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Latest revision as of 12:31, 2 August 2018

When Egos Collide
Date of Scene: 07 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lobo, Beryl, Crusader, Gigas, Adam Warlock

Lobo has posed:
Laughter and yelling could be heard from outside the bar, as sitting outside was the last Czarnian, assassin to royalty and scourge of the cosmos. Lobo was sitting at a couple of tables that he'd smooshed together, so that he could lean his booted feet up on one of them while toasting Minoke next to him. His bottle of beer 'clinking' against whatever she chose for the occasion. They were rich enough that it didn't matter what she wanted, after all. The bounty hunter was decked out in his full garb, plus a dark green poncho draped over his body, that on closer inspection was was probably not intended to be a poncho. In his mouth a cigar was burning smoke into the sky.

"Maaan, I knew I had a good feeling about ya, kid. This is shapin' ta be a beautiful partnership, I'm happy I thought of it!"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods as she has a well-insulated mug full of a silvery fluid that looks like mercury. Not a lot. She takes a sip, sighing softly. "Yes - a good partnership. But I think you were a bit too rough with that one guy in the other system..." she muses. "Do you always have to be so rough, Lobo?" She smiles faintly, seeming to enjoy Lobo's company.

Crusader has posed:
Soon another presence enters the bar. The massive orc-like Vorn. While he isn't a well known bounty hunter...most don't know what he does, the metalic marble like orc has been around long enough that folks do not bother him
    A few steps in and he sees none other than Lobo and Minoke. He grunts with a "Heh. Seems she makin a life fer herself" he muses to himself. But none the less gives Minoke a friendly wave, before heading to the bar

Gigas has posed:
    The ground begins to shake. The sort of shaking that usually is accompanying the movement of some immense mining equipment or gigantic beast or thundering mech suit or trawler. Heavy TOOMS that shake whole of the area, creaking the wobbly structures and causing nearby bystanders to stumble as the bar itself quakes and drinks slosh about from the seismic event.

It's not long before the source makes itself -very- known as an entire wall, a half block away, sunders and tumbles forward from the immense body of an absolutely enormously muscled, bare chested, blue skinned brute who sort of plows through it with his monstrous pectorals serving like a bull dozer and the rest of him following suit.

Behind him, a trail of massive holes in walls shaped like him can be seen, going back a huge distance through the depths of Knowhere. Perhaps all the way back to the docking stations.

The living earthquake makes a bee line, moving directly towards the relaxing Lobo and sidekick. Dust falling from him as his muscles quake and bunch up like the movements of continental plates.

"....Are you Lobo?" he rumbles as he draws near, lifting up a meaty finger to point at the Czarnian.

Lobo has posed:
Lobo spoke while pulling his Rippergun out of its holster and examining the weapon. Every so often he'd wave it around and the bartender or some other patron would hit the dirt, but these things weren't noticed by Lobo. And as he ejected the magazine and started to quickly 'test' and quickly try to clean the gun in an amateurish way, he chuckled in response to Minoke's question.

"Listen, in our line of work, the bad guys never go in quietly. Ya heard me, I gave 'em every chance in the world to come quietly, an' what do they do? They throw up a door that ya gotta take care of, an' try fillin' me full of lasers. 'Course, they're full of somethin' else right now. Haw!"

As he spoke he noticed the Orc walk by. Lobo's red eyes were gleaming dangerously, his yellow incisors bared in a grimace as he just watched the man walk on by.

But that's before the shadow fell, looming over the ghost-skinned killer. Lobo lifted that stiff hat of his upwards, so that he could crane his neck to glance up at the hulking, Herculean form of Gigas. Lobo had never seen a Helicarrier before, but somehow, the comparison impossibly still hit his mind. But if he was intimidated, the man didn't show it. Instead, he snorted through his nose, and spat that cigar out of his mouth, letting the stub collide with the hulking alien form.

"Who the hell wants ta' know? Tell ya this, friendo, ya'd do well ta get outta my light, before I do somethin' about it."

