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Samuel Getting To The Truth
Date of Scene: 21 October 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Samuel worries new student Vi is a Hydra assassin. Hilarity ensues, followed by orange slices and juice boxes.
Cast of Characters: Vi, Samuel Morgan, Smart Alek, Nightingale, Triage, Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Phoenix

Vi has posed:
The afternoon is pleasant enough with warm sunlight helping to offset the cooler air. Colorful leaves bearing the red, yellow and orange paints of autumn blow across the lawn, as if mocking the attempts of the groundskeepers to keep the leaves clear.

Over near the basketball courts, a new face is wandering. Her jeans reveal a petite form that the somewhat baggy sweatshirt might have otherwise tried to conceal. The front of the dark grey sweatshirt bears a SHIELD logo on it.

Vi's hair is left to fall free about her shoulders as she steps out onto the basketball court, her feet bare despite the cool air. She looks about the open space and pauses to peer up at one of the baskets briefly before slowly moving on. Her course is taking in the general direction of the stables, though she's taking her time. Looking at all of the different sights in the back yard, giving them far more thorough examinations than most do.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When Vi stepped onto the basketball court, people could have sworn an oath there was nobody else on it. But as soon as she looks back from the baskets, there's a figure in front of her, on the other side of the court, bathed entirely in shadow. All the lights around the figure seem to have died, all the lights on the court are suddenly going out, one by one, until only Vi is still well lit.

    The figure stands at ease, hands clasped in front, holding what looks like an elongated cylinder in the right hand. There is a flash of blue eyes, and the last light goes out.

    "I think it's time we're done with the charade." Bean calls from his end of the court. A flick of his wrist, a series of sliding *clacks* and the cylinder extends into a weighted baton.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is walking around, he approaches one of the leaves that have fallen and picks it up... his eyes glow brighter blue for a moment as he cants his head to the side.. he talks to himself, "Maple, I think." he glances around and sees the large tree nearby, he nods to himself.. "Yeah, that's what I suspected..." he seems to pause a moment, "That feels different..." A glance towards now Vi, "New reflection.. Yeah, she's new here." The lights dying on the basketball court however also draws a bit of attention.

Vi has posed:
Vi is just sort of wandering aimlessly really. There's so much to see back here. She glances about, seeing Alek over on the grassy lawn bending to pick up the leaf. The change in the lights brings her attention back.

Her eyes widen a little as the figure suddenly appears, but more so as the metal baton is deployed. Vi takes a few steps back from the figure, glancing around behind her, looking for others, or perhaps just the safest path of retreat.

Vi's senses suddenly sharpen, allowing her to see the figure more clearly. She catches the scent of the laundry detergent in his clothing, and the oil on the well-cared for baton. "W-what do you want?" she asks, her bare feet backing her up a few more feet. "Is this off limits? No one told me," she says worriedly to the figure.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "The lies continue, impressive." Step by step, Bean approaches, in no hurry whatsoever. He's still sizing up Vi, knowing that she has a weight advantage on him, but unsure of what else she might be capable of. HYDRA wouldn't just send any mundane to kill him. They'd make sure. And that makes her appearance an elaborate deception. Her entire story crafted specifically to garner trust, even pity, just so she could get close to her target and disappear when the deed is done. Bean knows how that operation goes... he's done it himself several times. First the hit in Salem, now an assassin... they knew too much. And he needed to know how much they knew, and how they found him.

    "But soon, very soon, we'll get to the truth. Because I won't let you continue to disguise yourself as the innocent. They sent you. I knew it was a matter of time before they would. Which base was it? Dark Run? Mountain Three? Doesn't matter... you'll talk."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek doesn't really smell or see the display that Samuel puts on, for him, it's more of the feeling of the photons bouncing between the figures and himself. The familiar feeling of his cellphone reaffirms that it is indeed Samuel. However, the baton and his movements strike a tone of dissonance, "Hey Sam...." he half-yells to him, "What's up with the metal cylinder?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon ambles on outside, stretching her wings and letting out a sigh of pure delight at being outside. It was a little nippy, the mid-autumn weather hinting at the winter yet to be. The chill in the air raises gooseflesh on her arms, but it doesn't matter. It just felt good to be -alive-.

