3054/A meeting in Suicide slum.

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A meeting in Suicide slum.
Date of Scene: 10 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Glacier, Kaydin LeGraize

Glacier has posed:
Wrapped up in a pair of thick blankets standing on a street corner is a woman of indeterminate build. She just seems to be eyeing the people coming and going around the low income apartments. She could easily be written off as one of the homeless weirdos this place attracts, save for her breath coming and going in frigid gasps. It's cold out, but nowhere near -that- cold.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    The sound of Spraypaint can be heard as the corner is being painted. It was a mural of a man flying high in the sky with an S on his chest. He finishes and looks to his work. "Now that is a work of art." He says as he smirks, putting his can of paint into the backpack and looks around to see if people were going to get him into trouble. No one but a hobo.

Glacier has posed:
The woman's gaze slowly drifted toward the young man, and stuck there for a few uncomfortable moments. Eventually, she decided to start approaching. No words, no "Hey, you!", just a straight march toward the man.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Hello." Kaydin says when she gets close enough. He slings his pack over his shoulder and adjusts it on his shoulder before looking around then back to the woman wrapped in blankets. "You okay?" He asks as he seems concerned about her.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell slowed to a stop as she got within a dozen or so feet of the young man. She hesitated for a few moments, stared down at her bare feet, then looked back up and spoke. "H-...Have you seen...a-a big guy around here? Bald, uhm...denim jacket...?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Fraid not." Kaydin says as he watches her and moves a hand to her head to see if she was running a fever. "You sure you alright?" He asks as he watches the woman. "Dont you got a home to go to?" He asks with some concern.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell quickly took a step back before Kaydin could set his hand on her forehead. Still, the air suddenly got much colder about five feet away from her. "I-I'm fine, just...looking for...s-...someone." She nodded to him, then started to shuffle off, with almost a suspiciously hurried speed.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin keeps up with the woman. "Anything else about the guy you are looking for?" He asks curiously as he watches the woman and waits for her response. easily keeping speed with the woman. He looks around then looks to maya.