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Latest revision as of 16:11, 9 August 2017

Gym and Juice
Date of Scene: 18 July 2017
Location: Angel Grove Youth Center
Synopsis: Dance Planz.
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Ranger (Taylor)

Green Ranger has posed:
Returning to the Gym and Juice Bar after having an impromptu shower, Tommy's once green muscle shirt now looks like a green and pink tie dye after a waitress had accidentally spilt a tray of pink beverages on him when one of the school's local bullies tripped her. Tommy hadn't caught the movement, and so he took it in stride. He went back to the showers, cleaned himself up, again, his second shower in the lat forty minutes, as he had been working out before that, and twisted his shirt, trying to get the drink out of it. When that didn't work, he just went with it. The shirt was dried under the blower drier, and now looked like it was meant to be this way. Rejoining the group, he listened in on the conversation before offering his own thoughts.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott is still sitting where he was when Tommy left, bent over that thick First-Aid certification textbook and earbuds plugged into his Starkphone, his eyes darting slowly over every bulletpoint and illustration... he is being much more studious than he usually is in class. Not that he is a TERRIBLE student, mind you, but like any teenager there are things he likes and things he finds boring.. like math.. and science.. and english... and social studies.. and... Well you get the idea. HE peeks up time to time, to smile or add to the conversation, bt only recently notices thatTommy has left, and is returning.

"Hey man.. Nice shirt. The colors are definately you. Going for a more feminine touch?" he asks.. then grins.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Is there a problem with pink?" comes the comment from Kim. She had been admiring the shirt, thinking the green and pink went really well together for some reason. They should clash. Yet, it works. Might start a new fashion trend even. She turns from her admiration of the shirt (really, just the shirt) and eyes Jason. "Think the answer through before you answer. Since at one time in history pink was a boy color and blue was a girl color, I think that it doesn't matter." Then she grins, going back to her more normal expression. "Besides pink is just awesome."

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
"... and that's when I was like, 'Yo Angela! What's up, babygirl!' and she either totally didn't hear me. Or see me. Or acknowledge me. But! I'm tellin' you right now, that's my prom date. Callin' it. We gonna' look so fly together. I mean, super fly." Zack has probably been talking this entire time. Even to the point that he may not have even known Tommy was gone. "Hey, we're all goin' to prom together, right? I'm just sayin', I ain't got the money for no limo but..." Zack looks around at his friends because they all have more money than him. His smile is all big and pleading. "Hah, I mean, that is if y'all can find dates!" The teasing burn is tossed at the table at which Zack is straddling the chair he's sitting on because that's how the cool people do it.

"Haha, yeah, Pink? Third favorite color. Pink is tight. I got a lot of pink ties. All awesome." Zack contributes to the conversation at hand before turning towards the 'bar' "Hey E-Man! Another 'round over here!" Zack finally notices Tommy's back. Or is there. One or the other. "On Tommy this time!" Zack peeps Tommy's shirt. "... Or should I say, /again/?! Haha!"

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy doesn't seem to have a problem with his shirt. If anything, he's rocking it. It's still a bit wet, clinging to him, but he did his best to dry it under the hand drier in the change room. "Sure, sure," he replied to Zack, turning around and heading to the bar, going to order another round, pay for it with his tournament winnings, and bring them back over to the table. He didn't want to mix any more drinks with his shirt. A few moments later he returned, getting himself a bottle of water, and everyone else another drink of what they had been drinking before. Remembering the thing about the limo, he looked to Kimberly for a moment, smiling, before back to Zack, "yeah, prom sounds like fun. Maybe we could pitch in and get a limo?" He let Jason study, as he seemed to be doing well, focusing on his schoolwork.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott chuckles. "Nope. Nothing wrong with pink." he tells Kimberly, pulling the buds from his ears, "It's Pink and GREEN that is the problem. The aren't the most complimentary of colours." he quips. He shoots Zack a look as he is going on with another of his 'stories' and shakes is head. "The oly time 'You Fly', Zack, is when Tommy tosses you in Gym... And Duh, of course we're going to prom together." he says, as if NOT going together never occured to him. "And you know I got your back, man. I put some extra away just in case.." he looks to Tommy. "So yeah, we can get a limo..." He doesn't say WHEREE he got the momney as, usually, he is as broke if not more so than even Zack is.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kim doesn't argue about the beauty of pink and green together. There is no accounting for lack of taste. As the conversation goes back to prom, she flicks a gaze toward Tommy but then away just as fast. Hopefully he didn't notice. "I'll pitch in! We can get one of those big ones for all of us. And if we don't have dates, we'll be together so that's all that matters." Because really, she can't assume she'll have a date. She has her ideas on who she wants to have ask her but it isn't a given. And it isn't a certain bully and his sycophant either. That's just Ew!

