15795/The places he'll take you.

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The places he'll take you.
Date of Scene: 13 November 2023
Location: Mexican desert
Synopsis: Sabrina came looking for Harry, met River Shoulders, and teleported Harry back to the office from the desert.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Sabrina Spellman

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is sitting at a campfire, watching the flames dance around. He looks a little rough, like maybe he tangled an industrial weed whacker. Everything is patched up and he seems aware enough.

Across the fire from him, holding a conversation like a normal person, is a 10' tall humanoid that looks for all the world like a too tall gorilla with a straight seated back.

To put it in a single word: Bigfoot.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
A portal opens up.. something Harry might sense the moment it opens up.. First to come out is the massive dog known as mouse sniffing to spot his master.! Then the long legs of Sabrina stride out with a smile as she looks over " Hi teach " .
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry and the Bigfoot both turn in the direction of the portal before it opens. He smirks when he notes the arrival of Mouse, who promtly runs past the Bigfoot and stops just short of running over Harry. A bunch of licking follows.

Harry pats the dog, scratching and all that,"All right, all right. Next time you come." He looks at Sabrina and tells her,"Sabrina this is Strength of a River in His Shoulders." The bigfoot nods to her and replies,"Nice to meet you Sabrina."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman beams a smile " Oh one of the bigfoot clan nice to meet you," she says brightly as she watches the big dog assault it's master.. before she grins

     she saunters over and moves to sit next to harry, " My aunts keep touch with memebers of the clan " she tells harry to explain why she's not surprised to see a big foot.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Off in the distance there is a low, rumbling growl. Harry and River Shoulder looks that way and River takes a few steps,"Who is your aunt?" River asks and appears to be ready for war.

Next to Harry, Mouse lets out a low growl and energy comes to life around him, golden light surrounding his body and he barks into the night. One bark, it echoes all over, and whatever was growling shuts right up.

"Harry you're going to have to risk moving. You can't make it across the ways, but if I have to I will carry you out of here."

Harry shakes his head and tells him,"I think Sabrina can manage to get me out of here. Just hesitant with very many. Do you need us to take you somewhere else?" The Bigfoot shakes his head,"I have somewhere to be just north of here tomorrow. It's not that far."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Looks up and smiles " Zelda Spellman you might know her.. or hilda.. but she tended to hang out the lochness clan more than your clan, I know my aunt enjoyed your company alot " . She says brightly before she frowns when she hears what they are talking about

     she touches harry shoulder " Everything okay teach? " She asks softly looking around " I can get all of us out of here if you need "
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry stands up, leaning on the walking stick he carries for a focus. He is moving tenderly and he takes a few steps,"Yeah. Those things are getting too brave. Let's take River Shoulders where he needs to go, then the rest of us home."

In the distance, standing almost as tall as the bigfoot, a single dogman man creature glares at them with glowing eyes. River Shoulder lets out a challenging whoop noise and the two legendary creatures are at stand off.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Growls. " That's it " She snarls.. " No way " She suddenly lights up the night as her eyes seem to light on fire with hellfire.. The first sign to Harry that Sabrina is a little diffrent.. Because she launches a massive blast of hellfire and power! WAY more that Sabrina should have access too.

     Her voice seems to come from hell itself " SCRAM " .. she growls, her body crackling with power.
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry throws Hellfire. Satana throws Hellfire. Sabrina throws Hellfire. Who the hell doesn't throw Hellfire? Mouse looks at her and chuffs once, then back at the now retreating dogman.

River Shoulders shakes his head and says,"I will make my own way. We are even now Harry Dresden. I will speak to you another time." With that, the bigfoot moves into the desert with a fast stride, possibly tracking the fleeing dogman.

Harry looks around and then looks at Sabrina,"That's some fancy fire you have there." he mutters through gritted teeth,"We'll have to talk about that later. For now, we need to get out of here before..."

In the opposite direction the sound of heavy footsteps running at them sounds. Mouse whirls around and barks the energy wave over two more of the creatures.

