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Latest revision as of 03:57, 9 April 2019

Date of Scene: 08 April 2019
Location: Midtown - Manhattan - New York City
Synopsis: Nuala is kidnapped by Lobo and Star-Lord! Suzanne, Black Panther, and Hal try to stop it.
Cast of Characters: Nuala Duvall, Black Panther, Star-Lord, Green Lantern (Jordan), Lobo, Sister Reinhardt

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala has started to let her guard down. Her father recently gave her information that Nova was not going to pursue her as long as she did not leave Earth. It was a bitter pill, but one she had resolved to swallow. While Nova Prime had decided not to pursue her, one old rival. Captain Virek, was not in agreement. He wanted to see Nuala pay, primarily due to an old feud. He could only do that if she was off world, and he couldn't go to Earth to get her off planet.

    So he set a bounty. 50,000 Nova credits for her capture. Rather high for such a low level bounty, but he was determined to have her caught.

    Nuala and T'Challa decided to grab some coffee. Only recently gaining her freedom to leave Asgard without concern, she thought it would be good to catch up with the Wakandan King.
    "One thing that we do not have in space, is coffee. There are other similar drinks," she says as she sits across the table, "But I have to say, I never knew I was missing it, but I can't live without it now." She's become quite the addict since arriving on Earth. She wears a pair of plain, ordinary blue jeans and an Avenger's T-shirt that someone gave her a while back. Still, she keeps something that might make her locatable. In her pocket is her uniform, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice. The power source isn't like that of human technology, and a smart hunter would be able to locate her if it was searched for.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa settles into his seat once Nuala has taken hers. "It has an effect on the brain. The chemical that makes you feel sleepy? It dampens it, in effect," he says in his slowly spoken African accent. "Which also makes the brain readjust the levels to try to make you sleepy. So then you want the caffeine just to feel normal. Let alone that pick me up feeling."

T'Challa has cup of coffee as well, though he holds it in his hand and glances down at it speculatively. "It does not have much effect on me anymore. Unfortunately. But in my college days? Many a late night study session depended on a few cups to get me through," he says, giving a faint smile at the memory.

"I am glad to have you back in New York," he tells Nuala. "Though I am planning a trip to New Asgard before long. I was going to make a point to come see you, had you still been there," the Wakandan tells her as he takes a sip of his coffee.

Star-Lord has posed:
Normally, the Guardians would be all over this one. Normally, the Guardians would be pretty overt about this sort of thing. This time though, Star-Lord is a bit iffy about going all in. He's been to Earth before; he knows how chaotic the planet is these days with all it's factions and absurd new enhanced humans coming out of the woodwork almost on a daily basis. Doing a job here was always a risk.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for a smart bounty hunter to minimize that risk.

Nuala had been located a few hours ago as the Milano had searched for her. It was easy to home in on the power signature; it seemed to be unique on the plant, so it was easy to zero in on. Which meant the Guardians had plenty of time to prep the actual extraction. The rest of the Guardians had been sent out to bring a net around the area Nuala was in, keeping low key until the fireworks started so they could let Star-Lord know about anyone trying to intercept them... and for this one, Lobo had been contacted, and an accord made. No doubt the Czarnian was interested, but he'd likely agree that bringing her in alive was no fun. Any potential rescuers? Those were fair game. It was an easy sell, with the Milano coming steathily down into atmosphere to drop Star-Lord and Lobo off on autopilot.

In the cargo hold, Star-Lord was near the cargo bay hatch, "Should be easy if we get in and out, but this place always did have a knack for ridiculous amounts of crazy being a-holes about hunting."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan, former Green Lantern of sector 2814, and recently "promoted" Honour Guard Lantern of the Green Lantern Corps, streaks towards Earth as fast as his willpower and the emerald light of will could carry him. Hoping he was not too late, he bore a message to Nuala from the Green Lantern Corps via the Nova Corps via Captain Virek. It was not a good one.

    Arriving in Earth space, Hal Jordan wills to his ring, "Is there any way to locate Nuala from our last encounter with her on Earth?" A second passes. Former Nova Corps member Nualla Duvall has a unique energy signature from her time as a Nova Corps member. Tracking...

