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(The Fight Club is used as a battle between Roulette and the one behind Blood and the Tall Man, the one controlling the Hellspawn.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 03:01, 6 August 2017

Fight Club: Bloodsport
Date of Scene: Error: Invalid time.
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: The Fight Club is used as a battle between Roulette and the one behind Blood and the Tall Man, the one controlling the Hellspawn.
Cast of Characters: Renee Montoya, Sublime, Sarah Osborn, Molly Millions, Morgan McNally, Gambit, Kingpin, Feral

Renee Montoya has posed:
    To those that have attended the Fight Club before, there is a different ambiance. A different ambiance in the crowd, based off both how the last event ended and the fact that tonight is going to be a Battle Royal. A hesitant sort of exhilration. There is a different ambiance around the fighters, too. No longer is it one-on-one. But, it is all-versus-all, by all accounts. A Battle Royale. Last (Wo)Man standing. The marginal comaraderie that had existed, if any, is gone. And there is a different ambiance in the booth that Roulette stands in. This time, the woman is not leaning forwards with anxious glee at the fighters. Her mein is more focused. Intent. And, the feed kicks on to the dark web, as the event begins; the light go down in the crowd, go up, in the oversized fighting arena.
    To those who have not? There is an odd, almost palpatable tension. A storm in the air. The sort of feeling that if it just rained, now, before the winds blew, everything would be okay. But if not? Lightning, thunder, and gale winds would be coming shortly.
    "Welcome, one and all, to the Battle Royale. Tonight, it's fighter against fighter. Hero against Hero. Villian, against Villian. Everyone for themselves. You know the odds. You've placed the bets. So have they. On themselves. The winner will take home a grandiose prize of a half-million dollars for this little affair. And, have boasting rights for a good while, too." Her voice is smooth, warm, seductive as she speaks, luring the crowd into her speech, placing money before history so that they forget 'the little incident'.
    "I do warn you, though, that exits are well lit, and I suggest you memorize them. As you may need to flee. It's quite possible the cage cannot restrain the amount of power within this lovely underground ampitheatre. You are here at your own risk," she tells the crowd, stirring their love of danger, and bloodlust.
    "Competitors, enter the ring. Take your positions." The doors swing open. But this time, there are no large men. Nobody to guard the iron gates, to keep weapons out, or to keep people in.

Sublime has posed:
    At the cue, Sublime saunters into the ring. Across her shoulders is a three-piece-staff, draped against the back of her neck, her gloved hands holding either end as she finds a position quickly, turning to keep her eyes on the other competitors. Some, she's seen before, some are entirely new to her, and those are the ones she's watching, trying to glean an advantage.

    She lets the staff slip down a bit, idly starting to twirl the weighted end in slow circles, as she prepares for combat.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl is decked out, spring gun, knives, bandoleers loaded with magazines of various types, and grenades. Her armor is repaired (it took some damage fighting in the park) and everything is ready to go. She knows she will be a prime target. She is small, but she has won two fights before and has shown she has more than human strength and toughness. Hopefully what she has will be enough. The prize would be nice, but it is not why she is here really. She is here to see if she can fight experienced fighters of reasonably equal ability.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly must be crazy, to be choosing to get into this particular ring. No costume, still, no mask, also still. In her black wifebeater and matching pants the only thing really to imply that she's not just the world's most foolish normal is the silver lenses. Which, for those who were here last time, she's got both again. The nails are off, in her case, literally, not that at a distance most people are likely to pick up that her fingertips are entirely smooth. She's at least conceeded to bodyarmor in the form of a kevlar vest but seems to have missed the weapon memo, not that there's sign of concern when she takes up her place in the ring.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan is not a known face or quantity, and her eyes keep moving from spot to spot, person to person to evaulate what's going on. Dark hair is braided back, and her outfit is casually comfortable and nothing she will mourn the loss of, topped off with a heavily padded vest over shirt and leggings. Hands are wrapped, shoes are tied tightly. It's not the prize that has her interest, it's the challenge. She doesn't get chances like this at the dojo. Of course, there's absolutely nothing on the surface that makes her seem ..more than human.

Gambit has posed:
Almost before it's too late, a single hand is lifted up and grabs onto the cage, and with a tug, the owner of that hand is lifted from the crowd and then slowly makes his way to the cage door. The long brown duster slowly comes off his shoulders and is balled up around his two fists quickly before being tossed to the side. The man wears a magenta t-shirt with very short and tight sleeves, and is tucked into a pair of black pants with what appears to be a sort of plate mail armor covering his knees down to his toes, silver and muted from wear and abuse. He has fingerless gloves on, and what looks like external pockets or holsters on his thighs and under his arms, with black straps and black pouches housing several hidden decks of playing cards. Lastly a black tactical device on his back, hard for anyone to really tell what it is, but it's his collapsed staff, ready to be removed and weilded by the x-man.

Remy steps over and claims a section of the ring of his own as he runs a hand through his long messy hair, his ruby and black eyes dancing from fighter to fighter, ready to start this thing.

"Are we goin' yet cheri?" He asks towards no one.

Kingpin has posed:
Watching form the back of the room and flanked by men in suits is a man who is notable even to the more jaded comers. He is a tall, imposing figure, his barrel-like bulk concealed beneath an immaculately fitted suit. At just over two meters tall and two hundred kilograms the Kingpin is an intimidating figure even to trained fighters. He wears his strength like a mask, studying the people in front of him with an imposing expression.

The man on Kingpin's left whispers in his ear briefly. He nods once. it isn't possible to really see the Crime Boss's face, as he is seated and his retinue is not, but his movements are still visible. He's just that big. For now, it seems, that the notorious crimelord is content to watch. Word of his appearance sprreads through the crowd.