His legs still propped up against the table, he took a long swig of whatever that booze was. Lobo had a feeling what could go down, and he was gonna have to deaden his nerves as much as possible before throwing down.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just stares at the gigantic person walking by - again. "Hey - go away. We're trying to realx here. And you're blocking the light!" She raises a finger and points it at Gigas, the tip of which starts to glow green. It may not seem like much, but it might be considered some kind of threat. "Unless... of course... you have work for us or something...."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looked to lobo red eyes as he passed. As the incisors were bared...he actually bares his own book, even uttering a low growl. He wasn't one to be intimidated very easily.

But alas, he came here for a drink! He stands at the bar "One GutBuster, extra jeraxian" he says. Good thing about knowhere was they have something from everywhere. But...his annoyance grows when a patron drops next to him...than one on his other side. He turns towards Lobo and says "Would you cu..." and than the bar keep keels over on the bar spilling his and everyone else drink

"By the damn cosmos. Kin folks least train frackin glub hopper how to use a gun" he was stareing at Lobo angrily now. But than came the walking ship. Vorn looks at Gigas...than behind Gigas "...Gigas...you really need to learn how to go...around buildings." he than looks to Gigas back to Lobo...and than at Gigas. "...joy" he swipes someone else drink and downs it. He can feel the charge in the air.

Gigas has posed:
"Who..who wants to know?? -I- want to know! Why do people keep asking me that....."

Gigas nostrils flare, sending a plume of wha appears to be super heated air billowing forth from them like some sort of cartoonish bull. The mist gathers around his head before it blasts away from a follow up snort and the giant lifts his other hand up to begin fiddling with the bracers on the outstretched finger pointing hand.

Straight away, a holographic image pops up of the self same individual that they had just been discussing having been rather 'rough' on. Uh oh.

"You took out a contact of mine that I needed for a high paying job related to The Kyln. You have cost me several contracts and a lot of resources and money due to your overzealous nature. He's is in no condition to be of any use to me now. So...now you will reimbursh me....by..."

His voice trails off as he takes note of Minoke and he just blinks in confusion.

"Hey..what the.. Weren't you just trying to get in good with The Guardians of the Galaxy?! How is it you have ended up here with him! You are...truly niaeve and prone to throwing yourself at anyone! You are even attempting to sound like him!"

he blinks a few more times and then peers at Minoke and then back to Lobo and then back again, "Do you..do you really need friends that badly?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Well...it -was- going to be a good day.

Adam was at the docks when he saw the trail of literal destruction that Gigas had left in his wake, and a deep sigh touched the Avatar of Life's features. Turning heel from his intended destination, his black and red cloak and robes trailing behind him, Adam Warlock simply followed the path.

"...why do I have a feeling there will be a confrontation ahead?" he asks himself, using his staff as a walking stick as usual. More than likely things were going badly over there, or at least he thought. Too many aggressive minds in one place leads to a bad meeting.

Lobo has posed:
The whole time, Lobo was looking upward at Gigas. And when the brickhouse from Hell started talking about "reimbursing", growl similar to a lion's came up in his throat even as he briefly stroked that powerful mustache of his. With a final sip of the backwater swill that was excused as "beer" here, the Main Man lazily tossed it aside(letting it shatter somewhere near Crusader), even as he very gently reloaded the Rippergun and reholstered it. He leaned back, pulling himself to a standing position even as he tossed aside the hat, and removed that 'poncho' that formerly used to be a very important religious tapestry, balling it up rudely and letting it cover the table. Now his upper body was only covered by a black leather vest, and the various tattoos adorning his body, and he was able to show off his own physique. Powerful and built for murder, it would be impressive next to anyone else...but not when he still had to crane his neck upward in order to look at his opponent.

"Well, ya make a good case fer yerself. But tell ya what, I got a compromise fer ya!"

And with that said he suddenly leapt up into the air, right hand swinging forward in a wild haymaker aimed right for the jaw of Gigas. That was no small blow coming the strongman's way!

Beryl has posed:
Minoke takes cues from her new best friend as she smiles faintly, as she fires a beam of electricity at Gigas' knees, deciding to stay low, and to topple the tall guy. She glances at Lobo, and suddenly decides on something - her arms are bared with the dress she wears, as parts of her green skin blur, and then reform as replicas of the tattoos on Lobo's arms. "Yes - this is a great compromise... besides, I'm sure that half of Knowhere is tired of rebuilding walls after you just run through them!" She grins widely as she calculates what could happen next, scanning others nearby to see if they're going to get involved.