    In the meantime, Hal Jordan heads in the same rough area as the last time they had met, arriving above North America, and the Eastern Seaboard. Slowing down as to not cause havoc in the Earth's atmosphere, Hal attempts to locate her before it was too late.

Lobo has posed:
    It was true that The Main Man prefered carnage and violence, but he was also a man of his word, and living bounties(though ridiculous) were not a new concept. But splitting the prize pool and possibly getting the hide of some of these powerful super "hoo-mans" to decorate his bike or make a pair of boots with? That was way too tempting to pass up, and so the massive albino-skinned death machine was stood in the cargo hold, straddling his bike and revving it even as he looked over at the smaller Peter. Cigar puffed, Lobo was dressed for war in black leathers, trademark sleeveless vest and no shirt, though he wore rows upon rows of bullets, shells and laser cartridges, stiff hat upon his head shading his blood-red eyes.

    "Yeah, ain't no geek from a mudwater gonna stop me, these Clydes ain't even reached their own solar-limits yet! Gonna be easy credits, an' easy pickens!"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods. "Yes, and apparently they can only grow in the warmer parts of the planet. I could think of a few planets with a more universal climate that might be able to grow incredible coffee if it was not so highly illegal to transport untested plants to new planets." She smiles. "You remember the Oomycetan," she notes, the killer mushroom that nearly destroyed the world. "Though I am sure nothing like that is likely to happen with coffee." She smiles.

    "Why were you heading to New Asgard?" she asks. "I don't plan to always be away from there, though...I feel that I am imposing when I borrow the Asgardians' transportation. They insist that I am welcome to use it. It still feels as if I am a...what's the word they use? Hermit? Hobo? Something like that." She is fully unaware of the incoming attack. Normally she would have heads up to these things, but without her ship, the suit's sensors really have nothing to activate based on.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa picked a poor day to leave Okoye and other members of the Dora Milaje at home, though he doesn't realize it. He leans back in his chair casually, wearing a black sweater and slacks. A necklace with teeth of metal is worn beneath the sweater. "It is always difficult to know how a new species will affect an ecosystem, I would imagine," T'Challa comments. "Or at least here, it has been. There are many examples of man having affected creatures or plants. A change to one rippling through other species that depend on each other in ways we had not realized. Though your own insights into such? Are more advanced I should think. Given your other technologies."

He takes a sip of his coffee. Enjoying the relaxing break away from the Avenger's Mansion. T'Challa had been spending a lot of time in the labs, only recently emerging again. "A visit of state, most likely. Keep relations with New Asgard alive and well. In a more official manner than..." he hesitates a moment. Probably shouldn't say, 'than working together to stop Janet and her clone from braining each other'. "... saying hello when we pass in the mansion hallways," T'Challa goes with instead.

Star-Lord has posed:
Watching the panel on the cargo hold -Star-Lord had diverted bridge sensor functions to it earlier- made it easy to get a good idea of various landing zones. There were few buildings in New York capable of supporting the Milano, but one such rooftop is autopiloted too.

By the time Hal is nearing the planet, the stealthy scout ship is ready, and nearby Nuala and company.

Star-Lord looks to Lobo then, "You go in first and make a ruckus, draw their attention. I'll go in from the side and grab her up in the confusion. Sound good?"

A fist slams into the cargo release. The hatch into New York opens, Earths air filtering into the Milano for the first time in a while.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    A couple of blocks away, Suzanne was eating a pizza on her own. Why? Comfort food for her. Nuala knew who she was, and she had to let Nuala process this for a little while and think for a bit.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Honour Guard Green Lantern Hal Jordan," the feminine voice from his ring says with a cold, dispassionate voice Hal had tried to change all these years. "It appears Nuala Duvall's energy signature originates at 121 mark 213 heading 313 degrees. Midtown, Manhatten. It will take 1.3 minutes at half-speed to reach her."

    Hal Jordan simply nods, not bothering to send her a verbal acknowledgement, as his mind and will had already told her he was good to go. "I wonder what it would be like to have your personality on a cruiser, ring..."

