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Date of Scene: 16 April 2019
Location: Border of Nova Empire space
Synopsis: The delivery of Nuala for her bounty turns into a double cross, and the emergence of a new Blue Lantern
Cast of Characters: Nuala Duvall, Star-Lord, Sister Reinhardt, Crusader, Black Panther

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nova Space was not nearby, it was a bit of a hike for those who may want to travel from Earth to there. Captain Verik had listed this the position for the rendezvous. The signal shows up. One capital Nova Cruiser sits out near the edge of Nova territory. There are no close by stations, there are no close by planets for that matter. The coordinates seem to be rather remote. Certainly the Milano could be picked up by the border scanners under normal circumstances as they approach.

    Inside, Nuala had removed her uniform, confined to the guest quarters. Suzanne's suggestion had made sense to her. Verik would just send someone else if she avoided capture on this account The best was to hope for an understanding trial. The small triangular card she holds has her attention. Her uniform. A uniform she'll likely never don again. She sits on the edge of the bunk in her earth clothes, the t-shirt and blue jeans she had been wearing when she left planet.

Star-Lord has posed:
Various members of the Guardians have taken up guarding Nuala in the guest quarters during the trip, with Gamora being on duty to keep their bounty under wraps. The others had been preparing for a potential double cross by the good Captain, even as Star-Lord was in the pilot seat, taking the Milano out of hyperspace to the coordinates. The nearest jump point was a fair distance away... but the Milano is one of the more agile ships in the galaxy. It wouldn't take long for them to meet the Cruiser.

Up in the bridge, Star-Lord hits the intercom, "We're out of hyperspace, ladies and gents, looks like the client might have brought out a cruiser for this one. Get your gear ready in case this gets ugly." Star-Lord states over the intercom... before he opens up the transmitter, "Unknown Nova Cruiser, this is Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy, onboard the Milano. Please respond."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne doesn't say anything at the moment. She stayed near Nuala's area throughout the trip. At the moment, it was most symbolic than anything else. The crew wasn't going to hurt Nuala, she knew that. It was more that Suzanne wanted to know who was after Nuala at this point. She didn't think Nuala was bad at all, especially with how she helped the Asgardians without asking any questions at all, nor asking for anything in return."

When her ring made Suzanne aware of the Nova ship presence, Nuala saw Suzanne's Lantern uniform melt away, and she took up her civilian clothes...and the glow was very muted on her ring. "Showtime." Suzanne said to Nuala.

Crusader has posed:
    Well, this is NOT how he expected his tuesday (earth time) to go. But none the less, when a friend was in trouble, he would be there. And so with that Bjorn had taken Black Panther onboard The Star Piercer. They had only been traveling for a few hours now.

As Bjorn empties some dog food into a bowl for Borgi the Corgi, he gets a noticed on his radar. He had been following the trail of the Milano, Nuala, and of all things a Blue Lantern Enegy system. And it seems they were finally making headways as they make it to the edge of the Nova Sector where the Cruiser...and now the Milano where. The StarPiercer might not be the fastest, but it was fast enough to be able to catch up once he got the infomation and tracking infomation he needed.

Bjorn speaks over the inter-com "Eh Panther. We're are here. Und well, seems Star-Lord is az well....and a Nova Ship. When you git doon here Panth...mind explainink to Bjorn vat da heck is goink on agin? Last Bjorn check, Nuala was whit da Nova Empire, a sub-sector actually. Even her fathar is part of the Nova Corps." he was curiouse that is for sure, but none the less ready to jump into battle, but will try for peace first.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther finishes the final set of tests on his space-capable suit of Black Panther armor. He'd have liked to be able to spend more time testing it. "Shuri better have got it right on the first try," he murmurs to himself as he makes his way to the bridge, helmet in hand, the rest of T'Challa but his face covered by the armor.

