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Guardians of the traveling Pants
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Burnout Pub, Garnet (Knowhere)
Synopsis: The Guardians go to Knowhere, Grails there, Lobo shows up, everyone leaves really happy and eternal friendships are forged.
Cast of Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Mantis, Star-Lord, Grail, Groot, Lobo

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Knowhere, built into the head of a celestial! A city where people go to get lost, find stuff, or just be terrible to one another because it's legal and okay and pretty much expected. The Guardians of Galaxy call it a safe port-o-harbor, what with Rocket's shop, but most often they're found in the pub cus that's where the booze are.

"-and I stand by my statement that whatever yer wearin' aint an appealin' scent, no matter how many units you paid for it.." Enter Rocket, engaged in verbal sparring with Quill. "Which was probably not nearly so much as ya say an' more than it was worth.. cus ya smell like a lasivarians big toe after ruttin season..." People are shoved out of his way, making a path towards a booth. Some recognize him, some don't, Rocket cares for the particulars in neither of these cases as he crawls up into the seat and flops down with a heady sigh.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis follows along in the wake of the others, lagging behind a little as she is caught up in the sights of the bar which are so many and varied. A foursome at a table are playing some kind of drinking game which seems to consist of shouting, "OOPA!" a lot and pointing fingers at one another and laughing as they toss back entire glassfuls of a green alcohol strong enough it would do wonders degreasing parts of the Milano's engine. Mantis stops and grins at the game and looks about to talk with them, when she realizes she's being left behind and so hurries to catch up with her team.

Star-Lord has posed:
    Hands out, one full with a bottle of something as Peter motions, "I'm not wearing any scent!" Peter complains to Rocket and yet he keeps sitting next to the rodent. "Fine, Okay, the Xandarian said it has pheromones in it to attract women... Okay. I need all the help I can get with Gamora. Now will you shut your yapper before I have to space you like I did that pig earlier?" Peter says with a deep look towards Rocket followed by a quick copy of Mantis, "OOPA!"

Grail has posed:
A little ways outside the pub, a scene like out of Terminator seems to play out. Electricity arcs through the air as trash begins to kick up and swirl in a wind that seems to have no source. Suddenly the boom happens and a portal opens up in the air like some kind of odd wormhole. She then walks out of the portal and on to the surface that constitutes a road in Knowhere. She raises her right hand and simply closes her hand and the portal slams shut behind her. The grey skinned woman raises up to her full height slowly and looks around a moment before shrugging a little and walking toward the pub. In her left hand appears to be a bag. A rather large bag with a couple of boxes inside.

Soon the door to the pub opens up and a new smell starts wafting inside. For some it might seem good, for others it might seem bad. Grail walks toward the bar with a shake of her head as she walks. She raises up her bag and takes a deep smell of it and smiles but that smile falters rahter quickly. Her face scrunches up and she looks around the bar.

"What is that? It smells like the excrement of something that died from eating the excrement of something that died..." She starts to slowly look around.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"You could staple money to your forehead and ya couldn't have less chance with Gamora..." Rocket continues to chide Peter, unafeared of his threats what on account of he's got most of the safety locks on the Milano specifically tied to his biometrics. Never let a Raccoon loose in your engine room. Especially not a bioengineered anthropamorphic Raccoon who may or may not be plotting everyones death.

"You know that game's about you, right?" Said quietly to Quill. Eyeing Mantis when she pauses to converse with strangers, then hurries to catch up with them, "Don't talk to the locals, that's how you get space AIDS."

Enter Grail, who clearly smells Quill, and who Rocket clearly already likes on account of he absently points in her direction, "Already helpin' with the ladies, aint it?" Big toothy, fang filled grin across the table.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis moves to take a seat beside Quill and Rocket. Though someone else is about to take it at the same time. Mantis tells the man, "I am so sorry. Please, take the seat." He looks Mantis over in a way that would probably cause Gamora's sword to be drawn if it were given to the green-skinned woman. "No, beautiful, you go ahead and sit right there," he says, patting the seat and dusting it off with his hand.

