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The Return of Dru-Zod
Date of Scene: 18 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Zod meets Powergirl, Crusade, Green and Blue Lanterns as a cybertronian ship almost destroys him, tensions are high as misunderstandings, and miscommunications galore arise..
Cast of Characters: Zod, Crusader, Sister Reinhardt, Green Lantern (Cruz), Power Girl, Blurr

Zod has posed:
     The Phantom Zone....

    General Dru-Zod had worked feverishly for what had seemed days, days that /actually/ passed as the Kryptonian scoutship's phantom drive malfunctioned, leaving it trapped in the zone along with himself. Ignoring the hunger pains as he worked, one thought on his mind. Freedom. "Computer boot up primary drives, is the projector signal still being detected?" he calls out to the ship, a small floating pod floating near him. "Indeed it is General, with the repairs you have worked Phantom drive is working at sixty percent efficency well within given parameters to allow insertion into normal space. Destination is unknown, but it /is/ within the twenty eight known galaxies, and is not Krypton's." it replied. "Very well, initiate in thirty seconds." The old soldier commands moving to strap himself in.

    In the bright distance some four hundred kilometers from earth a bright flash of light appears as the old Kryptonian craft finally enters space adrift in the phantom zone for centuries, alarms blare as part of the ship explosively decompresses Zod's armor protecting him from the vaccume of space. While the light was relatively bright, the other energies that are released from the ships entry into normal space are much larger, any sensors near earth would detect the phenomina some 44 minutes later with normal light speed sensors.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader while working on earth to deal with their current fungus problem, has been keeping an eye on the sky for any other space anomolies. when one such anonoly was dected, he did not hesitate to respond. Prevent disaster before disaster reaches earth was his thought process.
    The StarPiecer his only personal ship was booted up and witha zoooooom, he was off into space. He of course let some of his team allies know where he was going. The travel time would only take a few minutes with his engine before he comes upon Dru-Zods general location, scanning to see what may have happened here or if there were any signs of life.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Approximately 5 minutes after the energies could be detected upon earth, A blue comet can be seen streaking towards the source of said energies. Only within sight of the ship does the comet slow and the aura shrinks to the form of a woman....in a Blue Lantern uniform. "I'll never get used to being out here." Suzanne says as she is slightly in awe at space around her, even though she's been to Oa and back. A beep from the ring gets her back on task....and she flies towards the ship drifting in space. "huh. I've never seen this before." She says to herself...scanning with her ring for life signs. She does smile, and wave, towards Starpiercer.....as the pilot seems to be thinking the same as she.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Paralleling the blue comet is a green one, rocketing out towards the disturbance. It stops into the form of another woman in Green Lantern regalia, with the Lantern insignia around her eye. "I just _love_ scanning for life-forms!" chirps Anillo, in an imitatoin of Data from Star Trek Generations. Humming a song about it, her ring starts to scan. She floats closer to Suzanne. "Perhaps we could find a common frequency so we can communicate easier, my azure friend?" she cooos. "Don't mind Anillo - it has a lot of mileage to it."

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen Starr, as CEO of STAR Labs, has a certain amount of flexibility. As well, she has a certain number of capable sensors. Triggered by the larger energy signatures, the sensors are tied to a somewhat automatic call script that unceremoniously interrupts Power Girl's evening.

    "I'm on my way." is the response Crusader's alert gets, and it almost seems like he's going to arrive before she does... Until she hits the edge off the atmosphere and slips past the speed of light by several multiples. Her arrival takes moments, if not less, her speed completely unhindered by the presence of the atmosphere or surrounding things to be scared of demolishing.

    When she arrives, she begins using this small device pulled from the glove on her left hand in order to pinpoint the object that is emitting the signal she picked up back at the lab.

Blurr has posed:
    Mere fractions of a second after the Kryptonian vessel arrives in the Sol system, another ship also suddenly appears out of hyperspace not far away. Only this one doesn't seem to be in control of its movement, and is on a direct collision course with Zod's craft.

