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The Fluffiest Damn Pancakes
Date of Scene: 09 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School - Kitchen
Synopsis: Bobby makes pancakes with bacon and Ellie makes coffee. Kitty is back. Doogie gets his first meal in the mansion. #x-Life
Cast of Characters: Iceman, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Pixie, Shadowcat, Cronenberg, Cannonball, Rage, Kaydin LeGraize

Iceman has posed:
Bobby and Pixie are already in the kitchen. The smell of coffee starting to brew is in the air as Bobby is setting out the cereal for the pair and starts digging around, before pausing. "You know what. I haven't done this in a while. Feel up to pancakes?" he asks as he glances over to Pixie. The pair are dressed down and chatting. "I make the fluffiest damn pancakes - when Kitty was over in Japan, I saw this video to make their style pancakes and you can use them as pillows."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic quips as comes into the kitchen. "Frosted Flakes." in response to something she half heard as she walked in. It is a good burn trust me. She heads right for the coffee machine, oh sweet nectar of the gods. Maybe that will make it so she doesn't bite or savage anyone. But who are we kidding. Ellie squints at the machine just starting to brew and taunt with the tantalizing smells. "Fuck. Brew faster."

Ellie has on black (surprise) pajama pants, they may even be lulumon but if someone makes a comment about that they are likely to be blown up. The shirt is also black (trend here) loose and comfy looking with the Even System on the front (Xe3FCR8.jpg).

Pixie has posed:
"Are you planning a nap or breakfast?" Megan laughs at Bobby and scoots aside so Ellie can get to the coffee pot. She's wearing jeans and a shirt with an iceberg on it. It reads 'Just the tip!' in friendly letters. The remains of the previous pot are already in two cups waiting for the fresh pot to finish them off. There is one distinct detail. Megan's wings are gone, the base of them covered by the larger shirt.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is in a hurry, coming in to get breakfast going while the new student is being given the tour. So she takes the shortcut. Kitty phases down through the ceiling, a tin in hand with Turkish and English lettering on it. She alights on the floor and phases back in. "Oh, hey," Kitty says, seeing Bobby and Pixie there. "Oh. HEY!" she adds, waggling a finger towards Bobby. A finger, and a look!

"You are soooo dead, Drake," she tells him. Kitty looks to Pixie and says, "Hi there. Apologies for the abrupt entrance. New student on the way and I'm supposed to make breakfast." Kitty turns to stare at Bobby. "Though... since you owe me a big one anyway, Bobby. Fluffiest damn pancakes? Think you can make enough for about 8 of us?"

Bobby has seen her cook before. Saving the rest of the students from her cooking would be considered a humanitarian effort.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker walks in. He's still a little stiff from wrestling his luggage in. He looks around at the various people in the kitchen. Most he's met, a few he hasn't. Still his natural inclincation is to not make eye contact with anyone. He finds a place to sit and he fishes a rather high-end and brand new looking smartphone out of his pocket and shoots off a quick message to his parents letting them know that he has a room and he's getting dinner. He shoves the pocket back in his jeans and sits there quietly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks in and his phone rings, and Sam does probably the least cool thing that is possible. He pulls a flip phone from his pocket, and walks over to one of the corners of the room to talk for a moment.

Iceman has posed:
"That doesn't answer the question." Bobby points out as he gives a smirk. "I need to know if I should get out the griddle, or if we're just gonna cereal it up." He glances towards Negasonic for a moment, and gestures to the two cups of coffee. "Those may leap out of the cup and try to fight you. Keep it away from the butcher's block."

Then Kitty arrives and Bobby puts on his best angelic look. "Dead? Why for am I ever dead? I wouldn't dare get 'wrapped up' in something dangerous or want to 'foil' your day." he points out oh so diplomatically as he moves to get out the griddle. "Get me the stand mixers, eggs, milk, and cake flour." he says to anyone that wants to get it. "Also, if anyone wants bacon, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie grabs one of the coffee mugs "I'm meaner than any coffee." she notes with her lack of worry about being cut by it. She inhales the coffee aroma and then takes a deep sip. Honestly this is for the betterment of all mankind that Ellie is getting her caffeine. "All the bacon." pointed to Bobby.

