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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Guthries Everywhere
Date of Scene: 07 October 2019
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jay Guthrie arrives at Xavier's School. Everyone comes to say Hi!
Cast of Characters: Icarus, Cannonball, Moonstar, Nightingale, Dragonfly (Armenteros), Beast, Shadowcat, Siryn

Icarus has posed:
Monday. Of course it was. The only thing that would be more perfect for the situation at hand would be if it was a Tuesday.

There is a buzz from the box by the exterior gate. Someone had arrived.

If there were cameras in use, or anyone in sight of the gate itself, they would see a young man there on foot. He had a small pile of things around him which included not one, not two but three guitar cases. One was smaller than the others, probably an electric. A couple of amplifiers sat next those with a green duffle bag laid across the top of them.

The young man was probably around 17 with bright red hair. More red than the orange that was typical. He wore a baggy sweatshirt and jeans, not realling giving any indication about the form underneath it.

After three seconds, he pushed the button again.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has been waiting for the arrival. He knew who was coming, and had ben checking to see if anyone had got here on a regular bases. Once he hears the buzz, and sees who it is, he resists the urge to blast from inside the mansion. Sam walks to the porch and then yea he blasts down to the gates, as they are opening. He lands a few feet from his brother, looking over at his stuff, and says "Need a hand with this stuff?"

Moonstar has posed:
Wandering from the backyard when she hears the noise coming from out front, Dani Moonstar is in a black t-shirt, jeans, knee-high brown leather boots, and is carrying a towel while wiping her hands with it. She stays in the background, and checks out what is happening out here.

That was when Sam arrives, full of something and vinnegar, and welcomes home the new arrival. "Jay." A smile penetrates her cool exterior, and she waves to him from the front and to the left of the entrance.

Nightingale has posed:
     During her latest stint in the medbay, Sam had told Shannon about Jay's impending arrival, leaving her like a little kid at Christmas for sheer joy. She'd never counted on being able to meet any more members of the family, yet the Fates proved kind. She's flying in from the backyard at full tilt, doing circles above the gates and giggling with glee. "Hi!"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
It's been a long weekend since Gwendolyn's arrival at Xavier's School after a long exodus from the deepest of the deep south and she's really started to grow a little more comfortable with her surroundings. AFter all, going from homeless to living in a mansion in the New York countryside, isn't a usual thing in the best of circumstances. She had taken up a spot in the front room with her violin, picking out a tune on the well-worn fretboard, stilling the calling of the strings with a hand when the door opens and someone she hasn't met before makes an appearance.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy comes on upstairs to see what's going on. Bursting outside, he sees who's at the gate... and sees that Sam is already taking care of things. "What in the wide wide world of sports is a going on here?"

Icarus has posed:
As the blasting figure is coming his way, Jay can't help but smile a bit as the gates swing open just in time for his brother to land. At least he doesn't just crash anymore. "Heya, Sam. Yeah, I could use some help. If you'll get the amps, I can get the duffle and guitars."

He hefts his items and starts to take a step to walk inside which is when he sees Shannon flitting about above. "Uh...hi." Not the most exuberant of greetings but polite enough. The wings threw him off for a minute. How many winged mutants were here? Not that his wings were in sight for the moment. He had learned how to hide them under clothing, thus the baggies.

He hefts his things to head toward the mansion with his brother. "Bus ride was good. Lots of quiet. Time to think," he offers as they walk. Upon getting closer, he sees Dani and gives a wave her direction then focuses on Henry McCoy. "New student reporting for incarceration, sir."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does pick up the amps, and carries them along walking with Jay, and says "It aint incarceration, give it a bit of time Ah think you will like it." he tells the younger man. As Shannon wings her way close, he says "Thats Shannon, the little sister Ah took in." He tells Jay. he looks over to Dani, and offers her a smile. Yea Sam is happy to have family here, and is actually trying not to embarrasse the other. "Dr. McCoy, this is my brother Josh Guthrie, he is joining us here at the school, already made sure jean had the paperwork.

