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Latest revision as of 07:30, 26 November 2018

Who the heck is Cobra!
Date of Scene: 25 November 2018
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Azrael, Starfire, Ares, Ultragirl, Star Shimmer

Jinx has posed:
    Hey True Believers! This is Stan Lee and our story is set in Metropolis, where the Macy's Day parade is being held. At least Metropolis' version of the parade. There's lots of people and cameras here, and even a bunch of balloons. But, when things are at their best, they sometimes change for the worse......and bring out the best in people.

As the narrator quiets, the roar of the crowd can be heard and there are lots of cameras about, as the narrator said. Even announcers. What no one sees, because of the large balloons, and the release of a large number of normal balloons is the fact there is a strange looking carrier overhead, and figures are starting to drop out of it. LOTS of them.

Few people even notice them until they've landed, thinking they're part of the show.....at least until one in red smashes a camera and puts the operator at gunpoint. This is getting tense....and fast. It'd almost be laughable with the rocket powered gliders some are flying down on, and even circling overhead. The ones are the ground begin to attempt to take hostages, but are pretty unsuccessful since people are scattering really fast.

The gliders continue to circle overhead menacingly.....until a shot comes from one of the buildings, and causes one glider to explode, sending the pilot to the ground.....

Azrael has posed:
Jean-Paul Valley isn't really one for this kind of thing. He's not good with people, even on his best days, but he didn't realize the date and ended up finding himself caught someone in the flow of people. He kept his eyes down, not paying much attention to the pageantry, reciting lines of code to himself to keep his head stable. He felt the flutter of wings in the back of his mind and shook his head quickly, his blonde curls falling behind his ears.

And then the chaos comes. Flying through the sky, comes a fearsome cry. Jean-Paul shrinks backwards through the crowd, reaching into his pocket, stumbling into an alley as he drags the mask over his face, straining it until he feels the angel's fire ignite within him.

Jean-Paul Valley is gone. What emerges from the alley, moment's later, is Azrael.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was watching the parade, cuddling the Silkie in her arms. She is wearing civilian clothes - a yellow sundress that seems completely inappropriate for the almost-winter weather - the logo for French's Mustard across her chest. But the Silkie is wearing some kind of mustard-yellow sweater to match. She looks up to hear the panicking, watching the situation. One of the bad guys goes right for her and gets a super-powered kick to the stomach, knocking him down. She sighs. "Sorry, Silkie. I guess you're going into combat with Mommy today." She floats upward a bit, her hair appearing to ignite like a living flame - staying below the balloons as she points her finger up between the floats - and punches a hole in one of hte gliders from below with a narrow but bright beam of emerald light, ensuring that its user will crashland - but not too bad as to be 'deadly'.

Ares has posed:
Ares isn't exactly someone for things like parades either, but it's thanksgiving week, so why not? Ares is dressed in a trench coat, looking onwards at the parade as floats float on by. But then the madness begins, and there is panic everywhere. Ares remains where he is, a sad look on his face, but he feeds on the chaos, as a War God does, before he approaches the tresspassers.

Like shadowy smoke, his clothes turn into pitch black armor, covering his entire person, long tattered cape from his shoulders, before two swords appear in his hands, which he throws at two gunmen, likely to impale them.

Ultragirl has posed:
    For her part, this has been an exciting week. Random weirdoes trying to capture mutants, a neat new club, some guy calling himself Graviton or some such. Lots of good publicity at that! Ultra Girl really has had a good arrival to the East Coast. Hopefully it'll get the people she endorses all excited. Yes, she has sponsors. What about it? Either way, she was worried it'd be all boring due to all the heroes but it has not been.

    All the same, she heard there was a parade today so she wanted to watch. Flying above in her outfit, she is simply floating next to a tall skyscraper, leaning into it slightly as she floats, watching things go. And then things really go! Holy crud! She spots the guy threatening people with a gun and she is gone in a blur. The pavement cracks a little as she lands between the guy with the gun and the people he is aiming it at. A hand whips out and the gun is literaly broken to pieces with a snatch and crush manuver, "People are trying to have fun here. Why don't you just enjoy the parade?" And then she snatches him up and throws him right up into the air, with the aim of landing him right on a street light. She then gives a big smile to the people and a thumbs up, "No need to fear folks, I am here!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Things get a little bad quickly for a small child. The poor thing had no idea what was going on. When Trouble came raining from above, The poor kid thought it was part of the show! "Wow!!" They wonder out into the street. Right into harms way.

