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Starro Light, Starro Bright
Date of Scene: 10 August 2017
Location: Earth
Synopsis: Starro alien race plans an invasion of Earth, Alpha Flight and other Heroes are out to stop them.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Sister Reinhardt, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Abigail Brand, Deadpool, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It was only a matter of minutes ago when the Canadian Exploration Vessel 'Shatner' sent out it's distress call on its return to the Mackenzie Orbital Station. The Radio Signal that accompanied the distress call was simple, it was a lot of screaming "AaaaaAAaargh!". The signal only lasted a few moments before cutting off, and shortly afterwards the Shatner's escape pods launched, on a trajectory for central Pennsylvania.

A rescue party was dispatched from the Alpha Flight command center in Vancouver BC, with coordination from S.H.I.E.L.D., to secure the area of the escape pods, effect a rescue of the evacuated crew, and begin an investigation into what has happened in the area. As the Alpha Flight transport arrives in the vicinity, they are greeted with an incoming radio broadcast from one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjets, "This is Agent Drew of SHIELD, we have teams preparing to cordon off the area, and are prepared to assist as required, we have medical and security personnel on standby."

Down below, the four escape pods that belong to the Shatner can be seen within a field of corn, their parachutes fluttering in the wind, and the darkening sky of night approaching makes things a bit difficult to see clearly down below, however, a figure appears to be ambling from one of the pods, out into the field.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Shortly after the pods landed, A blue comet can be seen flying towards where they landed. Despite SHIELD cordoning off the area, the BLue Lantern actually shows up and flies her way to the ground, slowly.

As she lands, she looks about and actually walks her way forward to help the people in the escape pods.

Black Canary has posed:
    Canary, despite her name, doesn't really fly. Unless she has to. She could, but it involves a lot of screaming and possible property damage. So she's caught a ride with one of the transports. As it hovers, she flicks out a fast rope line, then hooks a foot around it before she slides down with the ease of practice, hitting the ground as her knees bend to take the impact, then stepping away to not be in the way of anyone else.

    She reaches up to the earring that doubles as part of her communicator. "Canary, on the ground...anything else about these pods, Agent Drew? Radioactivity or anything?" Then she spots the figure staggering around. "...there's someone moving...hey!" she says, jogging forward, though she stops a fair distance away still, giving the figure room. "Hey, can you hear me?"

Green Arrow has posed:
    Arriving in the Alpha Flight transport, The Green Arrow stands near the sliding bay door that whispers open and then locks into a place with a /click-clunk!/ as the engines whine down from full power. He glances back at the personnel behind him and yells over the sound of the vehicle's noise, "Alright, my crew with me, and everyone keep an eye out. Coordinate with the SHIELD thugs for medical triage focus, let's do this!"
    That said he drops out of the side of the vehicle, landing the few feet down with a thump and then starting into a jog heading towards the fluttering parachutes and smoking debris, his eyes shifting towards the other vehicles making their descent and approach and grimacing to himself.

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Another Alpha Flight shuttle comes flying in from a different vector... because Brand can't even just go take paperwork to a prospective employee and have a night off after. Because space hates Abigail Brand, and sometimes she thinks maybe she hates it right on back. As she brings herself in for a landing, her voice speaks out calmly over the comm channels.
    "Alright, everyone let's keep this quarantined, the last thing we need is some sort of weird alien pest getting into crops and livestock and god knows what else. Keep an eye open, and make sure to keep any survivors in the area, right-o?" And then she's heaving herself out of her shuttle, looking around carefully, just keeping an eye out for signs of anything -other- than an innocent crashed ship.

Deadpool has posed:
With his teleportation belt, Deadpool could have been the first one on the scene... But he was currently rummaging around his closet, looking for his Canadian costume. "Black leather, black latex, black spandex, black gortex, black lycra..." He calls out, "you know, there are other colours!" He continues flipping through the outfits, most of which don't belong to him, but are for some reason hanging in his side of the closet.