Moonstar has posed:
Turning her head to the right, Dani Moonstar smiles and says, "Looks like the wayward sheep has come home, Dr. McCoy." Turning back at the party happening on the front lawn, Dani adds, "Seems like everyone is happy to see him." Dani watches as they approach, and offers a nod of her head to go with her earlier wave.

"Welcome home Jay. Good to have another Guthrie around to tease." Dani winks at Sam, returns the smile, and then says to Shannon. "Now we have another person to blame for all the feathers lying around huh?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey now, some of those could've been Brightwind's! How come it always has to be -my- feathers?" Shannon giggles and backwings her way to a more graceful landing than she might have just a few months ago, cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders. For all her exuberance and sheer joy at finally getting to meet and greet another member of the family, she's still a little bit stiff. She grins and offers her hand to Jay. "Nice to finally meet you... Sam's really been looking forward to having you here. He couldn't say enough good about you the other night when I was in the medbay."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Heading out from the front door, leaving her violin behind, Gwendolyn peers out the front door and then, seeing a familiar winged sight, heads out the front door to see who this person is. Dressed in jeans and an overly-baggy hooded sweatshirt, she's wearing goggles that cover her eyes and would blind a usual person. Approaching the group, she waves shyly. "Hello there, everyone."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty spent the morning working from home down in the X-men base, the setup there every bit as good as her lab at the Stark Tower. Then lunch going over some school related things in the guidance counselor's office. The sound of Cannonball in flight shakes her window and causes her to look up. "His brother must be here," she says to Lockheed, the little dragon rising to fly over to Kitty's shoulder as she too rises, phasing them out through the wall to go see what is going on.

Kitty and Lockheed make their way over to the front of the school and then down the lane to join the others. "A fine welcome party," Kitty says as she views the people gathered. She grins and rests a hand on Dani's shoulder. "Any fistfights between them yet?" she asks of the brothers.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods and settles down once everything is explained. "Jay, welcome aboard. But uh, incarceration? Sam, just what have you been telling the boy?" he asks, winking. "Half of you ignore all our instructions not to go out alone, anyway."

Icarus has posed:
More people are filling up the entrance and lawn space. He hadn't expected this much of a reception to his arrival. His immediate correction of Sam can be heard. "Jay. I don't use Joshua anymore. How many times do I have to tell ya?" A slight slip at the end of his accent coming out but he got it back under control.

At the suggestion of a fist fight, he shakes his head. "Only if he keeps calling me the wrong name. Nice to meet all of you." He nods to Shannon and Gwen. "And see those I've met before."

He hefts the duffle bag on his shoulder as he considers then opts to just set it down with the guitars since this might take a minute. "Incarceration as I was happy at home. Ma said I had come. She had...reasons." He doesn't explain those.

Then a glance to Dani and Shannon. "Can't blame me for those feathers then." He reaches to the edge of his sweatshirt, pulling it off over his head, leaving him in a tank top. And revealing the red wings tucked tight against his body. A lift of one then the other, slipping them out of the waistband of the baggy jeans, as he lets them be seen for the first time. They are the same red as his hair.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other and says "Hey, years of habit little brother." He will explain the name thing. "Ya Ma, wanted you to come and all, give it a year or two, and if your not happy you can head on home, and besides, while your here you can play at my club some, who knows might end up getting the attention of the right people, and get to go home, and buy yaself a farm close to Ma and Pa's." Yea Pa may have passed but the place will always be Ma And Pa's.

Moonstar has posed:
"Might have been Brightwind's...but somehow I doubt it." Dani Moonstar gets a skeptical look on her face, crosses her arms while facing Shannon, quickly followed by a smile. "So quite a good afternoon then! Sun is shining, Sam has his brother back, now we'll get some good music playing around here for a change. Sounds like a good day to me."

Turning to see the new arrival, Dani says, "Afternnon. Gwendolyn right? I heard you were joining us. Welcome to you too! The more the merrier. I'm Dani." Dani tosses her a quick wave as well.

