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Latest revision as of 01:01, 14 August 2019

Dog Days
Date of Scene: 17 May 2019
Location: West Farms, The Bronx
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Alopex, Red Robin, Wonder Woman, Sibilance, Huntress, Nemean

Pippi has posed:
    An industrialized area, mixed brutalism concrete and tech start ups that rely on two things: Parking areas, and fast food locations. Both provide ample cover adn sources of nutrition... if you can call 'not sure what it is, but it ain't chicken' and leftover McNuggets nutritious.

    Plenty of critters scrounge. Raccoons and the odd urban coyote knock over trashcans or figure ways into dumpsters.

    Something that certainly wasn't a raccoon or a coyote managed to rip off the top of one of those Tuff Cans the other night, though -- unfortunately, it held only paper (and a hamburger wrapper), so that got strewn about. Then a couple other cans were knocked over, and someone had taken a picture of a dog-like critter hunched over on two legs, and threw it up to social media.

    Tonight? Who knows if it's still in the area, but signs point to somethign strange going down in NYC!

Alopex has posed:
    By this point, Alopex had learned a bit about the place she now called home. There was a lot of rooves to observe from, there were a lot of food joints to try out, and lastly the arctic fox known as Alopex found out that some students were talking about something they saw 'on the web'. Rumors about a strange dog like creature roaming the Bronx.

        This demands investigation!

    With her typical nightly duties done for Sensei Winter, Alopex darted up to the roof and out into the great known called the Bronx. Are the rumors true? Is it just someone in a costume? Is it something completely different because sometimes rumors turn out more incredible than what could have been imagined? Who knows!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake was in town to do some things as Tim Drake, but as night came he was in his hotel room bored. Surfing the net he saw something about a wolf, werewolf, crazed shroom vision. No telling what is actually was but he is bored. So the Red Robin outfit is pulled out of the secret part of his suitcase, and before long he is doing the rooftop to rooftop thing.

Wonder Woman has posed:
As odds would have it, Diana Prince had learned of this strange dog creature in the Bronx from students as well. She was attending a Heroics in Life presentation at a local middle school. She was there to represent the super heroes of the world, and it had drawn quite a large crowd, even student parents showed up to the event that ended up being too large to supply everyone with food and drink, so emergency caterers had to swoop in and save the day!

Now though? It was long over, and Diana is standing atop a building, her Eagle Armor is on, a shield and sword on her back, gleaming in the light still in the sky. Diana is staring out over the Bronx region with one armored boot up upon a ledge and her hands resting atop the front of her bare thigh there. Diana's eyes, ears and senses all together are observing and watching for anything that might suggest these rumors to be true.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance doesn't usually chase rumors. They usually mean trouble, and pain, and violence. But today she saw something that may require a powered touch, and she feels like she should at least take a look. So... she took a taxi to the Bronx, and stopped roughly where the picture was taken. She double-checks her phone, lifting it up to compare the picture to the spot. Of course, the weird dog creature isn't there right at that moment, but it's a good starting point. "... it's looking for food, so..." She starts walking down alleyways, beating a trail. The diminutive snake person's tail lightly rattles with each of her steps while she tries to track from each food place like a connect-the-dots search, trying to find signs of chaos in the shadows. She does not, of course, notice any ninjas or robins or Diana's while doing the rather ordinary civilian-like investigation.

    She doesn't look like a civvie. She looks like a snake person. That ain't normal either.

Huntress has posed:
The Red Robin wasn't the only Gothamite lurking around New York these days. Huntress had picked up on the peculiar activities going on amonst the crime families, and followed that trail here. She'd even made contact with a few of the locals that had filled in some details for her. Which honestly created more questions than it answered as the tendrils curled even deeper than she had imagined.

This was likely not related to that. It was just some ... creature, for lack of better words, roaming around, and it was all over social media. That's usually not a good thing, so while it was a tangent Huntress was still going to investigate.

