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Latest revision as of 23:56, 13 August 2019

One Hot Night
Date of Scene: 02 July 2019
Location: P3, Avalon Heights
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Piper Halliwell, Armor, Daniel Osborn, Buffy Summers

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Tonight, P3 is crowded with people, and the DJ's got the music going as the crowd's much like the club's decor. Trendy yet relaxed. Piper herself's nowhere to be found.....yet, the lack of live music isn't a problem as the crowd's are out for agood time, the parking lot is, amusingly, crowded with vehicles of all shapes and sizes, from bikes to giant trucks and everything in between. The club's not actually as loud as anyone would think really, which is a good thing...though there's people thronging the bar all the way around the island bar.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki is dressed more casually than she was before, not in her school uniform this time. Backpack still thoug, on her back. The bouncer recognizes her, but it's hard to tell what he thinks of her as she's let in, and starts looking for where Piper is, wandering around a bit.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz is also at the club tonight. He usually doesn't do nightclubs, but he figured he'd stop by while it was active, and try to show up more, he owed it to Piper after all. So, he's here now, and he manages to spot Hisako through the crowds, slipping through them to get to her, just in case something were to happen. You never know at nightclubs, and she's a little young to be at a place like this, really, so, he'll look out for her. He imagines she's looking for Piper, so he starts looking about for her as well.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper emerges from a door behind the bar, carrying crates that she slides the crates under the bar with a smile. She's looking over with a nod at the crowd, then looks pleased and gets back to serving the bar aggain with a weary look. "Okay, how would we tackle this?" she asks the bar staff, then dives headlong into helping them out. She's got this, chipping in where needed and managing that whole watching the bar, and club thing at once. Piper's been doing this for a while.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki probably gets more attention dressed casually than for school, but for now she's either oblivious to any of it, or ignoring it. Finding Piper, she walks up, and starts going into her backpack. "Good evening Piper, I have the employment forms all filled out, that you requested."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz approaches beside Hisako, lifting a hand to Piper in greeting with a smile, but he takes a seat at the bar, not saying anything. It's his nature to be silent, after all, and he's also not trying to put on any creepy stawker vibes or anything like that.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper checks the forms and nods. "Okay, these are all in order." she says and gestures for her to come behind the bar. "Grab your apron and keep it somewhere safe. You'll start on Friday" Piper nods, watching the crowd as she spies Oz and nodss a hey to him.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki takes the apron, holding it up against herself, and nodding. She then sits down, and very carefully folds up the apron, in order to slide it into her backpack. "Thank you Piper. I will try my best." Then looking up to the newcomer. "Good evening Oz."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oops, oz got spotted. Okay, play it cool. "Oh, hey guys," he says, with a smile. "Hey Piper, same thing as last time? Minus the light bulb?" He turns to Hisako. "So you work here now?" he asks, curiously. "Hey, you'll get to watch Dingoes ate my Baby perform." He gestures to his shirt which is...a DAMB shirt, actually.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Not a lot sneaks past Piper's gaze in P3...or....rather when somebody is as easy to spot as Oz, it's kind of not hard to spot him. "Okay what can I get you both?" Piper asks with h a grin. She's up to her usual tricks again, down the bar somebody asked for a real drink. Piper first gave him a cardboard one to make the point. That got laughter from the group the guy was with and a few choice words. Piper's got her snark on form tonight....as she looks over her side of the bar. "And...don't try it" Piper says, "There's a time and a place for telling a bartender you want to get it on with them. Now's not the time, or place" Piper says putting the guy down, then she ratchests it up a notch. "You know, I went to college. One of my friends from there works with electron microscopes. You know what they're used for?" she asks and carries on when she gets no reply. "Finding small things. I think there's a lot of things about you that are too small for an electron microscope to find" Piper says as the guy's friends are pulling him from the bar, telling him hey, let's go dance instead. Piper's protective of her workers.