"Ah!" Dani "starts" a bit, and sees Kitty's hand on her shoulder. "Oh! Kitty! You scared me to Hela's Realm and back!" Patting Kitty's hand, a, "Not yet. I'm giving two to one within the hour though..." That grin told Kitty that she was only joking. Maybe.

"Oh Jay, beautiful! I bet that feels good, letting them all hang out." Dani grins and laughs. "What...? It's true!" Dani says to the looks and comments she knows she'll get with that comment.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles and hugs Dani, wrapping her wings around the other woman as well. "I haven't been molting -that- badly! Okay, okay, maybe a few here and there in the medbay... but they were scared off of me, I had a very vocally concerned Logan chewing me out for winding up in there to begin with! I had an excuse!"

Gwendolyn gets a smile, and she waves to the young woman, her smile bright. "Hi..."

...but those wings. Red as the day was long. Her jaw drops, and her whole expression falls. "Oh, nerts... you weren't kidding, were ya, Jay?"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
When wings are revealed, Gwendolyn sits down on the steps of the house and just stares. Red wings, white wings, and then there are hers, still hidden beneath the hooded sweatshirt. "man..." she says, more to herself than anyone. "It still takes getting used to, seeing y'all show off so freely. Just wasn't done back home."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Dani a warm grin as she says, "Sorry, I didn't think I could sneak up on a Valkyrie so easily!" The look that accompanies the words make them just warm teasing. "Wow Jay, I'm not sure what nickname Negasonic is going to land on for you, but you're giving her plenty of potential there," she tells the newly arrived Guthrie.

"Welcome to the school. About time we got a second of your clan here. We figured it was about time your mother sent someone else so we'd know Sam wasn't the family norm," she says. Yes Kitty seems in a teasing mood today. "Your room is all prepared for you," she tells Jay.

Kitty moves over to Gwendolyn. "How have you been settling in?" she asks the other fairly new student. "Yes, it's a whole different feeling here. People being themselves," Kitty agrees of Gwendolyn's comment.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles as he sees so many people coming out to welcome the new person. Well, fortunately there's no THREAT, and he can't really argue with Jay being unhappy about moving. "Alright, well again, welcome Jay, and Sam, let me know if you two need anything. I need to get back to some research."

Icarus has posed:
Jay gives a boneless sort of shrug. "Yeah, wasn't kidding," he says to Shannon. Then hear hears Gwen's words and glances her way. Brother instincts kicking in, he seeks to reassure her.

"I've been around the school before. Even before I knew I was a mutant. Would be visiting him." He jerks a thumb back at Sam. "And half my siblings are turning out to be mutants too so being open about it at home was fine. Going into town, that's another story."

He glances at Kitty and gives another smile her direction. "Thanks. I probably should go get all my stuff stored." He spies Lockheed and grins. "Remind me later to share a song that he might appreciate," he adds to Kitty, nodding to the purple dragon.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn looks up at Kitty when she approaches, hugging herself through the sweatshirt despite the comfortably weather. "So many people, so comfortable with being who they are. Folks like us'd be run out of town on a rail if'n we were like this." She sighs and rubs her shoulders. "That said, it's nice. Out of place for the way I was brought up, but nice." She blinks and looks up at the dark-haired woman. "Settling in okay, thanks for asking. Got taken down to the mall to pick out some clothes, and I'm still waiting to hear 'bout classes." Sne snickers. "Also put a hurt on your kitchen, couple of times. Prob'ly should go and start a pot of gumbo, now that it's gettin' cool 'round these parts."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Jay and says "If you end up having any issues about needing space for stuff, you can always put some stuff in my room, but we are not sharing a room again, been there done that, got the scars to prove it." He jokes a bit, and to Gwendolyn, says "We will get you both image inducers if you want them, allows you to hide the obvious stuff when you want to, but yea not really needed around the school. He pats Jay on the back between his wings, and says "Both Gwendolyn and Shannon are both good cooks, and Ma sent Shannon the recipe for her chicken.

Moonstar has posed:
"Ack!" Dani Moonstar gets surrounded by feathers, wings and Shannon! Smiling, Dani hugs back. "I would expect lots of feathers to drop if Logan was growling around at you. He can bring that out of anyone." Shaking her head, Dani lets go, smiles over at Gwendolyn, and looks back at the reunion going on. "This is nice. Good to have some good times and good things happening instead of what normally happens around here."