He steps into the bridge, pausing to pet the dog before moving to Bjorn's side. He replies to Bjorn in his precisely spoken mix of African and Oxford accents, "As I understand it? Nuala broke Nova Empire laws by helping the Asgardians on Earth. They agreed she could have asylum on Earth. But if she left, she would be arrested. Someone named Captain Virek sent these bounty hunters to snatch her. One of the Blue Lanterns landed in their ship before it departed, the one whose energy you are tracking," he says, going over it all again. "Nuala had been granted access by the Avengers. And so I wish to try to save her. I do not know what her people's punishment will be. If this Captain Virek even intends her to stand trial."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Milano, this is Nova Cruiser Glorious. We've been waiting for you, Milano."

    The systems of the Cruiser start to scan the ship, but it doesn't register the ring. Nor does it seem to have yet picked up the incoming Star Piercer. "I'm patching you through to Captain Virek." A few seconds pass. "This is Virek," comes a hard, older sounding voice. "You have the fugitive, I trust? We can arrange transport of her immediately. You are welcome to dock at the Port docking clamp, a security team will meet you there." He sounds like he's in a hurry. No friendly greeting, no formal appreciation, just a request for the goods.

    Nuala nods, putting the small triangular card into her pocket. "I suppose it is," she agrees, standing to her feet. "Whatever happens," she says, "Thanks for coming. It's nice to have at least one friendly face." She gives an appreciative smile.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Sounds good to me, Captain. We'll be waiting." Star-Lord sighs a bit, and hits the intercom again, "They're looking for a physical lock. Get the EMP bomb ready, and get ready for manual airlock release if they try to board us. Gamora, bring the bounty to the portside airlock, please."

Everyone on the Milano can feel the ships inertial dampeners start to kick in for a smooth passage as Star-Lord brought the Milano in for docking.

The Guardians of the Galaxy had a backup escape plan ready in case they tried a double-cross... but hopefully they wouldn't need it. Gamora goes to 'escort' Nuala to the airlock. Groot, meanwhile, was preparing the EMP bomb and putting it on standby at the launcher.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "No matter what happens, Nuala, I will be with you. If not physically, in spirit. Always remember that." Suzanne then leans in the whisper to Nuala. "Keep hope in your heart, always." And Suzanne attempts to go up to the cockpit to talk to Star Lord. "Star Lord....or whatever your name is....if he does double cross you, get your people out of here, and leave myself and Nuala behind." She doesn't state why though. Star Lord didn't need to know what was going on in Suzanne's mind as she left the cockpit.

Suzanne didn't like doing this at all. She wanted to give Nuala the ring and have it be done and over with....but her ring was cautioning her from giving it to her too soon. 'It is easy to lose hope. Hope is fragile, and hope will abandon you if you lose it. Unfortunately, only those that experience hopelessness know how to hold onto hope.'

Suzanne really really didn't like that last sentence, but....she had to try. She wasn't going to abandon Nuala.

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn grunts "Perhaps so. But considering Nuala had asylum, this makes little sense. If she was given asylum...and the bounty hunters brought her to a Nova Cruiser....well it seems like a set up" he tells Panther.

He had intercepted the comm from the Cruisaer end. He looks to Black Panther "best get ready to make Skyfall...no clue how this will go" he was already begining to access what knowledge he did have on Nova Laws - includeding laws regarding 'setting up' another person. But for now he broadcast over the Nova Coms "Well Virek. That is a very interesting statement. From what I gathered, Nuala had asylum on earth, and would only be arrested if she left. It quite interesting some bounty hunters came to earth, grabbed her, and brought her to a Nova Ship. Care to explain this interesting set of circumstances?"

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther nods to Bjorn and says, "I know almost nothing of their laws, unfortunately. I do not know if they would take into custody someone who was kidnapped." He walks over to look out the window at the ships they are approaching. "Many nations on Earth would. So I will not expect otherwise here, until I have reason to."

