15494/No such thing as fast dinner.

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No such thing as fast dinner.
Date of Scene: 18 August 2023
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Harry stopped for dinner and encountered Faith and Thomas.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Faith Lehane, Thomas Raith

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mac's. Peaceful, steak, and home brew. What more could you want? Well it might be to some people's taste that the home brew be cold, but that's not going to happen as long as Mac is around. He is, of course, around. Standing behind the counter, Mac is making orders and keeping the place tidy.

Harry is sitting at the counter. Any time the door opens, his eyes move to the mirror behind the bar. Otherwise, he nurses on a warm home brew and waits for the steak sandwiches arrive. He has casual passing conversation with Mac mostly and just waits patiently.
Faith Lehane has posed:
It's still fairly early for heavy drinking in the middle of the week, but for Faith, it's never too early for a quick drink. afterall, she's on a constant high, although she's probably blame her 'job' as a slayer.

Either way the door bursts open and she strides in, peering at the bartender as she hears fir her favorite seat. "Yo Mac, gimme the usual." she could fit in as a punk or witch or other sis in her black leather pants and matching leather crop top that shows off too much skin..As usual.

Harry is not yet spotted.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Glancing towards the mirror, Harry identifies and then thanks Mac as his food arrives. He takes a bite of the steak sandwich and chews it thougtfully.

A sip of his brew and he looks back to the mirror to meet her gaze if she looks that way. Easier to do that when there is no direct link. If she doesn't notice, he lets her be as she likely has things to do as well.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane grins as her beer and spicy fries are offered - probably the cheapest thing on the menu, and given her crappy paycheque when she has one, it's probably a stretch for her. "Thanks!" she starts stuffing her face on the greasy tasty fast food before peering around the bar. Harry is spotted and she smirks, waving at him. "Yo Harry, wassup?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Not much." he replies and takes another bite of his food,"I have been looking for your playmate, but so far he has been elusive. What have you been up to?"

He takes another bite of his food and chews, looking her direction to hear her response.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane groans and shakes her head, nearly choking on her food. "Seriously, is that any way to talk about your freaking brother? Or you think this is some kinda joke? I ain't some cheap toy, neither is he." she frowns, wiping her mouth before taking a long sip of beer. "We're friends okay? Why can't you respect that?" perhaps unusual words coming from Faith who regularly uses people in every sens3 of the word.
Harry Dresden has posed:
A soft sigh and Harry shakes his head,"I'm talking about the one you got stoned with the other night." Hopefully that gets to her. He takes another bite of the sandwich and after it is swallowed he adds,"If you haven't noticed. My brother and I may well stand against death and Hell, but we say a lot worse things about each other than that sort of thing." Mac looks at her a little dubious, but not judgemental as he goes back to cooking. She walked herself into the wrong wall and neither is going to cushion that blow, but they won't aggravate her about it either.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane blinks in surprise, looking like she might swing a punch at him...But stops herself. And laughs! She actually saunters up to him with a grin and heartily attempts to slap him on the back.

"You know, I figured you were a humourless boring stick in the mud but you sure got me there!" she grins and nods.

"Sooo, any luck with that?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
The look like potential gets daggers from Mac and several other people in the place. Harry doesn't seem too concerned because he knows what she doesn't. This place will hit back multiple fold at her if she strikes.

The slap on the back and he shrugs,"I am hilarious. Just ask me. I'll tell you." he replies and indicates the seat next to his. A shake of his head and he replies,"For something that big that can't fly it is surprisingly elusive. Probably going to have to scy for it."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane smirks, inviting herself to his table as she noisily eats her fries and gravy, washing it down with another can of beer. "So, maybe they let it out for some fun then send it back to the doghouse when they're done? I checked out where we first ran into it..Got interrupted but coulda sworn I saw some sorta runes on a couple trees?"
Harry Dresden has posed:
"Somebody wanted to cause chaos if someone let it out. Probably wanting to distract people away from their plan." Taking another bite of his sandwich he chews thoughtfully,"I will have to go back to the park and look at the runes in question. I know a guy that is good with those."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith for his part has been laying low for a few days. He had gotten an Email from his sister and given everyone very little notice that he had to take off. He'd only just returned to the city and figured that he'd check up on his brother first, and knowing Harry he would either A) Be at Mac's, or B) Be at his office, wishing he was at Mac's and would appreciate a steak sandwhich. He hadn't expected to find Faith as well, but it was a pleasent surprise. He's also added a bit of contrast to his white jeans and white T-shirt with a black eye patch that somehow /does/ make him look more like a swashbuckler then goofy. "Salutations you two. What have I missed."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane arches a brow at that, crossing her legs as she munches on another handful of fries. "Sounds like a plan, but better watch it and bring back up. Obviously someone summoned it. Distraction for what though?" she frowns..

And that's when Thomas steps in and she arches a brow at him, having not seen him in quite some time. She smirks, "Well, look who the cat dragged in.."
Harry Dresden has posed:
When the door opens, Harry glances that direction and notes his brother's arrival,"Next time you want to summon someone with your words, make sure they are at least as pretty, but the other gender." he muses softly and nods to Thomas,"We were talking about her partner in the park that got her stoned. I was taking notes." he offers. Of course most of the people in the place have some clue, but there are a few non regulars so he doesn't go into great detail. He takes a to go box from the counter and hands it to Thomas. He nods to Mac,"Make two more. One for later and one for the small horse at home."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith glances casually at Faith's fries and says "Make that four more sandwiches Mac. Do you have my beer order ready for the week, or should I stop by tomorrow?" The bald man just offers an affermitive grunt and thumbs towards the basement, acknowledging that Thomas's weekly order is in fact ready if he wants to take it. He nods to Harry and smirks playfully and says in a murmur that can only be heard by the other two. "Master Vampires, zombies, phobopages... And the Dark Slayer gets brought down by a Super Chicken. Still funny to me." Not that he was in pure panic when she went down. Nope not at all.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane laughs and shrugs, "Hey don't look at me, he's your sexy creepy brother. And seriously, quit talking about that freakish chicken snake thing like it's my bed mate or something..Even I wouldn't sink that low.." she wrinkles her nose, glancing atThomas.

