn't expand further; it's not the moment to discuss the Exes. She's keen and emotionally adept enough to realize that at least.

There is a laugh as he explains; a rich one, but certainly not *at* him. No, no, it's a laugh at the whole of it. The phrasing. The situation. Finally, sobering, Zatanna gives him a *look* (and yes, might be appreciating that he's meeting her gaze now) before answering.

"Harry, it's much more romantic if you just kiss the girl."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Well that is me in a nutshell." he admits when she talks about disheveled and improperly socialized. He doesn't talk about exes either. They can actually manage that one.

He raises a curious eyebrow when she starts to laugh and he realizes she isn't laughing exactly at him. He shakes his head and sighs,"I told you I was bad at this sort of thing." The vision only really held two females in it, so that should say a lot about him,"Maybe next time." he finally adds.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I wouldn't say bad," Zatanna begins, but then pauses and grins; unable to help herself. "Okay, yes, maybe a bit bad. But you should trust yourself more." She reaches out to give a bit of a tug to his shirt; setting some of that dishevelment right. Or maybe it's just an absent-minded gesture.

"You are an attractive man, Harry. And even someone capable of handling herself like me can be fond of the idea of someone being protective. Just go with your gut-" A glance up to him and a small shrug. "If you're comparing yourself to your brother, don't. He has cheat codes."
Harry Dresden has posed:
A laugh, genuine laugh escapes him when she agrees he's a bit bad,"Oh make no mistake, I trust me. I have a knack for...well disaster." he watches her adjust his shirt and he admits,"I really should start hiring out my laundry."

When she calls him attractive that catches him by surprise. He's always been a little rough and still,"He's my brother and you have that brotherly love and rivalry, but yeah he definately has cheat codes." He reaches under his shirt and takes the pentacle from it. He pulls it off his neck and holds it between the two of them, leaning a little closer as he pushes will through it and makes it glow a cleansing light,"I understand this, better than most. You understand it in ways I never can. You get me in ways nobody ever has. I've followed this light through every thing just short of Hell and expecting that in time. You know what it tells me tonight?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You could have cheat codes too, but... it speaks to your character that you don't use them. His are innate, so I don't fault him." Much like Harry, Zatanna can get easily caught up in the theory of it all. "A small spell to put on some music. Maybe call up an opportune rain storm..."

But she trails off as the pentacle is pulled out, eyes dropping to regard it and the light that emanates from it. Zee takes a breath and looks back up to Harry. Her lips part briefly, but she stops herself from waxing poetic (or at least scholarly) about Hell. Instead, after a deep breath, she just asks: "What does it tell you?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Credit Bob. He blackmailed me to make a love potion to get his help on a teleportation potion." he replies with a snort,"It is really awkward when you hand the wrong potion to escape a bad situation. Never making one of those again thanks. He has always been a thorn in the side, but he was raised to pain in the ass that night." He doesn't go any furthur because, well this isn't the time or place.

He looks at the glowing pentacle and raises a little more to cast the glow on her face a little,"It tells me to quit beating myself up and take a hand from someone that knows what I deal with on the daily instead of running from the idea." He moves the pentacle aside and leans in to kiss her finally, maybe relieved they didn't get into the ins and outs of Hell just yet.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There is a chuckle from Zatanna. Having met Bob, she *gets* it. It doesn't surprise her in the least, but it is funny. Probably because she wasn't the one who had to live it.

The mirth fades away in the light of the pentacle and though Zee is present, watching Harry and the glowing pendant; she doesn't speak, herself. She lets him fill the silence. She gives him room to get his words out. It seems important, at least in the moment.

And when he leans in to kiss her, she leans back. There isn't hesitation to it, either. A hand comes up to rest on his shoulder for added balance (wouldn't do to fall off the table just now) as she tilts her head to meet his. There is a warmth to the kiss and it's without qualms. As readily as Zatanna now meets Harry's gaze, she meets the kiss and returns it.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He lets the kiss linger for a few seconds and then finally breaks it. He eases back a little bit and meets her gaze after a few seconds. He wraps the necklace around his hand for now and smiles just a little,"I have to say I have been wanting to do that for a bit. Everything I was hoping for and more." he manages finally.

He shakes his head and admits,"OK. You're beyond amazing and I am just bad at saying it." He holds her gaze for a bit longer.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There's an easing out of breath as they part and Zatanna laughs. It's a quiet, breathy sort of laugh and her hand at his shoulder squeezes. "Well, I'm glad I don't disappoint. Close-up magic isn't my strong suit."

A little stage magician humor.

She brushes her hand gently down his arm as she sits up a bit straighter. "That's the endorphins talking, Harry. I'm just me, despite what any posters may say." Zee is blushing a bit, mind, even as she dissembles and shakes it off.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He settles back a little to sit at a more comfortable conversation space,"I have to say, I enjoyed the close-up magic." he quips lightly, maybe teasing as well. He considers his next words carefully, highly unusual,"I know what I saw and I have a pretty good idea what you saw. Anything you'd like know?"

