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Fire Burns Bight Within Ruby Delight
Date of Scene: 09 September 2019
Location: Upper East Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: June has a bad night as she gets tracked down, but the hunter soon becomes the hunted.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Venandi, Leonardo, Donatello, Pippi

June Connor has posed:
    Don't go, it's a bad idea. June knew that, but she's not really one to take wisdom into account. She's dressed at least in a fairly unusual way. Normal. She's wearing a white I <3 NY shirt, and a pair of sagging black pants which hang a little lower than what might be considered appropriate in public. Cargo pockets abound, and her hair has been bleached platinum blonde.

    It's dark, but the Upper East Side isn't the highest crime area in NYC. She knows there was a small gang that held out against the Foot, courtesy of a young friend named Julio in the area. She just had to find them. Surely their willingness to commit street crimes was not going to be all that high, but she had to look anyway.

Venandi has posed:
    As June walked the late night streets of New York, someone else was in the area. The raptor ninja did have a task to find a maybe mystical ruby that was on display, but given a traitor of her 'Pack' was on the move...

That was a much /bigger/ target and one that should she put an end to, her 'Alpha' would be most pleased. After all a traitor to the family had to be dealt with.

As June made a turn around a corner, a dark figure landed down in front of her. Those reptile eyes pierced the darkness, with hissing growl from her lips. There was nothing but a predatory hatred aimed directly at the young woman.

    A single word escaped with a primal snarl of curled lips and sharp teeth, "Death." Before the raptor pushed off and charged directly at June. A high pitch screech of the Raptor's cry echoed in the quiet night like a siren. Birds woken from their sleep took to the sky in fear and animals of all types that heard the sound went deadly silent.

Leonardo has posed:
Stashed in an alley, the Shellraiser rests idle. Three have piled out of it and are in the process of collecting this and that from a dumpster. It may be discarded and it may be second-hand or worse, dented and damaged, but one person's trash is another turtle's treasure. Occasionally there's even a fine piece to find that someone just got tired of or upgraded with something newer.

It doesn't matter. Donatello can work magic with things like this, sometimes getting lost in his inventing and tinkering, but it's what he enjoys.

Leonardo has joined his turtle brother on this expedition, in need of something to distract him from more frustrating situations. Pippi is with them, perhaps on the hunt for something else in the dumpsters if it tickles her fancy.

"Look at all this junk, Donnie. I'm still surprised you can do anything with half of it." While the blue-masked turtle meditates or trains, the purple one creates, sometimes to the detriment of everyone else's sanity.

Donatello has posed:
    "Leo" scratchy voice coming back while he's halfway in the dumpster, "It's only junk by perception. It's like Splinter says, the possibility of all things lay beneath what your eyes tell you and what you see within the item that you hold... I'm just lookin' and seein' where these things can be joined y'know?" dropping back onto his feet, "Lookit' that. Xbox one, chucked because they likely got that Xbox S or something... The CPU and processor alone..." putting the item into a basket.

    The Purp Turp sighs and stretches, eyeballing the various junk and leftover stuff he's got gathered. "And I need more to keep working on gauging Pip's strength, so she can learn where to back off and then learn control... It's not fair she's denied like... seventy five percent of general communication because she could sock us into orbit if she's not watchin' it, right?" Donnie looks to Leo, head tilting.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is always dumpster diving, half the time for 'stuff that might be useful' that she typically forgets it exists and leaves it somewhere, and the other half of the time it's food, to other's chagrin she was humming, poking around in some discarded clothing and pulls up an old leather purse when Pippi heard it.

    That awful scream. That shrill screech that splits the night.

    And she turns to Leo and Donnie and states in a plain tone: "... it's her."

    And then, just like that, the doggo takes off running down the alleyway, headin gin the direction of the reptilian scream! "LEO! It's HER!"

June Connor has posed:
    June freezes on the corner of the museum. "Oh. Fuck me." She groans, taking a couple of steps backward. A mutanimal. There aren't a lot of those around that don't have some sort of connection with Stockgen, and biproxy, the Foot. There's a streak of terror that activates her adrenaline. As Venandi lunges forward, June pulls a smoke pellet from her pocket, diving sideways in an attempt ot avoid the charge, and throwing the pellet directly at her attacker. Hardly something that will stop the mutant, she knows, but if she can just try to get enough of a head start to escape, that'd be enough.