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki watches as that comment goes off, and snickers a little. Re-adjusting her backpack after having gotten the papers out, and replaced them with the apron, it's all squared away and she sits up again. "Just some water would be fine for me again, but please don't go to any trouble."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but laugh at what's going on down the bar. He sits with his arms folded on the bartop, waiting patiently for his drink, if he'll get it, turning to Hisako with a smile. "So, you're a high school student? You almost done? You look like you're about graduating age, but that's a guess."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods and sets a water by Hisako and sets to work mixing up Oz's drink. She skips the umbrella, but adds a slice of lemon and some ice. Since Oz said no light bulb, Piper's getting the feeling Oz is wising up to her shenanigans. So.....she puts the drink by Oz then grins, "Light cocktail" she says gesturing up to the bar lights, that are above their drinks. "Oh come on. You expected me not to poke more fun at it?" she asks with a grin looking amused at it. "Before you ask. I can't reach up there to put a drink on the light" she adds with a knowing grin. "Hisako's a senior" Piper nods. "Hired her to work Fridays and Saturdays, so yeah yu'll get to see the acts I got lined up, including DAMB" Piper nods. "Nice shirt by the way Oz, do you guys do merchandise or not?"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki takes her water and sips, nodding up to Piper. "Thank you very much." Then turning to Oz, she nods at everything Piper said. "So that band is yours? You play in it? Manage it? Friends of yours?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Pretty much all 3," Oz says, with a laugh. "Yeah we got merch," he says, to Piper. "What do you want?" He always carries a backpack with him, whoch he had set near his feet when sitting down, but that he picks up now. "Got a couple things. Shirts, sweaters, hats, stuff like that." He looks back at Hisako. "Guitarist," he says. "And only smart one." He can't help but laugh, but he does enjoy poking a little fun at his fiends sometimes, mainly because they're his friends.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Debateable" Piper chimes in while serving customers, many of whom don't linger at the bar. Still though, P3's doing a good trade tonight, and.....she's smart to keep this up. Sure, the band she wanted canceled at lunch. Piper was not happy, though she slips out from behind the bar to take a call, "Yes? Uh huh, yes, yeah huh, sure. No, we don't" Piper says hanging up and looking a little puzzled on her way back to the bar."That just happened" Piper says. "Wman calls asking if we sell bean bags. I think it's a wrong number" Piper says gently, looking around P3. "Though c'mon, bean bags would so rule" one of the bar staf says as Piper laughs. "We're about 50 yers too late. What next, pet rocks?" she asks sarcastically. "Sure, bring your pet rock to the bar. It better bee a service animal"

The bar staff look among themselves. "You know somebody's gonna try that, right Piper?" she hears and looks unimpressed. "Ever taught a pet rock to play dead?" she asks Oz and Hisako. "For merch, t-shirts please Oz" Piper says and digs around for spare change to pay Oz.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki looks to Piper. "So the club does promotion of the band, as a kind of mutual arrangement? Do the people who work here wear their t-shirts and things?" Then looking up to Oz. "Congratulations on having a successful band. IT's good to be successful at what you enjoy. I'm going to end up being a bouncer here." She nods, no hint of a joke.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs at the bean bag thing, but opens his bag. "What size?" he asks. "I only have 1 in every size, small, medium, large, and XL." He looks to Hisako. "You want 1? I'd guess a small, and probably a medium for Piper."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Pick your words carefuully" Piper says with a joking tone. "Medium is fine, though". Shaking her head at the customers Piper hands them off to the bar staff and looks to Hisako. "Of course we promote them, yes" she nods and smiles, enjoying this as she looks at Oz's bag.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki nods to Oz. "A small is probably fine for me, thank you. I can see if it would be good for me to wear. For times when I'm in front, I would be the first thing some people see coming into this place. That should be good for promotion, right?" She sips her water again. "If they throw things at you, I will throw them."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but laugh. He pulls a t-shirt much like his from his bag, a small, which he offers to Hisako, and a medium, which he offers to Piper. "I'd say try them on but um..." He stops himself, deciding to listen to Piper's advice. "You can throw people? That's pretty cool."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper takes the shirt and sighs. "Phoebe's not here. And there's no back room to wear this" Piper points out with a smile hiding it under the bar with a smile. "And yes, Hisako can throw people. Want a demonstration, Oz?" Piper asks with a smirk as she's dealing with yet more customers with a look as she's treating customers with her usual mindset, the DJ banging out tunes as Piper's looking easy and relaxed.