15853/Ella's Dream

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Ella's Dream
Date of Scene: 30 November 2023
Location: Vampirella's sleeping chambers
Synopsis: Vampirella got a look at the dreams that other localy mystical sorts have recently.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Vampirella

Harry Dresden has posed:
A restful sleep moves towards something else and Ella fades her way into a dream unlike the norm. She can look all around her and see a wide expanse of mountains and trees as far as she can see. The air around her is chilled enough she can see her breath and animals make their way around her.

Unfortunately, she can smell decay and death nearby. If she looks to her right, she will see a dead body. There isn't enough to make up the smell that permeates the air. Something is adding to the smell.
Vampirella has posed:
In the real world, Vampirella wouldn't need to look to locate the source of the smell. She'd just know based on the intensity of the scent. But dreams aren't the real world, and you usually don't notice those kinds of discrepancies (or ones like being on a mountain) until you're awake, so Vampirella looks around for the rest of the smell.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The smell gets worse even if she moves away from the body. Something has been eating on the body as the chest and stomach have been hollowed out and the edges are jagged like teeth marks.

The situation is complicated more when she realizes that out in the woods around her, something is moving. Something that sounds at least person sized and walking bipedal through the woods, drawing nearer to her.
Vampirella has posed:
In the real world, she'd be feeling rage. In the dream, there's nothing; a complete absence of emotion, like the sort of brain-numb passive acceptance watching a TV show you don't like but can't be bothered to change the channel from. So, Vampirella turns toward whatever is coming to her.
Harry Dresden has posed:
From deep in the woods something watches her and she can feel that in the air. All the animals around her have fallen silent. The woods are the kind of quiet that would indicate a predator's presence.

An antlered deer skull looks at her from the brush, body hunched over. Then the head rises, a two legged being emerging. It is tall...real tall. The creature looks like it hasn't eaten in weeks. It is skinny enough to see its ribs. Blood oozes from its mouth, staining the neck and chest indicating it has recently eaten.
Vampirella has posed:
A deer skull. Has Vampirella ever dreamed of an Earth animal before? She can't remember, but the question does occur to her, penetrating her passive apathy just a bit. Her lips purse in something akin to a frown, and her brows come a bit closer together.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The creature cocks its head to the left, like a dog hearing a high pitched noise. Curious. The eyes have a glow that could rival a devil's own for the dread they should inspire. A soft, low groaning sound and then a high pitched whistling sound escape it. It takes a steps towards her and the smell get stronger and it makes a sound. It almost sounds like a word,"..huuunngerr.."
Vampirella has posed:
Simple thoughts.

If they're thoughts at all, and not just emotional impulses borrowing words from her own vocabulary.

Yes, Vampirella is waking up to the situation fast. She's been attacked psychically enough times to have an idea of what's going on here, though so far, this isn't much of an attack. An attempt at communication could be just as likely.

"Have you tried Red Robin?" she asks the thing laconically.
Harry Dresden has posed:
The creature is tall, and so very skinny like it has never eaten despite the fact it ate the person recently. It looks towards where the body lays and contemplates for a moment. Then when it moves it turns its attention towards her again. A low, rumbling growl escapes the throat,"Drrresdennn."

The scent is worse now as it breathes at her. Again with the head cocking to the side and then without warning it leaps at her. The teeth look human with elongated canines, pieces of rotted flesh and fabric between them. The creature's deformed, almost human looking face fills her perception and everything goes dark as the dream ends.

Does she wake, sleep on and move to another dream, or do her dreams just remain dark for the rest of the night?
Vampirella has posed:
Okay, so, not a dream. An astral plane (there are so many). Theoretically, Vampirella should be able to turn her thoughts into reality here and force the "dream" to stay so she can ask it questions...

...But she's tried this before, and it ended badly. She was lucky to get out of the vortex left behind by the departure of captor. Logic would suggest that trying to capture the captor would ensconce her in this false reality even longer.

'No,' Vampirella decides, 'better to wake up.'