    Anyone who is familiar with spacefaring races and tries to analyze it will see that it is decidedly Cybertronian in design (a race best left to its own devices according to most of the rest of the galaxy) and contains one lifesign. And its navigation systems are either badly damaged or have been sabotaged. Likely the reason its movement is out of control.

Zod has posed:
     Those familiar with Kryptonian technology will be able to recognize the construction of the ship. Crystalline in nature but black as obsidian several sharp spires of the black sun-stone have broken off, already damaged prior to the ships exit into normal space. Dressed in black Kryptonian armor the ship was able to synthesize Zod is currently working in the depths of space clearing out lose or still shattered pieces, the other spires averaging twenty feet in length are slowly shrinking as the sun-stone cannibalizes itself to prepare itself to effect repairs.

    "General another ship has just appeared on sensors and is on a collision course." The ship's AI alerts the man who redoubles his efforts as adrenaline pumps through his body. He doesn't realize he's moving faster than he should be capable of nor the fact that barely hanging on pieces of the damaged ship are breaking off under his strength, something the sun-stone shouldn't do.

    Sensors will detect him his suit not shielded against life-form detection and those with the visual acuity might see emblazoned both on the front and back the Kryptonian sigil for the House of Zod..

Crusader has posed:
May have arrived after Power Girl - but that didn't stop him from staying on task. Seeing other heros on the scene, he immediatly sets his ship to a wide range frequency in an attempt to try and connect everyone.
    "Hmmm, definintly Kryptonian. But where did it come from and why is it here. Showing at least one life sign." he informs over the comms to any that can hear.
     As the other ship appears he muses "Another ship, also carrying a single life sign. Highly damaged as well perhaps" he gives pause "Alright, Laterns, if you can hear me, can you see about stablizing that ship before it gets more damaged? Power Girl, can you search the wreckage? with all the debree I do not think I can get to close"Crusader seems to try and take the place of a coordinator of sorts.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Set your signal receptor to frequency BR549." Suzanne says as she continues to scan. Her ring familiar with Kryptonian tech, but Suzanne is not. A 'window' pops up in front of Suzanne, but to the side...for her to read, as she continues to scan. "Kryptonian technology? Isn't....Superman Kryptonian?" Then the ring detects Zod and his physicology....as well as the symbol upon his front and back. this brings up another 'window'. "Weird symbol, but even my ring doesn't know it."

That's when the ship jumps in as well and on a collision course. Apparently Crusader had the same idea. "Come on Lantern....we've got a ship to stop." She's already flying towards it, and uses a hand contruct to grab the ship and slow it down......

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods slowly. "Contact established," she states. "I actually met Superman. He's a very nice man... but I wouldnt' want to be on his bad side." She frowns. "That emblem is one of the Kryptonian house crests - like... a coat of arms. The emblem that Superman wears is that of the House of El. According to Anillo, it's the emblem of the House of Zod. But that's all I know. And... we might have another problem." She ponders. "Kryptonians only get super-powers in yellow sunlight. This person inside... might have been exposed to it for the first time. They might be confused by what is happening to them... perhaps I should block the distant sunlight?"

Power Girl has posed:
    For the first few moments after finding the ship, Power Girl merely floats there. It's not especially visible to anyone who isn't looking directly into her eyes, but she is looking through the whole ship- and finding its one occupant.

    The other ship warps in, and as the blue lantern moves to intercept, Power Girl takes a different route. Moving from where she was to the "underside" (not that there is such a thing in a vaccuum, really) of the ship... She begins to push.

    It's unlikely to feel strange for Zod within the crystalline apparatus, but it might sound strange when his ship reports that it's moving in a direction completely different from the one it should be.

Blurr has posed:
    As the Lanterns approach the Cybertronian vessel, they will see that it isn't just flying through space, it is actually propelling itself toward Zod's craft, sublights burning at full throttle. It also is quite large--well, to them anyway. It was certainly built to accommodate someone much larger than a humanoid.

    Inside, warnings are flashing everywhere as Blurr tries to override the corrupted code that is responsible for this unfortunate circumstance.