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki takes the shirt, and pulls her backpack around to open it up and push the shirt in. "I would try it on now, Oz, but this does not seem like a good place to change. Thank you though. I will wear it on Friday. As for throwing people, I would hardly make a functional bouncer if I could not."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shakes his head quickly at Piper, but nods to hisako. "I mean, you just...didn't look like the type, but I've seen crazier before, so I'm not really surprised." He picks up his cocktail, taking a drink. "I hope you like the shirts. And the band."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"She threw him" Piper says pointing out a guy built like a football player, "Out the door. She's good at that" Piper nods and looks up and down the bar with a grin. "Want anything else?" Piper asks and turns around.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki looks back at the football star, and gives a friendly wave to him with a smile, before turning back to Piper and Oz. Sitting up a little, she folds her fingers to gether, stretches them palms out, and gets a quietly satisfied look on her face. "I did, and I'm well thank you Piper."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"You did? That's impressive," Oz says, patting Hisako lightly on the back. "I'm good, Piper," he says, with another drink from his cocktail. "So. anything going on tonight, Piper?" he asks. "Or is it just a DJ?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Band I lined up bailed on me" Piper says shaking her head. "So we got the DJ tonight. It's....not ideal. Then they book for after your slot on Friday, too" Piper groans and shakes her head withh a 'why me?' look. "Unless you guys want to get up and party, that is" Piper offers, looking thoughtful and amused, then impressed at the idea of getting people on stage.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki snickers. "Piper, it seems like you're very busy. Don't babysit me. I think I can manage my way through this crowd. If anyone tries anything I can't tolerate..." She lifts her hand, and a pink glow surrounds it in an outline, indicating her armor is active around the hand.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz looks at the armored hand, a little amazed. "Magic?" he asks. "Or mutant? Sometimes it's hard to differentiate. Pretty cool either way." The thought of her being a mutant doesn't seem to bother him any, he definitely doesn't seem to be one of those anti-mutant buttfaces.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper wathces with a smile. "Well then, Oz, you going to shed on people if they cross a line?" she asks teasing him, "Or just chew on their shoes and swipe their laces huh?" she adds with a smirk. "Hey can I get ya another drink, either of you while I'm at it?" she nods, teasing gone for a moment. "Oh not that light again" the football star says as Piper gives him a pat on the arm. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Well, except ego" Piper admits, "She threw me out the door"

"Mn gotta learn house chores, like....knowing how it feels to take the trash out" Piper says. "Oz, this guy's 20 and learning life lessons, there's hope for us all yet" she nods sagely.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki drops the armor around her arm, and takes her water again gently for a sip. "Friday is going to be very interesting."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Clearly," Oz says. "Friday isn't the night I perform, I'll be at The Bronze that night. But Saturday I'll be here. I think 8 O'Clock is our performance."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Yep 8-8:30" Piper confirms with a grin, then shakes her head to a customer, "Hmm...no, we don't do restraunt quality food here I'm afraid. Mhm" Piper says looking over the bar again, "Cold sandwiches, bar snacks. Uh huh" Piper says and turns back to Oz then Hisako. "See, you got this" she says with a smirk. "Also" Piper says handing her an ID badge. "Here's your ID" she adds and grins.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Hmm, well this is interesting. Buffy sure hasn't been here before, but she's always game for checking out new hang outs. She steps in, peering around, tapping a foot to the lively beat of music and wanders towards the bar, pondering a drink. Yay, she has some free time before classes tonight, and she's all caught up on her homework, so a little pick-me-up is well deserved.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki does take the badge and again reaches back to put it away. "Thank you, that way even if he's not on duty people know to let me in without any trouble."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Buffy?" Oz says, setting his glass down and getting up to hu his friend. "Didn't expect you to come here." He had never seen her here even when he used to come before he'd left, so it really is a surprise to see her now, but a good one.