Crusader has posed:
A groan of annoyance escapes Vorn. He ignores the shattered glass. Several patrons run away, tables are flipped, guns drawn. This bar brawl was about to get real. He turns to face the trio "Alright, so that how et going ta be? Time ta even things out" a fair fight? Here? Ha! But Vorn didn't need much excuse to fight. But he did know this may be tough. His hand rears back as a 'spear' of lightning forms and hurls it in Lobo and Minoke direction, soaring just pass Gigas rib-cage at an angle. Since that was a hell of alot of mass to get around!

Gigas has posed:
    A full powered right cross from Lobo is nothing to sneer at. Heroes on locations such as Earth wish they had at least half the striking power of the Last Czarnian and as the blow lands it should be clear why. The entire area shakes with the force of a bomb going off and the shockwave rolls and ripples through the body of Gigas and then expands outward from him with all the force of a run away ship ramming full speed into a stationary object - cratering the ground and shattering nearby windows.

Gigas barely blinks. It seems he's mastered the art of the No Sell. His head turns to the side and his neck muscles tense. His lips purse slightly and his eyes narrow but his entire body doesn't move an inch and instead absorbs the shock of the blow as if he were the literal immovable object.

There's a loud creaking sound as his fist clenches and his muscles bunch up, billowing and rolling up his body in a flex that actually sends a shockwave of its own off it.

"Hmm." is all he rumbles before he sends a boulder of a fist hurtling straight forward at Lobo with enough force to turn him into a muscled missile should the blow land true.

As to thte electric blast. It crackles up and down his lower half but doesn't topple the brute. More output may be needed here.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam can see it in the distance, the feeling of the wind that can only come from a profound physical impact. The sounds of lightning and laser beams touching his ears. Truly, it makes the Grandmaster of mystic and cosmic power seem to sadden quite a bit. He never did like fighting, but with so many powerful forces in one place...he may need to be hostile in order to bring peace back to the situation.

If anyone was paying attention, the golden mage was approaching the establishment a moderate distance away, but he'd probably arrive there within the next few minutes or so (one more round!). But few have seen but tastes of his power. If he arrived and they were still fighting?

Needless to say, Adam might place a quick end to the present battle.

Lobo has posed:
When Gigas looked down, Lobo rolled his neck with a snort, letting the bones crackle and pop as he prepared himself. Gigas was strong, but Lobo was the Main Man, the purest example of Czarnian Machismo there was! So as that punch was reared back Lobo was getting ready to fly around, when a long series of voltage went right through him like Tamaranean cooking. Instantly his teeth were grit and he was locked up as he was being zapped so hard that his hair was standing up on end. But he slowly started to turn his head toward Crusader, fighting through the pain-

He forgot about the punch, instantly hurtling up through the air and smashing through the ceiling of that bar violently at the speed of sound. One missisppi. Two mississippi. Three mississ-

Finally with a loud CRASH Lobo came back down, making that hole in the sky even bigger as he hit the ground hard, square on his back. For a moment he twitched.

But a moment later it was like he'd never been pnched. Instantly he rolled backward to his feet, and he was throwing that powerful chain across the room, trying to loop it around one or more of Gigas' smaller ankles. In a fair contest of strength, Lobo would have a difficult time getting the best of this guy. But that was why he he instant pulled backward in a sudden surprise surge, wanting to bring that bastard off balance and on his back before he could brace himself. While this happened, he turned toward Crusader.

"You want some two, Clyde? I'll be wearin' both of yer faces fer a codpiece tomorrow!"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke was going to run over to absorb the electricity but her reaction time was slow. She growls as she glares at Crusader - but can't be mad at one of the people who awakened her so just makes a 'go away' gesture with her hand before focusing on Gigas. She takes some inspiration, picks a chair up, and SMASHES it on the back of his head. She glances at Lobo, but keeps an eye on Crusader - if he tries flinging electricity again, she'll be sure to absorb it.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader whistles when Lobo twicthed and than got back up. He had seen Gigas strength before...which was still nothing to laugh at. But seeing someone get up instantly was just as good. Vorn cracks his knuckles, the sound of steel snapping ringing out as electricity dances up and down his arms "Thought you would never ask." his fistd slam togeather as he seemed excited over the prospect.