"Aha," he declared triumphantly as he held the costume aloft, "I found it!" He quickly began undoing latches, harnesses, connecting his costume together, then reached out, and tilted something, though it wasn't exactly clear what he was moving. The tile flooring was a nice shade of dark grey, with a lighter shade of grout. There were the sounds of grunting and movement from beyond the peripherical vision. A uniform top was thrown onto those tiles, as the grunting continued.

"Oh, mother hugger. Did I put on weight since the last time I wore this?" Came the voice of Deadpool. Once he was done, he reached out, picking something up to look at it, "Oh come on, have some self respect. I can see that stuff between the keys. Get an aerosol will ya? Loosen the purse strings, why don't you?"

And with that, he flicked the switch on his belt, dropping whatever it was he had held, and disappearing in a shimming light as the Star Trek transporter sound rang through the room. A moment later, and he was in central Pennyslvania, and behind Black Canary.

"Nice outfit there BC, here's your Double-Double." It seems he made a slight detour to a Tim Horton's, as Deadpool stands there, in his normal uniform, except this one has a white maple leaf on the left breast, almost like the old Adidas logo, but it's clearly a maple leaf, and he's got two trays of Tim Horton's Coffee in one hand, each marked, and an extra large box of Timbits in his other hand.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The woman in the blue Aura, Suzanne, is the first to arrive on the scene, just rocketing on down past SHIELD, and the Alpha Flight crew arriving on the scene. "Is that one with you?" asks Jessica Drew over the radio from whatever command post she is in, probably the back of one of the SHIELD Quinjets, one would presume.

The figure that is approached is a man, he is wearing the uniform of an Alpha Flight Astronaut, and is staggering, just a little, as he heads into the stalks of corn, apparently paying no heed to the arrival of Suzanne, or the rest of the Alpha Flight team.

The remainder of the pods are all currently open, the hatches laying on the ground, one of them appearing to have been blasted off of its seals and lays several feet away from the pod. This would appear to be the pod that the staggering man has just stumbled off from.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Watching as the lone astronaut walks away towards the corn field, Suzanne......'cheats' and uses her ring to grab him, to bring him back towards the area of the pods. "Yeah. You stay here." she actually holds him in the air until the Alpha Flight medical team gets set up, and lowers him in their direction. "he got out first." She says, keeping an eye on that particular pilot.

Black Canary has posed:
    Canary watches the stumbling man, frowning, glancing over at the others arrive. Then tensing a bit as she sees one figure in particular disembarking with his crew, her blue eyes following him for a moment as she starts to turn to walk that direction, lips parting slightly as she gets ready to call out...then suddenly. Coffee! And Timbits!

    Annnd the moment is broken. "Uh...thanks?" she says after a moment, taking the coffee as it's offered to her, more as an automatic reaction of it being offered than anything else, as she blinks at Deadpool. She eyes the maple leaf. "....nice uniform."

    As Brand speaks, she reaches up to touch her earring again. "All the pods are open...I only see one astronaut and he's not responding. Could be deafened, could be something else." she says, a bit warily. Then sips her coffee. "...I'm going to take a closer look." Because in the horror movies, the blonde is the first to die, right?

Green Arrow has posed:
    Taking the measure of the drop pods and their distance, Arrow turns to the side to tell the other operatives in his team, "Alright, let's sweep the area. Hollar if you make contact. We'll be on channel, aw heck, A I guess." The whole working with a team thing, it's always been a little rough, and leadership. He could take it or leave it. But right now he's got to pull it together and focus. So good, he can handle the whole possible alien thing. There've been worse times in his life than having to wrangle up some lost astronauts.
    Like that time with his ex when she...
    Ollie steps towards Deadpool and coincidentally Dinah, his stride leading him in their direction even as he eyeballs the other fallen pods. He'll lift his voice as he gets near enough to comment off-handedly, "Looks like they let anyone in this outfit."

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand shakes her head and speaks into the comms, "Oh, I -wish- I had someone with... flying blue energy powers on my payroll. That'd be like... so great." She sighs and shakes her head a little ruefully, but still. There are ominous escape pods to go peeking in.