But it seems the day was not quite over just yet. The sight that greets her as she nears the basketball court is a foreboding one, and one that has her quickening her steps to join those already out there. "Bean? What's going on?" She looks around, seeing Alek and Vi nearby as well--and spies the baton in Bean's hand. Oh, crap.

"Bean...." Her voice has gone a bit low, and she looks right at him. "Come on, what is it?"

Vi has posed:
Vi continues to slowly back up, moving towards the edge of the basketball court, and back towards the main school buildings. "W-what?" Vi repeats again. She looks about herself, confused and scared. The baton is a familiar sight she's grown up with, and the intimidation factor of it on her is hard to overstate.

Though she's also not the same girl was. Her sense of the metal grows, not just seeing it, but feeling it as she backs away from Samuel's approach. "What?" she repeats again in confusion. Vi shakes her head, not sure what to answer. "I don't know, they called it... Tri-something," Vi says, a hand going for a moment to the S.H.I.E.L.D. sweatshirt that she's wearing. Her eyes are on the baton as much as on Samuel.

Triage has posed:
Chris strides near Shannon, with enough room between them so that the girl can stretch her wings. Then, like her, he sees Sam and the baton. He sees that look on Vi's face and a worried frown tightens his lips. He veers toward Vi. "What happened?" he wonders.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Stop. Lying." One of the court lights overloads and sends a shower of sparks down to the ground. This isn't Bean in a bad mood, or even Bean angry. This is Bean in full on combat mode. So much, in fact, that his vision is pulsing red along the edges. Twenty meters around him, everything electronic fails. Lights go out, phones stop working, a bubble of darkness moving forward at that same slow pace, anchoring him in the middle.

    Now the baton is pointed, like an accusing finger, as people begin to arrive. "She's not what she seems! They sent her. She's here to kill me. And she lies about it, tries to protect the mission. Protocol three. But she made a mistake. She was wearing part of a black site guard's uniform this morning. Step away from her!"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "This isn't you though.. she's new yes? why would she want to kill you?" Alek senses the electronic disturbances and was about to make his own.. a call of distress but Shannon and Chris arriving now is an answer to the emergency call he didn't make... but can they be enough to keep Sam from doing something radical. "Your scaring me Sam... Don't do something you can't undo with a click of a button.""

Nightingale has posed:
     "Bean..." Shannon places herself right between him and Vi, keeping her wings spread, her hands empty, open, and clearly visible. Around her neck is a necklace partially beneath her shirt, but what can be seen of it, involves gears, and small beads in between them in the shape of... beans.

     "Remember where you were, when you first came here? You were new, just like she is. Remember how it felt for you then. She is now where you were." She smiles softly at him, holding her ground, not budging one inch.

Vi has posed:
Vi spares only a little glance for the two approaching people, what with Samuel and that baton bearing down on her. "I don't know," she says in answer to Chris though as her eyes have swung back to Samuel.

He moves closer and points the baton, and the sparks going flying from the set of eight lights, four on each side on elevator poles to illuminate the basketball court. "Nightcrawler sent me, and Lara, and the Wasp woman and the captain with the shield."

Vi quickens her step backwards. "I don't want to kill anyone," she protests. She suddenly floats up into the air, still upright, then shoots backwards a few dozen feet further away from Samuel before landing on her bare feet again, leaving Shannon and Chris between herself and Samuel now.