Mantis's face lights up beautifully. "Thank you very much!" she tells him. She takes the seat and turns over to Rocket and Quill. "He seems very nice. I think maybe he'd like to be my friend," she says in an encouraged voice.

Grail's arrival and comment gets a brief look from Mantis. She helpfull explains to Grail, "It's him," with point towards Quill.


Star-Lord has posed:
    "Shut up." Peter says towards Rocket as he lifts the drink to his lips and lays his head back and points the bottom of the bottle up and takes a heavy drink. "Freakin' Xandarian..." Peter complains to no one as he wrinkles his nose as he caught another wiff of himself and swears he's going to have to burn these clothes afterwards.

    Then the lady comes in and clearly is mocking him. "Sonnova..." Peter says as he stands up and storms past Grail and away from his table and out the front door in a hurry.

    Though Quill stops at the door and keeps it open with his palm on the glass and he motions to Mantis, "That Oopa game isn't about me, is it?"

Grail has posed:
A blink as she hears Rocket and then Mantis speaks up and Grail looks directly at Star-Lord, "A human? I don't recall any humans smelling like that..." She shakes her head, Grail blinking as he walks by and then she looks over at Mantis a moment and then back to Star-Lord before looking to the men playing the OOPA game. She hmms. She isn't sure what all that was about but she walks over to the spot that Star_Lord was in. She pauses and then moves down a little to a different stool and settles into it. Grail looks back toward the door and then shrugs as she sets down teh bag and opens it up. Inside is a pair of yellow boxes with various designs of meats and veggies on it.

When it opens it up, the smell inside attempts to counter the smell Star-Lord was creating with the smell of a Stromboli filled with various meats. The other box has the same though this is the only one she opens. She then looks up and points at the bartender, "You, strongest drink." She nods her head and then looks over to Rocket and blinks, "Another Earth creature...?" She blinks in confusion, looking to Rocket and then Star-Lord and then back.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"OOPA!" Rocket shouts, pointing both first fingers at Mantis with a big ol' grin, that disappears at the retreating man what gave up his seat for her. The Raccoon is not wearin' blasters like a normal gunslinger type person, but rather a Neutron rifle that's about the size, if not longer, than he is. "Keep walkin' smiley or I'll vaporize you.." Thumb jerking back over his shoulder at the goonish turd, "The cheek of that guy..." he really didn't even do anything except be a proper gentleman.

"Huh? There's a game?" Rocket WINKS at Mantis, shaking his head, "It's not about him is it Bug Lady?" WINK, shaking his head. "Not even a little bit."

Likewise, when Grail starts to press luck in finding a seat at the table, Rocket looks up at her, "Can I help you find somethin'? Maybe a clue... I think I seen one over in Quill's back pocket where he keeps his sense of dignity on account of he aint got much... You should go as him about it." She's moving along though and even being called a hummie...

"It's like that ball of trailor parks and fastfood chains jus' leant' over the galaxy an' shat out all their discontents on the rest of us..."

Mantis has posed:
Mantis's response to Star-Lord asking about the game is a curious look, first directed over to the other table, and then to Rocket. "I do not know," she says, face showing consternation as to what the answer might be. She sits up straighter, face bright with an idea. "I could go and ask them if you like?" she suggests to Peter.

The man who was eyeing Mantis, now eyes Rocket's Neutron rifle. He scowls a bit but moves off down the bar. Mantis seemed to missed the reason for it while she was talking to Quill. She turns back and sees the man retreating. "I guess maybe he did not wish to be my friend," she conjectures gloomily.

Mantis looks over towards Grail at the talk of Earth. "Have you been to Star-Lord's planet?" she asks Grail softly.

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter walks in not more than a few moments later and is pulling down a new fresh shirt and buckling a new pair of pants. Are his knuckles bloody?

    Peter tugs at the collar of his shirt to make sure it's sitting on his shoulders right as he sits back down and tries to sneak a whiff of his own armpit before he smiles back at his team. "Better." He nods sharply and with a quick plop back down on to his chair. "What'd I miss?" Asks the star-prince.