Feral has posed:
    The intense overhead lights, the chest-squeezing tension in the air, the calm before a great storm... and a cage with no rules. Vanya's deceptively human and unarmed form stalks casually into the cage on bare feet as she rolls her shoulders and looks around at her competition - some faces old and some faces new. The bright lights shine on the runic brand upon her face and make its black edges seem to shine a bloody red.
    "I'm ready when you are," the were-woman tosses as she flexes her clawed fingers.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Flag Smasher, Bronze Tiger, Catman, and most of the other opponents that have faced off in these events slowly file in with the others, each in turn eyeing the other participants with a wary, guarded expression. Each of them thinking of a plan of attack, each of them silently assessing the other - perhaps even passing coded signals by way of masked hand gestures or facial expressions. Each person here wanting a cut of the pay, the bragging rights -- and some wanting a part of Roulette, at the end of this for what she'd put some of them through. Most especially, the Bronze Tiger who can be seen defiantly staring at Roulette without a word.
    Yet, when Gambit asks his question, Roulette smiles, "And, they're so eager to start, aren't they? Final bets are closed. Ladies and Gentlemen -- I give you -- THE BATTLE ROYALE!"
    And that is that. That, it would seem, is the signal for the fight to begin as Flag Smasher moves forward to slam his shield into Goblin Girl's face. It would seem that she is his prime target. Go for the smaller creatures first, despite his earlier encounter with The Sparrow/Elliot.
    Bronze Tiger, however, seems content to ... wait? He is not showing any eagerness in moving to fight. Rather, he'll let someone come to him. To challenge /him/. He is, perhaps, where hands and feet are considered, the most lethal and dangerous person here. Though Catman is justifably as harsh. And the latter, seeing perhaps a challenge in Gambit, Catman -- a man capable of going toe-to-toe with /the/ Bronze Tiger, dashes forwards to slide-kick into Gambit.
    The two large men - those men with the tree-trunk like limbs? They come into the ring last, now. And one of the overly strong, if not somewhat slow twins moves to Sublime, while his 'brother' grabs one of the other fellows, looking to be Asbestos Man, and literally throws him across the ring, into the Titanium cage as if he were a branch for a dog to play fetch with, then laughs, low. Even the bouncers are in the prize? Does the house always win?

Sarah Osborn has posed:
No grenades yet...too many people would turn their attention on someone lobbing grenades this early. Wait until there are fewer enemies to gang up. No, this calls for the Spring Gun. Clip in, cock, fire. Nearly as fast as a bullet, but quieter than most and usable with varying ammunition. Springs too heavy for a normal human to cock, but moving easily under Goblin-girl's hands. She aims and fires...there are anaesthetic darts, powerful enough to knock out most people in a second or less. Killing is not what she is here for. Her target...Bronze Tiger this shot.

Gambit has posed:
Remy is no stranger to a brawl like this, and certainly isn't a stranger to a fight where the odds are against him, but who would have thought that the best training for tonight wouldn't have been Logan or Cyclops. Nope, it was those countless bar room brawls he's gotten into.

Spotting the Catman lunging at him Remy instinctively spreads his feet apart and lowers his stance and allows the kick to strike him. The breath is knocked out of Remy's chest, but he also went with the blow, and drops his arm around the man's ankle, rolling to the ground and pulling the Catman down with Remy.

The cajun never one to fight fairly falls with a pracitced spin and suddenly, Catman is caught in a leg-bar.

Sublime has posed:
    Sublime twitches her lips as one of the huge men lumbers towards her. Huh. Well, might as well take the big guys when she's all nice and rested. And he's....slow. She can work with that.

    The staff begins to whirl as she breaks into an abrupt charge, running straight into the big bouncer...and then right through him as she phases, leaping through and solidifying partway behind him, enough that she can slam the tips of both ends of her into the back of his knees, trying to make them buckle, before increasing to maximum density, her diamond-hard leg sliding behind his as she pivots to bring her elbow around, trying to slam him backwards over the extended leg to trip him to the ground, the staff following if she succeeds or now with a fast whistling overhand strike, the trailing tip aimed between his eyes.

Kingpin has posed:
Fisk is continuing to watch from his place toward the back. A few of the men standing with him are dispersing into the crowd. The energy is shifting as they do, drawing subtle attention to the crime lord as viewers are engaged in conversation about the goings on. One such person approaches a would be fighter and whispers a few words to him. "...Pending the outcome of the match, of course." They both nod, apparently agreeing.

Kingpin might just be holding a recruitment drive of some sort.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan is surprisingly keeping a weather eye on the Cajun, but he seems to be able to handle himself for the moment. She knows it is a free for all, but she has loyalty and team issues. There's a last deep, focused breath drawn in as she tries to keep her back clear, as she wades into the melee madness. She feels that surge inside of her powers unleased, and there's a slow grin that forms, a lightness and a loosening to her steps. And since she likes a challenge, she'll head for the cocky one standing back. She has no idea who the Bronze Tiger is, and doesn't care at the moment. She's more trying to attract his attention with a toss of her head and a swing of her braid while she will strike out with the full force of her strength for his knee.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Tonight's not the night for half measures, and Molly's had her augs tweaked within an inch of her body's tolerance given the sort of people she knew would be here tonight. Among the larger and more colorful fighters the lean woman's content to prowl with purpose. Her target the guard that went after Asbestos Man. It's not that she cares about the man that got bounced into the side of the cage, it's that right now she's got no compunction about waiting until she's mid-range off to his flank, taking the last few strides at speed. The first blow is low, blades extruding from her right hand to go for the achilles, the follow up with the cyborgs twitch speed to plant the left blades in the area of his thigh near the femoral artery without hesitation.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The rather large fellow was slow, but - well, powerful. Still, had hadn't clearly expected a phaser, nor the density changes within Sublime, and he buckles, going down to one knee. The staff, predictibly, slams into his head but then his tongue lashes out of his mouth, prehensile and barbed at the end, and very, very fast, seeking to wrap itself around Sublime's throat, wound her. Possibly, poison her.
    Catman lashes out, twisting his body to reverse the leg-bar on the Cajun in a surprisingly supple manner and keen understanding of what's just been done to him. He fights through the pain. Pain, similiar, to what the Goblin Girl will get now that Flag Smasher has reached her; he's gone unnoticed while she was shooting her dart at the Bronze Tiger whose nearly dropped to a spread leg, splayed finger position like a football player into the mat to allow the dart to miss him. He's not that foolish -- while Goblin Girl eats shield. It's probably lucky for her that Flag Smasher does not have Captain America's super strength. And then Morgan is attacking him, but as she moves to strike, he's -- not there. He does not have super-human speed, but his quickness could match any Olympic athlete in their prime, and he's already striking and upward palm-hit to her solar plexus to knock the wind out of her.
    Poor Asbestos Man is out of the fight as soon as it begun it'd seem. Yet. He howls in pain, the keening of which draws Big Guy #2 over towards Molly, and a meaty, hulk-like-sized-fist dropping down as if to crush her into the mat, even as her blades cut into the thick flesh of him, red blood dripping everywhere. The knife /is/ cutting -- but it seems his muscle is deep, and the knife can't quite get as deep as it otherwise ought as if there were some kind of armor within his flesh.