    Brand finds herself heading towards the same pod as Canary, picking her pace up to a quick jog, just to make sure they're both there and prepared at the same time. Of course, she also unholsters her side-arm, because she is -definitely- planning to be prepared for whatever horrible thing comes surging out to ruin her day.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
One of the problems when you're involved with as many entities as Captain Marvel, is that it's hard to make it on time. But better fashionably late, than never there, and she does finally arrive not with a transport, but her own flight. The sparkly streak in the air heralding her arrival, "Captain Marvel on scene, sorry I'm late," she then looks immediately at Suzanne, "I would be extremely careful with that man," and as she flies closer, she adds, "everyone be on your guard...something is ominous here."

Deadpool has posed:
If he had hands free, Deadpool would put his hands on his hips, but as it stood, he had what looked to be 7 coffees on two trays, one stacked on top of the other, and the other hand had an extra large box of Tim Horton's Timbits. He breathed in the air through his mask, "Ah, Central Pennsylvania; the Ridge-and-Valley Appalachians. That's soda country, none of this pop malarkey."

"Ah, thank you," he replied to Black Canary as she complimented his uniform with a big grin. For some reason, his mask was highly emotive. His eyes could shrink and expand, helping to explain his emotions. "I made it myself. Well, actually, I ordered it from the Dark Web, and had it modified. Well, I didn't order, I had Weasel do that, but I asked for it, and I paid for it... wait, is this Wednesday... carry the two, okay, I'm only partially delinquent in the payments, but I'm totally good for it." The moment was broken. Deadpool had a habit of doing that.

Tilting the tray of coffees to Green Arrow, Deadpool explains, "Cream and Sugar, just like you like it. Oh and, I snuck a Glazed Cronut in the Timbits box, towards the back, for you." Hey, for mercenary, he was being awfully nice. But then, he loves his country. Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey, and the best part of North America.

As Abigail picks up her pace for a quick jog, he tilts his head, trying to access the communications system without spilling the coffee or the Timbits, which seem to have a couple of doughnuts in there too. It's quite awkward as the communications button is in his head, but he bends, contorts, and manages to open the com, "hey Abbey, you forgot your coffee. It's just how you like your men!" He knows how she likes it, but he leaves the details to everyone's imagination.

And then he looks up, with his neck still bent towards his shoulder. "I'd offer a salute to you Captain Marvel, but I haven't figured out how to do that with my left leg yet. But I'm doing yoga, so maybe next time? I have a coffee for you, plain Jane, just the way you like it, and Timbits?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The person floating in the air, in the blue light turns to face Suzanne, while the Alpha Flight members are served coffee and stuff from Deadpool, a distraction, at the very least, even should they not accept the offerings of the man.

The crewman's face lifts finally, and visible only to Suzanne, from this vantage, would be the large 'starfish' that clings to the crewman's face. An eye upon the face opens, and an incredibly intense blast of energy lances out at the woman, the force of the blast such that might even give a Lantern pause. In its hand? Another starfish.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The Blue Lantern is actually knocked backwards by the blast of energy. Thankfully, Suzanne's barrier remains strong, and she attempts to surround the astronaut with a stronger barrier. "THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF THEMSELVES! LOOK FOR BLUE STARFISH!" She says as she pushes the astronaut towards the pod again.....

Green Arrow has posed:
    As for Ollie, he accepts the coffee as if it were the most natural thing in the world for Wade to have gotten him. He scoops it up out of the tray and holds it to the side, probably intenting to emote with it emphatically as he makes various points while he speaks. Only at the end of his words does he plan to take a sip.
    But all of that is cut short by the abrupt /ZZZZAPP!/ of the laser blast that lashes out and upwards from where that crewman had run off into the field, being grabbed and held by Suzanne and her magical jewelry.
    Whatever he had been about to say is lost to the moment, just like his coffee as it falls to the ground dropped while he reaches over his shoulder for his collapsible bow. He snaps it out to the side, the green weapon expanding with a click and a whir, an arrow reached for with his other hand and nocked in the same smooth motion as he rounds to the direction of the fire.
    "Code red, team. We got weapons fire."