He falls silent by the time that Bjorn contacts the Nova ship. He checks some of his equipment and then moves over near to the one of the airlocks, just in case, while he watches the proceedings. Black Panther double checks his comms, making sure he and Bjorn can stay in contact, then mutes his line. "We are coming, Nuala," he says to himself quietly, and to her, even if they are separated by the void still.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Who is this?" Virek's hard voice answers demandingly. "This is supposed to be a secure line." The line is quiet a second, and the Glorious starts to power up her weapons systems. "Star-Lord," he says, as if giving a little contempt for the name. "If you and your confederates wish to debate Nova galactic procedure, this is not your concern. Nuala Duvall has broken several treaties and is thus wanted for trial." It appears that he does not recognize the newcomer as a separate entity from the Guardians.

    The Glorious' hangar opens, revealing several fighters, but for the time being, they remain docked.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne hears the broadcast from Vorn and his ship....and a little smirk plys across her face. "Oops. I think Virek blow it. He pissed on Nuala's friends." She says as she knocks on the guest door and enters the cabin. "In case you didn't hear, Nuala. We've been followed. Vorn's here......and he's brought a friend. Coming for you."

Suzanne smiles a little....and waits for a reaction from Nuala. And she hopes this does bring about a reaction, other than the stony faced one she's been presented with. If there's even a glimmer of hope in Nuala....Suzanne's ring will detect it.

Star-Lord has posed:
"What? I have no idea who that is. They're not in any way connected to us." Star-Lord replies over the commlink as he listens to Virek, "We're here for a delivery, nothing more, nothing less." Star-Lord brings up the scanner for the Star-Piercer as the Milano starts to slide into docking, "Never seen that ship before. They must have followed us through the jump point."

When Suzanne tries to come up to the bridge, no one stops her. No one on that ship wants to start a fight at this stage. "Yeah yeah." Star-Lord waves her off dismissively, "have fun."

Gamora was already at the airlock as they started to dock, with Nuala in tow. Locking onto the Cruiser, the Milano cycled the airlock... but Gamora kept Nuala within the lock itself for now.

"When I see the credits in our account, my colleague will send her over." Star-Lord offers over the commlink to Virek.

Crusader has posed:
    "This is Bjorn, Brother to the StarPiercer. And close friend and associate of Nuala! Oh by the way, if you can hear this, Hi Nuala!" he says quite cheerily. It may be hard to take him seriously sometimes. "Anyways, if you insist. So be it" he states.

None the less, he prepares a launch doc for Black Panther, as Borgi is sent to a more secure room. As Star-Lord scans the StarPiercer, it would reveal it didn't have any design of technology known currently in use/own, save for a few parts one could commonly get on Knowhere, though even then, they gave off an odd signature. He says to Blackpanther "If they do not let us on, prepared to be launched onboard, and Bjorn will join you later. Hopefully we can get on though." he planned to ride in with the Milano.

And indeed, he began a slow and steady approach to doc into the Cruisder. He was going for smart, if they thought he was with Star-Lord than he'll use it.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther puts on his helmet and locks it in place. "Understood," T'Challa says as he moves over to take position so Bjorn can launch him in a minimum of time if needed. He activates his suit's stealth technology to counteract not only sensors, but even eyes as he goes invisible while he waits to see if he'll need to get to the ship via alternate means.

"What is the crew complement of a ship that size?" he inquires of Bjorn while he waits, listening in on whatever amount of the communications traffic that the Star Piercer is able to decode and broadcast to him.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala's brow raises. "Vorn? What is he doing here? He came from Earth to Nova Space?" she asks. She hadn't even talked to him in several months, not with everything happening at Asgard. She hadn't been all that good a friend to keep up with him, but she's prone to that.
    Nuala smiles oddly. "This is about to get really messy," she says. It isn't a happy smile. "Is it Virek?" she asks. If it's Virek, he will fight. If word got out that he did this, he'd be court martialed. Stupid beliigerant bastard. There are innocent Nova navymen that will die because of this, just following orders. They are going to need help," she tells Suzanne. Gone is any concern for her own future. She takes a deep breath. "If we can get the Guardians to turn me over, there's a good chance that Virek can be caught for the crime."

