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Latest revision as of 09:37, 23 July 2019

Happy Birthday to Me
Date of Scene: 02 May 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Kate celebrates her birthday with friends. As it should be.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Hawkeye (Barton), Karen Page, Winter Soldier, Captain America, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Constantine, Deadpool

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The night of the party arrives.

Kate didn't just ask for an advance, she informed her father - rather matter of factly so - that he would be giving her a sum of money for her birthday, and that unlike previous years, she did not intend on putting on a stuffy ball gown and sitting at a fancy restaurant, drinking fancy wine, smiling politely at his friends while pretending to have a good time..

Okay, that's only partly true. She did tell him he would be giving her money for a gift, and that she wasn't spending the evening doing the traditional. She just kept the details to herself on what she wasn't doing.

Her father, rather flabbergasted by the assertions, actually complied, writing a hefty cheque, as well as handing off yet another of his credit cards (he still hasn't asked for his Black card back) and wished his only child a happy birthday and that he hoped she enjoyed herself, all the while looking rather confused about the state of affairs.

Which is how, when folks show up at Josie's for the evening, they find that not only is the place decorated for a blowout, but signs posted everywhere that state: Your Money is No Good Here.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate finishes fiddling at the back of the room, and smirking, punches numbers into the juke box, setting the place ablaze with the frist of her curated selections - if you were looking for the usual Josie's sad old tunes, you'd be disappointed tonight.

(Beastie Boys - (You Gotta Fight) For Your Right to Party)

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint walks through the door as the tunes kick up, the familiar sounds of the Beastie Boys bringing a smile to his face. "Hey Hawkeye, you sure you're turning 22, that sounds like my old man music!" he shouts waving to Kate as he pulls a (badly) wrapped box from his pocket.

"Where do you want these?" he asks waving the box as he makes his way over to the bar. After all his money is no good here so he might as well have a drink or three. "Bourbon," he says to Josie, before taking a look around the place. "Gonna take a guess the rest of Bishops won't be making an appearance."

Karen Page has posed:
Of course Karen's here. She's enjoying a rare evening away from work and is here in faded jeans, a black tshirt with white words printed on it, and an unzipped hoodie obscuring most of the print on the tshirt. Her hair is pulled back in a sloppy ponytail and she's got a beer bottle in hand.

When the blond guy saunters in and promptly snarks at Kate for the music choice (What? She LOVES this stuff, her mom listened to it all the time), she points her beer at him. "Back off about the music, buddy. We play what we want." And she reaches a fist over toward Kate without looking at the younger Hawkeye.

Winter Soldier has posed:
So Buck was completely not expecting a party, and he's more than a little owl-eyed as he shoulders open the door, letting Lili precede him in....and the big blond follow. 'cause apparently the Shepherd isn't enough back up, and he's brought his Emotional Support Supersoldier as well. There's a little recoil as he takes in the sight and sound and the numbers. "It's not usually this loud, or this busy," he notes over his shoulder, startled enough that there's a hint of old Brooklyn in his speech. Dis loud, dis busy.

Captain America has posed:
"No?" Steve steps to one side behind Bucky to remove himself from the doorway. "Seems busy enough for a Sunday night. Oh, there's Clint." He lifts a hand towards the blond archer before moving up beside and past his friend. He pauses and gives him a grin. "Nobody's gonna bite, come on." Wearing his leather bomber jacket and jeans (no baseball cap and glasses, someone's not trying for anonymous today), he meanders further into the bar and towards Clint.

"Working hard or hardly working?" he asks the man, offering a hand out for a firm shake.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Oooooo, if it isn't the tall blonde circus idiot come to complain about my music choices. Love you too, Hawkeye," Kate says breezily, grinning over at Clint. "And who said presents? Sheesh." She makes a vague gesture over at one of the tables where it's likely she'll eventually sit. Or maybe it's just going to be used for presents now. There are a couple of half-empty bags sitting on the floor and one of the chairs there, all with decorating stuff peeking out of them.

"Nope. This is a totally Bishop-free party. Present company excepted, of course," Kate says, finally getting back to the bar, making her own order.

"Darn straight," Kate says to Karen. "My party. My music. Besides, he has lousy taste. I wouldn't listen to him."

Then in walk not only Bucky, but Steve Rogers. Oh. Em. Gee. Steve Rogers. At her party.

While not the sort to fangirl (okay, maybe a little bit, it IS Steve Rogers after all), Kate's next selection, already in a short auto-queue of songs, is amusingly, and perhaps ironically, timed.

(Meredith Brooks - Bitch)

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
(For the American audience:

(Meredith Brooks - Bitch)
(same old song, just you know, different broadcasting audience)

Iron Fist has posed:
Shortly after a certain individual with his support team walks in, another blonde individual walks in the door. And this blonde doesn't seem to be surprised at all that there is a bit of a crowd tonight. Nor does Josie seem all that surprised that Danny walked in the door, as well. With a smirk, she reaches underneath and pulls out a glass, already going for a cola for starters for the man. That...is meant with a smile from Danny, as he thanks Josie quietly.

Because Danny starts off slow. It is a known fact around the bar.

Danny does hang out at the bar for a moment or two, solely to people watch for a minute or two before just jumping right in. Because, judging from the musical selection, Katey is either in a good mood or a sarcastic mood, and Danny just needs a little bit to determine which way to play.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Grinning Clint says, "Hey I said it sounded like /my/ music," in his defense. "And besides she's my ward or protoge or whatever, I can razz her all I want," he jokes with a smile knowing full well 'ward' didn't apply here, but he liked to push buttons.

His present stays with him for now, he tucks into his pocket while he downs a shot of bourbon before motioning for a second, "Hey, Clint Barton," he greets Karen offering a hand. "Friend of Katie's?"

Then Cap and Bucky walk in, and yeah, omg is a common reaction, though in Clint's case he just waves to the pair by the door and when Cap comes over he shakes his hand and claps the man on the shoulder. "Hey Cap, been awhile," he says with a genuine grin. "Let me introduce you to the girl of the hour," he tosses a look over his shoulder, "Hey Katie, want to meet my buddy Steve."

When the song changes, Clint just grins, more than happy to just wait for the bad language words to begin.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Proof that the boy with the long, brown hair really is who he's claimed to be, in encounters past - Steven Rogers' best buddy and sometimes bete noire. Kate gets an upnod in greeting; overwhelmed, Buck's lapsed into silence. Lili's pressed herself firmly to his leg, but she's offering a wag of her tail.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen grins as Kate backs her up and switches her beer to her other hand to shake Clint's. "Yep. Karen Page. Kate and I hang out around the same losers. Aka, her ex is my boss and I choose to not hold that against either of them." She then looks toward the door and recognizes Mr. Aragorn Nobody and GRINS. She straightens away from the bar to go bug the man (and say hi to the dog) when she see tall, blond, and square following him. The eye candy's getting better by the minute.

