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|Citizenship=Akiar Imperium
|Citizenship=Akiar Imperium
|Education=College equivalent
|Education=College equivalent
|Groups=[[Titans|Teen Titans]] (ally), [[Young Justice]]
|Quote="This is some Terran thing I won't understand, isn't it?"
|Quote="This is some Terran thing I won't understand, isn't it?"
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'''RP/OOC Note''': Characters may or may not know ''about'' Kían's homeworld (if there's a reason they could or should), but none should know it personally or in great detail.  His people have had '''no''' First Contacts (Kían's accidental appearance on Earth notwithstanding).  They know about other intelligences only through radio astronomy, and may be known to others the same way, but they have neither initiated nor responded to any actual attempts at communication.  At no time should Kían be given the opportunity to go home: he ''will'', and that's not conducive to long term RP.  ;)
'''RP/OOC Note''': Characters may or may not know ''about'' Kían's homeworld (if there's a reason they could or should), but none should know it personally or in great detail.  His people have had '''no''' First Contacts (Kían's accidental appearance on Earth notwithstanding).  They know about other intelligences only through radio astronomy, and may be known to others the same way, but they have neither initiated nor responded to any actual attempts at communication.  At no time should Kían be given the opportunity to go home: he ''will'', and that's not conducive to long term RP.  ;)
|Description=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían is, first and foremost, a birdman.&nbsp; That much is obvious from the wings sprouting from his back, marked like a red-tailed hawk's.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rest of him is essentially humanoid, if small.&nbsp; He barely clears five feet tall, but it's not just a matter of being short.&nbsp; It's more like he's entirely scaled down.&nbsp; His hair is brown with a ruddy tinge, worn long.&nbsp; It's tied back in a loose tail, with the end dangling to just above his wingbases.&nbsp; Eyes: two, both hazel and deep set.&nbsp; Skin: coppery, reminiscent of Native American.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If there's a gram of fat on him anywhere, it's well hidden.&nbsp; He's tightly muscled overall, like a gymnast, and broad-shouldered, which shouldn't be a surprise considering the wings.&nbsp; Apart from the wings, the other physical differences are his hands and feet: three long fingers and a thumb closer to the center of the heel of the palm on each hand.&nbsp; The feet have three longish toes and an extended heel, well-suited to gripping a stout branch.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's dressed in the style of his people: soft-soled sandals that lace up the calves, a kilt, sometimes a sleeveless shirt that loops around his lower back and neck only to keep his wings free, and always a pendant carved of some fine-grained wood in the form of a stylized hawk between the points of a crescent moon.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, and when he's agitated, he might have a sky-blue aura….
|Description=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían is, first and foremost, a birdman.&nbsp; That much is obvious from the wings sprouting from his back, marked like a red-tailed hawk's.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The rest of him is essentially humanoid, if small.&nbsp; He barely clears five feet tall, but it's not just a matter of being short.&nbsp; It's more like he's entirely scaled down.&nbsp; His hair is brown with a ruddy tinge, worn long.&nbsp; It's tied back in a loose tail, with the end dangling to just above his wingbases.&nbsp; Eyes: two, both hazel and deep set.&nbsp; Skin: coppery, reminiscent of Native American.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If there's a gram of fat on him anywhere, it's well hidden.&nbsp; He's tightly muscled overall, like a gymnast, and broad-shouldered, which shouldn't be a surprise considering the wings.&nbsp; Apart from the wings, the other physical differences are his hands and feet: three long fingers and a thumb closer to the center of the heel of the palm on each hand.&nbsp; The feet have three longish toes and an extended heel, well-suited to gripping a stout branch.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He's dressed in the style of his people: soft-soled sandals that lace up the calves, a kilt, sometimes a sleeveless shirt that loops around his lower back and neck only to keep his wings free, and always a pendant carved of some fine-grained wood in the form of a stylized hawk between the points of a crescent moon.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Oh, and when he's agitated, he might have a sky-blue aura….
|History=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían's life was uneventful enough until about half a year after his coming of age rite.&nbsp; Then it took an odd turn.&nbsp; Metas are very rare on his world—maybe one a century across the whole population on average—so of course it was of great import.&nbsp; And utterly and completely upended his whole world.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the plus side, Kían was already leaning towards the sciences as far as his education went.&nbsp; However, he never expected to '''be''' science.&nbsp; The best description that any of the researchers ever came up with for him was 'physics elemental'.&nbsp; He could convert one form of energy to another, or energy to matter (mainly <sup>56</sup>Fe) or matter to energy (very carefully).&nbsp; He studied—and was studied—at the Imperial University of Kyshán, gaining the rough equivalent of a master's degree in physics before the researchers threw up their collective hands and referred him to the Imperial University of Akiár, on the homeworld itself.&nbsp; Kían was certainly willing to take advantage of the opportunity, and was well resigned to being poked and prodded further since that would also mean studying at the best university on all three of his people's worlds.