Black Canary has posed:
    "Hey, he brought coffee...." Dinah offers after a moment as she looks at Ollie. "...nice to see you." she offers, but before she can do much more, the blast smacks Suzanne out of the air, causing Canary to drop the coffee, spinning around, then starts to run towards the figure of the astronaut, reaching up to touch her earring. "Blue starfish??" She can't quite see what she's talking about yet, but at least she's aware, trying to close on the astronaut before it can get around to looking towards the people on the ground. "Ollie! Restraint arrow?" she calls back. Or, she supposes he could use the boxing glove arrow. But he's always so damn SMUG whenever he finds a reason to use it....

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
If there's a polar opposite to Deadpool when it comes to field duty, that would surely be Captain Marvel with her no nonsense, focus on the job at hand attitude. She doesn't even turn to look at Deadpool when he offers coffee, rude though that may be, coffee after all has no place being served while handling a call for Alpha Flight. She seems to take the approach of pretending the offer wasn't made in the first place. Rather than tell Deadpool he should be alert, she leads by example, which puts her in prime position to retaliate on behalf of Suzanne when the Blue Lantern is struck. "Starfish! Face! Attack it!" Short and to the point, she immediately blasts her photon blasts, hoping to evaporate that starfish off the man's face.

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand's mouth works silently. "I..." She looks down at her gun, up to Wade, back to the gun... to Wade... to the coffee... to the gun...

    But then there's a lser blast coming from the astronaut's face and all hell breaking loose. She breaks into a sprint at the same time as Dinah, veering off to the side... hey, if it's got -one- laser mouth or whatever, it'll have to pick to try and hit one of them! "You know, I hear that -most- law enforcement agencies? The director doesn't even -go- out on calls..." She growls softly, not caring that... well, okay, anyone on comms heard that. Privilege of rank, you get to gripe about things.

Green Arrow has posed:
    Whatever the status of things are between himself and the Black Canary, he works well with her. Green Arrow breaks into a run, bracketing to the side away from the angle she takes so that they'll both flank the target. "Got it, on 3!" He responds as he moves.
    "1... 2...." Just before he fires he'll roll to the side in case the thing sends some fire down his way.
    It's just a smooth tuck, roll, back up. The bowstring is drawn and he takes aim a split second before loosing the arrow. "3!" The string twangs and the arrow slices across the distance towards the struggling man with the Starro face and the gross eyeball. The arrow flies clean and then snaps out near the end into a whorl of cabling that seeks to wrap around the target. Only since they last had run together he's made some modifications, as that cabling is wired with a buzz from a tazer.

Deadpool has posed:
Looking up at the woman floating in the blue light, Deadpool remarks, "ooh, a Blue Lantern. They're not as stylish as the Red Lanterns, but make up for it by not being raging lunatics. How do you take your coffee?" When she gets struck by a blast of energy, he adds, "unless this is a bad time?" Though, he does carefully set the coffee down, somewhere, and places the box of Timbits atop the unclaimed cups of coffee.

Then, he begins to unsheathe his twin katanas, "wait, no, can't cut them." He reaches for his guns, "but I can't shoot them... huh." He reaches up with his right hand, scratching his masked chin with his gloved hand. "No projectiles, no blades," and then he snaps his fingers, "by George, I think he's got it."

He reaches for his Magic Satchel, yes, Deadpool has a Magic Satchel. He found it in his backyard. In D&D terms, it's a Bag of Holding. In scientific terms, it's a pocket dimension. He is able to pull comically large objects from it, as long as he's previously stored what he needs in there. Of course, he doesn't always pull what he intends, not that he ever lets on about that. So when he pulls a nerf baseball bat in fluorescent lime, he pretends that's what he was aiming for. "Batter up!"