Triage has posed:
Looking toward Bean, Chris shakes his head. "You should know by now that we have better ways to settle differences, Bean," he calls. When Vi levitates and drops behind him, he glances to her and then invites, "Come inside, all of you. We'll call the teachers, whoever's on duty, and they can help."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The string of names just makes Bean narrow his eyes further, brain furiously churning away, mincing up the facts, shaping them, arranging them. There is truth here, somewhere, and he's going to find it. How could they have... of course! Captain America! When he sent that call, they noticed the back door being used, traced it back, probably traced the Captain himself straight to the school. How foolish of him! How could he have forgotten? But that was only a few weeks ago. How did they set up such an elaborate operation so quickly?!

    With Triage and Shannon in his way, and Alek on the sidelines, at least Bean stops advancing, shedding the momentum of his intervention, trading it for information and clarity. "She was sent by HYDRA. I know she was. I recognise the mission protocols. That box can only have come from half a dozen places, and they don't just let people walk away with them. I'm not confused!" He certainly sounds certain of himself. Or is trying to convince himself of his own certainty, so he can go through with this. Why is everything suddenly more... muddled? Nuanced? Doubt, the enemy of resolve, jumps into the chink of the armor of righteous certainty, and stabs deep.

    "She's dangerous!" Her flying suddenly agitates Bean again, breathing ragged and deep, adrenaline surging and warring with his disgust of himself. "Don't let her fool you!"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek resists crutching into a ball and bobbing. He does however start to rock back and forth a bit, "She can't do anything to you here Sam without having the school after her."

"These guys messed with you bad...Let's go after them..break down their firewalls and hack them. Make them feel what you feel.. You and your bike can still be free of them."

Vi has posed:
Vi's arms wrap about herself as she continues slowly backing away even though Samuel has stopped moving forward towards her. "I escaped from them. They run Echo. I escaped. I'm not..." Vi says, the girl trailing off.

Her accent is noticeable, but not so bad that her English is difficult to understand. That accent isn't quite normal, a mix of different accents of spoken English that have blended together over the years amongst those born to the location. There's only one other person present, besides Vi, who would have heard its exact like before, if he had an ear for accents.

"I paid for the box," she says softly. "So I took it when I left. I'm not one of them. I wouldn't do what they do to people," she says, shaking her head rapidly. Her eyes go back to Samuel's baton.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon keeps her voice calm and soothing, holding up her empty hands. "Bean... come on. Let's go inside and talk this thing out, maybe find out what's going on without needing to fight. Just like that last danger room session you and I were in." She smiles. "Look. If Captain Rogers had any sort of involvement with this, then I'd trust him not to deliberately put us in danger here. Heck, weeks before you arrived, he stopped by to check on the school. Got to have a good, long talk with him. Probably one of the kindest things he could've done. I can't see someone like that, who would take the time when they've got a thousand and one other things to worry about, deliberately endangering us. And not only that, but I seriously don't think Herr Wagner would, either."

She takes a couple steps forward, reaching out towards Bean's hand, with plenty of time to telegraph her intent so as not to startle him. "Come on, at least let's go inside, get a teacher, and see if we can get all the facts before we go off half-baked here? You were just saying to me yesterday that you trusted me, even when I don't trust myself."

Triage has posed:
Chris continues to watch Bean, waiting. Then he glances behind him to Vi. "The captain?" he asks. "The captain of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" He brought you here? I've not met him but I know this. He wouldn't be where he is unless he was /very/ sure that it was safe, both for her and for us." He glances back to Vi and then he adds, "He also wouldn't allow her to bring something here that was dangerous. Nor would the teachers and counselors." He edges back, closer to Vi. "Let's go inside. She's a guest here. If we've done something wrong, we should get to the bottom of it properly, not through some kangaroo court."

Samuel Morgan has posed:

    The baton collapses, retracting back into the outer cylinder.

    Lights come back on, minus the one that was fried, leaving Bean in stark contrast. His face is a rictus of remembered horror, eyes wide and unbelieving. "Mein Gott... I'm... I'm so sorry." With deliberate care, with great solemnity in fact, Bean hands his baton over to Shannon, taking great care to avoid her eyes. Anyone's eyes. The adrenaline is still pumping, but now there's no more need for a fight. Not after... not after what he just heard. Even if she had been lying, the accent was unmistakable.

