996/Nura Nal's Arrival

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Nura Nal's Arrival
Date of Scene: 17 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Dream Girl, Invisible Kid, Magno, Brainiac 5

Dream Girl has posed:
    Metropolis is as lovely as one could think, even in the future. People seem to be walking around, either doing their exercises or walking their way to work. It's a rather lovely day as well, not too hot, but not too cold. Near the park, however, there seems to be a blonde woman sitting on a bench with her legs crossed.

Or she was.

Suddenly, she stands up and moves to another bench, carrying a backpack and sits down in the middle of it....just a couple of seconds before an out-of-control bicyclist is catapaulted over the bench. The bicyclist is fine, but the blonde has an amused expression as the bicyclist looks at her with an awed expression.

"You should be more careful." Nura tells the bicyclist.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    There is the briefest of ruckuses in the direction of the fountain outside the Museum of Natural History. A splash. A gurgle. A shortish young man shaking his fist at the sky and saying something along the lines of "I'll get you for that, Greenie!" and then vanishing into thin air.
    Invisibly, Lyle takes to the air, scanning the area for his missing teammate... and trying not to drip on anyone. "Nura?" he whispers into the radio. "I'm in the area but tracking is still spotty, and I don't see you anywhere yet."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "I am near the park, Lyle." Nura whispers into her ring as she gets her bag and helps the bicyclist up. Ironically, by picking the bag up, she has foiled a purse snatching by the 'distraction' given by the bicyclist. She remains polite to the bicyclist until....."You should really get away from pickpocketing. You and your friend can do so many more thing, and more beneficial to others, instead of pickpocketing. Otherwise, you're going to get caught."

Magno has posed:
Dyrk's portal, however, opens up *out of the way* of the fountain; and Lyle's splash and tangle is quietly hilarious. Dyrk hasn't bothered to be incognito, mostly because they've been in New York and people are wandering around in all kinds of costumes and outfits - his Science Police uniform stands out but it's usually hardly the weirdest thing.

"We shouldn't be far, Lyle," he says over the comm - even though Lyle's drip pattern should be easy enough to follow. When Nura chimes in with her precise location, Dyrk looks about to see where that might be and steer himself - on foot - over thataways.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle hovers over the fountain to wring out the worst of the water -- no one will notice the dripping there -- and then heads in that direction as well. "I see you," he says, "and a welcome sight it is!"
    Two damp footprints appear on the pavement a meter and a half to Nura's side. Not that Lyle has any expectation of surprising her, even invisible.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
In the middle of the plaza, in a spot where not a lot of people have congregated, there's a sudden flash of ozone smell and the greasy feel just before a severe thunderstorm begins to roll in, just before it's blown away by the wind. A pinpoint of blue light suddenly opens with a *Zzzzrrrrp!* noise and Brainiac 5 steps through, carrying his Omnicom.

It closes behind him, and he says "Excellent. Stable short-range slip-gates, working exactly as planned. Of course they do though -- I invented them!"

Dream Girl has posed:
    Nura stands up and looks over to where the portal will open up, but she says 'Greetings, Lyle. It is lovely to see you as well." She says before walking over towards where Querl appears and smiles to him. "Hello again, Querl." And she hands him the bag she's carrying. "It is the calibrator, and information you shall need to keep our devices working in THIS timeline, with more ready made materials." She then looks over her shoulder. "Is Dyrk still with you, Lyle?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle flicks back into view. "He's on his way; I lost sight of him on the ground." Brainy gets an odd look, roughly equal parts 'okay smart guy, that was a good one' and 'my revenge will be sweet and well-savored'. "Better let me have that equipment, Nura. Obviously Brainy's latest needs a little adjustment, and I'll have to take care of that." A beat. "Again."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl tilts his head and raises an eyebrow... but he lets Nura pass the equipment to Invisible Kid. Instead he gets out his omnicom and runs a general physical scan of Dream Girl, Bip-bip-bip-bip. "You're perfectly healthy. Excellent." Then he looks up, and glances back to Lyle and up. "We should have better luck now that the Cruiser's scanner and communications systems are up and running."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "That was why I came through the time bubble. I knew it would malfunction and strand me here. So, I brought along equipment for us to help calibrate the flight rings and communicators." Nura smiles, then hugs Querl, then Lyle. "We shouldn't stay in the cruiser too much though, Querl. There may be heroes down here, but we should help out as much as possible." She then looks to Lyle. "You too."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Well, we've been busy up there," Lyle says. "Opportunities to get away have been limited. And of course *someone* has to keep an eye on Brainy in the lab. You know how he gets." That, with a disingenuous grin. "But I think things are stable enough up there now that we can. And you're right, we should."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"The Legion's mandate stands," Querl says, smoothly, though when Nura hugs him, he does return it. Then he straightens back up, and says, "The wet look suits your hair, Invisible Kid." He smirks, and looks away. "You'll find a berth has already been put aside for you on the Cruiser, Nura. They're not luxurious but feel free to arrange things to suit you."

Dream Girl has posed:
    Nura smiles to Querl and Lyle. "Naturally." She then looks to Lyle. "By the way, my flight ring is calibrated for the current times. The flight belt can be calibrated in the same way. And....if I might advise, we need to find a way to look inconspicuous while we're in this time. I defer to your leadership, Querl."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "If yours isn't off like the rest of them, that's perfect. That gives us the baseline we've been needing, So we can use the variances we've already noted from the other Legionnaires we've found to improve the tracking system." Lyle nods once to Querl. "We're still not sure who's here, who's back in our home time, or what. Nothing like having multiple projects to fill your time..."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Yes, well, with the two of you, I can finally start to get a handle on those projects. And I can FINALLY float the idea of holding a proper election so I can get out of the Captain's chair and back into the lab where I belong." Querl's not even floating the idea that people might vote for him. "In any event, while the weather is charming and the people are colorful, I have this issue I need to work out where K.O.K.O. is only providing bananas and peanuts via the replicate."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Then he adds, with a thoughtful drawl, "As an aside, dinner tonight is bananas and peanuts."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "As soon as we can figure out a way to earn money, we'll see if we can get some food from here. I've been wanting to try something called a Cheeseburger here." Nura actually bounces with excitement. "For now, lets head back to the cruiser and put those instruments to good use." She then looks to Querl. "As for leader, I'll put myself up for election."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Bananas. Nuts. Obviously, K.O.K.O has been watching you in the lab, Brainy." The grin that Lyle gave with that remark morphs into one of relief. "That's good to hear, Nura. I don't want it any more than Brainy does, and he's been talking election since I first found him here."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"It's some quirk in its behavior matrix," Querl says, waving a hand. It's because he based the AI's behavior matrix ON HIS HELPER MONKEY. "There are other issues we need to put on the table soon, too, such as restoring Magno to full member status permanently--" He pauses, "Speaking of, let me go find him... Lyle, please Slip-Gate Nura to the Cruiser and get her settled in."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "All right. We need to get things squared away anyways." Nura says as she heads for the portal. "It is good to see you all again." She says as she enters the portal to head to the ship. No....nothing conspicuous about that....not at all.