&nbsp; So he put his home on Kyshán in maintenance mode, giving detailed instructions to all the automated systems, and boarded a transport to take him to the homeworld.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And then things got even weirder.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If Kían was a physics elemental, he's definitely bound to the physics of the regular universe.&nbsp; When the transport switched from regular space to tachyon space, Kían's meta rejected that change and… bounced.&nbsp; He should have gone into trans-lightspeed space with the ship for the trip to the homeworld, and instead he rejectod to, well, the Gods only know where.&nbsp; This very strange planet populated by people that are broadly similar to his, except they lack the ''ki'thar'' and ''kan'thar'', the telepathy and wings that all Kían's people have.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This may be a little awkward.
|History=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían's life was uneventful enough until about half a year after his coming of age rite.&nbsp; Then it took an odd turn.&nbsp; Metas are very rare on his world—maybe one a century across the whole population on average—so of course it was of great import.&nbsp; And utterly and completely upended his whole world.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;On the plus side, Kían was already leaning towards the sciences as far as his education went.&nbsp; However, he never expected to '''be''' science.&nbsp; The best description that any of the researchers ever came up with for him was 'physics elemental'.&nbsp; He could convert one form of energy to another, or energy to matter (mainly <sup>56</sup>Fe) or matter to energy (very carefully).&nbsp; He studied—and was studied—at the Imperial University of Kyshán, gaining the rough equivalent of a master's degree in physics before the researchers threw up their collective hands and referred him to the Imperial University of Akiár, on the homeworld itself.&nbsp; Kían was certainly willing to take advantage of the opportunity, and was well resigned to being poked and prodded further since that would also mean studying at the best university on either of his people's worlds.&nbsp; So he put his home on Kyshán in maintenance mode, giving detailed instructions to all the automated systems, and boarded a transport to take him to the homeworld.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And then things got even weirder.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If Kían was a physics elemental, he's definitely bound to the physics of the regular universe.&nbsp; When the transport switched from regular space to tachyon space, Kían's meta rejected that change and… bounced.&nbsp; He should have gone into trans-lightspeed space with the ship for the trip to the homeworld, and instead he rejected to, well, the Gods only know where.&nbsp; This very strange planet populated by people that are broadly similar to his, except they lack the ''ki'thar'' and ''kan'thar'', the telepathy and wings that all Kían's people have.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This may be a little awkward.
|Personality=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían is a generally pleasant sort.&nbsp; He hasn't a mean bone in his body.&nbsp; However, he is easily confused by Terran ways of doing things, and resists assimilation into Earth culture, since it isn't his own and he shouldn't have to do things that way.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He does do a few things that are perfectly normal for his people, but that Terrans might find disconcerting or even annoying.&nbsp; First off, he has no concept of lying—all his people are telepaths, lying simply isn't an option.&nbsp; So he says what's on his mind, regardless of whether it's the politic thing to say and asking his opinion can be… interesting ("Does this dress make me look fat?"&nbsp; "No, your body fat does that.").&nbsp; He ''is'' capable of not telling the entire truth or hiding behind a ''non sequitur'' ("Does this dress make me look fat?"&nbsp; "It's a pretty color.") but an outright lie is more alien to him than he is to this planet.&nbsp; And the flip side to that is that he also has no concept of being lied '''to'''.&nbsp; This might be humorous when taking a metaphor literally… or dangerous because he will as willingly take '''anyone's''' word as true.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Second, the only wingless people he's used to dealing with are children, so he has to remind himself sometimes that he's dealing with other adults and not to condescend or dismiss.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last, and probably most dangerously for himself, he has no real concept of violence as something that anyone deliberately does.&nbsp; In fact, in his language, the words for 'violence' and 'insanity' are cognate.&nbsp; In his mind, weather is violent, seismic activity is violent, and people are ''not'' violent.&nbsp; It wouldn't occur to him that there are those on Earth that would be perfectly willing—some even happy—to do him harm, and he's perfectly capable of greeting a supervillain (at least one unknown to him) with friendly innocence.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Outside of that, he's nice enough.&nbsp; A little excitable sometimes.&nbsp; Curious as all get out.&nbsp; Embarrassed by his powers—not the wings and telepathy, those are normal, of course.
