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Latest revision as of 20:29, 14 September 2019

Zorro's Crusade Begins
Date of Scene: 11 September 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Zorro begins his crusade against the Freinds of Humanity with the aid of allies.
Cast of Characters: Zorro, Cannonball, Nightingale, Blurr, Pixie

Zorro has posed:
Zorro rode through the streets of Bushwick on Tornado, one emotion going through his brain, determination. Tonight was the night he began his crusade against the dreaded Freinds of Humanity, a group of anti-mutnat terroirsts that terrorized the mutant population for too long. He had learned that tonight a group of these FoH bastards would be meeting a Gotham-based gang called The Warlockz to buy weaponry. Why the FoH would buy weaponry from a crew like the Warlockz Zorro had no idea, but he wanted to find out.
     Zorro's motorcycle rolled to a stop in front of a old warehouse. Zorro climbed off of Tornado and began infiltrating the warehouse, slipping in through a broken window. Inside, he saw a group of six men wearing amtching red aviator jackets with a evil sorceror on the back, the gang symbol of the Warlockz. Zorro then procedded to wait in the shadows, waiting for the FoH represenatives to show up.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie left the club after the first band, knowing he needs to get Shannon home. The young man had the night off, and is driving his classic WWII motorcycle complete with sidecar for Shannon to ride in this evening.

Nightingale has posed:
     It had been a pleasant evening, and Shannon was glad for the chance to cure a case of cabin fever. A night of music, snacks, and the company of someone she'd come to regard as family was perhaps just what the doctor ordered. While her smile is perhaps not as bright as Sam might remember it seeing, she is at least smiling. "That. Was. Awesome. Thank you!" She hugs Sam fiercely and smiles. "Oh, good news. My folks finally did get in touch with me, but I still wouldn't mind checking in with them at some point. It's just less urgent now."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr has been scouting out the planet known as Earth to its inhabitants, searching for enemy activity and potential sources of fuel and/or parts. He...isn't exactly paying attention to or interested in the affairs of the Terrans. That is until they might have something he or his allies might find useful.

    Anyway there is a very futuristic looking car parked on the warehouse. Yes, -on- it as in on the roof. Because that's not weird at all. The vehicle doesn't seem to have the marks of any particular manufacturer that is recognizable, although it does seem to have a license plate. However if anyone were to try looking up that number they'd find it's long expired.

Zorro has posed:
The warehouse's garage entrance opend up and a van drove in, trunk first. The back of the van opned up and five men came out. Zorro glared as the men's lader, a man wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans came up and started to talk with the lead gang member, a tall African-American man wearing sunglasses. The head ganger suddenly snaps his fingers and two more Warlockz appear from the shadows of the warehouses, pushing a crate. Then, one of the men from the van, who was obviously a FoH member due to a rather vulgar anti-mutant message on his t-shirt, took a crowbar and open up the crate, revealing a crate of assualt weapons.
     Upon seeing the assualt weapons, Zorro decided to act and made his way to a group of staked boxes and started to climb it. Upon reaching the top, Zorro grinned and pushed the top box onto the ground, landing on top of the FoH members van. Both the gangsters and the FoH members turned in unison to to where the box fell from and saw Zorro. They then started to open fire at Zorro, who took a leap of the boxes and takes cover behind another box.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie was driving by but upon hearing gunfire, he will stop, frowning. "Ok, going to see what that is." He says and moves to park the bike. He considers leaving Shannon there to watch the bike, and keep her out of the line of fire, but someone maybe hurt. "Jump on my back piggy back style, and keep your wings in close."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and tucks her wings in tight as if she was preparing to dive-bomb, but instead hops up on Sam's back for a four-point hug, piggyback style. It sounded ugly, but perhaps it wasn't the worst it could be? She nods and holds on tight. "Let's go."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr detected the sudden discharge of weaponry inside the warehouse. It would appear some other Terran has decided to ambush the group that had been talking over what seemed to be some kind of arms deal. Not that those primitive things concerned him, but he decides to monitor the situation in a bit more detail anyway, just because you never know what may come up!