But than he notices an approaching figure. From the current distance he can't properly recognize Adam. But one thought came to mind "...Oh boy, here comes a KillJoy." The Walk, said it all...and the fact everyone else has at this point been running away.

And than there was Minoke. He has a dead pan expression and gestures back a 'Why don't you?' before pointing at his drink that Lobo ruined! And without another word, he goes IN! Or at least tries too, his heavy foot steps carry him over before he falls back sliding forward, boot up as he is carried forward by his momentem. To put it simply his foot was going right for Lobo nuts. A low blow for sure and one he wasn't afraid to make.

Gigas has posed:
    Yeah, see, that's exactly what Gigas -didn't- want so far as Vorn's interference goes. If Lobo wishes to entertain a fight, the blue-skinned titan is intent on bringing him down without aid to have full bragging rights on doing so. now it can be claimed that the punch only landed due to Crusaders interference.

The chair splinters onto his head, shattering pieces of debris violently but Gigas simply keeps on plowing forward towards the impact zone of Lobo as the mercenary comes hurtling back in. "Stay out of this!" he booms, turning his head briefly to look at both Crusader and Minoke, "This does not concern you---WHOOP!!"

He may claim to have the strength to move continental shelves but he's hardly glued to the floor. The distraction serves to prevent him from being braced coupled with Lobo's own amazing recovery and reaction speed.

Before anyone can react, the giant is toppling over backwards, legs flinging up into the air and vast upper body casting a swamping shadow over several tables, and a few smaller patrons who scatter for the hills just before he thunders tot he ground, shaking the entire block and sinking into a Gigas shaped depression from his impact.

A purple energy discharge crackles about his body. His huge physique inflates slightly larger and more immense as his lips curl in growing annoyance. Naturally he misses Crusader going for the money shot. Uh oh.

Adam Warlock has posed:
The golden wizard arrives just when Lobo falls back through the ceiling in order to continue the fight. He takes in the scene at the moment and he grips his staff a little tighter. Couldn't they see the effects they were causing?! People were running in absolute terror of what was happening here. Buildings blocks away were starting to lose their foundations because of the impacts that was happening...especially Gigas's untimely fall. His eyes glow a faint brighter crimson red, and with one motion...

the butt end of his staff touches the ground //once//.

It's like the loudest gong in the world, and every combatant in this battle will feel as if they each just got walloped by a magic kinetic force, meant to separate them all very //forcefully//. "Cease this senselessness, my friends!" Adam says simply as he enters, lowering his hood to make his identity known. "...you are scaring a great deal of people, and endangering the lives of some of them as well, not to mention each other." Yep. He was a killjoy alright, but by NO MEANS was a killjoy to scoff at.

Lobo has posed:
Immediately Lobo pulled the Bisley back, swinging it ever so briefly before he grabbed it at the base, to use as an impromptu knife or weapon should the need arise. His eyes were focused on the behemoth currently -inside- the ground, so much so that he didn't notice the flying foot until it ran into his groin with the fury of a thousand suns. Instantly his eyes nearly bulged out of his head and he leaned over, retching up some of that booze he was slamming down earlier. All around him people were running, including snakedancers with paper credits still hanging from their jockstraps.

Instantly Lobo was looking up at the kicking Crusader, sneering violently as he straightened up and was holding that hook overhand, ready to bring it down through the skull of this bastard. The rage was apparant on his face and it seemed nothing was going to happen...when that 'gong' rang through the bar deafeningly, and for the moment it seemed, the fight was forgotten. He looked up, noticing the man he'd met before, the man who could turn blasters into bubbles, and turn skulls into anything else. That's what he was assuming, anyway, and so Lobo was paying close attention.