Harry growls and says,"Pulls us out or we're going through the Ways and you two are carrying me." He focuses the blasting rod in his free hand and release a blast of Hellfire of his own,"Fuego!!"

The sneaky ones get knocked back a few steps and at least the other won't be circling back as the sound of River Shoulder whoop breaks the night air over the howl of the dogman.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Snorts as she snaps her fingers and opens the portal.. her eye's blazing looking towards them.. " Well, if they don't understand what kinda of trouble they are into " She says as she stands, hands on her hips..

     She looks to Harry " Go I have use the portal last.. " She states and nods to him, wanting to talk to her later as she watches the hell fire.. She kneels down

     She touches her fingers into the ground " Lady of the land.. hear my call.. I call on you via the ancient pact.. one of your children needs your help to keep the balance.. please lend me your aid.. Give the forest life and bind those that would do us harm.. " She looks to harry " hurry " .
Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse bounds through the portal and Harry makes his way as well,"Don't stay long. I don't want to have to get Satana to come back for you."

Sure he is curious what she is about to do, but this place is getting too hot to remain in.

He walks into the portal and starts to limp into the direction of anywhere but here.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
She only waits to hear the trees groan and creek before she too runs into the portal.. as the tree's respond to the pledge.. and come to life with one purpose destroy those dog people.. she called the spsirit of nature to this palce.. and she dosn't tend to be nice to evil things.. even as she runs into the portal
Harry Dresden has posed:
On the other end of the portal, Harry and company walk out of the desert and into the office. He looks around and moves to sit on the nearest flat surface. Mouse watches the portal until Sabrina appears and it is closed, ready to go back after her if he has to.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Sighs and touches her knees before she kisses mouse and gives a heavy pet " it's okay big guy.. Im good thanks for being my hero " She praises him before she looks over " I thought we got rid of those guys? " She looks at him " or is this just more of the evil? "
Harry Dresden has posed:
"I think they are done now. River and I being there was bringing them in. We took some of the bodies and now they are mad. Now that we are gone I think they will go. If not, we'll go back with the White Council and mop them up."

He gets up and goes to the icebox. Two beers and a big beef bone.

He hands the bone to Mouse and one of the homebrew beers to Sabrina,"Thank you for the extraction."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Grins and grabs the beer and gives a quick kiss way to close to the mouth " Thanks teach " she says before she taps the bottle and the cap flies off and into the garbage can .. before she sits down with a plop of her butt to enjoy the drink .
Harry Dresden has posed:
Not too bothered by the mouth proximity, Harry takes a drink of his beer and says,"Back to the living room. Need something soft to sit on. Please text Willow and tell her I am back in the city so she doesn't try to go back looking for me." He slides out of his duster, it dropping on the dest. Unusual since he is usually a little cleaner. Mouse settles at the head of the hallway to watch things while the duo goes into the living room.
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman follows along and types on her phone before she drops it and sits back down " how bad are you hurt? " she asks looking towards him and touching his chest " Do youw ant me to heal ya? " she asks
Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry starts to sit, but when she touches his chest he yelps a little bit. Unbuttoning his shirt it is pretty clear that he has mutiple broken ribs and might even have a cracked sternum. Some not dangerous, but clearly painful slashes decorate his chest as well.

Once the shirt is off, he slowly takes a seat and catches his breath,"That can be a lot of power. Are you sure you want to expend it? I am home now and River set everything, just hurts a lot."
Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman Smirks " you forget I'm part witch I don't have the issue like other people .. " She closes her eye's and starts to rub his chest softly very softly but as she does this his chest will feel warm.. " your gonna be super hungry though " she says as she clearly starts to accelrate his healing to moments not weeks
Harry Dresden has posed:
Closing his eyes, Harry sits back and doesn't argue. There has been no indication of duplicity with this one and he really doesn't want to spend weeks gimping around.

"Already hungry." he replies and settles a bit more. The warmth of her touch and the feeling of things settling back where they belong seems to be a pleasant respite from the last few days so he shuts up and lets the witch do her thing.