"Are you saying I was too easy to beat? I'd like to see you take down that super chicken single handedly! It ain't no walk in the park hotshot!" why she almost sounds bitter towards him for some reason.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Shaking his head, Harry takes another bite of his sandwich and lets the two have their non lover's quarrel. Uh huh. He keeps his thoughts to himself for the moment and chases the sandwich with some beer,"Try not to look that thing in the face. Getting the stoned out of you takes time and energy. You might wake up with a new hair do or something." He looks at the patch on Thomas' eye and shakes his head. Not rising to that temptation, not yet at least.
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks just a little and stands to fetch Harry's to-go orders as well as two sandwiches for himself... though he places one of them rather close to in front of Faith. Not that she'd take the food if it was offered... but if he sets it right in front of her, that's his fault, right? He takes a sip of his own beer and asks quietly, "Seriously though what do we do against something that can take an exploding Humvee to the face, can potentially one-shot a Slayer, and was apparently hatched from Col. Sanders nightmares.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane rolls her eyes at Harry and it's a good thing his thoughts are private. "Yeah, figured that out the hard way and it wasn't even a good stoned feeling, just a major hangover after.." when Thomas mentions running his Hummvee into the thing she looks shocked. "What the hell? You ran your beloved car into the creature? Why? You loved that car, I thought..You're crazier than I thought.."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Taking another bite of his sandwich, Harry finished it off and shakes his head,"You didn't wake up well for sure." Taking the last drink of his beer he pushes the bottle back and nods to Mac, waiting for food for the horse at home,"He probably already bought a new one, nicer and with more..." he pauses and thinks,"...what't the word? Bling?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit playfully at Faith's shocked expression, "Stuck a flaming t-shirt in the gas tank first. It blew up real good. Harry hit it with a Fuego Bomb at the same time." He steals one of Faith's fries adding, "I am pretty sure we pissed it off." he adds with a shrug. To Harry he smirks slightly, "It's on order.. might take a few weeks to get here. I ordered it with Right hand steering so that can take a while." He takes a long drink of his beer and chuckles, addind to Faith, "Seriously though, it was only a car. And Arnold Swartza-chicken had kinda pissed me off."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Shaking his head, Harry notices his food. He takes them in hand and replies,"If we could only all see it that way." Rolling his eyes he sighs,"Great. Just remember which side of the road to drive on. My bug isn't going to stand up to that thing."

He places money on the counter for Mac and nods to Faith,"I will look into those runes in the morning." He rises and settles the duster on his shoulders, arms taking up the food stuffs."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane rolls. her eyes, "Right, forgot he's a spoiled rich kid." she smirks, "Guess daddy got you a brand new car to smash up, huh?" yeah she's being extra bitchy tonight, or maybe she's. just mad that he kinda vanished on her for a bit back there.

She stares at the sandwich and despite looking quite hungry as. those fries really didn't satisfy much, she just makes a face, pushing the plate away. "I ain't into charity either so forget it."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks playfully at Faith's recation to the Sandwhich. "What Charity? I've got 6 cases of Pale, and 5 cased of Dark Ale to move from Mac's store room to my truck outside, then from my truck down into the Snug at the Blue Lady. I mean I can give Smash the fifty bucks and sandwhich, if you don't want it..."
Harry Dresden has posed:
Oh yeah. Not touching that mess with a cattle prod. Harry nods to each of them,"Come by the office tomorrow night." he tells Faith,"I will try to have had a look at the runes."

"Welcome back." he tells Thomas,"Try not to run over more chickens when you get the new truck." With that he turns and heads out.
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane glares at the sand which, glares at Thomas and pushes. her chair away, climbing noisily to her feet. "What the hell..You are such a big...Stupid ..?!'" she stops in confusion, halfway between looking like she's about to punch him hard in the face and intrigued by the offer. "Wait, you giving me a job to do?" she frowns, cranking her neck, "And money and a dinner? What's the catch? You know that ain't worth that much."
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs. "Beer is heavy. You are strong." he shrugs a bit, "More hands makes lighter work. Fifty on this end to help me get it into the truck, another fifty on the other end to get it down into the Snug." He smiles, "No strings, no catches. Manual labor for under the table money."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane shrugs and smirks, considering the offer and nods, sitting back down. "Fine, but I'm taking my time to eat.." she takes a couple of slow bites of her sandwich, drowning it down with a third can of beer by now, peering at him thoughtfully over her meal. "So why the hell are you still in contact with your evil dad, and why were you gone so long?"
Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head slightly, taking a bite of his own steak sandwich. "I wasn't working for my evil dad. I was working for my evil sister. Completely different can of worms." He says mildly shaking his head. "It was one of those things that came up and needed immediate attention. I'm sorry I could not give you more of a heads up."
Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith Lehane shrugs, "Not like I care either way, just figured you were done with your evil family, but guess not. What was it, the lure of money that kept you ? I mean I guess I couldn't say no to rich relatives either but.." she still seems annoyed, bitter, angry..Although the apology causes her tone to soften a little. "Oh yeah? Well I know a couple of ways you could show you're really sorry.." there's an evil glint in her eye as she finishes her sandwich at record speed. "So where are those crates? Let's get this over with."