No, she doesn't instantly recognize Steve.

"Hey, Mr. Nobody!" she yells across toward Bucky and follows Clint over. "You bring a different drinking buddy this time? This guy as weird as the Colombo wanna be claiming to be an angel?"

She then leans sideways and grins while waggling her fingers hello at Danny.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate protests, of Matt, "He dumped me!" Okay, she was on her way to dump him, but still. "He is a loser, though." Teasing, and very obviously so.

"And what do you mean ward? Unless you plan on paying my bills and supporting me, circus freak, I'm your protege and don't you forget it." Laughing at Clint, and nodding between him and Karen. "He's the less known, and most definitely more undesirable Hawkeye. But we try not to hold that against him."

As for meeting Steve Rogers.. well, of course she'd like to.

Speaking of eye candy, other than Kate has resolved the whole Clint issue in her brain, yeah, the factor is high, and well.. hissing at Karen, "That's Steve Rogers. *Steve Rogers* Oh god. You just dissed Captain America. Karen!"

Groaning inwardly and outwardly.

The musical selection seems to have a sense of wry humour:

(Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl)

Captain America has posed:
"Katie - nice to meet you." The young woman gets a dimpled grin, all polite good cheer accompanying his greeting. "Girl of the hour, huh? Lemme guess..." A little squint. "Birthday? Happy birthday if so."

Karen's interaction with Bucky has him turning to consider both her and his friend for a longer moment, as if weighing the off-chance he'll need to intervene, but the Soldier doesn't seem to have given any sign of extreme discomfort...yet. Steve can still see Lili's tag wagging and that's a fairly good barometer for the man himself.

He glances up at the ceiling's speakers and over at the jukebox. "Interesting song selection," he says drily to no one in particular as he leans on the bar, not yet having ordered a drink.

Jessica Jones has posed:
There are many things that Jessica can do, about half of them are probably not the nicest, but one of the nicer things she can do, is actually bother to show up to her employee's birthday party. Particularly as it's held in some place like Josie's, where Jess could be relatively comfortable. So true, she does show up spactcularly late, and she doesn't bother to dress up to the occasion. Keeping instead to her usual ensemble, jeans, black leather jacket, grey infinity scarf, black boots. and fingerless gloves. It may not be party wear, but nobody at Josie's ever complained, and it's pretty much what Jessica wears most anywhere.

Walking in the door, she spies for Kate, just so she could make a bee line towards her and announce her arrival, "happy birthday, Kate, hope I'm not ruining it by showing up!" She calls out as if to herald her arrival as she closes in on Kate.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier gives Steve an exaggerated look of surprise, looks back to Karen, jerks a gloved thumb at the big guy in the bomber jacket. "Dis guy? Sister, he's weirder, and he's got no excuse, he's supposed to be from this planet." This planet, circa 1917, he does not add.

The dog's still looking around, between glances up at Buck. She hasn't plastered herself to him the way she does when he's concealing upset. Lili Marlene, ruining Bucky's attempt at pokerface for three months now.

Karen Page has posed:
Oh, Karen caught Steve's glance, how could she not? But, she'll let it slide, this time. But only because he dared to comment on the song choice. "Glad you're here, Aragorn, though you might hafta tell Eomer there to loosen up a bit."

And then with a truly wicked grin aimed at Steve, she turns and half runs, half skips back toward Kate. "KATE! Put on some cherry chapstick!" She rushes right up to the party girl regardless of Jessica's presence, throws her arms around the younger brunette and gets nice and up-close, then gives her a kiss, just like the song lyrics are describing.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Spilitting hairs," Clint says of Kate's title vis a vis him. "And you know I can't cover my bills let alone anyone elses," he says with an easy and unashamed grin.

"Nice to meet you, Karen," Clint says before she goes off to greet Danny and Clint manages introductions between Cap and Kate.

Then, collecting his second bourbon, he steps back, giving a nod of greeting as Kate's boss shows up.

Iron Fist has posed:
The waggling fingers of Karen are greeted with a nod and a grin from Danny as he detaches himself from the bar and meanders his way over towards the group. Though, he does wanders over towards Kate first. "Happy birthday, Katie." Yeah, he went for the informal greeting.

And...then steps to the side as Karen plants a kiss upon Kate, with slightly more than a little shocked expression on his face. An expression that devolves into laughter as he just stands to the side. "Well...looks like you have your hands full there."

Totally stating the obvious, but hey, it's funny. At least to Danny.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
If Danny were wondering which of good mood or sarcastic Kate is, odds are good on the first (and very likely the second to boot). Karen's call for cherry chapstick gets a 'huh?' from Kate, who turns right into that kiss, laughing through a blush.

The juke box heading into another well timed piece:

(Fat Boy Slim - Because We Can)

Kate laughing and looking about, "So, where were we? Oh! Drinks are on me, my friends! Well, on my father, but that's even better."

The Lord of the Rings references (hey, she might not be a pop culture freak but she IS an archer) has Katie leaning to inform Karen, "Circus freak is Legolas. He has a girl, though."

Jessica Jones has posed:
While she hadn't quite made it to Kate, the rushing Karen making claims about 'cherry chapstick' with THAT song playing in the background, is cause enough for Jessica to clear a path for the rushing Karen. She takes a few steps aside, and just observes as Kate is taken by the unexpected 'kiss attack'. So long as it has nothing to do with Jess, she's okay with it.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Yeah, that display Buck was not expecting. He turns a little too hastily to Steve, as if to pretend he didn't see any of it. The blush on the high cheekbones utterly belies that. Too late, Barnes. Lili might as well be there writing his mood on a placard and holding it up like an Olympic judge.

Captain America has posed:
It is one hell of a display. Steve's eyebrows nearly disappear into his hairline as he too looks at the Soldier. He nods, almost to himself, and purses his lips briefly. "Reminds me a little of Paris," he says to Bucky with a wry little curl of a dimple to one side of his mouth.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate extricates from Karen. Yeah, the girls may have bonded over a few drinks while setting up. "It's okay, Aragorn, we still like you." Given Lili and all, Katie doesn't follow through with her first inclination (perhaps wise, and an indicator that she's not yet had /that/ much to drink), and rather than kiss him outright, blows Bucky one instead.

Informing JJ, "Hey, boss? I'm not coming in to work tomorrow. I have plans." Which are likely including nursing one mother of a hangover, but that still counts as plans, right?

Kate downs her drink at the bar and orders another, the jukebox kicking in with a counterpoint to that teasing little display of Karen's:

(Cindi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun)

And because food was part of this party deal, platters and pizza pans start coming out from the kitchen and are offered around. Wings and pizza for all! Oh, and that crudite crap for the more wholesome amongst us.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Which comment earns Steve a skeptical look from Buck. "It should remind you a lot of Paris, but I could never get you away from the meeting table," he says, elbowing the bigger guy. There's a reminiscent sigh - that's one of the little golden highlights in his ragged assortment of memories, Paris after Liberation.

