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Latest revision as of 14:25, 20 October 2019

On the mend
Date of Scene: 20 October 2019
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan stops at the Wellness Office, where she, the healers, Cannonball discuss her condition and medical needs.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Triage, Nightcrawler, Nightingale, Cannonball

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had recovered enough from the flu that she felt well enough to go back to classes, and to check up on Shannon and Chris a few days later. Although she had broken contact before the healing process was complete and had not fully healed, she was more concerned about Shannon's condition right now. "Helloooo?" she queries as she peeks into the wellness office, searching for signs of Shannon and Chris.

Triage has posed:
The door to one of the large wooden cabinets is open, preventing the person beyond it from noticing the Megan. A cardboard box sits on the floor beside him. He stoops to check inside the box. Then he steps back from the cabinet, closes the door, and locks it. When he turns from that job, he spots her. He smiles. "Hey!" he greets. "How are you feeling?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn peeks behind the cabinet, smiling, but blushes a bit at the memory of what her pixie dust did to him the other day..But she owes him tons and now she's in a hyper mood to boot, thanks to a surge of unexpected energy after getting (partially) healed by Shannon. "Chris! Hiii!" she greets him cheerfully, practically leaping towards him as she attempts to hug him if he will let her. "I'm soooooo sorry about the other day! If you weren't there, Shannon would've....would've...And I......!!!" She's crying and laughing, totally relieved things worked out okay, but terribly guilty in the Harm she did or could have done. And other weird things.

Triage has posed:
Chris smiles when Megan rushes into the room. From someone else, under different circumstances, the suddenness could mean trouble, but he can see that she has improved, and no sneezing - yet. When she approaches to hug him, he circles his arms around her and hugs her. "It's okay, Megan," he assures her. "Shannon and I had talked about your problem after we saw you in Dr. McCoy's lab." After a moment, he steps back and shakes his head. "You don't need to apologize or feel bad about it," he tells her. "We discussed most of the risks but we didn't think about that one, you breaking the contact so ... abruptly." He steps back. "We needed to know what we can do for you. Now, we know more. I took Shannon back to her room after she rested for a few hours. She'll be on light duty for a few days. After that, she should be fine."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip. "I didn't know breaking contact would hurt her more, but I'm glad she's okay..I hope she's not mad at me.." she let's go of him but But continues to watch him thoughtfully. "And what about you? I guess...That Pixie dust did...Funny things to you..I mean, I kinda didn't mind it, it was kinda nice to be the center of attention for once..Even if it wasn't for real, but.." she laughs nervously, twiddling her thumbs, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean fir that to happen...Really, I can't control what people see.." she arches a curious brow at him. "What exactly did you see, anyway?"

Triage has posed:
Chris shrugs and smiles, probably feeling as sheepish about the incident as Megan does. "I'm fine now. I had a bit of a headache for a few hours but that's heading out to sea." He smiles. "Shannon rested through the night, apparently. She was well enough to come downstairs so that I could check on her and give her a note about that 'light duty' in case someone asks." He doesn't need to be an empath to sense her apprehension. "Really, it isn't your fault. I can't speak for Shannon but I certainly thought that everyone knew to relax, be calm, and allow her to work." He waves to a chair. "Why don't you sit down. I'll brew a pot of tea if you like."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Slipping through the door, in button down and khakis, Kurt has apparently decided to make his presence known in the wellness office, blinking at the sight of students there. "Guten tag." said with a small smile for those present "I am not interrupting something, am I?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head. "Well..,It's just that I can't stand seeing her in pain all the time and I felt pretty bad..I don't know how much you guys can tolerate but..It's over now right? Even if she didn't heal me completely, I think I can recover now on my own, although it's still pretty scary when I get sick.." she nods and smiles, happily taking a seat. "Thanks! Could I have some camomile tea? Calm my nerves? I hope she's not too mad at me.." Megan pouts a bit but brightens at the sight of Kurt." Hi Kurt! How are you?" she shakes her head, "nah, just in for a spot of tea, and checking up on my favorite healers!"