    Above all the fracas, Roulette looks at her watch. She looks at her Major Domo, the pretty, young wasp-waisted woman. "Go prepare the transporter. Make sure it is on. And, makes sure the coordinates are set. And, make certain the erasure program is implemented. We don't need anyone following us. I'll be there in a few moments. I expect our -- guest -- will be arriving shortly. He'll want to wait until he's certain things are fully underway before his visit."

Sublime has posed:
    Somehow, she just wasn't expecting that tongue.

    Sublime lets out a yelp of mingled suprise and disgust as the tongue wraps around her neck, grunting as the barbs scrape at her still dense flesh, but not quite penetrating, before she phases, the tongue sliding through her (and isn't THAT a gross thought, she notes) as she solidifies again, increasing the density of her right foot as she spins into a hard roundhouse aimed at the big guy's jaw, trying to just get him to bite down on his own tongue. Maybe the poison will work on him too!

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Flag Smasher slams his shield into Goblin-girl's face, possibly not realizing that it is actually the front mask of a stylized helmet. Possibly it would not matter on a normal human, the blow might crack vertebra and cause paralysis. On Goblin-girl, it is enough to get her attention. Right hand puts gun in holster, left hand reaches in pouch and grabs a handful of powder and throws it...filling the air with a hallucinogenic dust that will have interesting effect on anyone who breathes it that is not immune to such things as Sarah is. At the same time, she kicke out with her right leg, a short sharp kisk to the leg supporting hie weight.

Gambit has posed:
Remy swears to no one as the bar is reversed and he's fighting with his strength to avoid being broken by the costumed man wrestling with him on the ground.

Before he winks.

"Cova yo ears." Remy says to Catman, pulling his hand away from the man's shoulder, after having charged the piece of clothing that was there, He's charged it enough to be a concusive and noisey blast, incredibly close to the man's ear. Hopefully it will be enough to disorient and allow Remy to not only escape the attempted reverse bar, but to give him an opportunity to strike the man's face with another discombobulating jab.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan may grunt and lose some air, though she won't lose her footing. That upward strike gives her a chance to punch downward for his shoulder. Her aim is that joint, not knowing if his physiology will withstand almost seven thousand PSI to keep it together. Even as she tries to catch her wind, she'll follow up that punch with another lashing out for his knee.

Kingpin has posed:
Kingpin watches as Asbestos Man goes down. The man beside him licks the tips of his fingers and flips through am emo pad. He stikes something off of the paper there. Fisk continues to watch with a seirous expression. After a long moment he takes a deep breath and then pauses. They exchange a few more words and then the giant comes to his feet. He moves quietly and makes his way toward the room overseeing the battle royale below. His men close ranks behind him but he approaches the room alone.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly doesn't want to get hit by that hand, and it's worth sacrificing close quarters temporarily to avoid it smashing her into the mat. She flows to the left behind the blow, pivoting to try and come up behind her larger opponent and extrudes her blades again to try and bury them them either side of his spinal cord about even with his kidney's. His body's more resilient than she was hoping for, so it's all about utilizing her greater speed to try and winnow the guy down until blood loss can take its toll... ideally without winding up catching one of his fists in the process.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Big Guy #1's jaw is forced closed by the overly dense foot, and Sublime's near-perfect timing and control of her powers. The teeth clamp down on the tongue, and luckily for the Big Guy #1 it doesn't cause him to bite it off completely. But /man/ does it hurt, and the tongue whips back into his mouth and his body jerks back in the automatic way one's body does when one bites, hard, onto one's own tongue, involuntarily. It leaves him open for another attack.
    Flag Smasher follows his shield attack up with a strong leg-kick to Goblin-Girl's kidney's when the hallucinegenic dusts hits him, and he's backpeddling, shield moving up to protect himself even as her kick hits his leg, causing him to briefly pause in his retreat; but he doesn't go down. He starts coughing, his holding of breath coming too late.
    Catman seems ready to put a close on Remy's case, the veritble claws coming out for a lovely slash of throat to the man, when the concussive strike happens just in time. Remy's plan works, and Catman is stunned long enough for Remy's jab, and a nosebleed. Even stunned, though, Catman is dangerous, wrenching Remy's wrist, and twisting his own arm to topple the cajun to the ground, hard, on his back.
    As Morgan moves with her punch to win the fight with overall superhuman strength which Bronze Tiger has no ability to withstand, he, instead, fights with superior experience and talent. He moves /with/ her, instead of trying to move against her, latching onto that downward punching arm and simply letting her own momentum and power carry her into the mat as he directs the flow of her energy. He isn't one of the most feared martial artists in the world for nothing. The lash of her leg, as she hits the mat does strike his own and he's down too, but only briefly before he pushes his arms back, and rolls up into his sholders, pushes off, and without touching the mat is back on his feet, while Big Guy #2 is knived by Molly in all sorts of places. His tongue seeks her out, as his hands are too slow to reach her, and his blood is starting to get slippery around his feet.

    And that's when all Hell breaks loose. Literally. There's a crack in the ceiling. A loud, thundering sound. Another crack. A split. Light fixtures sway. Ceiling tiles, cement, dust, fall down onto the the titanium cage, some debris bouncing off or breaking against the frame and falling into the ring. More thunder. More cracks. The storm is here.
    A hole appears, and several red skinned creatures, demonic in apperance - large bulky ones, and slender feminine ones drop down onto the cage, one by one. Eight of them.
    "Whoever wins, your prize is waiting for your below, in the antechamber. I'm afraid we've some guests. The feed will remain on. Ladies and gentlemen," Roulette says, smoothly, "It -has- been a pleasure."

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand is easily wrenched and he's brought to the mat quickly by the motion, his teeth gritting as both of his hands grab onto the wrists of Catman and well, it worked once. He charges the potential energy in both of his opponent's gloves. This is going to hurt Remy, but no where near as much as Catman.

"Evah 'old a black ca' in ya han'?" Remy asks smirking and then clenching his face and upper body to brace for the double ka-pows of the exploding gloves.