Perhaps it's that reminder of that happier time and the man he was then that has him fast enough on mental feet to mime catching the blown kiss and smacking it to his cheek.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Catching just some of the weird names tossed around, Jessica asks, "were we supposed to come up with fake names for this party? Because I totally didn't do it." She snorts at Kate mentioning her day off somewhat belatedly, "it's okay, I did the ol' P.I. thing and already assumed you won't be in a day after your birthday." She does give a thumbs up, "dealing with a hangover is always filed under plans."

But just about then she spots Steve Rogers, and just ever so casually, doesn't notice him, as she shuffles between people closer to the bar to get herself a drink. Looks like J&B for her first glass. She also snatches a pizza slice headed over to a table, better safe than sorry.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen grins at Kate and backs off again promptly. She might be buzzed, but she's not a jerk. "Your chapstick sucks, Katey-Kate. Hey, Jess." Then she turns and heads right back up to Aragorn McBlusherson and Eomer-with-the-dimple and Clint, though she doesn't hesitate to grin at Danny and tug on his sleeve lightly as she steps past him. "C'mon, guys, have a sit, grab some grub. I promise, neither Kate nor I bite unless you ask."

She then swerves around to help with the food being carried out of the kitchen, showing an aptitude for waitressing that is clearly from experience. "Aw, cool your jets, Eowyn, it just takes me a minute to think up more good LOTR nicknames for people." Holding that food tray in one hand seemingly effortlessly, she eyes Danny. "What do you think? Pippin or Merry?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There's a grin from Clint at that kiss. "So is that why you've been needing me to watch Lucky?" he teases Kate as he downs his second bourbon.

As for Bucky and Caps' remarks. "And sounds like Paris was a fun time for one of you at least," he says to the two old men in the room as he makes his way to the food to grab some grub.

Captain America has posed:
Steve snorts at the capture and plant of the kiss. "You haven't changed a bit," he retorts quietly, still smirking at Bucky. "And I couldn't have gotten out of those meetings even if I'd pleaded something short of death." It has the air of an old grievance batted between the two men. The arrival of food is a welcome thing and the Captain orders himself a pint of ale, one with similarities to that he enjoyed in his time with Howling Commandos those decades back.

He gives Jessica a polite smile in passing, given he too was reaching for the pizza, and waits for her to take her slice. Then, he leans up against the bartop to enjoy it. Hot, greasy, delicious -- the serum welcomes the calories present. "More fun for him than me," the Captain replies to Clint in particular. "Paperwork seemed to never end, same with rooting out remaining trouble. So she's Kate's boss?" he asks of the archer again, nodding towards Jessica.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The jukebox, ever sassy in its commentary, throws up a response to that blown and caught kiss, and memories of Paris... Well, okay, maybe not so much Paris.


(Prince - Kiss)

Jessica Jones has posed:
Karen gets a nod of Jessica's had, as by now most of her attention is on her drink and the occasional bite of pizza in between. The polite smile she gets from Steve is quickly returned, before she kinda loses herself amid other people, before settling where she is now at the bar. Not like anyone would have expected Jessica to be at the center of the party after all.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier's expression goes positively dreamy. "Paris was amazing." He doesn't elucidate - those're the seedier alleys off Memory Lane, and not for mixed company. Then he's shaking it off and going to get himself some of the pizza. "Enh. YOu didn't want to. Peggy was there, and you couldn't tear yourself away." He ends up at the bar - his usual, Four Horsemen.

Iron Fist has posed:
"So...let's see. Legolas, Aragorn, Eomer? Just as long as no one gets saddled with Boromir. Don't want anyone checking out early, you think?" The offer of pizza does not go unheeded. A step here, a turn there, and suddenly Danny is with a slice in one hand, his drink glass in another, and standing just out of the way to accommodate conversation without being overtly in the way. "I mean, really. Tempted by the Ring, then used as a pincushion. It isn't the most glamourous of exits, but certainly redemption worthy, I suppose."

And, just like that, Danny reveals himself to be a closet Tolkien-phile. Stranger things have happened.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier asides to Danny, "That's who I said I was last time," His voice is quiet. "I mean, it's accurate. Dead before the end of the first movie." .....when was Bucky dead?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Pippin," Kate declares decisively of Danny. Right down the the sandy curls and impish smile with an equally easy turn to serious. Totally missing the bibliophile business as she happily sways to the music, drink in one hand, and a purloined piece of pizza in the other.

The jukebox, as always, doesn't fail:

(Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself)

Karen Page has posed:
Karen can't help but grin at Danny's accepting Pippin and, after claiming a slice for herself and a fresh bottle of beer leaves the tray she'd been carrying with the other foods set out for the partygoers. She raises her bottle at the next song to start up, but then pauses and looks at Danny with a comically exaggerated frown. "Wait. Who here is Legolas? I haven't nicknamed anyone Legolas yet. Can't be Katey-Kate, she gets the cool name. Arwen."

She promptly turns and points her beer at Bucky. "Shut it, Aragorn. You got the hair and the brooding and the dog like most rangers have. Suck it up, you're Aragorn."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate giggles at Karen. "Wow, that kiss musta been something." She points her own drink at Clint. "That's Legolas - hey, wait, I'm Arwen?" Blinking about, "Who's Arago--oh."

Gaze falling on Bucky, leaving the young woman blushing furiously.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier retorts, drily, "You mean I look like I been runnin' around the woods for seventy years, eating squirrels and shooting orcs and not shaving?" He runs his ungloved hand over his face. "I shaved this morning, I'll have you know." Another tilt of his head at Steve. "If anyone's Aragorn, it's that guy."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I bet," Clint says with a grin back at Bucky but doesn't push for details. He loads up his plate with pizza and orders a beer to go with it.

That beer is raised when Kate points him out as Legolas. "That's me," he says. "As long as I'm badass Lord of the Rings Legolas, not lame cash grab Hobbit movies Legolas."

Kate's blush earns a grin, "Hey, you could do worse," he offers helpfully.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica rolls her eyes at the fantasy name dropping that's going on as she devours the rest of her pizza, and empties her drink, now switching up to Gentleman Jack. Eventually she sighs, and walks up to Kate, drink in hand, "so...not sure if you noticed me before, but before I hit my level of fantasy tolerance, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, Hermoine."

Captain America has posed:
"Who's Aragorn?" Steve's half out of the conversation at hand and glances away from Clint towards Bucky again. He points at himself from his slice of pizza, eyebrows lifted up in expectation of an answer. The arrival of Jessica, however, has him setting aside the slice of pizza on a nearby paper plate and wiping off his fingers.

"Hermoine?" he asks of Jessica, not in on that loop either, apparently.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Bucky tossing the moniker to Steve really isn't helping Kate, who can't seem to stop herself from blushing furiously over this whole thing. She's still really not sure how she got stuck with Arwen other than it's her birthday.