The violet motorcycle speed into the district, slipping into a narrow way between two buildings before finally slowing to a stop, and the equally violet clad vigilante climbed off. "I wonder if they've heard," she muses to herself, but no time to really check on her new contacts. With her ride hidden away for the time being Huntress shoots one of her grapplers overhead and pulls herself onto the rooftop of one of the warehouses, settling back into another familiar means of getting around.

Nemean has posed:
Although the picture was fuzzy, it obviously wasn't Alopex, and that was enough to get Cody interested in looking for it. Another mutant running around might mean either Shredder has created something new, or that somehow one's been created outside of Shredder's control which could be a good thing.

Unlike all the people who seem intent on running around on rooftops, he's on the ground, a flashlight in one hand, looking into alleyways and behind dumpsters. He finds and surprises a few homeless people, but so far no weird werewolf things.

Pippi has posed:
    Students say the darndest things, but how rumors fly on the swift wings of Mercury!

    Not that Delta-447 would know about Mercury. Or wings. Or very much besides how soaked through she had been yesterday, and how hard it was to swim all that water overnight, not wanting to bother with people. People were scary right now. All those flashing lights and brightness, and the sounds of people all around. Smells she didn't quite recognize, but were vaugely in memory.

    Moving stiffly, once night's settled she crawls out from beneath an abandoned van in a parking garage that promotes 'COMING SOON!' imagry with shiny new buildings and electric car powering stations. Her fur is dirty, and she scratches at her neck, parting her jaws and showing her mean, vicious fangs! Her ... pretty normal for a dog, and maybe even a little blunt teeth.

    She had no idea there were all manner of people looking for her tonight. She lifts her head to the wind, nad takes a deeeeep breath, her chest puffing up, tail up and alert. Her fingers splay out, her thumbs rotating a moment before her left ear gives a flick.

    The smells of the city, exhaust and people and breath, refuse and trash and the artificial smell of an abandoned Diet Mountain Dew. Breadsticks and garlic and some sort of smoked meat and cheese as it drifts farther and farther away.

    And the creature, this Beast in the Bronx, hugs against the wall, keeping low, and turns down an alleyway, sniffing along, not really paying much attention to the other goings on before knocking over a trashcan in Cody's alleyway.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will watch the alleys and when he sees the flash light it is what draws him to move to get a better look. Upon seeing the snake woman, he will stop for a moment, and find a gargoyle to tie a line to. He spots Huntress, and Diana, and will activate the Jla and Oracle's com lines "You seeing a snake lady down there?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes pick up the motion of a flashlight in an alleyway across from where she's perched and as such she takes this chance to move and investigate... She moves fast and nearly silently.

As she moves through the air, she speaks across the JLA comms. "I am in the Bronx. I have found nothing of the rumors of a loose animal." She responds to Tim before she dips low and toward the alley the flashlight was darting around inside of.

What Cody will come to shine his light upon next is, a woman in the alley standing suddenly where she hadn't been moments before. His light shines upon Diana, standing with her leather wrapped hands at her sides, her dark hair blowing gently in the breezes rushing between the buildings.

She levels her gaze at him, she's tall, over six feet with those shining armored boots on the lower half of her legs. "What are you searching for?" Diana asks the man with the light upon her. Her voice is accented thick in a non-American flavor.

Alopex has posed:
    Even though everyone is heading down to street level, Alopex is still hopping from roof to roof, mostly under her own skill. Occasionally the grapping hook has to come out, but only when the span is bigger than usual. Mid leap, she hears the sound of that trash can clattering to the ground, though it's not really close by. She isn't even aware of the other heroes in the area! She'll just have to find that out on her own once she closes distance.

Nemean has posed:
The sound of the can going down in the alleyway gets Cody to bring up the flashlight, only to bring it to shine directly at Wonder Woman herself, "Oh wow." He really was not expecting to find HER during his search, "Ma'am, I'm looking for the creature that was reported to have been spotted in this area."