"JAMIE!! Jamie Where are you?!!! Jamie!!!" The screams of a desperate mother hunting for the poor kid. Her heart aches. The fear for someone she absolutely loves more than anything having gone missing drives her to act. She rushes out into the middle of the street to try to protect her child. She holds on to the child tightly.

That wounded love. It may as well be a beacon. It resounds clear through the city. Right through the sky and into the black. Who would here it??? Well. It just so happens a glowing violet streak is approaching the planet. Thats when the familiar sensation hits her. The tell tale sign of wounded love. It changes course and enters the atmosphere. A streak of violet tears across the sky and stops in front of the kid and the mother. "Really?" She smirks. Extending a ringed fist, she winks and points up with her free hand. A Violet light musical note forms and proceeds to drop on a pair of mechanical thugs.

She turns to the Mother and child, "you need to go now. Its dangerous." She wraps them in a violet field and moves them away from danger.

Jinx has posed:
    The one in red, complete with a face mask has his pistol crushed, so he turns on Tsu-zana and tries to punch her. If he connects, his fist crumples immediately and he drops to his knees cuz his hands is immediately broken. Yup. He's out of the fight.

Many many more, hundreds continue to leap from the carrier in the sky as small planes begin to launch from the ship, and the defenders can hear the unified cry of 'COBRA!'. It's going from bad to worse.

A red laser blast lances out over the Violet Lantern's shoulder from....seemingly nowhere. It could've been a mistaken shot, until the Lantern hears static behind her....then feels the shockwave of an explosion. Maybe not. If she looks to where the shot came from, a figures fades into sight, as she lifts the visor on an off white uniform. She even drops a rifle and leaps onto a passing rocket glider, and in a ballsy move, flips around the front and kicks the pilot off of the glider, before fastening herself onto the glider.

Just as Ultragirl poses for the cameras, she becomes the center of attention, drawing a LOT of laser fire from the incoming cobra commandos. Even Azriel draws a bit of heat from the CObra soldiers, even some of the Crimson Guard, those men in all red, and full face helmets. Kori draws some of the gliders, and even a couple of planes. Mostly because she's one that can fly.

However, the good news is....there doesn't seem to be any more soliders coming from the carrier......Except for one man in a all blue outfit and a silver faceplate....and he's carrying something.

Azrael has posed:
The Avenging Angel is wrapped in cloak of dark blood red, a hood pulled down across his masked visage. Some of the nearby bystanders may find him as terrifying as the men descending from above.

"Sinners! The time of judgment is at hand. Let us...prey!" he cries. He presses a button in each of his gauntlets and unleashes a razor edged blade to jut from the back of each wrist, a sharp wedge that ignites and begins to trail fire as he wades into the Cobra troops. Robot, soldier, man, woman - he doesn't give a damn, as The System takes over and he moves with terrifying precision, speed and grace, an unthinking killing machine mowing down the enemy with ruthless abandon.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r yelps as someone was shooting at her as she ducks down to protect the Silkie. Using her body as a shield, wincing from the impacts, she finds the ones shooting at her and starbolts their guns, melting them and probably severely hurting their hands. Her dress is a bit worse for the wear, but Starfire's tough - she can take some punishment. She sighs softly. "Alright, Silkie - I'm taking you home quickly. I'll be back in short order." And with that, Starfire rises up a bit higher, and flees the scene, petting the creature.

Ares has posed:
Ares is shot at, though even though bullets ping off of him, it doesn't seem to even pierce his armor, nor his skin, as a bullet clearly bounces off his face. "Bad move, to anger the God of War!" With the most malevolent smile on his face, Ares summons a sword in one hand and a Mace in the other, both brimming with godly energies. "You're all going to die now." In a blur, four soldiers get taken out, one is stabbed, the other decapitated, and a third is smashed into a car with that mace, and the last is pulverized into chowder. Anyone else?

