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LoSH Recruitment Event
Date of Scene: 12 October 2019
Location: Central Business District, New Troy
Synopsis: A Legion recruitment event in Metropolis ends violently when Grail and Mon-El get in a fight.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Invisible Kid, Superman, Brainiac 5, Grail, Slipstream

Mon-El has posed:
    The Legion of Superheroes is planetside tonight, and have chosen to make a public appearance in business district of New Troy. Although their numbers are somewhat sparse for the time being, thanks to the whole time-lost thing, they're looking to expand their ranks once again.

    This particular crowd of potentials doesn't look very promising, but maybe this just wasn't a very good time, given recent events.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    The small numbers don't worry Invisible Kid.  What remains to be seen, whether there's one or one hundred, is whether they have the stuff the Legion needs.  Even so, he leans over to Mon-El and quietly asides, "Small crowd.  I'm going to chalk it up to us not being known in this era for the sake of my ego...."

Superman has posed:
A dark figure in the crowd moves closer to the Legionnaires. He was wearing strange garb - a long, dark, flowing robe, with his hood up, covering his features. There was a strange insignia on it, a symbol lost in time, and ancient even when Krypton and Daxam was young. The man's hands were covered in black gloves, and his boots look to be the same color.

Most of his clothing seems out of place for this time, but only someone with incredible observation skills would pick up that they seem to be out of time. Rokk Krinn's eyes look up at the Legionnaires, and a flash of recognition was there. For what, or whom, it was unknown. The man looks similar to the one at Superman's Memorial Service. Same robes, same insignia.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
    Brainy walks up and taps the -- mic -- and he scowls at squealing feedback. "...Good evening, everyone."

"My name is B-" He pauses, and then says, "...My name is Querl Dox. Along with Mon-El and Invisible Kid, I am a member of a group of..." He looks behind him. "I'm not using the phrase 'guardians of the galaxy', they're *reprehensible pirates*," He hisses.

"An alliance of beings drawn from multiple worlds across the galaxy. We call ourselves the Legion of Super-Heroes. Superman is--was a direct inspiration for our organization and our mission. That is why, in the wake of his passing, we've come to Metropolis to pitch in and assist the municipal law enforcement and other super-powered guardians of this city in keeping it safe."

"...However, we cannot do it alone, and as such, we have elected to revive a... beloved and time-honored tradition of our organization, and hold open tryouts."

He pauses, and turns around again, and hisses, "*Beloved*? Mon-El, this stretches the bounds of credibility."

Then he turns back. "...But now, I turn over this... primitive amplfiication device to our leader, Mon-El, who will further address you and explain the rules of the try-out."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs at Lyle. "Guess so. Might just be a bad time. Morale low or something, after what happened and all." he whispers back, as Brainiac takes the stage.

    Well, guess it's his turn to talk now. He gets up, peering over those gathered. There are probably some media folks here, too. His gaze passes over Krinn momentarily, finding something familiar about the figure.

    The Daxamite gives Querl a look when he protests at the words in the speech. "-Not- now, Brainy."

    Lar takes the mic, clearing his throat, but for whatever reason he can't seem to come up with anything useful to say. "Uh--right. Querl pretty much said it all. Even if Superman is gone, his legacy will never die. We will protect this city--and this planet, with all of our might...."

    "Thank you."

Grail has posed:
    Looking at the small crowd, the woman known as Grail has arrived on the scene. Was she here to join? THat remmains to be seen but she certainly wasn't gonna pass up a chance to come and watch the show. She smirks as she looks around at the various people here, stepping up to the light so she can be seen. She notes the one known as Rokk and then just dismisses him all the same. For her, this was more about what might pass for tryouts and if it'll entertain her.

Slipstream has posed:
There is a blue blur through the crowd as Slipstream appears. He's feeling confident today! He has motivation! Wearing an Overwatch bomber jacket, a black shirt and a pair of black joggers and new sneakers, the young superhuman is bouncing a bit on his feet. "Okay Snowball." He says to his small robotic companion that detaches from it's harness and floats upwards next to him. "We're gonna rock the hell out of this." The little robot's face plate lights up. n.n! Obviously 'she' is ready also.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Invisible Kid scans the, uh, crowd.  Such that it is.  His gaze lands on anyone present, lingering on the one in robes and the armored woman each before moving on.  "If we have any volunteers to go first?" he asks optimistically.