|Personality=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kían is a generally pleasant sort.&nbsp; He hasn't a mean bone in his body.&nbsp; However, he is easily confused by Terran ways of doing things, and resists assimilation into Earth culture, since it isn't his own and he shouldn't have to do things that way.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He does do a few things that are perfectly normal for his people, but that Terrans might find disconcerting or even annoying.&nbsp; First off, he has no concept of lying—all his people are telepaths, lying simply isn't an option.&nbsp; So he says what's on his mind, regardless of whether it's the politic thing to say and asking his opinion can be… interesting ("Does this dress make me look fat?"&nbsp; "No, your body fat does that.").&nbsp; He ''is'' capable of not telling the entire truth or hiding behind a ''non sequitur'' ("Does this dress make me look fat?"&nbsp; "It's a pretty color.") but an outright lie is more alien to him than he is to this planet.&nbsp; And the flip side to that is that he also has no concept of being lied '''to'''.&nbsp; This might be humorous when taking a metaphor literally… or dangerous because he will as willingly take '''anyone's''' word as true, hero or villain.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Second, the only wingless people he's used to dealing with are children, so he has to remind himself sometimes that he's dealing with other adults and not to condescend or dismiss.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Last, and probably most dangerously for himself, he has no real concept of violence as something that anyone deliberately does.&nbsp; In fact, in his language, the words for 'violence' and 'insanity' are cognate.&nbsp; In his mind, weather is violent, seismic activity is violent, and people are ''not'' violent.&nbsp; It wouldn't occur to him that there are those on Earth that would be perfectly willing—some even happy—to do him harm, and he's perfectly capable of greeting a supervillain (at least one unknown to him) with friendly innocence.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Outside of that, he's nice enough.&nbsp; A little excitable sometimes.&nbsp; Curious as all get out.&nbsp; Embarrassed by his powers—not the wings and telepathy, those are normal, of course.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FLIGHT'''</span><br>Kían has wings, and they work.&nbsp; Flight is as natural to him as walking is to a typical Terran, and with judicious use of thermals and gliding, he can keep it up for hours without tiring.&nbsp; While he normally couldn't keep up the pace for long, he can push up to around 125kph in level flight and much higher in a dive, although in normal, casual flight he wouldn't get much above 60kph.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''KEEN VISION'''</span><br>Kían quite literally has eyes like a hawk.&nbsp; He has remarkable distance vision, in the vicinity of 20/2 or 20/3.&nbsp; He also has a little night vision, and a rudimentary ''tapetum lucidum'', so he has a faint red eye shine in the dark, like an owl.&nbsp; Which is probably a little creepy.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LIFE SUPPORT'''</span><br>Kian's powers appear to support him physically—he does not have the biological need to eat, drink or sleep, although he may choose to do so.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''PHYSICS ELEMENTAL'''</span><br>Kían's powers are primarily about energy and forces—generating, dissipating, concentrating, and/or converting it not only between forms, but to and from matter, in accordance with E=m''c''<sup>2</sup>.&nbsp; An upper bound has not been reliably determined due to his unwillingness to really let loose; the most he is known to have handled in one instance is converting the entire energy output of a damaged fusion drive on a small space hopper to a tiny pellet of <sup>56</sup>Fe, before it could explode.&nbsp; This was the incident in which his powers were discovered.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since they are the most common, he is most comfortable with electromagnetic effects—one doesn't often encounter the strong and weak forces in daily life, at least in manipulable quantities—and has shown no sign of being able to manipulate gravity, so it appears that his abilities are essentially those that dominate the atomic and subatomic scales.&nbsp; When using these abilities, or when agitated, he may develop a harmless blue aura, similar in color and form to Cherenkov radiation.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TELEPATHY'''</span><br>All of Kían's people are telepaths—freely with other telepaths, but to make mental contact with a non-telepath, Kían will require physical contact.&nbsp; It is generally a surface level conversational type of communication, although with concentration Kían can go deeper into someone's mind (or his own).&nbsp; What Kían lacks is any sort of real mental shield.&nbsp; He can keep his mind to himself easily enough, but is accustomed to going about his daily life and dealing with friends and family with his mind a little bit open at all times—as was everyone else's.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''FLIGHT'''</span><br>Kían has wings, and they work.&nbsp; Flight is as natural to him as walking is to a typical Terran, and with judicious use of thermals and gliding, he can keep it up for hours without tiring.&nbsp; While he normally couldn't keep up the pace for long, he can push up to around 125kph in level flight and much higher in a dive, although in normal, casual flight he wouldn't get much above 60kph.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''KEEN VISION'''</span><br>Kían quite literally has eyes like a hawk.&nbsp; He has remarkable distance vision, in the vicinity of 20/2 or 20/3.&nbsp; He also has a little night vision, and a rudimentary ''tapetum lucidum'', so he has a faint red eye shine in the dark, like an owl.&nbsp; Which is probably a little creepy.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LIFE SUPPORT'''</span><br>Kian's powers appear to support him physically—he does not have the biological need to eat, drink or sleep, although he may choose to do so.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''PHYSICS ELEMENTAL'''</span><br>Kían's powers are primarily about energy and forces—generating, dissipating, concentrating, and/or converting it not only between forms, but to and from matter, in accordance with E=m''c''<sup>2</sup>.&nbsp; An upper bound has not been reliably determined due to his unwillingness to really let loose; the most he is known to have handled in one instance is converting the entire energy output of a damaged fusion drive on a small space hopper to a tiny pellet of <sup>56</sup>Fe, before it could explode.