JJ's timely intervention saves Kate from having to find somewhere - anywhere - to look while she regains composure. "Uh.. sure?"

The sassy jukebox offers another suggestive tune to punctuate the awkward. It's almost like it has a mind of its own:

(Great Big Sea - Run Runaway)

The Hermione reference? *whoosh*
That sound you hear is it going right over her head.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The look on Buck's face at that. "Steve," he says, and his tone is scolding. "That big gray book I gave you, with the ring on the cover. Aragorn's in that. You need to read it. And watch the movies. They are really good." Oh, no, he's gonna sit Steven down and watch him tear up when Boromir dies. To Clint, he asides, "Yes. Yes, you are elephant-killing Legolas, not bitchy Legolas."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen threads her way back toward Steve and Bucky and Clint, holding her pizza slice and beer up above her head as she does so -- the skill of a seasoned frat partygoer right down to the movements being slightly sinuous.

Oh yeah, she's gonna have a WOOBUDDY hangover tomorrow.

"So're you guys like in a band or something?" Karen asks of Bucky while elbowing his left arm in a friendly manner then frowning slightly at him. She's picked up on something there, and her expression goes from 'huh?' to 'what the hell gotta figure this out'. Because a happily buzzed Karen is a curious as heck Karen and a curious as heck Karen is a nosy, pushy, persistent Karen. Her need-to-know-ness even overrides her noticing Jess's Hermione comment.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Thank god," Clint says to Bucky. "And what Steve? You haven't read Lord of the Rings? /I've/ read Lord of the Rings and I'm well me," he says.

It had been a long road between stops with the circus.

Then taking a bit of pizza he muses, "So which one of us is Gimli?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen immediately looks at Clint and puts one finger from her beer-hand on the side of her nose. "Not it!"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Okay, Katie hadn't read the books. She'd watched the movie. "JJ?" she ventures of Gimli.

The jukebox has things to day about Karen's testing of Bucky bicep, throwing up an ironic oldie:

(The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men)

Iron Fist has posed:
A shrug is offered from Danny. "Well...apparently I am Peregrin Took, so it obviously cannot be me." That wry little grin is given, even as Danny drops the formal name. "Though, don't expect me to be pleading fealty to any stewards in the near future."

Captain America has posed:
Steve holds up his hands and the ale sloshes in his pint glass without spilling. "Alright, alright! I've got a book to read, apparently," and he laughs to himself before taking up his piece of pizza again. He looks around at the collective and continues eating it, electing to listen and garner more information before offering up an opinion on this Gimli character.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Hermione is some other fantasy wizard, like the names getting tossed around," Jessica explains to Steve, before turning to look at Kate, "you talking to me?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint for his part falls back to the edges of the party, happy to drink beer and eat pizza, and later in the night hand off his gift to Kate with the news that his old appartment was paid up for the next two months and the landlord had the lease papers for her to sign.

No more judgy Manhattan neighbours, just nosy and good-natured Brooklynites with a new Hawkeye to watch over them.

Winter Soldier has posed:
.....annnnnd she's touched his arm. Buck unsubtly sidles away from that contact, edging into Lili, who gives him an indignant look. Watch it, Sergeant Fumblefeet, no stepping on me. "Yeah, Steve. I'll let you watch the movies first," he says. "It'll help you know who's who."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate coughs, and hides her being caught out in a sip of beer before nodding at JJ. "They wanted a Gimli. We're running out of people in this crowd." She, wisely, doesn't tell JJ he's a dwarf. A cranky dwarf at that. A cranky dwarf who packs an axen punch.. yeah, she's not explaining any of that to her boss. Someone else can fall on that sword.

With impeccable timing, the jukebox throws out:

(The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What you Want)

Constantine has posed:
Enter Gandalf the Beige, appearing as wizards do, exactly when he means to. He's sadly short on halfling leaf, so he's making due with a Silk Cut.

Standing in the doorway, Gandalf, or more accurately John Constantine, gives the room a once over before his eyes brighten, it was quite the crowd for a Sunday night. Taking a drag from his cigarette he tosses it out the door and steps inside.

"Hope you lot 'aven't drunk the place dry yet," he says by way of greeting as he makes his way to the bar.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"What the fuck is a Gimli?" Jessica asks Kate, staring at her, somewhat bewildered. "What does that even mean? You're not dissing me, are you?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Without missing a beat, Kate tells JJ, "A touch of gin, a spot of lime and some soda."

OKay, that's a Gimlet, but you have to admire the girl's timing.

She's not yet had a chance to acknowledge John's arrival. Also likely a good thing.

Captain America has posed:
Steve pauses in eyebrowing at Jessica to add,

"That's definitely a Gimlet." Kate gets a small grin of conspiratorial delight. It's been a long time since he's heard that recipe thrown around.

Karen Page has posed:
Curiosity successfully derailed. Karen seemingly forgets to wonder what's up with Bucky's arm to stare across at Jessica in indignant shock. "Holy shit, Jess, seriously? Gimli's one of the movie's baddest of the badasses. He kicks all the asses, takes no names, has a badass beard. I mean, he's a dwarf. Way, WAY more badass than some pansy like, uh, like Wormtongue."

Then her attention is derailed AGAIN as John-the-trenchcoat Constantine shows up and she eyes him for a moment before elbowing Bucky again. In the left arm, again. "Hey, Aragorn, that guy's stealing your angel-buddy's look."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"So it's terrible gin, with some needless lime, and dilute it for no reason with soda? What does that has to do with me? You should know by now I don't play, I keep it real, I stick with whisky." Jessica sighs at Kate, but just as Kate was about to get away with it, comes Karen with her helpful elaboration. "Wait...? Are we talking movies or mixed drinks, I'm confused now." But as she adds more information, Jessica gets right in Kate's face, going so far as to give her a little shove, despite it being her birthday, "so you're calling me a bearded dwarf? I'm not -that- short! And you better believe I'm not that hairy!"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Timing is, as they say, everything. JJ gets in Kate's face, and at the same time, the jukebox, with gleeful abandon, shifts into the next selection:

(M.C.Hammer - U Can't Touch This)

Winter Soldier has posed:
"No," Buck corrects, lifting his human finger. "They're both stealing Bogie's look, is what. But then...a trench coat is always classic." He nods solemnly....and then again shuffles a little ways to the left. Lili is already out of the way, but she levels an accusing look at him, before turning to Steve. What kind of lead-footed buffoon did you give me to, Smells Like Vanilla?

Constantine has posed:
Aragorn? John looks around the little party asking, "Which of you unlucky bastards got named after a Tolkien character?" the brit says, while he helps himself to a whiskey, and looks around. "An' that bloody angel stole my style, not the other way around."

