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Latest revision as of 07:10, 23 February 2019

The Abominator arrives in Midgard.
Date of Scene: 10 February 2019
Location: Canada
Synopsis: Arella Despana's ship crash lands on Earth
Cast of Characters: Arella Despana, Thor, Black Panther, Darkhawk, Supergirl, Green Arrow

Arella Despana has posed:
Just outside of Pleasant Camp BC as sremote as remote can be in the great white north of Canada a Roswell style incident is about to occur. A sship heaavily damaged built in the fashion of a Dark Elf Harrow breaks atmosphere and makes the final leg of its five millenia long journey. It is night time so the bright shooting star is noticed by the sparse locals as well as the large boom as it hits the ground.

Inside this should have been enough even to kill the most robust of the Svartálfar even a Kursed. But it had failed to kill the cybernetically enhanced Dark elf inside whether through luck or fate. The vehicles single occupant one Arella Despana the former 'Grand Shaper' who fell to become the 'Abominator' is thrown from her frozen hell into reality as her malfunctioning stasis pod disgorges her buck naked apart from a few threads onto the cold ground of what is left of the floor of her ship which is a twisted wreck. She is disoriented after five thousand years in the broken pod that did not deny her consciousness. She is half convinced that this is a dream or vision brought on by her crumbling sanity. She picks herself up and snatches one of her enrgy weapons. "Where am I? Is this even real?" she asks herself - large green eyes looking about the frozen tundra wildly. This place looked familiar.

Thor has posed:
    The chill of the Winter is what greets her. No stranger to such matters as the Dark Elves are creatures of the cold and the dark. But assuredly the greeting of the grim tundra offer little solace to a creature who has been trapped within its thoughts for so long.
    Across the distance there is so little to offer evidence of this being anything other than a fabrication of her mind. The whitish blue sky overhead... the white land... the grey snow. So few hints of vegetation. So few items of remark. It is enough for one to turn inwards and to feel the harshness of a reality shorn of vitality.
    And just as the moment might drag on, lingering with a grim portent...
    That is when the grey and black Quinjet /roars/ to life passing over the wreckage once at some altitutde, engines flaring as it wings over to the side. The thrust nozzles shift to vectored mode as the vehicle hovers for a moment, blue flames licking the air. Then slowly it begins to settle. Only once it has landed do the back doors open to discharge those within.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther is the first to step out of the back of the quinjet. Nose working behind his mask, picking up the scents that drift from the crashed vessel that lies upwind. His vision, enhanced by his suit, passes through several spectrums of light as he adds a visual survey of the wreckage.

Panther turns his head towards any others emerging from the quinjet. "I believe there is at least one person amongst the wreckage. Though I cannot see them yet," he shares. He draws another few breaths. "Most likely outside somewhere." He steps forward, finding himself sinking into the snow. His footwear shimmers for a moment and his next steps fail to break the surface of the snow, allowing him to begin approaching the downed ship cautiously.

Darkhawk has posed:
According to the eggheads in low-orbit, up on the Mackenzie King Station, the object was expected to land in the vicinity of somewhere called Pleasant Camp, British Columbia, near the Alaskan border. It was judged to be low priority, and thus a couple of the fliers from Gamma Flight, nicknamed the New Warriors, were sent to investigate and radio in if anything was needed. After all, it was only 1,385 km as the crow flies, but a horrendous 33 hour, 2,622 km drive. Flying was by far the better option.

One of the investigators was dressed in a very dark shade of blue armour, or so it appeared. Radioing to his companion, <Pleasant camp, huh? I don't think there's anything pleasant about this snow or wind... According to the file Doc Hudson made us read, it's nothing more than a port of entry, with no public amenities. That's gotta suck. No toilets, no telephones, no WiFi, not even a public drinking fountain. I hope this is worth it.>

A few minutes later, and they began to descend, Darkhawk adjusting his arms and thus his wings, controlling the landing. The boosters in his 'feet' also burned less hot, as it wasn't necessary anymore. He was quick and agile in this form, and able to make a superhero landing, but he chose not to. Instead, he landed like a normal person. Superhero landings looked great, but they were murder on the knees and wrist. He didn't have to worry about it, since it wasn't his knee or wrist, but still, it was just silly to put that kind of strain on the body. Seeing the Quinjet, he calls out, loud enough for them to hear, "Invasions from Outer Space, America, and Wakanda, all in one day. Well, this high up, at least we won't be seeing any Atlanteans."