With that she points to Doogie "Freshmeat." then points to Bobby "Snowcone or Frostedflake." and then to Pixie she starts to say something then blinks double taking a moment. It isn't like Pixie is far away, she stepped aside to let Ellie at the coffee. So Ellie leans in and says very softly "Tink what happened?" what no snarky bullshit. Maybe it is a Negasonic clone.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker clears his throat and says, "I don't need to much really." He pats his large stomach and says, "I need to cut back." He sees the school here as an opportunity to turn things around from the joke that he's beenn in life up to this point, if even a little bit.

Pixie has posed:
"Me. I want bacon. Gym day." Megan says and looks from Bobby to Kitty. "What? Oh. Oooooh, so that's what...someone like you would never do." Ellie's whisper makes her pause. "Got in a nasty fight, they'll grow back eventually." Nudging the teen lightly she taps the coffee pot. "Lemme know when it's done." She'll go about helping fetch supplies. Looking to Doogie and Sam she smiles brightly. "Gooooooood morning." She sing songs cheerfully, putting on a sunny expression.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's glare as Bobby makes the tinfoil references is mostly feigned. She doesn't want to stop him from making breakfast, after all. The mention of Megan's wings causes Kitty to look over, realizing what she'd overlooked before in her haste to get going on breakfast. A supportive look is given to Pixie, one that turns happier at the mention they will grow back.

"Ellie, here's the Turkish coffee. If you plan to do a full cup, I'd only use 1/3 as much as normal coffee," Kitty says. She passes the tin over, hoping Ellie doesn't take offense that it's been opened. And a few cups made with it, judging by the level of the coffee grounds inside.

Kitty gets to work then, getting the things that Bobby needs. Along the way she finds time for soft, good-natured grumbling. "Back in the school for two hours and already put to work. And it's not even Logan," she might be heard to say.

Iceman has posed:
"Apparently the puppet me froze them off." Bobby says quietly. "After going all dragon or something." he sighs, letting out a breath. "So I'm probably not going to be allowed to go on some missions for a bit. Not until I get nerfed properly." There's a grin as he starts to seperate eggs to beat them and make a meringe. "Anyway, welcome new guy. I'm Bobby, that's my girlfriend, Megan."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Nega sips the coffee in the cup she has and has her phone out in her other hand, looking up how to properly brew turkish coffee. "Okay I need one of the burners snowcone." as she accepts the tin from Kitty and gets out some sugar as well, a pot, and fills it with water. Regular coffee now left behind and forgotten despite Pixie's request. Also it isn't like Ellie has to deathmatch for a burner, this is an school sized kitchen for wayward mutants.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will finish on his phone call, and pocket the phone back away. He will look over to Ellie "Whats your plans for lunch today, think you'll have time for a chat latter on?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker smiles at Bobby and Megan, or at least as much as his anxiety will allow. "It's nice to meet both of you. I'm Donald, but everyone has always called me Doogie," he says. He can't remember when he's both met this many people in a day and they've actually spoken with him.

Pixie has posed:
"There are other ice powered people out there, I'm sure it's fine." Megan says and looks to Kitty with a shrug. She's trying to stay cheerful about it. Checking the coffee pot the Welsh woman fills Bobby's mug first and sets it near him before filling her own. She looks to Doogie and ask "Do you drink coffee? Fresh pot." She offers moving to get more mugs out. Except for Sam. She gets Sam a cup.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems happy to move back out of the way then as breakfast is being made and everyone has what they need, or are on their way to getting it. She covers her mouth to stifle a yawn and then looking at the filled seats, moves over to an unused counter, hopping up on it to get off of her feet. "I'm glad you weren't hurt worse," Kitty says to Megan softly.

Iceman has posed:
Getting the first batch on pancakes going, Bobby brushes his hand against Megan's in a comforting and supportive manner as he goes to grab the bacon and starts to set it on a tray to bake it in the oven.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Some of the Turkish coffee is put in the pot of water, then some sugar. Ellie is look at her phone and following along with what she is doing at the stove as the pancakes cook. "Damn this is a lot of steps." she mutters. "Okay who wants to try the Turkish coffee Kitkat brought me from Europe?" she thinks she made enough for more than one cup based on what she is reading.