He reaches his hand to his waistband and pulls his jacket aside, lowering the flashlight so she can see the FBI badge he has pinned there, "I am hoping to locate it, with the intent of determining if it's hostile or not. There's been.." He pauses for a moment, "Other creatures similar to it that have been running around New York and I am trying to determine if there's a connection."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress stops at the edge of a building and crouchs down. She takes a pair of nightvision binoculars from her utility belt and unfolds them, holding them up to peer over the area.

It's about then the voice comes over the comm, briefly startling her as she wasn't expecting to hear another voice from 'back home' like that. She puts one hand to the edge of her mask to adjust the comm device hidden on the inside. "Wasn't expecting a familiar voice out here," she replies as she holds the binocs back up. Sibilance.. well, she stands out, and it's not hard to pick up on her especially after being told she's there. "Yeah, I see. The 'creature' is suppose to be more doglike, though."

She turns to look in a different direction, and catchs sight of Cody as he's flashing his light down one of the alleys. "... I probably shouldn't be surprised. I wonder..." Though if the fox is here, she's a ninja, Huntress probably wouldn't see her even if she did try.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil is a little late to the party. She shows up at the alley from the other end, and pauses when she spots people in there. Wonder Woman is there. Sibil stays back for now, but she does lift up her smartphone and snap a picture. Click. The flash of her phone camera lights up the alley, and she spots Pippi in the process.


    She freezes, not sure what to do with herself in this situation.

Pippi has posed:
    So, everyone's all together now!

    That was quick. The creature had frozen in place, hidden behind a stand of other cans as she tries to work out if she should run. There's a tall lady who smells of different... things. A man who probably smells like law man, sweat, a little bit of gun oil, leather wallet. And then there's another smell behind her. Pippi stays in the dark in the cans, but then, the stranger, the one who smells strangest, the one who doesn't smell human raises a camera phone and snaps a picture of Wonder Woman, and catches the rust-and-white colored canine in the flash, her eyes reflecting the camera's light.

    There's a low growl at the 'oh', and the creature reacts.

    The trash can, full of leftover fast food is thrown at Sibil as easily as someone might throw a soccer ball. It sails in the air towards the poor snake, and then the creatur'es on the move, going low, making a sharp turn out of the alleyway!

    "No no no no no /no/!" '

Sibilance has posed:
    The trash can is flung at Sibil. A normal person would be a street pizza. Sibil moves like she's from the Matrix, narrowly dodging out of the way, and then turning to violently tail-whip the trashcan so it doesn't hit some poor jerk's car in the chaos. The metal hull dents and slams into the concrete of a nearby building with a loud CLUNK!!!

    She flinches, and rubs at her bruised tail. Then she dashes to try to get in front of the dog beast, and slide to a stop before them and make brief eye contact.

    "Calm down. I'm a friend." She tries to whammy Pippi with a simple command to prevent further launched trash can, but that requires eye contact, and that may not be easy to accomplish. Her voice shudders from the pain of a potentially fractured tail.

Alopex has posed:
    Close enough to see the camera flash, Alopex pushes a little harder, faster, trying to get to the location. Hearing the clatter of more trashcans, and the impactful sound of one being thrown (and hard) before a single word starts to get repeated over and over. ... That actually worries the fox. She knows that feeling. She felt once a long time ago. "... oh no.."

    Realizing what just may be going on, Alopex goes from casually trying to catch up with the 'beast' to putting forth every ounce of effort to beat feet from buliding to building, turning into a blur of white fur as she tries to catch up. With each leap from one building to the next she glances down, starting to count. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. ... "This is -bad-.." she winces as she considers the direction the chase is going. Given the opportunity, Alopex drops in on the chase, trying to set herself between the one fleeing and the ones giving chase, "STOP! You have -no idea- how terrified they probably are right now!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's blue eyes remain on the man as he reveals himself to be a member of the FBI. She flicks her gaze to the badge, then back up to his face where she nods her head a single time in confirmation of his ID. "Yes." She simply says to start with. "There are too many rumors going around of this, for it to be likely false." She replies then before she pauses and turns her head gently off to the side...

