3409/Another day in the danger room

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Another day in the danger room
Date of Scene: 16 December 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaydin LeGraize, Rift

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin was allowed access to the base under the school, and while he would love to explore the place, he knows he shouldnt push buttons when it came to the people here. He blurs into the room and he looks around for anyone else. He checks his phone for the time and drinks some gatorade which he brought with him. Something told him he would need all the energy he can get.

Rift has posed:
A portal tears open in the hallway outside the Danger Room. Having been here once before, she was able to return, and was told that as long as she doesn't try to go where she's not wanted, it's allowable. Going from the privacy of her dorm room directly here ensures that she won't be followed. "Kaydin - are we going to go together this time?" she asks, eyebrow raised.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Looks like." Kaydin says as he puts his phone back into his pocket and he looks around. "So do you know how to make the room do stuff? Because I have no clue." He says as he watches her, letting her figure out how the room works. He then looks around. "Pretty big place. Dont see whats so dangerous about it." He says as he then turns back to the woman.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Oh right - last few times Cyclops ran them..." She ponders as she looks over there. She then says, "Ummmm..." She ponders. "Danger Room... training course level one?" she calls out, not really sure it'd work. She starts hearing things hum to life.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "It responds to voice commands? Danger room get me a coke and burger." He calls out and nothing happens. "Figures." Kaydin says as he begins to ready himself. He then looks to Kitora and smiles. "Ready to begin?" He asks as he smirks. He waits now for the room to do something to him.

Rift has posed:
The room's walls ripple as an urban scene forms. She looks around, frowning softly, as she floats up, ready to move at a moment's notice. "Hmmmmm. This ia a rough-looking part of town... I'd suggest we take cover..." Shouts and gunfire can be heard. "Gang war..." she mutters softly as she floats up, hugging the wall of a building five floors up in a window well.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Right." Kaydin says as he looks around to see the various people shooting at each other. He moves with superhuman speed to the people with guns, moving to try and disarm them, moving from person to person. He looks around for Kitora to see where she went. "Where did you go?" He calls out as he moves.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua gets her phone and sends you a text. <Look up.> She is floatnig over your head. <Be careful,> she sends again. <I think they're going to open fire.> She then eeeeps as indeed, one of the holographic gang members start shooting. Rift looks for something as she finds a gargoyle statue which she floats above the gang bangers and lowers it down to block the gunfire... hoping that nobody will look up enough to see where it came from.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin looks to his phone then looks up to see her floating. When the bullets start flying he dodges the shots and begins to move amongst the gunmen, reaching into a pocket for a multitool and begins to use it to start taking the guns apart, before their eyes the guns begin to disassemble and be reduced to base components.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua meeeeeps as a few start taking potshots at her, some of the smarter ones figuring it out as she dodges the bullets, growling as she fires bits of masonry and bricks at the ones shooting at her as she stays in the air, moving fast - not as fast as a speedster, but becoming an unreliable target as she then lands on the side of the building out of view as she considers other options.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    It doesnt take long but soon enough the speedster warrants the attention from the shooters as he decides to punch one of the gang bangers in the face. He shakes his hand as he hit the man harder then intended and begins to run in circles surrounding the men. Slowly, one by one, he begins weaving in and punching them. "Dodging the bullets is relatively easy, its knocking them out which is the hard part." He says loud enough to be heard.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she is orbited by several small pieces of masonry and stuff. "I find the opposite true," she states as she rains pain from above, pinpoint strikes on the gun-hands or heads of the gangbangers disabling them.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin moves around at superhuman speeds, the lightning arcing around him is the only real sign he was there. He then circles around a guy only to rush in and punch the man. "I figured you could manipulate the bullet's gravity to make it miss." He says as he watches the people and punches those he can. He also dodges the projectiles that Kitora hurls.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua frowns. "It's surprisingly difficult to mess with bullets... they are so tiny, so light, but move so fast... gravity has little effect on them... I'm nervous to try without a lot of practice..." There is a faint glowing mark on her right arm that hasn't yet gone away yet. Soon enough all the gang members on both sides are down, and as the whine of police sirens gets closer, the simulation ends. "You alright?" she asks.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin stops when the simulation ends and looks to the woman. "Yea just fine." He says as he pockets the multitool and takes a drink from his gatorade. He then offers it to her to see if she wants to drink.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yes please," she states as she lands by you, taking a sip. "I'm starving," she mutters, fishing out a proteir bar and devouring it quickly. "Yeah - bullets are not easy to mess with. I can only do so much against them. Maybe with practice... slower larger projectiles - that's easy."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he watches her. "Yea I am hungry too. I know a pizza place which has good pizza." Kaydin says as he watches the woman. "its eight bucks per pie so it is pretty good." Kaydin says as he begins to move with her. "The bullet moves to me like this." He says as he demonstrates by moving his hand at a snail's pace. "So easy to catch and dodge."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I'll get us out of here. Elevators are too slow, right?" she asks, winking as a portal tears open, showing the forest behind the Xavier's School - nobody's around. "I wanted to check on Dusty anyway. A stray cat I like to feed." She steps through and gestures for you to follow. "Then we can go have some pizza."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "If you need a place to take the cat I can Miss Grey to see if they allow pets here." Kaydin says as he nods at the woman and follows after her, deciding to try the teleportation out with the woman. "Sounds like a plan to me. I enjoy pizza."