Nega grabs some tea cups down and comes back, spooning some foam into them from the nearly boiling coffee. Lots of steps and it's doing a good job keeping Ellie distracted.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker shakes his head in response to Pixie's question and he says, "I do drink coffee. Well, I did drink coffee. I probably shouldn't have any coffee." Coffee always makes him feel jittery, and if the display of him losing control of his shapeshifting in the foyer says anything he should avoid feeling jittery. "B-but thank you though."

  He pulls a small notebook and a pencil out of his pocket and starts to idly doodle on it, it always calms him down.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take his cup and move to get himself some OJ, and offers it to Doogie, and if he takes it gets another glass for himself "Earth to Ellie, you got time to help me with something around lunch time?

Iceman has posed:
"I'll take some of Kitty's overseas coffee." Popping the bacon into the oven, Bobby returns, flipping pancakes onto plates as he does a little dance, wiggling his hips and backside as he starts to pour a new set of pancakes.

"Bacon Pancakes.
Making Bacon Pancakes.
Take some bacon and bake it away while cooking pancakes.
Bacon and pancakes, that's what I'm gonna make.
Bacon Pancakes."

Flipping of pancakes begins.

Pixie has posed:
"Me too. Never bring drugs and a knife to an ice fight." Megan reasons and looks over as Bobby sing songs. She chuckles softly and takes Bobby's cup when he opts for the turkish stuff. Drinking between two mugs she watches Bobby work and posts up at a counter tossing casual smiles around.

Shadowcat has posed:


Kitty made the mistake of resting back against the cabinet and wall adjacent to the counter she's sitting on. Two hours at Heathrow before the flight left. Nearly 8 in the air. Then 3 more waiting for Lockheed's carrier to arrive on the flight it had finally been sent on. Throw in the time change and the dark-haired young woman has dozed off.

The aforementioned dragon comes flying into the kitchen, looking about. Spotting the sleeping Kitty, he flies over to land on her and curl up in her lap.

Iceman has posed:
He can't resist. Taking one of the pancakes, Bobby moves to place the fluffy pancake gently on Kitty's head. Letting it rest there, he steps back and gets out his phone to snap a picture. Instapost karma, here we come! So french, oui. So sleepy. Oui oui. She wore a pancake beret~

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is carefully pouring the coffee that just reached a boil over the foam. Two mugs it looks like based on people accepting it. "I think Kitkat needs some..." making her a cup too as she drifts off over there standing up. That task done she sets the rest to boil for like fifteen minutes. So many steps here.

"Sure Kentucky I can do lunch and help you with whatever." Ellie looks over at him. She wanted to talk anyhow so this works.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker takes a sip of the OJ and says, "Thank you." His sketch starts to take shape. It's a drawing of a woman playing the cello. He looks up briefly to his drawing and over to Samuel and asks, "So uh, are there any shapeshifers on the teaching staff? I want to be able to learn how to keep control. I mean learning other stuff would be cool. But mostly I want to learn how not to freak people out at the wrong time."

Pixie has posed:
Watching Bobby, Megan shakes her head a little and watches the pancakes while he goofs around. Sipping coffee she glances at Doogie's sketching and smiles cheerfully before letting Sam answer and watching Ellie quietly mind Kitty and saying nothing. Look at this griddle, caution! Hot surfaces!

Iceman has posed:
Finally finishing the pancakes, Bobby sets down the tray. "Mind doling those out, Cardia?" he asks, trying Megan's word on for him on her as he moves to get some pot holders to fish out the baked bacon and set it to get rid of the drippings.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed flies up, getting hold of the pancake atop Kitty's head and landing back in her lap. It sort of slides halfway down her forehead, waking her up with a little start, though not fast enough to realize what it was. Kitty rubs a hand across her forehead but there's nothing there now.

Kitty blinks and looks about. "How's the coffee going, Ellie?" Kitty asks. "I always just tossed it in like normal coffee. Though it never tasted as good as at the cafe."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well I have a cup for you, Otterpop, and I almost done." she eyes the three cups. "Also he put a pancake on your head and I think posted it." she glances at her phone then turns it to show Kitty. hey Kitkat brought her turkish coffee, sorta.

Nega impatiently watches it impatiently boil "we have a couple I think HS." that is directed to Doogie. "I think Rahne is about." she is being helpful. Still special coffee. Maybe she just had a good week. Maybe she is a clone. Who knows!