The War God was still getting used to...you know, not killing...but he's still got a ways to go. Like now, where he completely ignores that rule. JUST FOR ONCE.

Ultragirl has posed:
    A blink and she puts her arms up and ducks down a little. The laser blasts hurt like hell but she is Ultragirl, can't go showing that pain. She looks up and grins a little before she takes off. She is fast! Maybe not as fast as some but she covers ground in a hurry. She slams into the first guy with a simple shoulder block aimed to put him into a nearby car with a shove, then she is gone again and is front kicking a guy into a pole, then she is gone again and a guy's gun is out of his hand and then across his face with a slam, and finally she appears right beside the fourth guy and asks, "You really think this is the best way to live your life?" And she literaly flicks him right on the nose with a flick of her fingers...which likely breaks his nose.
She lets out a laugh and nods to the people nearby, "These guys are ultra done!" She then looks over toward Areas and blinks a few times before saying, "Seen him before but...wow he is violent." She then gestures, "Probably not the best way to handle this, uh...sir." She points at Ares and then looks up. She looks back down and gestures, "Everyone get inside, I got this!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn... Is quite happy with herself having helped someone for the first time in what feels like forever. Thats when bullets riccochet off her shield. She whips around and sees the Cobra lady rushing to a glider. Her body glows and she floats over to the woman who made such a gregious error. Quickly a light construct wraps around the glider. Clicking her tongue while shaking her head. "You know, If you want to fly, I would /LOVE/ to give you a tour of the city." With a quick flick of her wrist, the glider goes flying into the air.

"I take it you're the one who decided to crash this parade? What kind of horrible person are you? I'm going to give you two seconds. Call your people off or I think the people here are going to make you... Me included." Autumn, states as she wraps the Cobra woman up in Violet light.

Jinx has posed:
    The woman who was caught by The Violet Lantern just turns to the woman and tilts her head. "I'm guessing you missed the Battle Android Trooper that was behind you that I shot. And if you think I'm a horrible person for not letting you get hurt, then you're really going to despise COBRA." She says pointing to the troops on the ground. "I'm on YOUR side, Lantern." She then looks up to the sky, and spots who she's looking for. "Damn. Gotta see what they're after." And she puts a hand to her ear. "Duke...."


The ear splitting thundercrack is easily heard just seconds before one of the fighters in the sky explodes and streaks into the river. That's when a Chinook lowers itself to one of the rooftops and a very large dark-skinned man steps out carrying a rifle as big as he is tall, which is saying something since he's 6'6" tall. "Don't make too much of a fuss, she's with us." He says in a deep baritone. "Jinx is her name.....COBRA stoppin is her game." he then turns towards the street. "Now it time to lay Cobra Low. YO JOE!"

Another shot rings out and another jet streaks from the sky. Two more jump from the helicoptor, but they mainly provide covering fire for the civilians who are running. One of them is wearing a full face mask too.

Azriel draws a lot more fire from the crimson guard, this time in laser blasts, as they don't even seem concerned for their fallen allies.

Ares draws fire too, but mostly from Battle Android Troopers, since the other soldiers start to give him a wide berth.

Ultragirl gets the same treatment, but nearby, she'll be able to see Televipers trying to analyze a weakness....and guide the BATs against her.

When Starfire flies away, the fliers turn back, only for one of them to be shot down by the man who just arrived.

Azrael has posed:
Azrael likes the ones in red. They fight better than their blue-clad brethren, but they bleed just the same. The angel assassin is a blur of motion, trailing flames in his wake as he slashes and burns. He twists to avoid a few laser shots and takes a singing burn along his left arm, but he's holding up so far. Not that a few injuries would be enough to stop him.

He grabs one of the Crimson Guard and uses him as a shield, holding the screaming soldier out before him as he batters into a scrum of Cobra shocktroops, "The reaping time comes, ye wicked and unclean!" he snarls in a voice very unlike that of young Jean-Paul Valley.