A split second later and the picture flashes behind Diana, causing the tall Amazon Warrior to turn and look back over her bare right shoulder to the source of the picture taken, a Snake... woman? Diana's stance shifts, she turns from the FBI Agent and puts her back to him now as she starts to walk toward where Sibilence is...

"Hello." Diana says to Sibilence now, but before she can get a response that trash can is thrown and the true target of the night presents itself. Diana's stare goes over to said target, to this canine-like creature that seems to be more person than actual canine. When it darts to flee, Diana watches Sibil rush to chase.

With a slight exhale, Diana suddenly launches into the night sky, up and away!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will start to use his grapple to follow the fleeing canine. He keeps himself up around rooftop level, but making sure to keep an eye on Pippi. If he sees the right time, he will try to toss a small tracker on her when she brushes against something so as she does not notice it.

Huntress has posed:
With her higher vantage point Huntress' nightvision binocs pick up the movement at the other end of the alley when the camera flash startles something, though she doesn't get a clear look at what it was. "Got something. Definately not a raccoon." She hops to her feet and vaults across the rooftop once more, trying to judge which way the 'creature' went from the brief movement she saw. Along which she also catchs sight of Red Robin, and a glimps of the flash of white which she can only presume was Alopex, who jumps down to the ground level with the others on foot. "She's probably right. But that's also what makes it dangerous. Scared animals tend to panic and lash out."

Unphased by the appearance of the fox woman (they met before but not everyone here knows that), she keeps maneuvering along the rooftop to catch up. She's got more than enough experience in this sort of pursuit to want to keep the advantage of high ground and the field of vision it provides. In case there's any more trash cans being thrown about. She does slow a bit as they get closer to Pippi, but as this is Cody and Alopex's city and familiary, she'll let them take the lead for the time being. She'll just be ready to jump in if things go farther south.

Nemean has posed:
Honestly Cody feels like he's in WAY over his head if somebody like Wonder Woman is showing up to it. The camera flash gets his attention and he turns towards the source. That's when shit hits the proverbial fan. The creature they're after shows up, throws a trash can, Wonder Woman flies up into the air and leaves him alone in the alleyway.

"Whoa whoa, everybody hold up!" He puts his hands up to try to defuse the situation, but he doubts he'll be able to get anyone to calm down before everything breaks down.

Pippi has posed:
There's yelling. There's movement all around her, other smells and other people. Nothing familiar. The creature backs off from the snake woman, her eyes wide, her ears back, lips curled into a snarl. She doesn't even notice the tracker on her shoulder. She breathes hard, her heart poundingin her chest before the woman speaks... friends. Friends? Here?

    There's a whine, and Pippi's hands come up over her ears, curling against her head as she withdraws, leaning against a wall and gives a huff outwards, sinking down slightly, tearing her vision away from Sibilence. Confusion.


    Alopex is right. The mutant is in distress, but not willing to go up against the reptilian woman there's only one way out.

    So instead, surrounded, she just grabs onto the side of another trash can, the metal physically bending in her grasp as she shakes, her tail curling down between her legs as another smell reaches her nose. Another mutant animal sorting out from everything else around her, but she's staying in place. For the moment.

Alopex has posed:
     "STOP!" Alopex roars out again, knowing fully well, from experience, what this 'beast' may be going through. If she's a mutant, and she became one in a similar way to Alopex... Well it's causing Alopex to remember a part of her life that she really, really doesn't like to remember. "PLEASE. I .. I've been through something like this! Just.. give them some space, please!" Cody and Huntress may notice a tinge of desperation in the fox's voice. She's being entirely serious about this.