With a laugh, and a small playful glare, Dani regards Kitty and her dragon with a warm look. "I was distracted! Look! Wings!" Dani sweeps her hand back towards the Guthries and Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins at Gwendolyn, ruffling her wings in an expression of sheer delight. "Ooooo, another cook! Haven't had any gumbo since I visited N'awlins when I was maybe six or seven. Next time there's a movie night, how about we treat everyone to some serious cooking? You'll have to tell me if I finally mastered the fine art of making beignets. Plus...." She grins over at Sam and Jay. "...I have yet to try making that fried chicken, so, it should be interesting to see how close I get."

She chuckles softly, and just shrugs at Dani. "Bah... I think he was just sounding off because he was worried. Wasn't actually scared or anything."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty adds to what Samuel said. "Should have an Image Inducer if not able to look completely human, for those rare cases we can't avoid someone visiting the school who isn't in the know. Though you can use them in public as you choose, yes. Just if you don't use them in public, don't do it while wearing a Xavier's shirt or anything that will point back here," she confirms.

Kitty flashes Gwendolyn a grin. "Well, we're set up to feed an army, so do all the damage you need while you settle in." Kitty laughs softly. "I think Logan could get feathers out of me," she agrees with Dani.

Kitty nods back to Jay then as Lockheed perks up. "I think that's a 'yes please' on the music," Kitty says to Jay, while reaching up to ruffle her fingers over Lockheed's head where the horns meet it. "I've wondered if they have music on his planet. He does seem to like a number of songs."

Siryn has posed:
"I heard that there's antother Guthrie about?" Theresa pipes up as she steps down the path toward the others wearing a bemused grin as she looks the welcoming crowd over with a tip of her head in greeting. She could have swooped in all impressive-like without wings, but walking worked just fine as well. "Had to come see which one it is this time," she teases lightly as her arms cross over her chest to regard the unfamiliar faces along with those well known by now.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn pushing herself to her feet, Gwendolyn nods to Kitty and takes a step back towards the safe confines of the house. There are so many people here that she's really not sure of how to respond to the group. Shannon gets a quick nod of agreement and a small smile after giving her goggles a quick adjustment. "I'd like that. Cooking and an image inducer. Looking normal would be a comfort." She says, looking to the gathered group. "That said...Ah'm...um..." She swallows nervously, giving them all a wave and vanishing into the house. Crowds, man!

Icarus has posed:
"I think half the bag is baked goods," Jay mutters as he nudges the duffle with his toe. "Good to know there will be edible food. I remember some weird stuff during some previous visits."

He nods over at Kitty. "Later on, catch up with me." He does pick up his duffle bag, then starts balancing out the guitar cases until he is all loaded up again. "Sam, mind showing me to that room so I can get settled in?"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar watches as all the exchanges happen. It really was just like a big family, with all the angst and the warmth of a big family for sure! "Well, great to see you Jay. Gwendolyn. I'm going to head in! Right behind you Doc!" Dani looks back over her shoulder at the crowd, "Like Doc McCoy said, if you need anything, let me know! I know Sam will take care of you, but if you need anything else!"

With that she heads inside, right after a wave to Kitty and Shannon, and a covert, behind her waving hand wink at Lockheed. "Oh hi Theresa!" As she passes her on her way inside.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pick up the Amps, again, and says "Sure lets get you settled in and don't say Ma sent baked good so loud, Doug's liable to come diving out of a window to tackle ya for your bag if he hears ya." He grins and says Theresa, this is my brother "Jo.. Jay. Jay this is Theresa Cassidy," He will introduce the two red heads to one another.

Shadowcat has posed:
It is much like a family. Kitty remembers being the littlest sister for a time. She looks at the building, so much more full than it once was. To the point there is an expansion building planned. How much has changed.

Yet, the best parts still feel the same.