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
"Hey, thanks, Tommy." Zack's jokish nature is gone for just a moment to actually sound as sincere as possible without cracking the mood. There's even a silent nod of thanks to Jason because the back is always gotten. He's absolutely going to pay everybody back at some point. In the future. When his Mom... when he's got no one to take care of but himself. Or he's just going to couch surf until the end. One or the other.

ANYWAY! Zack sips his drink for a moment and sets it down before rubbing his hands together. "This is gonna' be great. All my best friends, my best girl that doesn't know she's my girl yet, my best dance moves... I wonder if they'll let me rock the mic a little bit too." Zack runs a hand through his hair. "Don't worry, if you all don't luck up and get dates, you can all be my dates. There's enough of the Zack Man to go around." Grin.

Green Ranger has posed:
Looking down at his shirt, Tommy disagrees with Jason, as per usual. "Oh, I don't know, Jason. Pink and green look like they go together pretty well to me." Tommy's still paying back his parents for the extra money they lent him when he wanted to go to Jurassic Park in Costa Rica. He was paying them back in instalments from tournament winnings, as well as the odd shift he was working at the Youth Centre. Anything to get a bit of extra cash. He was a teenager. He had needs. Besides, there's someone he wants to ask to prom.

"Zack, they'd be foolish not to let you near the mic. Have you asked about MCing it? You'd make a great DJ. Of course, that might make it hard to dance with Angela." He smirked at the thing about the Zack man, before turning to Jason, "how's the studying going? Keep it up, and someday, you'll save someone's life... that way too." And to Kim, he looked like there was something he wanted to say, but kept quiet in the crowd.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott smiles at his friends, chuckling, but spares an extra glance at his oldest friend, Zackm sighing inwardly. But he keeps a smile on his face and leans back in the booth.

"Oh I'm sure well all have dates, Kimberly." of course, he hasn't told anyone WHO he is going to ask. It's one of those things. He gets.. well.. shy when he talks about his dating life (or lack thereof). "Hey, maybe we can get one of those Hummer Limos!" eh suddenly says, looking excited. "I saw one down town last week, it was AWESOME. All Camo and stuff.."

Pink Ranger has posed:
If he had poured her green smoothie shake over her head, she'd be less horrified. Kim manages not to let it show, having the feeling the guys might outvote the girls on this topic. It's a matter of knowing her battles. This one, she might lose. So she quickly picks up her drink and takes a long sip, refusing to comment on Hummer Limos and camoflage.

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
"Dude, Hummer Limo? Yes. Camo? No. That's gonna' clash with my entire life. Don't do that to my soul." Zack quips before turning his eyes over to Tommy. "Let the record show that I'm fly enough to MC the Prom and win Best Dress and Prom King and still have enough cool left over to dance circles around you, my man!" Zack has to get a little dig in himself! "So what is everybody up to after this? Movies? Onnnn..." Zack looks around the table. "On Kimberly?" Maybe the Zack Man needs to get a job.

Green Ranger has posed:
"A hummer limousine... in camouflage?" Tommy looks sceptical, the hummer part seems neat, but the camouflage definitely seems to be a really odd choice. He just drinks his water, and probably would vote against that. Thankfully, Zack seems to be against the camouflage portion as well. "Green's sort of my colour, but I think a nice white limo might be nice, very traditional." He did have a fondness for white. It was one of his favourite colours.