Sibilance has posed:
    "It's okay." Sibil is wincing from the pain to her tail. A bit of blood drips from her scales. She really messed herself up deflecting that thing. She's not really built to deal with that. She doesn't approach, though. "It's okay." Her Latina voice tries to sound soothing, and she tries to smile at Pippi. "I don't want to hurt you. I understand being afraid. Alone. It's okay. I won't stop you from leaving, okay? But I only want to help. My name is Ainsley." She stuffs her phone back into her pocket.

    "... ma'am, screaming isn't going to help," she advises Alopex, with a sympathetic smile and voice. She does, however, take a few steps back. Slowly, a step at a time. "It's okay," she repeats.

    "Ow ow ow..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Up above, Diana is on the ledge of one of the buildings. Her eyes raise up to scan for Helena, as she responds over the comms. "Be careful. I do not believe this is a hostile individual. It seems to be, afraid." She warns to those who can hear her over the comm-line.

All the same though, Diana keeps on her watch above it all, her right hand does detach her lasso from the harness around her body, she holds the coiled golden rope within her grasp as she stalks along the ledge above, eyes down upon what is unfolding down there, ears listening to the words of those attempting to help...

Nemean has posed:
"Everybody take it down a notch or five, okay?" Cody says, raising his voice just enough for everybody to be able to hear him, "Alopex, you're the, uh, expert here." He motions to the fox, "You wanna take the lead on this?"

He keeps his right hand near his hip, near his taser, just in the event he needs to break that weapon out if things get out of hand. But he'd rather not pull it out if he doesn't have to.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake finds himself a perch part way down the building close enough to be able to hear whats going on but keeping out of sight still. Tim has always been the smart one and how to you stay smart listen and lern.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress jumps down to a lower outcropping from the building she was to get a bit closer to what's going on, crouching down to grip the edge of the structure with one hand for balance. But still keep her distance and not freak out the mysterious creature farther. She knows how it feels to be scared like that. Afraid and uncertain. But that is something she keeps very close to herself, one of her most guarded secrets.

Instead she just nods in agreement, and motions a hand towards the cowering canine. "All you, volpe."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi looks back and forth. She looks doubtful of a lot of what's going on, between the dog, the fox, the snake, and the humany types who are watching mutant animal politicking in action, this probably isn't even the weirdest thing happening in the city. She hangs her head slightly, bringing her fingers down from her side and the trash can and seems to look at everyone in their turn, but looking to their feet. Her left ear flicks again, and she doesn't seem to be concentraiting on what they're saying. Her weight shifts uncomfortably, looking up to where the two Gothamites are perching, back to Cody's feet, to Sibilence's feet.

    "I want to go home."

Alopex has posed:
    "I'm yelling for a reason," Alopex says to Sibilance first, "Imagine you're somewhere unfamiliar, uncertain of how the world around you is supposed to work, and suddenly being chased by .. at least 4 people all of a sudden for no reason other than you -exist-. I've been through this. It's utterly terrifying, and that's why I'm yelling. I appreciate you're being friendly, but I'm speaking from experience," Alopex explains, nodding to Cody and Huntress each before turning back to the 'beast'.

        he fox nods as the other mutant speaks, "She's right, I'm sorry everyone rushed you all at once, and I know how you're feeling, I've been there," Alopex states, actually taking a seat in the alley, watching Pippi, Ainsley, and occasionally everyone else. "Ah.. that .. might be hard, to be honest. Do you know where 'home' is?"

Sibilance has posed:
    "Okay." Sibil looks to Alopex, the white fox getting a look of uncertainty. Since she's the apparent expert, the snake woman just backs up and says, "I'll just... leave you alone, and get... my tail looked at." She looks down at said tail, frowning at the abrasion on it. It looks grody. "These people can find your home, your family. I look too scary, I think, and I wouldn't even know where to start." She finds a place to sit down and get a look at her tail for a second, and see what the extent of the damage.