But then, he sees the coffee he had handed to Green Arrow slip from his gasp. As if in slow motion, Wade hears it hit the ground with a thud, just the rim, which crumples under the gravitational forces. He hears the top pop off. And the liquid pours out. In his mind's eye, he hears the sound from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho as the blood hit the tile of the bathroom. And Wade lets out a blood curdling scream, very much like William Shatner once said of a character played by Ricardo Montalban, "ARROOOWWWW!" The scream echoes, playing back quieter, and he screams again, "ARROOOWWWW!"

Returning to his formerly calm demeanour, Deadpool replies to Dinah by correcting her, "he imported coffee. I crossed an international border to bring you that coffee. Now, about those Blue Starfish? Are we sure it's just Blue Starfish? I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clovers."

You know what the worst thing about Deadpool? Somewhere, buried deep within all that pop culture, all the jokes and cliches, all the childish pranks, and the cancer, don't forget about the cancer, lurks a keen mind. Deadpool, despite everything else, knows his stuff. "Begging your pardon Captain Marvel sir, but if that Starfish is stuck to their faces," how did he know they were stuck to their faces? Did he read the pose descriptions? "They might be in a symbiotic relationship. Kill the Blue Starfish and you might kill the poor Canadian hero, I mean Astronaut, that's attached."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Is that a problem, Brand?" Captain Marvel asks, not that it's such a big issue at the moment, but hey, you talk freely on comm, you often get replies. Still, she doesn't take her attention off the astronaut, and more importantly, the blue starfish, "after we remove the threat we can assesss damages to personnel," Captain Marvel answers Deadpool, nope, she's clearly not the person bad guys want to pull the hostage conundrum on.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The double edged sword that is the forcefield that Blue Lantern is using to manipulate the Astronaut proves an effective barrier for the attacks launched against it by the Alpha Flight folk. Disturbingly, however, the Starfish appears to be feeding off of the very energy that is confining it, absorbing the energy that keeps it prisoner, something that would be clearly obvious to Suzanne. That very energy drawn in by the starfish is then emitted into another powerful blast at the Blue Lantern, and the field that keeps it trapped.

Meanwhile, about the burnt clearing of field that was created by the landing of the escape pods, three other pods sit, empty, their occupants so far unaccounted for!

Black Canary has posed:
    She doesn't have to look back to see if he's drawing or firing...she just hears the count and trusts with the experience of working side by side with Arrow for a good long while. The taser is new however, and that draws her up as she stays on the balls of her feet, waiting to see the reaction of the astronaut/starfish combination. Unfortuantely she isn't expecting the field to stop it...but of course it would stop it. And she can't do much while it's in the field, which causes her to curse under her breath, then to glance at the other pods. "...we might have three or more of these thigns already out! And this one had to bust out, so it's probably the last!" She moves to the other pods to make sure that's the case, cautiously. Ready to scream if any are left inside. In the 'oh god my ears are exploding sense' rather than the 'oh god I'm the blonde in a horror movie having a symbiote slapped on my face' sense.

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Alright, area denial." Green Arrow brings another arrow around and down, nocking it and firing in the same smooth motion that finds the arrow wending its way across the distance. It impacts underneath the floating starfish face while Suzanne is holding it up there, and when the arrow impacts with the ground beneath it... it expands with a short sharp crackle of suddenly coalescing ice. The freeze arrow creates a slippery patch of ground underneath the creature in case she has to drop it, hopefully befouling its footing.
    But once that's done he rounds to the side and breaks in the direction of the other pods. Canary's on line for once, checking that one out, he'll angle for one of the others to the side so if those are clear they'll meet at the middle third. "Hopefully the heavy hitters will be able to handle that one." He announces over the comm even as he moves.