&nbsp; This was the incident in which his powers were discovered.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since they are the most common, he is most comfortable with electromagnetic effects—one doesn't often encounter the strong and weak forces in daily life, at least in manipulable quantities—and has shown no sign of being able to manipulate gravity, so it appears that his abilities are essentially those that dominate the atomic and subatomic scales.&nbsp; When using these abilities, or when agitated, he may develop a harmless blue aura, similar in color and form to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherenkov_radiation Cherenkov radiation].<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TELEPATHY'''</span><br>All of Kían's people are telepaths—freely with other telepaths, but to make mental contact with a non-telepath, Kían will require physical contact.&nbsp; It is generally a surface level conversational type of communication, although with concentration Kían can go deeper into someone's mind (or his own).&nbsp; What Kían lacks is any sort of real mental shield.&nbsp; He can keep his mind to himself easily enough, but is accustomed to going about his daily life and dealing with friends and family with his mind a little bit open at all times—as was everyone else's.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''AEROBATICS'''</span><br>Kían doesn't just fly, he flies well.&nbsp; Once in the air, he is graceful, agile and fast—difficult to catch or hit.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EDUCATION'''</span><br>In the course of learning about his powers, and studying them, and of being studied, Kían became fascinated with the science behind them and has the educational equivalent of roughly a master's degree in general physics, specializing of course in the fields related to his powers.&nbsp; Along the way he's picked up quite a bit of advanced maths, and astronomy just because it's always fascinated him.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''AEROBATICS'''</span><br>Kían doesn't just fly, he flies well.&nbsp; Once in the air, he is graceful, agile and fast—difficult to catch or hit.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''EDUCATION'''</span><br>In the course of learning about his powers, and studying them, and of being studied, Kían became fascinated with the science behind them and has the educational equivalent of roughly a master's degree in general physics, specializing of course in the fields related to his powers.&nbsp; Along the way he's picked up quite a bit of advanced maths, and astronomy just because it's always fascinated him.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BUPKUS'''</span><br>Kían has nothing.&nbsp; He arrived on this world with the clothes on his back and that was pretty much it.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''BUPKUS'''</span><br>Kían has nothing.&nbsp; He arrived on this world with the clothes on his back and that was pretty much it.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CLAUSTROPHOBIA'''</span><br>Kían is catastrophically claustrophobic.&nbsp; He will be uncomfortable in any room that's too small to let him just hover in, and will resist going in a room too small for him to spread his wings.&nbsp; He might be coaxed into a van if there was a need to transport him somewhere and it wouldn't take long, but a car is completely out of the question.&nbsp; Seal him into a genuinely tiny space, like a closet, and there will be screaming, pounding, and ultimately the sound of a body going slack and unconscious—no, it won't occur to him that he might be able to blast his way out, not in the state of panic he'll be in.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENERGY DRAIN'''</span><br>While Kían's meta is defense against incoming energy attacks, it is vulnerable to energy drain attacks.&nbsp; Rather than shut down and starve the attack, his meta feeds it, a process that Kían finds difficult to control and physically disconcerting, eventually painful if it goes on long enough.&nbsp; The longer it goes on, the more difficult it becomes to bring under control.&nbsp; It is not known if this would ultimately be fatal—needless to say, Kían is in no hurry to find out.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LEARNING CURVE'''</span><br>He's new to Earth.&nbsp; He doesn't know the language or the planet's ways.&nbsp; And he has no way home, so he's going to have to figure things out the hard way.&nbsp; (Note—this will be less of a disadvantage over time, of course)
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''CLAUSTROPHOBIA'''</span><br>Kían is catastrophically claustrophobic.&nbsp; He will be uncomfortable in any room that's too small to let him just hover in, and will resist going in a room too small for him to spread his wings.&nbsp; He might be coaxed into a van if there was a need to transport him somewhere and it wouldn't take long, but a car is completely out of the question.&nbsp; Seal him into a genuinely tiny space, like a closet, and there will be screaming, pounding, and ultimately the sound of a body going slack and unconscious—no, it won't occur to him that he might be able to blast his way out, not in the state of panic he'll be in.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENERGY DRAIN'''</span><br>While Kían's meta is defense against incoming energy attacks, it is vulnerable to energy drain attacks.&nbsp; Rather than shut down and starve the attack, his meta feeds it, a process that Kían finds difficult to control and physically disconcerting, eventually painful if it goes on long enough.&nbsp; The longer it goes on, the more difficult it becomes to bring under control.&nbsp; It is not known if this would ultimately be fatal—needless to say, Kían is in no hurry to find out.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LEARNING CURVE'''</span><br>He's new to Earth.&nbsp; He doesn't know the language or the planet's ways.&nbsp; And he has no way home, so he's going to have to figure things out the hard way.&nbsp; (Note—this will be less of a disadvantage over time, of course)
[[Category:Alien]][[Category:Young Justice]][[Category:Titans]]