    Hisssss. Her tail hurts. A lot. Definitely broken.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will toss a small package down near the snake lade. He keeps silent for now watching still quiet. He will start running missing mutants though his hud.

Huntress has posed:
Hardly the weirdest thing in New York. It's not the weirdest Huntress has seen. It's tempered a little by her having previously met Alopex before, and the number of bizarre kooks that run around Gotham in general. Arguably herself included. This is still pretty far up the meter though.

As things calm down a little she jumps down from her perch with a flutter of her cloak to stand next to Cody while watching the two mutants. She looks at Pippi huddling there, and for a moment sees a young girl cowering under a table, not understanding what was going on as the world she knew was tore apart... Then shook her head a bit as she dismissed the ghosts of the past back into the mental reclusions they came from.

"So," she remarks aside to the agent. "Crime and corruption don't seem to be your city's only issues these days."

Nemean has posed:
Hoping Alopex will have this in hand, Cody makes his way over towards Sibilance, "Do you want me to take a look at that?" He asks, "I have a bit of training with medical, though uh, not on snakes, I admit." He says, as he tries to offer to take a look at her injury and maybe patch it up as best he can.

Pippi has posed:
    "Nnn..." Pippi looks around finally, having calmed down to the point of not defaulting to 'freak out and throw things' as her first course of action. Her amber eyes lok up between everyone again, studying everyone she can see, sorting smells.

    "No. I... I don't remember." Pippi replies quietly, turning her head away from Alopex, her ears going slack as her tail draws down. "I don't know." she admits, her shoulder sagging down.

Alopex has posed:
    That gets Alopex to frown, remembering the haze, the loss of memory. It wasn't until she was taken back to Fairbanks that she could break the blur of her old memories and remember so much of what she was. "Ah, I .. I know that feeling. The lack of memory, not knowing where to go or what you should do. All I can really offer you is consolation. To let you know I've been through what you're going through right now. I just don't want you to end up being taken advantage of like I was." She's considering her words -very- carefully. ".. Do you have a name? You can call me Alopex."

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance looks at all those that had shown up. The batmed kit thrown down to her is noticed after a second... she picks it up to dig through it and see about disinfecting the wound, since that was an alleyway trashcan in the Bronx. "I can help. I can see your old memories," she offers, "But... if they were memories before you were... like this, it's not a guarantee. I would just need to hold your hand for a second." She indicates with one of her hands. "Only when you're ready."

    She waves Cody over to look at her tail. "Careful," she urges.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "And I may known some people who maybe able to help as well. Or get you in touch with a group who help people who have been run from their homes cause they were different.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress tilts her head to the side a little, listening. Maybe that 'frightened child' she was seeing in Pippi was more than just a reflection of the past. "You seem to have this well in hand. At least someone is here to look after her while she ... adjusts." Some of us weren't so lucky.

Nemean has posed:
The FBI agent moves up to her tail, taking it in his hands, carefully, and hrming a little bit, "Well I think the bones are broken in here, but I can wrap it with a bandage and split it, that should help until you can get into a medical center.."

Pippi has posed:
    "I wasn't different!" Pippi protests, "I was good, and smart, and something happened with my boy and..." she blinks a moment, her ears rising up as she realizes what she said, and the mutant just gives a soft 'huff' through her nose again, her shoulders sagged before she attempts a forced segue:

    "... I'm sorry I tried to douse you in trash." ... "I was trying to get to my sleep... type... place. I hid from other people there." Pippi states, giving a point to the parking garage.

Alopex has posed:
    After making a sort of thoughtful noise, and with what Robin said just a few moments earlier, Alopex decides to try something. "Ah, well, it may be comfortable for you, and I won't force it if you don't want to, but I have a fair amount of room where I'm staying. You don't have to accept now, I just want you to know it is -available- to you if you want in out of the elements. You can sleep somewhere inside and comfortable if you like," she offers before she stands up. "Right now, though, I think it'd be best if we leave her alone to make her own choice. Is everyone alright with that?" Alopex asks, looking around to everyone before looking back at Pippi. "We just want to make sure you'll be alright, and that you aren't going to be a danger to anyone. And honestly, at this point? I think you don't want to hurt anyone unless you are defending yourself, is that right?"