Sublime has posed:
    The roundhouse foot comes down, planting, before Sublime goes fully dense again, kicking out hard in a straight stroke aimed at the big man's solar plexus. Luckily, she kicks high, and then hops back, bringing up her staff again to send it smacking again and again around his heads and sides.

    Then: DEMONS.

    "...the hell?!?" Sublime says, jumping back on the defensive as the newcomers land in the ring, looking between them warily and quickly backing up to put her opponent between herself and the minons of Hell. Underworld. Limbo. WHATEVER. At least they'll have to go through him to get to her, and that gives her some time to figure out what exactly they can do.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Probably unlike most everyone here, Goblin-girl has been expecting this...she knew there were at least five of these things around and that they had been used in these fights before. She has prepared to deal with them...though she is not certain what KIND of demon blood they are effected by she has her demon hunting gear along. She starets by leaping OVER Flag Smasher, he is clearly the lesser worry. She slots anti-supernatural Magazine #1 into her spring gun...a collection of different items often useful for fighting the supernatural franging ftom holy water to wood to bone to jade to obsidian...by cocking and firing as fast as she can she hopes to find a weakness to these things.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan also easily rolls away and gets to her feet, with her years of martial arts experience. Strength and durability stand her in good stead as well, which is probably why she's not exactly afraid of her opponent. But she will be distracted by the newly arrived ..whatever they are. She will abandon her attack plan to head for Remy, to do whatever she has to do to free him of the melee. Here's hoping he doesn't react by charging her up.

Molly Millions has posed:
    The barbed tongue of Molly's opponent manages to wrap around her arm, and it's probably going to suck, a lot, which is why she brings the blades of her other hand down on it just beyond her own hand, seeking to sever that root with a snarl. Like Goblin-girl, she's not really surprised by the arrival of the red-skinned group, for all that she's a little too preoccupied with trying to flat-out murder the guard to worry about them overly for the moment. Starting with getting that barbed tongue off of her by any means possible.

Feral has posed:
    And then there's the animal someone let loose in the ring. Keeping to the periphery of weapons-fire and smoke, Vanya's eyes are almost shining a fiery bronze as she watches the struggles around her and alight on Bronze Tiger as the expert martial artist flips up to his feet, distracted and for a moment exposed. She crouches with a fang-showing smile as she prepares to pounce into the fray - only for the ceiling to explode overhead.
    The Russian's swears are drowned out by debris as she covers her ears and scowls at the interruption. "Newcomers? Well they picked the wrong ******** cage to fall into," she says with a feral growl. Spending the primal tension she's stored up in her legs, the were-woman leaps - not at Bronze Tiger but at the closest demon that's now between her and her real target. "You're in the way!" she roars angrily, with claws and fangs bared.

Kingpin has posed:
Fisk reaches the office quietly, his bulk shadowing the door. The man's eyes are intense as he tests the portal with his grip. A glance left then right shows that all the personnel at the venue have gone. Behind him his men are forming up into groups and guns are bristling among them. They stay back for the moment but as one fighter is borne to the ground by the demons they open fire on it. It seems Fisk came to play. In his own fashion. A couple of the combatants are being helped out of the melee.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by most, the crunch of metal twisting is evident as FIsk simply shoves the locked door and crushes the mechanism. It swings open in front of him and he steps through to the office.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    After tearing a hole into the cage, the demon-like creatures begin to drop down, four of the things as bulky as the largest man in there, minus the two tree-like twins. Three of them are taller, more slender, with larger claws that extend out from their hands a good six-eight inches and looks razor sharp. The last? Is as big as the tree-like-twins, black horns on his features, and his skin is a darker red then the others.
    Catman snarls, as his hands seem to literally explode, and he shirks back from Remy. Apparently holding a black cat is -not- a good thing, and a lesson he's just learned. He rolls back, only to come into contact with the back legs of one of the smaller male demons, who turns to him. Catman gets on his feet by rolling back, and then he's using the distraction of their arrival, and everyone else's preoccupation to get the hell out of there. The door, afterall is open ...
    The rest of the fighting stills, the tree-like-twins stopping their attacks, and turning as if as one, towards the largest of the red demons. And the bloody one, - whose root is now cut, but not cut off is untangling from Molly's blade, and the one Sublime had been fighting each lumbering toward it with a dark look in their eye. As if they were the Alpha's in this cage. And, the red one was now their challenger of repute.
    Flag Smasher is seeing demons everywhere, and swings, wildly, into anything, anyone, he can, to get them to go away. He might hit a few people, or demons, as well as more than a few hallucinigenic phantoms, even as the demons begin to prowl, growl in low, hellish utterences that the human ear can't make out. Communicating. Bullets shred through one, holy water is not their friend, but even as it howls it's not backing down. Vanya takes one of the females to the ground, and it's already slashing it's claws into Vanya's arm, wickedly.
    Bronze Tiger spits, curses, but does not persue Morgan. No. His eyes are settled, darkly, on the booth. Then, on the demons. He curses again, and readies himself for the fight of his life.

    Fisk is treated to Roulette, moving onto a platform of - well, rather fantastic looking technology, with her Major Domo. She points a rather mean looking pistol at Fisk. "I am sorry," she tells the man, quietly. "There is only power enough for two. And, I rather like my associate, here. One must reward faithful service. I suggest leaving, while you can."

Sublime has posed:
    Under the circumstances, Sublime adopts a wait and see stance, tucking two sections of her staff under her right arm as she continues to whirl it slowly like a nunchuk as she phases to avoid any incoming bullets that might be be addressed 'occupant' instead of to anyone specific. She isn't sure what to do now...does she join in the fight, or wait until the others have worn down the opposition, both demon and other contestants? She sighs a bit, then frowns, shifting back towards the only other contestant she knows well, Molly. "Molly!" she says, falling back. "Still kickin?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
OK, so holy water hurts them, but because they are still part human it does not destroy them...or something like that. Slot the holy water magazine, pull out the throwing knives. Fire the holy water filled paintball and then throw a dagger at the same point, with luck the paintball will weaken the point of impact so that a plain steel blade ca benetrate if thrown by superhuman muscles. Also...keep out of range of Flag Waver and anyone else who is ignoring the demons.