Starfire has posed:
A crimson flame is visible in the sky - Starfire has returned - wearing her purple battle uniform. Her goal is the carrier. She flies right towards it and lands on the roof of it, moving fast enough so that hopefully nobody would be sniping at her. She simply stomps down on the hatch, breaking it open, and slips inside. Her goal is to commandeer the ship and get it away from the city.

Ares has posed:
Ares hears the battle cry of the GI Joes, and he looks at the oncoming men, thoug ha sigh touches his features. "Great, more people to join the fun." even as bullets ping off of him, before his eyes find the Battle Android Troopers. With an outstretch of the God of War's hand, shadows snake along the ground as Darkness rises, taking three of those Battle Androids and crushing them into little balls.

Anyone else?

Ultragirl has posed:
    Weaknesses? Glowing rocks? Nope. Lead? Nah. Color yellow? Nope. Oh! Fire? Oh definitely not. Maybe high pitched noise? Annoying but nope. Sale at Macy's?! Maybe...maybe but probably not. They aren't finding weaknesses fast with Ultragirl.
    And then there are battledroids? Well, that's not cool. She looks at the incoming enemies and she just rushes into one and halts a moment when she spots the televiper. She grins and then grins, "Looks like someone wants a show. Here, this feature is 3D!" She launches a battle droid toward the televiper and then zips to another, "Incoming, ultra fast!" And she launches another at another televiper.
    She then considers the area, looking for people who might be in trouble even as another comes her way and she grins, "Want to see what I did to the first robot to attack me?" And uppercut into the heavens for that one, "And you are ultra out of here!" She then looks around and grins, "Now, lets see." She looks up and spots the carrier through the balloons as well as the gliders and hmms, "Hey, you're a robot, right?" She points at the fourth attacker, "Don't have to answer that." And she suddenly grabs it by the ankle and launches upward. She flies right past the guy who just landed and gives him a nod before she is suddenly flying along and starts wielding a BAT against the fliers, "You guys really aren't choosing the right opponents!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn blinks and looks around, "Fine! Sorry." She releases the woman, "Who the hell are these people?!" She begins glowing brighter. Quickly she lifts into the air, "You wanna talk to em and find out! That I can help with!" She takes off. She makes a beeline for one of the Cobra guys. She quickly wraps one up in Violet light. She gets a little laugh over the whole thing while they try to get out. "Will this one work?! She calls out as she flies by dropping her light ball of badguy. It stays up thankfully. "Or do you want another one?"

Jinx has posed:
    "They're not going to talk. They're being led by Cobra COmmander, Destro, the twins and the Baroness." Jinx says as she sees one of the Joes fires at the man who landed...who immediately flies off. "Blast. Gotta find out what's at City hall." And Jinx runs off in the direction of City hall, shrugging on a backpack as she goes. Thankfully, many of the civilians are getting into shelter as they speak. Protected by the pair of Joes on the ground. The Guy with the cannon nods to Ultragirl as she flies by. "Make sure to give the jets a whack. Take out their air power and they're sure to crack"

Starfire, as soon as she drops into the hatch, finds there are alarms going off all around her, and she's immediately fired upon by lasers....and only lasers.

Ultragirl and Ares have an easy time with the BATs, and the Televipers begin to fall back and attempt to hide, except for the couple that had a BAT thrown at them......too scared to move, they're crushed under their weight.

Azreal gets more and more Cobra soldiers on him, but they're clearly thinning out in his area, mostly cuz they don't wanna die. but there's a lot more BATs sent after him, and shooting lasers at him.

There's definitely a pattern here.