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks to Buffy with a nod. "Hi, welcome to P3. What can I get you?" she asks. She's definitely intrigued by this and looks over Buffy then asks for ID. Piper's got a familiar glint to her eye, as if how can she take Buffy's drink order as literally as possible. Piper though is serving another customer then turns her attention back to the Slayer.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances up at Piper and smiles. "Wow, I'm getting carded. That's so cool. I mean, flattering really." she does pull out her learner's license (because she kinda sucks at driving and has yet to pass her driver's), showing that she is in fact some 20 years old. "Love what you've done to the place. Really colorful." She taps the table thoughtfully. "Hm, could I get a gin and tonic please?" Cuz why not? She's a hard working girl and deserves a break once in a while. She turns around as she hears a familiar voice, arching a brow at Oz, and then breaks out into a smile. "Heey, Oz! How you doing? It's been a while..Is Wil with you?" she peers around the dark night club but does not see a familiar flash of red hair.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I wish," Oz says, shaking his head. "Too busy studying or something. But it's okay. I guess I'm just a loner tonight. You can be my date." He smirks slightly, letting her go and going to sit back at the bar.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks at the license, then to Buffy then gives her a sympathetic lookk. All the while crossing to her favored couch and is leaving this up to the bar staff. Sure, Buffy's /technnically/ too young to drink. This is explained bluntly by the bar staff, as Piper gets up and comes back to the bar. "I..." the poor barkeep says as Piper shushes him. "Your license says you're 20, right?" Piper asks gently...as an idea strikes her. She could water it down and then some and then some more. Or.....where's that recipe book. "You want a gin and tonic, you're too young to drink. You know what...I could make you something just as good" Piper offers. No tricks or shenanigans this time. At least....not yet. Though the mention of Buffy being Oz's date draws laughter from the other men and women at the island bar. "How many have dates?" Piper asks, a cold tone to her voice. "And no. Your hands don't count as dates" she adds, her eyes cold as she sweeps her gaze over the men...who flee like Piper just threatened them. Her eyes soften looking back to Buffy, and Piper nods to the slayer. "Alright, here's what I'll do. I'll do my witchy things, and you'll think it's gin and tonic" Piper offers.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks down at her ID. Oh. This is like, the *real* card and not the fake card. Geez, how long did she stay up at that cabin and get drunk last night..? "Oh..Is that so?" she laughs a bit too loudly, removing her card. "Um well I was kidding see. What I meant to say was, just gimme a gingerale. I guess." dammit. She glances at Oz and smiles, "Sure, I can be your date for the night. You gonna play here too?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Playing Saturday," he says, with a nod, smirking at her slightly. "What'd you do last night?" He asks, clearly teasing her a bit. Yep, he's been friends with her long enough to know she does some crazy stuff from time to time. "So, what brings you here tonight?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"It's official. I'm the only adult in the room" Piper says to both of them and shakes her head with a smile. "Ginger ale coming right up" Piper ads and sets it down with a neat thunk. "That'll be.....$2.25 please" she says, and eyes Oz. "You know I opened a tab for you right?" she adds then settles back to listen to Oz and Buffy's catching up really.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and yawns a bit. "Oh, you know, the usual...Actually I went up to visit my cousin Scott, whom I haven't seen in like, decades. Since we were really little kids actually. I guess he teaches at a school for gifted and talented students now. It's pretty cool. Oh and then I had a..Friend, drive me back." of course there was more to it than that but she doesn't elaborate. Ugh, she could do with some real alcohol though. "Hey, that's cool. This seems like a nice place. Still playing at the Bronz too right? Hope to see you there, I haven't heard your band in a long time. I figured maybe you broke up after highschool or something." she shrugs, "Here? Just checking out a new place.." pose rolls her eyes as Piper brings the gingerale, really wishing she'd brought her fake ID. "Oh. Sure." she pulls out the cash, plus a little extra for tip, handing it over. "S'ok, i'll pay up front."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz places his hand on Buffy's to stop her paying. "If you opened a tab just put her drink on it for me," he says to Piper. He slides his cocktail over to Buffy with a slight smirk. "Try some," he says to her, quietly. It does have alcohol in it. "We got back together when I came back," he says. "So, how's your cousin doing, then? Don't think I know of him."