Gambit has posed:
"Dat takes de fun outta it." Remy says to himself as he watches with an odd casualness about the demons as he stands up after Catman ran off and out of the ring.

Remy's ruby eyes scan the ring, and motions for her to come when Vanya lands between the mutant and his lady friend. Well, he's gotta do his hero thing.

Not knowing how strong a demon is might be a hinderance, but he dives to land beside Vanya and the demon attacking her, grabbing it's wrist off the woman and rolling away, pulling on it's arm to break against his pelvis in the motion.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan will fall in and follow Remy's motions, and will wait for him to roll, before she will deliver a full strength kick towards the demon's mid back. She doesn't know how strong the demon's reisistance will be to her strength, but she will not hesitate to use the full force she is capable of.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's not going to complain about the reprieve as the twin turns to walk away, for all that there's anger in her face at the man's resilience. The wounds on her arm are already beginning to heal when she hears Sublime's voice, watching the ring as she slinks in Sublime's direction,"They're kids!" who is she talking about? The nod of her head seems to be trying to indicate the red one's,"Operate as a pack. Last time they broke and ran when the guy that shot them up disappeared. I don't give a shit about the prize. But the people setting this up.. I want a piece of them."

Feral has posed:
    The dog-pile of demon and weretiger turns instantly bloody as hellish claws carve red lines in Vanya's bare arms while the mortal predator wrestles her to the ground and opens her mouth wide to bare a mouthful of fangs too large for even a tiger, the tries to sink them into vital red flesh. A heavy coat of black and orange fur is already racing out from the shapeshifter's wounds as her hide thickens and furs, and Remy gets a front-row view to a slender tail that pokes out from a hole in her pants. This might be why her clothes were so loose.

Kingpin has posed:
    "Madam, I was simply ensuring that you would not be caught up in this mess the way everyone else has been. I assure you my safety need be the least of your concerns. WHat is going on here? Your operation is falling apart." There's a cold fury in his gaze. "If I am going to clean up your mess I need whatever details you'll provide. The Kingpin is staring down Roulette from the door to her office. He makes no attempt to stop her fleeing.

Fisk's men are competent and well-armed. They've already retrieved a couple of the hapless fighters and dragged them from the ring. Briefly the tall, thin man in the glasses with the memo pad crosses off a few names, whispers some words to those men, and people are leaving. The sound of bullets is a loud roar. Whatever they do to the demons.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    More holy water. And knives to follow. The knives stick into red flesh, burying into the shoulderblade of one male demon, and the back of another. And while both produce a thick, blackish blood, and the demons recoil in pain, briefly, the damage does not seem to hinder their movements much, if at all. Still -- the things, clearly, can be hurt.
    One of the females pounces on Flag Smasher after he runs into her, slashing a gouge into his chest. She leaps off him, twisting in the air to pounce, next, on Sublime.
    One of the male-types goes for Bronze Tiger, who, while he can't compete strength-wise, is somewhow able to hold his own, shifting, moving, even tossing the large demon into the cage with an impressive understanding of martial arts while the female that had pounced Vanya's back is hit, hard, while her arms is wrenched. Vanya will taste the blood of the demon - it's not poisonous, but the ichor-like blood tastes foul, like rotted meat.
    The two twins move to pound on the largest demon, whose hands are now aflame. He jumps on them, grabbing both of their heads. And he begins to squeeze. Slowly. Each of the lumbering giant-men grit their teeth, eyes popping out of their skull, hands moving to wrench the largest demon's maws from their heads, as their knees buckle. Another few moments, and their heads -will- pop like a fat mosquitos belly.

    "Treachery," replies Roulette, matter of factly. "My sponsor decided to throw me away, after he'd betrayed and used me. I merely," she gestures, "Turned the tables on him. He -might- win against them. But, he'll lose a few in the process. And of course, well, he'll be noticed, now. And being noticed, he'll be too busy to come after me, won't he? I hear Morocco is nice, this time of year. Goodbye, Mr. Fisk. Whatever you find is yours." She gestures, graciously, open-handed.
    Then, Roulette nods to her assistant who despresses a button on a remote she holds. There is a warm light, transluscent gold, and then no one is standing on the platform.

    Outside? Detective Renee Montoya, and several SWAT trucks pull up to the warehouse entrance, and begin to file out, as she calls directions.

Sublime has posed:
    Sublime looks confusedly at Molly. "...kids??! WHAT?!?" She looks back at the demons. "...how the hell..." She scowls. "...dammit. So if we knock them cold, do they turn back or something?" she says, starting to move towards Molly, then getting blindsided by one of the female demons who knocks her sprawling before she reflexively phases back into the floor to avoid the claws, resurfacing a few feet away as she solidifes again, then snaps out a kick at the demoness' chin, following it up with her staff whipping around, the end aimed at the size of her head. She's not necessarily the sort to go play heroine...but she does have a certain hatred for people who turn kids into weapons. Go fig.

Gambit has posed:
Remy cries out in pain as the being's bones are stronger than most humans and so the pressure required to break one is much greater and damn does that hurt agaisnt his hip. A string of curses from Remy in French as he gets to his feet, nodding to Morgan and Vanya, impressed by the ware-tigress.

That's cool.

His attention ends up on the large demon attempting to crush the skulls of the two giant men he was going to fight anyways, but that's no way to go. He draws a trio of playing cards and charged, he lets the fly at the beasts back and arm, trying to startle it out of it's killing blow to the men.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan is moving, and her stomach hurts.. and not from being hit earlier. "Now might be a good time to try and get out of Dodge, handsome." She will aside to Remy. "Are you coming, or do I have to carry you out of here?"

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Looks like she needs something bigger, and perhaps a different target. Could that larger demon be the Major Demon that gave the blood that produced the others. Well assume it is, A Holy Water grenade (more like a water balloon, but one with a concussion grenade inside that will splash the water forcefully) aimed at the demon's head (inside the mouth preferably) followed by a rocket propelled silver-chased steel dart...too bad she does not have many of those.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya roughly shoves the bloodied demon off of herself and rises to her feet just as the last patch of fur and bestial sinew finishes filling on. Now truly a weretiger, the predator spits blood from her mouth with a growl. "Disgusting..."
    Looking between Renee and Morgan, her feline face contorts into a toothy smile. "And leave a fight like this?!" she shoots back at the mention of retreat, her new tail lashing excitedly behind her. "You won't find entertainment like this anywhere else tonight."