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand huffs out and murmurs, "Nooo... not really. And it definitely wasn't paraphrased from a -really- old episode of the Simpsons, Carol. Swear to god." She sighs as she looks... one astronaut, more than one pod... Yeah, Dinah's right. Math says there's more of these things. She starts to scan around, looking for anything that looks like a path something took to stumble away from the crash. The first one didn't seem all that stealthy or agile when she arrived on scene, maybe the rest are just as dazed.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne is steadily finding it harder and harder to keep the astronaut encased in the field. "rrrrg......I'm gonna need some help here! It's draining my ring!" She keeps the astronaut encased as long as she can.....until someone actually decides to shoot it.....if possible.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool is the kind of person bad guys want to pull the hostage conundrum on. He's actually a pretty decent guy. He might cheerfully shoot a bad guy in the face, or even a sort of grey guy if he were paid enough, but he would never choose to hurt someone who was innocent. He'd even feel bad about collateral damage. He's a mercenary, but he's not a monster.

As the Starfish tries to break free of the force field with it's blast of energy, Deadpool calls out to Suzanne, "ooh, can I have mine extra crispy?" While others seem to be focusing on the one that does have a Starfish, and a guy attached, Deadpool turns, wandering off towards another crashed pod. He gently raps on the door with his knuckle, hiding his lime green nerf baseball bat behind him with his other hand, "hello, I'm selling delicious Alpha Flight cookies to raise money so we can send those precious little Gamma Flighters off to see Cirque du Soleil. How many boxes can I put you down for?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Good call, Canary, we can't let them escape," Captain Marvel acknowledges Black Canary's input, and with enough fire power set on the force field encased astronaut, she adds, "I'll go search for the others, keep firing, and Lantern, drop the forcefield..." at that she takes higher into the air, and takes into what is essentially a scouting flight over the area, searching for any other starfish while the team downs the starfish on the astronaut's face.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The doors of the escape pods are all currently wide open, save for one, that the imprisoned astronaut emerged from, which was blasted off, having sustained some manner of damage on landing. There are tracks leading off, away from the clearing, one to the north, one to the south, and one to the east? the fellow currently detained by the Blue Lantern, was heading west, it would seem.

The man with the Starro Face continues to resist its captivity, trying to fire off another blast against the Blue Lantern's forcefield that traps it, right from the central eye of the creature. Its fists trying to pound and kick itself free from the confines.

"We have Three heat signatures approaching the Cordone." Jessica Drew will call out over the Joint comm frequency SHIELD and Alpha Flight are using to communicate with one another. "What's the status on the ground down there? I've got folk moving to intercept, we'll try to detain them."

Black Canary has posed:
    A touch to her pendant to flip her coms to voice activated, then Canary responds to Jessica. "Those things can't get out of here, if they're all like this guy! Captain Marvel, Miss Lantern, go stop those three from getting out, we'll try to deal with this one! You're our firepower and you're airborne!" She looks back to Ollie. "Give Green Arrow a count so he can try to wrap it up again, you're just making it stronger if it's eating your energy, but maybe something low tech will work!

    She glances back to Deadpool, before she whistles. "Hey! Mr. Coffee! Think you can wound that thing without killing the guy?" Because putting her hands on an alien symbiote may not be a great idea.

Green Arrow has posed:
    "Low tech." He chuffs as he turns around and crouches, bracing in firing position with his arrow coming up and locking in his aim, one eye narrowing as he brings his arrow in line, ready to take his shot at the perfect moment when the field drops and the star fish faced fella starts to drop when gravity reasserts itself on the man. He'll key into the comm frequency and says, "Ready."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Black Canary called it, I'm heading north in pursuit...there are tracks leading to the South and East, someone take these routes," Captain Marvel calls before flying after the tracks leading North, keeping alert and being very attentive for any input from her 7th Sense. Gotta admit, there's some perks for being Kree.

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand refocuses, aiming her pistol at the Starro-infected astronaut, and calling out towards Dinah. "So... when you say -wound-... like... you want me to shoot the alien thing? I can hit a target like that, but... I'm not guaranteeing it's not going to at least -kind- of shoot the poor guy in the face... but, maybe he gets lucky and it's like a sunburn?" She sighs and makes a note... taser or something. Get one.