That sort of thing is intense and also there are so many things she might have seen he'd rather start putting out brush fires now if there are going to be any,"Did you see the Walker? I've always wondered about that given the fact most third eye sorts see it."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The flush deepens briefly, but Zatanna laughs and shakes it off. She braces her hands on either side of her hips on the table and leans back briefly. "Shame I might be a one-trick pony. How do you repeat the magic of a first kiss?" There's a flash of a grin toward him, but the follow-up topic sobers her pretty quickly.

"I saw people around you. That family you've spoken of, I guess. I... don't know about this Walker, but- there was a voice, one... looming over you, that said 'Just ask'."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"The way I see it, with the proper fire the next one is better than the prior one." he admits,"Some say I may be a little too archaic in my thoughts, but that's just me." He returns the smile and then listens when she follows up.

"My family around me. It seems I am evolving. Used to be I was all alone. Sometime I will have to ask you to tell me what they looked so I can be sure who you saw." he comments. The mention of one looming over sobers him again,"Was it a male or a female? The Walker is man in physical appearance." She may be catching on to his mannerisms to realize something about this is unsettling and she might be about to get something heavy."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, I look forward to it then," Zatanna says of the next time, shifting her weight on her hands slightly to lift one. She reaches out and touches his hand lightly. But there's a slight tremble in her fingers as she reflects.

"Female," she says, glancing off past him as she collects her thoughts. "And... yes, there was a face. Female, demonic even, looking down from the sky. She's the one who said it. As for what the others looked like; I recognize some from the descriptions you've given me. Mouse was there."
Harry Dresden has posed:
He turns his hand to hold hers if she is inclined and listens. He watches her and he tells her softly,"This can be overwhelming. I know." he suggests softly. When she says female, he twitches slighly and then sighs softly. A smile at the mention of Mouse inspite of it all.

"Female, demon. I wish you'd seen the Walker. It's easier really." he admits. He is quiet for a moment and he start out,"What I am about to tell you, only myself and Michael knows. Nobody else...that I am aware of." he explains softly,"I need you to understand that this is beyond the worst of things. I am trying to sort it out. Keep the circle small for now. If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't tell you."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
She is, in fact, inclined to hold his hand. Zatanna curls her hand into his. "Easier is not what I signed up for," she says quietly. There is a smile for him; small, but warm. Reassuring, even. Or so she hopes.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. But I also don't want you to think you have to face anything alone. Especially anything dangerous. I suspect the others that care about you would feel the same, Harry."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Good thing you didn't sign up for easier." he admits with a touch of a smile. It isn't quite what it would normally be, but a smile none the less. He squeezes her hand in his gently and he gets a little distant in the eyes.

"A while back, I can't really remember anymore, Michael and I were bringing in one of the Denarius coins in. Lasciel." He blinks once, gritting his teeth a little and shakes his head,"Regardless, we had the coin. It fell, Michael's toddler saw it, and went to pick up the pretty thing on the floor. He almost grabbed it, but I managed to get my hand over before he could, preventing him from getting the new passenger in his mind." It's hard to say that and she can tell he struggles and even forces a little bit,"So now I have a copy of a demon in my head still. Usually she doesn't bother me, just little nudges. Trying to get me to take the coin back up and let her actually take over."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There's a slight tug at his hand as he listens and Zatanna nudges nearer to him, pulling him in toward her. She withdraws her hand, but only to bring her own up to Harry's shoulder, drawing him in for a hug. It's the least she can do in the moment, as he explains.

"No wonder you're so caught up over the coins," she murmurs gently once he's done. "You did the right thing, saving a child from such a fate. But this is the literal definition of 'no good deed goes unpunished.'" There's a faint smile.

"I may know some people who could help. Or might know where to look. No guarantees of course, but certainly we can try."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Returning the hug, he sighs softly and tells her,"You might say it has become something of an unhealthy obsession. Right now I want them off the board and I want to get rid of the Lasciel coin as well." he exlpains,"If, for any reason, I get taken off the board as it were. There is a bag under a loose floor stone in the lab opposite of Bob. Get the bag, no matter what don't open it. Take the bag to Michael Carpenter. His address is in my rolladex." He really does live in the dark ages.

"I have kept the coin to try and find a way to get rid of the extra in my head." he laughs a bit and agrees,"Pretty much all my good deeds come with a back hand to the mouth. It's all right. I'd hate to be bored or something."

The last of what she says he nods and agrees,"They keep going back to the Vatican and they keep getting back into the world. At least Lash, shortened because it annoys her and I'm lazy, is secured. Not likely anyone other than you or Michael would get past Mouse. Thomas doesn't know where it is either, I don't want him to have that temptation or burden. I am good for anyone willing to help get her out of my head. She makes the Walker almost seem appealing."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'll do everything I can to help. Not just because it's you, either. Because if we can sort these coins out, it prevents it happening to anyone else." Zatanna pulls him in closer, head tilting to rest against his shoulder.