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly wants nothing to do with the Hellborn. The guard she might have been content to winnow down but when one of them looks to be coming up to help it's friend take out Sublime she endeavors to grab and try to pivot it towards the cage wall at least,"I shot one of them twice and tried to hamstring it and it still escaped." the cyborg elects to shout back to Sublime,"After taking out a costume and having a go at Demon and the Goblin-chick on top of it."

Kingpin has posed:
A couple of Fisk's men come up to the control room now and begin to ransack Roulette's office briefly. Meanwhile, the Kingpin is busy. The man in glasses comes up to him. "Sir, SWAT's been sighted outside the front door." The man pauses, nods once, and then turns to survey the room.

"Wesley, call Lieutenant Morris and let him know that you and a few of your compatriots will be exiting through the rear entance and not to have that exit covered properly for two minutes s or so. Fisk steps up to the intercom.

"Those of you who are still here must understand that you've been betrayed. You should attempt to exit in an orderly fashion. SWAT is at the doors. If you manage to escape then ask for me and I will see about offering you employment. You know who you are." Fisk clicks the comm off with a brief spritz of feedback. "That should keep them busy. Shall we?"

Wesley briefly lifts his phone to show he is talking, then nods and the Kingpin's operation rolls up neatly as they depart.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The female demon that'd been going after Sublime looks confused, furious, as her prey disappears, literally, into the floor. Her claws slash into the mat and floor beneath, rending the thick fabric akin to a hot knife through butter. That is, until she is blind-sided by Sublime's counter-attack. The one-two punch has the female creature stumbling back, and off balance for a moment.
    Bronze Tiger doesn't seem to care if they are kids, demons, or - well, whatever. His attack slams into the male-demons throat. And he has learned, from his last encounter - chest attacks won't do much to these things. So, he pulls out the knife so neatly embedded into the flesh of another of the demons, turns, and slams it into the creatures eye that he is fighting. Black ichor spews, and the demon keens horribly. One of them, if they survive, may be a contestant in the local Nick Fury Look Alike Contest.
    First, the Large Demon is hit with not one, but three cards of high impact concussion blasts, then, it is slammed with a holy water grenade. A bad combination, if it's reaction is anything. Sure, the twins are let go, and they roll away, holding their heads in pain, blood leaking out of their eyes. But, they're alive. The demon's skin is bubbling, corroding, and it whips around, twice, nearly frothing at the mouth now. Now? Now it's hurt. And pissed off.
    The female creature that had been on Vanya pounces on her again, with the intent of destroying this human -- well, animalistic gnat that had dared to draw her blood.

    "Cover all entrances, Team 1, with me. Team's 2 and 3, each to a side entrance, Morris, you're on Team 4 take your team to the rear. Don't screw this up." She levies a gaze at him, as if she - well, had an intution. But there's no time. "Everyone else with me. Let's go."
    SWAT begins to move into the building. Renee continues over the comms, "Remember. We're here for leads. Let's not get overzealous with arresting people. At worst, we want them out of our city. Stir up the bees nest, and see what comes out."

Gambit has posed:
"Shit." Remy says to himself as the demon he attacked turns and glares and him and Goblin-Girl.

"No no no!" He says, turning and grabbing onto Morgan's wrist and starts to run towards the nearest wall of the cage, and a whole deck of cards itself is thrown at the wall, ensuring a way out as he leads Morgan away.

He'll have to thank Fisk at some point for the info about the SWAT coming in.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan will let Remy grab her and lead her away. She's not so stubborn and thick headed as to think she has to do everything her way, herself. She will run with the Cajun, and then insist on alcohol. Lots of it.

Sublime has posed:
    Sublime swears loudly at the information that the SWAT is coming in...someone she doesn't really want to question her. Her staff sweeps out, curling against the back of the demoness' ankle as she yanks hard from pulling her off her feet, before she falls back to Molly. "Maybe we better just get the hell out of her then she says, offering her hand to Molly. "Let SWAT handle this!"

    She warily watches the other combatants...but she at least likes Molly. If she grabs her hand, she can phase the two of them out of here at least.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl gnaws her lip, she does not carry large numbers of holy water grenades, and while one hurt this thing it does not seem to be finishing it off. Actually, she rarely carries more than one of any specific grenade, and only four in all. She has one other that might work...a really nasty grenade that has white phosphorus and silver shards as a shell around the high explosive center...but preferably that will have to be inside. She charges towards the big demon. Hopefully the bouncers are still alive and fighting of she is probably going to get creamed...the best chance she hsas is to literally put the grenade down the demon's throat and hope the explosion inside finishes it...while also having enough of the blast absorbed that she can survive.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "They're going to get creamed." Molly grunts, but apparently that's their problem, given that she's content to take Sublime's hand with the addition of,"Thanks." she's aware enough that the density mutant's doing her a favor by bringing her along, not one she's likely to forget, either.

Feral has posed:
    "//Stubborn one!//" Vanya grunts as new cuts are slashed in her back even as she responds on reflex to the sudden weight by crouching, leaning, and reaching back to pull the demon over her hip and slam it into the ring with the force of its own momentum. She might not be Bronze Tiger, but Feral had a grappling master too.
    "SWAT? Cowards! At least stay and clean up this mess!" the were-woman roars as other contents begin to retreat, even as her claws stab at the female demon she's entangled with, aiming for the throat, the face, any soft tissue it can find.
    The hot-headed brawler isn't called 'Feral' for nothing...