    So it would appear to everyone else that a young, blond-haired teen boy is abruptly just standing in the midst of the firefight, and seems to have simply come out of nowhere.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was enjoying a quiet evening flight over Mutant Town, and upon spying a motorbike with two familiar faces, she smiled and waved towards Sam and Shannon, descending towards them..Then there's the sound of gunshot, and she gasps and freezes, peering around. "Heey guys! What's going on over there?" she frowns softly.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro gritted his teeth as the gunfire approached his position. He knew that if he didn't act now, he would be turned into Swiss Cheese. So, in a act of surprisingly good agility, Zorro rolled out of the box and hurled and throwing knife at the shooters before dashing away. The knife struck the shoulder of a FoH member, who fell on the ground screaming and clutching his shoulder. Zorro contined to run around, narrowly avoiding getting shot multiple times. Zorro then notices the blonde boy in the middle of the fire fight and rushes towards him in a attempt to move him out of the way.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns a bit more now he has both girls. He will look to Megan and says "Not sure, you stick close, and don't get your shot if the bullets come this way hide behind me. He will jet towards the warehouse and some of the high windows. Carrying Shannon, and waiting on Meghan.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just has time to nod towards Megan, not at all keen on letting go mid-flight. "No idea, but we're going to find out." Someone very wise had counseled her to make a stand, but not to do it alone. Always have backup with you. "Let's bring the rain."

Blurr has posed:
    Zorro shoves the kid out of the way, though it seemed -too- easy. Like he was a balloon or something instead of a person. "Um, -excuse me-." he says, sounding annoyed as if this were a normal day or something.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and nods wordlessly, trailing behind Sam as they head towards the warehouse. "Alright, lead on!" she does peer around, getting ready for anything, but hesitant to act without Sam's go-ahead. She doesn't wanna get in trouble a second time!

Zorro has posed:
Zorro looks the blonde kid over briefly while running and says to him," You better get out of here! You are going to get to get hurt if you stay here!" Zorro suddenly hears a window break and sees Sam break through it alonside two other mutants. Zorro grins as the men stop shooting for a moment to observe the mutant. Zorro then yells out," Ahh, amigo! Funny running into you tonight!" Sam is then greeted by a volley of gunfire from both members of the FoH and by Warlockz.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie makes sure him and his blast field are between the gunmen and Pixie. Shannon is save as she is inside his field since he is technically carrying her. "Put down your weapons and leave,Ah don't want to hurt you. No, thats a lie, put down your weapons and run Ah won't hurt you even though Ah want to." He will call down. He crosses hsi arms looking down at the man, hoping to get some to run, but knowing at least should be giving Zorro a bit of an opening while he is the center of attention.

Nightingale has posed:
     So far, so good. At first glance, Shannon could not see that anyone was hurt. No bodies on the ground, no cries of pain, and certainly no Now, as long as the encounter was kept to a dull roar, the night would be a good one, indeed. "You got it, Sam. Who the heck is that down there, anyways?"

Blurr has posed:
    Even as Zorro is warning the kid, his words suddenly ring true as the gang leader abruptly grabs him and holds a gun to his head. "Leave now, or the kid dies!" he threatens the heroes present. Oddly, the teen doesn't seem fazed by this development at all, despite his life appearing to be in immediate danger.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrinks back as they are greeted with more gunfire. "Woah, there was a party and I wasn't invited?" she smirks, although hesitates on what to do next. "Geez, maybe they'd calm down if I tried a little fairydust on 'em?" she suggests.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro glares at the gang leader who takes the boy hostage. He subtly grabs a throwing knife from his belt as he slowly backs away from the man. Suddenly, he tosses the knife at the man's shoulder. Meanwhile, half of the Warlocz fled, leaving 4 of them and all of the FoH. The FoH men start to shoot at sam while the remaining 4 Warlockz shoot at Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hold his hands up as he aint planning anything. He quietly, says "If you can dust them, Shannon's wings should be able to help you spread it." Getting the girls to work together while he plays the baracade. "Try to keep is away from the dread pirate roberts." He will tell them, knowing at least one of them has seen princes bride.