    Seems he's not really paying attention having been bothered enough by the opinions of his stench.

Grail has posed:
A blink and she looks over at Rocket directly, those large red eyes glaring at him before she states, "Are you...calling me human?" She asks and tilts her haed before she looks over at Mantis and then back to the raccoon, "I have been mistaken for many things...but not that." She then sits down and looks over at Mantis, "As for if I am from that man's planet? I do not know. If he is from Earth, than in a way, I am." She states.

"At least half of me anyway."

She then hmms as she looks at the food and is about to take a bite when Star-Lord walks back in. She looks up and blinks a few times at him before she look sback to Rocket and Mantis. She looks to Star-Lord again before considering, "...was he keeping pants outside? Like, just a full change of clothes outside in case he smelled like complete ass?" She takes a bite of the stromboli, blinking a few times at Star-Lord before shaking her head, "Well, I am now sure he is from Earth."

Groot has posed:
From the doorway comes an unusual sort of creature. The Guardians are used to this one, naturally: the hulking shape of the alien of herbal essence scent is slowly maneuvering his way through the pub. In one long, branch-fingered hand, Groot carries.... the things that Peter Quill just attempted to get rid of. And Groot is very proud.

"I am Groot!" Groot announces as he comes to a stop behind Peter, lowering the missing clothing that smells just like Quill. Groot has a big smile!

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"No, I ask't if you were from trailer world.." Rocket looks down into his dirty drink and sucks some down with a back cant of his head when Peter returns in a fresh coat of pants (that's a sophisticatified play on words), looking to Mantis while smacking his lips noisely following said drink, "I don't think he does.. but that's alright cus you don't want to be his friend either. He's a Navari, they mate by puttin' plantin' eggs in a females stomach through fingers in their mouth.. and they don't believe in consent."

"They're basically the bipedal equivalent of bug people.. now, not you kind of bug people, yer the okay sort, but the kind what don't know manners or decency or deserve to live." Sniffing the air around Peter, whiskers and muzzle shifting slightly, "Well, you smell better, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's much of an improvement. Yer natural stink is offensive, ya understand..."

Enter Groot! Helpful as ever.

Enter Rocket laughing hysterically! One hand on his gut, the other slapping down on the table hard enough to rattle it, "He says you left your toilet clothes out by the dumpster..." Straining voice, slamming down into the table as he laughs, husky like a twenty year smoker, "Oh god..." Tears, there's tears.

"Quill, you're such a loser..."

Mantis has posed:
The bartender comes over, having already served Rocket, but now Mantis is sitting there too. "Want the same as him?" he asks. Mantis glances over at Rocket's drink and then gives the bartender a hurried shakes of her head while pointedly not looking at Rocket so he won't take offense to not sharing his taste in beverages. Lubricants? Whatever that is.

"Do you have... water?" Mantis asks the bartender hopefully. He eyes her strangely for a moment then pours her a glass of water and sets it on the counter.

Mantis takes it in hand, turning back to the others just to see Groot come in, the handsome tree returning Peter Quill's clothes to him.

"Oopa!" she says, and tosses back her water.

Star-Lord has posed:
    "The repairs on the milano are coming out of your cut." Peter says rather finally towards Rocket at the man huffs and takes his clothes from Groot and kicks them under the table with a frown and a grunt as that WASN'T Supposed to happen. "Yeah, oopa..." Peter crosses his arms and lowers his chin to his chest with a pout. "Why do I even bother going anywhere with you degenerates." Peter mumbles to himself before he lifts his finger to order another round for everyone, including the weird robot lady, thing... "I know what he said."

Grail has posed:
A gasp of breath and Grail grumbles, "I am honestly glad now that I am not required to breath." She states simply and looks over at Groot and blinks, "I am not entirely clear what that is but why is bringing back your terrible clothes, Human?" She asks of Star-Lord before looking then to Rocket and then shaking her head as she looks then to Mantis and hten she considers, "I am not sure I follow but..." She raises her own drink upon its arrival and states, "Oopa?" She then drinks it and hmms.