Pixie has posed:
"Cariad." Megan sighs and lapses into Welsh with good natured griping. As the pancakes are set out she begins to set fluffy pancakes on plates and then her eyes widen. "Oooh, the bacon!" She says and nudges Bobby with a hip. She looks to Kitty and adds in "Bobby hasn't gotten to prank anyone lately, think he's just happy to see you." Fluffcakes go on plates and Megan looks excited to eat.

Rage has posed:
Into the kitchen enters Andrea, who is dressed in pair of slim jeans with tears along the thighs and knees, as well as a baggy Xavier's sweater that hangs off a shoulder. The reigning popstar looks tired with dark circles under her eyes and her hair pulled back into a high pony tail. She ambles towards the fridge, lifting a hand up to rub at her face with the palm of her hand.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker stretches out and says, "Thank you everyone for making me feel welcome. But I should unpack my bags so I'm ready for class tomorrow."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans over to look at the photo on Negasonic's phone. One of her eyebrows goes up. The dangerous one. Kitty offers Neg a little fistbump of appreciation as she sits back. Kitty sits up straighter, expression turning quite prim and polite. "Oh, no worries, Meghan. Bobby knows I like a good prank. Known him a long time. In fact, if you'd ever like to hear some stories? We could get together some time," Kitty offers. "Sooooo many stories."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Nega calls after Doogie "Tomorrow is Sunday" but doesn't stop him from leaving. "Also Rage, HorrorShow, HorrowShow, Rage. You two should talk shapeshifting sometime." indicating Andrea and then she hands over a cup of turkish coffee to Bobby and then settles to sit by Kitty. Grabbing pancakes for herself to go with the coffee.

Seems like Ellie came back at some point very recently from Genosha, which explains why there is a Fuck Off sign on her old room's door. It likely seemed very out of place for the Freshman who had been in that room.

Iceman has posed:
Offering a smile, Bobby winks at Kitty. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything to sully your reputation." he offers to her as Ellie shows off the picture. See?

"Cariad. Right. And yes, if I recall, you wanted extra bacon." he says, setting some on the fae's plate, but when it comes to Ellie, he rolls his eyes. "Traitors don't get bacon." he points out to her, denying her delicious baked pork as he notices Andrea. "Hey superstar, want some pancakes and bacon." Though he pales a little at Kitty. "Now don't go telling her all my secrets."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Meghan a friendly grin when Bobby won't see it.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods to Ellie. He finds it weird that someone who showed him such enmity earlier would be helpful, but still he's not one to hold a grudge or turn down help. "T-Thank you. I'll be sure to look them up." With that he shoves his hands in his pockets and wanders out and up to his new room.

Rage has posed:
Glancing upwards from the fridge, Andrea looks from Ellie, then over to Doogie. "I'm actually -- " She pauses as it seems he is out the door, then shrugs as she reaches in to take out a couple bottles of water. Hipping the door shut with a thump, she looks to the others. "Why is he named HorrorShow for?" She asks curiously as she leans back against the counter. She twists the cap off her bottle, taking a quick sip. "No thanks, Mister Drake. I'm in a steak mood. I may hit up the city for a steakhouse. See if anyone wants to come."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a snort from Ellie "Icicle I will blow you up if you do not give me my bacon. I made you turkish coffee that took like twenty five minutes to make. Do not test me." wow okay it sounds like Ellie is definitely not a clone. At least when it comes to being denied bacon. No sir.

Then she looks at Andrea "Trust me. You will see. Also he seems strangely okay with it so I am not breaking my vague promise to not give him shit for twenty four hours." Nega shrugs.

Pixie has posed:
"Extra bacon suits me well." Megan nods and looks to Kitty with a slow smile. "I mean, that's too good to pass." She nods and looks back to Bobby. "Maybe while he's busy with one of his math classes." She suggests and looks over to Andrea, lifting a hand in greeting.

Iceman has posed:
There's a wide arch of a brow when Ellie threatens him. Bobby doesn't take too well to threats. But he puts on a wide smile. "Sure. I have some bacon for you, Ellie." he takes the bacon, and when he drops it on her plate, it shatters - because it's frozen solid - all the way through. With that, he sets aside the food for anyone else to claim as he turns to enjoy his coffee and pancake and bacon.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde just gives Bobby an apologetic smile and a little motion with both hands as if to ask what else is she supposed to do? "It would be rude of me not to answer questions she might have," Kitty tells Megan's beau. Her eyes go back to Megan, flashing her another conspiratorial smile.