"It'll take someone better with mind magic than me to get the one out of your head. I just don't think I could do it right. We'd need a specialist. An empath, maybe."

Zee takes in a deep breath and lifts her head, placing a kiss to Harry's cheek. Trying to be soothing, really. "Maybe it is something for the JLD. I'm sure a group of us magic-inclined together could come up with some ideas."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Enjoying the closeness, he just listens for the time being. It's a lot easier talking with someone that understands the life as it were even if they are different in practice and general theory,"Thirty coins. Each one a danger and each one adept at convincing people to pick them up. I wouldn't worry much about those gathered, but the fallen have been doing this a long time. I won't lie. In order to help..." he frowns hard and seems to be trying to open up some missing file in his brain,"...someone. Someone I cared about. I was tempted to pick up one of the others, but I managed to not. I think you and Constantine, despite similar character flaws to myself, have the good sense to stay away. I just worry about the others. Temptation is hard to ignore."

He laughs softly and tells you,"I don't know what you use for shampoo, but your hair smells amazing." There is the perpetual wise ass trying to peak through again. Still he enjoys the connection so until she pulls away he's content to stay,"I have considered approaching Doctor Strange, but I don't really know him. Not that I'm really shy, just not sure how to say "Hey I got a demon in my head, how do I fix it." To someone I don't know or really trust."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Part of the point of JLD is people who can handle things on this scale. If you tell them how dangerous these coins are, they'll listen. And they'll likely have two dozen ideas you'd never even considered."

Zatanna gives a faint grin, which turns to a laugh at the comment about her hair. "Nothing magical if that's what you're wondering. Just something that I cringe at the cost of every time I need more, but the salon swears by it." She gives him a squeeze before straightening; not fully pulling away, but there's some breathing room at least.

"I think Doctor Strange is the sort of man used to that kind of question. Doctor Fate or Constantine would also be worth asking; each in their own way. But Strange was actually top of my list in people who might have leads on how to help."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Considering her words, letting her withdraw easily when she decides, he nods,"Then I think maybe it's past time we get them together and talk about the demon in my head, the shadow that follows me, and most importantly the coins. I know that sounds stupid, the coins more important than my head, but at least I have this one...occupied. I am ready to be rid of her, but occupied. Obviously, the one I have counted on the most for information and advice in the past can't be trusted to know about it. Spiritus Intellectus or not, Bob would be trying to find a way to contact her and get out of his situation at any cost."

He smirks when she talks about her shampoo,"Well. It does smell good, like I said. Money well spent." he teases lightly.

Back to the subject at hand, he nods as he asks her,"Well. Do you know the man or does someone within the group know him? Doctor Strange I mean. I know Constantine and I don't have any issues talk with him either. I've heard of Doctor Fate and a Doctor Druid as well, but I know little about either of them beyond a name. There's bound to be others, but I want to stick with the ones we both know first."

The mention of those we know probably means something to him. She has respect and trust, neither of which comes easy with him. She's managed to get both and it is shows in the way he talks and acts around her as they get to know one another more and more.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Good thing I've given Bob something to keep him well and properly occupied then, isn't it?" Zatanna gives a brief grin. "As for getting them together, well... I figure it's high time the mystical Justice League had themselves a meet and greet. We'll see who shows up, make introductions, and if Doctor Strange, Constantine, whoever we want to let in on this first is there... we'll broach the subject. Easily done."

"Hardest part will be deciding what food to serve."

A wink and she reaches for his hand again, giving a squeeze. "See? Never alone. Now- you have Shadowcrest at your disposal. Library. Training rooms. Hot shower."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"If there were no other reason to have you around, keeping Bob on the ropes would be more than enough reason." he teases lightly, shaking out of the conversation,"We'll cross the proverbial bridge when we get them together. Just give me a little warning when you plan to pull them together." he agrees,"It would be good to see Constantine, painful as that might be to admit." He laughs softly, so probably he's joking.

At the mention of food he pauses and looks at her. He looks confused a second and then starts to laugh more,"We can get some food from Mac's if nothing else. Hope none of them are vegan." he takes a breath and exhales slowly,"It's going to take some getting used to you know? Not being alone. Even with the knights around, they still have their duty and it's usually me and Mouse." He considers that and then he adds,"Sometime I want to introduce you to the rest of the family. Not quite as impressive as..." he motions around the building,"...all of this, but their a good sort and I think you'd like them. Pretty sure they'd like you. Charity might give you a hard time at first, but that's her way. That or maybe it was just me."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"So, speaking of Mac's... I'm vegetarian, Harry." She notably did *not* partake of a sandwich the other night. Beer, yes. Sandwich, no. "I work with so many animals in my show that I just..." Zatanna gives a small shrug and a sheepish kind of smile. "See, I'm not as amazing as you think. You're very much a meat and potatoes kind of guy... I'm more just potatoes."

