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SHIELD Under Siege
Date of Scene: 08 October 2017
Location: The Triskelion
Synopsis: Enemy agents infiltrate SHIELD and attempt to abscond with incredibly valuable equipment.
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Melinda May, Frankenstein, Spider-Woman (Drew), Super-Man, Hazmat, Quake, Winter Soldier, Abe Sapien, Claire Temple, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Nick Fury has posed:
    It was a day like any other at the Triskelion. Late in the afternoon, it was almost quitting time for most of the Agents working 9 to 5. The conversations of people talking in the halls, and the electronics that always premeated the building kept a low level hum throughout the building.

    Several level 2 and 3 Agents were talking about the end of the week, and the start of the weekend, in Operations. The weather was nice and warm, no rain or rough weather in the forecast.

    In the lower bowels of the building, something was happening. A non-event to most of the personnel working there. Several artifacts and devices were being transferred to the Triskelion so that the crack team of engineers, scientists and researchers could take a crack at it. After the recent worldwide near-Apocalypse by Darkseid and his minions, SHIELD was getting ready in case it happened again.

    Two level 5 Agents were approaching the armoured SHIELD Quinjet, where the pilot, the co-pilot and the security team were just beginning to unload the artifacts. Several "Level 7" security crates were loaded on anti-grav sleds, preparing to be taken to R&D where Fitz and Simmons were waiting.

    The level 6 pilot, Jack "Hammer" Silas, moves to intercept the two level 5s and nods to them with a frown. "Hammer" never smiles. "I wasn't told there was going to be two Agents taking over? Who authorized this?"

    The level 5 on the left nods, and reaches for a security pad. "Director Fury himself. Here is my authorization." "Hammer" and the other SHIELD Agents never knew what hit them.

    Suddenly, this event was occuring all over. Several "Agents" throughout the Triskelion suddenly drew their weapons and fired at true SHIELD Agents. In Operations, two level 4 Agents crash the security system, bringing about the "Blitzkrieg" protocol...the systematic shut down of all high level security systems and protocols, effectively making the Triskelion an impenetrable fortress and locking everyone inside and those outside, unable to get in. Alarms and red alrert signs go off. This is a lockdown. This also includes Director Nicholas Fury - locked inside his office and cut off from everyone.

Melinda May has posed:
In a conference room just off of the lobby entrance to the Triskelion, Agent Melinda May had been working with a group of newcomers to the building to get them at least guest level clearance. She recruited the best not-already-busy computer person she knows to help with that side of it, and had just about finished offering up the baseline 'rules of conduct when visiting' speech when the Blitzkrieg protocol was set off.

Muttering a curse in Mandarin, she looks at everyone assembled in the room. "And in closing, this is not a drill." She points to one of the more familiar people in the room while pulling a sidearm to toss across. "Secure the door." To Skye, she says, "Find out what's going on." Clearly, she means the computer. "The rest of you, get ready to defend yourselves."

And she silently REALLY hopes it won't be necessary. But she knows better. The guano has hit the fan.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein sits in a deeper part of the complex looking back at two agents who have been looking at him incredulously. he's explained that he both is and isn't Adam from The Squadron that it has the equipment that he has. the inconsistencies of his stories plural has caused all kinds of anomalous readings that indicate that he both is telling the truth in every version that he tells. the inability to determine the exact date of the two Infamous weapons that he used while in the Howling Commandos hasn't helped things either. it was only his previous ties and service that kept him from being arraigned for a misdemeanor due to the incident with the juggernaut, but fortunately at least he's on the human side of his Spectrum so is able to talk and give some explanation has best he can. when the alarm sounds, there is a brief argument the inside of himself for a few seconds before those who have served with Shield ultimately win, and he picks up the weapons in question and looks to tje agents imterviewing him,"Blitzkrieg?" That seems to be enough to convince the agents for now to let him come with them amd figure out what the frell is going on.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew is there, in the break room on the operations level in the process of pouring herself a cup of coffee, adding sugar, and some milk to it, and a little chocolate flavoring as well, when things go sideways, and the blitzkrieg protocol triggers. A longing look is cast at the coffee, with a little frown creeping to her lips as she reaches to pull up the hood of her costume and moving towards the base intercom to call Operations, "This is Agent Drew, what's going on?"

Super-Man has posed:
So, the forces of Apokalypse were sent packing and Kenan was in fairly good shape when they left. What is Kenan still doing in New York? Well there was a lot of damage done by the invasion...and not a few forces of Apokalypse left behind. He was here helping fix the damage as a "Good will gesture" ftom China.

It so happens that he turned 18 just after the invasion ended, and someone he had encountered before...a Miss Carter...suggested that if they really wanted to show international cooperation more, that China might send him to work with SHIELD. This wound up with him coming here to find out whether such a personelle transfer would actually be possible.

Kenan, for whom Mandarin is his native language, understands the curse perfectly. He also has a great deal to offer in terms of assisting defenses, "I have Super Hearing and X-ray vision, if you want me to try to ascertain what is happening in the rest of the complex, Miss May."

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda had been doing her best to pay attention to the meeting, glaring back at anyone who'd stared at her. And then the alarms all went off, and the boring meeting suddenly gets very exciting. Giving a nod to May and Skye, she slips out of her chair and presses her back against the wall on one side of the door, hand half raised and ready to fry anyone hostile who comes through the door. "This happen often around here?"

Quake has posed:
Daisy Johnson. Agent-in-Training. Computer whiz and hacker geek. Today? Agent May's dogsbody, lowered to.. get this.. data entry to provide security clearance. Her eyes were fair rolling into the back of her head with the mundanity of it all when the 'not a drill' hit.

May's directive was speaking her language. "Right on it, boss." The agent settling down to do what she did best, and not necessarily within the bounds of what she actually had clearance for. It was, she told herself, what they paid her for.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Deprogramming for the erstwhile Winter Soldier was a long, arduous, and debatably effective process, but it was a process Bucky Barnes clung to as perhaps the only assurance he had of erasing any lingering triggers from his mind. It is the primary reason he comes to the Triskelion, when he's not 1) there looking for Steve 2) actively called in for his unique skillset. Despite his TEMP pass, he still remains a moderately unique case in terms of his coming and going at the Triskelion. Being best friends with Captain America only carries you so far when you were once also an assassin in forced servitude to the very organization SHIELD stood against... though that fact did mean Bucky had some considerable intel to offer, which he did freely.

He is usually met, when he turns up, by fully-armed agents, who keep a bit of an eye on him as he transacts his business. He doesn't always know the agents who meet him, but today it was Agent May, a familiar face and therefore reassuring. He arrived with Claire, who had other business and whose TEMP pass carried her a lot farther unsupervised than his did. She went her way, he went his. That was hours ago.

He and Claire typically check back in with May again before they leave, which is why they're in the room. Claire had been talking about a 'tablet,' which got Bucky to ask her 'a tablet of what,' which led to her showing him one of the conference room tablets, which led to him playing Angry Birds intently and angrily in a corner while waiting to talk to May.