Superman has posed:
The dark robed figure looks up at Brainy, the hood just falling back enough to reveal a caucasian, young and handsome face. Two weeks beard growth. Wet, damp, black, dangling hair. His eyes look slightly...well...crazy, as his next look falls on Mon-El, the leader of this group. Moving forward into the next layer of bystanders, Rokk tries to get closer, drawn to these men like moths to a flame.
The man ignores the others present. His eyes look up at familair voices, but stops pressing forward. His hands come together, rubbing, an unconscious twitch. IK's voice strikes him, and his eyes look at Lyle again.

For a moment a twinge of recognition flickering there. Then, a tug. A small one. Those in the crowd feel something strange. A tingling, around anything metallic. Pulling them towards the robed man...and then it stops as suddenly as it began.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy wrinkles his nose, and says, sotto voce, "I can't even use my actual code-name right now, in Metropolis in this era I'd be liable to start a riot, or have to deal with an angry mob--"

Then he looks up, sharply. "Hmmmm."

Still, he doesn't betray anything else yet. "All right," He says. "Contestants were picked by lots drawn earlier. Number one, please come to the stage."

A young man in lederhosen vaults up.

"Yes, thank you." Brainy says, before he checks a clipboard, "...Johan Johannsen. Tell us about your super-powered identity."

"They call me the Yodeler..."

Brainy facepalms.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sits back down, relieved to get away from the stage. Honestly, he's not normally like this. But...it's just been a rough month or so. At least he's here. He notices Grail in the crowd, much to his chagrin. Why does -she- keep showing up everywhere he goes? It's frustrating.

    Drake's confidence is a boon though, at least. He smiles at his friend, giving him that 'you got this' wink. Though his reaction to 'the Yodeler' is similar to Brainiac's. Welp, here we go again.

    He noticed that strange tug, that tingling as Krinn approached, but it passed quickly, and his attention was refocused on the tryouts.

Grail has posed:
    A blink as she hears who is up first and she has to fight not to laugh openly. She shakes her head only turning her gaze away to smile directly at Mon-El and give him a small wave. She, however, is rather distracted. The scythe moves. It doesn't leave her side what with the straps and her strength but it tugged. She looks around quickly to determine if someone was trying to rob her but then she realizes it wasn't a pick pocket but something...else. Grail grinds his teeth a little.

Slipstream has posed:
As Snowball gets a magnetic tug away from him, Drake reaches out quickly to snag her, giving her a tug back. He gives a concerned scan through the crowd for a moment before he turns back to the try outs. The name of the 'hero' causes his brows to lift upwards, his lips twisting into a bit of a grin.

He lifts a hand up to Lar as they meet eyes, giving his best friend a wave before he lets out a slow breath to steel himself. He bounces on his feet to keep himself limber.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Off mic, Invisible Kid comments to Lar, "We've had worse.  I think."
    Directing his attention to the applicant, he says with what he hopes is an encouraging tone, "All right, Yodeler, let's see what you've got."

Superman has posed:
The man in the Kryptonian Priest robes with the symbol of Rao looks at the stage, and watches everything happen. Suddenly, the wind blows the hood off of the man's head, and after a few seconds of struggle, Rokk gets it back up to covering his features. It only took a second though, to get a good look at the man.

His face was gaunt, and looks like he hasn't eaten in a very long time. The two weeks of stubble and beard growth was untrimmed and was pretty impressive for a very young man. Then, his deep voice, a voice used to being listened to, rings out. A voice familiar to the Legionnaires present.

"He's not dead! It is not his time! History says his death is not now! Rao be Praised! He will come again! The past has already happened!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The yodeler opens his mouth and out comes a perfect yodeling cadence which echoes through *the entire city and out into the suburbs.*"

"I think maybe you'd be better suited to protecting the Austrian Alps than Metropolis," Brainy deadpans.

"Excuse me." He says to the others, before he descends from the stage and heads into the crowd. He's not really subtle about it, if people don't get out of his way, he uses his force-field to gently pick them up and set them aside.

"...I do not have the slightest bit of interest in playing the 'bring the babbling idiot back to his senses' game, Rokk. *Stop it*." He tries to keep his tone as low as possible.