Venandi has posed:
    The pellet goes off and Venandi charges through it. June gets a move to bolt, but it would not be quick enough. The Raptor digs her claws into the ground and pushes off once more.

Her feet carrying her across the distance far faster than a human could ever run, she leaps into the air and tries to air grap and slam the human into something or down onto the ground.

At the moment, Venandi is very unaware that others could becoming her way, which is good for June and very bad for the raptor.

Leonardo has posed:
"You're the expert on that sort of thing," Leonardo murmurs more for Donatello's benefit than Pippi's, since she's being given room to do her own digging around. The extent of Leo's assistance has been a few cases of reaching in for this and that, wondering, "Is this worth it?" or "Can you do something with that?"

If anything is the case, he's come off as a little distracted. By now he's shared that he and Pippi were out on patrol the night before, running into some armored up thug Pippi caught Raphael's scent on, but any fears Raph was hurt appeared to be unfounded. The whole thing was just strange, but it's left the field leader of the turtles bothered by something nagging at his thoughts.

About that time is when the scream registers, and Pippi's the one who calls it out upon hearing it first. Unlike last night, his attempt to grab her by the scruff to prevent her rushing headlong into trouble fails - he's not close enough. "Her?" he begins, not having had the benefit of clearly hearing the exact sound. "Be more specfic! And Donnie, make sure the van is locked up!" Seems they're going on foot for this one, and he breaks into a run after the other mutant.

Donatello has posed:
    Pippi taking off puts Donnie in motion when Pippi takes off. Pulling a grapnel line to send himself into a swing to get momentum. "Already on it, Leo!" tapping a box mounted on his belt, causing the Shellraiser to 'Bweep-Bweep!' before all of its hatches close and seal from the inside.

    Drawing the retractable bo from his belt as he goes, leaping to kick off of walls or piping, always when already moving forward. "I need to make a jet pack... or another of those boards." is muttered as he tries to catch up to Pippi, calling on comms,

    <<"Yo! What Leo said! Who is Her? Need the Deets pip! Otherwise we could be wandering into a world of hurt!">>

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi knew the sound, and as she got closer, nimbly using that agility training to its fullest as she ducked beneath signs and leapt over dumpsters, swinging around a corner -- just within sight of Leonardo and Donatello. She wasn't going to be more specific.

    She remembered the scent of blood from the lab, and how strong it was. She was intent on not letting that happen again -- so when she leaps over a divider fence, into the alley where June and Venandi are, she's leaping with teeth bared and going right for the raptor!

June Connor has posed:
    June looks back to see the flying raptor come at her, and spins to face it at the last moment, only to find herself slammed into the brick walkway in front of the museum. She responds by desperately wrapping both arms and legs around her attacker, squeezing tightly as to try to make it difficult for the dangerous teeth to reach her. It may not have a long term success rate, but she's trying to just not die in the very moment.

Venandi has posed:
    Snap! Snap! Snap! Goes the teeth right for June's face. Her tactic to keep her away was working. The tail was trashing a bit in anger. Her clawed hand trying to even reach her, with her massive foot claw digging into the sidewalk floor.

The only relief June gets is when suddenly there was teeth of a pup that bit down on the exposed part of her tail. It was enough to make the Raptor ninja screech in pain, before attempting to get off of June and swing her tail around, along with her body, to get Pippi off! "Raaah!" She roars out, before her eyes narrow, "How dare you interfere with my hunt!"

Leonardo has posed:
Swearing under his breath, Leonardo gets no response out of Pippi. Neither does Donatello. To his brother, he asks, "Are there leash laws for dog-based mutants? Because right now I'm thinking there ought to be." He is not pleased, but the two of them have no trouble following the few blocks it takes to close the gap. That's when Leo sees.