Though his attention there is short lived when MC Hammer comes on, John makes a face like he ate a lemon. "Christ no," now he was fine with a bit of rap, some of the darker stuff, but 'You Can't Touch This' not a bloody chance.

John walks straight to the jukebox and presses through the selection quickly, looking for punk any punk, settling finally on an old Clash tune with a grin.


(The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go)

"Now that's some bloody music," John declares as the tune starts spinning.

Captain America has posed:
Laughing to himself under his breath and behind the curtain of his napkin he's using to wipe his mouth, Steve glances down at the German Shepherd. He returns the beseeching dark look with a little shrug, as if unable to offer assistance for Shufflepants McGee over there. Still, taking up his drink again, he sips at it and rises to his feet.

Somehow...stealthily...and with as polite an expression as possible, the Captain inserts himself on the other side of Bucky. Now the Soldier's hemmed in by oldest companion and furriest companion -- no, Steve is not that hairy either. He maintains the air of interest about himself, glancing about the faces in the circle. He eyes John in mild interest and smiles to himself at the sudden change of music.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"You're lucky it's your birthday, Bishop, you get to live another day," Jessica eventually settles it without making too much of a scene out of the entire affair. Besides, Josie didn't deserve it, she was so kind to Jessica, her bar should stay in tact. "Let's just leave it at, I came, I said happy birthday, you said thank you, and we both had lots of fun. See you after your day off," she grumbles, and stomps away bitterly.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate's voice is a tiny squeak of protest, JJ right in her face. "I am not saying you're short. Or hairy." Nobody in their right mind would say those things to JJ's face. "But you're kinda cranky and you hit hard." She probably shouldn't be saying that to JJ either.

Looking for a way out of this, and JJ's possible (and likely ire), Kate spies John and makes frantic 'help me' gestures.

The jukebox makes its commentary on John's opinion (and profession) known with a tongue in cheek offering:

(Boney M - Rasputin)

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Like I said, only because it's your birthday," Jessica calls out to Kate without turning to look back at her, keeping on her stomping out of here, which somehow falls in line with the 'cranky' comment, which makes Jess even angrier.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen blinks a bit owlishly at Steve's oh so polite and subtle putting himself between her and Bucky, but she's more than quick enough to make the best of the situation. She does this by wiping her hands clean from the now-gone pizza slice, taking up her beer bottle again, then moving to drape herself over Steve's back as if about to get a piggyback ride. And from there, she admonishes Constantine for mucking with the jukebox. Loudly.

"HEY, Bogey! Fingers off the jukebox! That's KATE'S juke tonight, and you don't get to harsh her buzz!" She doesn't sound genuinely angry, though. More like she's on the verge of laughing even as she's defending her friend's right to choose the music.

Captain America has posed:
A sloshing of ale does leave the pint glass this time as Steve Rogers abruptly becomes a living jungle gym. Being a gentleman, he doesn't flip Karen over his head and beyond the bar like some imminent HYDRA assassin, but the fumbling half-bend at the waist in combination with an arm beneath one foot is helpful - maybe?

He winces at the abrupt volume of her voice by his ear and blinks a few times, that eardrum ringing. "Um, excuse me, m'am -- "

Winter Soldier has posed:
That girl is manhandling his Steve. How very dare. Buck looks affronted. "Hey, sister," he says. "C'mon. Dinner and a movie first, if you're gonna get your hands on him." And he's moving to remove her, albeit gently.

Karen Page has posed:
"What? I gave him pizza. Kate's buying his... that draft beer? His beer. Isn't that enough?" Karen then plants a platonic enough smack of a kiss on Steve's cheek before sparing him further jungle gym duties. Because Bucky's got HIS hands on her now, and she seems less than annoyed. "See? You ARE Aragorn, sucking all the fun outta everything. Hey, doggie, I'm right, right? Is your daddy Broody McBrooderson?"

Constantine has posed:
Kate's look to assist gets no help from John, just a smile and a drink of whiskey from the warlock.

The change of music is noted, and John smiles, "Not even bloody Russian," he says to the machine before Karen's words have him looking up. "Seems the thing has a mind of it's own anyhow, luv, " he says before holding up his hands. "But my hands are staying off."

He wanders over to the bar and Kate. "That your boss?" he asks her. "Seems like fun," he adds wryly.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Never let it be said that music doesn't have a sense of humour.

As John waltzes up to Kate, and Kate's protests about her music are interrupted by the sudden realization that Karen has subtley threatened John with Cap - Cap, (not Karen, mind) who is being saved by Bucky.. Somewhere she's lost control of this party, and the jukebox happily supplies:

(Queen - Another One Bites the Dust)

Kate speaking up, "Guys! Guys! We're all friends here." Gesturing that they all should come sit together instead of yelling over the spaces of the bar. "Karen. James. Steve - this is my.. uh.. friend I guess. My friend John." Then to him, "John, Karen who isn't my boss. You missed her - she was the one in my face about not being hairy. She is short and grumpy though. Please don't tell her I said that. And uh.. Steve and Bu- James. James has the dog. She's Lili. And on duty, so don't pet her. And who the heck is Bogey anyway?"

Captain America has posed:
Spared from a sudden piggy-backing, Steve transfers his pint glass to the other hand and shakes droplets of ale from it. At least there's a stack of napkins he can use. He wipes off his hand and tries to force down the pink at the tips of his ears. The smack of the friendly kiss lingers on his skin, cool in the air of the bar.

He takes up another piece of pizza and his beer again before walking back over to Bucky, though this time, he's simply nearby rather than attempting to blockade again. The man appears to have things under control.

"You a friend of Kate's then?" he asks of John in particular, curious despite himself.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Lili agrees enormously, by her big smile. Buck looks mortified....but he's set Karen aside and rescued Sir Galahad there. "Hey, John," he says. "We met before," he asides to no one in particular. "He's a friend of Cas's."

Constantine has posed:
Yep, the party is definitely out of control, which is where a party should be if you ask John. For his part he sits down at the bar and pours himself another drink, eyeing the business with Cap, Bucky and Karen.

"Shame I missed your boss, but you're right, she didn't look that harry," he aggrees. "Just mad enough to punch anyone who said so," he chuckles. "Happy birthday by the way."

"Thas' me," John says. "Kate's friend," he says off Kate's words and Cap's question. He produces a card seemingly out of nowhere and slides it to Cap. "Name's John," he says by way of greeting. The card says the rest, John Constantine, Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the Dark Arts, along with a phone number. "Give me a ring if you ever need some mystical assistance," a beat and a glance at Kate and he leaves it at that.

There's a nod for Bucky then too, "Bucky, mate," he greets. "Been awhile."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate groans inwardly at the card. She's used to it now, but still..

"We are not telling her she's hairy. Do you want me to have a job?" John gets a *look*. "Karen is Matt's secretary. Well, his and Foggy's - Murdoch and Nelson? Heard of it?"