Latest revision as of 00:42, 2 September 2020

Kian (Scenesys ID: 80)
"This is some Terran thing I won't understand, isn't it?"
Full Name: Kían t'Káeh
Gender: Male
Species: Akiár
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Undertermined
Citizenship: Akiar Imperium
Residence: Unknown
Education: College equivalent
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Date of Birth 5 August 2003 Actor:
Height: 155 cm Weight: 50 kg
Hair Color: Ruddy Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


    Kían is the proverbial fish out of water—or at least bird out of his usual sky.  Utterly unfamiliar with the planet Earth and its ways, very uncomfortable with his own powers, he has a whole lot of adjusting to do and probably not a lot of time to do it in.
    To those he does not know—which is almost everyone right now—he will be wary, but not unfriendly as such, and should be approached with caution.  Not out of any danger he presents, but to avoid scaring him away.

RP/OOC Note: Characters may or may not know about Kían's homeworld (if there's a reason they could or should), but none should know it personally or in great detail.  His people have had no First Contacts (Kían's accidental appearance on Earth notwithstanding).  They know about other intelligences only through radio astronomy, and may be known to others the same way, but they have neither initiated nor responded to any actual attempts at communication.  At no time should Kían be given the opportunity to go home: he will, and that's not conducive to long term RP.  ;)



Click to expand.
    Kían is, first and foremost, a birdman.  That much is obvious from the wings sprouting from his back, marked like a red-tailed hawk's.
    The rest of him is essentially humanoid, if small.  He barely clears five feet tall, but it's not just a matter of being short.  It's more like he's entirely scaled down.  His hair is brown with a ruddy tinge, worn long.  It's tied back in a loose tail, with the end dangling to just above his wingbases.  Eyes: two, both hazel and deep set.  Skin: coppery, reminiscent of Native American.
    If there's a gram of fat on him anywhere, it's well hidden.  He's tightly muscled overall, like a gymnast, and broad-shouldered, which shouldn't be a surprise considering the wings.  Apart from the wings, the other physical differences are his hands and feet: three long fingers and a thumb closer to the center of the heel of the palm on each hand.  The feet have three longish toes and an extended heel, well-suited to gripping a stout branch.
    He's dressed in the style of his people: soft-soled sandals that lace up the calves, a kilt, sometimes a sleeveless shirt that loops around his lower back and neck only to keep his wings free, and always a pendant carved of some fine-grained wood in the form of a stylized hawk between the points of a crescent moon.
    Oh, and when he's agitated, he might have a sky-blue aura….