Then the alarms go off. Bucky looks markedly annoyed, because he was almost done with the level. He's not armed -- he rarely comes armed for average business -- so May's thrown sidearm is welcome, the former assassin snagging it from the air as he rises with a glance at Claire. He remains by her, covering the door, one eye on May for further cues.

Abe Sapien has posed:
In a sub-basement beneath the Triskelion, a small, soft red light begins to flash in a giant tank of water.

The creature floating inside the tank turns about and swims to the surface.

"Base is on lockdown, Abe," a bespectacled technician says calmly.

"I see," the creature--Abe Sapien--replies, girding a belt and pistol holster about his waist. "It's a shame, then, that our quarters seem to be behind on some of the most important security upgrades."

"I hear that," the technician replies, shotgun in her hands.

"Well," Abe says with a sigh, "I suppose I'd better go see what's going on upstairs. I'm assuming that everyone else is out on assignment?" Without waiting for a response, he begins making his way toward the nearest staircase up to the Triskelion proper.

Claire Temple has posed:
Still wearing her own TEMP pass -- granted to her care of the recent work she's doing alongside Steve Rogers which has Claire Temple cloistered almost religiously in the medical wings, helping researching into that strange virus making quarantine of Raccoon City -- the covertly-known night nurse is now nursing in herself a familiar headache. The one that comes with dealing with a hundred-year-old man out of time.

"I showed you what a tablet is four times now. It's that thing we use instead of newspapers. You keep asking for /those/ too, and -- what the hell!"

That's when agent starts turning on agent, and Claire has little recourse but to duck down reflexively, returning Bucky's glance with an incredulous one of her own. Horror pales her face. The nurse in her sees bodies already, and wants to go begin emergency triage, but -- "Is this /normal/?!" is a really good question that needs to be said. Because seriously.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "What the hell?" Deputy Director Maria Hill says, as she dives for cover. Several "Agents" of something other than SHIELD began to pick off the real SHIELD Agents in Ops. Agony burst through her shoulder and into her neck, as she looks down and see the exit wound of the shot she just took to her left upper chest. Blood was spilling onto the polished floor, her arm hanging limply at her side. Struggling to get up, she finds herself beginning to fall into unconsciousness. "No..." She says through gritted teeth, trying to draw her weapon. That was when darkness took her.

    Director Nicholas Fury taps his screen in his office. The screen freezes, as it is suddenly put into "Blitzkrieg" mode, locking him out. "Override, Director Fury, Nicholas J." The computer, in a flat voice replies, "Access denied. All command functions re-routed." Fury frowns, stands up, and tries to exit. No luck. Banging his fist against the door, Fury says, simply. "Dammit."

    The conference room's computers showed the same signs as Fury's Office - access denied. It would require a superior hacker to find someway around it. The "Agents" responsible for locking everything down didn't take into consideration May and Bucky's experience, Claire's skillset or Skye's expertise. They also didn't think anyone with Kenan and Jennifer's abilities would be present. With a bit of work, Skye finds a back door...through the emergency fire suppression protocol. Unfortunately, that meant turning on the sprinklers, and would give them, at most, 30 seconds to be able to access secure systems and figure out their next steps. Which would require a Level 7 access code or above.

    When Agent Drew tries to access the comms, all's she gets is a buzz, as though she had no access to comms. The other two Agents in the coffee room try the door, but it refuses to open. Panic sets in in their eyes as they look to Jessica, and her experience and training to get them out of this. "Um. Ma'am. What do we do?"

    The Agents with Frankenstein don't know what to do. They look at him, and try to access the door, but they are blocked. Agent Hua, the main Agent that was chatting with Frank, looks at Frankenstein and says, "How good are you with doors? We seem to be locked in here."

    Abe Sapien was exactly right. Somehow, the upgrade to BRPD's security protocols were not completed, and Abe has access to most of the lower level of the Triskelion, including a door to the flight deck and main hanger on the bottom floor. The door to that area was locked, the old fashioned way, the only door in the entire building like that.

Melinda May has posed:
Leaving Skye to do what she's good at, May leaves her ICER next to the hacker's computer then moves toward the door where Barnes and the others are by the door. "We need to get to Operations, sort this mess out. Subdue unless there's no other option." She then goes the the locking mechanism on the door and starts to dismantle it using tools pulled from inside her jacket.

"Mr. Kong. With Barnes and Temple. Get to the fourth floor armory. Make sure no one tries for the weapons there, then proceed to Operations. Skye, you're on Overwatch once you're in the system."

"Ms. Takeda, you're with me."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein cracks his knuckles and lets actions speak louder than words. Unless the door is ridiculously reinforced, it is slid up and opened with relative ease. "After you," he gestures. For now, he is following their lead, unsure who is safe to shoot unless wearing an obvious Nazi or Hydra uniform.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The keen ears of Spiderwoman hear the gunshots, even through the thick security doors and she frowns, just so. "We're under attack." She says after just a moment, those finely honed spy skills of hers kicking in and she gestures, "Stand back, I'm going to short out the electronic locks of the door.. then it should just be a matter of brute forcing things open." She says, "Be ready for whatever we find on the other side."

A keen look is given towards the two agents with her to watch for anything amiss with the two before she will charge up her spider venom and blast a spot on the door, that should, with a highly enough charged blast, zap the lock, at least for a few moments, then she is moving forward to put that spider strength to use and start forcing the security door open and allow her, and presumeably the two agents, out into the building proper.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan moves over to join Mr. Barnes and Miss Temple. He has had some experience letting others lead...he does not like it much but he has learned there are times to accept it. He has had to let Bat-man and Wonder-Woman lead in missions when the mission is in their field of expertise. He does not know either of the two he is working with, but assumes that Miss May has her reasons.

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda nods. "Less lethal. Got it." She'd been practicing with microwaves, and she'd got the frequency just about right... This shouldn't kill anyone, but it's hard to aim and fire a gun when it feels like you're on fire. As soon as May gets the door open and breaches the room beyond, HazMat moves out as well, aiming for any obvious hostiles she sees, the only sign of her 'shots' the air rippling slightly like in a heat haze. Lots stealthier than her usual sickly green blasts as well as less lethal.

Quake has posed:
Ah, Unix.. how I love thee.. Skye's fingers were a flurry over hte keyboards, looking for the in. Whoever had dont this wasn't a poor hand at computers from what she could tell. She'd likely have gotten this far without having to engage the fire systems otherwise..

"Water incoming in three.. two.." Which is as far as she got before the deluge of sprinklers hit. "Ooop? Agent May? Need your clearance." Well, she possibly could get around that, too, but she only had a short window to work in and given the lockdown, she'd rather not lose it to arrogance. She knew when to push her limits.. most of the time. Eyes flicking to the ICER beside her. "Comms, too? For our guests." It wasn't like Agent May to forget them. Some people carried pens for all occassions. May carried comms. And they'd come in handy right soon now. "Make my job and yours easier." Her lips bowing over something of a smirk.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"You kids and your shiny screens and flashing lights these days," Bucky grouses, as he checks the pistol's magazine, flicks off the safety, and chambers a round. "You can't read shit through all the fingerprints on the glass. Then you drop the thing and it breaks and it's a hundred dollars a pop to fix. You know what we could buy with a hundred bucks in 1943? I keep askin' you for newspapers 'cause some things are best kept on paper -- "

He's moving towards the door even as he complains. "I'm also assuming," he says dryly, in answer to Claire's other question, "this isn't normal."