COFFEE! "Oh thank you Ellie," Kitty Pryde says as she picks up the Turkish coffee. "Oh, this will keep me up a week," she says as she realizes the size of the cup. "Ok, probably more likely it'll keep up long enough to make it up into my bed. It was a long flight." Kitty takes a sip of the Turkish coffee. "Wow. You make it way better than I do."

Kitty sees Andrea is there and talking about steaks. She waves a hand to say hello to her before returning the hand to Lockheed's back. He's done with the pancake, so Kitty gets him some bacon.

Rage has posed:
Tilting her chin upwards to those who wave at her, Andrea shifts her weight once more as she takes another sip of her water. Recapping it, she puts it behind her on the counter. "Mm." She murmurs in response to Ellie. "Now you got me curious." With a roll of her tongue against her teeth, she says, "It's good to have you back. Rejoining the team?" She asks as she props her foot behind her for weight as she balances. Watching the antics with the bacon, her brows lift upwards.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
To be fair he threatened her with a lack of Bacon first. Ellie goes for the eye roll instead of violence and reaches for the plate of bacon and gets her own. "Last time I make you anything like Turkish coffee Flake."

Seriously maybe the clone angle should be considered, other than normal mean comment there was was no expected exploding Bobby's coffee cup with a dangerously chosen Blast, because Warhead not precision strike. No Ellie just lets it roll off her this morning for some reason.

Andrea's question actually prompts Ellie to offer her coffee cup up. "Try a sip. Kitty brought me a tin from London. Also back at school and back on the team." since no one is in the kitchen that Jean will get bent out of shape knowing. "Figured you all can use all the help I can give." well Ellie won't admit she missed the school or everyone. No sir.

Rage has posed:
Reaching out to take the coffee from her, Andrea nods her head with a serious expression on her face. "Cool. You, me and Laura needs to get together and talk then about a mission." She says as she brings the cup to her lips for a small sip. "It's up your alley. Trust me." She has that tone in her voice. The type she gets when she's 'on the job'. She mulls the flavor for a moment. "Turkish. Nice."

Iceman has posed:
"You can be such a brat, Ellie." Bobby reaches over to the extra plate, plucks the bacon off of it, and sets it on Ellie's. "There. You have bacon." he offers as he returns to his own meal and coffee, falling mostly silent.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has the coffee. And Lockheed. They both have a strip of bacon. She appears content. The coffee is keeping her eyelids open for the moment, but Kitty is tired enough she is just listening for now.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Maybe not rising to the bait is what gets her extra bacon, and also called a brat. Ellie will have to remember that. Is this a teachable moment or some shit. Andrea has her attention though and she reaches to take her precious coffee back after the other girl tries it. "Great. I have been itching to blow something up. We should maybe take Spikybirb with us to. If it is up my alley I imagine it is up hers. Have you met Rachel yet?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin blurs into the kitchen, opening the fridge and a variety of sandwich meats are gathered.

    First the bread he brought with him from home: A three cheese bread. Once this is cut open the turkey goes on. Then some cajun turkey to spice the sandwich up. then Genoa salami and hard salamis together in little round circles along the sandwich. The pastrami which he brought from home, and then a slathering of beef gravy drizzled along the length of the sandwich to give it some wetworks

Finally the cheeses both swiss mozzarella crumbs and an slice of actual cheddar, not the processed cheese food. Finally the blur stops to reveal kaydin admiring his sandwich and he smiles. "Perfecto." He says as he begins to put the stuff back in the fridge.

Rage has posed:
"I haven't met her yet. But, we'll talk more about this later." Andrea says as she turns to reach for her water and plucks it up. Her foot stubs against the ground a few times, then gives another bob of her head. "I'll slide into your DM's later so we can meet up and talk about it." She tips a wink towards her, then starts for the door to head out past Kaydin. She bumps his shoulder along the way out.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes another sip of her coffee and then rests her hand on the table. Her eyelids start to droop a little bit. Even the Turks aren't doing the best at keeping her up this time. Lockheed sees the bacon start to slip, reaching out quickly to scarf it up before Kitty can commit a bacon party foul. It wakes Kitty back up again for a moment, her now empty hand going to gently pet the dragon as he rests his head down on her leg.