    His voice trails off, as his eyes grow accustomed to home. A sense of warmth rushes through him as he approaches the United States from orbit, and he homes in on Nualla with all alacrity. A sonic "BOOM" signals his presence across the Atlantic Ocean. No time to play nice. He had to get there before it was too late. As it was, he didn't notice the Milano or Lobo.

Lobo has posed:
    "Yeah, don't worry baby bird, papa bear's gonna howl like a fraggin' wolf!"

    What did any of that mean? It didn't matter, because moments later Lobo was streaking out of the Milano like a bat out of hell, the unholy shrieking sound of that vehicle loud enough to shatter some particularly weak business windows as he loop-de-looped and figure eighted all around the New York airspace, before finally zeroing in his sights on the coffee shop, and heading straight toward it. He saw the target, and knew the orders were not to kill. Her. So he figured he'd just get her attention by revving up the machine guns in his bike, spraying the shop all around her but not necessarily aiming directly AT her. The way he figured, that should soften up the building and windows enough for that massive vehicle, and its Czarnian owner, to smash right on through. Less like bat out of hell, and more like a crow ignorant of what Windex was. Though in this case, the crow came out on top of that confrontation.

    "Shrnorkup ooble, frag kalaa bala Nuala!" He shouted out intelligently into a cafe that did not speak Galac-Tik.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I'm hardly a botan-" Nuala's ears perk as the alien tongue resonates through the coffee shop. "Frack." She stands up quickly, her chair kicking out behind her. "Your majesty, we should get out of here. Right. Now." She doesn't know who Lobo is, really. Not her circle of influence, but if someone is here looking for her, she's not so ignorant as to be in the dark about what they probably want. "<Nova said they would not pursue me here,>" she answers, not yet pulling the suit from her pocket, probably a mistake.

Black Panther has posed:
One of T'Challa's eyebrows goes up slightly in curiosity as he hears an unusual engine start up as Lobo's bike leaves the spaceship and screams down towards the coffee shop. It does not take long at all for him to realize that isn't a normal vehicle. Combined with Nuala's warning, T'Challa leaps to his feet. A flurry of dark particles swarm out of the necklace beneath his sweater, shredding his clothing in the process as his Black Panther armor deploys.

Darn it. He really liked that sweater.

Black Panther turns back to Nuala, grabbing for her hand intending to run with her and lead her towards the door to get out of the shop. Ready to put himself between harm, and Nuala or any of the nearby innocents who were just trying to enjoy a nice post-dinner latte.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is quite clueless as to what's going on, at the moment. A crowd isn't gathering two blocks away, yet. Despite Lobo's dramatic entrance, even people in new york still ned a few minutes to gather.

Star-Lord has posed:
Five seconds later, and a second flying 'alien' pops up in New Yorks' sky. This one is much less visible though, and is hugging the buildings to lower that visible profile even further. His Jet Boots are fairly silent as Star-Lord double checks his electro-net cannon; never leave the Milano for an 'alive' bounty without one.

Star-Lord also takes a much more direct route to a rooftop above the Coffee Shop, his helmet is snapped into place, and he scans the building for that power signature.

Of course, with Black Panthers suit also popping up on his scanning mode, Star-Lord stays where he is.

His job is to do a flyby and grab Nuala, not to get tied down in a flying battle above the streets.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Arriving at the outskirts of the city, Hal Jordan can tell that something was amiss already. Arriving moments later, his eyes widen as he sees Lobo and the chaos he was causing in the streets. "Dammit...why is he always in the centre of it..." Moving closer, Hal Jordan says, "I'm too late...looks like a bounty hunter got here before I could."

    Looking down at the coffee shop while hovering just out of striking range of Lobo, Hal frowns. Not seeing Nuala yet, and missing Black Panther as well as the Milano, Hal, using his willpower, creates a green megaphone. "Nuala. This is Green Lantern. Sorry, but I have some bad news. A Captain Virek has put a 50,000 credit bounty on your head. It is not endorsed by the Nova Corps."