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper smiles, heading over to a couch, waving Oz and Buffy over too as Piper settles onto her favored couch once more. She's not got a drink, herself...she's working after all...but Piper's loking out for her friends. Piper nods and looks to the bar staff....who put Buffy's drink on Oz's tab....as Piper's totally not acting on Oz giving Buffy his cocktail, really. Go figure.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, gratefully accepting the cocktail. "Aw, thanks Oz!" she takes a sip. Or two, making a face. "I don't get why they have such strict rules anyways. I can step in a bar at 18 but can't order a drink til I'm 21?" she laughs. Of course she regularly drinks all the time. Screw the law. "Hm, he's alright, a little uptight and seemed like he's an upper level teacher there, I hope he's not too stressed." she shrugs, "Yeah, I've only met him and his brother once, when I was like, 6 or so?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"And you say it's been decades," Oz says, with a smirk. "When in reality, it's only been one decade, and not quite a half. Hey, no problem." He can't help but chuckle, he knows she drinks, and doesn't mind. He doesn't drink much, preferring to stay sober most of the time. He glances over to Piper's couch, to Buffy, then to the dance floor, as if considering whether to go see Piper or take Buffy dancing.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Nearly 15 years" Piper says and grins. "Yeah, I went to school for accounting, get paid to do math, sure" Piper says with a smirk. "I'm glad you met your family though" Piper says with a grin. "I don't make the rules, I just follow them is all" she says and looks to Oz then Buffy again. "Anyone else feel like we need live music?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "Okay..Let's get all technical why dont we." she shrugs, "It does seem a long time though, since highschool. Even if it's only been a few years. It's funny how time flies by. Even then, I don't think we really talked much. You and Wil always kinda did your own thing, and I was busy fighting vamps, unless I was trying to catch you from escaping from your, uh, cage again." which sounds really weird when she says it out loud. She glances at Piper and smiles, "Yeah, it's nice to know you have unexpected family out there in the big, bad world..Everything just seemed bigger after leaving Sunnydale behind."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods to Buffy, taking another drink from his cocktail before pushing it back to her. "Well, she just seems so busy nowadays, I feel like she doesn't have much time for me anymore." he sighs, but offers a smile. "Hey, I'll get over it. You're my date tonight." He smirks, only slightly. When she mentions the cage thing he laughs quietly. "Hey, shouldn't have to worry about that anymore. No more furry me." He considers her, thoughtfully, maybe they really should talk more. or, Buffy should talk to oz more and he should just stay quiet. or something. They've been friends for years, after all.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Three or four streets.....and a burger joint. And" Piper adds with a shrug, "Hey, It's a hop and a skip over to Sunnydale" she adds with a smirk. "Oz. Fur. Well I know what to get you for Christmas" Piper adds and looks impressed then shakes her head, settling back onto her couch yet again, glancing at Oz and Buffy. "See, Sunnydale's small, the world's big. It's like this....outside, ya know?" Piper asks. She's totally and utter butchered that. Then again, the music's actually good now, the DJ has got top 40 stuff going. Piper's considering if she can blow up the sound system and get away with it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and nods emphatically to Oz, "Yeaah..I know how that is. I guess..People can change over time, sometimes they grow closer, sometimes not. I occasionally miss Angel that way, always thought we could get over our differences but just like that, he's out of my life, doing his own thing. Sometimes I really miss him.." she seems briefly sad as she thinks of Angel, but takes the offered drink, sipping some more before passing it back. "Glad to hear you got your..Issue under control. I mean, it might actually be fun, useful in many ways too, I wonder if there are others out there, like you?" she smirks at Piper, "Oh we're just kidding really, I guess he had this..Uh..Skin issue at one time, eczema or something." ugh, she's a terrible liar. "So how about you, Piper? How long have you been working at P3 here? You seem young.." but not as young as Buffy and Oz, "I think it'd be cool to run your own nightclub..You probably get to meet lots of interesting new people all the time."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh please," Oz says, "Piper knows I'm a werewolf." He takes a another drink from his cocktail, passing it back. "I've been coming here since senior year." He chuckles. "There are other werewolves, met one a few days ago. It was brief though. Oh, live music, got a guitar? Buffy, can you sing?" He grins, a potential mood lifter, though it's brief. "Well, I hope Willow and I can make it work. But..." He sighs, looking sad again. "To relationship issues," he says, with a bit of a smile. Good excuse for them to get drunk, right?