    "WARNING: COLLISION COURSE DETECTED." The ship's AI informs him. "Ugh, tell me something I -don't- know!" he grumbles as he tries once again to do -something- useful. Like open the airlock so he can bail, or jump to hyperspace again, or just plain kill the engines to at least lessen the blow. Or even at least get a message out to whoever is in that other ship in order to tell them to get out of the way if they somehow don't already realize what's happening. But -no-. All he gets is "ERROR: SECURITY KEY CORRUPTED. PLEASE RESET CONTROL FRAME 001."

Then something strange happens--a glowing blue thing seems to appear out of nowhere and starts trying to slow the vessel down. But although its velocity seems to degrade a bit, given its size and speed it is still traveling dangerously fast and will impact Zod's ship before even Power Girl can move it completely out of the way. She will need to either get some additional 'muscle', or just concentrate harder!

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod has a lot of things to react to it seems all within the span of several seconds. First a collision alert with his ship dead in the void. Then up and away from him there's the bright nimbus of blue light that he can see from here even though the ship itself that the blue construct is handling is many /many/ kilometers away. "Proximity alert, collision detected!" comes the ships alert almost simultaneously comes across his armor's communications as Power Girl flies in faster than he could see or track (currently) and starts to move the ship away from where it was drifting the man reaching out and grabbing the near by broken spire...

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne growls as the ship isn't really slowing down, nor turning fast enough for her liking. "Divert part of your power to hit the Green lantern....and give her a power boost." She then pulls HARDER on the ship. "Lantern.....I'm going to need your help with this ship. I'm diverting part of my power to get you more power. use it....." All of what she says is being said FAST....so there's an extra sense of urgency.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader narrows his eyes "Green lantern, we have more pressing problems than a kryptonian discovering their abilities. We need to get these ships to avoid colliding as we have little idea of how it core works. Get your head out of the stars and into the moment" he says towards her specificly, as the other lantern was trying to slow the oncomming ship
    Crusader notes the man hanging onto the broken spire. Unfamiliar with Kryptonian tech he tries he best to see if he can find a comm frequency Zod could hear "Hello, hello? if you can hear One sir, hang on, going to try and get you out of there" and with that Crusader ship flies towards where Zod was, unsure if his kryptnoianc power had fully kicked in, he figure it best to get him out of potential danger. A sort of 'rope' forms out of his ship and towards Zod for him to grab onto, hoping Zod understood his message

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just nods as she glances at the Blue who was busy trying to slow the Cybertronian ship. Cybertronian? What _is_ this, an intergalactic demolition derby of almost-extinct species? Anyway. "Whooooooo! Power UP times three!" yells Anillo, as her ring is being supercharged. She gestures as a gigantic emerald bird appears in space twice the size of the Cybertronian vessel, grabs said ship in its talons, and JERKS it hard up. Her aura is flaring bright with blue sparks as she's expereincing the first hope-fueled turbocharge. She uses the combined powers of willpower and hope to change the course away from collission and... to stop it so she can help any pilot. She never thought she'd meet a Cybertronian - they were supposedly extinct when their planet blew.

Power Girl has posed:
    A crystalline ship weighs, almost assuredly, less than a continent. Definitely less than the moon. The common factor of all of these is that Power Girl is strong enough to move them around. Zod might not be aware, but he's strong- probably not as strong as he'll ever be, but strong enough for this. Once the ship has started to move and she's relatively certain Zod has a grip on it... She speeds up.

    It's likely she can get the ship out of the way- but even then, that only solves the temporary problem of that ship hitting Zod's ship. The lanterns are doing something all the more long-term. After all, if they don't stop it, what is it going to hit next? Primarily, Power Girl is just buying them more time. Possibly, she may even need to help out, once this ship is clear of theirs.

Blurr has posed:
    Okay, as if that shiny blue construct out there wasn't -weird- enough, suddenly -another- even -more- giant glowing thing appears out there too. In fact...it looks like...some kind of -bird-?? Blurr has forgotten about all those red flashing warnings at the ship AI screaming at him by now, and is staring out a window at the very spectacular yet amazing sight as the strange creature grips his ship and begins to pull it away from Zod's. Slag, he's seen things. But no one's going to believe -this-. Well, at least it appears to be on his side....