Supergirl has posed:
"I wouldn't write them off," says his companion. Supergirl is a bright spot of color floating down on an otherwise stark landscape. She forgoes the superhero landing. In fact, she opts not to land at all since she isn't sure how deep the snow might be. Instead, she hovers about an inch above the snow cover.

Giving a bright smile and an actual waves to the people exiting the Quinjet, she calls out to them in a louder tone of voice. "Welcome to Canada! We're here for Alpha Flight. Though we're Gamma not Alpha. But we're still representing Alpha. So guess that makes us sort of Alpha." Should she mention the other team instead? Nah, they didn't send her. Though she'll be sure to give them a report to. It was easier when she didn't have so much paperwork. Using her enhanced vision, she scans and points to a spot where Arella was thrown. "Over there! She's alive." At least, she's assuming it's a she.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella hears the landing craft and looks for something to cover herself as she scrambles to check the viability of her energy weapon. The one she designed for the Svartálfar so long ago. Just how much time had passed? She was equal parts relieved and apprehensive that the planet she was on was occupied. At least she wouldn't be alone. The early response speaks of a threatening level of sophistication. Her identity as a war criminal and Josef Mengler style scientist hidden for the moment. A telling piece of wreckage with her name on it has fallen near the quin jet. Her luck couldn't last forever it seems. She makes a toga for heself out of some fabric and steps out to confront her visitors.

The figure that exits the crash is one of the few remaining Svartálfar. That much is obvious to those who know the species. Where some are white skinned and red eyed like rodents this one is a pleasant blue grey shade of skin with a pretty face and large emerald green eyes. She is armed but does not raise her energy projectile weapon merely stabs it into the ground. Not about to initiate hostilities. Apart from the unsettlingly alluring eyes this next to naked Dark elf wears a friendly smile on her face. She does not spoeak for the moment merely waits for these people to address her. No clues as to where she is yet. She uses both hands to clean up her stringy black hair as she waits fore someone to speak.

Thor has posed:
    "Bide a moment, Panther." Out of the back of the Quinjet emerges the Mighty Thor. His armored form catcing the light of the low sun as he steps down the ramp, the ancient hammer Mjolnir held light in one hand as he turns his one-eyed gaze upon the wreckage. "The Svartalfar are beings of much deviousness and they are known for the ills they unleash upon those who stand against them, even in defeat they are deadly."
    Upon catching sight of the others the tall blonde man lifts his hammer to them in greeting, as if letting them know he is there and has control of the matter. Which, to be fair, he might not.
    He steps forwards and moves towards the fallen ship, only then espying the passenger who looks so out of place against the landscape. "Ho there, Elf. You stand on Midgard and it is Thor Odinson who addresses you."
    He stops some twenty feet away, unperturbed by her nakedness and not moving to her aid as quickly as some might have imagined the deity would. "What ill wind brings you to these shores? Know that if you threaten this land and its peoples I will not hesitate to strike you down."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther looks up at the approaching flying figures. He gives a wave towards them. "I apologize for our unannounced passage into your air space. Matters at seemed to call for an immediate response," the masked figure says in a smooth-sounding African accent. He stops his approach towards the Dark Elf woman as Thor emerges from the quinjet. A nod is given back to the Asgardian, Black Panther seeming more than content to let the Thunderer, and his much greater experience with this race, take the lead.

Black Panther moves to the side, leaving a little space between Thor and himself. Not moving to a place that would be outright threatening to Arella. Yet making sure he and Thor are not grouped together as tempting targets should things go awry.

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk's flight speed was primarily the result of the thrusters built into his feet, so landing on snow was complicated to say the least. He landed on snow that quickly melted into a pool of water. Every step was more than a footstep, it was a new puddle, and what's more, he was sinking to the ground below. After a few moments of trying to make his way through, he joined Supergirl in the air, rising aloft, but not too much.

"I wonder if the Doc can science me up some snow..." and before he had even finished that thought, the dark figure used the red gem in his chest to fashion black snowshoes from the dark force. With those, he could land on a non-puddle section of the snow, and walk relatively normally, but he was not used to walking in snow shoes. The result was the comedic gait of a suit that, in other hands, could be terrifying.