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper looks over to Oz, then makes wolf...rabbit....thing ears with her hands. "Ya I know you're a werewolf, Oz. Why do ya think I don't give you dog treaats? Aside from the being nice bit" she adds and looks amused. Shaking her head Piper grins. "Yeah you're right. You meet all sorts. Like this blond girl who tried to give me fake ID" she says while looking at them, with a nod. "Then she ordered a ginger ale. Ain't that funny? I swear she's a dead ringer for somebody in here" Piper adds, then strolls to the phone to answer it. "yes? Yeah huh. No you can't pull that....no. Just no. I don't care if you're halfway to Alaska. You will play here on Sunday. Got it? Good!" Piper says and stalks back to the bar, setting a bar phone down and plugging it in. "Saves me walking every time the phone rings. Call me lazy, or just a creature of habit" Piper sighs and shakes her head.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "Really? Hah! Well, that's good..I mean, I'm pretty bad at keeping secrets. And I have some secrets i'm trying hard to keep." including her own, and that of her newly discovered cousin, among others. "Well, that's cool. I'm glad I found this place, it seems really nice. Heck, I'd even say it's up there with the Bronze!" as for singing ,she just chuckles a bit, "Sing? Uh, I dunno. Actually I've never tried before. I mean, sounds fun, but what if I make a fool of myself in front of all these people?" when Piper gets all snarky about some 'blonde girl' and 'fake id' she makes a face at her. "Geez, so strict." To Oz, she smiles sympathetically, "I'm really sorry to hear that, but, whatever happens happens I guess. Hopefully things will work out alright in the end." she lifts her glass. "Yes, to relationship issues!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz offers a smile in return. "And to secrets." He picks up her ginger ale, clinking glasses before chugging at least a third of the glass in one go. "Hey, Piper's only joking," he says, with a grin, signaling a bar tender. "Fill this the rest of the way with something strong," he says, indicating the inger ale glass. "I need something a little heavier for my troubles."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods to Oz. "Strong. Got it" she says and picks the strongest she has. She's mixing drinks that....actually work. The problem is, all told it's like 80% and above proof. Piper sets the glass down and steps back looking to the bartenders, "Get a bucket and embrellas" she says then looks to Oz, then Buffy."I'm not really that strict, but shhhh" Piper says, a finger to her lips with a wink to the Slayer. Piper's finally, finally all said and done with Oz's drink. It's 90% pure alcohol, a slice of lemon, ice cubes and has a little funky paper umbrella in it. A tiny, tiny one, that is....and for some reason, olives. Piper's taking Oz wanting a strong drink....and giving him 90% pure alcohol. Because....werewolf physiology can handle it. That, or Piper's going to have to carry a passed out snoring drunk Oz to a cab and tell the driver where to send him?

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz takes his drink, taking a sip and nearly choking, then grinning and giving Piper a thumbs up, before he takes a deep breath and taking a long drink. He can already feel the alcohol rushing to his head, and he grins at Buffy, sliding the drink over. "You wanna get drunk, this'll do it," he says.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper shakes her head and sighs. "Oz, you know that's 90% pure alcohol, olives and lemon right? I swear if you give it to Buffy, you'll be the one holding her hair back while she's praying to the porcelin deities." Piper sighs, "Just saying. You could handle it. Doubt many others can" Piper says, "I know I can't"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and shakes her head, "It's fine, I don't wanna overdo it. I can get funny when I'm drunk." She does eye his glass warily, "Looks like you've done this before though.." she is curious how he acts when he's drunk and just sits back, watching amused.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh c'mon, you're not gonna try it?" he asks, with a shrug. "Fine." He takes another drink from the glass, and grins. "Wonderful," he says. He's still only a little tipsey, though. "Hey, we should dance or something. Eh, whatcha say, Buffy?" He looks at her and grins, looking toward the dancefloor.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper's just....sitting back with a this is a bad idea look. Admittedly, Piper's the one who made the drink, but....still....she's not sure Oz being /that/ drunk is a good idea. She slides Buffy another ginger ale, more to make up for the fact that Piper doesn't wanna carry two drunk people out of P3 tonight.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers eyes Oz's drink a little warily, "Wow, you're still in one piece. I'd probably be passed out by now.." still, she is hesitant to touch that strong looking drink. "Y'know, I never took you for the drinking type, with all that meditation and buddhist philosophy." She sips her gingerale thoughtfully, "I wouldn't mind hitting the dancefloor but are you sure you can dance with all that alcohol in you?" she sure wouldnt.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Sure," Oz says, standing up. Really he hasn't had much so far, only about a quarter of the glass. It's strong, but even a normal person, especially someone like Buffy, would be fine, if a bit tipsey, which he is, just a little unsteady on his feet. "C'mon, let's dance!" he says, grinning. if there's one thing alcohol seems to do, it's make him talk.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper's just listening, "Bambi and Oz would make great dance partners?" she muses then grins. "Sure, go dance, I'll be here to call an ambulance if things get rowdy" Piper shrugs. "Just yell if you need anything, folks" Piper nods and loooks amused. She's seen drunk dogs. Never....yet.....a drunk werewolf. First time for everything.....