    "You want me to just simply pay you first?" Virek answers with indignation. "We are representatives of the Nova Empire. You will transport the prisoner first, then you will receive your payment," he answers.

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a laugh. Yes, an actual laugh, over the commlink from Star-Lord. "I thought Novans were honorable sorts. Are you backing out of your bounty, Captain? I'll be happy to undock and take the bounty back to Terra if you're not interested in being a reliable client, after all the crap these a-holes are sending this way." Star-Lord leans forward, a sharks smile on his lips.

"Those are the terms, Captain. You want your trial? I want a client that understands we're setting the terms, here. Take it or leave it... and I'd suggest you hurry, because our stalkers seem to be interested in interfering." Star-Lord continues.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne sighs. She had noped to give Nuala hope. Instead the woman is going to sacrifice herself and throw away any sort of possible rescue. Suzanne rubbed her face at this. "Nuala.....You really don't respond to hints...do you?" Suzanne says, now very blunt to Nuala. "Do you think he's going to be caught? Don't you think he's covered his ass? I've been trying to give you hope, Nuala. I've seen the good you can do, and your friends are here to assist you. You have friends willing to battle the Nova Corp.....to rescue YOU. YOU! DOES THAT NOT GIVE YOU ANY SORT OF HOPE AT ALL!?"

Crusader has posed:
    "...Good Lord Virek. I know Bounty Hunters like Star-Lord are idiots. But really? Even the dumbest bounty hunters know, payment first, or at the very least half up front, delivery after. It basic bounty practice"

Of course by the time he said this, he has offically docked The Starpiercer. Unsure if he would be rejected or not, he instead opens up a hole infront of Black Panther. he says privately to him "There at least 300 people on this ship - at least 1/3 of that trained personal. Something is far to fishy about this."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther has been listening to what is going on. "If he refuses to pay? The bounty hunters may run with her," he says, hesitating before trying to board the other ship. "I will wait a moment and see what happens before going," he says, giving it every second he can to see how it plays out. It might be a bad thing to be caught on board the ship should the Milano and the woman he sees end up turning tail and running.

He waits, listening to the comms chatter that is able to be picked up by Bjorn. "You are a good man, for helping Nuala," he says to Bjorn. "Thank you for this."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    There is a silence on the comms, and at the airlock, several soldiers appear, brandishing their rifles. Virek doesn't answer Quill, and he doesn't answer Bjorn.

    "No no," Nuala says, reaching out to take Suzanne by the shoulders with both hands. "I have hope. I have hope that he will be caught, I have hope he can be caught without unnecessary bloodshed, and I know how it can happen. I need a comm. I need to get a word out to someone. We have to get to the bridge. Think I can get past that lunatic with the chain?"

    The comms open. "Vessel Milano, you are harboring a known fugitive of the Nova Empire, and are in Nova space. You will relinquish Nuala Duvall to us at once, or you will be seen as an accomplice to her acts." Guess that means there's no money coming.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne stares at Nuala and takes a deep breath. She was aggrevated that Nuala is willing to give herself up to the Nova corp without a fight. Shewas upset that Nuala was getting manipulated, and was willingly offering her neck into the guillotine to keep people from getting killed. She was upset that Virek had stiffed the bounty hunters already and was going to blast open the Milano and the Milano was getting ready to run anyways.

Suzanne looked at her ring....and it was glowing, but it was brighter than before....and she smiled a bit. This was where Suzanne had to ask.

"Nuala? DO you want to join the Blue Lanterns?"

Does she want to join? THAT was the question.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther listens to what Bjorn is able to pick up from the communications. Hearing the missives from the Nova ship, but still not able to penetrate the Milano's encryption on their communications back. The costumed hero moves back far enough to where he can see Bjorn, but staying close to the exit in case he has to go.