John's confirming they're 'friends' is somewhat of a relief.

In hte background, the jukebox heads into a quieter, but still pointed number:

(Joan Jett - Crimson and Clover)

"Wait, you know Bu-James?" That's news to Kate.

Captain America has posed:
Setting aside his slice of pizza and taking the business card, Steve reads over it. His expression is partially hidden by the rise of his pint glass to his lips, but he's apparently dubiously impressed.

"Nice to meet you then, John. I'll be sure to give you a ring." Kate has a point, however: Steve wasn't aware of any connection between the two men either. He looks between them expectantly, awaiting perhaps a brief story as to how they met. Castiel, he does know, after all.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Just ran into him having drinks," Buck says, sounding tired. "And you all can just call me Bucky." They don't know who Bogey is, poor ignorant modern kids. Will they recognize that name?

Karen Page has posed:
Karen looks from Kate to Bucky. James. Jaaaames. Mr. James Bucky Nobody. Her smile has turned sly, now. She's finally got at least part of the man's name, even if he didn't say it himself. And really, that's enough to start with. "Wait, wait, are you saying that you just randomly ran into Proginoskes? And you both think nothing of drinking entire bottles of serious booze at a time? Talk about a match made in Hell's Kitchen."

Since the two beefcakes are not being as much fun anymore, she walks around to sidle up next to Kate. But to do that, she passes by John, and wrinkles her nose as she does. "Wow, dude's a ashtray," she stage whispers to the brunette.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate is relieved to not have to keep the burden of 'Bucky' in, even if the others don't know who he is. Well, Steve does. And she does because she did a background check on him. She's totally a heathen when it comes to knowing who Bogey is. And really, who wears trench coats anyway??

John excepted.

The jukebox mourns with Bucky:

(Bob Seger - Old Time Rock and Roll)

Karen's commentary about John has Kate hiding a smirk behind her fingers, and failing. Karen isn't wrong. She's not. Which begs all sorts of questions of Kate.

Constantine has posed:
John grins at Kate's groan, "More a petty dabbler than a master, but the damn things make an impression," John remarks to Steve wryly.

John for his part seems to be more at ease when calling him and Kate friends goes over well, and remembering an earlier question adds: "Bogey? Humphrey Bogart, wore a lot of trenchoats in his films, or at least the Maltese Falcon," he says over a sip of his drink.

He nods in confirmation of Bucky's version of how they met, "Seems history keeps repeating itself." Though that could be how often John frequents bars.

Karen's question gets a brow raise, "What in the bloody hell are Proginoskes?" he asks, English, sure, Ancient Sumerian, you bet, most othr modern languages? Not so much.

The stage whisper is noted and John lifts a glass, "When you add whiskey to the mix it's a lot better," he says. "Right?" he asks with a grin for Kate.

Winter Soldier has posed:
They've apparently hit some limit for Buck. He mutters his excuses to Steve, takes care of tab and tip...and then he's calling Lili to heel and slinking out. Steve knows that look - too many people, too close, and bad memories have started to rise up like smoke.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Bucky's rising, and impending departure is met with a mournful tune from the jukebox - a recognition, perhaps, of things unknown and unsaid?

(Prince - Purple Rain)

Deadpool has posed:
"Consider it done, and /DONE/," cheerfully assures a relatively handsome light-browned haired 30-something man to his associate, a skinny dark-haired 39-or-something at his side, as they enter the bar. Stopping to the side of the doorway, an envelope gets passed across from dark to light, who slips it away into his brown shoulder-bag.

The pair separate to give Bucky plenty of space on his way out, a brief silence between them before they come back together. "Tuesday?" asks the dark one. "Sure," is the response. And then a diversion, the party is seen; perhaps a particular partygoer.

"Act natural, whistle or something on your way out; I've gotta go insert myself where I don't belong," light-haired guy stage-whispers loudly to his associate. The other man takes the hint and departs (without WHISTLING), while the other looks towards the par-tay table and aims a wave clearly at Kate.

Not that Wade can be recognized, he forgot he has his image inducer on, maybe. So Kate's just getting waved at.

At least he's okay looking and not, say, an ogre's armpit.

Captain America has posed:
Steve murmurs something back in reply and gives the departing man a friendly cuff on the arm. He watches him leave and while his eyes linger on the conversation happening at the doors, he doesn't pay too much attention to it in the long run.

"They definitely make an impression," he agrees with John as to the business card. It gets slipped away into the pocket of his bomber jacket. He takes another sip of his ale and smiles to himself at the mention of Bogart -- ah, that man, who doesn't know him?

However...that is a familiar voice from over by the doors and on the approach. The Captain lifts his head and scans the crowd. Wait a second...

Karen Page has posed:
Karen actually pouts for about half a second when Bucky abruptly (to her, anyway) takes his leave and ducks out. Her brain catches up a moment later, recognizing someone who is NOT a natural extrovert and in dire need of fleeing. Because of that, she says to Steve uncharacteristically seriously compared to how she's been the rest of the evening, "If I chased him off, I'm really sorry."

She turns to Kate, her previous boisterous cheer seemingly stomped out just like that. "Kate, I'd better get home. I'm headed straight toward Debbie Downer, and you don't need that right now." She moves to stand and claim her bag, finally revealing what her tshirt says: 'I like big BOOKS and I cannot lie'.

"C'mon, Ashtray Bogey. Walk me home." She doesn't recognize the man that just arrived and is waving hello to Kate. She probably wouldn't either way.

Constantine has posed:
The change of song sits fine with John and he remarks, "Actually like this one," as he sips his whiskey.

Then to Steve a grin, "That's mostly the point good for druming up work and making dates," he confesses before he takes another sip of his drink, glancing past Kate at the man waving at her.

"Admirer on your right," he says with a grin to Kate.

As for the request to walk Karen home, John shakes his head, "Gonna stick around for a bit, but 'ere," he pulls a couple bills from his pocket. "Take a cab home on me, luv. Not safe out there. Men dressed like devils and all that."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate has no clue if Karen chased Bucky off, but given the dog? She's willing to bet the man is a hair trigger away from a meltdown half the time. Then again, Kate has seen some of his file - what she could get her hands on anyway. If she puts half of what she knows about veterans in with that, shakes it up, adds butter and salt? Yep. She's about sure that Bucky has had enough, with or without Karen.

Kate isn't worried about that. Things are winding down. All in all, things are going nicely considering it's her party and her life is a walking invitation for disaster.

Of course all that is tempting Fate - and Kate is smacked full on in the face with Karen asking John to walk her home. Leaving poor Kate in the unenviable position of not knowing what to do. John certainly isn't hers.. but she doesn't want him Karen's either...

"Admirer?" Kate turns to consider the latest arrival, brain slowly working through the association.