Kitty flashes Theresa a smile. "Hey T, there you are. Been wondering where you've been hiding yourself," she says. Dani has her wave returned by Kitty as the other woman heads inside. "You bet Jay. And welcome, it's great having you here now," she tells him warmly.

Kitty Pryde looks about and smiles again. "I never used to look forward to a new school year this much," she comments to Lockheed, giving him another head rub.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy chuckles at the apparent dispersal of so many at once. It wasn't so long ago she felt the same when it came to crowds. Uncertain, and edgey. There were still times she did. "Dani," she greets in turn even as she takes a step to the side to give them all room to pass by. When Sam pipes up pointing out his sibling she flashes him a grin. "Welcome. I'm the art history teacher, for what it matters. Hope you get settled in fine, though I'm sure you will."

She can only shrug to Kitty at mention of hiding herself. "If I'm gonna be a teacher I'm going to do it right. I've been working on lesson plans and figuring out grading." She was a bit behind on that sort of thing after all.

Icarus has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Cassidy," Jay offers by way of greeting. He manages to extricate a hand from the duffle strap so he can offer it for a handshake. Teacher that he doesn't know. Needs to make a good impression.

Nightingale has posed:
Art history? Hmm. Shannon gets a very thoughtful look on her face, glancing back at Theresa briefly. "May have to track you down later, miss," she said, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I'm completely useless at sculpting, and no idea who to talk to about a small project." She watches Gwendolyn head inside and smiles; it was nice to see the other young woman again, and would be even nicer to get to know her a little. To Sam and Jay, she just smiles, stepping back to let the two brothers have their moment. There would be plenty of time to catch up with Jay later. "Really glad to see you here, Jay. And Sam's right, I'd hide that bag of baked goodies, or you're gonna get mobbed for sure."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches as Lockheed takes wing, heading back inside and following the others. "And doing a good job of it from what I hear. Moochie was saying he wants to take that Italian he's been learning and go to Italy and see some of the artwork you've been teaching about," Kitty says of one of the students.

She looks around the front yard at how the trees are starting to change colors, the green giving way to yellows, oranges and reds. "We should really plan something special for Halloween this year," she thinks aloud before turning back to the others. "Maybe some of your art students can help with the decorations," Kitty suggests to Theresa.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy reaches out to accept Jay's hand for a good old fashioned shake. "Word to the wise, don't try hiding baked goods under the mattress or in the air ducts. The first'll get them smooshed, second will lure in those of us that have a nose for such things. Hollowed out boring books work well though," she advises with a conspiratorial wink. "Might know where there's a few of those around here." With that bit of dastardly information given she nods toward Shannon.

"A course, just come on down sometime. Plenty of things to muck about with." Her ears do perk a bit at Halloween, her eyes lighting up. "Aye, been lookin' forward to that meself," she adds slipping back into her accent a bit heavier than usual. It was a rather favorite holiday.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to Jay and says "Once we get you settled, will give ya a bit of time to look around and see what you can get into, but after dinner, Ah want to steal ya away for a bit there is something we need to talk about. But it can wait til after ya have something to eat.

Icarus has posed:
Getting all his gear balanced again, Jay looks to his brother for that escort indoors. "I'll see you all later. Thanks again for the warm welcome!"

He glances over at Theresa and can't help grinning. "I'll need at least five of those. Wait, apple brown betty. Make it six." Then he heads up toward the front door, taking one more moment to look up at the place he'll be calling home for a while. "Sure thing, Sam," he says, looking to his brother and nodding.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon perks up. "Apple brown betty?" The last time any of that had been sent to the mansion, other things had been afoot, and she had been in no shape to even want to try any. Now, of course, it was a different story. She eyes that duffel bag with an almost feral grin, giggling. Uh-oh.

She looks over at Theresa and offers a grateful smile. "Thanks. Small sculpting project. I've got the fimo clay for it, but know next to nothing about the techniques to make it look even close to the original piece I'm trying to reproduce."

With the welcome wagon rolling on inside, she follows, bringing up the rear of the group. Oh yes. It was nice to have more family here. This was going to be a very good day, indeed.