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Latest revision as of 15:35, 18 October 2019

No Wins without Costs
Date of Scene: 17 October 2019
Location: Dining Hall - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea discusses a new project with Triage over lunch, and other issues surface.
Cast of Characters: Triage, Rage, Cannonball, Icarus, Samuel Morgan, Nightingale, Spider-Man, Shadowcat

Triage has posed:
Triage had the advantage. After helping in the Wellness Office, he needed only a few steps to reach the dining hall before most had arrived. He carries his tray toward a table near the window and unloads a plate, silverware wrapped in a napkin, and a tall and full glass. On the plate is s serving of baked chicken, potatoes au gratin, and crisp green beans. He glances through the window at the scene of autumn, and then unpacks the utensils, placing them carefully on the table before draping the napkin in his lap.

Rage has posed:
Making her way into the cafeteria is Andrea as she holds a tray in her hands filled with a bowl of salad with chunks of grilled steak in it, a large glass of water and a bowl of vegan tortilla soup. Sliding in at the table across from Chris, she places her tray down, then pops a pair of buds out of her ears and tucks them into her pocket. "Hey there." She says as she plucks a fork up and tucks into her salad. "How many days have we gone without someone getting hurt, two?"

Triage has posed:
Triage looks up from his plate and smiles when Andrea arrives. He waits for her to pocket the buds and then answers. "It's been more than that if you don't count little things like infections and accidents. I'm glad for it, but I worry that after the lull, we'll hit something big that strains everyone to the breaking point." He takes his knife and form to the chicken leg, separating meat and bones and then cutting the meat into bite-sized chunks. "Business or pleasure?" he asks, setting the knife aside and then tapping one ear to remind her about the earphones.

Rage has posed:
"Both. Just listening to my new unreleased album tracks that aren't finished yet." Andrea says with a smile. "I have eleven songs that I wrote over in Europe and one that I've written since I got back to the states. Just got one in particular on repeat. I'm just not sure if I'm in love with it, or if I hate it." She takes a bite of her salad, then uncaps her soup. "I'm hoping that things quiet down for a bit. We could all use some normal downtime. How're you doing?"

Triage has posed:
Triage chews a bite of his chicken while he listens to Andrea. He nods at her indecision about the song. Swallowing, he says, "I'm no expert but I know that more than a few songwriters ahd doubts about songs that became their great hits. I recall hearing one guy from a long time ago, John Bon Jovi, saying that he wasn't thrilled with one of his songs but it became a huge hit." He stabs at another piece of chicken. "I'm doing well and hoping that things will be quiet," he ansers. Then, lowering his voice, he adds, "I worry that those two who attacked in thei garden, or some of their 'friends' will return." Before he lifts the fork to his mouth, he asks, "How are you after that? Did things heal well enough?"

Rage has posed:
"Yup. I healed up just fine. Got some fun looking scars along my stomach and chest now. Goodbye underwear model aspirations." Andrea says as she lifts her glass of water up for a sip. "But I'm fine. All my guts are in the same spots. I'm back to my normal routines again." She plucks her pods out and hands them over to him. "Here. You want to take a listen to it? Also, Bon Jovi is amazing. I have all his stuff on my phone. He was so hot when he was younger. I can see why my mom wouldn't shut up about him."

Triage has posed:
Triage grins, sets down the fork, and cleans his fingers fingers with the napkin out of caution. "He was a great showman, and from what I've heard, good to the fans. That kind of thing builds loyalty." He nods when Andrea assures him about her healing. I'm glad that everything went well for you. I saw what that ... thing did, better than most. You could have died." Aware of that somber thought, he shifts tone to joke, "I"m sure that some of the boys will be disappointed about the underwear modeling, but it might be for the best. Mischievous types like to tamper with photos like that, and I'm sure that you have enough worries already." He reaches for the phones.

Rage has posed:
"I know I could have died, but I was the only one who could go toe to toe with that thing to keep the kids safe. I'm willing to die if it means I can prevent the other students from being hurt. You guys can put a statue of me in the backyard or something if it happens." Andrea jests as she tucks a bite of salad into her mouth. There's an amused noise in her throat, shrugging. "So far no sex tape has leaked yet or other unfavorable photoshops. I think most people are just waiting for me to turn eighteen before they mess with me."

Triage has posed:
Triage almost gets the phones to his ears but Andrea's reply stops him. "I know. All of us want to protect the kids, and you're right. Considering what I saw, that thing needed a quick end." He pops the earphones into place and then reaches for his fork. After the song's slow opening, the beat hits and his head bobs slightly for a few minutes. Then he removes the headphones and snatches another napkin from the holder to wipe them before handing them to Andrea. "I like the contrast of the lively beat and the lyrics about loss and rebound," he concludes. Then, lowering his voice again, he asks, "Are your senses, like smell and hearing, always above human, or does that come with the 'battle mode'? I'm just curious because if they are, walking into a place like this must bug you at times with all of the noise and odors."

Rage has posed:
"Thanks. It's a song I wrote right after my breakup with Mason and I was in an angry moment. I'm in a better spot now, mostly, but I went through all the trouble of making this track and mixing it. I also think this is just how girls feel after something like that. It's relatable. Shows that someone as famous as me can also be hurt." Andrea says as she drums her fingers along the table. "As far as my senses go." She says as she gives a small sniff of the air. "You got a nice bodywash." She teases. "But no, it doesn't bother me. It's not always like active. I kinda focus on my senses when I'm in this form. When I'm in my war form, or the wolf, it's always on and a lot stronger. But for example, I can't hear what's going on outside or anything, or smell the next room."

Triage has posed:
"Therapy through the creative process?" Triage wonders. "That wouldn't be unusual either, and if publishing it helps someone to see that she's not the only one, that life and recovery are possible, it could make a huge difference." When she teases him, Triage grins. "I'm glad that you don't deal with sensory overload as well. Any sound or aroma might trigger a rage, and then ..." He shake his head. "Duck and cover." He stabs another piece of chicken and chews. "Did you have time for signtseeing on your tour? Did you have a chance to relax and be ... unknown for a bit?"