"You. I recognize you!"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke frowns softly. "This has to end." She moves over to one of the walls that Gigas broke down, and kneels on the deckplate, watching as Lobo gets hurt. She isn't good at melee combat. But what she can do is this. The deckplate starts to glow, as she changes the metal into a bunch of thumbnail-size green blocks. She stares over at Gigas... as the metal gets changed into many of those blocks. She then snaps her fingers as the blocks start to pull themselves into spider shapes - dozens of them. She sends them skittering toward Gigas, to crawl up his legs, to swarm over him, three dozen of them. She then smiles as she watches, as they are distracting and gripping, even somehow pinching and slashing with sharpened ends of the blocks. "You attacked my beest friend!" she yells, rather ahngry.

Crusader has posed:
"Oh please, this fella was asking fer it, so piss aff" The orc snarls towards Gigas as he feel. Vorn was definintly...one of the mans more violent sides. This was for certain. As Vorn had zero issues putting his foot where the shine don't shine. He met Lobo shining eyes with his own, even as the weapon was raised and brought down towards his skull...

Of course he had ZERO time to react. Vorn is flung backwards, as if in reverse of his move by the magical kinitic force, slamming into a table, shaterring it among other already fallen debree. He stands up and looks to Adam "....great. Do you NEED to be a KillJoy Adam?" he was having fun. But he stands dusting himself off, now he wanted to punch something even more. But magic is one thing that is difficult to punch, and sides, he is fairly certain this guy doesn't like fighting anyways.

But than there was Minoke. And Vorn blunt nature comes out "Minoke, do favor and stop being idiot. Your so called 'friend' threw the first damn punch. Least apply some logic" he snorts.

Gigas has posed:
    Ironically..had Minoke not done that, Adam's intervention would have done the trick. Gigas has met him before, a few times, and not seen any of his abilities..but started to harbor some respect for him..even if he does see him as abit of a killjoy. yes.

Crusader gets a sneer though. Gigas will deal with him later.

But as Lobo has stopped, the behemoth seems willing to stop to let Adam hash it out and interfere as well for a moment..that is..again..until Minoke, of all people, refuses to abide by the call for a cease fire and escalates things further.

"Ugh." Gigas rumbles, grimacing as the critters..he has no word for them being not familiar with Earth but..really..Spiders are a universal problem now aren't they.

The fact that they are attacking him is a problem as well. As the goliath sits up he frowns, nearly sneers, into the first few signs of anger.. and it is perhaps Gigas who truly attempts to 'end this'. "Augh..ENOUGH, GIRL!" he roars and then suddenly claps his hands together in a full on move trademarked by Hulk, perhaps, but borrowed by Mega-Bricks across the galaxy.

The force of the clap is like a bomb going off around the goliath, sending a shockwave exploding out around him that rips into the spiders to lift them up and away from him in an expanding wave that roars with hurricane force wind capable of blowing down a forest and blasting the walls of buildings apart. Indeed this is probably the last straw to the poor little tavern they were all fighting in as the shockwave explodes out around them and sends all matter of people and debris tumbling away like straws. The end should lave Gigas siting in an empty crater as the dust settles.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam looks to Lobo and smiles. "Hello again, my friend. I hope you are well?" A look is also given to Vorn as he seems to be unhappy with the Golden mage about his interference. "I must. it is a great danger to-" He sees Gigas clap and in that small instance, he might save a great many people from the power of Gigas. entering a legitimate defensive stance and people will see the magic of the cosmos just -burst- around the area. While the building is no doubt going to be destroyed by Gigas's blast, everyone will find that Adam had defended them from the immensely powerful blast, along with the surrounding area.

When the dust clears, all can see that Adam had magic circles around his arms and hands, and the area itself seemed to be one giant magic circle. When the effects are finished, Adam ends his magic, which means all protection of the area is briefly removed. Adam sighs softly. "Please, my friends, calm yourselves." This seems to be the final warning of the magic user in as nice a way as he can manage. Specifically looking to Minoke now. "and please refrain?" a look also given to Vorn and Gigas.

Damn Adam trying to be the peacekeeper...

Lobo has posed:
"Y'know I wouldn't act so rashly if I wuz you. This gold geek could zap us all to a star if he wanted. An' personally I ain't such a fan of tannin'."