"If the bounty hunters run, we will see if we can retrieve her from them. I have no idea what these people are like. What they would do with her if they cannot get money for her. Though if they were to toss her out of the airlock, I would hope the Blue Lantern would intervene," T'Challa says towards the quiet Bjorn. "I had hoped Hal Jordan would have intervened as well. I must find out by what rules they operate that he did not," T'Challa says, voice not showing the frustration he still feels over that lack of help.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala is stunned. "I'm just a Halal Agent," she comments. "You are serious?" She seems flatfooted regarding the question. When Suzanne repeats it, she starts to shake her head in disbelief, then quickly changes to a vigorous nods. "Yes," she answers through a short laugh.

    A blue orb of an opaque shield suddenly clamps around the two women, cutting them off from all the outside for a few minutes.

    During that time, Virek's men file to the airlock, and the shields power up. "We are boarding your vessel."

    Star-Lord, for all the discounting people tend to give him, was ready. Just as the Nova Techtries to override the airlock, he detonates the EMP, causing a jolt to pulse through all three ships, leaving them all disabled. In the deep of space, it becomes very dark as all of the lights disable between the three vessels. Bjorn, given his nature, takes the blow rather poorly, and is knocked out colde. It's quiet...

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The room that the barrier is in gives off a blue light to those that are in the cargo hold. Even if the EMP hadn't gone off, there isn't a weapon in the galaxy that would be able to bring down this barrier. It's up for a few minutes actually. No one knows what is going on inside of the barrier, except for the pair that is inside of the barrier.

Not until the barrier fades, to reveal not one....but TWO Blue Lanterns. One BLue Lantern is letting the other go from a welcoming embrace and has a bright smile. And she looks about. "I believe, Sister, that Star Lord has set off the EMP."

Black Panther has posed:
Is there anything more chilling in space than the sound of a ship going completely silent. Even in T'Challa's short time, the constant quiet hum of the ventilation systems scrubbing and heating the atmosphere became an unnoticed companion. The dull roar of engines and the chirp of instrumentation allerting its user of this or that noteworthy event.

But now, nothing. Silence. Though hardened against EMPs, Black Panther's armor goes on the fritz in various ways as it tries to compensate for the effects that were able to get through the armor's defneses.

He leaves the airlock, heading over to where Bjorn is slumped over. Panther leans him back in his chair to get him off the instrumentation, opening up his helmet manually while its heads up display tries to reboot itself.

Some of the trip out was spent with T'Challa learning basics of the space ship's systems, for just such an emergency. "Perhaps we should have spent some time going over your systems too," T'Challa says in that cultured African accent of his, touching Bjorn's shoulder gently.

First things first, he checks out the bridge window to see what is going on. The two other ships adrift. But a blue glow that lights up part of the inside of the Milano from the looks of it. T'Challa's suit comes back up finally and he uses his Kimoyo Bead bracelet to scan. "The Blue Lantern's energy signature," he says. "Two of them?" He looks back over to the Milano curiously and then broadcasts. "This is the Black Panther, trying to reach the Blue Lantern," he says. After sending the broadcast, he begins trying to cycle power on Bjorn's instrumentation consoles, hoping the ship is rebooting itself as well.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala gives a wincing smile. "So, we have three ships that are dead in space," she comments. "That's-" She hears T'Challa's broadcast, a little surprised. "I can hear him?" she doesn't have any idea how the powers of a Blue Lantern really work. "That's the Black Panther," she says. "What's he doing here?"

    Meanwhile, the systems of the Milano begin booting up a bit faster than those of the others, the ship having been prepped ahead of time for the impact, they were ready for it. For the moment, The Nova Cruiser remains drifting, a slow rotation with the Milano, and a rather unsafe proximity as the unpiloted vessel starts to rotate toward the helpless Starpiercer.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I told you, Sister. You are not alone. Some came to rescue you in an element they are not familiar. For you. Though they would have had a very hard time tracking you.....if I hadn't given Black Panther my ring's signature as a homing beacon." And she looks to the ceiling with a grin. "It's like I wanted you to join, Sister."

It's then the original Blue Lanterh lifts her ring. "I hear you, Black Panther. Or rather....-WE- do."