Rage has posed:
"Nah. I don't really lose my head and go into feral mode over small things. It has to be prett significant to get under my skin. When I was younger, yeah, I would pop off, but all my training has paid off and helped get me in control of 'her'. It's just that when I shift is when there's a bit of a back and forth. When the school was attacked, I let her have full control." Andrea taps her skull. "She's a primal force of nature and doesn't have my mental limitations of holding back. She needs me to make good decisions and I need her sometimes to do what I will hold myself back on when the chips are down." As she eats, she weighs the next question. "It's hard to be incognito as myself. I'm recognized everywhere, but there was a lot of small towns I got to visit over there that was really cute. I love the UK. Everyone is so sweet there. But I did get a lot of time to myself. I rented a small cabin with my family in Lake District." She pulls up her phone to show her some pictures. "Had a huge hot tub and indoor pool with this beautiful view of a large lake, lots of trees. I got to run all around out there as a wolf."

Triage has posed:
Triage lays aside the fork, wipes his hand, and takes the phone to scroll through the collection of photos. He pauses several times and turns the phone to landscape mode for wide shots, and then back to portrait for others. "You had quite a trip!" he exclaims. "I can see that your family support your career and the wolf. Some people aren't that fortunate. Recent events might drive wedges between some of us and our families."

Rage has posed:
"Not my parents. My mother is in the marines and has served three tours. My father is a surgeon. Both of them help people, no matter the color of their skin or their fur. I'm very lucky, I will agree. They supported me when I was discovered by Disney, they supported me when they found out I'm a mutant, they supported me through everything I've done in life, and in return, I pay it back to them." Andrea says with a smile. "I'm their only child, so I spoil the heck out of them. I paid off their debts, bought them a house. Just wanted to make sure they knew how much I loved them." Her fingers drum a bit on the top of her table. "I am currently in negotiations with Mister DaCosta on X-Corp absorbing my charity, Starlight, to give my team more resources and outreach to help more young mutants." She stares at him for a long moment, pondering. "... I have an idea, if you're open to it. I have had this in my pocket for awhile."

Triage has posed:
Having finished the chicken, Triage moves onto the potatoes and then the beans while Andrea talks about her family. "He smiles at her eagerness to repay her parents. "I'm sure that you're as proud of both of them as they are of you," he guesses. "Both are working to improve the world, we'll always need that." He reaches for his glass, takes a long sip, and the looks up from it when Andrea mentions dealings with X-Corp. His eyebrows flick in curiosity. "I hope that you'll still be part of Starlight," he says. "It needs a recognizable spokesperson, and I doubt that anyone is better placed for that than you." He sets the glass down and asks, "What's your idea?"

Rage has posed:
"Of course. I will continue to manage and operate Starlight but this way I have better tools and resources available to me. Which, then moves on to this next topic and new project of mine. I am looking to build a free clinic in Mutant Town, so that mutants will have easy access to health care and advice." Andrea says as she spins her fork about in her fingers a few times. "And I am going to need someone that I trust to run it. I have an HR team in place that is currently interviewing candidates for personnel. I am thinking a team of five, but I will need a healer in place to help those who may come with terrifying injuries that normal hospitals would reject or make bias again." Her lips turn upwards. "Would you like to take on this challenge?"

Triage has posed:
Triage reaches for the glass again but stops when Andrea reveals her idea. He sets down the glass gently and takes a slow breath. "Wow!," he exclaims. "That's ..." He exhales the breath. "You're right. With all that's happening, people need someone to trust. Others like them, people with unusual ... gifts would be best for that." He looks around the room and through the window at the backyard before continuing. "Only, what about the school? I came back because I heard rumors that Shannon was stretching too far. At least when Josh was here, she didn't need to cope by herself. Now ..." He shrugs. "We have good people on staff, but ... there are situations that need special attention, like yours. I'm not eager to leave her alone with this, and from what she's told me, Logan is worried that she'll break at some point."

Rage has posed:
"Then the school can grab you when those moments arise. Mutant Town needs you more than this school does on a day to day basis. It's up to Jean and Scott to manage this school and to ensure that Shannon, a /child/, should not be the main healer of this school. But the reality is, out there." Andrea points out the window. "Mutants are being killed, hunted and stalked in the streets, while we sit here in this cushy mansion full of super heroes and top of the line security. What happened at the school is a one off. Out in the streets of Mutant Town, this is like a Monday for them. I'm giving you an opportunity, a /paid/ opportunity, where you will be the face of Mutant Town's Starlight Free Clinic." She plucks her glass of water up. "And if I have to walk around with stitches for a day or two while I wait for you to pop over and super heal me, it's a price I'm willing to pay if it means our people will get /real/ quality help outside of this school."

Triage has posed:
Triage frowns for a moment, weighing the possibilities. "How soon do you need an answer?" Triage meets Andrea's gaze. "Yes, Shannon is young, but I've observed while she worked. I monitored while she used her gift to help with Ms. Pryde. She's /good/. Her gift is a transfer. In time, she will be a tremendous asset, but she needs a coach. When trouble comes, it might be more than her body can take. She needs to learn how to manage that. That's why I came back, to help her after I heard that she was handling this by herself." He shakes his head. "I'm not /here/ officially, on staff, although none of them has told me to leave. I should talk to ... someone about all of this. The mutants outside need help. I agree that a clinic could do more. At the same time, this school helped me. I'd to be sure that I can help here when necessary before I would agree to your plan."

Rage has posed:
"I can get an answer from you when you're comfortable in giving me one. I'm going through with this with or without you, but it would be more sucessful if I had someone at the helm that I trusted." Andrea says as she pokes at her salad. "As long as you're happy with it. I gave the best sales pitch I could throw at you. Rest is in your hands."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the room. He has a steaming bowl of something along with drink and crackers on his tray. He looks over to two, and sas "Oh Ah aint interrupting anything am Ah?" he will ask as he moves to set his food down on the table.