Deadpool has posed:
"Canary, I can wound anything, but I'm especially good at wounding my pride, what's left of it." He dropped his lime green nerf baseball bat and broke out his katanas, gesturing to one on an imaginary body in front of him. "You get an instant kill here and here. Always remember: go for the kill first, because if you don't, your opponent will. You get a cripple, here, here... here, and here."

"Second rule, go for the cripple before the slow kill. A slow kill here, here... and here. Remember, a slow kill may have enough left in him to kill you before he dies. With a cripple, you know you've got him if you keep your distance and wear him down. The rest is all right for the public spectacle in Rome, but here in Central Pennsylvania, we expect more than simple butchery."

With that said, he tossed, carefully, one of his katanas to Black Canary, hilt towards her so she could snatch it out of the air if she was as good as he had been lead to believe. Of course, leave it to Deadpool to start quoting Spartacus as they were dealing with the xenomorphs from Alien, or whatever these Starfish were.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "RRRRRRGH!" Suzanne is actuvely sweating at this point. She has even landed on the ground to concentrate on keeping the astronaut confined. And yes, it's taking all of her concentration to keep it confined, especially with the new blast being fired......

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Understood." Jessica Drew calls out, then she's out of the back of a quinjet, making her way down with the assistance of her glider wings, moving towards the southern edge of the field herself while the Alpha Flight agents work on enacting their plan.

Carol will find the individual she is tracking, angling off through the field, about to enter a stand of trees. At the edge of the trees, a squad of SHIELD troopers are deploying as well, moving to take up a firing line, ready for whatever might be coming, at least so they think.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "All right, Miss." The Blue Lantern says softly and belatedly to Black Canary. "It's got one in it's hand, so make sure you stun it too." She then lowers the field and flies into the air to find the rest.....

Green Arrow has posed:
    Once that field drops, the Green Arrow lets fly with that second arrow, the tip of it bursting open with a faint snap-hiss of the contents expanding as the cords and cabling burst out, the lengths of metal growing at the last moment to try and encircle the falling form of the starfish-faced fellow even as electricity lashes back and forth between the lengths of wire.
    "Now," Ollie says into the comm as he breaks into a run moving from his place of cover and reaching back to the quiver, sliding another arrow free and bring it back up and the ready to fire as he moves.

Black Canary has posed:
    The underhanded sword toss succeeds as the hilt slaps into Canary's right hand as she brings it up in a ready position, watching, waiting...and the moment the field, she counts under her breath. "...3....2....1.." And then the arrow hit, uncoiling and, if the plan works, holding it in place just long enough for...

    "NOW!" she says, already in motion as she charges, then brings the sword out in a cross cut, her eyes flicking to the hands of the suit, looking for a bulge as she brings the razor sharp tip down to cut through it, trying to maim the starfish...hopefully not the hand. Even then, she only gives herself the one slahs, rolling past as she tries to draw the creature attention to leave an opening for Deadpooll to go after the one attached to the astronaut's face.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol strikes on two front, firing one photon blast intentionally ahead of her target, to disway it from charging towards the SHIELD personnel, while at the same time swooping down with her fist extended, a glowing aura engulfing her body. Might not be the best idea for the creature to try and touch her at the moment.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool often plays the fool. Okay, he often is the fool. But there are times when he decides to let loose, and sadly, this isn't one of them. He's playing with it, playing games. He probably could have inflicted grave bodily harm on the starfish, wounding it, killing it -- who knows what that would do to the astronaut underneath? But as Black Canary makes her pass, slashing, he follows, using the opening, since it's been put on a proverbial silver platter for him.

The katana, 14th century Japanese craftsmanship at its finest, to slice the edges of the tube-feet suckers. It was a narrow slash, cutting along its face, careful not to hit the astronaut, and it would be excruciating, the equivalent of having your nails cut from your fingertips. Not the end of the nail, but the whole nail. And a starfish has many, many 'nails'. After finishing his slash, Wade turned around and announced, "my name is Wade Wilson. You facehugged my colleague. Prepare to cry. Wait, can starfish cry? Do they have tear ducts? Oh, I'm ruining this moment, aren't I?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Green Arrow's arrow entraps the thing as Suzanne frees it from the shielded imprisonment, and the first cut of Black Canary's loaner Katana hits the creature, cutting into it's flesh, though with a fair amount of resistance.