Of course the jukebox has a wry commentary:

(Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Last Dance with Mary Jane)

Karen Page has posed:
John's quip about men dressed like devils earns him a VERY sharp glare from Karen, but that doesn't stop her from taking his money anyway. Honestly, she'd feel SAFER if a man dressed like a devil were somewhere within eyeshot as she made her way home. But she's not gonna impose like that. She'll take the cab home.

"I'll text you when I get home, Kate. Don't do anything that would make Matt sigh, okay?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Under her breath, Kate mutters, "Too late. Already have. Got the token and everything." Then again, Matt knows, because Kate had to confess the small secret she'd accidentally spilled to John. Fine, it was a BIG secret. Sheesh. Kick a girl when she's down.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade hums a song in his own reality that isn't at all what the jukebox is playing. He's got some other thing in his head. But since that's the only current other voice in there, he's doing pretty well. "Happy Birthday!" he calls towards Kate, starting to weave towards her table around some other table. He took a scenic route for no reason.

He does breeze by Constantine and Steve. Oh!

"Stevie!" Wade says abruptly, like a dog spotting a squirrel. He stops short and sends a smile across from Steve to those with him, as if actually socially aware enough, just this once, to not intrude too horribly. "Sh---oot, I walked into the right bar. Hey. I've been doing the job you paid me to do, by the way," Wade says in his stage-whisper to Steve, with an entirely not-hidden 'private' nod, wink, and low thumbs up.

Captain America has posed:
Steve gives a little shrug towards the now-quieted young woman. "It's not you. Sometimes, something like this is a bit much for him. He won't hold a grudge against you," he replies to Karen. He watches her leave and lets out a slow sigh from where he leans against the bar.

A glance over at John and a wry little grin from the Captain towards him. He agrees with the man with, "Sneaky way to do it, business cards. Up front as well, though, in a way." The arrival of the man with the familiar voice has him straightening in his recline, eyes going wide for a split second.

Oh, yes, now memory kicks him in the back of the head.

"I appreciate that, thank you," Steve replies to Wade, not using his name given the state of anonymity via the image inducer. Nothing worse than having one's cover blown! "What're you doing here? Kate invited you?"

Constantine has posed:
John grins in the face of that glare as he lets the bills go. "Happy travels," he says, chuckling at Karen's warning for Kate.

As for Deadpool? John looks between Kate, Steve and Wade, "So... anyone of you lot going to make some introductions?" he asks ignoring the 'secret conversation' going on between Steve and Wade.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate looks slightly lost, though she at least knows where she mostly knows Wade from now. She thinks. But how on earth is he connected to Steve? And.. working for him? There's a head tilt moment if ever there was one.

There's an absent little nod from Kate, "Kind of?" Her answer to Steve comes with the explanation, "Uh..The D.. my.. uh, yeah. I invited him." Because wait, how many of those who were left knew about the Defenders at this point? Ugh, she hadn't had enough to drink for keeping track of this. Or maybe too much to keep track of it.

Karen gets a small nodded smile of gratitude before Kate goes over introductions again, using singular first names. John. Wade. Steve. If folks want to get particular, they can introduce themselves.

The jukebox speaks gently in the background:

(Elliott Smith - Between the Bars)

Deadpool has posed:
"Yeah, I didn't crash the party. I'm here with birthday wishes, and a lot of hot air, should birthday candles need to be blown. Or anything, or anyone, else. Within limits. I mean, I have standards. I know it doesn't always appear so. It's just that the limits stretch out, like elastic in old underwear," Wade describes in a ramble.

"Hi John," Wade says, suddenly back into a semblance of normal social behavior, which makes things feel all the more 'off', no doubt. "What do you do for a living? If you're a cape-wearer I'll pretend to be impressed if you'd like."


Wade asides more quietly at Steve: "Are we being incognito?"

Captain America has posed:
"Oh." If anything, Steve appears mildly surprised to learn of a new and apparently 'normal' connection between the Merc and another individual. He glances between Kate and Wade-in-disguise as introductions are made.

Under his breath in the same stage-whisper, he replies to Deadpool, "I don't know, it's not my party. But since she knows you, you can probably be yourself."

In a much louder and inclusive pitch, he adds, "Y'know, no one's asked Josie about a bowl of ice cream and a candle for Kate." He gives the young woman a good-natured grin. "Maybe I should do that."

Constantine has posed:
John finishes his whiskey before pouring another.

The introductions are nodded to, and when Wade asks John what he does, a new card is produced and handed over, with the same old line, name and job title (exorcist, demonologist, master of dark arts etc).

Smiling faintly at the 'blow' remark from earlier, John fills a glass for Wade and slides it to him. "'ere mate, have a stiff one," he says rolling with that line of humour before adding to Kate and Steve. "Happy to offer the same to you both."

Though at the mention of ice cream and candles, he grins to Kate, "What do you say? Time to make a bigger scene than we're already making?" he asks before looking to the others, "Cuz we're all going to sing, right?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
The jukebox slides into a song that echoes around talk of cake and icecream and candles:

(Five for Fighting - 100 Years)

Kate looks slightly trapped for a moment until she not only remembers this darn party was to break out of all those molds and expectations, and darnit all, it /was/ her birthday!

"Bring it on," she laughs. "And I seem to recall a squadron is customary? Since I'm paying for this booze, I think I deserve my fair share!"

She leans against John for a moment, forgetful of both company and Karen's parting admonishment. Darn song.

Deadpool has posed:
"I bet if we start singing Happy Birthday, Josie will figure it out and bring the thing," Wade says, cheerful. He accepts the card. "Wait, are you serious right now? Exorcist? Holy fuck wow. So you'd know if there's demons living in my head amoung with all the other things in it," Wade says.

"Language, Wade."

Wade points at Steve as if Steve had said it. Apology. Sort of. He knows better. Maybe.

"Okay, I gotta ask. What is the weirdest exorcism you've ever done? Was it like pea-soup spit all over you, or twisting all their bones into knots? I've got a wild imagination," Wade says, overly interested in Constantine, now, while playing with the business card. And accepting the drink of whatever it is, all smiles.

He attempts to lean on Steve in a mirror of Kate's leaning on John. Must be the song.

Darn song.

Captain America has posed:
A lift of the nearly-finished pint glass is Steve's silent agreement to this plan. Oh yes. There will be singing. He also grins at Kate. "Of course, a squadron. You bet." A nod towards John signals that the Captain will partake in some whiskey, even if it won't even make a single nerve tingle in his fingers in the end.

He turns in place in his lean on the counter and opens his mouth to see if Josie will indeed bring out a bowl of ice cream so the place can suffer the Birthday Song when Wade happens. The Captain eyebrows at him over his shoulder. "Wade, buddy come on, really -- NO." Holding up a hand, he amends, "Space."

Not come on. Never come on. Lesson learned.

Still, Josie floats by and Steve's able to lean across the counter and shoot the barkeeper a conspiratorial grin as well as his request. Oh yes -- there's a bowl of ice cream and a candle on the way. Cue the countdown to imminent arrival.