"Oh. /That's/ the 'her' she was talking about." Yes, it's the velociraptor he reported on after the lab encounter. No time to be worried about stealth. There's someone in the midst of being attacked while Pippi has led the way with a counter. "You!" he calls out to June, swiping at the air with a katana. "Fall back! Get to a safe spot! We'll handle this!"

And yes, dino, it's /them./

Donatello has posed:
    "Goin' in Leo!" Donnie announces just before he leaps into a wide arc across the ground, hitting and grunting as he throws himself into a hard forward roll to his feet, and is on his feet, running as fast as he can towards the scene.

    "Be ready!" said as he takes another long arcing leap, attempting to slide in directly into where the raptor-woman and... goth punk? No matter, his arm stretched out with the collapsed bo in hand, triggering the release (something strong enough to lift two of his brothers at once), attempting to thunk one of the business ends into the other mutant's stomach and get her off the human.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is whipped about by Venandi's struggles, but at least she's got the raptor's attention. The piebald pitbull snarls, trying to get a good grip with her arm to try and leverage herself against the creature, but finds herself sliding off the scales and skin, and she skids along the pavement backwards.

    "Interrupt your /hunt/! I'll dare every time I come accross you, you stinkin'--" she snarls, and she launches herself back into the fray, trying to anticipate the brothers' movements and put herself between June and the raptor!

June Connor has posed:
    June seems a little busy holding on for dear life, tilting her head to keep her ear from being snapped by the teeth. Not the piercing she's looking for. The claws fo the mutant hands have no trouble finding her back, though, and she feels as the sharp talons tear through the back of her shirt, drawing a solid amount of blood. She rears back with her left hand to try for a kidney punch, uncertain if the kidneys will be in the same place as they would be on a person. It's interrupted by the shove, however, as the raptor knocks her away in attempt to redirect her attention. June rolls across the sidewalk, and then quickly scrambles to try to get to her feet, reaching into one of the cargo pockets to draw out a kunai. The pain is intense, and she takes a moment on one knee before forcing herself up to her feet, blade at the ready.

    "The Turtles?" she says absently, spotting Leo and Donatello. And a dog. "The hell?"

Venandi has posed:
    None of this was good now. She had the traitor right where she wanted her, but then that damnable dog and not only the turtle that cut her arm, but another one had to interfere! Venandi was NOT a happy Velociraptor.

She lets out a hiss at Leonardo, before catching Donatello in the corner of her eye, she didn't have much time to react, as the bo knocks her up in the air and gets probably knocked down by Pippi's timed move which slams her her into the side of the museum's brick wall.

Venandi doesn't stay down for long, getting back up on her feet. Her claw hands extended, as she lets out a low chortling sound of almost clicking. Her tail sways slowly and her head moves slightly to the left, then slightly to the right. Judging all three of them in that moment, and her own odds.

Then there was June, who now has armed herself. She raised up part of her muzzle lips in a sneer, she didn't like the fact her back was against the wall and the hunt has now been interrupted.

    Her eyes darted around quickly, before she then went to push off the ground and up onto the wall, her hand clasping ahold of a pipe. For a moment it looked like she was going to escape, but then she pushed off, only to flip herself around and bring her large talon claw right down for Pippi!

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo begins to circle as Pippi presses the attack advantage she's got and Donatello moves in. "Watch the claws!" he calls, as if he truly needs to warn about those. They've all seen Jurassic Park multiple times, even listened to enough 'Weird Al' over the years to be familiar with the song parody. Dual katanas are out, which Venandi would surely recall from the lab, and he begins to position himself much like Donnie - between the raptor and her intended meal, who has just been cut up quite a bit. "Don't think you're getting away so quickly this time!"

However, at that moment, a distraction comes into play. "Donnie, look." The tip of the blade is pointed toward something seen at June's back, revealed following Venandi's attack. "That's a Foot tattoo. What's going on here?" Now the katanas are pointed at both punk girl and big bad Barney, eyes darting between the two. "Answers. Now."

Before that, it looks like further action will be needed. Donatello is closer. "Watch out!"