Click to expand.
    Kían's life was uneventful enough until about half a year after his coming of age rite.  Then it took an odd turn.  Metas are very rare on his world—maybe one a century across the whole population on average—so of course it was of great import.  And utterly and completely upended his whole world.
    On the plus side, Kían was already leaning towards the sciences as far as his education went.  However, he never expected to be science.  The best description that any of the researchers ever came up with for him was 'physics elemental'.  He could convert one form of energy to another, or energy to matter (mainly 56Fe) or matter to energy (very carefully).  He studied—and was studied—at the Imperial University of Kyshán, gaining the rough equivalent of a master's degree in physics before the researchers threw up their collective hands and referred him to the Imperial University of Akiár, on the homeworld itself.  Kían was certainly willing to take advantage of the opportunity, and was well resigned to being poked and prodded further since that would also mean studying at the best university on either of his people's worlds.  So he put his home on Kyshán in maintenance mode, giving detailed instructions to all the automated systems, and boarded a transport to take him to the homeworld.
    And then things got even weirder.
    If Kían was a physics elemental, he's definitely bound to the physics of the regular universe.  When the transport switched from regular space to tachyon space, Kían's meta rejected that change and… bounced.  He should have gone into trans-lightspeed space with the ship for the trip to the homeworld, and instead he rejected to, well, the Gods only know where.  This very strange planet populated by people that are broadly similar to his, except they lack the ki'thar and kan'thar, the telepathy and wings that all Kían's people have.
    This may be a little awkward.


Click to expand.
    Kían is a generally pleasant sort.  He hasn't a mean bone in his body.  However, he is easily confused by Terran ways of doing things, and resists assimilation into Earth culture, since it isn't his own and he shouldn't have to do things that way.
    He does do a few things that are perfectly normal for his people, but that Terrans might find disconcerting or even annoying.  First off, he has no concept of lying—all his people are telepaths, lying simply isn't an option.  So he says what's on his mind, regardless of whether it's the politic thing to say and asking his opinion can be… interesting ("Does this dress make me look fat?"  "No, your body fat does that.").  He is capable of not telling the entire truth or hiding behind a non sequitur ("Does this dress make me look fat?"  "It's a pretty color.") but an outright lie is more alien to him than he is to this planet.  And the flip side to that is that he also has no concept of being lied to.  This might be humorous when taking a metaphor literally… or dangerous because he will as willingly take anyone's word as true, hero or villain.
    Second, the only wingless people he's used to dealing with are children, so he has to remind himself sometimes that he's dealing with other adults and not to condescend or dismiss.
    Last, and probably most dangerously for himself, he has no real concept of violence as something that anyone deliberately does.  In fact, in his language, the words for 'violence' and 'insanity' are cognate.  In his mind, weather is violent, seismic activity is violent, and people are not violent.  It wouldn't occur to him that there are those on Earth that would be perfectly willing—some even happy—to do him harm, and he's perfectly capable of greeting a supervillain (at least one unknown to him) with friendly innocence.
    Outside of that, he's nice enough.  A little excitable sometimes.  Curious as all get out.  Embarrassed by his powers—not the wings and telepathy, those are normal, of course.


Click to expand.
Kían has wings, and they work.  Flight is as natural to him as walking is to a typical Terran, and with judicious use of thermals and gliding, he can keep it up for hours without tiring.  While he normally couldn't keep up the pace for long, he can push up to around 125kph in level flight and much higher in a dive, although in normal, casual flight he wouldn't get much above 60kph.

Kían quite literally has eyes like a hawk.  He has remarkable distance vision, in the vicinity of 20/2 or 20/3.  He also has a little night vision, and a rudimentary tapetum lucidum, so he has a faint red eye shine in the dark, like an owl.  Which is probably a little creepy.

Kian's powers appear to support him physically—he does not have the biological need to eat, drink or sleep, although he may choose to do so.

Kían's powers are primarily about energy and forces—generating, dissipating, concentrating, and/or converting it not only between forms, but to and from matter, in accordance with E=mc2.  An upper bound has not been reliably determined due to his unwillingness to really let loose; the most he is known to have handled in one instance is converting the entire energy output of a damaged fusion drive on a small space hopper to a tiny pellet of 56Fe, before it could explode.  This was the incident in which his powers were discovered.
    Since they are the most common, he is most comfortable with electromagnetic effects—one doesn't often encounter the strong and weak forces in daily life, at least in manipulable quantities—and has shown no sign of being able to manipulate gravity, so it appears that his abilities are essentially those that dominate the atomic and subatomic scales.  When using these abilities, or when agitated, he may develop a harmless blue aura, similar in color and form to Cherenkov radiation.

All of Kían's people are telepaths—freely with other telepaths, but to make mental contact with a non-telepath, Kían will require physical contact.  It is generally a surface level conversational type of communication, although with concentration Kían can go deeper into someone's mind (or his own).  What Kían lacks is any sort of real mental shield.  He can keep his mind to himself easily enough, but is accustomed to going about his daily life and dealing with friends and family with his mind a little bit open at all times—as was everyone else's.