She considers the words of a Death God, a hairy Canadian, and a girl with odd pink hair a moment before she pulls out the box underneath her stromboli and sets it before Star-Lord, "You seem to either be pathetic or at least be having a pathetic day. Here. It is an Earth dish called Stromboli. I like it and you may have my other one in order to help with your bad day." She nods her head to him.

Groot has posed:
The large trash-rescuing tree makes a soft noise at Star-Lord, all smiles, and moves his hand to attempt to pat-pat-pat his Peter on the shoulder. There there. He doesn't move to sit down; Groot just towers, though he does start towards Rocket's chair. Then, well, Grail speaks towards him. In that she asks about him.

"I am Groot," Groot says towards Grail firmly, and then slowly turns and moves with infinite patience to join Rocket, settling in to looming in that location instead, like a lost piece of giant furniture.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket is having trouble breathing and pinches the bridge of his big doughy brown eyes right near their position on eitherside of his muzzle, "Because everytime ya' go somewhere alone, ya end up shot, arrested, or shot and arrested..." The tiny creature coughs into his balled fist and sits upright, finishing his drink quickly so that he can order another on Quill's dime.

"/He/ is Groot..." Rocket clears up for Grail, pointing up at the massive tree creature, clammering out of her seat to climb up an arm until he's sitting dangly legged on Groot's massive shoulder. "An' before ya ask, he said... I am Groot... which is funny 'cus them's the only words he says.. I and am and Groot..."

THe neutron rifle is removed from his back and slung on a piece of twiggy branch jutting out of Groot's back like a gun-rack. It probably makes all the natural prey of the wild predatory Rocket more comfortable that he's not carrying it directly.

Looking down at the stromboli. "You're already startin' to look a little pudgy there, Star Tork, ya might wanna skip the bready stuff."

Mantis has posed:
Mantis's antennae wave about a little more than usual as she explains to Grail, "It is a game." She looks at her empty glass and then back over to the bartender. "May I have another glass of water?" she asks. She turns to Groot as he joins them and motions to her glass as if to ask if he wants one. "Maybe make that two glasses of water please?" she asks the bartender.

He tries to contain himself as he fills her glass, and one for the flora. He mutters something about, "working for tips" and "should have listed to mother and worked for the miner's guild". The two glasses are set down and he moves off.

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter reaches down, and plucks up the sintky clothes and nearly falls down as he is a little drunk and holding the shirt and pants to his chest Peter gives everyone in the bar the bird as he backs up to the door and sneaks out to run to the ship to get himself clean and think about leaving them all behind just so he can go back to making credits all by his lonesome, unmocked self.

Groot has posed:
Groot beams at Mantis, but doesn't actually drink his water in any 'Oopa' method: he plays with the cup. There's a lot of focus there, like a child just given a coloring mat and crayons at the adults' table, as he draws the cup towards him, and little tendrils grow around it, making little soft noises like one might make around the mouth of a wine glass. Soft, pleasant musical hums.

When Star-Lord salutes them, Groot does it back. HIS 'bird' grows a little flower on it though. It's cheerful.

Grail has posed:
And then she hmms at Groot and Rocket, looking between the two before shrugging, "I am Grail." She nods before looking then to Mantis before hmming and then shaking her head, "Strange game." Of course, then Star-Lord is up and walking out and giving them the bird before she frowns, "I offer the man one of my new favorite foods and he does that." She shakes her head and then takes a breath, "Strangely I don't feel like killing him. In a way I'm not even upset." She then looks down at the food and hten over at the others, "Curious."

She then looks over at Rocket and states, "Who are you people? I have seen him before at least." She points toward Star-Lord, "Briefly, on another world along with a green skinned woman." She nods her head, "We were fighting Daxamites from two different directions." She nods her head, "I was fighting a handful of them in space while they were planetside."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket, from atop the mighty Groot, towers over all the land! Grinning toothily down upon all below him with a hand wrapped in one of Groot's head branches, "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." He says it matter of factly, with very little fanfare or preamble, and none of the flaire Peter would have applied to it.