Triage has posed:
Triage inclines his head to Sam when the man arrives. "Good afternoon, Mr. Gutrhie," Triage greets, smiling. Finished with his plate, he reaches again for the glass and takes a sip before he answers. "Andrea was telling me about a project that she wants to start - a clinic for people who need more understanding than the regular hospitals usually provide." He glances to Andrea, and contninues. "She asked me if I would work there."

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea says, "Yes, Starlight's Mutant Town Free Clinic." She says as she continues on with her steak salad, eating a bit more hungrily now that the meat is starting to cool. "I've asked Chris if he would be interested in being the healer there. Mutant Town has people there that can't get help at normal hospitals as easily, or they are refused service due to fear or bias. I want to create something that will positive impact our people and community."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Probably not a bad idea at all." He will say starting to crumble crackers into his chili. "You going to work with Berto and do it as a combined work?" He will ask them. "Might be able to help find more folks willing to work there, if you make it a teaching clinic as well.

Triage has posed:
Triage looks to Sam and briefly at the bowl of steaming chili, then at his plate, now empty except for chicken bones and a stray green bean or two. "Now why didn't they have that when I arrived?" He wonders. "On a day like this, chili would have been great." He waves his hand to dismiss the thought. "It would be good, Mr. Guthrie, and everyone knows that a growing number of people need something like that." He eyes the chili again, perhaps considering a trip for seconds. Then he sniffs the air before continuing. "I like the idea and as I told Andrea, I'm not here officially, just helping, but I don't want to leave the school in a lurch. Too many people here taught me what I needed to know, not that I've learned all that I need yet."

Rage has posed:
"I plan on speaking with Mister DaCosta to obtain some financial support. I have a small team currently interviewing candidates for employees. I want at least two people to work the phones and manage paperwork and appointments. A healer." Andrea motions to Triage. "And two nurses. The nurses can manage a majority of the patients, but I would want our head healer to be available for the more extreme cases. That way you can balance both the school and this career." She assures Christopher, then takes another bite of her salad. "This is a project I've been working on before I went to Europe on my tour, but I'm looking to finish it soon. I'm currently narrowing down a few buildings in Mutant Town that will be our head office."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well am sure if you wanted to do both it would be possible. Ah could always give you a ride in and out town when Ah was going, or some of the others." He is sitting at the table, the scent of a close cousin of Ma's chili coming from his bowl. "I was thinking you might have folks there who would like to help who were not able to get into normal nurse/doctor schooling cause of obvious mutations. Also maybe a few healers in town you maybe able to get.

Icarus has posed:
The place is crawling with Guthries. Another one wanders in the door in the form of Jay. He does resemble his brother though he has green eyes and red hair, the hair matching the wings that extend from his back. They are folded neatly behind him. He wears a pair of baggy jeans and a tank top which is more fitting for his size.

He pauses to sniff the air, picking up all the scents, which leads to a grumbling noise from the area of his stomach. "Yeah yeah, I'm working on it," he mutters as he walks to the kitchen door. There he disappears to go get something for himself. He'll likely be back in a few minutes.

Rage has posed:
As Triage heads off to tend to some business, Andrea lifts a hand and waves to him. To Sam, she says, "I think it's a good idea, something we can work on phase two. Right now I want to get the clinic up and running, give it a few months and gauge it's performance, then go from there." At the sight of Jay, her smile brightens along her face. "Hey!" She calls over as she lifts her hand upwards to try and catch his attention. "That smells good. Gonna come join us?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit noticing Andrea's reaction. He will call to his brother "Plenty of chili if you want some Jay." He will smile and says "So, you going to work with the local drug store, see if you can maybe work out a plan to help folks pay for the meds?"

Icarus has posed:
When Jay returns, there is a bowl of chili in hand but a bag of Fritos in the other. He has a bottle of Coke tucked under one arm. He makes it to the table without dropping anything, settling into a chair with a rustling of wings to find a comfortable position behind him.

He begins to pour Fritos into the chili as he gives a smile to everyone present. "Hey Andrea, Sam. Thought my stomach was going to chew through my backbone there for a minute."

Rage has posed:
Propping her chin up in the palm of her hand, Andrea gives him a smile. "Hungry like the woooolves." She sings out to him playfully. She has a steak salad and a vegan chili in front of her. "How're you doing today?" To Sam, she gives him a grin. "Yup. Most likely. I'll be letting my more experienced members of my team handle all of those logistics." She takes another bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully. "Think the Sentinel stuff is over with for now?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie holds a hand up with a soso motion while he has a mouth full of food. Once he has it down and a swallow of tea he will say. Probably mostly, but we will probably end up having to go knock a stray one down now and again, since seemed they were given out or something to the FoH and such.

Icarus has posed:
Jay focuses on finishing up his Frito Pie, mixing the corn chips into the chili carefully so as not to spill any of the goodness onto the table. Then he focuses on shoving it into his mouth as he listens to the pair discussing things.

Rage has posed:
"Hm." Andrea says as she drums her fingers along the top of the table. She seems to be thinking deeply for a few seconds. Her eyes turn back towards the red winged Guthrie, giving him another smile. "Hey, once we're done eating, you want to maybe go for a walk in the gardens and hang out for a bit?" She asks. "I was hoping to talk about ... music stuff with you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two, and smiles a bit more but does not say anything on that bit. Instead he says "I may have someone come by the club wanting you to teach them how to play the fiddle. Met her out near the club, she plays violin, but not sure how fiddeling technique."

Triage has posed:
Triage left with his dishes. He returns to the table empty-handed and finds that Jay has joined. "Hey, Jay!" he greets. Having overheard the conversation about music, he wonders, "What type of music does she play? The violin is a surprisingly versatile instrument." He smiles when he sees Andrea's expression. "I'll have an answer for you soon," he assures. "As I said, my main concern is to be sure that I don't leave any gaping holes. In any case, I do like the idea of a clinic for the folks in that area."

Icarus has posed:
Jay is somewhat obtuse to be honest. "Sure, always up for talking music," he offers to Andrea. To him it's just chatting and friendship. He has no idea she might have something else in her head.