    "How did you... they... " So many questions, but none of them make it past his lips. There's only one thing he can say, over and over and over again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry..." Hollow eyed, Bean will let himself be led back inside with no struggle whatsoever, shaking from the adrenaline crash, and the sheer horror of what he had nearly done. Done to someone who had it far worse than him.

    In the back of his mind, Alek's voice echoes. Let's go after them... What a sweet thing that would be. It's something to cling onto, something to grab as the Black Dog pants in his ear and opens its jaws to bite.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek stands there, he's still a bit in shock, he does let out a long sigh of relaxation as the situation seems to have resolved... he reaches down and picks up another leaf, his eyes glow, "Birch. White." as he seems to go back into touching things mode.

Vi has posed:
Vi looks to Chris, though her eyes only flit up to him for a moment, before going back to keep an eye on the baton. "He took me to a safe place. And then to SHIELD. Captain... something. I don't remember the other word," she says quietly.

The diminutive teen watches as the baton is collapsed and handed off to someone else. Vi lets out a bit of a breath, though her posture stays the same. Shoulders huddled and her arms wrapped about herself.

Now the moment seems defused though, her eyes stay down. Not looking anyone in the eye, only peeking up briefly to get glimpses of expressions to read before lowering again. If there were lingering doubts after the accent, that demeanor itself would also be familiar from the same source.

Vi will follow the others back inside the school. Staying on the far side of the group from Samuel, but also separated from the others by a small gap as they go inside.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon wraps her arms and wings around Bean, drawing him into a hug, as soon as the baton is safely away from his hand. "Shhhh... it's okay, you're safe... nobody was hurt, it's okay. We'll get this straightened out." Just as Bean had tried to reassure her yesterday, when she had to face her own mortality and question herself, so too does she try to offer an island of calm for a teammate who came dangerously close to the edge of the cliff.

Glancing to Chris and Alek, she lifts her chin a little, in the general direction of the mansion. "Would you mind...?" She stays right by Bean, holding onto him and offering what calm she can, seeing that he's more upset than she can recall ever witnessing before.

"Shhhh... it's okay...."

Nightcrawler has posed:
BAMF! Kurt and Jubilee appear in a cloud of indigo smoke at the alert having been sent out. Kurt in blacked out version of his X-Suit and Jubilee in workout clothes for lack of better words. The fuzzy blue elf looking around for signs of commotion before he reacts.

Jubilee has posed:
Having just been working out at the Danger Room with Kurt, Jubilee is in workout shorts and a matching top. She looks as if she's ready to run a marathon. "So, what's the sitch?" She asks as she gives a look at the group of students. "Nothing seems to be on fire."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As has been the case far too often these days, Bean is somehow involved in this. The only damage appears to be to one of the lights surrounding the basketball court (looking very much like a short circuit). Certainly nothing that would immediately indicate why Shannon has her arms and wings around him in a protective hug, or why he looks like he stared a bit too long into the abyss and wasn't prepared for it staring back. He's mute, barely responsive, and rapidly going very pale. At least he's still upright. Significantly, Shannon is currently holding his collapsible baton.

Triage has posed:
Chris nods to Shannon, who is stil trying to calm Bean, when she suggests returning to the mansion, then he glances to Alek, and finally to Vi. "Let's go," he urges, beckoning with his hand. When Jubilee and Kurt appear, he takes a deep hreath and sighs. In response to the request for a siterep, he answers, "Shanon and I arrived to find Bean threatening Vi with his baton. I think that there was some confusion on Bean's part. He seems to be better now, but this might need further discussion. We were preparing to go inside." Then he glances to Vi and suggests, "Walk with me. If this isn't over, stand behind me."

Vi has posed:
Vi gives a brief start, surprised by the sudden arrival of Kurt and Jubilee. Though the surprise only lasts for a brief moment as she recognizes Kurt. Vi is wearing the sweatshirt with the SHIELD logo on it from the Triskelion as if against the cool weather, but below her jeans she is barefoot.