Peter who is leaving, Rocket looking after him as he sulks his way out of the bar and probably back to the ship, the psychopath already shaking his head. "He's prolly gonna try and get in the green skinned womans pants while we're all out here doin' work in a bar.." Quote/unquoting the pair of words as if he has no idea how quotes and unquotes work, since that aint things he needed to stress at all.

Nor were they metaphorical...

"Guardians of the Galaxy..." That's more appropriate, but still no fanfare. He's just practicin' on his conversatin'.

Eyeing Mantis, "Oh, right... everytime Quill does somethin' stupid or we wanna laugh at him without him knowin' we're doin' it cus he's a dumbass... we shout OOPA! and drink." Explaining the rules of the game, both for Grail AND Groot. "We kid him on account of he's half terran an' their all worthless."

"So he's like a quarter of a half not worthless."

Doesn't understand fractions either.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis looks happy as she sees an opportunity to be helpful. Rocket supplies the groups name. After which Mantis offers towards Grail in a helpful-sounding voice, "The man with the clothing is Star-Lord. And the green-skinned whore that you speak of is named Gamora." Mantis's delivery is very bright and warm as she adds, "She is my friend, and a great hunter of pig-beasts."

Mantis has been spending too much time with Drax, perhaps.

Groot has posed:
Groot 'helps' Rocket in a number of ways. He adjusted his back slightly to assist with Rocket's gun holstering: just to fix the angle to how he knows his fuzzy best friend prefers it (and so removing it doesn't rip bark off). He stands up a little taller as Rocket does his grandstanding, rotating to give Rocket a better stage presence as he announces to the room. Groot does a few of the hand-quotes with his leafy fingers, but it's delayed: like, a few beats behind when Rocket does it. So it's just a constant amount of quote-unquote between himself and the raccoon on his shoulder.

"I am Groot," Groot offers to Rocket, and then turns his attention once more to his glass, siphoning the water out of it by sticking his hand in it.

Grail has posed:
A look at Groot first and she hmms. She is wholly unsure of the giant tree but then that's probably common. She then listens to Rocket speak and at first seems fine but then she twitches a little. Her right eye twitching as she listens, "Terrans are...uesless?" She asks and tilts her head, "You mean, people from Earth?" She asks and nods her head, "I imagine you speak of all people from Earth." She shifts her chair a little, grabbing her drink and sucking in a sharp breath through her nose. She sips it and then looks to Rocket with a grin that spreads more, ever so slowly, "Do tell me more?" She asks of him before glancing over to Mantis.

"Ah, Gamora." She nods her haed but then shifts her gaze back to Rocket, the metallic cup in her hand letting out the slightest of whines for some reason as if the metal was displeased with something.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Whatever it is that Groot says to Rocket, the Raccoon finds endlessly amusing. So amuzing, in fact, that he almost forgets to translate, which he still doesn't do on account of he's laughin' his fuzzy tailed ass off. When he finally has his sense about him enough to wipe the tears from his face with the forearm of jumper. Only once he's collected himself thoroughly enough to hang off his best friend without risk of tumbling, which he'd never do and Groot'd never let happen anyways, he takes several raspy breaths.

The translatin' is further stalled, what cus he's staring down at Grail, "Yer one of them broads tha' get all high indignation when they hear somethin' don't tickle their particular opinion, aint ya? I'm callin' terrans, as in people from terra, useless.. an' they are. Like ticks on a Turvan... nipples on' a sandwich.. a whole heap of water purification tablets in a desert... but it's a generalizationing of people. I aint met them all, I'm sure there has to be one, maybe two if we count any refugees from other planets what call the trailer world home, that aint complete wastes of carbon.."

his drink arrives, the bartender looking up and up at the Raccoon seated in a tree.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis sips her water quietly and just listens to the conversation between Grail and Rocket. One of her antennae's shifts about a little bit, angling off towards the conversation. She leans a little towards Rocket and Groot, perhaps about to share her observation on the emotions she's sensing are being generated by the conversation.

But then Rocket pretty much addresses them. So Mantis just sits back in her seat, hands resting primly on her thighs except when she picks up her glass of water to take a sip. She says towards Groot, "They have good water here."

