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Revision as of 05:47, 9 May 2019

Millicent (Scenesys ID: 7975)
"Chivalry as a codified contract of conduct is a pleasant enough fiction, but know that the dead know nothing of honor."
Full Name: Millicent Haller
Gender: Female
Species: Fey/Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Bodyguard / Paralegal
Citizenship: Sweden / United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: College, Apprenticeship
Status: Active
Groups: Mystic Arts, Dark Universe-OOC, Martial Arts-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 1081
Date of Birth 7 July 945 Actor: Luisa Wietzorek
Height: Unknown Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Flying Whales" by Gojira


By day she's amongst the most sought after body guards in the business, and one of the few who openly accept work which might bring them into conflict with metahuman threats. In her free time she enjoys ballroom dancing, fine dining and European swordplay. The "Free Lancer" has showed up in Chicago, Dallas, LA and most recently New York. Though not terribly widely known, shaky YouTube footage suggests they're quite the fearsome fighter.



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Five foot eight, and well goodness knows how old mid twenties perhaps? Her face isn't just lovely, it's downright beautiful. She's a slender slip of a thing, certainly athletic but more like a ballet dancer than anything then. That long blonde hair left up in a neat if decidedly complicated braid.

It's the attire as much as anything that sets her apart, even at a distance. A neat three piece suit, trimmed with neat diamond cufflinks and sterling silver buttons. Her blouse left a simple dark blue, complete with matching tie and pocket square. Neat high polish dress shoes, simple diamond earrings and a care worn Rolex rounds out the package.


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It began as a friendly competition between two fey houses, a competition of personal champions which eventually devolved into full scale warfare. Humans were in such conflicts, highly prized combatants for their mutability and their ease of repair. So begins Millicent's tale.

Around 945, near modern day Bern she was born. Taken from her crib just a week after birth and sold to the fey lords for no small amount of coin. She was raised with care under the stewardship of fey warriors, who saw to her training in swordplay. One of many children doomed to spend their life over noble ego in another dimension.

A strong natural affinity for magic, and a wild hunter's heart however saw her through those first desperate battles. Her ascension through the ranks was a slow one, but steady nevertheless. The toll however was steep, fey magics used to "fix" her flaws as well as her injuries. She was made into something beyond a mere human, deemed too valuable as a war commodity to let age or go injured.

She fought for years beyond counting in and endless stream of meaningless wars, hundreds of years burned in the fires of ever increasing violence. Her masters watched human exploits eagerly, and whilst dismissive of humanity's intellect they recognized the species innate talent for bloodshed. Arms, armor, tactics were assimilated eagerly.

In time however the conflict spread beyond the field, great noble keeps and castles were set to the torch. Noble fey were cut down, and the conflict threatened to spill beyond the borders of these two noble houses. In time that would mean the involvement of far larger powers, who brought the conflict to an end.

The humans were surplus by the end of the war, excess to be disposed of by royal decree. Some were dumped back into human lands, others slaughtered outright. A few however would stay on, repurposed as a most extravagant of decorations. So Millicent was sold at discount to a lesser noble house, where she would become the personal bodyguard of "The Blue Duchess".

She was kept originally as a guard indeed, and given instruction to that end. She was taught manners, etiquette befitting a royal servant and of course the more formalized combat she may need to act as her owner's champion. She was of course, a rather good bodyguard all told.

In fact she was so good, that the Duchess took something of shine to her even early on. She rather liked the beautiful, and dedicated servant. Over many years this relationship expanded from simple appreciation, into something approaching genuine affection. Millicent became something of the "Good Daughter" the Duchess had always wanted, which didn't do much to please her actual children of course.

Humans were incapable of receiving lands, gold for their service or even granted the legal recognition of personhood. So she granted her the title of dame, gifted her equipment and exiled her to the mortal realm. Of course the Duchess never stopped to examine the labor market, or if female knights were even permitted in the first place.

Millicent washed up in Switzerland in 1894, and spent much of her early years back on earth simply readjusting to life amongst humans. She had no marketable skills really, so those early years were spent working as a maid more than anything. Eventually however, she'd find higher employment with her very specific skillset.

In 1932 whilst working as a maid for a wealthy banker, the property was broken into by a trio of men intending to kidnap the banker's wife for ransom. They found Millicent instead, and with paring knife and serving tray she killed the three of them outright. Word spread quickly, and Millicent was soon in demand as a bodyguard to wealthy women across Europe.

Her services were utilized more than a few times by those fleeing first the Nazis, and then the Red Army. Eventually however with Europe settling into it's cold war, she departed for America to find more work.