Mon-El has posed:
    Sigh. "I'm sure we have." Lar replies to Lyle, shaking his head. He tries to hide the annoyed expression on his face when Mr. Yodeler, well, yodels. Okay, he has to hand to the guy, it was some pretty impressive yodeling. But not exactly the most useful thing. He shakes his head. "Thank you for your interest, Yodeler, but I think your talents would be best utilized elsewhere." he says, as politely as possible. "Next." A holoscreen pops up with the next number on the list.

    Then suddenly Rokk Krinn appears. And starts shouting about Superman not really being dead. Which, Lar himself suspected, as history did speak for itself, but it wasn't something he went around shouting about. He hovers over the crowd to approach Cosmic Boy. "Rokk, please." he says, echoing Brainiac's sentiment. "...I mean, it's good to see you too, Cos."

Superman has posed:
Rokk Krinn stops as Brainy approaches. His eyes narrow, as though recognizing the man for the first time. The emerald-skinned man's words shock him into sanity once again. Figures it would be him to do it. "Brainy." Was all he said, as though that was a great victory. Suddenly, he moves forward, and if possible, grabs Brainy by his arms with both his hands. The glint of golden metal on his right hand ring-finger with a familiar "L" was instantly recognizable.

"You need to figure this out Brainy. If he is dead, it is all over. I know this time...you know I know this time. This can't happen. I feel trapped. Trapper. Glorious. Glorith. Time. Time is wrong..."

Then, the man's eyes go solid and sane. "My old friend. Figure it out. They have him." His eyes next find Mon-El. "Buried. He can't be dead. He can't be." Was that, tears? A whisper. "You know what he means to everything Mon. Brainy."

Slipstream has posed:
There is concern in Drake's eyes as he watches Rokk engage with his friends. He shifts his stance on his feet, then blinks and blurs forward through the crowd to flank behind the new face as he comes out of his 'hop'.

"Lar, everything cool?" He asks in a burst of rapid words as he draws in a breath. "A friend of yours from your time?"

Grail has posed:
A slow blink as she hears the yodeler and Grail shakes her head before blinking slowly. "Wow." She simply states as a response. She is not impressed though. That is until she turns and hears this Rokk going off. She stares at him as he goes off and on and on. As Brainiac begins to approach him and then she tilts her head. Now this was more entertaining than expected. Then she is approaching as well.

She moves to behind Brainaic 5, looking at this man that is making such claims and tilts her head slowly, "What are you going on about?" She asks of this Rokk and stares at him with her dark red eyes.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I also know that when your mother was killed and your brother was nearly crippled, Sun Boy held the rest of the Legion back because he knew the content of your character, even when you didn't."

"So find that inner reserve of strength and *suck it in, Krinn*. Fall to pieces on our ship, not out here where you're just going to distress people. We *need* you." Brainy's bedside manner... it's terrible.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Invisible Kid abandons the microphone as well when the robed figure is revealed -- although he can't say he likes Cos' disjointed way of speaking.  "Cos.  /Rokk/.  Slow down.  What are you *doing* here?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar grumbles. Krinn isn't making any sense, really. He notes Drake and Grail approaching, and lets them do so. Nothing to hide. He exhales audibly. "Cos. Cos..." he kept trying to interrupt the disjointed sentences, then nods at Brainiac's urgings. "-Cos-." he says finally, a bit more loudly, glancing at Lyle, too. "You aren't making any sense. This isn't the place. Can we talk about it on the cruiser? Please. Or--wherever. Just not here. Not in front of--" he gestures toward a group of reporters, who are definitely soaking this ine. "them."

Superman has posed:
"My....mother..." Rokk frowns, and looks at Brainy, releasing him and stepping back. "Brother..." Rokk shakes his head, as though banishing a fugue, a fog, something. A deep breath. "Thank you Brainy." His gaze looks up, and spots Lyle. This was the rwal Rokk, not temporally damaged Rokk. "That is a good question my friend. I am here to tell you. HE isn't dead."

Looking at Drake first and his familiarity with Lar, Lar's eyes next find Grail, and he blinks and she moves behind Brainy. "Aren't you...." His eyes narrow. "...familiar. I have seen you before. In the history books." Then, Rokk frowns. "Grail. Is Darkseid here? Am I too late?"