With Supergirl giving the official greeting, he sat back and watched, or would have, if not for his difficulities in simply manoeuvring out here. This was why he lived in Starling. They got snow, but not like the rest of Canada. <Smart-al-far? Elves? Midgard? Do you have any idea what he's talking about, SG?> He radioed to Kara's headset.

Perhaps he's a little bashful, still being a teenage boy and all, or maybe it's genuine concern for another's welfare, but when he notes that the woman is naked, he suggests aloud, in his nicest possible tone, "Supergirl, perhaps you could offer her your cape?" Unfortunately, the voice modular on the suit didn't exactly sound sympathetic. And to Black Panther, he adds, almost as an afterthought, "don't make a habit of it. I'm sure the higher ups, which I guess you are, wouldn't like it." It was eerie. He was standing in the tundra, next to two aliens, a God, and a king. Not bad for a high school student who once found some jewellery.

Supergirl has posed:
That escalated quickly. Supergirl looks at Thor oddly as she floats a bit closer yet off to the side. More a we're not with them but we are watching their backs, sort of position. <So much for welcome to Earth.> She murmurs low into the headset she is wearing to allow communication with her teammate. She can hear him without but he isn't so lucky. Course, he has a suit that can make fancy stuff so it all evens out. <Midgard is what the Asgardians call Earth. Other than that, can't help you with translation.>

"I'll take Thor's lead." She crosses her arms, doing her best to look intimidating. Not really doing a great job in her primary colors and teenage looks but she's trying. She even frowns. Just a little bit.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella is outmatched and she knows it. So she leaves her energy weapon where it is stabbed into the ground. She did not share the suicidal predilections of her race so this would not be a death or glory mission for her. Thor's speech makes her laugh. It's not a particularly mocking laughh. A touch unsettling in her apparent appreciation of laconic hhumor is this Dark Elf. She abandons her combat stance amd her weapon which is in the snow merely producing from a belt what appears to amount to a Dark Elven hipflask. She sits on some wreckage and takes a swig. Maybe she could diffuse this situation. And a little intoxicant always helped.

She coughs a little from her perch on the wreckage and adopts a more relaxed posture. Then she begins speaking in accented All speak. It was not commmon for Svartálfar to know this language - a mark of unusual intelligence. Notably she does not introduce herself some clues lie in theh name on the wreckage near Thor. "Thor Odinson," she coughs as she downs the Dark Elf spirit, "I knew a King Bor Burison who's son was Odin which makes you his grandson? How much time has passed?" she sighs. "You are better looking than Bor or Odin for than matter even with the missing eye," Arella thinks out loud looking at Thor. "Your mother's genes perhaps?"

She turns looking at her ship, "I ... crashed. I have been in stasis a long time. Midgard you say? Then why is there a Kryptonian and an Asgard here? In times past Asgards were rarer in Midgard." Arella is no longer threatening. Just enjoying her drink. "You are here to capture me? I will go quietly. You can relax. Go back to whatever nocturnal recreations the people of Midgard enjoy."

Thor has posed:
    "Nay, Svartalfar." Thor says as he folds his arms over his chest, expression grim as he considers Black Panther sidelong, then looks in turn towards those of Alpha Flight.
    "I am here only to aid those who may not be familiar with you and yours." He shifts his weight forwards and spins Mjolnir lightly through a slim circle, the hammer making a low /whom/ sound. "They are not aware of the vile things your kind has done but I am. And so they shall have my counsel."
    That having been said he points then with Mjolnir, "State who you are, and be done with your foul attempts at humor for know this. I am not in a gaming mood."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther's eyes go to the grounded energy weapon briefly while Thor addresses the Svartalfar woman. Panther nods towards Thor and then moves off nearer to the wreckage. Smoke swirls about him, sending ash and soot to dirty the pristine snow. Hopefully not a foreshadowing of the impact the Svartalfar female will have. The black-costumed figure steps over some twisted debris, moving towards the rent in the side of the ship. The same one through which Arella passed, whether under her own power or from the impact of the crash.

His senses strain, listening for sounds of movement. Scenting the air for any others of her kind. Panther moves to gaze inside the ship as he tries to judge whether any others are inside, living or otherwise.

Darkhawk has posed:
<Haven't these people ever seen Close Encounters of the Third Kind... come to think of it, I've never seen it. Heard it's supposed to be great. I wonder if it's aged well?> Little did he know that his suit could translate Asgardian, if only he actually thought to ask it to. That was the problem with buying used. You never get the instruction book.