"And... speaking of meeting family-" Zee looks even more awkward now and takes a few strides away to a table that has a few items on it. She picks up a small orb, using sleight of hand to let it dance along the back of her fingers. "Constantine and I... used to date. He might be a little weird once he knows you and I are a thing now. Not that he has any right, the damned-" She stops herself and takes a deep breath, turning back toward Harry. A touch of telekinesis sees the orb sat back down on the table.

"Anyway!" She claps her hands before her, then winds fingers as she steps back toward the wizard, looking both hopeful and sheepish. "I hope that doesn't ruin your opinion of me too much."
Harry Dresden has posed:
When she mentions being a vegetarian, his face goes all shocked. His eyes go wide and his mouth drops, right hand covers his chest,"What? No." he comments in a little too breathy voice and he finally winks,"You do you, just don't try to change me. I am afraid there is no world where I don't eat meat, but I won't try to convince you in seriousness to change your mind. I respect that you respect your body more than I respect mine." That was a mouthful.

A shake of his head at the mention of her dating Constantine and he tells her,"The man has good taste, but no sense if he let you get away." Since she drew a few steps away he gives her the space she sought,"If I can deal with the red, white, and black court vampires I can deal with a weirder than usual John Constantine."

When she comes back to where he is, he slips his arms around her waist and meets her gaze again, serious like,"I don't think there is much that could lower my opinion of you. Well I mean, aside from being willing to spend time with me. There must be something wrong behind those beautiful eyes." Look at that. A joke and compliment all at once. He might actually figure this out...might.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I don't care what other people eat. I just don't personally eat meat. But I'm not a vegan- there's some extremes too far even for me." Relief floods Zatanna's features as she's pulled back against Harry. She unfurls her fingers from one another and reaches with both arms to loop them loosely around his neck.

"I think Constantine lets everyone get away. He has... a lot of darkness and loss in his past. I think he's one of those who pushes people away so that they can't leave him first."

"But! Enough of my ex. Now you know. He'll probably be weird, but. I am all-in on this, so don't worry." Maybe she's the one who's worried; he didn't express concern, but it's as if she expected or assumed it. "So, what would the powerful Wizard Dresden like to do next?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
He leans forward to kiss the tip of her nose lightly when she looks relieved and gets closer,"Give me a little credit. I am only mostly barbarian, there is a little civilization in there somewhere."

"There are those out there that can't ever be happy and I am afraid Constantine is one of them. The impression I get is that he is only happy when he is miserable. While I could relate to that when I was younger. Not as much now though."

"He's forgotten." is the assurance returned,"He looks at her for a long time and he admits,"You really do have the prettiest eyes." If he thinks she's worried, he doesn't let on. Instead he hmms thoughtfully and admits,"Well, you've listened to the vast majority of my tales of past woes, it'd only be right to hear yours if you wanted to share. Otherwise, I am thinking you could show me around more and eventually, before I have to go back there was the mention of hot shower." The last of course is a tease,"Mostly Wizard Dresden wants to spend some time with you and see more of this place you have. I'm not too difficult to entertain. A pretty woman and things to study. My life is, at least for one night, about as good as I could ask. Who knows what the next meeting might bring. Just no love potions."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Mostly barbarian seems to describe most of her partners, but Zatanna doesn't say that. Instead she shoves down and buries the insecurities for now. Enjoy yourself, Zee. You don't often actually take the time to do that. Maybe it will all fall apart, but the ride can at least be a fun one before then.

"A tour then," Zee says, taking a deep breath as she reaches for his hand to guide him along. "Honestly, even I don't know everything Shadowcrest has to offer. So you've seen the front hall, there's a study off of it where I usually bring people. The kitchen, dining room. The library, of course. We can go by what I call the training rooms first, then."

And she'll lead him there; down past the kitchens, into the cellars where... well, a lot of things are stored, but there are also warded rooms ranging in size from barely larger than a closet to what must be a natural cavern. All largely empty and some with lingering scorch marks from past magic practice.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Again, if he notices her insecurities he doesn't indicate it, probably because he has a few of his own. When she reaches for his hand, he laces his fingers into her, pressing palm to palm flush. He listens studiously to her as she tells him about the house,"You don't know everything about it? That means there is either a lot to unpack here or you're busy a lot and aren't home much. Sound familiar."

Easy coversation between them as she shows him around. He asks questions here and there, learning as they go. The cellars get a raise of his brow and he comments,"Just think of all the madness one could conjure in a lab with a size like this." Some people need their dark hidey holes it seems.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"A little of both. The house keeps its own secrets and I'm too busy to unravel them all. Some are better left hidden, I'm sure." Especially since there are some things locked away for safekeeping, to avoid some poor Muggle getting their hands on it.