Rokk raises his hands, and suddenly hovers in the air, not using his ring, but his control of magnetism. "No! No time to go to the cruiser! Mon-El! Stop her! She is here to harm Superman! She is...I need to find him!" I will be back!" With that, Rokk flies off, not looking back to see what chaos he could have caused.

Grail has posed:
A blink and she stares. Grail's eyes go wide and then she suddenly rushes forward only just in time to miss the escaping Rokk, "What do you know of Darkseid?!" She glares after him and then she grinds her teeth before she lets out a scream and her eyes suddenly glow bright read. The beams fire out and begin chasing Rokk only for him to fly out of sight and after a moment the lines break and she stops firing.

After a moment, she steps back her right foot and lets out a scream that likely makes the Yodeler feel under powered before she stomps her foot, "Bastard!!!"

Slipstream has posed:
".. Oof. This is spicy drama." Drake says as he watches Rokk fly off, then turns his attention upon Grail as she gets called out. "D.. Do I .. apprehend her?" He asks as he glances between Lyle and Lar, then cuts his look back to the girl, mouthing: 'I'm so confused.'

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, grife,"Lyle says, and more on reflex than anything else, kicks in to the air to give chase.  "Cos, /wait/!"
    It's too late.  In a battle of Cos' control of magnetism and Lyle's flight ring, it's not even really a contest.  He spirals back down for a landing, glaring hard at Grail but saying nothing.
    Instead, he addresses himself to his leader.  "I suppose the good news is that knowing he's here, we can keep an eye out for a trace on his flight ring, if it's not too damaged."  He doesn't sound all that optimistic -- every time-lost flight ring so far has been too damaged to trace.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yes, yes okay I get that you..." Lar lowers his voice a bit. "Know he isn't dead. But again, we can talk about this on the cruiser. -Later-. We'll figure out where he is, and we'll get him out of whatever predicament he's in. All right? We'll--"

    And then Cos sees Grail, and mentions Darkseid, which all too quickly turns into Grail shooting those beams at Cosmic Boy...

    That's it. THAT'S IT.

    Lar loses it and dives at Grail, attempting to both block her omega beams and knock her to the ground to throw off her aim at the same time. "THE HELL IS IT WITH YOU AND SHOWING UP TO INSULT ME OR ATTACK MY FAMILY?!" he shouts. It's a good thing Brainiac had already moved most of the bystanders aside on his way toward Rokk, because there's probably a sizeable crater in the ground now.

Slipstream has posed:
"Shit, shit, looks like we're apprehending her." Drake says as he he blinks once more, blurring out of sight, looking to pull off a bit of a 'grade school' technique for Lar. While he goes high, he goes low. He'll use his blinding speed to try and barrel between her legs while Lar goes for the impact and send her toppling over to the ground.

"Snowball! Prepare for the deep freeze!" She and Han Solo may have something in common real soon depending on how this goes.

Doot-Da-Doo! The Robot chimes out, firing herself upwards in the air, aiming her small canons towards the woman, waiting for the command.

Grail has posed:
Those beams are extremely powerful, likely not something comfortably blocked though if anyone can do it, would be someone like Mon-El. The beams stop soon after though as she is tackled and she glares up at Mon-El with glowing eyes seething with hatred, "WHAT IS IT WITH YOUR FAMILY KILLING CIVILIZATIONS AND THROWING OUT ACCUSATIONS?!?" Her response is yelled as well even as she attempts to plant a foot in his chest and throw him off of her with a growl.

Then she's gonna attempt to get up and within a split second her scythe is in her hand and open, "Touch me again and I'll visit upon you the punishment deserved by your murderous race!" She clenches the scythe tightly and only looks slightly in Drake's direction and states, "Do you like that robot? I'd turn it off if you don't wish it destroyed..."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Invisible Kid facepalms.  Yup, just another typical Legion tryout.  He knows better than to get between Lar and Grail; instead, he flicks out of sight, yells "Both of you STOP IT!" and rapidly moves away from where he had been, in case anyone targets where the sound came from...