A little overwhelmed by everything that's going on, Darkhawk decides to take Supergirl's lead, who in turn is taking Thor's lead. He stares, that crimson visor giving off no emotion. The thing about Darkhawk is that when he's not doing anything, he's at his scariest. The suit is inherently scary, being dark, with sharp lines, and the claw, which doubles as a grappling hook. The voice modulator helps. But this was not an environment that aided that visage, plus, it was totally ruined by his performance in the snow before he conjured up the snowshoes, which also didn't help.

Radioing Supergirl, he asked, <how long do we have to give the frowny face for?>

Supergirl has posed:
<Until Thor doesn't seem ready to hit her with that hammer?> Supergirl's response is kept low again, not wanting to be overheard by everyone else. The woman who crashed to Earth seems awful at ease. Which confuses Supergirl. She remembers crashing to this planet. Even with her cousin to greet her, she was out of sorts. But maybe the woman is just putting on a front to hide her own discomfort! That made sense. <Let's hear what she has to say.> She does glance over at the ship where Black Panther is investigating, trying to pierce it with her x-ray vision and pick out anything that might be going on. Then back to Thor where she spots that piece with a name on it. She floats over and picks it up, unable to read whatever language it might be. So she offers it to Thor while keeping an eye on the alien.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella leaps down from her perch and takes a bow as she says, "Ahr'ela of the House Despa'nah or Arella Despana - as it has been corrupted in Midgard in the past." The name carries considerable infamy. But alot of time has passed. The one Dark Elf who frightened Malekithh enough in to exiling her by reputation. A researcher of the profane and master produucer of weapons for her ignominious race. Alive five thousand years after hher exile. She hoped that enough time had passed to render her name an obscure memory.

Arella then mounts the bit of wreckage and goes back to drinking. "I know Thor Odinson - who are the rest of you?" she asks. "Now you know my name." T'Challa is allowed to go on his inspectionm of her ship without hindrence from Arella who has more or less preemptively surrendered. No other living creatures are in there.

Thor has posed:
    Standing there and hearing the woman's name, Thor scowls and he calls out. "Panther, away from the ship!" He steps forwards and holds Mjolnir by the haft, the grim head of the hammer pointing downwards though it somehow seems anxious, as if it were wishing to leap forth at its own behest.
    "That name is familiar to us of Asgard. Arella, the shaper of death." He shakes his head, frowning as he looks to the youths of Alpha Flight and then back towards Black Panther. "She is the crafter of weapons and mayhem for Malekith's court, her poisons, her vicious bile, her evil has cost billions of lives and I do not conjure forth that number lightly."
    To Supergirl and Darkhawk he gestures with the hammer, "Summon those you can, you face now one of the greatest threats to your people." Then towards Black Panther, "Fury will wish to know of this."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther moves away from the ship at a quick but cautious pace, moving across the top of the snow leaving only the smallest disturbances in the white powder, or crust depending on how affected it was by the crash. Panther circles around, staying out of Thor's line of fire, but positioning himself closer to the energy weapon should matters turn more heated.

"This is the Black Panther, contacting SHIELD on frequency Avengers-5. Crashed extraterrestrial vehicle is deemed to be a potential high threat. Suggest deployment and extreme caution. Thor, myself, and Alpha Flight on site," Panther can be heard saying softly by anyone with sufficiently gifted hearing. He keeps an eye on Arella but is also continually scanning the rest of the ship, visually and others, for any other signs of potential foes.

Darkhawk has posed:
Forgetting about the radio for private conversations, Darkhawk said aloud, not that his lips move, or that he even has lips in this form, but he emits, "Is it wrong of me to kind of wish that right now she had crashed near Dalton Cache, on the other side of the border?" Between Thor and Black Panther, this felt like it had a lot of weight to it, and he didn't understand any of it. "I mean, Asgard, couldn't they have sent Snowbird? She's a goddess right, she's probably old friends with these folks. Or ancient enemies; who knows?"