Triage has posed:
Chris turns toward the door when he hears Kurt's voice. "Guten tag." he answers, inclining his head. Since the school is transforming steadily into a German-only zone, he should adapt. He had not anticipated this during his years at the school, and opted for Spanish instead. He glances to Megan when she agrees to the tea. "Chamomile tea, a good remedy for jangling nerves," he repeats. "I'll start the water. As for Shannon, she was worried about you because she couldn't complete the process. If you're still feeling any effects, we can work on that if you'll remember not to break the link." Then he glances to Kurt. "Do you need help or does one of the students have a problem?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
A nod and a bow of his head, Kurt crosses the room for a seat, though he climbs onto the back rest and huddles there, balanced perfectly. "No, I was just checking by the wellness center. I am still a councilor for the school, ja? I like to take a peek from time to time and see if I'm needed. One of the few times I'm ok if I'm not. Well, sometimes, no?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and shakes her head. "I'm relieved. But it's okay, I need to strengthen my immune system since drugs don't work so well in me, and I can't always rely on you two, especially if more serious injuries arise..I am curious how exactly your powers work though? I also wondered if you read anything else the other day besides the flu..I always feel a bit sick and queasy around metal...Especially when Magneto flung all that metal about the other day but I dunno why..Am I allergic to metal...?" she grins at Kurt. "Gu..Guten Tag! What's that mean anyway?" she arches a brow, "Oh you're a counsellor? That's cool, I might drop by sometime..."

Triage has posed:
Chris goes to the small kitchenette, where a portable electric range with two burners waits. "Exactly right," he says. "It's a good idea for counselors to roam around the facilities. At the schools in Michigan, before I came here, we knew that the principal wandered the halls, checking on things." He shakes his head. "None of the kids liked it. Even some of the teachers complained. Now? I understand. It's called seeing that everything is in order. This is a big place and these are dangerous times." He looks to Kurt and asks, "By the way, did Ms. Pryde mention that I'm working here now? I'm glad for the opportunity."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Translates roughly as... 'good day', I think." Shannon's voice is not quite as strong as it was the day before, but vastly improved from the last time Megan might have heard her. She's ambling into the wellness office alongside Cannonball, keeping the pace easy. She's in her red tartan sweatpants, grey tank top, and Old English Sheepdog slippers, with their goofy, floppy little tongues. "I was going to ask Sam to come looking for you and tell you I'm okay, but... figured it couldn't hurt to look in here before he went to the trouble."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I hadn't been informed, no. That's good to know though and I'll keep that in mind." Kurt scratches his chin with his tail tip taking in Chris's info before he points to Shannon, translating as she arrive. "It translates literally to Good Day, actually." Kurt chuckles, all sharp teeth. He looks about to say more when... he pulls out a beeping communicator with a distinct SHIELD symbol on it. "Was ist das?" pausing as he reads something. "Cover your cups." giving them time to do so before BAMF! he disappears into smoke

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn spots a Shannon and squeaks, leaping into her arms for huggage. "Shannon!!! I'm soooo glad you're okay and I'm soooooo sorry about the other day and I hope you're not too mad at me and stuff was super weird and I won't ever do that again but I didn't want you to get hurt and how are you feeling??" Somehow she doesn't run out of breath and seems to be running on a sugar high tonight.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking along with Shannon making sure she is ok. He nods to the others here and steps out of the way letting the others talk for now.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blinks, looking surprised as Megan very nearly bowls her over. But she plants her right foot behind her, her feet at right angles to each other, leaning forward to brace herself in a fairly strong front stance, so she doesn't get knocked to the ground, while attempting to catch the incoming flying hug. "Hey... nobody saw that one coming. Least of all me. Seriously glad I had some backup in here... maybe I can finally start saying 'no' to folks when they come in here, tell 'em basically, 'Physician, heal thyself', and walk away."