Azrael has posed:
Azrael recognizes the BATs are a little bit more hefty than the regular soldiers. He leads them on a merry chase, skidding over cars and using their own soldiers as cover until he can bottleneck them at the opening to another alleyway. He climbs up a drainpipe, waiting for one to come around and, when it does, leaping upon its back, wrapping an arm around its mechanical neck and riding it around, feeling it try to thrash him off, twisting at its head. Not exactly the sanest of solutions, but, well...this is Azrael.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r hisses as she blasts through the soldiers who are shooting at her, using extreme force to get to the bridge. She hisses - some of those shots HURT - she has some burn marks on her arms that she was using to block the shots, but the mostly-human soldiers didn't stand much of a chance against a Tamarnaean warrior. She finally gets to the bridge and punches out everyone there... then programs an autopilot to leave the city and land in the middle of a field in Westchester County. Also encrypts it to make it harder to stop as she just flies out the window, cheerily flipping it the bird as it starts to depart, floatnig in midair.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Meanwhile shrugs. She's kinda annoyed at not knowing who these bad guys are, Who these good guys are and what this is all about. So, She tosses her ball of cobra into the air. A Bass guitar construct forms above the ball and promptly drops. The thunderous sound of the bass being dropped resounds in the area.

Quickly she takes off and looks around "Okay Time to calm the panicking people down." She smiles and her body just glows brighter with violet light. "For hearts long lost and full of fright. For those alone in blackest night. Accept our ring and join our fight. Love Conquers all with Violet Light!" A wave of nothing short of love emits out of her flowing into people and causing them to feel pretty good...

Ares has posed:
Well, since apparently no foes were coming for Ares, he sheathes his weapons, letting them vanish into thin air. "Well, that was fun." Before he looks around even further, crossing his arms eventually as he hums. "So...Cobra." he judges from the opening battle cry. "Wonder who these guys are."

Ultragirl has posed:
    "He rhymed at me?!" She looks back and shakes her head before tossing aside her mostly broken weapon. Ultragirl takes a breath and looks at the remaining planes and just suddenly takes off. She flies into one head on and lets out a wince, "Yep, that hurt." She nods her head and then goes after another. She is attempting to crash into all of them and angle them toward the now not crowded street below. Each hit draws another wince, "Good thing I heal..."

Jinx has posed:
    "Got the head snake in mah sights." The big man says. "Smoke 'em, Roadblock!" Says a girl down on the street, and there's a crack as Roadblock fires his shot, but he misses his target....but hits another jet. "Ah missed. Such a shame. Got mahself a snake plane."

Even as Autumn calms the civilians down, Jinx is still running for City Hall. The CObra soldiers, at least the flesh and blood ones, are seeking cover while they send the BATs to face the defenders on their own. So Ares wasn't forgotten about, just the BATs are the only enemies facing him now. The same with Ultragirl, who is knocking planes and gliders out of the sky.

However, Jinx runs up to City Hall, grabs something, and takes off into the sky.....straight at the carrier that Starfire has guided into the next county. However, it's flying over the ocean at the moment, thankfully. She hits the bottom of the carrier, places the package on the bottom of it, and kicks off in the span of two seconds.

Three seconds later, there's an explosion at the bottom of the carrier, then another series of explosions before the entire carrier detonates in massive explosion over the ocean.

"COBRA! RETREAT! RETREAT!" Is the cry from the masked man as the cobra soldiers that are in the air fly off into the distance....and there's still too many to capture, even with super speed. So CObra COmmander and his lieutenants get away, while the remaining BATs put up a good fight, and the soldiers on the ground are easily rounded up.

Roadblock just stares at the fireball as Jinx lands next to him, and the one in the mask climbs up the building, as well as the woman. 'Ain't that a beautiful sight? Cobra's carrier going down in a ball of light. Let's go home Beachhead. I'm sure you and Cover Girl got a hankerin for some bread.' Roadblock chuckles as the woman laughs.

Jinx takes a breath. "I'll be there later on, Roadblock. Save some for me, okay? I've got a few things to clear up here. I mean, a Violet Lantern thought I was a Cobra Agent. I don't even know if I can handle that insult." Cover Girl chuckles. "I know how you feel Jinx. See ya at the mess hall." She then touches her ear. "Come on Lift Ticket. Time for the ride home." And the Chinook reappears near the building....

Star Shimmer has posed:
The Star Sapphire girl just looks around. "Umm Well. I guess welcome back Nightingale." She comments to herself. "So anyone wanna explain what in the name of Queen Aga'po is going on here? Libby? What is on record about Cobra and Joe?"