He glances back as May delivers instructions. "Copy that," he says. His gaze swings over to Claire, then to Kenan, where he does a slight double take at the kid's apparent youth. Though he's not one to talk -- Bucky himself went to war at sixteen. "All right," he says, lapsing easily back into squad command experience eighty years rusty. "With me. You got super-senses? Keep an eye and ear out."

He is first out once the door is open, making a beeline for the fourth floor and keeping himself between Claire and any active conflicts. He hasn't been in the Triskelion much, but enough for his good recall to get a decent idea of the layout.

Abe Sapien has posed:
As he nears the door to the hangar (since there's not much regular traffic from the 'real' SHIELD crew down to the BPRD levels), Abe Sapien pauses and leans close to it. He slowly places one palm against it and closes his eyes.

A long moment later, Abe lets his hand drop and sets his jaw. "It's times like this that I wish I had a giant indestructible limb," he mutters before sliding his pistol from its holster.

Both hands on his gun, the fish-man takes a deep breath and then kicks at the locked door. When it doesn't burst open, he steps back and fires at the lock; once it's compromised, he kicks it open. The BPRD agent takes position for cover from the door frame, sneaking a peek into the flight deck before heading in further.

Claire Temple has posed:
'You know what we could but with a hundred bucks?'

"A point to this?" Claire intones dryly, though with her eyes averted worryingly and her attention elsewhere.

To May's order, she's not one to argue, her eyebrows popping up to find herself, on the spot, 'recruited' into some sort of retaliatory effort to get under control -- whatever the hell must be going on. Reminds her of some Hell's Kitchen turf war, when one mob folds over to allow something newer, stronger, and more vicious to take its place. Probably not too far from that.

Either way, the night nurse appears to be in. She answers in a brief nod, her eyes turning to appraise Kenan Kong. "Hey," she says, because it sounds about the sort've thing to say, when everything is going to hell around you. Hey. What's up.

At least, despite her civilian status, she seems learned enough to stay on Bucky's heels, keeping an extra pair of eyes out at his six.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Sitting in her office, Natasha was working on a report when the computer locked her out with the warning protocol emblazoned across the screen. With a sigh, she pushed out her chair and set about gearing up. For now, she's locked in her office. So she has a few moments before someone can get things open again. The question is, will it be good or bad guys. Slipping her Glocks into their holsters, she walks toward the door as she checks her wristbands. She is meticulous but efficient, not rushing as she went through her checks. Wouldn't do go get into combat and not have as many grenades or charges as she should. Fully loaded. She settled herself to the right of her door, back to the wall, awaiting an opening.

Then the sprinklers turned on.

"Great," she mutters softly. She draws one of the Glocks, not having to work the slide since they always have a round chambered. She could mess with the electrical system but she wouldn't have the power to get the door open by force so she is forced to wait for an opportunity to exit. Her other hand is brought up to touch the comm in her ear but for the moment there is no chatter. They apparently are compromised as well.

Nick Fury has posed:
    After several seconds of May working on the door panel, and with Skye's help with the security overwatch, the door can soon be physically opened by May's team. The rest, such as comms and continued access, will require May assisting Skye with her clearance codes. Level 7? Strange. That sounds suspicious to May. Something wasn't feeling right about that.

    As soon as the door is opened, the team notices four, no five, "Agents" looking at them in surprise, with their guns pointed down the hall, as though expecting opponents to come from that direction. They weren't expecting anyone to come out of the side office! Bucky spots them first, already out the door, followed quickly by Kenan and then Takeda. Were they allies or enemies?

    Claire notices that two other "Agents" were down, having been shot and laying against the wall across the hall...she recognizes them as the Agents that escorted them earlier to the office with May and the team!

    At first, Frankenstein has a tough time with the door. It is reinforced and security locked. However, with a little push, and with Frank's massive strength, the door cracks open slightly. Finally, with a final push, it is open! Two "Agents stare up at him with awe, shock registering on their face! Stranegly enough, they seem to be pointing their weapons at him.

    Agent Drew was exactly right. They were under attack. The two Agents nod, and wait for Jessica to begin her electrical attack on the security systems. With her venom blast followed by her superior strength the door is opened quickly! It opens to chaos in Operations, as Agent fired at Agent! That was when her "spider sense" went off...behind her! Both "Agents" aim at her, and are ready to fire!

    As Abe waits and "feels" what is happening through the door, he can sense pain, anger, fear and chaos. Combat is happening...and then it stops suddenly, as though finished. When he shoots the lock, kicks open the door, and leaps onto the flight deck, he notice what had happened. Several bodies are strewn across the deck, with four Agents loading four very large crates on anti-grave devices, and returning them to the Quinjet! Abe could sense the "Agents" were wrong somehow.

    Agent Romanova is locked in her room for now. However, when the sprinklers go off, a very low...click sounds at the door. However the door refuses to open on its own. Something was going on...and Natasha can hear someone outside. A low muffled gunshot. And then silence.

Melinda May has posed:
At Skye's reminder about comms, she pauses in the middle of the sprinkler downpour and pulls a small handful of the tiny earbuds from an inside pocket on her jacket and hands them out to Barnes, Temple, Kenan, and Jennifer. Then she steps back over to frown at the screen but then quickly type in her access codes. It's a good thing she's actually level 7 herself.

"Skye, work Overwatch from here, and try to contact anyone else in the building." She knows the young woman is not the easiliy trusting sort, so will hopefully be properly discerning about whose comms she links in.

"Takeda, let's go." The moment the doors open and the Agents in the hall are revealed, she ducks and moves to the side to give the young woman with powers room to 'nuke' the Agents while she pulls and throws knives at their arms.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is shocked just as they are. If he were just Adam he would not do anything. He wouldn't want to male a bad impression. But he is much more than tjat amd treachery is something he knows very very well evem if he doesn't know the context. On the off hand chance this is some kind of test, he doesn't shoot the steam cannon at them amd instead focuses his entire attack on one, trying to grab him by the throat and intimidate him. "What is going on?" His roar is loud and if the agent is human amd if he is able to lift him up ratjer intimidating indeed.

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda turns away from the others, quickly lifting her visor and slipping the earpiece into her ear. Her helmet filters whir a little louder as it goes into negative pressure mode, keeping anything inside from getting out, until she seals the visor again. At the sight of the 'Agents' she brings her hands up, the air between them rippling like there's a sudden heat wave. In addition to making them feel like they're on fire, there's a decent possibility it's messing with any electronics on them.