And then Thor asked them to get help. He immediately radioed headquarters <Darkhawk to Department H, Mansion Alpha, and Mackenzie King Station. Asgardian Avenger Thor has identified one Arella Despana as a great threat. Current location Pleasant Camp, British Columbia. Repeat. Asgardian Avenger Thor has identified one Arella Despana as a great threat. Current location Pleasant Camp, British Columbia. Supergirl, Black Panther, Thor, and Darkhawk on site.>. He had no idea what her capabilities were, but he had alerted the proper authorities. Little did he know that a couple of Arrows were shortly to be dispatched.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella watches the 'heroes' snap to attention with detached amusement. She finishes her spirits in one large gulp before lowering herself down for the third time. "Oh by Llan the Sorcerer's scabarous knees," she says referencing one of the strange Dark Elven deities apart from the Aether. "I WAS SURRENDERING! Last I was here Midgardians were more primative and still they understood that concept," she points to the energy weapon, "that's my weapon over there - safely away from me where you can retrieve it." Then she points to herself, "And here I am half naked, starved, weakened and unarmed. I am just a scientist and weapons smith not on the military end of the Svartlafar. You'd only need one of you to take me in. Could you please hurry up and decide whose prisoner I am? I'm cold and would even prefer captivity at the hands of the terrified Asgard over there relative to ten more minutes in these conditions." She hugs herself covering her half uncovered bosom.

Thor has posed:
    "You, Arella Despana, have destroyed entire planets with your pathogens." Thor's voice is stern, grim as he addresses the mostly naked Dark Elf woman. "You have unleashed genetic weaponry of your own crafting upon hapless populations and celebrated amongst the fallen. Your efforts were of such evil, that even Malekith the Destroyer found himself unable to stomach your experimentation."
    He lowers Mjolnir even as above them clouds begin to gather, grey swirling with the overcast white, creating a melange of ire that fits the dark mood of the Thunderer. "I would not touch even your ashes."
    He turns and then addresses Darkhawk and Supergirl directly. "I can make no claim on this creature. Not here in your homeland. But if your people require the aid of Asgard, the Runecasters of my people may be of use."

Green Arrow has posed:
Seems most people were busy with other matters, but one Arrow was launched mere minutes ago from Starling and approaching quickly, piloted by Green Arrow.

"This is Green Arrow. I'm two minutes out from the site and have specialized equipment for prisoner use for Alpha Flight detainment." Comes over Darkhawks radio from the modulated voice of the Starling based vigilante. Indeed, they can already hear the Arrows approach; he's got that thing going at *serious* speed.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther moves nearer to the aforementioned energy weapon. "Shuri, are you getting this? Scan the item at hand please," he says. A trio of small metal balls are dropped to bracket the energy weapon. A lattice of laser light emanates from the small devices to scan Arella's weapon. Panther will wait for the confirmation on it before taking it into custody for the moment.

Black Panther looks over to Supergirl and Darkhawk. "This is your sovereign land," he says, seeming in agreement with Thor that the Canadian team should decide the matter. "If my aid would be useful, I offer it, however," the Wakandan royal says.

Darkhawk has posed:
"A senior member of Alpha Flight is on approach, two minutes out," Darkhawk replies to Thor in all seriousness, and radios back through his suits systems, <Understood. Thor has offered his aid, as well as something called the Runecasters, if we need them. I think she's a bio threat. According to Thor, she uses pathogens. Though she's half naked, looks unarmed, and seems to be surrendering.>

There was far more concern in the voice over the radio, as that was unmodulated and his natural voice, the voice of a very worried 18 year old. Speaking again, "we appreciate your assistance and experience." Though he was going to leave it to the senior member. "Green Arrow will be here any moment in an Arrow, which was actually named after the Avro Arrow, but double meaning score." Yeah, it was best when they didn't let him speak for the team.

Supergirl has posed:
"Thank Rao," Supergirl says outloud when she hears that someone from the senior team is on the way. While she's good with handling bad guys, she also knows she's junior team for a reason with Alpha Flight.

"Surrendering usually involves...I dunno, white flag, saying I surrender? Something like that." She doesn't trust someone who uses pathogens to be this calm and that makes her distrustful. If Thor hadn't already. She taps into her senses to try and be sure there is nothing in the air that might hurt those present. "Once you are in custody, I'm sure you'll be put somewhere nice and warm." She looks to the adults that are present. Well, the ones on her side. "Does anyone have handcuffs? Should we use handcuffs?"