Leaning towards Zack, so that they're both talking, could even have a whispered conversation, he says in a normal speaking voice, "Prom King's all yours man. I just hope that the girl I ask, says yes." And he looks briefly to Kim, trying not to be too obvious. "A movie sounds fun. I heard the Back to the Future reboot is pretty good."

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott looks a WEE bit crestfallen when the Camosine is pretty much shot down.. He likes camo, darnit. It's COOL! Not as cool as Red mind you, but still cool. And it's, like, the fashion statement back home on the Rez. "You guys NEVER let me have any fun.." he mumbles, though good naturedly, and waves to a passing waitress, making a motion to indicate everyone wants refills and that he is, yes, going to cover it. Because /windfall/. He's been making some scratch on the side giving Self Defense lessons to the elderly.

"I think you need to give the REST of us some Credit, Zack. I mean, Best Dancer.. Definately. Best dressed.. Well, that may be a tossup. I mean, Even Tommy cleans up nicely and I know I will look AWESOME. But prom King? Pffffffffffft!" he grins and then looks at Tommy with a horrified glare.

"No. Not that. Any movie but that! You can't reboot back to the Future. It's PERFECT the way it IS! That would be like.. Like.. Redrawing the Mona Lisa with Kim Karadashian!" he shudders. "I say we go see that new Zombie flick.. Prawns of the Dead."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Zack will clean up at the prom," Kim says, grinning over at him. "Best dressed, best dancer and he'll have the place rocking. I'm sure they would let you have the mic for a while," she agrees before setting her drink down. She waves off the refill since her glass is still half full. Or half empty. Depends on the point of view. With her, it's half full.

Then she catches it. That little look from Tommy when he mentions prom. for a moment, her heart sank when she thought he might be asking someone else. That little glance gives her a flare of hope. Probably reading too much into it, Kim. Play it cool!

"YES! Prawns of the Dead! Oh please can we see that?" She looks from one guy to the other hopefully. "And yes, my treat. I'll even buy concessions if we can see that movie. The previews look hilarious."

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
Zack cracks one huge grin when he and Tommy share a moment. He does one of those nods that a guy figuring out things does and even lets it linger long enough to give Kimberly a nod of approval. He's like trying to hook them both up silently with nods. Who knows if it'll actually work or not.

"Prawns of the Dead is gonna' be /sick/." Zack reaches for his phone that was probably bought by Kimberly or something because its expensive enough to be a good one. "Textin' Trini. Maybe we can swing by and pick her up. Get her out of those books." A look is given to Jason because he's been in his damn books all day too! Hmph! "Somebody text Billy. He's got the van. Unless we're all gonna' smoosh in Jason's car. Which is fine but I know Kim ain't ready for all this jelly on her lap!"

Zack's even up off the chair to Twerk and Text at the same time. Why. WHY is he like this.

Green Ranger has posed:
"I thought it was a smart move bringing Michael J. Fox back to play the dad, and getting his son to play him when he was younger. I saw the trailer and Christopher Lloyd looks so young. But, Prawns of the Dead, I could be down with that if everyone else wanted to see it." Tommy also seemed to like when Jason said he cleaned up nicely, sitting a little taller in his seat.

"Are you sure you want to see it Kimberly? It might be scary. But don't worry, I'll sit next to you." She's faced putties, Rita Repulsa, and so many others, yet he's joking that a simple movie might spook her. Fortunately, he's given a break to text Billy, inviting him to come join them.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott woots and pumps a fist in the air. "Excellent! Prawns of the Dead it is!" he says as he pulls out his cellphone.. It's not one of the nicer models, of course, but it has it where it counts and he starts thumbing a message to Billy right away. "Look at it this way, Tommy. We can watch undead shrimp or listen to Billy explain the logic of time travel.. again." He looks up and winks at everyone, because he knows what the answer will be.