He was acting cool, to cover for the fact that for the moment he was almost deaf from Gigas' Thundrous Applause(tm), staggering a bit even as his cerebellum started regrowing itself. After a moment he wasn't standing like a drunken sailor during a monsoon, and was able to stagger to where Vorn was. Lobo was leaned against one of the now upturned tables, cigar in his mouth ready and waiting. The Main Man reached out a matchstick, and quickly would move it forward, in an attempt to strike it against one of those tusks. If all went well, he'd soon be lighting that cigar and breathing the smoke deeply as he looked around at the scene.

"Man we really fragged this place all ta hell, but this is just a regular day fer me!"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just stares as Gigas' mighty clap exposes the flaw to her buddy blocks - the robot spiders. They are only held together with an electrical field for ease of movement - and the shockwave from Gigas blew the spiders away and separated htem. She stares at the devastation of her new pets... as... she... picks up some of the blocks she made... then lowers her head and... started crying. Loudly. Like a little girl whose puppy was just ran over.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn would have been slammed back and torn apart if it wasn' for Adams magic. ".....fair enough Adam. Do not wor..." and he stops mid sentence as Lobo strikes a match agaist his tusk, igniteing it! He slowly looks at Lobo and growls as his tusk grows sharper. He reaches forward and just pops the cigar out of lobos hand and sticks it in his own mouth "Yer an idiot"

And than Minoke was crying. Somedays he has to curse being a father. As if by instinct he walks over to her and picks Minoke up "Come on Minoke. stop crying. Yer can probably just make new ones...that do nit need yer special skills preferably" he for a moment glitches...and why not completly different, he looked more...human. Still had the tusk and Cigar though.

Finally he looks to Gigas and than around at what USED to be a tavern "...oi. This is goin ta need serious repair. There nit no place like Knowhere"

Gigas has posed:
    Gigas is..unsympathetic.

"Serves you right! You can't make your mind up on what type of friends you want and then you keep on attacking me when it's none of your business..and he threw the first punch! You are all crazy!"

His temper seems to be slowly calming down though as he gradually creaks back up to his full height and takes note of the devestation that was caused.

As he hears Lobo he just snorts and admits, "Yes..yes...Yes! This is nothing. Why..we only exchanged two punches! You should have seen the asteroids after I finished pummeling him!" he points at Crusader, getting a sudden grin on his face.

He think seems to remember he was supposed to be angry and he pauses, confused, and then just frowns deeply as he turns to face Lobo and Adam Warlock both, "You are interfering though, friend. I was going to deal with this one about the condition of a contact of mine and then discuss a contract related to the Kyln with him! Now how am I supposed to work out my agression?"

He asides to Crusader, "Knowhere is big. Many taverns..but..I will...give credits to cover damages I have caused..."

Adam Warlock has posed:
God damnit, Minoke crying is enough to gain Adam's sympathy and compassion, approaching her and setting a soothing hand on her shoulder. "It is alright. You can always make new ones? Come, on your feet." He smiles warmly to her in comfort as Warlock shifts his attention to Gigas, Vorn, and Lobo.

"Thank you for ceasing. I fear that Knowhere might be in danger if you three are permitted to keep fighting." He sighs lightly, though Lobo's praise of his abilities is not refuted by Warlock. Let's be honest...he can do -much worse- than throw each of them into a star. His attention falls on Gigas then. "I know. I apologize, my friend. Thank you for your willingness to repay but...I will fix what you three have seen fit to break."

With a deep breath, Adam plants his staff into the ground and it stays there, his stance firm and focused as he takes a deep breath, magic circles appearing over his hands as the building that was destroyed beyond repair seems to....put itself back together? from the walls..to the wiring...to the exact place certain tables were. Until eventually, it was like nothing had ever happened! Though Gigas's small crater was still there as well, but Adam just used his power over matter itself to just add flooring there. It would be an awesome dance floor, as they say.

When finished, Adam takes a breath, summoning his staff back to him by simply extending his hand. "Now then...there is no need for you to pay, Gigas. No one is perfect, after all." he offers the man a warm smile as he moves to take a seat at one of the tables, the bartender probably looking confused as all hell, but extremely grateful.