June Connor has posed:
    With the Turtles on the scene, June is torn. She would really like to introduce herself, but being spotted to have the Foot tattoo, she isn't sure how that would go. She also has someone trying to kill her right now, and that's a priority. She makes her decision, and bolts. Shreds of the back of her shirt flap behind her as she makes her way across the street, forcing a car to hit its breaks to keep from hitting her. She continues running heedlessly, looking to get to a place that she can hide for at least the moment to sort things out.

Donatello has posed:
    The one girl is running - the Dinosaur... person... mutant has backed off and Leo is demanding answers. "You know... why can't it ever just be a straight up fight? Mysteries within mysteries man... I'm totally Shaggy too." He keeps his staff trained on the unknown, to him, mutant, watching her through narrowed eyes - waiting to see how she responds to Leo.

    OH! Shell! She jumped "Woah! She's like a tigger-raptor or somethin'! Are time!" the Purp Turp attempts to intervene, throwing his staff, as it contracts, calling "Pip! Duck!"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi had been trying to anticipate how the Brothers were going to move, where they might try to intercede, but with the human behind them and the dino in front of them, seems like there's almost a clear way. Her teeth are still bared in an answering snarl to Venandi's sneer, her ears pinned back and close to her skull as Pippi regards the raptor with the highest threat level.

    And there is a distraction, Leo calls out. She turns for the briefest of moments, her ears rising up to Leo's voice when he demands answers -- and she barely catches the movement out of the corner of her eye.

    The talon claws are out stretched, reaching for Pippi, and the canine mutant does the first thing that comes to mind -- with a snarl she grabs a hold of the fire escape ladder, ripping it off the side of the building in a smooth movement and trying to slam the cast iron ladder against the raptor and try to pin her in place against a far wall!

Venandi has posed:
    Venandi was coming fast at Pippi, but the Donatello was acting just as quickly as the pup was too! It was a very quick calculation on what to do in that matter of precious few seconds.

The staff came swinging and the ladder was coming around. Instead of continuing her assault, she gripped the staff, allowing herself to be swung by it, which means she barely escapes the ladder.

With the momentum she allows herself to land on top of the car that came to a hard stop, crushing the roof of it and probably freaking that person out even more. Looking off in the direction that the former foot member ran off, but by that point while her scent was in the air, she could already tell that it was running cold. Water. Had to be water.

    Her eyes turned to the group, the street lights easily showing off her form. She snarled and made a few clicking sounds. "/You/," She pointed at the three, but mostly at Leonardo. "Took away my prey! I had her right where I wanted her and she is now /GONE/!" She yells out the last part before letting out a screeching roar, that was enough to get the person in the car to at last run out and hide.

"It is /hard/ to track down traitors of the Pack." She hisses out before shaking her head. "No matter. Your times will come. I am patient." She then sees the signs of red and blue lights coming, there was a grin there; Though it was hard to determine what it meant. "Till then." She then leaped up to the light pole, before seeming to leap off into the trees and then vanishing into the shadows of the city.

Leonardo has posed:
There was a suspicion, but now it is confirmed as events play out the way they do. Leonardo doesn't fully engage - Pippi and Donatello have taken care of that before both June and Venandi have split, but it's what he's seen and heard that tells him all he needs to know:

"That dinosaur is working for Shredder."

What this may mean for them all cannot be good, but it is something they will all need to be wary of going forward. That's twice now that they've encountered it, seen how it moves, how it thinks, how it's quick to leave when the odds are not in its favor. Sirens account for the next thing he says:

"Time to vanish."

Donatello has posed:
    "WOAH! Hey! Uhm" Donnie blinks at the disappearing Ninja-Raptor and then looks to Leo. "Right, time to get out." throwing down a smoke pellet to conceal their egress point. Moving to tuck his bo into a bag now - hopefully with some tissue on it, faint as it may be.
    "I'll get the engine running. Let's get clear dudes!" and he's off while the smoke cloud billows out into a soft wall against vision.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi sheepishly leans the ladder against the wall, and giving a nod she takes a deep breath. When the smoke pellet goes off, she follows the brothers by sound, leaving only the breeze and the remains of their fight in the alleyway.