Or worse.

In the cellars, she shrugs. "I wouldn't call it a lab myself, but-" Zee looks over to Harry. "I guess you might. I prefer to work in the library, myself."

"You're welcome to come by and use them anytime you need a bit more space."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Ahh. The houes gets more intersting the more you talk about it." he muses and nods in agreement when she mentions some things better left hidden." While he always has questions, mostly he just listens to her tell him about the house for now.

The comment about the cellar gets a shrug,"What can I tell you. Old habits die hard. I like have the Earth around me to absorb any bad energy that might escape. Easier to ground it out than try to catch it after it flies into the air." He looks her way and adds,"I will keep that in mind. You never know what the crazy wizard might have in mind. You'll learn that soon enough." The last clearly a tease.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You can also use the grounds. Shadowcrest is magically hidden, but... it moves so the weather can be a little wild. If you rely on corresponences, know that it's trickier here because the location of Shadowcrest is... not permanent. It's both a blessing and a curse." Zatanna always eases a bit when talking shop. It's old, familiar territory. It's comfortable to ease into; like a warm bath.

Speaking of: "Shall we head upstairs? I can show you to a shower."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"A house that's never in the same place twice. That sounds about right." he comments softly and smiles at the idea of the wild weather,"I don't use a lot of correspondences, but I take your meaning none the less. It would be a lot easier to break into this place if it isn't ever where you left it. It's about like walking through the Never Never. Everywhere in the Never Never is correspondent to places here, but the distances don't make sense. If you know the path you can walk to Hawaii, but it isn't all sunshine and roses getting there."

When she mentions going upstairs he nods,"Lead the way." He does, of course, love the idea of a hot shower, but there is a level of infatuation with the house and with Zee that holds his attention so well.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh it's sometimes in the same places. It spends a lot of time attached to an area just outside of Gotham, for example. But it also spent about ten years attached to San Francisco." Zatanna shrugs as she leads up out of the cellars and to the second floor. Where plenty more doors are. Some she points out -- "Storage for my shows," "Never been able to open that one" -- and others she doesn't.

There's even a space of wall with a door that if asked, she'll just say "What door?" So yes, there are absolutely things in her home she doesn't know. And some she herself cannot see.

"So-" after a short time she stops before a door. "The important question." A flush rises on her cheeks once more. "Guest shower or do you want to try my shower?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"An actual house of mystery. I like it." he muses thoughtfully,"I could see wandering in here for days and forgetting to eat." Some people's priorities. When she doesn't know about a door, he remembers it, but doesn't really get too deep into it,"This place is...something." he finally manages.

When she pauses and things get a little tense in her voice he catches on to the situation. He looks back at her for a time and tells her,"Lady Zatarra. This is your home and whatever you are comfotable with is beyond fine with me. A guest shower is perfectly fine, but if you are comfortable with the other that would be wonderful as well." He smiles a little and admits,"They say sometimes I am slower on the uptake and on how things work in the world today. I am OK with that."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh no, Constantine is the current caretaker of the House of Mystery." Because of *course* there's a *literal House of Mystery*. Why wouldn't there be? "Thankfully the staff will make sure you eat. They're well-used to eccentrics, obsessives, and all the other monikers one could apply to mages like us."

"It's..." Zatanna considers a moment, flushing hard: put on the spot as she (feels she) is.

"I am... fine with either approach," she admits finally. "It's just that usually, someone sees my bedroom first while we're both drunk, making out, and stumbling through the door." Where he is more 'traditional,' she is very much a modern woman. With a small shrug at last, she opens the door. "Welcome to my room."

An awkward introduction yes to a very richly appointed room. Satin, silk, dark wood, and dark curtain abound. And very, very much the room of a practitioner. There are candles, there is a summoning circle. There's even a crystal ball covered by a red silk on a table in the corner. The bed is large; four-posted and veiled by sheer silk curtains. Beyond there are the usual trappings one might expect; a closet, vanity, and of course a door sitting open leading into a very stately en suite.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"An actual House of Mystery." Harry muses softly and laughs again,"Why am I not surprised?" He shakes his head and adds,"It actually makes sure you get fed. That's a house worth having."

He turns her towards him and assures her,"I mean. I can get loaded just like the nexet guy, it just doesn't always end well. Once in a while the making out like mad can happen too. I just...I don't know. It's hard to explain. You have a complicated wizard on your hands."

When she opens the door and looks inside with her, eyebrows raising. A soft whistle escapes his lips as he admits,"If I had a bed like that I don't know that I'd ever leave it." Squeezing her hand gently he offers,"I can try to be more the rough and tumble, drunk stumbler if you want, but if you think I was bad at things so far." He makes a face,"Pretty sure you'd drop me out of the house. Like I said, drunk and making out isn't impossible."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Sometimes I don't want to leave the bed," Zatanna admits as she leads him into the room. "It is terribly comfortable."

