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Latest revision as of 04:30, 16 September 2018

Nerdery in the grass
Date of Scene: 11 August 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: A chance meeting in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Smart Alek, Modred the Mystic, Hulk, Souvenir, She-Hulk

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is sitting on the ground, running his fingers through the grass of central park, his head bobs a bit as he's not looking at anything, and his eyes actually look a bit random in movements glowing with an obvious blue light. A few people take a little notice of him but they keep moving on.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred like the park, it feels mich more like home that the rest of the city. This land, the cities are like hills of human ants, countless number of workers nearly mindlessly toiling at their tasks. At least in the park, he can pretend for a moment to be back home in his era.

Hulk has posed:
It's been a while since Bruce Banner has had time to sit, relax, and just take some time for his own projects. Wearing a navy blue sleeveless and blue jeans with white sneakers, Bruce is sitting on a bench along one of the jogging routes of Central Park. The baseball cap he wears keeps the sun out from his eyes... but not from the laptop screen he's looking at. A good angle to keep the sun out from a grove of trees does that for him.

He seems fairly relaxed, and quite busy typing. He's keeping a low profile, so most don't recognize him passing by.

Souvenir has posed:
Back at the school, the other kids are doing something fun and basically jock-y with their amazing superpowers of mayhem. Again. Earth is being torn asunder, sonic booms from people running, and so on. It's absolutely awesome.

Erika Kristasdottir can't do any of those things, so she's hanging out with Alek for the moment. Right now, that means sitting around in a crowded park debating on what to do now, since this is starting to resemble babysitting at this point. She didn't actually get an explanation of why he decided to sit here now. Hrm.
A gloved hand reaches in her black shoulder bag and withdraws a notebook, which she flips through quickly in thought. "Okay, so... what are you doing?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Every piece of grass is interesting.. sometimes I find one coated with DNA.. people like to use the park for their animals bathroom." he shrugs, "I'm not very fun person to hang around with, I'm in my own head most of the time.""

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred observes people, trying t better understand this time. Some are doing things he can understand, like playing catch with thrown balls or disks or walking with animals. Others he can not fathom. What is being done with those various small boxy things that people poke their fingers at for example? He does see a scribe taking notes with a book, though the binding of the book is strange at least the action is sesible.

Hulk has posed:
It's getting a bit crowded for Bruce. Taking a glance around, he shuts down the laptop, allowing the OS on it to do it's work as he stands and starts walking to the side of the jogging path. With slumped shoulders, Bruce closes the laptop and starts heading deeper into Central Park, the laptop closed and placed under his right armpit.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir jots down a quick note, and looks up at the person approaching with the laptop, nodding in basic politeness. She's looking very emo, a teen girl with lots of black, a band shirt, plaid long sleeve shirt, skin tight leather gloves that actually match Rogue's if you look closely.

"Okay, that makes sense. If you see anything that looks like somebody might have worn or carried it while they were doing martial arts or something acrobatic, point it out to me, will you? I always need souvenirs, and I'm low." She taps her chin with the pen, thinking.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Well.. I can see sweat, but doesn't help me finding if they are doing martial artist stuff. Laptop.. I should go window shop the newest laptops.. always fun seeing what new stuff they put in them. Can't afford to buy one though, just look." He glances over to Erika, "What do you do for fun?""

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Moderd frowns and decides to inquire, he looks for someone alons so he will not be interrupting a conversation. He spots Bruce nearby and says, "Pardon sir, might I inquire what that is and what you are doing with it? I am...not from around here." He does speak a bit oddly, often hesitantly as if translating his thoughts from some other language.

Hulk has posed:
It doesn't take long for Bruce to start walking briskly as people start talking around him. He came into Central Park for quiet in the sun, after all... not for socializing. His laptop is gripped under his armpit harder as he goes along the jogging path.

When Modred starts to talk to him though, he slows down briefly, looking in that direction. "What is 'that'?" Bruce asks, for clarification.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk comes running down the path in time to see Bruce leaving. Her eyes widen as she LEAPS in front of him, "Oh no you don't! Not this time cousin! I haven't seen you in.. I don't even know how long! Where have you been?!"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some and looks around to see what sort of activities people might be up to. To Alek, "Well, I used to be in a tabletop game. Pathfinder two. I'm still debating whether to start up a group. Sometimes people don't like having me around though because I min-max stuff." She frowns and considers, then looks at Modred puzzledly at the odd comment. Hrm. This could be odd. Possibly messed up. Then she stops and frowns as green people jump out, and moves next to Alek. "Eyes up, dude. Life is moving faster."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek blinks as his eyes become 'slightly' less glowing blue, he looks to Erika and then around.. "What what?" His eyes land on She-Hulk, the likely most eyecatching of the others in the Park, "She is green right? Not some sort of sensory issue..." He tilts his head a bit as he sees the person nearby her, "Wait... Dr. Banner?" His face switches to a bit of a smile, and he gets up from his spot, "Wow. He's here."

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred pointed to the laptop and said, "that thing, I see many things like it about but I ken them not.

He suddenly sees the She Hulk dropping down from above, so Modred says to the green apparition, "Get thee gone fae creature, Modred can easily deal with thine kind." He gathers in energy from the nearest Ley Line, causing his body to take on an eldritch glow.