He gives a nod in greeting to Triage then focuses on stuffing his face a bit more before looking to his brother. "I would think fiddle would be easier than violin. I'd be willing to help her figure it out though, sure."

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head as she listens, Andrea continues to eat as she taps her fingers along the table in a gentle rhythm. "So, Jay, you fitting in okay? Classes are cool? Anything I can help you out with?" She asks as she blows some hair away from her face.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will eat a bit more, and looks over to Triage. "If there is anything can do to help ya have time for both let me know ok?" He will ask him. He nods to Jay and says "I plan on getting a chance to listen to her play soon."

Icarus has posed:
"Doing alright. The classes seem fine. Nothing really different from where I was other than I don't have to hide these." Jay's wings rustle behind him to demonstrate what he was talking about, like they weren't obvious. He takes another bite of chili, chews thoughtfully then continues the conversation. "But I'll let you know if I run into any problems."

A glance to his big brother again. "You haven't even heard her play? Then how do you know she isn't already playing fiddle and doesn't know it?" he asks in a teasing tone.

Triage has posed:
"I will," Triage answers Sam, nodding. "As I said, I want to weigh this because it's a big break, and something that might help many people. I do like your idea about involving others in the community to help. Even if people without medical skills can make the difference between life or death in some situations." He looks to Andrea. "I'm sure that Mrs. Jackson would agree, from her three tours. That's why the military trains people in first aid, so that they can buy a few extra minutes of life for buddies before the medics arrive." Jay's question for his brother causes Chris's face to break into a grin. "That might be like Mozart or Roy Clark finally realizing that what they do isn't just the natural, isn't it?"

Rage has posed:
"It is why I am hiring two nurses to do the brunt of the work there, and Chris would come in to do major healing if necessary. I want trained professionals at the Clinic. I also agree that having classes on site would be fun, like first aid and CPR. I don't see anything wrong in educating the community." Andrea says as she finishes her food, then rises up to put the paper bowls in the garbage. "So, Jay, I was thinking of casting you as Drew in our first Glee Club production of Rock of Ages if you're okay with it. You got the strongest male lead voice that I've seen so far."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "I am sure we will get some that will help out with it and will work nicely. He looks over to Jay. "Well one she seemed to know what fiddeling was, two she is mostly playing in the theater district, and the main thing, well she is British, Ah aint sure if any British folks known how to fiddle since we won the war." He jokes.

Icarus has posed:
"Mmm, good point," Jay says to the explanation from Sam. Makes sense to him at least.

"I mean, if you think I should be, Andrea," he says, glancing at her. "Not sure the new guy should come in and get the lead though. Maybe let someone else take it?"

He did give Chris a bit of a grin. "Didn't realize you would know who Roy Clark was. I'm impressed. Shows you just never know."

Triage has posed:
"Music, particularly older music, was a constant in my house," Chris answers. "We had Classical, blues, jazz, country, bluegrass, gospel, and old rock - the stuff that you don't here much now. I learned to love it all. There's a lot of music here, too." He looks to Andrea. "At this rate, scouting for talent could become a great second job for you. Someone has to discover the next Elvis. Who better but a star in her own right?"

Rage has posed:
"Technically, you're the only guy." Andrea says as she gives him a teasing grin. "But you /are/ the best male singer I've seen here. So, unless someone else signs up and puts on a fantastic audition ... "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "Yea, you better do it, they made me sing yesterday and you know how bad that is." he grins at his brother. "Oh, Jay, what day you wanting to head home for thanks giving, and christmas. You know me, I ussually Jet in the day or so before so can make sure those here have a decent one too.

Icarus has posed:
"I thought that there were other guys?" Jay says quickly. "I mean, just figured they didn't show up the same meetings I did. Dang." He shakes his head since he seems to be stuck with the leading role. Unless he finds some guy on campus who sings better than him. He starts eyeballing Chris.

"So kinda like our house where it was all sorts of music. Makes sense. You should check out Glee Club!" Already trying to finagle his way out.

"I'll need longer to get home. I think the days of you carrying me are done." Because really, being toted around on his brother's back was a thing of childhood. He was a grown man now! Okay, almost.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Surreptitiously, from the door leading to the kitchen, Bean comes in. He is armed, to the teeth, with broom and dustpan, ready to set the room to rights. Of course he doesn't bother people still eating, starting to clean from the other side of the room and working his way in.

Triage has posed:
Triage smiles and shakes his head. "I'm sure that Andrea has a fine instinct for spotting talent, Jay. As for your being the new kid, you shouldn't worry about that. Each of us was the new kid once." He looks from Jay to Sam. "We did have music from waking to sleeping, but I haven't thought about performing." Then he nods to Andrea. "I haven't been to Mutant Town in some time. I probably should go soon and reacquaint myself with the area."

Rage has posed:
"I mean, we /just/ started Glee Club and you're the only guy in our age range who has shown up and you got the pipes. You telling me you got stage fright or something, Icarus?" Andrea teases him a bit. "I have Shannon slotted for the role of Sherrie though, because her falsetto will match up for it. But if you don't /want/ to do it.. I guess I can find someone else." She hums in her throat, feigning a bit of disappointment.

"I don't think Bean over there wants to sing with us, huh?" She calls over to Samuel.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "We can take the wagon down home, if your not willing to take the Sammy express. " He will grin over to his brother. "We will figure out what day we want to head, and make sure we get everything packed for the little ones and such.

Icarus has posed:
"The wagon will be fine. Road trip, like the old days." After all, the family had their share from time to time back home.

He rolls his eyes at Andrea's antics. "Ain't had stage fright since I was fourteen," he points out. Then he raises his voice. "Anyone in this room want to join Glee Club? It's just me and all girls right now so please, save me."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Me, sing? Never tried it." Bean mentions as he continues to clean. It would involve knowing something about music, and his education in that regard has been sorely lacking. He's probably more likely to know entire classical masterpieces than a single line of rock opera. "I suppose I could give it a go." That's about as much as an expression of enthusiasm as he may be capable of...