Triage has posed:
Chris is halfway to the kitchenette when he hears Shannon's voice at the doorway. He turns to see her and Sam walking slowly into the room. In the same instant, Kurt gets that summons and disappears so abruptly that if you blinked you would miss it, and never know that he had been here. In the next instant, Megan bounds from the chair to welcome Shannon. "Remember, /light/ duty," he warns. "She's still healing." Then he inclines his head to Sam. "I was preparing to brew some chamomile tea for Megan. She was here recently due to illness. I can start a bigger pot of water for something else if anyone prefers."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn eeeeeeeeps! "ImsorrryIhopeIDidnthurtyouareyouokaaaaaaay???" yup, waaaaaaay too much sugar for fairy grrrrrl. She does step back though, giving Shannon some space. "Thanks for taking care of her, Sam! I always worry about our healers!" oh, and then Kurt is suddenly gone, when did that happen?? She scratches her head as she peers around for him. "Waiitwut??"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to chris and smiles "Ah am good, tea should be sweet and cold." He grins and says "Also, need to chat with ya about something for Megan here when she is sick."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon perks up a little bit. "Chamomile? That's my go-to for just about everything. Can't sleep? Chamomile. Sour stomach? Yep--chamomile. Down with the flu? Chamomile. I swear that's a wonder herb. Really ought to talk to miss Munroe, see if she has plans to plant any in the spring, or if there's already some in the gardens."

Looking at Megan, she laughs. "Hey... I'm okay. Been getting a little better at not getting knocked over so easy by a force of nature swinging right at me. I'm real surprised you haven't met Kurt yet. He is pretty awesome, really. Remind me to tell you how I first ran into him sometime."

Triage has posed:
Chris nods and goes to the counter to fill a kettle and set it on the burner. With the flick of a knob, the burner starts to heat the kettle, and with it, the water. Chris returns to the group and glances to Sam and then Shannon. "Actually, we were working on that. Megan has had the flu for a few days. We tried to help. The first test didn't go well." That might be the understatement of the year from Shannon's perspective. "She sneezed on me and that dust ..." He shakes his head, remembering the episode. "I took a solid hit. I saw so many different animals. I thought that I was at the Bronx Zoo. Then everything went blurry and suddenly ... pink." He sighs. "Shannon got me to a bed where I could recover and went to Megan to work on her. Megan didn't know that she needed to help by relax so that Shannon could work. I don't know what else happened until I started to recover. Shannon told me that Megan broke the link suddenly. Shannon fell and I heard something that snapped my system into high gear. The rest, as they say, is history."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is grateful for tea, and as she sips it slowly, it helps calm her calm a little. "Yeeeaaaah...Oh, I've met Kurt before, but not at length..I hoped to talk to him more." she bites her lip, nodding to Chris, blushing still. "I'm really sorry about that...I didn't mean to cause trouble.." she pouts and sips more tea........

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, Shannon, was telling me about it, Ah think we need to make Megan a hairnet type thing for her wings when she is sick. Be sorta like wearing one of those doctor masks, if your ok with it Megan."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon furrows her brows slightly, her voice gone quiet. "It felt like my chest was about ready to explode when the link was broken. If you hadn't acted, Chris, we'd be having this conversation in the medbay, or worse." She tilts her head slightly, recalling her own experience being on the receiving end of pixie dust. "That dust is pretty potent, though. It's pretty amazing you recovered as quickly as you did, Chris. In my case... it was talking blue butterflies sitting on my hand, and everyone turned into big, pink, fluffy teddy bears."

To Megan, she cracks a little smile. "While I wouldn't recommend it... the day I met Kurt, I'd snuck on down to the danger room on my own, found it was open, and he had this fantastic circus simulation going. Holy heck, you think that BAMF thing he does is neat? Should see him when he's really in full swing. And he refused to let me blend into the crowd, either. Little blue stinker." She smiles a bit more, canting her head slightly. "He's got a huge heart, too, seriously. And a quick ear to pick up on us students dipping our toes into the more colorful end of the linguistic pool."