Quake has posed:
Agent May's clearance unlocked the systems to Skye, but they also did something else - Skye had done this long enough and too often in the past to make a guess at what likely just happened when that last keystroke of code went in. For a millitsecond, the agent in training winced at the thought - she should have caught that quicker. And then it hit her.. what was good for the goose was certainly going to work for this gander. And they'd ballparked it for her.

Windows were flying open on her screen. Level 7 - she knew it ballparked there and up. Something they wanted was sitting in that area. And if they were looking for it, she could too now. Better still, they probably didn't know who they were dealing with, or that she could, with some effort, follow the breadcrumbs back to them. Locking down information gates as she went. All the while pulling up comm signals and filtering out where agents she could trust were.

"Agent May? We've got a mess in Operations.." Not to mention a rundown of what information she could glean as things started opening up to her once the clearance went in. Abe.. fish-man.. she knew him. There was a start..

But the piece de resistance was going to be the director himself.. He might not appreciate the efforts she went through, but he might just appreciate it once it was in place. She was saving a special smile just for him.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew doesn't specifically have a spider sense, not in the traditional sense, however she does have some particularlly well developed situational awareness, thanks in no small part to the highly personalized training shse received from the Taskmaster, and when the two agents behind her start to fire on her she is quick to react, almost anticipating it as she takes hold of the top of the doorframe, and flips herself through and up, perching her backside against the point the wall meets the ceiling and using her electrostatic cling to hold her in place as she surveys the situation before her before launching herself across the room, making a quick, evasive move across the room towards the office of one Natasha Romanov, "We've been infiltrated." She calls out, moving to put her super strength to the test in trying to force open the door, using that static cling of hers to anchor to the floor, and the door, to get that extra leverage she might need.

Super-Man has posed:
The problem with super hearing is you hear SO MUCH. Kenan generally has to use one ability at a time, from the six he currently knows. It is a matter of concentration, the more things he tries to do at once, the less he can do with each. Super hearing is the hardest power to handle, but he knows there are 5 people in the hall alive and active before the door opens. He concentrates his energy to his stomach, becoming nearly Invulnerable, and steps between the agents and those he is with. He strides quickly forward, ready to act as a living shield should these people attack, but stays back and lets them act first. If they are friendly, Agent May can hopefully order them to stand down.

Winter Soldier has posed:
A point to this? Claire replies, dry.

"Gonna need a lot more than a hundred to buy /that/," Bucky says, before he heads out into whatever-the-hell is going on. The five Agents are immediately noticed, though he hesitates half a moment before taking any action. Friendly or hostile? He doesn't have much of a middle ground between 'ignore' and 'immediately kill.' The instincts of the Winter Soldier were not trained and honed towards the word 'subdue.'

Fortunately others seem to. With May and Takeda handling the Agents, Bucky stands watch long enough to give Claire time to stabilize the fallen Agents.

The news there's a mess in Operations brings his jaw to tighten. "Agent," he relays to May, "Probably best to shoot straight to Ops. This building is already compromised somehow, and it's gotta be cut off fast."

Abe Sapien has posed:
Spying the loading efforts in the hangar, Abe Sapien dives onto the deck and scrambles for cover behind a stack of industrial storage containers. He peeks again and then calls out: "Updated challenge phrase--complete it and identify yourselves! 'I am a lone wanderer on a beach of glass...'"

As he makes his call, Abe attempts to position himself so that he could get a shot off on one of the loading crew, although, given the large amount of maneuvering space in the hangar, it's not /that/ secure. At the same time, one hand quickly moves to his belt, where he activates a tracking device with an electronic alert beacon to signal his position to support staff.

Claire Temple has posed:
"I'll start saving up, then," replies Claire breezily to that unending chain of snark -- multitasking sass with everything else on hand. It does not take long for her eye to hone on on fallen persons.

"James," she entreats of Bucky, a quiet request he cover her -- he's already on it -- as she knees down to the first of the fallen agents. Her eyes are calm and her expression flat with habit, as she takes the steps to assess first if they are alive, and to ensure the position and intensity of their wounds. Her deft nurse's hands work to treat on-the-spot, like a war field medic, lacking tools save for her own quick thinking. She knows she can't do anything more than the basic -- stop bleeding and keep their mortality extended to hours instead of minutes.

Hands already covered in blood, she stands, listening -- ready to follow the rest into Operations.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the clicking sound, Natasha waited but no one opened the door. She heard the gunshot outside and turned to the locking mechanism. Taking a step back, she raised her arm to fire her Widow's Bite when she heard the voice outside her door. She takes up her spot to the side of the door again, not trusting that the voice isn't someone trying to draw her into the line of sight. Only when Jessica comes through does she lower the muzzle of her weapon back to the ground for a moment. Her gaze flicks over the other woman, using those skills she has honed through decades to read if there is deception involved. It doesn't seem like it. but it could be she's just that good. "Who's attacking us?" she asks simply as she moves to the door, glancing out briefly to be sure the way is clear before stepping into the hallway.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Time slows as the doors open and the combat begins for May's team. The thrown knives from May's hands slice through the protective clothing and pierces the arm of one of the Agents forcing him to drop his gun with a "Yeow!" As Takeda takes aim, and uses her powers, two of the Agents scream as though on fire! The sound of buzzing is evidence that all five Agents comms and electronic devices all fry. Both of them crumble to the ground, writhing in agony!

    The third and forth Agent open fire at Kenan, as he places himself in the way. Thankfully he was there, or there would have been casualties! Their shots were accurate and precise...these Agents were trained...and not on the side of the good guys! As Takeda's powers hit the last three though, it was over quick. They were out!

    That left the two downed men to be looked after by Claire, and her guardian, the Winter Soldier. One was gone, shot through his left ear into his brain. The other was gasping for air, shot through her left lung. Her eyes widen as she sees Claire...and Bucky standing over her. "Hy...dra." She gasps, and coughs up blood, gasping for air. She falls unconscious, but thanks to Claire's skills, she will live.

    Skye was smart. It was a trap. Skye was good enough to notice that, whoever was on the other side of this, they had set that subroutine up just for that opportunity to steal a level 7s codes. As Skye gains more and more control, including the view from some, but not all, of the security monitors, she notices that someone was in adavnced R&D...and a lab that, until now, never existed. Reddish pink mask. Sword. Who was that? And who was the blue guy in the hanger bay?

    As Frank grabs the first Agent by the throat, and lifts him from the ground. The second cowers away from him, and fires her gun. She misses left, and dives for the table she had been interviewing Frank from! In a gasping voice, the man who Frank is holding, gasps, "Hail Hy...dra." Gasping for breath, he tries to breathe.

    Both Agents open fire on Agent Drew, and think they have her dead to rights...until she flips and does her spider thing. As Jessica exits the room to try and get Natasha's door open, they scramble to come back out into the Hall and the chaos there. The door to Natasha's room does budge...just a bit...letting Natasha out! However, time is running out for both Natasha and Jessica as they take aim at both Romanova and Drew!