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon ambles out into the dining room with a plate full of mac 'n cheese, still steaming hot, and a shrimp po'boy that looks like it came straight out of a restaurant in N'awlins. She's in her light blue jeans, white t-shirt, and sneakers, with her hair still pulled back from cooking, and a dusting of flour on the end of her nose. She has some earbuds in, and seems to be ruffling her wings in time with the music she hears, shakin' what her momma gave her as she looks for an empty seat.

Spider-Man has posed:
The last week or so, Pete's classes have been covered by a temp, one of the other teachers. Word circulated that he came down with a virus or, was in Metropolis when the fight took place, or something. It's all very vague. Now he's back, with Kitty, but not looking like he absolutely should be. His eyes are sunken, he's a little pale, but at least he's smiling... if weakly. His METS baseball cap is turned around backwards over his shaggy hair, "I don't know about the healing power of laughter right now, but I know I'd much rather be in bed..." He says to something Kitty was whispering to him as the pair of them make their way into the dining-hall.

Triage has posed:
"What's wrong with being the only guy in a roomful of girls?" Triage asks. "I know people who would pay dearly for that privilege. I know one guy who took ballet lessons for that very reason." Then he looks to Bean. "I'm sure that Andrea or Jay could coach you," he suggests. Having leaned against the windowsill for a time, he pushes away from it and starts for the kitchen. Then he sees Shannno dancing across the room. "Careful," he warns. "You don't want to run into anyone with ..." He looks down at the plate and asks. "Where did you get /that/?" He glances to her, and adds, "Shannon, you have flour on your nose."

Shadowcat has posed:
Has a hand resting on the upper middle of Peter's back, walking alongside of him. It has a feeling of wanting to have a hand there should Peter need the support. "After you get a real meal in you. Jello only takes you so far," she says. Ok he had more than jello. But he probably had a lot jello too.

Lockheed isn't with her at the moment. Kitty's wearing jeans with boots sticking out beneath, and a dark grey sweater. "What are you in the mood for? I mean besides soup. Because you're having soup," Kitty tells Peter, the last part said firmly. "Want some fried chicken? Or maybe a sandwich? Grilled cheese? Probably shouldn't have a Dagwood, but could make you a nice roast beef," she offers. She can't cook, but Kitty can make a mean sandwich. Or, order a mean sandwich.

Kitty glances up, giving people a soft smile of greeting, whoever meets her eye. She hasn't been around much the last few days while Peter has been out sick, either.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "There is some pretty good chili in there if your wanting something warm and filling and it aint uber spicy, left it a little on the mild side so folks could add a bit of peppers or spice if they want to give it a bit of a kick." He looks over to Triage and says "Aint nothing wrong with Ballet classes at least two people in this room have taken them.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The broom is plied, industriously, while Bean sweeps the floor as people come in. It needs doing, and he's doing it, so the almighty cleaning roster said. And what's the point of cleaning rosters if you're not going to follow them? Makes a mockery of the whole thing, really...

    He waves over to Shannon with a smile, and then nods with that same smile to Kitty as she comes in, extending this courtesy to whoever is with her. A cap worn backwards? Peter gets a slightly longer look than might otherwise have been given, and then Bean goes back to cleaning. Sweep sweep goes the sweeper.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Jello?" Peter says jokingly to Ketty's question on what he's in the mood for, but he's already looking for a seat to drop down in to... Grunting as he half falls, half settles, and rests his elbows on the edge of said table to prop himself up. "I could really go for some tomato soup with grilled cheese.. Do they have that as a jello flavor?"

Backwards hat guy with Kitty blinks at Samuel. "What? Don't tell me you're a Yankees fan.. I don't know you well enough to hate you, yet..."

Icarus has posed:
"Nothing wrong with it," Jay says as he realizes he isn't going to be able to explain this one very well. "Just...Nevermind." He goes back to eating his chili. As others enter, he gives them a nod of greeting or a half wave of his hand but focuses on his Frito Pie for now as the conversation took that turn that led to that dark place in his brain he'd rather not focus on.

Shadowcat has posed:
That Kitty walks Peter all the way over to the chair he takes, is also indicative there's a big of mother hen going on there. Once he's settled though she lets out a soft laugh. "I don't know about jello, but we can probably get that flavor in a soup and a sandwich," she says, patting Peter's shoulder.

Kitty follows Peter's glance to Samuel, giving the young man a smile. "Hey Bean, how is that bike coming along? I haven't been about as much lately, haven't had a chance to stop and check out your progress," she says.

Kitty motions to Peter. "Have you meet Mr. Parker? He's the chemistry teacher. Been a little under the weather lately though. This is Samuel, he joined us recently," Kitty explains.

Shannon and Jay are given smiles of greeting. "Hey Jay, another new face. Have you met Mr. Parker yet?" she asks. "Alright, let me go get the food," she tells Peter. She heads off towards the kitchen. "You tell them, Chris," Kitty says, supporting his ballet assertions.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nearly runs into Triage, just managing to save the contents of her plate from going splat. She pulls the earbuds out of her ears, and if one is close enough, they may catch hints of a light, jazzy clarinet tune that sounds as if it belongs on a street corner in the French Quarter. "Whoops... sorry about that! Made the mac 'n cheese, Gwendolyn made the shrimp po'boys. There's still some of both in the kitchen if anyone wants." One hand goes to her nose and she rubs at the flour spot frantically. "Better? Must've been from when I made the roux for the mac 'n cheese."

She smiles over at Bean and wiggles a wing, nodding back towards the kitchen with a grin and a wink. Yeah. She's got his number. "Guten Abend. Plenty of mac 'n cheese left, and I believe you are still owed some."

A smile is given to Jay, and a ruffling of her wings in lieu of a wave. Wings could be such expressive things, when one's hands are full of food! "Hi, Jay. How's it going?"

Kitty and Peter get a grin and a wave of the wing. "Hey! How are you two? Feeling any better?"

