2775/Daddy Dearest

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Daddy Dearest
Date of Scene: 09 October 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Beth talks to Sarah about her investigation. She directs Sarah to go talk to Norman Osborn directly for some details.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Osborn, Elizabeth Greene

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah hurried home on her motorcycle, and it was not long after she reached Avalon Hills that she got the call from Detective Greene. Sarah headed right over to find out what the detective has discovered. Sarah signs in with the man at the front desk and waits to be sent up.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
Then man checks in on the telephone then directs Sarah upstairs. "Detective Greene is waiting."

As with the last time, Beth is waiting to meet her at the elevators when she arrives. "Good to see you. I found some of the information you were wanting," she says as she motions for the other woman to follow her. They move to a private room set aside for questioning, the mirror on the far wall not opaque as there is a light source in the room beyond to show they are alone. It isn't comfortable but it is private and that is what Beth feels this conversation will need. "Would you like something to drink first?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Water will be fine." She is too young for alcohol, not that it would effect her, and gets nothing out of tea or coffee. The metabolism of a Goblin deals with such things far too well.

She adds, "I might have something else for you to look into, though the information is in need of verification."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"Oh?" Beth asks despite herself. "One moment." Then she leaves the room to return a moment later with a cold bottled water. The seal isn't broken on the top. She places it in front of Sarah then sits down at the table across from the woman. There are no papers on her side of the table, no folder. Just her to share information. "It'll depend on what it is. I already kinda stepped out of my comfort zone on this one since everything I had to dig up was in New York. Nothing was local."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "I know a private detective who can help, if you can not. this also would be in New York, about seven or eight years ago. I need what is available about an explosion in the Oscorp labs back then...and anything you might have on the disappearance of Norman's son, Harry."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"I can probably bet you the police report but that's about it," Beth admits with a faint shrug. "I haven't been all that succesful with the details of your own situation first. You may not want me anywhere near it and your private eye might have better luck." She leans back in her seat, trying to think the best way to voice her findings. It seems wrong to just blurt it all out. As much as she thinks Norman Osborn is hiding something, she feels he should be given the chance to do right by his daughter.

"I spoke with Norman Osborn about your situation. There are some ...details he has which would be important to you. He had been keeping them to himself in the hopes of protecting you from being hurt emotionally." And physically but she isn't adding that part. That's his information to give. "I would like to suggest you speak to him directly. He assured me he would give you the information himself so you hear it from family instead of a virtual stranger."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "So he has admitted that he is family then...more direct than a great uncle I mean?" She had mentioned that conclusion the last time she was here. She adds, "You might not be able to get much on the explosion, I have reason to believe it may be considered a national security issue." If Oscorp was exploring a version of the Super Soldier Serum, then the government was probably involved.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"He is family." Beth will give her that much. "And after you speak to him, please let me know. I want to be sure he's shared all the details. I feel he has the right to be the one to reveal things though." She gives an apologetic smile.

At the revelation on National Security, the smile fades and Beth shakes her head. "I won't be able to get anywhere close to that. I don't have any contacts I could fall back on nor would my job get me any pull. I'm sorry."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah nods, "That is not unexpected, but if you can find out anything about the explosion, please let me know. I suspect Norman Osborn might have been there when the explosion happened, if so he might have required medical treatment. Still anything you can find out about that or Harry Osborn may be helpful." Sarah adds, "I have a few observations...has the report from the attempted kidnapping of Mr. Osborn crossed your desk? It happened in Avalon Hills."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
That gets another shake of the head. "It has not. I generally don't see the cases for anything other than homicides." There are enough of those piled up out there to cover her desk completely. It's a sad thing that their city sees so many violent crimes of that nature. The tide never seems to stop and the files stack up ever higher.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "Norman unexpectedly showed up for my birthday party...as he was believed to be dead until then it was rather a surprise. The Joker somehow got wind that he was there and lightly defended and attempted an impromptu kidnapping. A local hero called Goblin-girl intervened. I was observing at the time, and noted that Norman showed signs of superhuman reflexes. The police report, if accurate, may make mention of the fact that Norman's hands were covered in paintball paint...they got that way when he interposed his hands between the Joker and the shots from her hero's weapon that were possibly intended to blind the villain." The paintball are one of those things she uses when fighting in crowded areas, they do no lasting damage.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"Why would Norman Osborn be protecting the Joker?" Beth asks outloud, knowing there isn't an answer for it. "Especially if he was going to be the victim. Makes no sense. I'll talk to the detective's on the case but I'm not sure what you want to know that you don't already. Since you were there, you probably have more information than the file does."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah shrugs, "I can not speak for Norman, but the information I have suggests that the explosion at the Oscorp lab may have something to do with Norman possessing abnormal physical abilities, and possibly with him being mentally unstable as well. Unfortunately I lack evidence to support this information, which is why I wanted to find out about the Explosion." Of course, part of that information came from Norman, when Goblin-Girl confronted him, but nothing he said was admissible in court.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
Beth lets out a low whistle. "You have gotten yourself into quite the mess." Now that she is hearing the unstable part, warning bells are going off. He's running for mayor of New York and he has a lot of power in his company. "I'll ask around quietly but like I said, if it's considered National Security, it would set off all sorts of alarms if we poked too much. From the law enforcement side. The government would have it flagged and tell us to back off. I'll see though. That's the worst that can happen at least."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah says, "That is all I have at the moment, but I will see about getting to speak with Mr. Osborn very soon. Thank you, in advance, for any help you may be able to give."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
"Alright. Thank you for coming in so quickly. Please, let me know after you talk to Norman Osborn." Beth wants to be sure what is shared. "Other than that, I'll let you know if I can even get close to the lab explosion files."