Arella Despana has posed:
"So self righteous - I always liked you Asgardians more with a drink in your hand. Now I know why. Here I am three generations of Asgardians which must be thousands of years later and I am still hearing Malekith's lies cited as incontrovertable truth from the lips of his supposed enemy. He deployed the pathogens not me. And hounded me to the edge of the universe because I did not agree with his plan to unleash the Aether. But you believe what you wish to believe Odinson. Continue enforcing your 'justice' - the hammer with which you beat down the noble nail." There is a sudden bitterness in Arella's tone and it is apparent to those who are students of humanoid behaviour there must be some truth in what she is saying.

"There are schematics to the weapon on the ship. Your scan would likely not work," she says to T'Challa. "It is safe to touch. The angry Beardo over here will hit me with his meteor hammer if I am lying I am sure. I didn't bring any active dangerous chemicals with me. I had to drop everything and flee too quickly for that."

"I need a flag?" The Dark Elf asks Supergirl for once her calm face drifting in to confusion. "I do not have one. Can I fashion one on the spot?"

Thor has posed:
    For Thor this is enough discussion for he has clearly had enough as he looks to the others. "You are free to do as you will, but I would touch naught of hers until it has been thoroughly cleansed or locked down by those knowledgable in the ways of such creatures as she."
    That having been said he turns and steps back towards the Quinjet, but he does not make to leave. Instead he sits upon the edge of it, Mjolnir across his lap as he takes up that place to simply watch and stand sentinel upon the Dark Elf.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther gets the report back from Shuri. Little that his sister's scans could detect, though not useless. Enough to get a feel that it is a weapon and not an explosive perhaps. Or not a large enough explosive for concern for the distant civilian population. T'Challa retrieves the three small probes which leap back to his hand and get reattached to his costume. He walks over to rejoin Thor, circling Arella and keeping an eye on her.

"Is she likely to have any powers beyond her scientific knowledge?" T'Challa asks the Asgardian. He isn't shivering in the cold at least. Lessons hard won in a Minneapolis blizzard coming in handy against the Canadian winter.

Darkhawk has posed:
It is a good thing that Chris Powell is off in null space while his body is replaced by the Darkhawk android body, for he'd be cracking up if he had a mouth right now. By radio, he sends to Supergirl, and inadvertently Green Arrow, since it was on the local Alpha Flight frequency, doing his best Eddie Izzard impersonation, asking, <Did you just ask her, 'do you have a flag?'> and referenced the skit where Izzard joked that Britain stole countries by sailing around the world and asking the indigenous populations, like India, if they had a flag. And they backed up their claims with guns borrowed from the... National Rifle Association.

Green Arrow has posed:
It's around the time 'schematics' is uttered that the Arrow comes in close, sets landing gear, and sets down smoothly. The ramp lowers, and the sound of another engine revving up can be heard before Green Arrows Skybike launches down the ramp, and heads in the direction of the confrontation. "I didn't see anyone else besides this whole scene on my way in, we should be good there." Green Arrow notes over comms as he navigates the rough, hilly terrain of the tundra, his usual urban suit visibly replaced by something a bit bulkier for the cold, and a green helmet.

Once on scene, the Skybike is drifted just slightly for a quick stop, and Green Arrow stands off the seating. His bow is locked onto the side of the mechanical quiver, and his eyes are sweeping the area to take everything in quickly. "A silent crash landing with a potential enemy. This day just keeps getting better." Green Arrow gives a look over to Thor, then, "Besides her knowledge, are there any abilities or powers here we should be wary of from this newcomer?" Seems Green Arrow is happy to consult the Avenger.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl manages not to giggle despite her teammate's assistance with that reminder. <Behave. But she doesn't have a flag so she doesn't get to claim Canada! Although I don't have handcuffs. Do you have handcuffs? Maybe we should do that bubble thing.>

Arella Despana has posed:
Despana makes a rude gesture to Thor's back as he skulks back towards the copter. Since it is culture specific the significance of it may be lost to non adroit observers. She just stands in the snow helplesly sayiong, "None of you have restraints do you? I'm just going to have to wait in the cold til you find them? Do you expect me to tie myself up?" She is a little upset at the failure of the authorities to exppedite this process.

Thor has posed:
    Towards Black Panther, Thor answers with a nod. "Her people had a strong knowledge of dark magic as well as some of them being gifted beyond what they considered their norm." But then he shifts his gaze towards Arella and murmurs, "If she has such gifts, I know not. But I would not rule out such a possibility."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Oh, I have plenty of restraints specialized for this occasion." The man in the green suit states matter of factly as he approaches Arella. Once he's within about a dozen feet, the white lenses of the domino mask go right to her own eyes, "Welcome to Canada, sovereign nation of the planet Earth." One hand goes behind his back to the pouch at his back, and he brings his hand back around to show the rather overlarge set of cuffs, "On behalf of Canada, I accept your surrender, and we will be happy to examine all potential threats."