Rage has posed:
Sliding her phone out of her pocket, Andrea taps along the glass screen for a bit, shifting her jaw to the side. She has grown quiet at the table, giving only a bit of a glance upwards at the new arrivals.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Chemistry teacher? Ah... Bean nods politely, ignoring the Yankees question. Those that know him fairly well probably realise that the question might have sailed right over his head. It's popular culture and sports, two things Bean seemingly doesn't 'do' just yet. "A pleasure to meet you, Mister Parker. I put everything back the way I found it."

    This, he clarifies to Kitty, because it concerns her question as well. "The last bits have been nickel coated, and I've started the reassembly. Still need to find a replacement flywheel and clutch pressure plate, but other than that it should be good to run soon."

    There is, however, one thing that gets Bean's attention. Mac and cheese... and there's some left? The broom isn't abandoned, but his sweeping suddenly needs to be nearer the kitchen, mouthing a 'Thank you!' to Shannon on his way past.

Triage has posed:
Triage reaches for Shannon's elbow to steady her. When she rubs her nose, he nods. "Much better." He notices Bean heading for the kitchen. "You first," he urges, stepping aside. In the process, he sees Peter and Kitty. They get a wave but his eyes focus on Peter for a longer moment. "Is he okay?" the healer asks, instinctively concerned.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete up nods to Bean, "You too." Greetings aside, he watches Kitty sail off to salvage some eats for him with a casual glance around the table, "So why are there all these dishes being assembled? Is it Thanksgiving already? What are we celebrating?" A grin spared specifically for Shannon, "Hey, yeah... a little. Not asleep anymore, so that's good."

Then the question from Triage, which draws Pete's attention, "Okay is negociable, but I'm definitely not deaf... or mute... I'm fine. Are you okay?" Blinking at the healer, "Because I'm starting to worry, now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Pete aint to bad Jay, even is he had awful taste in baseball. You know guy looks like he is sick, mind you wearing a Mets cap may make anyone look like that." He will tell his brother. "I think Kitty dates him out of pitty for his baseball team."

Rage has posed:
After a few minutes, Andrea pushes himself up and tucks her phone into her pocket. She gives a smile to Jay as she reaches out to brush her hand against his shoulder. "I'm going to go for a walk. I'll catch you later." She says with a warm smile, then heads out.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins a bit sheepishly to Triage. "Thanks. Cooking can get a little messy." To Peter, she grins and inclines her head. "Well, hopefully you'll keep on feeling better. There's some mac 'n cheese left in the kitchen, think you could do with some comfort food? You could call the cheese protein and calcium, and nominally it'd be good for you. Even if it's really just good for the soul." She giggles softly, and glances over by Jay and Andrea. She smiles and ruffles her wings at them in greeting. "How are you two doing?" To Cannonball, she rolls her eyes, and flicks a little bit of mac 'n cheese at him. "Oh, you and your baseball teams!" Uh-oh! Game on!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances over towards Triage and Peter talking, but she needs to focus on getting them food. She passes through into the kitchen with Samuel and anyone else heading in there. She lets them get what they need while she gets some soup from the pantry and starts it heating up. Then a skillet and the grilled cheese is starting.

Kitty really is a disaster in the kitchen, but thankfully she can heat soup and make grilled cheese. Without burning either.


Kitty checks the fridge, adding some glasses of orange juice. And then some orange slices that she segments and puts on plates. "Anything else Vitamin C?" she comments to herself, looking in the fridge. Finally she plates the rest of the food, puts them on trays, and returns to the dining room. "Here we go," she says, setting down the food for Peter and herself.

Icarus has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker. Despite you having horrible taste in baseball," Jay responds after finishing up his chili. After all, the whole family support the Yankees and he'd hate to be kicked out of the clain.

He rises to his feet, glancing after Andrea as she heads off. "I'm going to go clean my dishes." Then he departed as well, disappearing into the kitchen.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean is quickly in and out of the kitchen, grabbing a plate, cutlery and a fair share of Mac'n cheese with almost military precision. Between him going into the kitchen and coming back out to eat at the table, less than a minute of time is lost. He goes to sit a bit apart from everyone else, in what has become his usual spot when he actually eats here with the other students. "Vitamin C in liquid form would be great, Miss Pryde."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I was born in Queens, I don't have horrible taste in baseball, I have wonderful taste in loyalty to a superior team... but I'm in no condition to argue the finer points of team spirit! I'm wounded by illness..." Peter laments, wavering slightly with a hand up on his chest for dramatic effect. "It is poor form to tell a sick, possibly dying, man he's wrong.. it's in a rulebook somewhere, I'm sure of it."

It probably isn't.

But if it is, it's right beside Rule #1110: Don't let Kitty cook.

"Crap! Someone find the fire extingu- Oh she survived.." Grinning at the guidance councilor when she returns with their tray of food, "Thank you, Sahnnon, but I'm good. Carbs are out of my diet until I can hit the gym again.. You know what they say about a girlish figure.. pasta goes straight to my hips."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Feverish and delusional, Kitty you may want to have Chris here check him out better. he does move to catch the stuff flicked at it catching most of it, and wiping of what was not "You needing to wash dishes long Shannon?' He asks her grinning at her. He looks to Jay, and says "Be ready by five oclock tommorow so we can head into town then little brother.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles a little bit at Peter's response, and nods. "Yeah, this is going to mean an extra mile a day for the next few days. With ankle weights, as per Logan's suggestion during our last class."

As Andrea heads for a walk, and Jay just... doesn't seem to hear her, her wings droop. She shrugs, and slides into an empty seat elsewhere, popping her earbuds back in and nibbling on her food. Extra mile? By the looks of things, two miles might be more like it.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs and grins over to Samuel Guthrie. "I'll have him converted to Cubs fan soon enough," she tells the Kentuckian in a stage whisper for Peter to hear.

She takes her seat and laughs over towards Peter Parker. "Hey, I'm not that bad of a cook," she flat out lies. "I mean, I've never once burned a bowl of Cap'n Crunch," she says to defend her statement with a firm nod of her head.

Kitty slides Peter's orange juice towards him before digging into her sandwich. "Oh I'm famished," she says. "Sam Bean, glad to hear the bike is coming along. When you get it running, we'll have to go for a ride around the grounds," she says.