Mon-El has posed:
    Yeah, those beams definitely hurt, but the sheer amount of rage directed at Darkseid's daughter keeps him going as he divebombs her into the pavement. Then he gets a foot in the chest, which sends him flying into the stage and sound equipment they'd set up. It crumbles instantly on impact, the structure being no match for someone as tough as Lar. The display for showing who's next in line falls over and shatters loudly.

    The Daxamite quickly recovers himself from the pile of rubble, his eyes also blazing crimson. "Get -away- from me and my family, -now-." he demands. "If I -ever- see your face again..." At that, the red laser beams lance through the air at her.

Slipstream has posed:
"I'd stand down if you don't want to be buried under a glacier the size of a bus. She may be small, but she is actively sucking in the air and converting it to liquid nitrogen on steroids." Drake fires back at the woman after rolling back to his feet from bouncing off of her super strong legs.

"She's made of top of the line Stark Tech and I'm pretty sure Iron Man made her bad guy proof." He needs to really work on this super hero smack talk. He puts his hands upwards, shifting his foot behind him, preparing to move again.

"Lar, she didn't skip leg day. Definitely don't go for the legs."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy had gotten out of the way -- and now he's standing there, looking exceptionally put out.

He crosses his arms. He taps his foot. He takes out his Omnicom and he checks the weather.

Grail has posed:
She actually considers meeting his beams with her own but instead she growls and stands up straight. She puts up an arm and catches those beams on her left arm, growling as she is sent skidding back a few feet from the beams only to glare at him, "Do you really wish to meet my power head on? A man who defends a family that genocides a planet?" She laughs, "A real high horse..." She growls even as her arm begins to singe a little from the heat but not seeming to break things. She then looks back at Drake and shakes her head, "Human toys..."

She flips he scythe around and simply whips it around through Mon-El's beams and hten quickly fires off a blast of OMega power right at his feet before she smirks, "Keep in mind...you invited me here. Tell your family hi next time you see them murdering a populace." She then is gone. Fast, like, extremely fast gone.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Invisible Kid is very much staying out of the way; he doesn't need Grail's attention, certainly.  He might like to get Lar's, but there's no way to get it without getting in Grail's way.
    Instead, he makes for where Brainy stands on the sidelines.  "Recommendations on the least fraught way to clear up the damage?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy purses his lips, and he *stares* at Mon-El, just looks at him.

Then he says, "...Lar can do it." He opens a gateway to the ship. "I'm going to retrieve Cos."

Slipstream has posed:
As she zips off, Drake lets out the breath he was holding in his throat. ".. You okay, Lar?" He asks his best friend as he runs a hand through his hair, then reaches up to grab Snowball and re-attach her to his harness.

"This wasn't like a big jebait was it and that was the try out? Did I do okay? My adrenaline is kinda spiking right now so if we got anything else you need to do, I'm good to go."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar glares daggers at Grail's back as she leaves. Well at least she did the smart thing. How dare she claim some kind of moral superiority! Finally, Drake manages to snap him out of it somewhat. The red glow fades from his eyes, though he still doesn't look happy at all. Is he okay? No, no definitely -not-.

    He grumbles, brushing Drake aside. "No." he says tersely. "And I'm -fine-. You're basically on the team already anyway. Get this mess cleaned up--how's that for a first assignment."

    With that, he takes off into the sky, the air popping with a sonic boom once he gets clear of buildings.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I am officially out of patience with him." Brainy says. "Invisible Kid, Mon-El is your problem now. I'll find Cos. If there's a serious problem... I suggest maybe calling the nearest Green Lantern."

Slipstream has posed:
"You don't seem fine, Lar. Come on, how 'bout we hit up a pizza joint and -- you're..flying away..." Drake says as he watches him take off with a sigh.

Get this mess cleaned up? Like, buy some cement and patch the sidewalk up? Giving a glance about, he hears the sirens in the distance, then pops his Overwatch jacket collar. "I got this. Mister Stark had me do this a few times when I was on the Avengers." He calls over to Brainy and Lyle. "Maybe you two can go calm him down and work things out? He's just upset." He calls over to him. "Don't give up on him, please? He needs friends right now, not teammates."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "We don't give up on each other, SlipStream," Invisible Kid says from the sidewalk... and flicking a quick look at Brainy.  "That's part of being a Legionnaire."