    Abe's code word challenge was ignored. Well, until he heard the gunshots ringing off his cover. It was obvious that they were not Agents of SHIELD, but Agents of something else. The shot Abe gets off is extremely accurate though, tapping one of the Agents loading the goods right between the eyes. The other three pause, blink, and watch as the man crumples to the deck. They return fire, just as Skye receives Abe's signal.

    "Agent Johnson! Why am I wet? What the hell are you doing on my Level 7 and up comm channel...?" A pause, as Fury stared back at her. This time he wasn't hiding the anger in his face. "...and WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?"

Melinda May has posed:
With the non-SHIELD agents downed, May goes to retrieve her knives and at least one sidearm from them. From the looks of the agents these guys essentially assassinated, they dont' deserve mercy. But, keeping some alive to find out what the hell they want is always useful, so the 'subdue if possible' instruction stays. For now.

"Takeda, let's move." She is trusting Barnes to not only take care of Temple and Kong, but achieve the objective of securing the armory before heading to Operations. She's got a side trip planned before heading that way herself.

"Skye, Takeda and I are heading to the hangar bay to secure the jets." And the honestly scary amount of weaponry they all carry.

Everyone on channel, coordinate through Skye."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has no knowledge of the building, but he does know Hydra. Hydra (all idiotic dodges aside) means Nazi. Nazi means toy. Grinning he whispers "if you want to keep your arms attached to your body point the way to where your reinforcements are. We are taking a trip." If he hesitates, fingers are broken until cooperation is achieved. If successful he heads towards Ops...or wherever pointed, removing obstruction along tje way.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Not sure, Hydra maybe." Jessica says in response to Natasha, holding the door just long enough for the Black Widow to make her way through.

"Heads up, break room!" She calls out, bringing a leg up to the edge of the door and doing a backflip away from the door, "I've got the one on the left." she says as she brings her hands up and fires off a blast of her spider venom, illuminating the control room in the green glow as the bio-lightning arcs across the room right at one of the intruders that chased her from the break room.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan barely feels the bullets bounce off him, it takes a lot more than that to damage him...well when he is invulnerable anyway. He would have haken care of the enemies, but they were dealt with by...well he is not sure what was done but clearly some other person with super powers. The false agents being dealt with, Kenan returns to Bucky's side, and states, "I have a lot more than just super senses. I have invulnerability, strength, speed, and heat vision also." He will not mention he pretty much has to use them one at a time...not to mention he has limits on when and how he can use them. He puts his earpiece in, having forgotten to do co earlier. He will follow instructions from Barnesfor now.

Quake has posed:
Just like she suspected.. They were backdooring their way in. Skye had to admit, it had a certain charm - charm she'd likely appreciate more if she weren't on the invaded side of the equation. Still, she wasn't new to this particular rodeo even by a long shot, and she had subroutines for their subroutines. And if she were better than they were (and she suspected she might be) they weren't going to notice what she was doing. All she needed was for them to use an external source, and she'd have an in to *their* network. Which, ultimately, would be a feather in her cap.. Her fingers tapped in an oldie but a goodie she'd used in the past and had time to tweak since arriving at SHIELD. Those Mothers were going to learn just what happened when they messed with DarkSkye.

For the first few moments Director Fury was on her screen, raising hell and yelling at her, that's where her attention was - sending that subroutine back at the invaders. "Now, is that any way to talk to the person who just got you control of your computer systems, Sir?" She tsked softly under her breath, giving him a smirk. "A girl could take that the - " The goings on in R&D and the hangar bay came into view on her monitor in another window.. "Trouble in.." And the sectors were named off, complete with descriptions of what she saw there. "That makes three priority targets." Back to Fury, " - as I was saying, the person who got you your computer systems back on line? I have relay on all secure agents. How do you wish me to proceed?"

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda dives forwards, rummaging in the guards' equipment belts, using the zipcuffs that are SHIELD standard issue to secure their wrists and ankles. She'll pass on the guns, though. No training with those, she's probably just better off hosing them down with microwaves, or something more lethal if it comes to that. "Copy." See? She can be professional! When she wants to.

Winter Soldier has posed:

The word freezes the blood in James Barnes' veins, slicking it with the ice of the Winter Soldier. Rage lights in his blue eyes at the very thought of them here. Hydra /here/? How did he not know? Well -- that is consistent with how they used him, he supposes. He was a tool, a weapon. Not something to be told of sweeping plans such as this. The gun doesn't need to know the grand plan to be effectively fired.

"Be advised," he relates over the comms, to whoever is patched in. "Hydra involvement."

His gaze flicks back towards Kenan. He takes in the information in silence, before he nods. "Well, you got the whole package, huh? Take point. We're heading up. Armory's on the way to Ops. Secure and move on as quick as possible."

He takes one of the sidearms from the fallen Agent, checking it before handing it off to Claire. "Don't shoot me, I don't care how much you might wanna sometimes," is his whole instruction for her, before he presses the group up towards the armory -- and the operations room beyond.

Abe Sapien has posed:
A chorus of sharp PING-TING-PTINGTANG-PINGs resounds off the container behind which Abe Sapien hides. He kneels and fires a pair of shots blindly before leaping, and then somersaulting, toward another container for cover.

Once he's there, he turns his attention--and the few rounds of ammo he has left--toward the quinjet and its engines. Abe reaches for a spare clip and, finding an empty pouch, exhales deeply through his nose. "This would have been easier with poltergeists," he says to himself, shrugging. "But I suppose you can't always get what you want."

Then, Abe begins looking for equipment to repurpose for anti-aircraft work.

Claire Temple has posed:
Hydra: at the same time, the word comes like a shock to Claire Temple, a surprise dunk in a hypothermic tank. Her jaw tightens and her eyes darken; she turns a glance up at Bucky Barnes, needing to confirm he heard it too. Seeing the fury burn a deadly fuse beneath the features of his face, the nurse soon gets her answer.

"Jesus Christ," she mutters under her breath. "We're firing on SHIELD personnel: how long do you think this was going on?"

Either way, there's no time to answer rhetorical questions. With seconds instead expended to advise the living agent to stay still and wait, Claire wipes blood off her hands onto her jeans, and follows up where May needs them to be.

On the way, Bucky proffers her a gun. Claire gives the weapon a reticent look before she takes it up, only a novice training's showing in the way she handles the weapon. His snark centers her; it brings a small twitch to her mouth while the rest of her circuits in a vicious loop of adrenaline. /Hydra is here./

Once they do reach Operations, her eyes widen. Maria Hill is the first anything Claire homes in on -- not out of recognition, but because the woman is bleeding out. The night nurse's first reflex is to save.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Bringing the Glock up, Natasha aims at the man on the right. Only the gun doesn't bark. Instead there is a crackle of energy and a moment later the man is hit by the electrical shock from her Widow's Bite. She's immediately moving his direction. A pair of zipties are pulled out and he's cuffed before she stands, glancing in the direction of Operations. "This is Agent Merrill. So if this is Hydra, anyone could be a one of them. This day just is getting better by the minute. We need to get to Operations, see if wee can find out what is going on and make sure it isn't taken by the enemy." Then she hears the chatter starting up on the comms again. She taps her unit. "Agent Johnson. Agent Drew and I are almost to Operations." Almost doesn't really bode well in this mess.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Everyone snaps to, as May directs. It was obvious she was used to being in command, and her commands were very effective. Takeda gets all she needs from the goons that attacked them, and more. Next stop, the Hanger Bay and Agent Sapien.