She then looks to Nuala. "And we have three ships drifting in space. We may need to keep them separate, or they may crash. Can you handle a crash course in space flight, Sister?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa looks up from the console, which he's managed to get a sole light to come back on. He is hoping that is some sort of boot up indicator, though most of his crash tutorial had been about operating the functioning ship. Not restoring it to life.

His comms crackle, the first sound since the EMP went off and the eerie silence began. Followed by Suzanne's voice coming through. "Is Nuala Duvall safe?" he asks. "This ship, and its pilot, are currently non-functioning. I am attempting to restore both. Though I lack much familiarity," he says, glancing over to Bjorn. Does he have a power switch somewhere that's accessible? Probably not. T'Challa begins scanning the alien construct.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I've spent my whole life flying in space," Nuala answers. Though, she's pretty sure that the rules applying to a spacecraft will have very little bearing on how to use a power ring. She speaks out, hoping that her will to speak to Black Panther will work to activate the comms. "I'm here, and I'm better than ever," she comments with a smile, before more seriously concerning the topic. "Bjorn's ship is...complicated," she admits. "It doesn't operate in quite the standard format that most spacecraft operate," she looks out the window, and turns to Suzanne, "We should probably do something quickly," she admits. "And then pay Virek a visit. It'll take a Cruiser approximately three minutes to fully power back up after an EMP shock."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Then we'd better get moving, Nuala. Because I have a feeling Virek, once the ship's powered up, will simply fire on everyone, if they get in his way." Suzanne then rubs her chin. "All right. Hope might power your shields, but it takes a little bit of will to get everything moving." And she begins to walk Nuala through the use of her ring, and getting her to fly, even in space.

It's only then that Suzanne takes Nuala into space, and starts to push the Milano away from the Nova cruiser. "Can you push Bjorn's ship away, and perhaps help T'challa reboot the ship?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa smiles as he hears the familiar voice come over his comms. "It is good to hear you, Nuala Duvall. Though I must point out, this has been anything but a 'short trip to grab some coffee' as you had suggested," he says in a calm tone of voice that makes little allowance for the fact a joke was being cracked.

T'Challa sees a second light come on over on a second panel. This one on a button. He pushes it. There's the sound of the air scrubbers coming back online. "So we will survive at least until they blow the ship up," T'Challa intones quietly. "Things are looking up."

He goes back to work, trying to cycle settings off and back on again, seeing if they will start up. He notices an indicator is off and turns to hurry back to the engine room. He knows very little other than on and off back there. But thankfully that seems to be the right thing, as once he powers it down and back up, the engine begins its startup procedure.

T'Challa hurries back to the bridge in time to see the halo of blue light that surrounds the figures as they fly out into space.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala listens, doing her best to pick up the principles as quickly as she can. Lives are on the line. The Milano powers back to life, but the Cruiser is not far behind as the external lamps begin to light up, and gravity is restored. She nods to Suzanne, "Virek is going to have a lot to answer for. I don't think Rhomann Dey will be very pleased to hear about this," she says. She starts to fly toward the Starpiercer, an intimidating feeling to be in space without a ship, and she reache aout to brace against the spacecraft. She pushes against it, and speaks again. "The I think the Starpiercer is DNA locked to Bjorn, there should be a terminal that will allow you to place his hand inside it. That should reboot the ship. Regaring how you can fly it, it's just like any other interstellar craft for the most part, the center chamber is the control station..." how do you explain how to fly a space ship really quickly?

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Sister. You can use your ring to push, and it'll likely be a lot more stable." Suzanne says before she starts to guide the booting up Milano away from the cruiser. "Like so. You have a lot to learn....as I did when I became a Blue Lantern. But, at least you'll have a teacher."

Suzanne's voice then darkens...just a little. "Virek is going to be sorry even before we deliver him to Nova Corp."

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther's comm crackles to life again as he hears the instructions from Nuala. "Ah! That is why only the most basic things seem to be available," he says to himself. T'Challa begins searching over the console and then finds the spot that he believes Nuala must be referring to.