It turns out that baby Starros cannot cry, but they can aim their little Starro tentacles towards out everywhere, and shoot energy blasts from the tips of them, as it flails in pain from the first cut, one of them aimed right at wade, managing to unleash a blast as the Merc cuts through the little tentacle limbs.

The one that Carol has tracked down stops as the energy blast is unleashed at its feet, so to speak, turning to look up at Captain Marvel, starfish on the astronaut's face, this one a woman, and unleashes a blast of energy up at the costumed hero, this one, however, not nearly as strong as that unleashed by the one that was imprisoned by Suzanne.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Looks like the Starros didn't do their homework about Captain Marvel, because just like the Starro on the astronaut was siphoning the Blue Lantern's blasts, so does Captain Marvel only grow stronger, her aura increasing in intensity, looks like she just might pulverize the poor Starfish creature with her sparkly fist of justice.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    As the Blue Lantern recovers enough to actually fly again, she lifts up to try and stay away from these....things...and observe. "I imagine taking these things in to study them would be a good idea. In a very secure room that can only be opened from the outside....."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool takes the blast to the face, his right side to be precise. It makes him drop his katana for a moment. He looks dazed, taking a step and turning as he pretends to straighten a non-existent tie. The right side of his mask is gone, blasted away, and the flesh has been ripped from him, even missing an eyeball. Of course, his healing factor will see to it. But he looks a piece of work. And then he collapses to the ground, impaling himself on his sword. But he's not dead. No, he felt all of it, and he lets out a little yelp, "Owe, I bent my wookie."

Black Canary has posed:
    "Whoa!' Canary says, diving as the baby starro starts shooting in all directions, then sharply doubles back as it chooses to focus on Deadpool, bringing her borrowed sword up again as she winces at Deadpool going down. "Ouch..." she mutters then comes up behind the astronaut, one arm going around its neck as she brings the sword up, then attempts to drive it sideways through the creature, trying to cut it in half while it's no longer clinging to the satronaut as it shoots with all its arms, an angry battle cry escaping her lips as she then rips the sword out away from the astronaut, hopefully tearing whatever is left free and tossing it int he air...for Ollie to shoot, obviously.

Green Arrow has posed:
    And just as she brings that thing up into the air like some sort of skeet shot, he brings up his newly nocked arrow, tracking it as he /skiiiids/ along the ground to stop in a partial crouch. The arrow tip follows, follows, then is loosed with a whirr and a twang as it flies across the distance straight at the launched starfishy, the explosive tipped arrow primed to explode at the first jolt of impact.

Deadpool has posed:
Still in the ground, there comes an angry voice from Deadpool. It's a little high pitched too, "you insensitive prick!" And as he gets up, using his katana as a cane, he's already looking far better than he did just a moment ago. He's far from normal, but he looks better as his healing factor kicks in, "do you have any idea how much that stings?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Captain Marvel is able to overpower her errant astronaut, these creatures do not seem to confer any super strength on their hosts, but they are more resilient. The Starfish is able to be removed, destroyed, or whatever she might intend with it!

At the main stage, through cunning teamwork, a little face-off and self-impalement, and an arrow from the Green Arrow, the extracted Starro is killed, skewered, cut, and anything else to stop its evil ways!

Jessica Drew, off to the south, engages the astronaut who was fleeing that way, a lot of punching, a blast or two of bio-electricity, which is returned to the Spectacular Spider-Woman, probably to colorful language, and some trash talking. As well as a copious amount of punching.

While this is all going on, however, there is a call over the radio, lots of gunfire, and screaming. "Aaagh! Allen's down! It's taking Smithson out? oh my god? what is it!" Then static. It seems one of the creatures has broken through the perimeter, and, one of the SHIELD agents will be found missing as well.