Constantine has posed:
"Tha's the custom yeah," John says motioning to Josie to set said squadron up, for everyone unless they say no. Then he grins, "So much for sober, yeah?" he says to Kate.

Wade's torrent of questions, comments and suggestions takes a second to process. "Not the sort of demons I deal with mate," he says. "Know a good Sanitarium if you're ever in England, top shelf electroshock," he says with a grin that doesn't quite sell that he's joking.

"An' weirdest exorcisim...." he considers it, as he rolls backwards through his memories to find a suitable one. "Well the fakers are always a laugh, like Katie's fake adultry cases, jus' people wanting some attention... at least until that attention includes fire," John says with a grin. "Weirdest real one? Prolly when the demon got loose and made the young priest eat the old priest, or maybe it was the other way around, anyhow, that bit happened before they called me. Shoddy work those Catholics, go with a warlock if you want the job done right."

John makes no complaint about Kate leaning on him but he does chuckle when Steve objects to Wade. As for the ice cream, and impending singing, John says, "Anyone got some hats?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Oh jukebox, who put this song there:

(Beatles - Birthday Song)

Kate happily (what else is a girl to do?) sits, waiting for ice cream, candles, and the gathered to sing, her drinks in front of her. One shotglass lifted, waiting for the those who care to to join her. "Slainte!"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade has selective hearing. "'Buddy?'" Wade repeats, charmed. He loops an arm in an attempt to wholeheartedly side-hug Steve, but the part of it that was a 'lean' does end. Wade reverts to appropriate buddy behavior, going along with things well enough.

He then lifts his glass. "I've had more than enough electroshock in the past, right up there with some serious-as-shit-torture." Moving on. "Warlock. Self note. Okay!" Wade says in response. It does appear, at least, that he did pay attention to John's story. Because he did care about the weirdest exorcism. "Cannibal priests. Wouldn't have guessed." He tilts his head.

Singing, right, though. "Here's to another year closer to death! Yay!"

Captain America has posed:
The side-hug will be allowed, given nothing bad has come of a side-hug in the past...that Steve can remember. Granted, he is busy semi-gaping at John's regaling of past experiences in dealing with some severe cases in his field of work. Those mobile eyebrows have almost disappeared into his hairline again by the end.

He shakes his head at the question about hats, however. "Forgot 'em at home, unfortunately," he deadpans with a returned grin. "Could ask Josie, I guess?" Here's the bartender arriving with the bowl of ice cream, single candle already lit. No hats, unfortunately. Steve sets aside his empty pint glass in order to pick up the bowl and deliver it in front of Kate. "Alright gents, like we mean business. Slainte agad-sa," he replies firstly to the young woman as to her toast, the accent of his birth-tongue lilting and bright. "One, two, three..."

And there goes Captain Rogers, lifting up a glass of whiskey, singing warmly.

Constantine has posed:
"No charge," John says of the tip about Warlocks to Wade before adding, "Me too," about the torture bit. But then just part of the fun of being John Constantine.

Happily changing the subject he raises his glass to join Katie in her toast, embelishing it some: "May you never go to hell, but always be on your way. Slainte!" he downs his shot and then quickly sets down the glass.

As for the singing, John joins in, and as it happens good voice too, even if he breaks part way through the song to tell the others, "For the record, this never happened," before carrying on to the end with a long "...tooooo yoooou."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
By the time the song is over, Kate is full on laughing so hard that she can't blow out her candle - a great fat thing likely used as an emergency light when the power goes. It's not even a proper birthday candle, stuck in a bowl of frostburned vanilla ice cream that likely was bought back in the stone age to accompany a long ago eaten or tossed apple pie that didn't sell the the regular denizens of the bar.

Kate looking about at all those still gathered, fingering Clint's gift in her pocket, she reaches for another drink, "To friends, old and new. With us and those who have gone before."

The jukebox, silent for the singing, and then furtherfor a moment of respect, slowly moves into another song to commemorate the evening:

(Fun - We Are Young ft. Janelle Monae)

Kate leaning properly into John now. "So blabbing," she remarks of the singing. "I can be bribed, though."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade sings along. It's so rare that there's a song to be had, let alone a SING ALONG, that Wade didn't start, and didn't remain a solo act. Really brings a tear to the eye. Not that Wade brushes them away; sometimes it's best to have tears glitter in place just for a short time.

"Blow, blow, blow," encourages Wade in a manner that's entirely clean yet obviously naughty in a way that can't directly be punished. Wade has been experimenting where that edge is: where Steve might wince but not actually SAY anything to Wade for fear of making it worse. That's the place to live.

"Daw, they even gave you a cherry," Wade says, looking at the ice cream with the cheerful display, leaning to look. "Wait. Is that a cherry, or melted wax?" he wonders.
"I volunteer as tribute to find out."

Captain America has posed:
Good times all around. The shot of whiskey is thrown back like a champ. Maybe the Howling Commandos did teach Steve how to drink after all. He sets the glass aside and grins at John -- the Captain might not say anything, but Kate's clearly wishing to step up to the plate.

Wade earns himself a wince, just as planned, for his chant. Still, what can Steve do but pull his mouth to one side and wrinkle his nose like he's trying not to smile? He's not smiling. Nobody call him out on it.

"You let me know about that volunteering goes," he says, giving Wade a pat on the shoulder. "About time for me to head home m'self. Happy Birthday, Kate, thanks for letting me 'n Buck crash it. John, nice to meet you." A wave to everyone else in passing and then Steve meanders on out into the cold spring night, content to consider a warm shower by the time he gets home and parks his motorcycle.

Constantine has posed:
"You'd better not," John says of Kate blabbing though, the mention of the bribe gets a laugh. "Well then, we'll need to discuss terms in a bit," he grins, before raising a hand to wave goodbye to Steve as he departs.

"Welcome to try, mate," John adds about the "cherry" to Wade before downing the last shot of his squadron.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Clint's gift - the key, the lease, the already paid two months of rent... Kate is touched beyond belief. It solves so many problems.

And this? Friends gathered, sharing laughs and stories. Drinks and blessings. This was the stuff she couldn't explain to her father. The things he didn't understand. Why she couldn't turn her back on this life or these people.

Okay, there was also that little thrill that being a do-gooder vigilante afforded as well - but these were the people who saw the world the same way she did. You couldn't buy that with money.

The mess? Well, Kate was pretty sure if she threw enough of her father's money at it, it would go away. That and a sifficient tip for Josie and her staff should mean she could wander off home without worrying about cleaning up.

And as everyone disperses, a last song slips from the jukebox, Kate whispering to John, "I know what I said.. but care to walk a girl home on her birthday?"

The music a fitting seranade for them all - each of them who'd been present this evening, seeing them all safely home:

(Adam Levine & Matt McAndrew - Lost Stars)
(orig: Adam Levine)