Hulk has posed:
"It's called a lap-" Then Jennifer comes out of nowhere, and Bruce blinks. She is /not/ anyone he was expecting to meet today. "I've been-" Then, Modred starts to... glow? And a wide eyes Bruce starts to back away, "Oh seriously, I just want one peaceful day." Bruce starts to dash off, moving away as he works to remove himself from the potential source of fear. "Please don't hurt me." Bruce states, imploringly, as he moves away.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk watches Bruce run off before blinking at Modred, "Um.. you.. what? Fae creature? What are you talking about? And if you are glowing so that you can attack me.. well.. don't do that.. seriously do not do that. I am sure there's another way to settle this. I don't want to hurt you.. and you REALLY do not want to hurt me.. or my cousin.."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir frowns as hands start glowing. Damn it. Called it. Bleep. Bleep. Bleepity bleep. Bleep bleep bleep and a bleeping bleep. She sighs. "Hey, can we stop with the glowing please? Everybody I recognize here so far is nice. Introductions maybe? I mean, I'm just some girl."

She runs through a quick inventory of what souvenirs she has right now. Hmm.. Wrestling skills from a boy that seriously out masses her and has superspeed, not the most useful thing, a pen lifted from the school nurse? Various boring classes... Ugh.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "What did he say?" He seems confused and he looks between them all, "What's happening?" He moves behind Erika and hunches, "Do you shoot energy beams or something? I forget what you said before what your abilities." he thinks, "Ooh, you take skills from objects. Not useful now I think.""

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred pauses and reflects, "Verily, thou didst call yon man cousin when thou approached. It be not unknown for fae and sons of Adam to bear fruit together. Beseems me that your actions I may have misjudged." He assumes a less threatening posture. When Erika runs up, he says, "Mayhap introductions are indeed in order, "I am Modred, called the Mystic, a visitor from a far place and time. And though art...?"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks again, "Um.. well.. that simmered down fast! I mean not that I'm complaining!" She stratches the back of her head, "Look.. I'm not a fae.. never met one.. don't even know if they exist. I'm.. well I am human but.. just.. look it's a long story and I'm sure I will end up telling you some time. But yes.. my name is She Hulk. At least that's what I usually go by now, some people call me Shulkie. My birth name is Jennifer and I am also a lawyer here in New York. I actually represent mutants and I think I am the only attorney who does.."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs slightly as her, admittedly irrelevant at the moment, abilities are listed off. No point being upset, though; Alek is Alek, after all, and no harm done so far.

"Right. I have some souvenirs that might be useful, but nothing super useful. Until we leave the park, call me Souvenir. I'll explain why later." She hmms. "I don't recognize the person with the glowing hands. Glowing hands might be blasty, but I think he was just startled. Everything looks like it is calmer now. I don't think he recognizes anyone here. Green is She-Hulk, an Avenger. I'm told she's nice, I haven't met her before now. You know more about the person with the laptop, but he looks like he doesn't want to talk right now."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek sighs as he sees Bruce vanish off in the distance, "It was Doctor Robert Bruce Banner, his research into Gamma Radiation, Medicine, and Physics is legendary.. I kinda" he looks down at his feet, "would have been nice to meet him." He looks over She-Hulk and Modred, "Hi though." he seems less excited, "I'm Alek. Your glowing threatened everyone. It didn't bother me though."

Modred the Mystic has posed:
"A physician then, this Robert Bruce Banner? And thou art Jennifer called She-hulk? Thou are called Souvenir and thee Alek. Mayhap one of thee can answer mine question, what be these strange slates and boxes that do many now carry and apply their hands to?" Modred Inquires.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods, "Yes! Well I am glad that our little misunderstanding is over.. so..." She pauses a moment, "Modred is it? So you kind of talk like you are from.. I don't know the middle ages or something? I know some people have found a way to not age.. I guess I probably don't because I regenerate really fast but.. well.. yeah.."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. To Alek, she comments, "I'm sure we will have another opportunity. You have some skills he might think are really useful."

To Modred, "The small ones are phones, the bigger ones are tablet computers. They do the same thing but phones are better for talking to people far away with other phones. You can read or write with them, they hold a LOT of information, and they can get information that's being stored or changed a long way away. " She awkwardly shuffles her feet a little bit, not sure what to do here.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Yeah, your language is different." he looks back down at his feet, "Did they defrost you from a pod maybe? They found people frozen before." He shuffles between his feet."

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred restonds to Alek and Jennifer, "I wast awakened recentl from an enchanted sleep, but no pod helt me, it was a cursed tower in that land now called England, thoug when I wast born a millenium past they called it Avalon and it be ruled from Camelot." He looks to Erika, "So the small ones are Phones and speak messages, whiler the large ones be more like books or scrolls, these con-pewters? They look not lohe pewter to mine eyes."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods slowly, "Oh! Well.. that would explain it! So.. do you.. fight bad guys too?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmmms. Well, this is rapidly turning into a conversation she isn't in. She shrugs a little bit and looks around again. Ho hum, what to do.. Ponder ponder.. "okay, so now what?"

To Modred, "Pretty much. Think of them like.. windows to a huge library somewhere that they can leave notes for each other in or read, or listen to things."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods, "I like them. But I like things alot. I explore them. Camelot was real?" he questions.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred affirns, "Aye, Camelot was a shining moment in time, though the poets and sages have much of it wrong, it is more a surprise how much they recall. There was an Arthur, and his four elder sisters one of whom was Morgana called la Fey, and his adviser Merlin, though Merlin went mad. I sought a magic to aid against the Mad Magician, and that was how I became entrapped." He is actually a relative of Arthur, though only a distant cousin.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk blinks, "Merlin was... real? Seriously that guy was real?? I just saw the Merlin series on Netflix! Did he really serve as Arthur's servant while he learned to control his magic?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms and scratches her head a bit, listening a little bit. She hmmms and listens, taking a note on her notebook. She just likes the paper, kind of, apparently. Modred and Shulkie earn a scan over what they are wearing, thoughtfully.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek looks to Erika, "You know much about Camelot.. I never did much reading on it... I.. should though. I need to go. If your here still later, I'll be back." he zones out a bit staring at his feet and starts to walk off.