Renee Montoya has posed:
With Fisk's plan, and his escape with the corrupt officer and his crew, the fighters are truly left alone as most all the other people have now wormed their way out too, either before or now after, leaving the fighters -- and the monitors, along with the demons and invading SWAT team members the only things still alive in the vicinity.
    Remy's deck of cards blows a massive hole in the titanium chain-link fence, but two hands, each, grab them and toss both Remy and Morgan back into the fray, carelessly. The male-demon that had grabbed them moves to attack while the female creature that'd been targetting Sublime falls flat on her face. Tricksy Sublime.
    Goblin Girl goes for utterly reckless, and as the demon is howling, she gets a grenade down it's throat. It chokes. Sputters, and then ... froth begins to literally bubble up, first white, then it explodes. From the inside out. Demon flesh and ichor -everywhere-. A clawed demon hand, random, begins to fade, and retreat from the deep red pigment to something more fleshy. More dark-skinned. The hand of a large, black man. A human. Seems Molly was right. There are people, under there.
    Bronze Tiger doesn't seem to care. Another eye is gouged out, and then he sticks the knife into the roof of the male-demon's mouth. Another down, and dead. And the very dangerous man is looking for his next prey, murmuring, "I will hunt you down, Roulette. After. This." Even as a teenage boy's face is revealed in the aftermath of death upon what once had been the demon.
    Feral's claws rend the demon-girls throat. She'd already been battered. The body spews ichory blood onto Vanya as she falls to the floor, lifeless. The corpse of the girl, like the hand, turning, slowly, back into that of a teenaged girl who looks like she, once, could've been or might've been prom queen.
    Three are down. Five are left.

    "This way," Montoya directs, following her guts, and moving deeper into the warehouse, finding the way into the basement. "There!" She points to the hole in the ceiling that the demons used, "Someone's already breached." She waves the SWAT team forwards and moves towards the hole.

Sublime has posed:
    "Sorry tigger!" Sublime shoots back at Vanya, a shimmering running over her and Molly as she takes her hand firmly. "Not our circus, not our monkeys!" She raises two fingers to her temple in a jaunty if mocking salute, before she turns and runs right through the wall along with Molly, vanishing out of sight. And intends to keep running until she's well clear of the SWAT barricades and positions.

    Sigh. Well. No money for her. Again. On the other hand...she didn't have to murder transformed kids trying to eat her face. So...win? Yaaay?

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl wishes she had something that could break a spell, killing these children to get the demonic essence out of them bothers her, but so far not much else works. She will find someplace to retreat to and fire holy water rounds until the magazines she has of those are empty, but try to use them carefully because she only has 19 shots left. Holy water to the eyes to blind the demons is the best use, if she is accurate enough.

Molly Millions has posed:
    It's still extremely creepy to Molly... the whole... passing through things that Sublime's capable of. But she's got at least faith enough to feel certain that she's not likely to wind up stuck in the wall as long as she can keep up. And so she bravely Sir Robins alongside the mutant rather than stick around to fight Hellborn or worry about answering questions from SWAT.

Gambit has posed:
Remy was just about to leap through the opening he made when he and Morgan were grabbed and lobbed back into the fray.

"Morg, dis ain' good." He says, but grabbing a piece of debris, he charges it and throws it at the demon that prevented the two of them from making a clean escape. Can't say the cajun is happy about the way things have gone this night.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya looks down at the girl with lifeblood covering her hand and snorts as she stands tall again. "No wonder she was weak..." Sweeping her orange eyes around the ring, she spots at least one contender still staying to fight, and so the were-tiger rushes after another demon on the heel of Sarah's holy water, using the divine distraction to her advantage.
    "At least you've got guts!" she shouts, though the sound comes out in a bestial growl, almost like a motorcycle trying to talk.

Morgan McNally has posed:
"Well, it's not mojitos in a Manhattan club, Rem, no." Morgan will roll to the side, before she will get to her feet in a swift motion before turning to kick at the demon's knee full force, the leg coming from up higher in a stomping fashion.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Hands in the air!" One of the SWAT team members levels his automatic rifle onto a shadowy figure they'd not seen just before, squatting over the wreckage of the ceiling. A tall man, lanky in build. He does not look back at them. Instead, he says, quietly, "It would seem, Detective, we meet again. I had hoped to have this all sorted out, by now. She betrayed me, you see. That won't do at all. The Children aren't happy, Detective. -I'm- not happy." His voice picks up in pitch, angry, and almost whining, like an upset child, "You should not BE here. THEY should be DEAD. This --,"
    The Tall Man turns to face the SWAT Team, and without even the slightest hesitation, Renee opens fire on him. He tumbles, at first, falling down into the very hole he'd been crouched over - the weight tipping him until he hits the remnants of the ripped-apart ceiling of the cage, clothes tearing and shredding until he falls into the cage, tumbling out of his clothing -- where instead of flesh and man, it would seem only a doll, or facsimilie of one falls. Rope uncoils, unthreads, and a piece of parchment slowly floats down, to land just in front of Goblin Girl's feet - a strange arcane marking upon it.
    "Secure the lines," Renee tells her team, "We're going down. Get the tear gas ready."

    Down below, as Morgan slams her full-force into a demon-knee, there is a loud crack as demon bone is splintered against her strength. The slight female creature falters, backwards, bladed talons wheeling at the ends of arms and making her like some kind of dire wheel of doom that shreds the back of one of her own, ripping his spine apart, and sending him bloodied to the floor as she crashes down. One more dead. Or, lifeless enough to not make difference. He may still yet be alive as he does not change back.
    Bronze Tiger looks at those remaining, "We kill them all," he tells the remaining. "They will hunt us until they are dead."
    Goblin Girl's holy water bullets seem to be holding off those still on their feet, and unchanged. But, that can only last so long, right?

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl turns on the camera in her helmet, and snaps a picture of the paper both by normal light and by auric vision before shooting a holy water round into the paper, then turns back to dealing with the demons. She will heep her distracting fire up until she runs out of useful shells...After than she will have to try something else.

Gambit has posed:
Remy shoots a look towards the Bronze Tiger, and counters the man's orders. "We kill none!" His ruby eyes alite with a fire rarely seen in them. This is all too familiar to the mutant, his voice is firm, his stance is strong, his will is iron. Remy will prevent any more deaths tonight. However when a man, or a pair of clothes falls to the fight and unraveled rope spills from the shirt, Remy blinks before turning his attention to the nearest demon and drawing out his staff, ready to battle further.

The cajun remains unaware of the coming SWAT team and their own weapons. This is not going to be pretty.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan mutters, "At least not on purpose." She does not have a shiny staff, or gadgets. All she has as she stands in a ready stance, is her feet and fists...and forehead, if someone needs a headbutt. "Rem, we need to get out of dodge."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya looks upwards as her ears twitch; the big fuzzy things aren't just for show. "More 'friends' coming," she mentions as she stalks an arc around the assembly, her tail lashing as she draws nearer to Bronze Tiger. "They can hunt me any time they want. I'm only getting these new-comers out of the way so we can finish our fight..."
    "Bronze Tiger..." the were-woman murmurs. A splatter of fiendish blood runs into the groove of her brand and paints its curve an eerie red. "That sounds like a better title for me, da?"