Lobo has posed:
    Exploding through the front of that coffee shop, with shards of glass and furniture and people going flying every which way, the Main Man hopped off of his ride and immediately was leap-running toward the fleeing, running couple of Nuala, and a man dressed all in black. Dressed similar with glossy black nails that were just freshly painted today, the Last Czarnian could appreciate the fashion choice. But this was not the mutal admiration society, this was a job that needed doing, causing Lobo to hurl his arm overhead before throwing that grisley hook and chain outward. He was aiming to wrap it around the costumed man's neck, or body, or legs, or anything. If that happened then the alien could use his strength to pull the man violently backward even as he gave a lion's snarling roar that drowned out the sounds made by civilians and pedestrians.

    "Etaba Lobo, uta mkaba! HAWW HAW HAW HAWW!" That one-liner was especially hilarious in Czarnian.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    It's probably better not to translate what Nuala says as she hears the megaphone. Let's just say she's speaking Lobo's language. She glances around, not spotting where the sound is coming from. She pulls the suit from her pocket, knowing she's going to have to be in a fight, "Dial Suzanne," she announces, her suit being slapped across her chest, and spreading out to coat her in the silvery armor. "Suzanne, this is Nuala, I'm in trouble." It was the first name, and most powerful name that she knew was close. Well, she hoped she's close. She shoulder checks T'Challa, catching the hook on the back of her suit as it finds the crook between her neck and the suit, gouging her flesh, fortunately not critically as she is yanked by the pull. She flies out the window, slamming against the bike and flopping onto the other side, rolling into the street.
    A truck screeches to a halt in front of her, honking as she tries to gain her bearings before standing.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther steps in the way of a thick shard of glass that crashes into the coffee shop as Lobo smashes the window. It hits armor, breaking into pieces and falling to the ground, the Wakandan pausing only long enough to let that glassy dagger impact on him before making ready to move again.

The sound of Hal Jordan's voice connects the dots that T'Challa had guessed at. "Nuala, no!" he exclaims as she shoulder checks him forward and takes the hook that was meant for him, flying out through the broken window into the street.

Black Panther uses the momentum of her shove, jumping up onto the wall beside the coffee house's door and using it as a launching point to leap directly towards Lobo. Claws extend from his knuckles on one hand as he means to throw a stabbing punch at the alien. The other hand sends a vibranium knife flying towards the window to cut into the chain that connects Nuala to Lobo, attempting to free her.

Star-Lord has posed:
It's a bit early, but no risk, no reward, and it's a perfect opportunity.

Star-Lord reactivates his Jet Boots, readying the capture cannon for the grab, just as Hal comes out of nowhere. "Of course it's Space Cop." Star-Lord grumbles as he hears the megaphone from the Lantern.

Just means he needs to be quick, and no-nonsense.

As he flies by just above the street, Hal will likely be easily able to see Peter as the net is launched at Nuala. Visibly electrical, there's also an anti-gravity ball built into the top end of it that will activate just as the net activates on Nuala.

Going top speed, Star-Lord is looking to be quick enough to catch everyone by surprise, with the anti-gravity field easily making Nuala weightless to tug along with him.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Everything was happening so fast, and Hal Jordan stops to assess what is going on, ready to save anyone that needs saving. As it was, it looks like Nuala needed his help, as a few bounty hunters had come calling. Lobo, he expected. But the Guardians? That was not expected.

    As Lobo's chain goes one way, Nuala rolls into the street, and then Black Panther leaps into action, Hal Jordan realises that a lot was happening all at once. As it was, he had been told by the Guardians to not get involved, but there was no way he would allow someone to be taken by bounty hunters on his watch.

    That was when Star-Lord leaps into the fray. With a sigh, Hal says to the Bounty Hunters through his megaphone. "Bounty Hunters stand down. Let's resolve this without conflict and collateral damage. If you resist, I will have to take you into custody as a duly authorized representative of the Green Lantern Corps."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne had finished her second slice of pizza, when her phone started to ring. "Weird...who'd be calling at this time?" She says as she cleans her hands off and picks up the phone....right in the middle of Nuala saying she was in trouble. She stood up, just as people were starting to gawk two blocks down. And that's when Suzanne just...hung up the phone and shut her ring up from it's alert of detecting green lantern energy.