A moment later a feminine voice speaks up from her ring. "Nothing is known, Nightingale. Data is being collected from your Absence."

Nightingale sighs and rubs her head. "So umm. Whats going on? Anyone?" She asks of the people still present.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r descends down to the ground by the violet glow. She ponders, scratching her head. "I have not heard of either of these groups. But it was a very entertaining parade nonetheless." She smiles faintly - she smells like ozone and she has some scorch marks dotting her arms and torso. "They party a bit rough though."

Ultragirl has posed:
FOr her part, Ultragirl has a few burns, too. She is healing though, obviously healing as she flies down. She lands next to the others and smiles and nods, "Seems like things are all wrapped up!" She nods her head and looks over at the Sapphire before saying, "And frankly I don't know much of anything about these guys. THey sure did like their own name though." She nods her head and then blinks as she looks over at Koriand'r, "Hey! You're Starfire!" She walks over and smiles, "I'm Ultragirl. Really great to meet you." She nods her head, "I've heard a lot of good things about you guys over on this side of the country."

Jinx has posed:
    Jinx watches as the Chinook flies off, but then she turns towards Ultragirl, Starfire and the Star Sapphire. "What you just saw was the terrorist group known as Cobra. This was one of their more blatant attacks...more than likely run by Cobra COmmander. My own codename is Jinx, and I'm with the anti-terrorist group G.I. Joe. However, we're pretty low key at the moment." She then looks to Autumn. "While I'm a little insulted that you mistook me for a Cobra agent, I did fire in your direction, so it was a mistake I'd have made. Only there was a battle Android Trooper behind you. So, I'd rather be mistaken for a cobra agent and have you unhurt, than you thinking I'm an ally....and have you hurt."

She then takes a deep breath. "You guys did really great today...I'm glad I'm on the same side as you." She says walking over to the corner of the building and picking up a rifle....the same one she fired to cover Autumn. "See you guys soon.....under more peaceful times, I hope." She says hopping off of a building....

And onto a motorcycle, to ride off....

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r raises an eyebrow at the 'cool exit'. She turns back to Ultragirl. "We do try to make a different, the Titans and I." She smiles softly. "Not sure how successful we are. But we try." She sighs softly, rubbing at her clothing. "Man, I have scorch marks on my battle outfit," she whines - what little of it she's wearing at least.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The Star Sapphire smiles. "Nightingale. nice to meet you sorry for the confusion. Its hard to know who is who when you are just returning.".

She turns to Ultragirl. immediately, she raises her ringed hand and a beam of violet light pours over the girl, accelerating her healing. Her attention goes to Kory. She starts speaking and to Kory itcwould sound like her native language. "How are you, Starfire? h

Ultragirl has posed:
A blink as she is hit by the power of Autumn and the girl raises a hand, "Thanks but you really didn't need to do that." She smiles a little, "I heal...very fast." She nods her head and then nods to her, "Thanks though." She then looks over at Koriand'r and frowns, "Sorry to hear that your outfit was messed up but hey!" She declares and nods her head, "I can totally help and have you back to normal ultra fast!" She nods her head, "Tell me who made the outfit, I am betting I can get them to get you another, even custom made!" She nods her head, "Probably anyway. I know a lot of people in the fashion world." She then looks over at Autumn, "Nightingale. That name is pretty cool."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r blinkblinks as she turns her full attention to Autumn. In Tamaranean, she states, <<I forgot you Lanterns can do that. It's been so long since I've heard anyone speak in my native tongue... thank you, Star Sapphire.>> She bows to the violet-glowing girl. "Well, if you want to swing by sometime, Ultragirl was it? We can do an interview. I have a backup - but this one was just so comfy and form-fitting." She wiggles in it a bit in a provocative fashion, then states, "I have to make the the Silkie didn't get into Cyborg's machinery again. X'Hal bless you all!" With that, she rockets away.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale returns the bow. " i need to go see if i still have a home." She lifts off. "Be safe everyone." With that she takes off. High in the sky a sonic boom goes off and the image of the star sapphire logo forms in the sky.