Now Jason isn't that naive. He knows, deep down, that Kimberly and Tommy have a non-thing thing going on, even if both parties don't FULLY admit it to each other. But unlike Zack or the others he doesn't actively PUSH them together. yeah, he wants them happy but.. Kimberly is his second oldest friend.. and he doesn't want her to get hurt... So he doesn't pla the game, either way, pushing OR pulling.

HE looks down at his phone as he gets message from Billy, before he even sent his. "Hey, how did he already know?" he asks, out loud.. because he didn't see Tommy text first. Tommy texted First.. That should be on a shirt.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kim is distracted watching Zack twerking while texting. She puts her hand over her eyes. "Zack, stop that! Stick to your usual thing and not that!"

She waits a moment before she peeks between her fingers, hoping it is safe to do so as she quickly looks over at Tommy. For a moment, she is about to protest and explain how zombie shrimp are unlikely to make her quake in her shoes. Unless they were made by Rita. Then she might have a bit more fear. God, she hopes Rita doesn't watch movies and get any ideas! It only takes a moment for her feminine wiles to kick in and explain scared in movies equals leaning on muscular shoulder. Score! "Thank you, Tommy," is all she says, her smile a little too happy at the offer.

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
Zack has slowed down the twerking because he's focused on adding the right emojis to this text that gets sent to Trini. Weird that he's taking the time to craft the perfect message to send to their other friend. So weird. Finally, there's a smile to himself as he wraps up the text and sends it off.

"Oh man. Give the third and fourth wheel over here a little break, huh? At least wait 'til we get to the movies. Where it's dark. And I don't have to see it!" Zack's grinning before he does the hole fake gagging sound thing. He's rooting for those crazy kids. Thus the random teasing! If he can make them both blush...

Green Ranger has posed:
It seems Tommy had been included in the text message, as his phone vibrated when Jason received the response. "Yeah, looks like Billy can't meet it. Uh..." he eyes the text message, trying to say the words that were typed, but they're awfully technical. When he fails, "... science experiment."

It's sexist, and not meant to be, but it seems that Tommy and Kimberly are playing that particular dance, him being the protective male, and her being the vulnerable woman. She could kick anyone's butt in the Youth Centre on a good day, and most on a bad day too.

Zack is a very smart man, and the random teasing certainly makes Tommy blush with embarrassment. Why does everyone around him know what he's thinking before he does? Is there a sign on his forehead announcing whatever he's thinking? And yes, Tommy's first, Tommy's number one, or Tommy's best should definitely be on a t-shirt. Jason should wear it too.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott Awwws as he reads the text from Billy. "How do you even fit that many words into a single text?!?" he asks, gabberflasted by the verbocity of the message. How did Billy even TYPE a message that long so FAST? He shakes his head and starts tapping a new message.

"Well since Billy has the van and can't make it.. I'll ask mom if we can use her Jeep.. She's on shift at the Hospital till midnigt anyways so I can walk over, grab it, then have it back well before she needs to come home." he says as he finishes the text, packs his stuff in his backpack, then graabs his cup to drain the last of his diet soda.

"I'll be back in ten minutes."

Pink Ranger has posed:
Apparently Zack is two-for-two as Kim turns the same color of her Ranger costume. She drops her eyes to the side, focusing on her drink and staring at the green sludge inside. Green. Even her drinks are green. She hates the green drinks yet she's drinking them! But she says nothing, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor. Besides, she can't really deny it because it's totally true.

Black Ranger (Taylor) has posed:
With Jason gone and Zack sitting here for a moment, it takes him a second to realize exactly what this opportunity could mean for both Tommy and Kimberly. Grinning to himself, he glances upwards and then hops off his chair. "I'll be back. You two uh... talk. About things." Zack grins one more time. "Important things." And with that, he spins on his heels to head over towards the Juice Bar. "Yo! E-Man! We need to talk about throwin' a major birthday bash for my girl, Angie!"

"Your girl? When did that happen?"

"So far, in my dreams!"

Oh brother.