Nightingale has posed:
     One of them has seen the Princess Bride, alright, and wrinkles her nose at the allusion to that particular movie. It did not seem to be a favorite, but the meaning was understood. Shannon glances over at Megan and nods, her smile a grim one but at least present as she prepares to let go of Sam and go to work with Megan.

Blurr has posed:
    The man staggers as the knife digs into his shoulder, but the gun goes off into the teen's neck. Strangely, though, no blood flows. Just appears to be a lot of white particles of some kind that start to scatter as the avatar stumbles out of the man's grasp, still not really looking distressed at all.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and salutes to Sam, spreading out her wings. "You got it! We'll stay low. You ready, Shannon?" and while the thugs are busy shooting at Sam, she darts skywards, keeping close to the ceiling and to the shadows while the two groups are focused on each other and Sam below. And then she does her magic, fluttering her wings really quickly, summoning up some of that pink sparkly dust, which spreads easily through the wind generated between her wings. Some of it falls off to the side, and she glances towards Shannon, nodding at the dust. "Careful it doesn't fall on you, just flutter your wings real fast and the wind should help redirect it towards them."

Zorro has posed:
Zorro covers his mouth and nose as the dust starts to spread, ignoring the blonde boy for now. He sees the thugs and FoH members suddenly start shooting and looking around, smilies forming on their faces as they say things like, " Grand-Ma, is dat you!", "Mr. Ruffleford, i haven't seen ya since i was a kid," and other things like that. One of them however, a younger looking warlock, has the opposite look. His eyes are bloodshot with fear and he is making strangled noises of horror as a demon manifests in front offhim. The young man then starts shooting blindly all over the place, scattering bullets everwhere as he attempts to shoot the demon.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will frown and head in with a flyby punch towards the gunman, he may see sam as the doomguard, but at least Sam's fist is what is seeking to connect with his chin, and not a sword.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods at Megan and takes up a position just above Zorro, angling her wings so that each sweep of those feathered limbs would sweep the dust towards the attackers down below. She glances down at the fray, to see the bullet pass right -through- the boy's neck, and yet there was no blood. "What the hell...?" The moment's distraction, coupled with the shots flying wildly from the gunman firing at his own inner demons, results in a yelp coming from her general direction. Instinctively, she flies a bit higher, hissing softly, but it was a bit too late. A spot of red blossomed on the inside of her lower left leg, staining the denim of her favorite jeans.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is so busy spreading around faerie dust, that she doesn't initially see Shannon get hit, not until she hears a yelp and her eyes snap open, rushing towards her. "Heeey, are you alright? Don't worry, they're probably busy hallucinating down there..Maybe we should flee the scene while we can..Get that wound looked at?"

Zorro has posed:
The final gunman is punched out by Samuel, the final thing he sees being the demon flying towards his face, fist first. After the shooting stops, Zorro turns towards the mutants and tips his hat at them while saying," I thank you again, amigo." This is obviously directed towards Samuel. He then turns towards the other two mutants and says, "I thank you too" He did not notice however that he accidently dropped his theatrical, deeper voice he used as Zorro and used his normla, everday voice.

Nightingale has posed:
     Holy hell, that -hurt-! Shannon's gritting her teeth, taking several deep breaths to push past the pain that was setting her lower left leg on fire. She nods towards Megan in agreement. There were times when it was wiser to live to fight another day, and it appeared this would be one of them. Despite the pain, though, something else catches her attention, and her gaze is fixed squarely on Zorro.

     "You're welcome... wait... are you sure we haven't met before?" What was going on here? Strange teens that did not bleed when a bullet went right through their neck? A stranger that seemed oddly familiar? If only she could think straight right now!

     "My friend is right, though. We should get out of here." She tries to smile a little bit, though it is a pained expression. "May we meet again under better circumstances." With that, Megan, Shannon, and Sam all make their retreat, with her own injury thankfully seeming to be the only one that has resulted from the encounter, a few drops of her blood falling on the ground as she follows the other two out to safety.