15215/Join the 501st, they have cookies!

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Join the 501st, they have cookies!
Date of Scene: 15 June 2023
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy is talked into chaperone students to ComiCon as a Stormtrooper!
Cast of Characters: Red, Gambit

Red has posed:
After having missed the last bus to NYC last night - and a run in with Warpath in the early hours of the day (see Scene 15210) - Alice is spending some hours in the Rec-room, because the next transport to the city is still a couple hours away and she doesn't want to stand in the weay of the teachers or young mutants actually trying to do schooling. She could do her job easily enough once she was at the shop in a quick time or after hours anyway. So while the teens are getting lectures, Alice is reading there, trying to keep a lowish profile.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau for his own part has an off period. You wouldn't think teaching French Poetry to a bunch of high schoolers would be a popular course, but there you go. He heads down into the Rec room himself, heading over to the pool table and smiling at the rooms other inhabitant. "'Ey dare chere, Ain' seen yah in a while." He offers as he sets the table up for a solo game of 9-ball and breaks the balls with a sharp CRACK. "How is t'ings an' stuff?"
Red has posed:
"Missed my bus last night and crashed over. I mean, it's not like I have nothing to do down in the city, but nothing on a schedule that I can't take the first bus down in..." Alice looks up to glance at the clock on the wall. "some hours. So what's up? I ain't a student since... like... a couple years so no wonder I ain't in the house much."

She also never made the cut for X-men or a youth team.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little at that pocketing the One ball, then the two in rapid succession. "Been mah experience chere dat dat not mattah much when it come ta dis place. Took Remy a long time ta figure it out but dare somet'ing about it dat draw yah back ta it again and again. It' 'ome, no mattah if yah live 'ere or don'."
Red has posed:
"Missed my bus last night and crashed over. I mean, it's not like I have nothing to do down in the city, but nothing on a schedule that I can't take the first bus down in..." Alice looks up to glance at the clock on the wall. "some hours. So what's up? I ain't a student since... like... a couple years so no wonder I ain't in the house much."

She also never made the cut for X-men or a youth team.
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little at that pocketing the One ball, then the two in rapid succession. "Been mah experience chere dat dat not mattah much when it come ta dis place. Took Remy a long time ta figure it out but dare somet'ing about it dat draw yah back ta it again and again. It' 'ome, no mattah if yah live 'ere or don'."
Red has posed:
"Well, still don't want to get the cosplay club members all riled up on their recent projects during school and accidentally not show up for calss for they are discussing what they need to get their costumes ready for NYCC or behold the San Diego Comic Con. You got a costume to go as a chaperone for one of those events?
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit as he drops the three then uses the four ball to drop the nine and starts to re rack. "Of course chere. Ah'm gonna go a serial killer. Dey look like everybody else." He says with a wicked grin and then a shrug, "Or jus' take off mah sunglasses an' let everyone ask me if Ah can see out mah contacts." He adds with a grin.
Red has posed:
"Nah, you ain't going to go Serial killer *and* look like everyone else. If you go as a serial murderer, you need to go as Jack the Ripper or Ted Bundy, and I don't see you wearing a Tux and Scalpels or that smug look on your face. Maybe you could join those that chose to go 501st and put on stormtrooper gear? Be their commander?"
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau breaks the second rack and does a fairly good dead pan, "501st yah say? Nevah 'eard of it, but den Ah'm more of a Star Wars Fan." he says with a grin and smirks, "Actually Ah do got a top 'at and cape, could totally pull off Saucy Jack." He says with amusement and drops several balls in quick succession.
Red has posed:
"501st Legion are a charitable organisation of fans of Star Wars. ost of the Stormtroopers you see on the conventions are 501st members." Alice explains, pulling out her phoe to show a couple photos. "I worked on many of their blasters in the past. Just props, at best lighting hup but they are super friendly people. Like.. this one here or that..." showing off some photos of dressed up scouts and troopers, she smiles. "plus, you'd give your students a quite nice role model."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks milkdly amused, but humors the younger woman, looking at her photos and smiling easily, "Gotta say dose t'ings look 'ot 'as 'ell. Don' suppose yah got mini AC units in dem?" He asks palyfully, but in a tone that is amused if resigned. "So we gotta do a fitting or some t'ing?"
Red has posed:
"Mini AC? Well, some do got fans in them. Not too hard to retrofit even. As for fitting, I could... uh... we could grab stuff from the storange and you hold still like an hour or such and I clad you in white. Or work on it till next time and adjust the rest then."
Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau chuckles a little bit at that, quickly dropping the remaining balls in short order. "Wrll den Ah suppose Ah am at yah disposal chere." He says with the chuckle of someone who only knows he doesn't know what he has gotten himself into.
Red has posed:
"Well, you need to choose what kinda trooper you are still, Mr. LeBeau." Alice notes, offering a smile and all the various trooper types on her phone. "NAme a movie and scene and I get you clad in white."