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Kían doesn't just fly, he flies well.  Once in the air, he is graceful, agile and fast—difficult to catch or hit.

In the course of learning about his powers, and studying them, and of being studied, Kían became fascinated with the science behind them and has the educational equivalent of roughly a master's degree in general physics, specializing of course in the fields related to his powers.  Along the way he's picked up quite a bit of advanced maths, and astronomy just because it's always fascinated him.


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Kían has nothing.  He arrived on this world with the clothes on his back and that was pretty much it.


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Kían is catastrophically claustrophobic.  He will be uncomfortable in any room that's too small to let him just hover in, and will resist going in a room too small for him to spread his wings.  He might be coaxed into a van if there was a need to transport him somewhere and it wouldn't take long, but a car is completely out of the question.  Seal him into a genuinely tiny space, like a closet, and there will be screaming, pounding, and ultimately the sound of a body going slack and unconscious—no, it won't occur to him that he might be able to blast his way out, not in the state of panic he'll be in.

While Kían's meta is defense against incoming energy attacks, it is vulnerable to energy drain attacks.  Rather than shut down and starve the attack, his meta feeds it, a process that Kían finds difficult to control and physically disconcerting, eventually painful if it goes on long enough.  The longer it goes on, the more difficult it becomes to bring under control.  It is not known if this would ultimately be fatal—needless to say, Kían is in no hurry to find out.

He's new to Earth.  He doesn't know the language or the planet's ways.  And he has no way home, so he's going to have to figure things out the hard way.  (Note—this will be less of a disadvantage over time, of course)