By now, she didn't care who knew of her identity. She just wanted to make sure Nuala was safe. As soon as she left the restaurant, she took off and her clothes changed mid-flight.

For the waitress, though...there was plenty of money for the pizza, and a generous tip.

Lobo has posed:
    The Main Man was smirking down at Nuala, and was reeling her in so that he could pull that hook from her flesh and maybe toss her up toward Line-Rider up there. That is when a dagger made of who knows what sliced right through the links of his trademark weapon, his hook now remaining inside Nuala's shoulder instead of being safely extracted. The look on the man's rugged ghost-white face was not an impressed or happy one, and even when the Black Panther's awesome claws connected and caused the man to stagger and turn from the impact, when he turned back with deep red lacerations across his face already starting to close up and regenerate, his response to the attack was to hold up the severed chain that was still wrapped around his bicep, before pointing at the presumably netted form of Nuala where his weapon was still submerged.


    That was the battle cry that proceeded two wild haymakers and uppercuts(or haymakers that were also uppercuts), but these were both feints to hide the big massive front kick that was aimed for the chest and ribs of the smaller man, something to give him something to think about. So infuriated he was, that he wasn't even paying attention to the Green Lantern's words outside. Instead, his yellow teeth were grit in sheer anger.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks up only in time to hold a hand up to helplessly block the electric net. It wraps around her, and she feels the electric shock. Her armor protects against some of it, but given that her head is exposed, it doesn't really matter, as the jolt causes her to flinch and contort her face with a yelp, and she finds the world around her going dark as her limp body is yanked into the air.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther's clawed punch connects, sending a spray of blood flying. But the sight of those wounds healing visibly is not a reassuring one. Panther manages to dodge the first haymaker but the second connects in a flash of purple energy that stays infused in his armor. The kick sends Panther flying backwards into the wall beside the door, hard enough to crumple the drywall where he hits.

The purple energy visible between the armor's tiny particles is more intense now. Panther sees the proximity of the other customers though they are running for the back of the store. Rather than risk harming them, he pulls a black metal ball from his belt, sending it flying towards the bike as he pushes off the wall to dive through the glass of the front door to get him out into the street with Nuala.

The small ball that he tossed flattens out into a disc shape, guiding itself towards Lobo's bike where it will deliver a small EMP if it connects. The things work wonders on cars and trucks, T'Challa gambles it will work on The Hog as well.

Star-Lord has posed:
The Lantern interfering would be an annoyance... but that's why Star-Lord keeps brushed up on intergalactic policy... especially when it comes to the Lanterns. The space overlords on Oa were a frequent potential annoyance in his line of work... but even Peter knows what's going on here.

Star-Lord turns around mid-air so he can point the electro-net cannon at Hal, and Hal can hear The familiar voice of Peter speaking Galac-Tik, <Yga gebn oafg uon aghjr, hno rfeg rreegghh Oa rewqa space hoajjj> Peter delivers in a serious tone to the Green Lantern as he speeds away towards the Milano.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    With a sigh, Hal Jordan moves into the fray, watching as Black Panther and Lobo duke it out. Maneuvering to get around them, Hal moves closer to Nuala, knowing that most Bounty Hunters would ignore his warning. Using his ring to remove the net, Hal winces at Lobo's chain in Nuala.

    Landing, Hal ignores Peter Quill's comments knowing it was a discussion with the Guardians he didn't want to have. Hal's voice then cuts through the din, "Nuala! How do we stop this from escalating!?! This is just the start!" Trying to get through to her as the shock from the net seeps her consciousness.

    "Green Lantern Honour Guard Hal Jordan, warning, Blue Lantern ring in the vicinity. Power at 125 percent."