She walks with a little separation between her and the rest of the group, and looking like she wishes she could somehow disappear. As Chris talks to her though, Vi's eyes lift briefly to his face and she gives him a timid nod. She drifts over closer to him, though her body language still show evidence of unease.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek places the leaf down and he looks between them, "okay." as he catches up with Sam and Shannon, "It's alright Sam, you didn't break anything. When you break things like flesh.." his face goes into a bit of an ick, "I hate to see it, the cells, they kinda go crazy, I guess realizing things live inside of you is what freaks you out a bit."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks up as Jubilee and Kurt arrive, her arms and wings wrapped protectively around a nearly catatonic Bean. In her right hand, she holds his collapsible baton, and she shoots them both a look of gratitude when she sees them. "Jubilee... Kurt... wee bit of a situation out here. Chris and I were going outside for a little fresh air because let's face it, being confined inside on light duty really stinks. Sure got one heck of a surprise when we saw Bean here looking about ready to take Vi out. We did our best to defuse the situation, and I'm pretty sure Bean's okay. But we're out of our depth here, not at all sure what to do now."

Jubilee has posed:
"What about Vi, is she okay?" Jubilee asks as she gives a scrunch of her nose up a bit at the story being told. She turns her eyes over to the new girl who's papers has came across her desk. "Hello there! It's nice to finally meet you. What happened?" She asks as she gives a tsk at the sight of the damaged light. "Why did things get worked up for?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Did he say why he was trying to attack her?" Kurt looks to Jubilee and then to Vi as Jubes is already getting to work, heading towards Bean and motioning for Shannon to clear some space. "Sam, sag mir, was du gesehen hast. Du bist an einem sicheren Ort, Sam. Nichts, uber das man sich sorgen sollte." trying to let the glow of his eyes fill up Sam's vision.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Ich glaube, Sie war hier um mich zu töten. Sie hatt' einen beutel der von Hydra markiert war, und... ich habe gedacht... " And then he trails off, biting his lower lip, just staring into the far distance. "She's from Echo... Mein Gott, sie kam von Echo..." His eyes look directly into Kurt's, a vision of absolute mute horror and a silent plea for understanding. "Verstanden Sie das nicht?! Sie kam von Echo!"

Triage has posed:
When Vi steps closer, Chris glances to her, seeing the telltale signs of her apprehension. "It's okay," he assures. Then he nods toward Jubilee. "That's Jubilee, another counselor like Kurt, but with different ... gifts." Then he lowers his voce for her. "Don't worry. You're safe."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "The wifi is still spotty after that... I'd love to google that right now..." he states to noone, "It seemed like Sam was thinking she was the enemy, or his enemy..." he nods. "Noone got hurt, just a light bulb.""

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Nein! Ich weiß nicht was Echo ist! Ich weiß, dass sie eine von uns ist, und Hydra hat schreckliche Dinge getan, wahrscheinlich wollten sie sie zu einer Waffe machen. Kapitan Amerika und Wespe haben sie gerettet. Sie ist keine Attentaterin. Charles wurde sie nicht hier lassen, wenn er solche in ihr entdecken wurde!" Kurt continues to fill Sam's field of vision, speaking gently.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and steps back from Bean, allowing him and Kurt some space, though she stays close enough to hopefully be a reassuring presence. She keeps a hold of the baton that was entrusted to her. Glancing over to Jubilee, she nods. "Thankfully, the only thing that really came to physical harm was a lightbulb. Think Vi might've gotten the bejeebers scared out of her, but other than that..."

Looking between Kurt and Bean, her eyes begin to cross, as she tries to translate some of what's being said. The curse of learning a new language!