Until about twenty years back, Millicent's been in relatively high demand as a bodyguard. She'd find service with captains of industry, movie stars, even politicians on occasion. Her age of course stood out, but if you're worried about meta-human threats many are eager to get one of their own on the payroll.

The majority of such work is of course terribly boring these days, there was never quite enough action anymore. Heroes however seemed to be getting no end of action, so she's been moonlighting on occasion. Originally fighting out of Los Angeles, her move to New York is a relatively recent one.


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As stern to inflict as she is stubborn to endure, Millicent styles herself as something of a sophisticate noblewoman. Unfortunately for Millicent she hasn't the noble blood, nor the cash to have really earned the title. Truth is she's surrounded herself with the upper crust for so long, and provides such a valuable service they've all been happy to satisfy her delusion. In truth she's nothing but a self important attack dog of the rich and powerful, and whilst she loathes to admit it? She loves the fighting if only because it provides her the ability to justify her sense of self importance, though she'd never admit it. She's also substantially more damaged by her time with the Fey than even she knows. They robbed her of everything, made her suffer for naught but ego and then abandoned her when she became inconvenient. That's not stopped her from thinking of those times with entirely too much fondness.


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Millicent may have been born a human, but she's something rather different these days. She can bench press six hundred pounds, sprint up to fifty miles an hour over short stretches and do so in full armor. Her sense of balance and fine motor control is sufficient to let her run over tight ropes in full armor, her reflexes and raw dexterity such to allow her to cut bullets from thin air.

She was built to take punishment of course, her skeleton alone is close to six times tougher than a mere mortal. It takes rifle rounds to penetrate her skull or break her rib cage. She cuts as easy as anyone else of course, and has no special resistances to elemental or magical attack though she is particularly easy to heal through magical means


She is pretty talented at minor healing spells, and likewise minor repair magic but only has the spare energy to cast those a few times a day at max. Beyond that she's pretty adept with "Create fire", though with how little power she has it's more paper match than flame thrower. She lacks the free magical energy necessary for any sort of combat magic, including your classic "dispel magic" sort of stuff. She could heal cuts and scrapes on a human, provide basic "First aid" sort of healing. Used on her own form, this is liable to seal a gunshot or stab wound in a few minutes as well as heal it over the course of a few days. Her own gear was designed to be easily repaired with magic, but her talents at fixing much beyond that? About as Magically powerful as superglue might be at repairing mundane items.


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She's been at this game for a very long time, and received formal instruction in more modern techniques along the way of course. She's fully licensed and insured, and carries the license to operate across most of the US and some foreign countries. She knows how to detect a tail and how to lose them, how to secure a room and what to look for amongst a crowd. She's widely held to be amongst the best security you can buy, and it's for good reason.

She's been driving since the sixties, when it became clear such things were expected of a body guard. She's quite the driver these days, and it helps that she genuinely enjoys it. She's usually one of the faster people at any given track day, and might come out on top at a local amateur event with a decent car. She's been through formal driving courses catering to bodyguard work of course, and is perhaps surprisingly good at vehicular combat when the need arises.

Millicent's fully fluent in English, German, French and Fey. She's functionally fluent in Spanish, and has recently started her work on Mandarin.

Trained to be a guard for royalty, Millicent has had ample training in fine etiquette. From high society, to barons of industry she's never accidentally offensive and rarely so much as rude. From which fork to use, to navigating polite conversation she's a classically trained and it shows. Her icy exterior often tends to come off as aloof and pleasantly mysterious in such environments, rather than strange or impolite.

As a brawler she's a solid if unorthodox striker, and a solid wrestler but nothing too impressive.. She's a pretty good shot, knows in theory how Asian swords work. Give her traditional European arms and armor though, and she's about as good as any knight ever was. With arms and armor of her own design however, she's fully a downright force of nature.

With her own gear she can cut bullets from the air, drive thrusts almost as fast as a speeding bullet and deliver those blows with pinpoint accuracy. It takes a real talent to keep pace with her and raw super human ability to really outclass her with swordplay.


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She's become quite a collector of arms and armor since the 1970s, when she had the money to do so. These days her collection of classical arms rivals most museums, and then there's the modern stuff. Rifles, pistols, shotguns and the odd machine gun. There's also a small collection of minor magical gizmos she's picked up along the way. The pen that never runs out of ink, for instance.

Protecting the rich and powerful, usually pays quite well. It helps that she's had more than a few years to build an enviable nest egg. She's quite the workaholic generally, working as a paralegal or sword instructor between bodyguard gigs. She can count on a few hundred thousand a year generally, and keeps a few million for rainy days.