She looks over the room, then back to Harry himself. There's a smile and she leans into his arms. "Oh, don't mistake me. I don't *need* that sort of thing. It's just how it usually ends up, y'know? And if you're afraid of your magic getting a little out of control-" there's a sheepish kind of grin. "I've been known to end up levitating during the act."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I can see why." he comments about not leaving the bed. He smirks a little at the mention of magic out of control, but her mentino of levitation gets a raised brow and he hmms thoughtfully,"The ideas you are giving me." he teases mildly,"Mostly I only worry when drunk and trying to go through the act."

He gives a half a beat before he admits,"Besides. If or when I get tangled with you, I want to remember." He winks and waits to see if she goes tomato red or makes a hasty retreat. That's about blunt as he can get and he does it well when he goes there.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, yes." Zatanna clears her throat and while she doesn't go *totally* red, there is a blush. "I suppose the good news is I can trust your want of remembering doesn't involve setting up a camera."

Quip aside, she withdraws from him with a small hug and heads to the closet. She's only in there momentarily before surfacing with a couple of towels that she offers out to him. "Works like any other shower. Just no technology involved." And though moving on to a new topic is usually a good method for getting over topics one might be hung up on... Zee's gone from dancing around the idea of them being in bed together... to him being naked in her shower. The blush is definitely not leaving anytime soon.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Camera's hate me like most everything else." he assures her,"I some people think I can't be photographed, so I let them continue to think so. I hate to see my picture." He touches his temple with a single finger,"Just have to replay it in here."

Watching her head to the closet and come out with towel he nods,"No tech is a good thing." he agrees and takes one of the towels from her,"Thank you." He winks playfully and most likely is teasing her mercilessly when he asks,"You want to come with? I might not remember to get out if the water is hot." Yup, the snarky wiseguy is legit at times. Then again, maybe he was serious too.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"If I agree to come with," Zatanna says, not immediately releasing the towel to him, "you'll definitely forget to get out." Two can play at this game. "Especially since magical hot water? Doesn't run out."

She relinquishes the towel to him finally and steps back; giving him leeway to pass into the bathroom if he so wishes. "I could guarantee you'd end up squeaky clean though. All those hard to reach places."
Harry Dresden has posed:
The resistance on the towel causes him to pause and he raises a brow,"Promise?" Now was that promise there's no end to the hot water or something else?

When she lets the towel go he hmms thoughtfully and starts towards the promise of a shower and seems to be heading for a solo wash, but he pauses just inside the door and offers a hand towards her,"Hot water and everything squeaky clean. How am I saying no to that?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Promise." To all of the above, likely, based on her expression -- open, interested, and still flushed -- and how... consistent the magic of the house is.

Zatanna seems ready to just find a place to sit and likely read while he's partaking of the shower, but the hand held out is entirely more interesting than any book she might pick up.

Which is saying a lot, in and of itself.

With the spare towels in hand, she spurs herself forward, reaching out in turn to take his hand and follow him into the expansive, nice bathroom. It's not an ultra-modern bathroom made magical, but is more like the kitchen: traditional things improved by magic. A pedestal sink. A claw-footed tub. The shower is clearly a more recent addition, paying to a slightly-modern preference. It's a large shower, at least, just not 5-star hotel fancy. Maybe 3-star.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He turns back towards the bathroom when she takes his hand. His eyes widen a little and he continues into the bathroom. He looks it over and whistles softly,"This is impressive. I'm afraid to make it dirty." he admits as he touches the sink lightly and looks over the bathtub as well. Once everything is cataloged in his mind he looks back to her.

"I have stayed in hotel resort rooms that weren't this big." he comments playfully and shakes his head,"You'd better be careful, you'll never be rid of me." he teases and sets the towel side of the tub.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Difficult to imagine you at a hotel resort," Zatanna points out with a brief smirk, setting her own chosen towel down on a closed trunk-shaped basket (that likely holds various accoutrements of bathing, like soaps). "Especially with this whole... damage to technology you apparently cause. Imagine the ice makers going out. *Disaster*." Teasing aside, she moves up to the shower and leans in to turn it on and fiddle with the temperature to get it *just right*.

Which is steaming hot, of course.

"Seriously, don't worry about making a mess. The up side to magical servants is that they work, they don't need to be paid, and they don't care what they're doing. I'd swear some of them have personalities, but I couldn't tell you who one is one day to the next. They're just.... constructs. Like computer programs developed to do a single task."
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I didn't say it was a good idea. Just that I stayed there, for about 12 hours before I was invited to not stay there and offered double my money to get out of there. So I guess it is more accurate to say I tried to stay in a resort hotel." He laughs at his own situation and leans against the wall for a moment.

