15610/Back to basic

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Back to basic
Date of Scene: 18 September 2023
Location: Angel Grove Youth Centre, Angel Grove
Synopsis: Kim and Adam wax nostalgic at the Youth center.
Cast of Characters: Pink Ranger, Black Ranger (Park)

Pink Ranger has posed:
Life had moved on quite a bit from when Zordon had first introduced them to the fight to protect the Earth. She'd started out as a 16 year old valley girl worried about normal teenager stuff and now...she was trying to balance being an olympic gymnast against being a superhero, dealing with threats she'd never dreamed and the complexity of adult life...perhaps that was why Kim was back here at the youth center once more?

Dressed in a pair of shorts pulled over the deep pink and black trimmed leotard she'd been wearing for her earlier practice, Kimberly had found herself a seat and a smoothie.
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
It had been a long time since Adam had been back here. He too had been off balancing Ranger work which he started a couple of years after the rest, and well trying to figure out what all he wanted to do with his life. So like Kim he finds himself back at the youth center a place of teenage memories and well not quite care free but a less care filled world. Walking in he's wearing a black leather jacket over black tshirt, and black jeans and sneakers with white souls the only color that offsets the monotonous black! He gets a smoothie and spots Kim. "Hey Kim how ya doin?"
Pink Ranger has posed:
A familier sight, a touch of nostalgia and Kimberly was lifting a hand in greeting gesturing for Adam to join her. "Making sure Ernie's recipe hasn't slipped," she offers with a little laugh. They weren't that old, other heroes hd serves longer...and yet it all seemed so far away. "How are you Adam?"
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park shrugs. "Oh you know same old same old. Dad still wants me to be Military, mom wants me to be a librarian." He shrugs. "I'm thinking cop or attorney." He takes a sip. "God this place hasn't changed a bit has it?" Adam laughs shaking his head. "Ran into Tommy the other day, too. Were talking about teaching martial arts again."
Pink Ranger has posed:
A little laugh, Kimberly nods, sipping her drink through her straw and shrugging her bare shoulders. "That's Tommy, he's found his passion and I doubt anything will change it."

She considers for a moment, tilting her head. "It's been a minute or two since we were all called out, between the two teams..." she was keeping vague, but it was still a little touch of nostalgia. After all, she'd been there when all of the Stone Canyon three had been chosen.
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park smiles and nods. "We all have our passions Kim, are you two still...you know?" He asks with s chuckle. "Yea it has been a minute hasn't it, funny thing Zordon sent me to Tommy."
Pink Ranger has posed:
"We are," Kim laughs, picking up on his question. "We've had some ups and downs, between life and...the life, but we're still a thing. The long distance and travel can make it tricky, but at least it's a lot easier for us to meet up than most."
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park laughs. "Thank God for teleporting right?" He asks with a laugh. "But I'm glad I'm happy for you two. Actually I met a girl that agreed to go on a date with me, not long ago, her name is Willow." He smirks. "We should all totally train together again soon, like getting the band back together!"
Pink Ranger has posed:
"Willow," Kimberly repeats, blinking a little. "I feel like...I might have met her. Or heard of her...maybe it's a more common name than I thought."

His suggestion brings a nod, a grin. "Absolutely, he'd never admit it, but I think I've gotten to the point where I can give Tommy a run for his money...sometimes."
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park smiles. "She's from Sunny Dale. I don't know if you know her or not. But she's sweet, kind of shy and totally socially awkward, ya know like me." He laughs again.

"You always could give him a run for his money, in sarcasm and attitude." Adam says playfully.
Pink Ranger has posed:
"And better hair," Kimberly adds with a grin, nodding her head at Adam's infomation and then shrugging. "Hey, maybe I'll get to meet her sometime? We should do the social thing more often!"
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park laughs. "I don't know Tommy has pretty great hair." He laughs before continuing on. "The social thing more often...Oh you mean like 4, or 5 or 6 years ago when we were teenagers still in school, and all we had was school, hero work and social lives?"
Pink Ranger has posed:
"You make it sound so easy," Kimberly teases lightly, sipping her smoothie once more before folding her arms and sitting back. "It's a strange world, but we're all still here, right?"
Black Ranger (Park) has posed:
Adam Park smirks. "You mean it wasn't easy?" He asks with a laugh. "Strange world indeed. Though whether we're truly alive or just surviving is anyone's guess."