    Bucky's words were ice cold water on everyone as they all heard it. Hydra. Not only does it shock Claire, it shocks them all. This would be a tough road, but they could do it. Bucky's massive combat experience kicks in, as he leads the team to the Armory, and then to Ops

    Kenan, Barnes and Claire interrupt something at the Armory, a short distance from Ops. Strangely, no Hydra Agents had appeared in their way, until they reach the Armory. This time, the two Agents trying to get into the Armory weren't ready for them.

    It doesn't take long for Bucky and his team as soon as they turn the corner to take them down! It had been a great plan to stop these Agents from getting their hands on the SHIELD advanced weaponry

    Ensuring it was secured, they walk towards OPs and arrive at Chaos! A firefight was going on, as Agent shoots at Agent, and several wounded and dying Agents were moaning and lying on the deck! It was a disaster! That was when Claire spies Deputy Director Maria Hill bleeding out at the command centre!

    Skye had been right. It was a war on two fronts. The physical, and the electronic. Whoever it was, he or she was smooth. Not brash. Almost asian in softness, touch and sophistication. Skye was familiar with the method. Perhaps Chinese? It was a cat and mouse game. So far, she was winning, gaining more and more systems back...almost like the hacker on the other side was distracted. R&D was a tougher nut to crack than he thought. And the Baron was getting angry!

    Frankenstein's interrogation methods were quite effective. The Agent nods, and points towards the hallway, and up, gasping for breath. A set of emergency stairs were located there. However, before Frank leaves, the other Hydra Agent, the female one, attacks and tries to shot the "map", or male Hydra Agent! "No!" She says, and takes aim!

    Drew's shot was right on, taking the Agent in the chest, and putting him down before he could get a shot away. Natasha's shot took the other Agent in the chest as well, a perfect shot. That Hydra Agent got a shot off, but it missed harmlessly, sputtering down the hall and ricocheting off a glass panel, shattering it with a "ksssssttsss." As both Agents head to operations, they get the same scene as Bucky's team, entering at opposite ends of Ops.

    Abe's shots ring around the Hanger Bay, but this time, he doesn't hit any targets. What he does do, is get the Agents to drop what they were doing, and scramble away from the anti-grav carts with the advanced Apokalyptian weaponry and equipment. One bad shot could end this all quickly! They fire back at Abe, but they do not realise he has moved. As Abe checks the area, he does not that the hanger chief enginer's gear was sprawled on the hanger floor...right near the fuel line connection.

    Sighing loudly, Director Fury just nods, and says, "Thank you Agent Johnson. Continue to monitor. Ensure we deal with the three pressure points. Wait..R&D? Hmmm. Okay." That got a concerned look from Fury. "And Agent Johnson. OPEN MY DOOR!"

Melinda May has posed:
May leads Takeda to the hangar bay, knowing the fastest routes and not bothering to be polite about taking down anyone that tries to shoot at them first. Any SHIELDies that don't attack first and seem glad to see a senior agent are advised to hole up in secure locations and to STAY there. It's the best she can offer for now.

Once they reach the hangar bay, May takes quick stock of the situation from their not-so-good vantage point. "Sapien, we're at the east entryway of the hangar. Takeda, I want you to disable the quinjet it looks like they were trying to load." She knows the young woman has been using some very subtle-seeming manner of attack on anyone who gets in their way, and she's heard the pop of dying electronics. So here's to hoping the kid has enough 'nuke juice' to fry the electronics in a plane designed to withstand a LOT.

"I'll cover you." As she says this, she pulls a pair of almost machete-like blades from under the back of her jacket.

Frankenstein has posed:
The confederacy of Frankenstein's played off each other's strengths. It was not the "poor" female Hydra agent's fault really. Frankenstein by this point was an icon, figment of horror almost as primal in the collective zeitgeist as the wolfman or the vampire and to see her peer bandied about like a toy by one hand would make it very easy to forget about the incredibly lethal andincredibly large steam cannon, primed and ready to fire in his other hand. Most of him were experienced soldiers so they say her out of the corner of their eye, and didn't hesitate to pivot, putting his body between the soon to be meat and the barrels of lethal death that spun and turned one with another as callibers of bullets more fit for an elephant gun whipped out at that table she was hiding behind likely turning it....and her to meaty pulpy coleslaw unless she handthe luck of the gods.

Bouonding for the stairs, he headed up unless Map handboth survived and pointed down. With Map/Hua he handa stopping point, elsewise he lept whole flights at a time looking for anyone stupid enough to say Hail Hydra....

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well this is quite the mess." Jessica Drew says to Natasha as the two make their way towards the Ops center, forcing the door as needed, and once into the command center she glances over towards Natasha, "We take down anyone up and fighting, "Disable not kill." She adds.

"If you don't want to get your butt kicked, or blasted, get down!" Jess shouts, she'll then move in, with her lightning quick spider-speed, moving to attack any of the agents that might still be up and active with a flurry of punches, kicks, and spider venom zaps.

Super-Man has posed:
The armory wss no sweat, one quick leap barreling into the two agents at the door and they nevey knew what hit them. The Ops center is a different story. Kenan has no way of knowing who, in Ops, is on their side and who is the enemy. He has only one viable option, use super speed to disarm everyone until someone on his team can vouch for them. He may be slow compared to the Flash, but he is at least thirty times faster than any normal man...when he is concentrating on that. Fortunately he is hard to hit when moving that fast, because his is not invulnerable when working that fast. Granted, he also heals far faster, and he is resistand to friction and some impacts, but that is not quite the same thing.

Hazmat has posed:
     "...Hydra." HazMat's hands clench into fists, a green glow starting to shine out from inside her faceplate. "Agent May, we have prisoners. Do we need any more?" Still grumbling under her breath, hopefully quiet enough to not activate her earpiece, she follows May to the hangar
     Slowly peering around the doorframe, she settles her eyes on the Quinjet. "I... I think I can do it. I'm not that good at directional EMPs though... There might be some collateral. Unless you don't mind actual damage to it, then I can just take off a wing."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Bucky shoots Claire a return glance to the one she aims up at him. He doesn't look at her long, maybe not wanting her to see the degree of the anger in his eyes. "Even if this is the first time they've set foot in here," he answers, "that's already way too goddamned long."

He pushes them on after the surviving agent is stabilized. The scuffle at the armory is very brief, courtesy of their firepower, but Operations? When you don't know who is who, things get a lot more difficult.

Quick blue eyes assess the situation, noticing Natasha's entry at the other end of the Operations room. He catches her eyes briefly, a wry nostalgic look in his own, before his attention returns to Claire. "Come on," he says.