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo looked over, watching the disc land on his ride, and watched his ride fizzle, short circuit...and land on the sidewalk hard enough to crack the pavement, and land hard enough to chip some of the paint. From this range Black Panther would be able to see Lobo's left eye start twitching uncontrollably, as he slowly turned his head to stare at the King and Avenger. His lips curled back in almost a rictus-sneer, the tattoos on his white flesh rippling as his muscles(mostly muscles...it was clear that this particular alien enjoyed a beer or three dozen every now and then.) started flexing.

    Moments later the Czarnian was pulling a weapon off of his belt, hand reaching past his revolvers and grenades in order to draw one of two big, thick rusted steel machetes that was hurled head over heels right at the man in the suit. It wasn't the sharpest weapon ever, but considering how thick it was, it was traveling toward T'Challa like debris from a train wreck. Whether or not it hit him, or whether or not it sliced clean through the wall of the cafe and buried itself into the front engine of a parked car, either way Lobo was flying through the air, trying to tackle Panther through that same wall.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala gives a bewildered response, not very strong. "Verik," she mutters, uncertain if Hal can hear her. "<Dishonest bastard,>" she grunts in Xandarian. She glances blearily at Quill, looks like she is going to say more, but she is back out.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne flies her way closer and....Actually sees Lobo has a 'machete' like weapon. She uses the ring to grab the machete....but does notice, with a bit of help, that Hal is there. "the hell is going on here, GL?"

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther locates Nuala, body floating up through the air thanks to whatever alien technology is being employed here. The recognizable figure of the Lantern moving to help Nuala sets the Wakandan more at ease in terms of her status, allowing him to turn back to face Lobo.

The toss of the weapon results in a back flip from T'Challa, intending to try to twist to keep the weapon from hitting him. Only the weapon never arrives as the second Lantern on the scene uses her ring to pluck it out of mid-air on its way towards Black Panther.

The Wakandan lands on his feet beside a delivery truck, the door hanging open as the driver fled at the first sign of trouble. Black Panther rips the door off with super-human strength and whips it towards Lobo in his best Captain America impersonation.

Speaking of Captain America? T'Challa's voice goes out over his comms. "Avengers! Nuala is being attacked by alien bounty hunters. Midtown Manhattan. Two Lanterns on scene!"

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter lets loose with a string of Galac-tik curses as the original net is cut open, forcing him to turn back around and launch yet another one over Nuala to keep her stable.

By the time Suzanne is on scene, Peter is landing in the cargo hold, the anti-gravity field quickly used to dump Nuala into the cryo-pod prepared for her arrival.

Over the commlink, Peter comments to Lobo, "Got her in the hold, about to take off." Within moments, the pod is activated, and he's running for the cockpit.

He has absolutely no interest in lingering with the bounty secure. "Need a pickup, Lobo?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Speaking mostly to himself as he watches the action unfold, Hal says, "I can't do much more here Nuala, except to ensure no innocent bystanders get hurt. My hands are tied, as the Guardians have forbidden my involvement." Looking over at Lobo and Black Panther fighting, and Quill in the distance taking Nuala, Hal Jordan shrugs and doesn't pursue.

    "Green Lantern Honour Guard Hal Jordan, warning, Blue Lantern in the vicinity. Power at 150 percent."

    Looking for the Blue Lantern, Hal's eyes land on the approaching Suzanne. With a nod, Hal floats off the ground once more and adds, "Perhaps you have a friend that can give you some Hope, Nuala. I expect she has a surprise for these Bounty Hunters."

    Moving into the background, Hal ensure that no one gets hurt from the battle, and says to Suzanne's comment, "I think that Nuala could use your help Blue Lantern. Hopefully." That last was followed up with a chuckle. Subtle.

Lobo has posed:
    Flying through the air, Lobo saw the spinning hurtling car door a little too late as it smashed into the bridge of his nose and face with a hard impact. The door warped and bent into a 'U' as glass shattered, and the bounty hunter dropped facedown, his hat knocked off his head. So perhaps Black Panther might be unprepared for the galactic sleazoid to roll forward, leaping for that same tackle maneuver at a much closer distance than he had been before. Assuming this succeeded and the Panther was beneath him the Main Man would waste no time in raining down rights lefts and double-fist axe-handles at the man who seemed to be exploding in purple sparks with every impact...though not every punch or wild strike was landing. Many were smashing through the concrete on either side, but enough were connecting to fill his rage quota. Eventually, breathing heavy, Lobo stood up to his feet and stalked over to his bike as Quill came in over the comm system in his belt.