Groot has posed:
Groot looks over at the drink the bartender has. He opens a warm, broad smile to the bartender, politely thanking him with an "I am Groot," and accepts Rocket's drink on his behalf. Groot then lifts the drink up towards Rocket in a distracted way. This is entirely normal, and Groot hardly minds.

The tree focuses on Mantis when she speaks to him, and smiles broadly at her, showing her his empty water glass. "I am Groot."

Grail has posed:
And then she stands up slowly, "One...of them broads?" She asks and then she sucks in a breath through her teeth as she smiles and then looks more directly at Rocket, "My mother...is from Terra." She states and nods her head, "I was born on Terra, though not raised there." She grinds her teeth slightly even as the cup in her hand indents easily in her hand as she fights her own strength to not simply turn into a piece of useless metal crushed tightly in her hands.

She is about to say more when the Navari walks back up and gives her a slap right on the backside and speaks, "Hey, is that furball pis-"

That's about as far as he gets before she is turned on him hard, her glass hitting the ground as her left hand wraps about the wrist of the hand that hit her butt. Her right hand is gripping his mouth and face, clamping tightly enough to prevent his ability to talk. She looks into his eyes iwth that grin, "This arm is mine now." And then her right hand whips hard. The man is across the room, through a window and out into the streets. Where he landed...well, who knows? A spark flicks off the now apparently mechanical arm he had and then she frowns a little, "Aww, too bad. It wasn't real..." She then lets out a pleased sigh as she then tosses the arm on to the table and sits back down.

Lobo has posed:
    From outside: "Ahhh, ahhhh! I've been disarmed, help me sir, please!"

    Then, a gruff familiar voice: "HAW HAW HAW, well looks like I can't shake yer hand anytime soon, but...hey, hey you can't touch there without permission!"

    After a sound like a wishbone snapping in half, and the sound soon after of high pitched squealing and screaming that was getting fainter and fainter as the sound was moving away from the bar at extremely high pace, and the doors to the pub were kicked open. In walks a bounty hunter dressed more 'casual' like, but dragged along the floor was an arm that looked like it had been ripped out right at the shoulder joint, and was currently leaking orange blood everywhere, its fingers still twitching every so often. The limb was tossed aside to scatter across one of the gambling tables, as the Main Man looks around with a cocky smirk on that face of his.

    "Well looks like a couple'a sad sacks tonight!"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket accepts the offered beverage from his buddy without saying a word and drains it while Grail is sorting out her particular emotional state regarding the sideways comment on her mothers homeworld, and indirectly, her own homeworld. "Do you feel triggered?" He asks down to her, unphased by her animation or puff uppancy what starts angled in his generalized direction, but ends up costing a Navari his arm. ...

One furry brow perks up above a brown eyes the poor dumb alien goes flying right out the front window near the door and, basically, a bar brawl is now gonna pop off. "You gimme that arm an' I'll accept that maybe yer mom, an' half of you, aint as worthless as the majority of terrans are.."

Rocket looks back towards the doorway, Lobo sauntering in all The Manish, then hops down on Groot's arm, bends to grab a branch and swings off onto the table near the cybernetic.. side scurrying on all fours, "Ha. Ha. I think tha' dumb Navarian jus' got his other arm broke off.." The cybernetic is taken, hoisted, and waved at Lobo as if it were his own waving hand, "Did you take his other arm off? Cus tha' would be amusin'."

Mantis has posed:
Mantis winces quietly as the Navari's arm is ripped off and he's thrown out of the window, her head ducking just a bit at the violence. She visually follows the former bar-patron's path to, and through, the window. So Mantis is still looking over there as as Lobo comes inside.

Mantis sits up a little straighter, her antennae with fuzzy tips like a moth's rotating in two different directions.

Mantis looks at Lobo. His color. Dark patches around his eyes. Darker hair upon his head and a bit of white around his face.

Mantis looks at Rocket. His color. Dark patches around his eyes. Darker hair upon his head and a bit of white around his face.