The sight of steam rising out of the shower gets his attention and he can't resist the comment,"I could kiss you." Of course, he probably would anyway, but she probably gets the sentiment.

"That sounds handy. Someone to clean up after the disasters I make just living day to day." he admits,"You might have to teach me how you do that." He shakes his head, clearly good with the idea. Of course other ideas come to mind all things considered so he doesn't dwell on it long.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Even twelve hours in a resort can be enjoyable. Did you get a massage? Go for a swim?" Zatanna grins over her shoulder at Harry before stepping away from the shower. "You could kiss me," she agrees, flashing a more intimate smile in the wake of the teasing comments.

"Mmmm. I'd show you if I knew. They've always been here, long as I've known Shadowcrest. There may be a book in the library that discusses how to make them, but I've just... never considered asking!"

Then comes the moment. The precipice. The awkward 'how do we do this?' and Zee considers Harry for a beat. She starts to reach for her own top, but decides better of it and instead moves to stand in front of the wizard, reaching out to start undressing him instead...
Harry Dresden has posed:
It's been a long time since Harry woke up in a bed that wasn't his. It is a little disorieting at first, but when his eyes open and spy Zee near him he puts the sleepy brain into gear. He inhales slowly through his nose and exhales the same, no sense killing the beauty next to him with morning death breath.

He glances around the room for a second, making sure he really is where it appears and then nods to himself. He lays there for a long moment, remembering the night prior. Carefully, he slips out of the bed, not to sneak out, but rather step into the bathroom for a moment.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
One thing of note is that no matter what pedestal one might put Zatanna on: she snores. Sure, most people snore, but this isn't the quiet honk-shuu that most women bare admit to in regards to their snoring. No, she full on snores. She's also a blanket hog, but not so much in the sense of wrapping herself in it like a burrito. No, she just moves around enough in her sleep that the blanket ends up here, there, and nowhere all at once.

It's the sleep of someone who doesn't get nearly enough of it.

When Harry slips out of the bed, Zee barely stirs except to shift somewhat into the spot he's abandoned. There is a change to her breathing signalling that the motion was just enough to start bringing her back to consciousness. She's just not there quite yet.
Harry Dresden has posed:
If her snoring was noticed, he'll likely never tell her. He does the morning ritual, washes his hands, and then comes back to where she is sleeping. Giv she has taken over the place he was sleeping he laughs softly and just takes a seat on the edge of the bed opposite to try and rest there with her until she wakes up.

Of course, he snores about as much as anyone that doesn't sleep much other. So likely the entire house was sernaded with the sounds of their nasal onslaught. Once settled, he manage to salvage a little bit of blanket again.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The life of a mage who fights against the things that go bump in the night doesn't leave a lot of room for sleep. Nor does the life of a stage performer. Zee takes a double-whammy of no sleep on her best days.

Lucky for Harry, Zatanna is not in the midst of tossing and turning so he's able to lay claim to some of the blanket. Nor does he have to lie there in that awkward 'what do I do until she wakes up?' state. It isn't long before the princess of prestidigitation is stirring and stretching, eyes fluttering open with a yawn.

"You're still here," she notes in a voice still rough with sleep.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Pretty sure the words Stay was uttered before sleep nuked us both." he replies amused and doesn't get in the way of her starting to come out of the sleep,"Did you get some rest? I get the feeling you sleep about as well as I do at times."

He props his head on one hand, watching her without crowding her,"You ready for me to take the walk of shame or something so you can get cleaned up and question life decisions?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Initially, another yawn is all that answers Harry. Zatanna takes her time with a languid stretch before sitting up, running a hand through her hair to set it at least somewhat to rights. "Not quite the same walk of shame with a magical house," she murmurs with a faint smile.

"Not gonna chase you out, Harry. I'm happy you're here." Another stretch precipitates her rolling out of the bed, arching her back as she lets her body get into motion once more. "You're even welcome to stay for breakfast."

There's a glance over her shoulder at him and a flash of a grin before she makes her own way for the bathroom.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He watches her, the way he studies so many other things. He is just curious about her. It's been a while since anyone kept his attention for any amount of time, certainly this much time.

A look of relief washes over his face, well maybe mostly in play,"I am glad to hear that. I wouldn't want to listen to Bob or Mouse being all judge like." He smiles some, something rare for him,"That is a relief." he admits softly,"Starving." OK, so that was almost a tender sort of moment, but the eternal wiseass gets away from him sometims.

When she look back with that grin, he lays back on the bed a moment and starts to get around,"Worth getting up." he says softly and starts to look for pesky clothing things.
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Just lean your head out in the hall and shout for breakfast. The house will sort it out." Meaning the magical staff will.