He tosses the cuffs to her, "Ankles and wrists, please. We can discuss the legalities and your options on the way to your new home." A side glance to Darkhawk, "Darkhawk, if you would be so kind as to escort the prisoner to the Arrow." A glance to Supergirl, "Supergirl, I'd appreciate a perimeter sweep, and scans of all the gear. I want to know if there are stowaways, especially."

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk is relieved to have an actual bonafide member of Alpha Flight on the scene, and does as instructed, slowly approaching the woman who was given cuffs to place on herself. By now, he doesn't need the dark force snow shoes as the thrusters in his feet have cooled down in this frigid weather, but instead, he uses the gem in his chest to create a blanket to wrap around her after the restraints are on. "Please, come with me. We have a real blanket in the ship. Sorry about the cold, but this is Canada," yeah, like she'd get that joke. "But we're going to the warm part of Canada." He'll escort her onto the nearby Arrow, and once in, get her the real blanket he promised, replacing his dark force one.

Supergirl has posed:
Much like Darkhawk, Supergirl is glad there is someone of higher rank. This turned into something way more than expected. "Already scanned the ship. Nothing there. No other life forms. Don't even see anything on a microscopic level." Then she floats up into the air to deal with the perimeter as ordered. "On it!" And off she goes around the area. She manages not to break the sound barrier but she does move as quickly as she can without causing damage.

Arella Despana has posed:
"I have to put the restraints on myself?" Arella complains. She does as she is told but cuffs her hands in front of her since she was given the option by having the restraints surrendered to her. More comfortable that way. To Ollie she says, "Not cold would be nice," her green eyes registering relief for once. "I like this idea of sovereign nations. Means all your people don't have to move in locked step over a cliff because you have one stupid leader. Mentioning no names." Arella wore her Malekith hatred on her sleeve.

"I'm Arella - not sure I caught anyone elses name here apart from Thor grandson of Bor over there." She introduces herself following Darkhawk to the transport.

Green Arrow has posed:
"I'm Green Arrow." If he's interested in sharing his reasoning for anything in his orders, he doesn't seem inclined to share. His hand comes up to the device that's attached to one of his ears, and he presses a button to mission control at Mansion Alpha, "This is Green Arrow, Alpha Flight. We have one incoming extraterrestrial prisoner in restraints. Prisoner is coming along peacefully and is being transported by Arrow back to HQ. Requesting one meta cell be prepared for an arrival, and that the government is informed."

With that out of the way, Green Arrow gives a nod to Supergirl as he finishes, acknowledging her report, "If magic is involved, someone might portal in to grab the prisoner, Darkhawk will be on the ship for that, I want you to keep watch for external threats as we go." Then, once they're back to the Arrow proper, Green Arrow coming along on his Skybike. "We'll be heading back to HQ, and you'll be kept in a holding cell while matters are decided. Do you have any dietary requirements we should know about, or any other issues we should know about before we leave?" Green Arrow parks the Skybike in the cargo bay, and points to a square cargo container, "I bought along a mobile cell. Put her in there for now. You?ll be guarding from there."

Darkhawk has posed:
"My name's Darkhawk," the tone and word choices he use seem incongruous with the deep voice that is emitted from the body, sounding rather like James Earl Jones's Darth Vader, but without the raspy breathing. His body language similarly goes against the design of the armour. "I came with Supergirl, and the new guy is Green Arrow." But as Ollie comes into the craft, he lets the man lead and does as instructed.

Arella Despana has posed:
"No special dietary requirements. I have human parts. I eat the same food breathe the same air. Can even interbreed with your kind though that hasn't happened in a while." Probably more information than was needed.

"Pleased to meet you all. Thankyou for making this quick."

Green Arrow has posed:
"We'll be back at the Mansion in about ten minutes." Green Arrow informs Darkhawk and Supergirl over comms as he enters the cockpit. "We can hand her over to Mansion staff and call it a day from there."

About twenty seconds later, the craft can be felt powering on with a slight vibration. Within moments, the takeoff is smooth as silk as they start to head back south, accelerating as they go. "Good work people. No trouble, and a no drama rescue."