Millicent has a 1970 Lamborghini Espada she's owned since new, a gift from a thankful client. It's been exceptionally well maintained and comprehensively updated several times. Over the years it's dropped plenty of weight, picked up no small amount of horsepower and received rather comprehensive brake, suspension and interior upgrades. It's become a rather fantastic money pit over the years, and it's still not perfectly reliable.

For Bodyguard work there's a lightly armored E class Mercedes, because that's what clients tend to expect. It's pretty standard as far as such things go though, no special gadgetry.

There's a helmet which approximately doubles her senses, an articulated Cuirass and backplate that can stop pistol rounds whilst weighing but a pound. Her left gauntlet holds a buckler which can stop rifle rounds, and sharpened claws. Her right gauntlet carries claws, but no buckler. Greeves which likewise will stop a pistol round, but otherwise aren't much special.

Her trademark arms are a pair of magical weapons known simply as "The Needles", roughly the size of a short sword to begin with, a ringed pommel and simplistic leather wrap. These weapons can lengthen and reshape themselves into blades of any design, though particularly large weapons such as pole axes and long spears will require the pair of them. They're not supernaturally keen or tough, though they can be repaired with moonlight alone. Change time takes about 2-3 seconds.


There aren't too many bodyguards quite so willing to combat metahuman threats, and few quite so obscure. She tends to remain with a client for more than a few years, and whilst those clients are more than willing to say nice things if asked? She's not a name that's popularly known, even within the industry. That said she's got all the right credentials, and has a few influential people still alive who think she's pretty amazing.


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Millicent is a terrible snob, truly. She sees herself as upper class, and surrounds herself with those she feels are sufficiently "classy". Part of this is culture, part raw affluence. People she feels are "low Class" in particular are going to have a pretty easy time getting under her skin in a fight, and will have an easier time bypassing her icy cold exterior and getting her raging.

Without her disguise, some might find her beautiful in a decidedly exotic way but nobody is going to mistake her for human. Those in the know are likely to confuse her for one of the Fey, whilst those who correctly deduce she's a Fey construct are likely to going to react just as poorly. Fey got a well earned reputation for evil, and it taints their former servants.

Millicent's not been human for a very long time, her native appearance is absolutely not able to pass for human. It takes the majority of her meager magical ability to disguise herself. So much so that she's not capable of any magical or supernatural feats whilst her disguise is up. That same disguise won't stop a gifted magician from looking through their disguise, never mind fooling an X-ray or MRI.

Magical constructs of all stripe are not terribly subtle, and one built for combat such as Millicent especially so. Even the most modestly magically inclined can pick up that there's something up with her, and the gifted can see through her disguise without too much trouble. Despite being essentially a being built from magic, she has no great magical defenses of her own nor any threatening casting capability.

The manner of her creation is wisely thought of as irredeemably evil by the majority of the magically inclined societies.. The Fey are obnoxiously irredeemably evil to most, and she is clearly their handiwork. To top it off she's often as stern to inflict as she is stubborn to endure when it comes to violence, and is absolutely not above killing real foes. Warriors -deserve- a warrior's death, right?

Millicent likes the Fey, misses her time amongst them. Time has only increased her affinity for her old masters, twisting bad memories into good and forgetting the more troubling ones altogether. She has little tolerance for talking ill of the Fey, would willingly fight in their defense and will not oppose their will. Talking ill of her old Mistress in particular, will still bring out the claws in record time.


Millicent does not lie ever, she honors her contracts to the letter and she is obliged to act in defense of the innocent save where it endangers a client. She's not terribly difficult to manipulate if someone's clever enough, or force a disadvantageous fight. It may not be Arthurian Chivalry, but most folks can safely assume costumed warriors have a code.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Busting heads November 6th, 2019 Names are exchanged over bad guys.
Old fashioned October 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Work outs October 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Coffee and Scones September 18th, 2019 Coffee and debts
Fencing lessons. September 4th, 2019 The pair talk combat and drink coffee.. good times are had.
A Drive to Metropolis August 22nd, 2019 Hammerhead meets his temporary bodyguard and proceedes to go to Metropolis to expand his Empire.
Late Night At Bars August 20th, 2019 Jessica took a break from working Janet's case, and wound up meeting an interesting person in Millicent. And people say drinking is a waste of time...
Party crashing August 1st, 2019 Magic folks talk at a party
Wolves July 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Peacekeepers: Taking Control June 23rd, 2019 Most of the Peacekeepers have their directives overwritten and their controls encrypted by unknown parties. A group of heroes intercepts a group of them before they can attack a major city.
A wolf, A Dog and a Bird walk into a bar... June 12th, 2019 One wooden puppet. Three different ways of dealing with it.
Wolves and Lions. May 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Interview in the Study, by the CandleStick May 5th, 2019 Summary needed


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