Triage has posed:
Chris offers a cup of tea to Shannon before he settles into another of the chairs with his cup. "I wonder if the dust is a magical equivalent to some of the illegal drugs out there." He looks at Megan in case she might know. "It might even be chemically like those things." He shrugs. "I know that it's potent. Those drugs often cause people to drop their guard, to say or do things that they wouldn't dare under normal circumstances." He glances to the others and nods. "A net might be a good start. A sedative might help." He glances to Megan again while she's sipping her tea. "Ordinary medicines seem to clash with her system." He frowns. "If we could find a way to sedate people without medication. I know that some can be hypnotized but that takes time and it's not always an option."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts, looking genuinely sad and remorseful. "I'm realllllllllllllly soorrry, Shannon! I didn't mean to, I just...Got scared and didn't want you to get hurt. I shoulda known better.." she sips some more tea, helping her relax.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Why I was thinking something to contain the spores, only needed when she is sick or such, and if you need someone sedated, Ah who can hynotize sedate people pretty sure

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, and smiles at Megan. "It was painful, but you actually did me a favor. It was a question that had to be answered anyways, what would happen if the connection was forcibly broken. Now we know, and can learn to deal with it." She pauses, glancing to Chris as she accepts the tea, taking a careful sip of the pale, golden liquid, plain. "That's something that really needs to be discussed at some point. How can I train and practice, without winding up confined to my dorm or the medbay?" She glances at Megan again, pursing her lips slowly. "I'm tempted to suggest that when it comes to finding medicines that can work for unique situations, or for a lot of things medical, Mr. McCoy is probably one of, if not -the- best to see."

Triage has posed:
"She's right, Megan. Shannon and I talked about investigating these things, including your needs." Chris sighs again. "It's my fault for not ensuring that you understood how important the link with either of us is. As for the dust, you can't control that if you sneeze. If we find a way to control it, we can help you more quickly. If you can think of anything, we'll be glad to har it." He looks at his cup again and adds, "If I said or did anything that was out of turn after the dust hit me, I hope that you'll forgive me. And if you want to talk about it at some point, I'll be here."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a little. "Is it a bad thing that my dust gives people a high? I mean...Comparing it to illegal drugs is kinda scary...!" she grins and elbows Chris playfully, "Cmon, do , don't tell me you didn't enjoy it, even a little? And you too, Shannon...I mean, not like I'd take advantage of anyone...How would nets even work though? I'm usually in control of my powers..It's only when I'm sick...Which doesn't happen often...I'll be more careful next time..." she bites her lip, peering at Chris.."Anything out of turn.....?" she just smiles wryly and shrugs. "Nothing I didn't regret hearing......." even if it wasn't for real..

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "I was thinking like I said something like a hair net, maybe something with a charge of some sort if it could make the dust stick to it, if not basiclly like a bag. Speaking of folks enjoying it, has anyone done any studies to see if it is addictive?" He will ask

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon narrows her eyes at Megan over the rim of her cup and says nothing, her face otherwise inscrutable. She says nothing at the moment, though, simply sipping the hot drink, and listening to the conversation.

Triage has posed:
Chris finally sips his tea after several false starts at lifting the cup to his lips. When Megan worries about her dust, he lowers the cup. "I didn't mean that," he clarifies, turning to her and shaking his head. "I didn't mean that it's illegal, and it's only harmful indirectly, as far as I can tell. I'm not blaming you for that. You sneezed and it happened, like a natural consequence. I recovered and I'm fine. So please, don't worry." Then he looks to Sam and shakes his head. "I don't know if it's addictive. This was my first time." He looks to Megan again in case she can answer that one. "That's also something worth investigating. I think that Shannon has a point about asking Dr. McCoy, but if the stuff is magical and not chemical, he might not find anything."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn yawns tiredly, waving a hand as she rises. "I'm sorry, I actually am pretty tired, I'm gonna head to bed,....."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two and says "If it is magical Illyana may know a bit about it already, we will have to check that out and see as well. He looks to Triage, and says "So, how long ya think Shannon here is on light duty?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, setting her cup down with the others. "Noted. Two days, and we'll see from there. Hopefully hunting down some snacks is considered light duty?" She chuckles softly and follows Cannonball out, still walking slowly.