    "Yeah, friggin' robot put somethin' on my bike. Gotta say I thought you wuz normal fer yer species, but these guys is tough! Did ya humanlet brothers and sisters not let ya nurse as long as them? How did you survive yer winters?"

    As he spoke he was lifting up his bike as if it were a toy, using his strength to try and pry and pull that thing off in annoyed frustration. His hat left behind, his blood from his mending nose all over the sidewalk. Even though that thing was some sort of creepy robot, Lobo thought, it fought like a true warrior. Just a shame where was no point to ripping it apart, as there'd just be circuits and oil. Right?

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne had no idea what the heck was going on, but she was mainly searching for Nuala.....until Lobo started to walk away, carrying his hog. it was only then she likely found T'Challa, and aimed her ring at him, to heal him. Of course, while she's healing T'Challa....this would be a good time for the Bounty Hunters to leave.

Black Panther has posed:
Each blow from Lobo that lands on Black Panther causes groans of pain from the man. But it also causes his armor to take on more and more of that purple glow between the vibranium particles that compose it. By the time the beat down has been administered, there's as much purple as there is black to be seen.

But by Bast that hurt. The armor absorbs most of the kinetic energy, but not all of it. T'Challa is going to have bruises on top of bruises after this. Or he would if not for the healing energy of the Blue Lantern's ring.

Black Panther lifts his head from the divot in the pavement he's lying in, looking over to Lobo as he is pulling the EMP disk off of his bike.

"You put great energy into your blows," Black Panther says, his words spoken precisely despite the painful undertone to the words.

"Let me return some of it back to you."

That purple energy suddenly erupts in a halo, blasting out in all directions. On the good side? Panther probably just helped Lobo get his bike back in the air, if not in the way Lobo intended.

After, T'Challa takes a moment to gather himself, letting Suzanne's healing help get him back into the fight.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    As Nuala lands in the cryo pod, she starts to come back to her senses. "What? Get-" the cryopod slams around her, and she slams her fist against the glass. Whatever she's saying can't be heard, but she's really mad about it.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo actually turned at the sound of the man's voice, for his part the albino-skinned bounty hunter had a surprised look on his face, perhaps surprised that what he thought to be a robot was speaking, or perhaps just surprised that he was still able to do anything. He said something very clever, as evidenced by the Main Man grabbing his crotch in a suggestive motion, followed by flipping a middle finger toward the beaten man. Apparently finger gestures were similar even up in the great beyond.

    That disregard turned into wide-eyed surprise as he was blasted, yelling out very loudly as Lobo and Hog were both hurtling up in the air. His vest was damaged from this, to say nothing of his left arm blasting off at about the elbow. But the vest was the important part, here.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Lobo, I'm half-human. Half. I got no idea what else I am, but I'm not the average either." Star-Lord climbs into the cockpit... and slams the tape player, turning on some sweet 80s music that Peter starts to mutter to himself. Probably over the commlink, too.

The Milano takes off, and soon the scout ship is turning in the air to blast off down the street where Lobo is, slowing down just enough to give Lobo time to jump into the open cargo hold.

It's more than enough time for Suzanne to fly into the Milano herself, if she's inclined to take the risk.

Of course, he didn't count on getting Czarnian blood all over his paint-job. "Aw man, come on. I thought you were cooler than that, Lobo! You know how hard it is to get blood off the paneling?!"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    When Suzanne hears the ship close in, she looks to T'challa. "T'challa, I'm hitching a ride. your instruments knows my ring's signature. Once you get the avengers and the Asgardians rallied, follow me. if I have to, I'll find a way to talk to you." She then runs a couple of steps before 'comet-ing' towards the Milano and landing in the cargo bay. Even the Milano can't outrun a determined lantern...."