Triage has posed:
"I'm fine," Triage answers, nodding his head to Peter while Kitty rushes to the kitchen to fetch food for them. "I meant no harm, only concern," he adds. "Things have been busy lately." He nods to Andrea when she heads to the door. He continues on his way to the kitchen.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh, for sure." Pete nods to Triage with a grin, ah facing when soup and sandwich arrive with a big ol cup of OJ, "There is literally no way I'll ever suppor tthe Cubs." He says while grabbing up one of the grilled cheeses to dip in his tomato soup before a bite is taken, "I would rather watch the Texans.. and nobody likes the Texans." Should be defending himself right now, but he doesn't know what other people involved know.

"Thanks babe." To Kitty, with a wink. "It tastes only a little well done. Not too well done... just close. Like a hand grenade of flavor.. offset by the sultry sensation of creamy tomato soup." He kisses his fingers and moves them out like an explosion. "perfecto."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I'm looking forward to your class, Mister Parker." Because of course Bean would be. Exactly what part he's looking forward to will remain blissfully unspoken. He glances over to Shannon, unusually quiet, and then smiles towards Kitty. "Learning to ride should be interesting. But it's a machine, and all machines can be tamed."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "And that officer is when it happened, no one could stop her, it happened to fast Ah really don't think he felt any pain at least.""

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches as Peter dips the sandwich in the tomato soup. "You're... a dipper?" she asks in surprise. Kitty sits there still for a few seconds and then lets out a soft, exasperated sight. "It's ok, you can put up with a Mets cap wearing, grilled cheese dipper," she can be heard muttering to herself, amidst little shakes of her head.

Though Kitty has to stop her lips from quirking in a grin as she does.

"Thanks for asking, Chris," Kitty says to Triage. "Wish you'd been around but we were in the city," she tells him. She starts in on her own meal, eating a bite or two of the sandwich. "So Sam, anything exciting happening for Halloween at the club?" she asks Samuel Guthrie.

Triage has posed:
Triage returns from the kitchen in time to see Kitty marveling at her man's method with the soup and sandwich. He grins. "It might be a regional thing," he suggests, "like people biting sandwiches from one end or in the middle after dividing the slices." Shifting from that, he asks, "Even though a few days have passed, is there anything that we can do?" He glances toward Shannon's table.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I belong to a very small group of superior humans.." Peter says as if this is a great burdon, once more dipping his sandwich into the creamy red soup, "Mets dippers. There's actually only four of us... now you get a lot of one or the other, but very few both.. We're a rare pokemon and, as such, should be collected whenever identified." He looks no stronger than he did, but he's grinning a little more.

Nodding in Beans direct, "You a chemistry fan, then? Me too." Obviously, "Which is /why/ I'm a dipper..." Half directed at Kitty, "The chemical reaction of flavors in my mouth is beyond comparison."

Both hands come up, one of just happens to have a dipped sandwich in it, "Whoa, what's this teaming up on the sick guy crap? Come on, you haven't lived until you dip a ruben in some french onion soup... I mean, that's /why/ they make bread bowls, people..."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon keeps mostly to herself, folding her wings around her and focusing on the music and her meal. Occasionally she glances around, maybe smiles a bit, but goes right back to eating. "You know," she remarks. "Dipping grilled cheese into tomato soup is almost as much of a comfort as some good mac 'n cheese. And if one is worried about carbs, it's still not the healthiest thing." She shrugs a little bit, and goes quiet.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Ah yes, carbs. Bean understands, and holds up two fingers to Shannon with a smile. Two miles extra tomorrow, but it's absolutely worth it.

    "I quite like chemistry, Mister Parker, just like Physics and Maths." Whoa there. "I hope you don't mind I've been using the lab to nickel plate some parts for my bike." As in, all the parts. Literally, every part that needed to be refinished, down to the last nut.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde slowly makes her way through sandwich and soup, though both one at a time. "Hey, you're eating and looking better, I won't complain," she tells Peter. Kitty's eyes go over to Triage and then back to Peter at the question. "If you'd be up for it Peter? It wouldn't hurt to make sure you don't relapse or something," she says, her concern showing through a little bit.

Kitty reaches over to squeeze Peter's good shoulder gently. "How about if he gives you a checkout?" she asks Peter.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the bunch and says "Ah need to go check on some things." He takes his bowl, and making sure his hand is clean and ruffles Shannon's hair all out of place as he passes her."Have your mac and cheese back." He says making her think for a moment he put it in her hair, he didn't he aint that mean, but tormenting her.. yea he does. And heads to clean his dish

Spider-Man has posed:
"Yeah, I'm cool with that." Pete says with a nod, glancing to Triage, "Do you do house calls or is it an appointment situation? I have a general practitioner, but I think they've had tee-time everytime I've ever been to their office.. so.." Hands out, then back to his mouth to finish off the dipper sandwich. After wiping off his fingers, he lays his hand atop Kitty's and grins at her. "I feel pretty good though, all things considered."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks up briefly at Cannonball and brushes her hand through her hair. "You little scheisse." A light chuckle escapes her, and she's back to her music, for the time being.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Sprache, Fraulein." Bean grins over to Shannon, giving her a wink as he does.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes at Bean. "Go bumsen yourself." But she smiles a little bit, finishing up her po'boy. "You sure you don't want to try one of those? Seriously, Gwendolyn is a fantastic cook."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Triage. "Really appreciate it if you could check Peter out," she tells him. She sets down her soup spoon, and glances over at the interaction between Shannon and the two Samuels. Which incidentally is the name of her Oingo Boingo cover band.

Kitty says, "Is it good, Shannon? I'll have to grab one another time. Grilled cheese and tomato soup was one of the things Mom would make when I was sick, too." Kitty takes a sip of her orange juice. "Are you ready for Halloween?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The look of faux shock and horror passes over Bean's face, left hand on his chest after putting down his cutlery. "Well now, I never. Shocking to hear such foul language." That's about as light hearted as anyone has ever seen him, and with a grin he goes back to eating. "Maybe one day I'll sample her cooking, but right now I'm too busy enjoying yours, thank you."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs. "I hadn't thought that far ahead. Probably just going to bust out that Doric chiton I made for Betsy's birthday party and go as myself. I've got the wings, might as well look the part. Otherwise... really not seeing much point in dressing up for Halloween. Grew out of that a few years ago."