T'Challa takes Bjorn's hand and moves it into the open space beneath the terminal. He had noticed Bjorn reaching in there but had incorrectly deduced its purpose. "Not a beverage holder," he says to himself.

T'Challa feels himself drifting away from the console, though in reality it is the opposite as Nuala begins pushing the ship. The Wakanda grabs hold to keep himself close, and then tries the power up sequences again. With Bjorn's hand present, the systems seem to be coming back on line now.

T'Challa glances up as a shadow is cast suddenly over the Starpiercer. The ship's movement takes it further away from the Nova Corp cruiser, but passes it through the ship's shadow. It's looming size and the appearance of those weapons ports are an eerie sight. He looks back to the console. "Boot faster please," he comments quietly. As he waits, he intones softly, "At least it doesn't run off of Windows 7."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala puts her hand forward, the ring glowing as she pushes the ship. It moves faster away, and she winces, maybe a little too hard. "Okay, it's clear," she announces.
    Suddenly there is an explosion, a silent burst of orange light as the Milano is freed by detonated force, shoving it away from the Cruiser. The vacuum of space starts to sap the air from the airlock, and several Nova corpsmen are sucked out into space.

    Nuala's eyes go wide, and she shifts her ring toward them, catching a bubble to rescue the unwitting accomplices to Virek's plan. "That...was easier than I thought!" she exclaims brightly, the terrified soldiers hanging out in space, but protected for the moment. "Well, we have a way inside now," she comments to Suzanne and T'Challa.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is slower than Nuala and she smiles to her. "Well done sister. Lets get them back into the cruiser." And Suzanne flies her way into the cruiser first....barrier up.

This may not end well.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa breathes a small sigh of relief as the ship seems to be coming back online. He checks on Bjorn, but there still does not seem to be much he can do for him. "Perhaps somehow the ship may help," he wonders. He will have to check Bjorn's room and see if he has some sort of recharge pod or anything else of the sort where he might hook into in a way it might revitalize him.

T'Challa answers back over the comms after he sees the energy barrier enfolding around the men in space, and hears the comments about the cruiser. "Do we need to go inside? Or is departing the area wise now that Nuala Duvall is free?" he asks over comms. He readies his helmet, just in case.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala frowns, "I think we probably should," she agrees with Suzanne's assessment. "Virek will only pull something like this again. If not with me, with someone else he has a grudge against." SHe turns to the Starpiercer, pulling it with the ring as she follows to the airlock where Suzanne ie entering. The air lock seals, Nuala knowing that the Starpiercer is able to naturally adapt to the broken airlock so that Panther can disembark. The guards inside are disoriented, gasping for air as the system refills the compartment with oxygen after the exposure to the vacuum of space.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The airlock opens, but the vacuum of space doesn't suck the atmosphere out because Suzanne uses her ring's power for a barrier to keep it in.

Once inside, it's likely only a matter of time before Suzanne either faces down a horde of Nova Corp guards with laser rifles or finds Virek himself. With her barrier around her, she simply breezes past the guards because all they would do is hurt themselves firing at her, and she's not a threat to them.

Virek, on the other hand....

Virek, once spotted, only gets the barest of smirks from Suzanne before something is seen that very very few people see....outside of a street fighter tournament......but it's name is quite legendary.


The blue chi ball flies directly towards Virek and hits quite hard, but it's nothing compared to the woman that leaps at him and proceeds to beat the holy hell out of him, ending that particular combo with another famous technique called a 'Shoryuken!'.

And sadly, for Virek, on his downward descent, Suzanne has decided his beating isn't over. Her body twists as she begins a cry out that can only be taken as a ki power up cry, a light of light appears and Suzanne spins in place, jumping into the air. The technique sucks Virek towards her before the guards can hear Suzanne's foot connect with Virek's body....loudly and many times. Virek is sent spinning to the ground and he lands quite hard.

"Stay out of my sector, Virek...."