She looks back to Lobo.

She looks back to Rocket.

"Rocket? Is this your father?"

Groot has posed:
Groot quietly observes Rocket's movement, but otherwise is extremely passive for the moment: he's just taking in things as they come. He does, of course, wait for Rocket to climb back on to add the cybernetic to other things that Groot is already carrying. Groot never minds.

Grail has posed:
She is about to say something to Rocket about the arm when Lobo walks in and then she gestures, "Have it..." She stands up again and grumbles something under her breath about being tested. She glares at him for a long moment before pointing at the bartender, "Another drink...now." She states and stares at him before looking over to Lobo again and she smirks a little, chuckling a little and then shrugging as she slowly sits back down.

"Hey!" She calls out to Lobo and points, "I see your legs finally grew back." She nods her head, "How long that take?"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Oh, I was keepin' it anyways." Rocket props the arm on his shoulder when Grail indicates he can have it, but he's already headed back to climb Groot's hanging arm when Mantis asks if the big Dude is his father, "Huh? Who? Lobo?" The Raccoon tilts, twist, kneels... even brings the cybernetic hand floppily up to shield his eyes against light that aint even that bright what he'd need shielding them from it. "He don't look like any scientist I've ever seen." That same shieldy flop arm is point at Mantis, "If I had a mom, she definitely would have been higher rate trash than' him." Pointing his own finger at Lobo, "She's have been one of them classy prostitutes that only dates upper lower to lower middle class Guild Mine officials.."

A hop and a handhold, Rocket clutches the arm beneath his chin as he crawls back up onto Groot's shoulder, turns, and plops back down to dangle his feet. Ther arm is shoved into a bag hanging near his neutron rifle. Both his own arms stretch straight up, fists curled, muzzle opening wide in a big ol toothy yawn. "I don't guess Quill's contact is comin'. Unless his entire goal was to get us here so he could talk to them alone..." Narrowing beady eyes.

"That's son of a..."

Lobo has posed:
    For his part, Lobo made his way straight to the bar as well, kicking aside some stools and letting them clatter against the floor in a way that was surely a tripping hazard or something. But, the Main Man seem to care, and nobody was gonna tell him any different. This was done so he could lean against it in a cool looking manner, arms draped casually in a way that lifted up his dark leather jacket and show at least a few pistols and knives that were previously concealed. He snorted as he tossed a plastic credstick over to the already intimidated barkeep and waited for his booze, when he looked over and saw a few Guardians, and a face he liked far less.

    "Yeah, he was stickin' out at me all, ay-semmetrical like, just didn't sit right with me. Well I always been a doer, so I did what came right ta me. An' speakin' of doin', if it ain't Wannabe Lobo Jr herself. Why you askin', you want another detached piece o'my anatomy ta snuggle up ta? Well prepare fer disappointment, girlie."

    There was a wide smirk on his face as he looked around with his long messy black hair partially in his face, some stubble across his chin as his mustache looked a bit wilder, clearly he was inbetween barber visits.

Groot has posed:
Groot considers what Rocket is saying, and turns his head a little bit. He wasn't sitting down, not exactly, but he wasn't fully standing. Groot 'stands': meaning he stops being quite as low of a tree, and asks Rocket very seriously, "I am Groot?" And then looks towards the door. "I am Groot." It's not quite a repitition, there's some inflection difference in each of the suggestions.

Groot also picks up his water glass, and sets it kindly on the tray of some passing waitstaff. Groot will help clean up after himself, leaving the place a little bit better than he found it. Or at least equal. While waiting for Rocket's input, Groot continues his impression of a potted plant.

Grail has posed:
Her eyes glow red a moment and Grail sits up a little, "Every time I see you..." She stands up and looks at Lobo with a twitch to her mouth on the right side, "Is it your goal for me to punch you through things?" She asks and nods her head, "I think you like the feel of my fist against your face." She then looks over at Rocket and rolls her eyes before saying, "Well, Guardians of the Galaxy, I think that is my queue to leave." She nods her head, "I can only stand so much annoying at once before I feel the need to rip apart the place I'm in completely."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket's input is stalled in coming only long enough for him to look back at the entrance, scratching claws into his muzzle, "Yeah, we should probably go find him.. I seen him trying to pocket some job chips earlier, but nobody believed me.. maybe he's up to somethin', that dirty bastard terran pig faced-" This continues for a while.