Huntress has posed:
This one is better left to the locals to handle. As much as the teacher in her wants to help, Huntress knows she can't do a whole lot while the ... stray for lack of better words is in this decombobulated state. The long hair sways a bit as she shakes her head. "And I thought Gotham was strange some nights.."

When Alopex speaks up she nods a bit. "I'll still be around if you need anything. Just keep her safe."

There is a hint of a sympathetic look behind the mask, before she turns and walks off, disappearing back into the allyways and eventually the rooftops to go retrieve her cycle.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will come the rest of the way down to ground level. He will pull a small flip phone from his belt, and types in it a moment, and offers it to the canine girl "There are two numbers here, one under Kitty is some people who might be able to help you with stuff in trouble. The other is my number if your in trouble dial it, and I or someone will come to try to help you.

Sibilance has posed:
    "Egh. They're gonna ask me a lot of questions back there about this... Well, I've got pictures at least," Sibilance complains about the broken tail bone. "Thanks." Cody gets a smile. She walks off, holding her tail, to get a cab. She's not gonna do much more here, and she's in a lot of pain now that the adrenaline has worn off.

Pippi has posed:
    Huntress and presumably Wonder Woman away to other places to save the day, and as Alopex draws down, Pippi looks to the fox with a measure of caution, but her tail gives a little bit of a wag. Sleeping inside sounds pretty much better than anything outside! She turns to Red Robin as he makes his approach, and she straightens slightly, but then she's given a phone. A phone? A burner phone, and she accepts the strange object in her hand, and turns it over, and then appears to recall her manners. She stands up straight, and though she's now up on two legs she's still pretty short, nearly a foot shorter than Robin, and she sticks her hand out.

    "Pippi." she states, as simple an introduction "Or.. or 447. But I like Pippi better, I think." she states stiffly.

Alopex has posed:
    Her introduction, and that slight wag of the tail, gets a small smile to form on Alopex's face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Pippi. You have plenty of options now, so I hope you consider all of them in case you ever need any of them. If I had a number to give you, Pippi, I would- .. hmm." She realizes something, then she slowly starts to approach, "May I see it, if you don't mind?" she may not have a phone of her own, but she has a number she can give. If allowed, she'd enter in a set of numbers, label it 'white fox' and offer it back. She just has to make sure to explain to Sensei Winter that she may expect a call... and maybe a new resident if Pippi accepts her offer.

    With that done, the fox would back away at a similarly slow pace. "I hope you have a better time, now, Pippi. Being ... 'new' to this can be really hard. Hopefully some of us can make it a little easier."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will nod and shakes the hand firmly but gently, and says "You can call me Red Robin." He will tell her, and adds. "I am not ussually around here but am glad I was tonight to be of some assistance I hope." He hmms and looks around and says "Are you hungry?" He asks noticing the take out trash

Nemean has posed:
"Take care!" Cody offers to the snake woman, and then turns back to the alleyway, "Did we get everything mostly sorted out?" He asks Alopex as he looks at her and Red Robin.

Pippi has posed:
    The hand is shaken, but there's a very intentional *light* grip on Tim's hand. Pippi is holding back the best she can, and she gives a smile to the introduction. The phone is hesitantly given over to Alopex, and Pippi sort of is lost before she looks to Cody, her ears flicking up, then back to Pex, accepting the phone back --

    And then, at the mention of being hungry, it appears all of her fight-or-flight has run out, because she doesn't have to answer.

    Her stomach answers for her, giving a very loud and angry sounding gurgle.

    Pippi's lips seem to purse. and she rubs the back of her neck in an embarrassed fashion, her ears drawing back and her tail going slack.

    How embarrassing!