Vi has posed:
Vi continues to walk close to Chris. Every time she draws attention from others she looks like she wants to shrink away to nothing. "I didn't mean to be a disruption," she says, but so very softly it might be missed by most of the ears. She isn't wearing the black metal case at present, Kurt might notice. The first time he's seen her without it, as she had it with her in the dining hall this morning.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It is hell." Bean clarifies to Kurt, still gabbling away in German that is spilling from him like a particularly teutonic waterfall. The eyes keep his attention, and information keeps coming, now that he has something to anchor him so firmly. "As close to hell as they could make it. She... I'm sure she was a slave there. Oh God, I nearly killed her, I thought she was..." He thought she was just like him. "Those poor people." Once again his eyes go wide, something playing in his mind's eye that is more vivid than reality.

Jubilee has posed:
Pinching her brows, Jubilee lets out a withering sigh as she listens to the back and forths, not understanding any of it. She jabs Kurt in the side with a finger, brows lifting, then heads over towards Vi. "Hey kiddo, I'm Jubilee. Like he said, one of the counselors here. You did nothing wrong. You want to get a soda and snag some chips and talk for a bit? Get away from all this for a bit?" She says as she motions to a random 'lesser staffer' to go clean up the glass of the busted flood light on the court.

Triage has posed:
Chris is still in the back, beside Vi. He nods to her and murmurs, "You're fine - not a disruption. They'll help to sort all fo this soon. When Jubilee heads for them, he encourages, "She's fine, too. You're safe."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean walks out into the back yard for some fresh air, now that she's done with her administrative work for the day, but a crowd gathered draws her attention before all else. "Is everything alright? Everyone having a good day?" Jean asks while heading towards the group, trying to gauge everyone's feelings.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Jabbed in the ribs, Kurt's brows knit and he looks back at Jubilee, "Ach... Was is dast..." snorting and looking back to Samuel, speaking in German still, "Deep breaths, Sam. Deep breaths." patting his shoulder, "She's having trouble too, having escaped. You two could be kin for whatever evils are done there, in Echo, ja?" head tipping to one side then the other. "Remember. This is a safe place. She's here to be safe, just like you. We're still looking into the tin she carries, but we must work carefully and slow." When Jean appears he stands and raises a hand to wave her over, his face is calm but he's tense. Wolverine ready to snap next to him tense.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek follows and the growing group has his nervous streak kick in and he goes silent, his eyes begin to dance around and eventually settle looking at the floor.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean just shakes his head, catching sight of Vi for a moment and instantly turning his head away, eyes trying to focus on something... elsewhere. Phones are probably going a bit glitchy around him at the moment, switching on and off, and the flood lights on the court are flickering. "Some evil... I'm not innocent to that evil, Herr Wagner. I've been to Echo a few times. Ask her. Ask her what happens when the men in uniform and helmets come."

Vi has posed:
Vi doesn't seem to understand the German, though maybe she catches the name of the place being spoken by Samuel and Kurt. If so she doesn't do more than glance up. But that's all she's doing with anyone, not meeting anyone's eyes for more than a brief second, and not at all if possible. Like she could escape notice without direct eye contact.

She does have to look to Chris and Jubilee as they address her though. "I'm ok. He didn't do anything," she says quietly.

Vi gives a small nod towards Jubilee, though she doesn't know what soda is. "Ok," she says quietly, eyes dropping back down again.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean nods at Kurt as she ventures closer to him, wondering what has him so tense, though as she surveys the emotions all about, her green eyes settle on Alek for a brief moment, before shifting to Samuel. "Any care to fill me in?" She asks calmly, looking at Samuel expectantly.

But then Sam talks, and it almost rings familiar, which should never be a thing. <<are we dealing with a case of PTSD?>> Jean's voice would echo in Kurt's mind, while she offers a comforting smile to Samuel, "we are not at a place called Echo, we are at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, is there any evil here, Samuel?"