"-no good rotten-"

Nope, not done yet. "Let's go find'em an' make sure he don't.. I don't know.. find a bunch of credits, then say my cut is smaller on account of I was lazin' around in a bar that it was his idea to go to.." It wasn't, it was definitely Rocket's.

"Or get hurt or something, I guess." Tacked on, short laugh, grinning a little thinking about it. "So if he does, I can see it an' laugh at him." He'd never let anyone know he'd protect Quill, there shall be none of that.

"Hey, Buggy, you comin'? Me'n Groot is gettin' out of here."

Side eyeing Grail, "Bye glowy eyed lady." He turns and grabs the cybernetic to wave it down at her, "Imma miss you." WINK. WINK. "Yer gonna be missed." WINK.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo watches Grail make her opinions and emotions known, and didn't look all that intimidated, or worried. As she starts to walk away, he takes a bottle of booze/poison that was slid to him and chugs about a third of the bottle, before looking over to Rocket and saying loudly.

    "Ya know, the spider people of Phieran Phobos, they tend ta eat their wives after the eggs are laid, then regurgitate 'em into a food paste fer their kids ta eat fer the next couple'a years. An' more and more I figure those guys got the right idea of marriage an' relationships. Really, I'd spend more time there if they weren't all creepy monster-faced weirdos."

    A quick look at Groot.

    "What about you, find any good, fertile, full-bodied dirt lately? Or are you not the 'set down roots' sorta...groot?"

Groot has posed:
Groot listens to Rocket, and had started to move, taking the swearing-chain to be mood music while they were going to head back to the ship. But then Lobo asks him some things. "I am Groot," Groot explains to Lobo extensively, taking his time to say his three words. Not really: it's just the three words as per usual, and there is just a cheeky, amused way that they are spoken this time. There might be a joke in there that's funny to Groot. Maybe to Rocket. Groot then extends one twiggy hand to show off Star-Lord's special middle-finger wave. Groot is all smiles, though: he may not be aware if it's offensive. When Groot does it, it just isn't. It's just one twig among lots of other twigs.

Also it wasn't the right 'finger'.

Groot then starts to lumber his way out.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis rises from her chair, passing the glass back over to the bartender's side of the bar. "Thank you for the water. It was delicious. I will be sure to tell people this bar's water is excellent," she tells him with an encouraging smile.

She moves to follow Groot and Rocket then. "It is good to see that your game has caught on, creepy little rodent. Though I wonder how they will drink without Peter there..."

She really should stop talking to Drax so much.

Grail has posed:
A smirk back at Lobo and then a smirk at Rocket and she shakes her head. SHe then walks outside and frowns, "Well, I have places to be." She pushes something on her wrist and then gestures and the world swirls fo ra second before exploding and a portal opens up. She walks into the portal and looks back at the others before she heads on inside, taking it on her way back to Earth.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket definitely finds whatever Groot said to be a laugh riot and only manages to hold himself up from falling off his buddies shoulder by... holding on. "Hah! He don't want no scrubs." The tiny psychopath says patting his buddy on the crown of throny twigs when he shoots a .. well it aint no bird, but... when he shoots a finger at Lobo. "You stay classy, there, Lobo.. We gotta go see a horse about a Quill."

Looking back at Mantis as Groot lumbers along with Rocket riding shotgun, "Everyone fergets the drinkin' part though.. how else are we suppose to stomach bein' in his presence if we're not constantly gettin' intoxicated? it defeats the very nature of the game! Now we're just shoutin' weird shit for no clear purpose!" Hands in the air, exasperation evident.

"You shouldn't have to explain the rules this frequently with a game this simple.. An' they wonder why I want to blow everyone up or generally fill them with holes tha' dont' heal back so good."

This is the entire trip back to the Milano.