She rolls her eyes and chuckles a little at Bean. "You're welcome. As fast as that stuff tends to go, I should just make it in bulk when I do. I swear folks here must have black holes hidden somewhere in their stomachs."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Another time though..." Pete says with a grunt, rubbing at his shoulder despite it having been said he was out with some virus. He helps himself up with a hand on Kitty's shoulder, then grabs for the plates/bowls, to take them in the kitchen. "Hey, I'm going head home.. I'm going to make use of the liberal perscription pain medications and watch scoobie doo for a few hours.."

Triage has posed:
Triage looks to Kitty briefly, nods, almost bows, his head. Then he turns to Peter. "I'll be glad to check on you in the Wellness Office if you'd like." He shrugs. "I don't have an office. With recent events, I've spent much of my time here, helping the medical staff when possible. This place means a lot to me. I feel that I should help when I can."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde beams a smile over to Triage. "Thank you Chris, I really appreciate it," she tells him. Kitty helps Peter up, and will do her best to take more than half of the plate from him. Though she stops short of phasing them so he can't take them. But only just short.

"Ok," Kitty agrees. "If it's ok I'm going to stick around and check on some things before heading back," she tells Peter. "But I won't be real long. Feel free to go sleep before I get there."

Kitty smiles over to Shannon. "We've got some great, I think, costumes planned. Secret until Halloween though," she says with a grin.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Do the younger students go out to go... trick or traitor? Is that what you call it?" Bean asks, clearly not entirely au fait with the process. "If they do, I will gladly escort them to make sure they get back safely."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon pipes up. "Trick or treating. Not traitor. I gave up dressing up for Halloween about six years ago, when I got a little too old for that." She glances over at Kitty briefly, offering a half-smile. "That's great. Just wish I could see the point in dressing up for it."

Triage has posed:
Triage grins to Bean. "I haven't done that in ages, and I'm not sure that it would be a great idea with so many /real/ dangers lurking out there. Still, it was great fun." He shifts his attention again to Kitty and offers, "If you need another hand around here, I'd be glad to stay officially. Shannon told me that Josh disappeared, and that leaves you in a bad spot, especially now."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans back against a table as a partial seat as she considers Triage's comment. "We'd definitively love having you around, Chris. And not just for the healing either," she says, grinning at him at the last part. "But, for the healing too. Shannon is a godsend to have, but there's only so much we're comfortable her taking on given she absorbs the injury herself. But, whatever works for you. If you want to stay here some of the time, we'll get you a room set back up. Or if we can just call on you when there are issues."

Kitty nods and gives a little bit of a sigh. "Yes, Josh... went through some kind of rough. I keep hoping he'll come back and let us help him through it, but... he needs some time, either way I think." she says.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon growls openly at Kitty now, standing with her hands firmly planted on the table. Her eyes are snapping dangerously. "Oh for bumsen's sake!!! Okay, sure, Logan made a good point and I should set some boundaries for myself. But how the heck am I supposed to learn, if I'm treated like a porcelain doll? Right now.. I have NO other way than to learn by doing. I've survived things that should have taken down a normal person and even several mutants. Maybe I've got a ways to go, but I'm also not as fragile as glass, either!" She turns and storms towards the door, seething.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is a soft *clink* of cutlery hitting a plate. Knife and fork are put down, geometrically precise, and Bean looks over at Shannon's retreating form. "War es uns leiten lasst Ihn geschmerzt zu sehen, Engel."

Triage has posed:
"I learned to use my gift here," Triage tells Kitty. "This is more like home to me than home, even though my family are great people. I --" Before he can continue, Shannon has pushed her chair back and is standing, /growling/ at Kitty. Triage steps toward Shannon. "Hey! Hold it!" When she storms past him, he glances to Kitty again. "You never know when things like this might happen. If I can help, I'll stay here." He glances to the door. "I'll go and talk to her and see if I can get to the bottom of this." On his way toward the door, he slows long enough to say to Bean, "I'll remind her about the run and the two extra miles."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon pauses as she passes by Bean, likely mangling her German but trying anyways, forcing herself to think through something of a translation. "Ja, aber ich kann mit Schmerzen umgehen. Ich habe sonst niemanden, von dem ich lernen kann. Es muss alleine sein." She rests her hand on his shoulder briefly, and heads out the door, going towards the foyer and outside. As she wings her way into the night sky, a single white feather falls to the ground, near the front steps of the mansion.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems completely surprised at Shannon's reaction towards her. Though the surprise only lasts for a moment. Kitty doesn't try to stop Shannon, perhaps figuring just this moment, and in front of others, isn't the best place to address it.

She sighs once the teen has stormed out, and shakes her head. "I'm guessing something is bothering her. Unless she just lept to conclusions. Obviously we aren't comfortable with her healing comas, concussions or other brain injuries, diseases we don't know if she can handle, or any number of other things that would have to be eased into."

Kitty sighs and then nods towards Triage. "Sure, Chris, talk to her. I'll stop by to see her later as well," she says.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean gives Chris a grateful nod and then picks up his cutlery again, continuing to eat. It takes a lot more than that to ruin his appetite, it seems. "She's worried, because everyone seems to have a trainer for what they can do, and she doesn't." Omnom, this is good food. "It's not true, of course, but there's no point arguing that. She wants to be the best she can be, and thinks the only way to do that is to keep pushing herself. That might actually be true, but trying to get her to see the virtue of moderation... I can't convincingly make that argument. Mister Logan has managed it for a short while, but unless and until she comes to the insight by herself, and accepts it to be true, all we can do is mitigate the fallout." Wow. Wise words from someone that's not yet sixteen...

Triage has posed:
Triage stops at the door long enough to call back to Bean, "She has a trainer now." Then he assures Kitty, "I'll talk to her." With that, he races from the dining hall.