He moves in escort of her, hurrying her through the firefight to the downed Maria Hill's side. Stray bullets he deflects into the floor or wall harmlessly with his steel left arm; that same arm strikes out to incapacitate any hostiles that come much too close.

Quake has posed:
"Crankypants much," Skye mutters under her breath, going to work on getting thee Director's door to release from its lock and load position. Brow furrowing as she not only went through the necessary measures to unlock Fury's door, but to track where the known agents were. "We're got folks in two of the three locations. Anyone got eyes on R&D?"

With Fury's sudden concern once he'd lit upon that area, and not seeing anyone in the immediate vicinity other than the sword weilding dude.. Speaking of which, "There's a hostile in the hangar bay. In a funky blue pantsuit."

The other niggled, though. The economy of the subroutine. The precision of the access. Nothing was sloppy. The overtones.. she knew a few hackers out of the East. Horizon. Saffron. And someone who Skye didn't know much about: LotusFlower. She just couldn't pin it down. All while hoping.. hoping.. they'd hook in an external and upload her little backdoor. She was counting on it going in under.. and that's when it hit her: how she could force that little issue, the woman digging into files and pulling up some she hoped she could use sa traps, under the guise of pretending to lock them down. All she had to do was make them look like SHIELD didn't want them found..

Abe Sapien has posed:
"Agent May," Abe responds in a calm voice over the comms while rounds continue to echo through the hangar, "I may have a suggestion. I am out of ammunition, but we cannot let that quinjet take off. There's a bundle of gear near its fuel connection--if you can ignite it, we may at least be able to prevent the Apokoliptic equipment from departing."

Abe clears his throat. "However, the result may be 'apocalyptic' for us, as well, if the quinjet causes a chain reaction of explosions through the hangar. But it seems highly preferable to the alternative, especially without someone like Liz--Agent Sherman--to mitigate the damage."

He continues: "I can rush in if needed, but it's a kill cup, for sure. I'll defer to your judgment." The BPRD agent closes his eyes briefly and rests his head against the container providing him with cover. "In the meantime, I will hole up here and dream of sirens singing to me from the deep."

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda grins at May's letting her choose, cracking her fingers before stepping around the doorframe. SHe stretches out her hands and a beam of sickly green light connects her and the left wing root, the teen gritting her teeth asd she continues to advance, pumping energy into the plane. If it doesn't blow, metal should start dripping off that thing any second now... If any of the people near the Quinjet start shooting at her, she diverts one hand to hit them with the same beam of nuclear hellfire, aiming for the torso. She's starting to glow as well, the light visible through her visor.

Claire Temple has posed:
At the armory, Claire doesn't fire a bullet from her own gun. No need to -- no desire to, either. It's a last resort she'll save for dire times. She'll leave the combat to the experts.

Her own expertise only kicks into play the instant they reach Operations, and the night nurse wastes no time to return to duty. Thankfully, only a glance over to Bucky is enough to galvanize him to escort her over, playing a deft, agile blockade that keeps her low and unseen through the traded gunfire. Amidst it, she too recognizes Natasha's familiar face, among others bringing in reinforcement at the other end of the room. Her eyes wide, alert, her glance is brief, before her attention undoubtedly returns to the job.

"Keep me covered," she says of Bucky, a tinge of wryness and gratitude to her voice like she doesn't doubt he will, before she takes a quick dash to hunker down at the unconscious Maria Hill's side.

And just like that, the nurse gets to work -- with no tools than to apply pressure of her own bare hands on that bleeding wound, grimness tensing her face to find an exit wound. Not good.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The caveat to the instructions on how to take them down has Natasha wondering if that was meant for her or Jessica was reminding herself. No matter. Immediately she is diving to the side, avoiding a shot aimed her direction. A shot of electricity takes down the shooter. Her eyes flick to the other group entering from the opposite side of the room and she pauses a moment. No, they don't seem to be attacking the personnel trying to defend their positions. She meets Bucky's gaze and she gives an almost imperceptible nod.

With that, she holsters her Glock and drops the tonfas out of her wristbands, extending them to full length and firing them up with a soft hum of power, causing them to glow blue. Then she leaps over a console, landing in front of one of the presumed Hydra agents and taking him out with a series of blows to the body, all punctuated with a flow of electricity that hs him down in moments. Then she is moving to the next.

Nick Fury has posed:
    All of the Agents May passes acknowledge her, and do as they ask. Only the main areas had come under attack, as the Hydra Agents had infiltrated only those places they wanted to secure. Hanger. Armory. R&D and Ops. The Hanger appears to be under control of three Hydra Agents...at least, those May, Takeda and Sapien can see. As May and Takeda decide what to do next, the Quinjet's engines start up! Abe's idea of "Apokalyptian" reactions may be their only alternative to the "weapon" that Takeda had at her fingertips...decisions, decisions. That was when Jennifer takes a chance, and fires at the wing! As she advances, the wing begins to glow...and it starts a chain reaction as the Quinjet blows into a thousand pieces, scattering debris everywhere...the shock wave heading directly at Takeda, May, Abe...and the fuel lines!

    Frank took down the female Agent easily with his weapon, followed by Frankenstein's "map" taking him towards Ops. Most of the action had calmed now, and no one was going to stop Frank from getting to his goals. As he approaches Ops, he can see a team of Agents ahead of him...Winter Soldier, Claire and Kenan.

    As Jessica and Natasha arrive on deck, several Agents listen to her orders, and duck their heads down, knowing who had just walked on deck. They must be SHIELD. There are six who decide to aim at Jessica and Natasha, and open fire instead! They must be Hydra!

    Kenan's super speed is fast enough to disarm several of the Hydra Agents, especially the ones firing, but the last few duck and cover as they see what is happening to their comrades! With Natasha's help, the two of them work in a coordinated strike, with Jessica working as backup! The Hydra Agents try and get away, but it didn't work out well for them as they find themselves weaponless, unconscious, and the rest looking shell shocked!

    Winter Soldier's protection of Claire was extremely effective as they set up beside Maria's near-lifeless body. She was going to owe Bucky, and Claire big time. Claire can easily tell that she has lost a lot of blood thorugh a gunshot wound to her left upper chest. She was pale and clammy, with raspy, shallow breath. She didn't have long. Claire, however, works her magic, and tries to stop the bleeding. It will buy her some time, but she needs a Doctor and sickbay asap. The Battle for Ops was over.

    Skye was extremely effective. It was a subtle game they played. The code was familiar. Someone she knew. Someone working for Hydra. All of this was a distraction...so that Baron Zemo could get something out of a previously invisible area in R&D. Suddenly Zemo looks up at the camera, waves, and the camera blinks out. However, Skye was successful. A backdoor that her opponent did not notice.


Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein looks at Map and says, "Are any of these guys Hydra?" Not that he would trust Map per se..but he is really hoping the stupid ones will self identify. He looks at Bucky, Kenan and Claire, "Are you?