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Title Date Scene Summary
Heroic Downtime February 12th, 2020 The Titans take a break from patrol to have shakes. When along came a spider who sat down beside her- err, them...
On Top of the World, or Titans Tower February 9th, 2020 Beast Boy finds Kian atop the roof of Titans Tower, doing some kind of ritual. He then finds another chance to help Kian feel more comfortable on Earth, in a way only he can.
The Bird is the Word January 19th, 2020 There is a meeting of minds — literally — in Kían's room.
Becoming Official is Awkward January 16th, 2020 Volt is suddenly inducted into the Titans as an official member! When Robin arrives, things become awkwardly intense as he appears to be more irritable than usual.
A Gathering of Titans Old and New January 13th, 2020 Titans meet for the traditional pizza, courtesy of Nightwing. The secrets of M.O.D.O.T.I.R, Skydancing, Carrie's life as a bird, and Ellie's name for Nightwing are discussed. Raven claims everything is fine, which means the world is ending.
Simply Shocking January 3rd, 2020 Robin and Kian have a, uh, debrief. Sort of. Volt and Kian go over the aftermath.
TITANS: Stay Outta Gotham November 27th, 2019 Beast Boy, Kían, Robin, Stardust and Volt investigate a warehouse owned by a New York gang with its eyes on Gotham. It starts with stealth, and ends with explosions and a T-Rex.
Titans: Alternating Currents November 23rd, 2019 Volt and Kian experiment with combining their powers, while Stardust prompts and heckles. Robin does not approve. Of ANYTHING.
Getting Settled November 17th, 2019 Summary needed
T is for Target November 15th, 2019 Taking Kian's advice and bundling his nerves, Volt decides to present himself to the Titans, where he meets Stardust. Kian flaps his way in to lend his voice to the awkward introduction, and he's brought in on a probationary level.
Aliens, Superheroes, and Lightning November 14th, 2019 Wherein Kian and Volt discuss aliens, idioms, and what defines a superhero, as well as the faint hopes that Volt may find a place with the Titans.
This Planet is Weird November 4th, 2019 A meeting of the alien Titans on the roof ends in a few surprises and a bit of nostalgia.
A Unusual Sight October 18th, 2019 Zorro meets a birdman and a angel
Sittin' on the Tower by the Bay October 3rd, 2019 Two teammates meet each other. Awkwardness ensues.
Gilding the Bird September 17th, 2019 A successful foray into the world of shopping for the Titans' resident alien, and green menagerie.
A Raw Fish Dish for a Bird, a Bot, and a Beast. September 8th, 2019 Garfield teaches a bird and an Android the joys of sushi.
Robini Eunt Domus September 3rd, 2019 Damian finally returns to the Tower, only to find that there's a second bunch of Titans running about.
A Bot Tweets and a Bird Beeps August 29th, 2019 Danger tries teaching Kían about the Internet, but there's one wee little stumbling block... he never learned to read English while learning to speak it. That will have to be corrected.
H.I.V.E: Stage Two August 18th, 2019 The mysterious forces that have been targeting the Titans have a new trick - fighting fire with fire. Anti-Raven and Anti-Stardust may be a match for their opposite numbers, but they can't defeat Titanic Teamwork!
Not Exactly a Flock of Seagulls August 15th, 2019 Gar finds Kian atop Titans Tower. They get to talking in depth for the first time, then go for a flight.
Pacifist Birds and Violent Blondes August 5th, 2019 Colette finally finds a training program that doesn't make Kían want to scream, and Cassie drops in to meet the bird.
Can I Walk into Your Parlor, Said the Spider to the Titans. August 3rd, 2019 Raven catches a spider at the Tower. Nobody blows him up. He's not going to be called Kid Arachnid. Nope. Nosirree. Not if he hangs around with the Titans. Awful name.
Oyster Bay is A-OK! July 29th, 2019 Supergirl and Kian meet! And he totally steals her fish from her fish and chips!
The Bird, the Bat, and the 'Bot July 24th, 2019 This log needs a summary
Into the Dangerrrr Room July 13th, 2019 Negasonic practices flying with the instruction of Colette and Kian. Vorpal and Beast Boy show up and derail the lesson with greetings and returns.
Titans: There May be a Pattern June 24th, 2019 The Titans start to suspect that someone's conspiring with all their most irritating c-list foes.  Kían learns about prisons, and thinks even less of planet Earth than he did before.  Raven doesn't make coffee.
Not Quite Sylvester and Tweety June 16th, 2019 Kian meets Akat, er, Catwoman
A wolf, A Dog and a Bird walk into a bar... June 12th, 2019 One wooden puppet. Three different ways of dealing with it.
Up On -- and Over -- the Roof. June 10th, 2019 A little meeting of minds on the Titans Tower roof.
Information Super Highway June 6th, 2019 Negasonic visits the Titans to get to know the team. She meets Nightwings Abs and other team members. This is going to go great.
Stars Align May 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Out of this world meeting! May 26th, 2019 Summary needed
A little Hide Away in Central park May 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Upstate Downtime May 19th, 2019 Kían needed to get away from the city for a while. He gets some unexpected company.
There's More to Life than Bats. May 16th, 2019 Kestrel visits the tower to fight Holo Ninjas. Kian refuses to fight Holo Ninjas, but agrees to help their Holo Victims. Negasonic visits to apply for the non-existent social media internship for a laugh. Colette takes it seriously, possibly also for a laugh. Kori fetches the pizzas, and everyone hopes she doesn't leave the mustard-free pies at the pizzeria.
Titans: For once the bird has wings. May 11th, 2019 Colette continues her recruitment drive by introducing Kian to Raven and Danger. Kian concludes that humans are weird, and he's not wrong.
Upon my Eagle's Wings April 29th, 2019 Kían visits the Titans Tower to offer his services, and finally finds a place to perch.
Rendezvous on the Rooftop April 26th, 2019 Kían makes some tentative moves back towards integrating into Earth culture. Koriand'r helps.
Ring Ring March 11th, 2018 Summary needed
The Wings Beneath Our Winds February 26th, 2018 Every Team Needs A Flying Person, Right?
Dunk your Donuts December 12th, 2017 Donuts are the Answer, Chocolate is a Drug, and it's time to communicate with the team about PLANS.
Space(tech) Oddity November 19th, 2017 Do Not Taunt Happy Apokalyps Funball. Failure to follow instructions may result in tentacles sprouting everywhere.
Kaydin's Pizza: 30 Seconds Or It's Free. October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Para-Para-Para-Para-Para-Chameleon... September 25th, 2017 Parademons. Ravens. Mirrors. Aliens. What else could you ask for?
Digging In The Dirt August 13th, 2017 Simon and Hecubah are unable to help a budget voudon when a Space Bird and Earth Oni get in their faces.
Caged August 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Terrible Mentoring August 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Close Encounters of the Bird Kind July 10th, 2017 Deadpool, Vorpal, Kian and Mikh walk into the park. Don't ask. It just gets weird.
Brooking No Nonsense July 9th, 2017 Wonderland comes to pay a visit to Brooklyn. It isn't pretty.
Unexpected Landings July 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Birds of a Feather June 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Birdwatching June 13th, 2017 A Satyr, a Cat and a Bird meet in a parking lot. ANd that isn't even the weirdest thing any of them have seen so far.
Log June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Featherfall May 31st, 2017 Is there life on Mars? Hard to tell, but Danny Wilde knows for sure there are bird-men in space. One of them just happens to fall nearby.


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