Meanwhile, Zee dips into the bathroom proper. She surfaces a few moments later, refreshed and face washed; hair swept back into a simple ponytail. In time, it seems, to spot him looking for his clothes. "I can wiggle my nose and conjure up something less 'I unexpectedly spend the night.'" There's a flash of a grin in a tease as she makes her way toward a standing mirror in the room and puts practice to theory-

A few conjurations later and she's in a pair of black leggings and an oversized yellow-gold tee that sits just slightly off the shoulder.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking her at her word, he leans down the hall and calls for breakfast. He can be a little bit literal if she meant for him to be specific, he missed it. Closing the door and glances back at her as she returns from the bathroom. A smike crosses his features when she conjures the outfit and he pauss thoughtfully,"I don't think it's my color and I don't think I could breath in that get up." Joke or not, he does look duly impressed by the level of conjuration she pulls off,"Have I mentioned that you are truly amazing?"
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It just means that breakfast will be whatever the House decides. A risky equation, really. What does a magical AI-like construct assume they'll want for breakfast? Luckily, it tends to default to the sort of breakfasts that Zatanna eats.

Well, luckily if one doesn't mind vegetarian fare. No bacon on that table.

"Oh, I'm sure we could find something in your size," Zatanna responds, stopping to pick up a sock to toss at him. "I think you've mentioned it a time or two. I should introduce you to my PR team." A bit of teasing as she heads for the door; slowly, at least, so he can follow once dressed.
Harry Dresden has posed:
     She really shouldn't leave him to make those sorts of decisions. He gets his jeans on and glances towards her just in time to catch the sock in the mouth,"Hrmp." he comments and brushes the sock away from his lips,"Yeah yeah." he teases back at the size comment.

     Pulling on his sock and shoes he follows after her, duster on his arm and shirt in his hand. He'll need both for that, but he can manage that once he puts the coat down again,"There have many that tried to fix my look and they are surrendered quickly."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh god no, I didn't mean for you." Zatanna laughs, glancing back to Harry; slowing at the top of the stairs so he can catch up. "I meant maybe you can help them with some advertising for me." She winks at him before making her way down the stairs, toward the dining hall.

"No, no, for you I'd hire... hmmm. Some sort of marketing. Get your PI services global."
Harry Dresden has posed:
     He makes his way up to the top of the stairs with her and laughs,"Always a catch." she teases softly and winks back at her, following her down the stairs,"Let me see. How can I help advertise for the great Zatanna Zatarra." she muses.

     The mention of marketing for his PI business does a least get his interest,"Maybe we can find a face of the company that will bring people in and leave me to the leg work." he grins,"Global does sound impressive though."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"So you're looking at going corporate?" Zatanna smirks at Harry as she steps off the stairs. She waits for him to finish descending as well before reaching out to loop an arm through his and make her way towards the dining room. "I think your face is just fine. Grizzled hero is what people look for with a private eye. They want someone who evokes black and white film noir. A dark and stormy night, a man in a long coat." A squeeze of his arm before she lets go to take her seat at the table.

The breakfast spread is fairly generic but again, no bacon. There is sausage, but it's pretty clear even at a glance that it's veggie sausage. It's not vegan fair, at least. There's pancakes with butter and a small platter of scrambled eggs.
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I can see it now." he comments, patting her hand on his arm,"All the cameras, smoking as they try to take pictures and videos." he teases back. He touches his jaw with hir free hand,"I have the grizzled though. That much is accurate. The dark stormy nights bring back memories of bad decisions caused by Bob."

He sets his duster on the back of a chair and then pulls his shirt on. The promise of eggs and pancakes definately appeal to him. He looks at the sausage and then back at her. A raise of his brow and he mutters,"I think the pig in question might be suspect."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm not Circe," Zatanna says, answering the question not even asked. Assuming incorrectly, perhaps. "It's black beans as the base, I think. Look sausage is mostly just the spices anyway." She won't force anyone to be a vegetarian, but she won't apologize for it either.

"As for cameras... There are some wildly low tech options out there. Take it old school. Something with basic film and lens, no tech. I think it could actually win you some fans if done right." Is she being serious or still joking? Who knows.
Harry Dresden has posed:
He shakes his head,"I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that." he admits,"I was pretty sure I spent the night with the real deal. The idea of Circe is, in a word, unsettling." Oh look a compliment. He looks a the sausage again and shrugs, taking one and he admits,"You're not wrong about the spices." He looks at her in regards to the cameras and shakes his head,"You do make some impressive magic Zee, but taking a good picture of me...that would be the most impresive yet."
Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"At least you know to stay far away from Circe. Others aren't so good at that." Including some of the 'greats,' like Batman. Zatanna gets herself coffee and a little bit of everything on her plate. "I think a picture of you is doable. Good? Maybe after some digital touchups once it's scanned." Clearly, still teasing him. "But the magic involved wouldn't be mine."

Breakfast continues apace: a blend of light teasing and flirting until Harry has to go to tend to Mouse and Mister while Zatanna heads to Bludhaven to prep for her next show.