Triage has posed:
Chris sighs. Kurt seems to be able to calm Bean after all of this. He looks to Vi. "If you'd like something beside soda, it's not the only thing. We have many snacks but some people don't want to eat when they're nervous. More important is for you to have some time to sit and relax." He, too, looks to Jubilee.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods towards Jean. "Chris and I came out for a little fresh air. Being stuck on light duty really sucks, so yeah, it was needed. We walked into Bean looking ready to take on Vi. He thought she was sent here to kill him. Nobody got hurt, except maybe that floodlight over there." She holds up the baton, with an apologetic look towards Bean. "He surrendered this willingly."

Jubilee has posed:
Reaching out to place a hand on Vi's shoulder, Jubilee gives it a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry kiddo. This is par the course for us. We always like to be dramatic." She tips a wink down at her, then starts to head inside. "I'll grab you a drink and some chips. OH! That's Jean Grey. She's our principal and I'm sure she and Kurt will get everything squared away. It'll be all good." She says in an assuring voice as she dips into the kitchen from the back door.

Phoenix has posed:
"Samuel," Jean remarks quietly to the young man, "what is the school's policy about carrying weapons?" She seems intent on narrowing the entire summary into one item at a time, to try and minimize the influx of emotions. From her experience with the likes of Samuel, she finds adherence to rules is more easily understood than emotive discourse, so for now she starts with the grounded and easily understood.

While talking to Samuel following Shannon's report, she does turn to look Vi over, as she hadn't a chance to meet with the girl in person quite yet. "I'm the school's Headmaster, Jean Grey," Jean intorduces herself to Vi.

She gives Jubilee a brief nod of recognition, though for obvious reasons, keeps her focus chiefly on Samuel and Vi.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Evil?" Bean's back to good old English now, reacting to Jean's voice, head swiveling in her direction. "Yes, Miss Grey, there is evil here. Me." And at that he steps back, turning his back on everyone, hands coming up to pull at the hair on the back of his head, face contorted in a grimace, eyes firmly shut. "She's just... she's ... Gah!" And that last exclamation actually turns into a loud yell that makes the lights flicker just a bit more, before they steady. "I'm good for making big speeches when someone in a Nazi uniform stands in front of me, but three days later and I'm trying to be just like them again! Not everyone is out to kill me, dammit. Stupid. So stupid."

    Queried on the weapon, he turns around again, straightening himself up perceptibly. "It was carried with permission from Mister Guthrie, for self defense. Hydra tried to kidnap me last week..." His facade cracks and his shoulders slump. "I thought she was part of..." Silence.

Vi has posed:
Vi gives a quick glance to Chris at his comment, trying to fathom anyone not eating for any reason when food was available, though the thought is likely lost on everyone there. Except for possibly Jean.

And as the red-haired woman address her, Vi looks up and over to her. "Hello," Vi offers back. Her tongue wets her lips and then she asks, "Headmaster, is that... are you like the school commandant?" she asks softly.

Vi's wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt with the SHIELD logo on it. She's barefoot at present, but despite it being cool out, doesn't seem to be showing any signs of that bothering her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
<<Yes, PTSD Jean... Obviously you can reach him better than any of us, save for maybe Charles. If you will accept the advice, soothe now, rules later?>> Kurt looks back to Sam as he starts to freak out, shrinking down slightly, not sure what to do while Bean begins to freak out. The image inducer built into his suit suddenly going haywire and making him flicker between human and normal Kurt.

Triage has posed:
"Jean is the final authority here," Chris says with a nod to Vi. "She's like a commandant in that way but not to be feared." He glances to the kitchen door where Jubilee disappeared. "If you're ready for snacks, and if the counselors don't mind, we should go inside so that they can talk," he suggests.

Nightingale has posed:
     It's all Shannon can do to hold back from drawing Bean into another hug, witnessing his distress. She looks ready to step forward, but mindful of Kurt's admonition to give them space to work with her friend, stays where she is. "Bean... you're not stupid. You are definitely not stupid. You're just someone who's been to hell and back." She begins to hum a light, lilting melody, unfamiliar to most, but perhaps soothing in its way.