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Into the fray goes Jessica Drew, the agents still up draw her attention, especially when they aim their guns at her and Natasha. She launches herself at them, the first gets a heavy kick to the head, the other is thrown down in an acrobatic manuever that brings her into the next with another kick. She turns, aims one of her fist at another, firing a blast of bio electricity into a fourth. The routine continues as she moves through the fight, working to stun and disable any of those still up.

Super-Man has posed:
Once the enemy agents in Ops are under control, Kenan switches to X-ray vision long enough to locate some medical supplies, then uses speed to get those into the hands of the Night Nurse. He will offer, "I lack medical skills, but I can see if there is a bullet, and use my heat vision to cauterize a wound if needed and properly directed."

Melinda May has posed:
Letting Takeda unleash radioactive hell on the quinjet, May rushes toward Sapien's location and the fuel tanker with tools scattered there. She's nearly to the scattering of equipment when the hangar's fire supression system starts alarming, and right when the wing explodes, huge gouts of fire-retardant foam starts pouring down over everything.

May can only curse and abandon her original plan, instead trying to get to Abe to pull him clear of this mess before it gets too deep to see through. It's a close thing, but she finds the BPRD agent, snags him by one arm, and drags him along to the nearest exit. She's relying on her spatial memory of the hangar bay, because with the noise of the siren and the white foam rapidily reaching knee then hip-deep, there is no way to see where she's going.

And she is NOT writing the report for this.

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda ...Probably shouldn't have done that. But it's too late to worry about that now. She's knocked sprawling by the first blast, but scrambles to her feet again and sprints towards the large convenient red buttons mounted on the wall, and marked FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM. Extra fortunately, something's already broken the glass, so it's just a matter of slamming the button, adding a new klaxon to the mix of ones already going off, and watching as foam starts to flood from the vents in the ceiling. The fuel tanks and piping are swiftly buried in several feet of foam, the mass of white expanding towards the onlookers. Standing out very well in her neon yellow and black, she bounds through the sea and grabs Abe's other arm, helping May drag him to the nearest wall, and then out the door to relative 'safety'. She pants for breath, leaning against the wall. "W-well... They're not stealing shit. ...And why do you have trucks in an indoor hangar?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
Are you Hydra? Bucky is asked, by holy shit what is that?? He tenses, where he's standing watch over Claire and Maria Hill.

"...No," Bucky says, a little grit to his tone, because... too soon. Too soon on that question.

Quake has posed:
"Fuuuuuck," Skye bites out as R&D goes dead. Even as the single blip in the bottom left window on her screen suddenly blinks a cursor of success. She had to bite back a sound of triumph. The comm links.. she couldn't guarantee they were secure. And now that she was in.. Skye quickly cut that connection, and let her subroutine do its work. She'd be able to get into their systems later. "I've lost eyes on R&D!" With folks everywhere they could be but there, Skye did the next best thing to being there to hinder the invadors: she locks everything down that she can. Every last door, light, video camera, and system that she was able to from where she sat, other than the comm links. If she was blind, they were going to be too. Everyone was going to rely on verbal now.

"You better love me for this, Fury," she mutters, letting something of her triumph over the backdoor success she'd made leak through. As soon as things settled down, she had an appointment with the Director.

Claire Temple has posed:
There are few words in the English dictionary to describe how Claire Temple reacts to being asked if she's Hydra. While she's on her knees, bent over Maria Hill's hanging-on body, up to her forearms swathed in blood. "Do I look like Hydra?!" she sputters. "Hell to the no!"

To Kenon's offer, the night nurse's expression mollifies, grateful. "Exit wound -- no bullet. For real, though? Great. If you can cauterize, I'll show you where it needs to go."

And with that hopefully handled, there Claire will spend the rest of her time and energy: seeing to the injured.

Abe Sapien has posed:
As he comes to a stop in the large corridor outside the hangar to which he's been dragged, Abe coughs, lying on his back. He groans, rubbing his shoulder. "That ... that was less smooth than I wanted. But," he adds, "it was certainly much more enjoyable than I expected things to turn out."

Abe offers a polite smile to Jennifer and a nod to May, and he pushes himself up on his elbows to a seated position. The lower half of his body is covered with a thick coat of suppressant foam. "I know I often seek out mission variety so that I'm not always having to search lakes and the like," he says. "But I hope you'll agree, Agent May, that it seems reasonable I focus on that particular quality for the time being. The 'normal' world ..." He shakes his head. "I'm just not so sure how to deal with it."

Nick Fury has posed:
    As Operations was wrapped up, and Jessica takes down the last of the combatants, it was truly over. Several people were arrested, and that was when Fury makes an appearance. Looking around, Fury frowns, and says, "Man, how did this happen? Gonna take a lot of work to clean up this mess." Looking around the room, Fury says, "Thank you everyone. I won't bore you with a Captain America speech. Just that, without your help, this could have been a lot worse. You have my, and SHIELDS gratitude." Tapping his comlink in his ear, Fury adds, "That goes for you as well, Agent Johnson. We won this battle. We'll get them back for R&D. As for the rest, we'll talk." That was when the lights went out, and emergency power came on. "Sigh."

    The "map" shakes his head, and gasps as Frankenstein's grip was a little painfully. No, a lot painful. "No. You got them all, I think." Is all he says. Fury looks at Frankenstein, and nods, "Thank you for your help. We'll have to chat further, later. When things settle." Chuckling a bit at Bucky's discomfort, Fury shakes his head. "I think you proved that. Not Hydra."

    Kenan's quick thinking probably saves Agent Hill's life. When Kenan zooms over there, Fury notices Hill and Claire working on her for the first time, and moves as fast as he could without looking like he was moving as fast as he could. Fury puts his right hand on Kenan's shoulder, and nods, whispering, "Thank you, son. Well done." Kneeling down, he looks at Claire, and then at Maria, and says, "Hang in there Maria. Hang in there." As medical personnel show up to take her off Claire's hands, Fury's eyes find Claire's, and a moment passes between them. A nod and a silent thank you.

    The building shakes from the explosion down in the hanger bay, but it is quickly under control as Takeda, Abe and May deal with it with a little help from the fire supression system. An update comes through the system to brief everyone. With that, it looks like the last Hydra Agent is accounted for. For now...but what was in R&D that Hydra sacrificed so many of its infiltrators for?

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein recognizes a POW when he sees one...or worse. Bucky's answer alone is enough for him but seeing Nick is a beacon of reality in a storm of illusions in memory. He sets Map down "That guy is." He puts the steam cannon on safety and tries to be useful. Until told to go to a debriefing room somewhere he will open doors and clear debris.

Melinda May has posed:
May regains her feet as quickly as possible, chekcing over the blades in her hands before stowing them away again. "You and me both, Sapien." She is NOT looking forward to the amount of clean up this mess is going to require.

Hazmat has posed:
Jennifer Takeda nods. "Yeah, I don't swim. You can have all of that." As the lights go out, she starts to glow a bit brighter, although there's less of the green tinge to it. "...Do you guys have a cafeteria around here? I'm fuckin' starved."