Lobo has posed:
    "You ain't know the first thing about cool, milkdweeb!"

    'Milkdweeb' was not a term that existed, but Lobo was a little distracted with the surpreme pain of losing an arm, as he laid sprawled out across the cargo bay as he snorted and looked down at his elbow-length stump. Growing in a new arm was going to be obnoxious, but at least those DNA-imprinted tattoos he paid extra would grow in nicely as well. Those thoughts were pushed from his mind, however, when a woman covered in lots of Blue appeared, and he instantly recognized her Lantern-esque garb, as well as remembering the way one of his machetes stopped mid-flight. With snarls and bared teeth, the Main Man pulled one of his big chunky revolvers, pulling the hammer and squeezing off a powerful deafening gunshot of a pink laser wrapped in a copper-equivalent casing.

    "Suck on laser, fragface!"

    That was followed by another shot, and yet another.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther climbs back to his feet, head clearing, the worst of his bruises healed by Suzanne. "I'll gather help," he agrees, calling to the Blue Lantern as she zooms off towards the ship. T'Challa glances around at the area. His energy burst took out that truck he was near, as well as a few other cars most likely. Thankfully the windows were already blown out by the sounds of the Hog. Some anyway.

He gets to his feet and then begins radioing back to Avenger's Mansion, letting them know the status. He watches the Milano fly off, muttering to himself words meant for Nuala. "I am afraid you have worse to worry about than a lack of coffee now, my friend. But we will get you back."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    And the barrier goes up immediately. However, the shots are pretty much reflected out of the back of the ship, and Suzanne just rolls her eyes. "Do you always resort to violence?" She then looks to the window to the side, being provided by the ring. "I...guess so. Well....unless you're looking to kill her." She says pointing towards Nuala. "I'd put the gun away. I'm simply here to find out what the hell's going on." And yes...the ring is translating for Lobo.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The cryo container's controls inside seem to be locked, and Nuala growls inside. She has a lock pick, fortunately. She charges her wrist blaster, but the cryo system's hard freeze seems to be to fight back. It's so cold... Nuala desperately slams her fist against the inside of the chamber, trying to will the blaster to charge. But her suit isn't a ring. It isn't powered by will. It's powered by science. And science says that it can't fire.

Star-Lord has posed:
There were cameras in the cargo hold, of course... but Star-Lord was a bit busy with making sure they hit atmosphere soon. The remote activation was triggered to close the cargo bay hatch so space wouldn't vent anything inside, and the Milano was quickly ascending into Earth orbit, "Not seeing any pursuit in-"

That's when the sounds of revolver lasers blasting through the Milano could be heard, interrupting his comment. The autopilot was set to head for the nearest jump point to Sol, and Peter was already running for the cargo hold.

He arrives just in time to hear Suzanne, "this is a bounty collection, Lantern." Peter states through his helmet. He's humanoid-ish, and his translator implant is giving the same language back to Suzanne, "I know the Space Cops have a non-interference policy with bounty hunting. Are you going to try to take her back?"

Lobo has posed:
    Still laying on the floor, still aiming that weapon at the Lantern, lobo chimed in,

    "Yeah, this is official biz, Blueberry! Just pickin' up a bail jumper and doin' right by society!"

    His left bicep moved outward, flailing around for a few moments before Lobo realized he couldn't in fact reach out for his stash of beers like he wanted to. In frustration he went to pick a cigar out of his belt, realized he couldn't either, and sat there with a sour expression on his face. This was the pits!

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Space cops?" Suzanne then looks down at her uniform. "Does this look green to you?" She then sighs and looks to Lobo. "keep pointing your gun at me, I'm sure that'll get you 'somewhere'. I'm here cuz you have her." And she points to the cryo-pod. "You guys are doing a job....I don't hold that against you. if I really wanted to stop you....this ship would be in pieces." She then rolls her hand in a bit of a gestures. "So, again...I'm not holding anything against you guys. I'm here to find out who put the bounty on her..." She points to Nuala again. "And wait till you guys are paid before I take her back....and kick his ass."