Phoenix has posed:
    "I disagree with you on that, Samuel," Jean rather sharply answers Samuel's assessment of himself. "But we can talk about that more in private, when you describe this incident in detail, because we do not attack new students," she notes with a slight hand gesture towards Vi.

"Then it is at least no fault of your own," Jean remarks to Samuel, "if you have permission from Mr. Guthrie, I'm sure you've explained it sufficently." That last bit about a kidnapping attempt, however, has Jean quite deadpan. That kind of security breach should be eliminated from before it existed. "I'd like to talk about that incident as well, if you please."

When Samuel starts to scream, he'll hear Jean's voice assuring him in his mind <<calm down, Samuel, you're among friends, nothing will hurt you here. You're okay.>>

Jean likely ruins the whole image of a stern commandant with her laughter at the question, but she does nod, if somewhat jovially, at Vi's way of putting it. "That is a very unique way of putting it, but it's probably not altogether wrong. I would be something of a commanding officer, if this wasn't a school...but I assure you it is." Jean does take note of how unbothered by the climate Vi appears to be, smiling at her, before adding, "we'll have to have words in private as well, Vi, you're a new student and I haven't gotten a chance to meet you yet. I'd love to have the pleasure though."

<<Trust me, Kurt, rules help with the likes of him, I had extensive experience with Laura,>> Jean thinks over to Kurt, <<but I do love your grounded instincts. You're a beautiful soul, Mr. Wagner.>>

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Friends. A familiar tune. A sudden telepathic voice. It's hard even for Bean to stay freaked out when all this combines, when everything around is assuring its tranquility. Peace. Calm.


    Discipline is the great decider. It's been drilled into him for so long, from so young an age, that it can wrap around the fracturing pieces of his self and bind them together in an iron clad support to shut out the world. Heels click together and a moment later Bean stands ramrod straight, at attention, all traces of emotion gone. "Yes Miss Grey."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon coughs lightly, looking between Kurt and Jean, holding up the baton. "Should I take this back to Cannonball?" Otherwise, she says little, looking very uncertain as she holds the weapon, perhaps even a touch on edge with it in her hand.

Vi has posed:
Vi nods to Chris's suggestion to go inside. She looks over to Samuel at his earlier outburst. And sees he seems a little better with the school's leader there.

Vi glances back to the statuesque woman. "Yes ma'am. Whenever you wish to speak," the diminutive nineteen year old says quietly, as if to keep even her words from drawing too much attention to her. Vi then heads inside as Chris suggested, moving to get away from being noticed. Happy to slip back out of sight. There's safety in not being noticed.

Phoenix has posed:
"Yes, Shannon, please do...for the time being, I think Samuel needs to prove he is worthy of carrying a weapon on his person," Jean answers Shannon's question. She also appears pleased with Vi's response, nodding at her words, "I'll be in touch."

Triage has posed:
Chris steps forward to hold the door for Vi, allowing her to slip into the mansion. He inclines his head to the others, and then mentions, as a last thought to Shannon, "Remember, light duty, and we'll see how you are tomorrow afternoon." With that, he, too, steps inside.

Nightcrawler has posed:
The compliment makes Kurt's eyes go big, and even well up a little when he looks to Jean before he hunkers back some, looking between Vi, Sam, and Jean. Rendered speechless now, one hand resting on the back of his neck as he manages a goofy sort of 'aw shucks' sort of smile.

It fades quickly when Sam comes to heel clicking attention, flinching a little before heading after Vi - best to let Jean handle Bean. Too many cooks and all that.

"Vi, can we cover up the symbol on that tin you carry?" not asking to take it... just cover certain things up.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and lowers her hand to her side, resolving to track down her adoptive older brother at the earliest opportunity; she did not particularly care to keep the baton on her any longer than necessary. She sighs softly, aching for the pain her friend must be feeling, and looking back towards Vi as well. Definitely someone who needed a friend, she mused. Perhaps one day....