Renee Montoya has posed:
    An interesting thing happens, when the paper is hit with holy water. It burns.
    It burns a bright, white, blazing, and /blinding/ fire. And then, there is nothing. Not even ashes. Absolutely, nothing.
    A terrible thing then starts to happen. The remaining demons, those 3 yet alive - and the other who is, at the very least, severley injured, begin to wail. An ear-splitting cry. They stagger, fall, roll. Screaming. Red flesh begins to melt from their bodies, revealing the humanity beneath. The demonic presence, the blood, the drug, sizzling away like an acid rain were washing it. Then, the two girls, and the two boys pass out. Alive. Breathing. One, very bloody. Others, wounded. But alive. Alive, and looking as if they were dead. Pale. Shriven. As if they hadn't eaten in days. As if one were looking at a drug addict who, all they had for the last week, was the drug they were on as sustenance.
    Bronze Tiger spits on the ground, looking at Vanya. "You are not what I seek. They are gone." He points at where the teenagers lay. Apparently, no longer his quarry as the Bronze Tiger says nothing to Gambit further about how all the creatures need to die - the cajun wins this arguement by default. "Do not start a fight you cannot finish, girl. I have killed a tiger, with my bare hands." The cold stare in his eyes suggests he isn't lying. "I will not hesitate to kill you."
    Then, the man turns, and begins to walk out of the opened way, provided by Remy's blast. As he does so, several corded lines descend from the ceiling, followed by SWAT Team members. The tear gas, no doubt, is coming in just the next few moments.

Gambit has posed:
Remy was about to start something he would have regretted, because of his morals, but his attention is snapped back to Morgan and he nods. "Agreed cheri! Le's vamoos!"

Hopefully, they can sneak out without getting grabbed by the SWAT team.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan will move to cover Remy's back, a practised move of bringing up the rear. She can take more damage than he can... at least she's pretty sure she can.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Well, that worked better than expected. Hopefully no one still wants to fight...but Sarah is not leaving just yet. According to Domino there is still the prize money waiting to be claimed, and if possible she wants to claimit legally. Still, that is going to take a while...

Feral has posed:
    Vanya's knuckles crackle as she flexes her claws and the were-tiger's tail lashes behind her at the challenge. "So have I, and a bear, and men bigger than you," she replies as she hunches forward and her necklace jingles into view, filled with the teeth and claws of other predators.
    The eager shine in the woman's eyes dims as Bronze Tiger presents his back and the Russian huffs. Vanya spits aside before racing after him as the ropes descend, vaulting completely over the man's head as she takes the same exit. She lands with a feline grace but doesn't immediately rush ahead.
    "Next time we're free of interruptions, we'll finish this fight."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Clear," Montoya shouts, as everyone scatters. She's not interested in a chase. But she does radio into the rest of the teams, "I need a Bus down here, now," even as she, and several other SWAT members descend their ropes. With the scattering fighters, and the bloodied teenagers, the dead teenagers -- and the exploded man, it's going to be one HELL of a mess to clean up. "Several fighters have scattered. Watch the exits," she calls to them, but gives no further orders. It's up to them to contain at this point, not her. Her job is clear. To secure the scene.
    She hits the mat first, and, immediately begins to point to her team to take positions to secure the entry and exitways even as she's approaching Goblin Girl. Her eyes are narrowed, but, she's not pointing a gun at her.
    One of the SWAT members begins to check the teens without much damage for vitals as Renee looks at the carnage. The ichor. Everything. "Let me guess," she says, quietly, "Our friends returned? I shot another one of those Hollow Men up there. What are you doing here?" There is suspicion in her voice. But, she's not pulling guns out yet.

    "Find me, and we will fight," agrees Bronze Tiger, to Vanya. "Though, when you do, be ready to die." The man is unhampered by this concern, and there is no urgency in his voice for the thrill of such a fight - but neither will he shy away from it.
    As the group scatters, though, they will, undoubtedly, each in their own direction hear radio chatter. See lights, from SWAT teams looking out for them. For others leaving. It's a -mess-. And someone's going to answer questions. Maybe get arrested for murder?

Feral has posed:
    Vanya licks her lips... then her eye twitches and she spit at the floor as it puts the rotten taste of cursed flesh on her tongue again. "Ack, ptew!... Filthy interruptniks..."
    Once she collects herself, the were-woman's bestial features begin to recede, shrinking her puffed and furry form back to a human one. Her bare and cleaner forearm rubs furiously against her mouth to get the rest of the taste away from her lips. "Sure, if you only get yourself going when life's on the line. From what I saw, I'd rather make a meal of you more than once..."
    Chuckling to herself, Vanya springs from the ground and bounds ahead, aiming to clear the exit before the faux-tiger behind her - and hopefully before the SWAT officers can seal it up. If not? Well, the were-tiger is still feeling a little playful...

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl says, "I came here originally seeking the one thing I lack, experience in combat. At first, these fights were between people who wanted to fight, and were only until someone was out of the action. Possibly not fully legal, but voluntary and very few deaths...until they started bringing in the demons that were revealed to be enchanted children. I had to come back today because the first of the demons I saw was here, I strongly suspected the demons would be here as well. I will admit I killed THAT one, but it was in self defense," here she points to the one that was exploded.
She continues, "I used holy water on the paper from the hollow man, which seems to have freed the others. I have a picture of the paper from when it was intact that might interest Dresden, and also an auric photograph if that is helpful. As an aside, there is supposed to be a half a million dollars in the basement that was the intended prize of this fight...once you are done with it as evidence I would like to put a legal claim on it."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Williams, I have Goblin Girl here. She's provided state's evidence of what's gone on, on her own recognicense. Give her a pass." There's a pause. "Yes. I know. It'll be my ass. Do it." She then cuts off the microphone for a moment so she doesn't hear any further of Williams' complaints.
    "Get Dresden the photo. And, get out of here. Before I change my mind," she tells Goblin Girl. Apparently she has the information she suspected, and needed at the moment. They're closing in on the real culprit, here.
    Montoya turns away and begins to direct traffic again, as paramedics arrive and begin to tend to the kids. Montoya watches, her features set. Someone? Someone was going to pay.