    For now. Hopefully.

    At any rate, the massive hope-supercharged willpower construct in concert with Suzanne's standalone hope contruct manage to prevent the imminent collision just moments before it was slated to occur. In fact, the engines end up running out fuel from the effort of straining against it, and cut out completely, just leaving the craft floating there alongside Zod.

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod does get the transmission.. Understanding though isn't something that's forthcoming as the alien (To him) transmission cuts across his channels. Drawing the sidearm imbedded in it's thigh holster the highly trained kryptonian lines up a shot to shoot the invading tendril his grip on the ship tightening enough to shatter the already damaged spar that was still needing to be removed. This has him free floating in space a Kryptonian curse coming through the channel as before he speaks once more to his own ships AI. "Lock it down and activate defense systems, shoot anyone out of the sky that attempts entry." he tells the ship "If my lifesigns vanish, self destruct." he adds with grim determination. The ship follows the generals commands, little nubby ports growing on the surface of the ship and glowing a light blue even as the now cleaned spar starts to free flow and grow out to quickly match the other spars..

    With his head on a swivel the soldier quickly brings both hands to hold the kryptonian weapon ready to defend himself not quite trusting the aliens he seems to find himself surrounded by..

Crusader has posed:
That construct was glareing, but he had to concentrate. When he heard the kryptonian curse, he sighed. This made thing SOOO much more difficult. And the side arm clearly indicated he wasn't going to make this easy "Power Girl, or even you laterns, if any of you can speak Kryptonian or translate somehow, now would be a good time too to let him know were trying to help. I am patched through to the mans comms"
    And with that the tendril recedes and his ship drifts towards Dru-Zod, it does so slowly not wanting to hit him accidently. But the ship also opened up a short of bay door to catch him in as he got ever closer as if to scoop him up. He seen the damage kryptnians can do, so he really hopes someone can communicate with the man.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
     "I don't even know if my ring can translate to Kryptonian....." Suzanne says before looking to Jessica. 'Can you?" She also dissipates the construct she had, and stops firing energy at Jessica, but once she sees weapons appear on the ship....a shield goes up between herself and the ship. "And....we have a hostile Kryptonian.....this isn't good."

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods, sensing the weapon signal.. "Yes - my ring has every language known... with a few exceptions." In Kryptonian, she transmits, "Attention, member of the House of Zod. This is the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. I, along with my allies Power Girl, Crusader, and Blue Lantern also of Sector 2814, are attempting to assist your ship. We have stopped the collision course... apparently you appeared in its flight path somehow. Please do not escalate this situatoin with weapons fire." She moves towards the Kryptonian ship, but maintains a respectful distance. "I am linking to your comm frequency and that of the Starpiercer so we can all communicate." Her ring is glowing, arrows pointing towards both vessels to signify this linkage.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl ceases moving the ship once it's properly out of the way of the oncoming vessel- even as the lantern combination halt that in its space-tracks. There is a short moment where she shifts to the opposite side of the ship in order to halt the momentum she just gave it- but that only takes a fraction of a minute.

    Afterwards, she's moving in alongside Jessica, as the woman tunes the various communicators into the frequency that Zod can hear. The lantern already introduced herself, but Power Girl feels some level of need to do the same thing.

    "I am Kara Zor-El of the house of El, one of the last survivors of Krypton." A mild pronunciation difference, but they can clear the misconception up later. She doesn't exactly need to bombard a fellow survivor with the concept that there are other universes quite yet. "You are in good hands, but you need to calm down. Things are going to be very strange."

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod's lip curls the clear plate of his armor letting it be clearly visible as Power Girl introduces herself, the look of disgust reaching his eyes. "I thank you for your intervention. My ship is currently repairing itself with the resources it has on board. I bid you good day." he says his voice just on the right side of civil as he lowers his weapon but doesn't holster it, nor tell is ship to retract it's hardpoints..