Adam Warlock. Property-Saver. a new title among many most likely.

Lobo has posed:
Lobo was continuing to lean real cool-like, even while the damage done to him so far was rapidly repairing itself under the surface. He glared over when the Ork took his smoke but he knew not to test the waters right now. Instead he tucked his thumbs in that belt of his as he swayed over to their original table where he could slowly collect his things and regroup. Quickly and under his breath he muttered to Minoke,

"Hey c'mon, pull yerself together."

Hat put back on his head and 'poncho' wrapped around himself once more, the Main Man gave an incredulous snort at Gigas' offer.

"Yer offerin' yer own dough ta repair this dump? See that why ain't nobody hirin' Pecz Hardslab or whoever you is, 'cuz you ain't usin' yer intelligentectual faculties."

He tapped his head a few times to demonstrate what he meant...and suddenly when he was looking around, the bar was in the process of fixing itself entirely. Eyes wide he gave a long low whistle at the sight.

"Goddamn, Goldie. Goddamn."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just leans against Crusader and wraps arms around him. Having no interest in letting him go. "Can I go with you?" she whispers softly. "I... I feel... safe when you held me just now..." SHe glances over towards Lobo. "I think he was only trying to use my talents... but... I can trust you, right Crusader?"

Gigas has posed:
    Gigas considers Lobo's nickname for him and actually massively bounces his gigantic pectorals a few times in a hulking display some might consider obscene but that he considers freaking awesome. It helps that he can cause an earthquake with a muscle twitch.

"Pecz Hardslab. I think I will use that. But I am called Gigas."

He then folds his huge arms and snorts, sounding unphased, "And yes, you fool. I was offering to repair the place that I..what is Earthling term.. kicked your ass in. It shows that I am not only more powerful then you but that I am also grand and generous!" Gigas Clapback.

"We will continue this another time...."

He looks to Minoke and Crusader though and just stares as she, so quickly, jumps ship to Crusader from Lobo. He arcs an eyebrow and just shakes his head at Crusader in warning. Clearly Gigas thinks the girl is nuts. "Impressive, Adam Warlock. I will take my leave then. You have ended this for now but I will finish with him another time...."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn gets a dead pan expression. "One, it is Vorn. orc Vorn. Vorn not Crusader. Two" he looks at Lobo after he walked away and says "my tusk, my cigar" back to Minoke "...Good lord we need to get.." a glance at Lobo "...you someone with a half..." and than he looking to Adam "....Adam. You. Me. talk" oh he was serious

He looks to Gigas "...heh. Pec hardslab, suit yer well" he says with a grin. But than there was Minoke and he sighs. "Excuse her Gigas.." he had heard his earlier comment about Minoke jumping from the Guardians to Lobo "She only be alive...mabey 3 months now. Will see, hopefully with some help" another look at Adam "About setting her right. Safe travels Gigas...and serisouly Walk AROUND the buildings this time" he warns in a comradery manner.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam simply now sits down in his seat, staff laid across his lap as he watched the after effects. With a hand, he does create a portal to the outside for Gigas to walk through, taken on account of his gargantuan size and his apparent need to break through walls instead of using doors. "Until we meet again my friend. Please, safe travels." Adam says warmly, apparently the calmest person in the room at any given moment.

Though he smiles softly to Lobo, he bows his head respectfully. "Thank you, friend Lobo." Though he -does- look to Minoke as she throws herself at Vorn, his head tilting as she does so. But he also looks to Lobo again, though this time it's apologetically.

Oh, Vorn wishes to speak with him? Ok. Adam nods lightly. "If you wish." and the golden mage rises back to his feet. staff in hand.

Lobo has posed:
Lobo was already gone, brushing out of the bar and immediately calling his ride so that he could take off into the...heart(brain?) of that hovel for criminals and outlaws. He had a lot on his mind and a sudden desire not to be around people. But his mind was on the conflict, and he was focusing on remembering the two he met today. He had plans that involved great harm and violence, plans he would enact on his own time.

When he was ready.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods slowly. "From the moment you pulled me out of my ship when I was adrift - I always thought you cared for me... can I go with you, Mr. Vorn? I don't know where, but I feel safe with you."