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I'm glad you can translate. I think the Blue Lanterns are fairly new." Suzanne then listens to the conversation and.....notes the weapons haven't withdrawn nor have they been holstered. "I don't think we're out of the woodwork yet, Green Lantern. I don't see weapons being put away."

Crusader has posed:
Well, with the lantern connecting them, at least communication should be easier. "Your welcome. One will drop you off at whatever port you choose on your ship" comes Crusader respond, he was civil and glad for the translator.
    And with that, the Starpiecer scoops Dru-Zod into its bay and the bay than closeing. As he hears Suzanne he responds "One does - as you might notice, the ships spikes are retracting, and he has lowered his weapon. Only an idiot would completly holster their weapon among strangers in space...or at least if you visit Knowhere enough, this is common" he informs the blue lantern.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just groans. "Ummmm.... I don't think that was a good idea - you should have ASKED first." She sighs as she moves towards Crusader's ship. "You have a yellow-sun-charged Kryptonian who doesn't know his strength yet... and you just swallowed him whole. He might think you just tried to capture him or something..." She just hopes that nothing goes bad.

Power Girl has posed:
    Crusader leaps! But Power Girl is able to recognize that Zod hasn't let down his guard. Not only are his weapons still on the alert, but she saw the way that Zod was looking. Crusader's attempt to grab Zod was coupled with Power Girl calling out, "Whoa whoa whoa, we do NOT need him losing his shit near Jupiter!"

Zod has posed:
     A rage filled growl comes over the comms as the Kryptonian blaster he's weilding is brought to bare blowing a good twelve foot wide hole in the hold of Crusades ship his armor propelling him faster than it should be able to back to the surface of his ship the crystalline surface rippling as weapon nodes shift their place on the sunstone to give him a platform to stand.

    Not caring that it'll be heard across the channels and be translated Zod gives his ship a command. "Ursa, safeties off, the next ship, being, or object to get within thirty meters open fire." he says quivvering in rage his eyes starting to glow a sullen red glow of scarcely contained heat vision.

    "I will reiterate. Thank you for your timely assistance and in saving my life. I do not, shall not, and will not submit to being 'ferried' /anywhere/ and will defend myself with all force necessary." he says through his teeth the sound of his jaws grating on one another clearly audible through the transmission..

Crusader has posed:
Power Girls and Green Lanterns staement come in a bit too late. He can be heard audibly sighing "Did you NEED to blow a hole in Ones back? You could have said something before One scooped you up. By Juthuum, you saw one approaching, you had your weapon trained on me, it not like you did not see this comming. Great, just great. Follow standard protocol and get a hole. Perfect." oh was thoroughly pissed now.
    The whole on the ship was close, the ship actually shrinking smaller to fix itself. "Well, seems he fine." a deep breath "On will make sure the other lifeform is okay." thankfully that ship and zods were moved away from each other. And his ship heads towards Blurr ship as Zod was no longer a priority. Sides Power Girl can probably handle him better.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just sighs softly. "Well, let's just calm down, everyone. It was just a misunderstanding..." She is keeping a healthy distance from the ship. "The reason you got so much response is that you're in the middle of a star systme that we are all living on. So we all came out here as quickly as possible. We hope that there won't be any more misunderstandings." With that, she starts to head back towards Earth - keeping some sensors on Zod just in case something else goes weird or he starts on a rampage.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl idly floats there in space- a great deal of this is confusing, she's sure, but she isn't about to be bothered by Zod's freedom from Crusader. "How about we all break and head to our respective corners?" she calls, sort of placing herself between Cru and Zod. The latter didn't seem to be bothered by someone floating with no suit in the vaccuum of space, so she figured he was well suited to continuing on his own.

    "Knowing our luck, he'll come find us. No reason to make that a less-than-friendly visit." With that, she just stays where she is- letting Zod go back to what he was doing, and Cru do the same.

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod 'walks' across the surface of the ship, weapon ports shifting around him till finally the 'bridge' of the ship opens allowing him entrance. With that the black crystalline ship takes off under it's own power it's target one of the largest asteroids in the belt raw materials are needed for the ship to get back to 100%..