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(The Disney Gang Robs a Bank. It goes poorly.)
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Revision as of 23:09, 16 December 2019

Bank Robbery in Progress
Date of Scene: 13 December 2019
Location: Bludhaven Savings and Loan, Avalon Heights
Synopsis: The Disney Gang Robs a Bank. It goes poorly.
Cast of Characters: Dragonfly (Armenteros), Phantasm (Drago), Pippi, Witchblade, Nightingale

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
December 16th is one of those weeks that, in the banking industry, people nined to dread. Normal banking business quadruples, thanks to Black Friday deposits hitting constantly, and people off from their day-to-day jobs come in to apply for loans, withdraw from savings, or attempt to open a line of credit in order to purchase the latest and greatest Christmas gifts for their family, friends, or themselves. This is common to all banks nationwide, but at Bludhaven Savings and Loan, it's even worse.

Worse, in banking industry terminology, means 'very little business at all.'

It's a little after nine on a Monday morning and, while the usual day-to-day business has been going on, the influx of business that the board was expecting never materialized. From the hallway encircling the crown of the lobby, dour-looking executives wander from boardroom to office in search of coffee or donuts and wondering how they'll be able to make their quota in time for their quarterly bonus. At least the Conficio payroll is still a proven moneymaker.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It may be one of the worse days to choose to go into the bank but sometimes it can't be helped. Especially when you don't know if your banking card ended up in Japan, Korea, China, Or any of the other places Nick or that PLANE has been in the past week. Either way, he needs to get a new one issued.

The musician's gotten there early and so has moved to the next level of the bank waiting game a bit quicker than expected. He's sitting in a chair outside of the bank cubicle that can assist with his issue, waiting his turn, sipping upon the coffee he grabbed before getting here. Out of respect for the bank's rules, his knitcap was removed and rests on his knee while his hair has been tucked away into his jacket to avoid some form of identification from random passerby. Stifling a yawn, Nick keeps his head down, avoiding direct eye contact. It's still too early in the morning for non-necessary human interaction. Especially of the over-happy, too awake for this time of the moring variety.

Pippi has posed:
    It was an accident that brought Pippi out of New York, every time. This time it was a to-do list of errands and bills that needed to be dropped off duue to the fact that now the young mutant ninja canine had decided to dye her hair.

    So, atop a nonchalantly driving FedUps truck making its deliveries, there was a hooded figure in a crouch.

    "Okay, so, dropped off the laundry, picked up the antipasti platter, dropped that off, put the blue thingie in the red thingie--" she scratches the back of her neck as she tries to figure out what the next part of her tasks are, her eyes narowed a moment as she glances around the area.

    "Ah... this isn't the Bronx..."

Witchblade has posed:

Pezz isn't off from her job. It's a reasonable hour. She's had coffee, deli sandwiches, and is out here in Joisey for official police stuff. Tracing the movements of money for a dead guy isn't something Pezz relishes. Plus, her partner decided yesterday'd be a good day to get into a car crash. It wasn't his fault, really....but really, if somebody's going to drive while not fit to....there's few more karmic things than driving into a cop at two miles an hour, in a parking lot. Of a church that was hosting a support group. The fact it was a patrol car. With the lights on....just made Sara laugh at the time.

Now? Today? She's doing this on her own. Well not totally on her own. She's got BPD on speed dial, and her partner Jake McCarthy. Given she's on the clock, she's all geared up. Smart clothes, holster with her service pistol in it, belt with her gear, badge, all that fun stuff. But she's waiting in line. Her badge is in her pocket, for the moment. That's how she got her gun in here. it's also how she got her breakfast burrito in. Because one deli sandwich isn't enough, the aroma's coming from it and she's not caring much.As for her partner? Jake's here, too. He's got takeout Starschmucks coffee. $5 for a medium...schmuck indeed. They're stood side by side, and there's alady behind them asking how long they've been together. Sara's got a look somewhere between amused, and horror on her face...though another side of it as she's finding it funny nobody has picked up on them /not/ being an item. Sara takes a bite of her burrito, handing another one to Jake. "Here, you wanted the one with egg and sausage. Don't worry, I won't tell" she says. PD dietary 'advicw' can go suck it, Sara is pretty sure of that. They're about halfway back in the line, really. Sara's internally cringing at having to ask to speak to the manager. But this time, it's for a good reason. Police stuff. They could skip to the head of the line. But nah. Pez got an exception for her and Jake to bring food in, and Jake's breaking off bits to give to a few kids that are hungry. Pezz is counting the minutes till they're done. Reaching back she ties her hair back again, the bulge under her jacket unmistakeable. Though Pezz doesn't pay it heed, she's here to do a job. Just politeness, as foreign a concept as that may be, keeping her in this line. Jake's lining up because he knows cutting the line won't set a good example, too. Aren't they so responsibl? Even Jake's shaved his five o' clock shadow to be presentable...by Bloodhaven standards

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Parked opposite the front door of the bank in a loading zone is a perfectly nondescript panel van without anything that may mark it as 'out of the ordinary.' The sort of background dressing that is quickly glossed over when the camera pans past in a movie, for instance. Something there to fill a void in the scenery. Inside that van, though, five men and one woman are checking and re-checking their equipment and makeshift armor, each pulling on a catoonish parody of a Disney mask over a ballistic face plate.

"You all know the drill." the man dressed as Mickey says, looking from face to face as rounds are chambered. "Simple in and out ordeal. Chip, Dale?" The men in the Chip and Dale masks look up. "Vault. Donald and Goofy? Safety deposit. Pooh and Daisy? Crowd control. There's twelve mil in cash sitting in that vault, and once our backers get their cut, there should be plenty left for a trip to Vegas."

"Let's go get that honey." Pooh grumbles, drawing on a cigarette, stubbing it out, and readying his weapon. The doors of the panel van open and, two by two, the crew starts towards the bank with weapons raised.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick lifts up his coffee, sipping it before being called in to the cubicle off to the side. Giving a bit of a grumble he stands up, walking around the partition to sit across from the bank employee. He sets the coffee and hat down on the desk, slumping down. Yes, not professional at all but he's not applying for anything. He's just getting a card. And he's TIRED.

The employee looks to her desktop, frowns and looks over to Nick. "One second." She steps out, leaving the sleepy rocker to sneak a few 'Zs' in while she goes to get whatever it is she noticed she needed.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's barely moved forward five paces by the time the crew get weapons ready and come out of the van. She's just already frustrated and bored and tired, and stifles a yawn. Looking over the bank, Sara is doing deep breathing to stay calm, really. Jake McCarthy's got earphones in, or rather one earphone on, soft music. Professional? Maybe. But they've got nothing better to do. Sara could steal his earbuds. But....1980s hair metal's on the station Jake's got on, not Pezz's scene

Pippi has posed:
    The truck is stopped at a light, and the panel van is within Pippi's vision -- and she wrinkles her nose at the scent of the cigarette, but keeps low -- until she sees the van open, and a whole lot of disney characters come out. Her ears prick up, and a couple locks of freshly dyed magenta hair rift down from beneath the hood as the canine sees the heavily armed Disney characters making heir way towards the bank.

    Her ears flick back, and she glances back and forth before she makes a graceful hop from the top of the UPS truck to a handy awning, and begins to try her way along the overhangs to get over to the bank. This might get messy.

Nightingale has posed:
     Tis the season to be sharing with those less fortunate, and if there was an area in dire need of a little holiday cheer, it was Bludhaven. With an appropriate note left at home to let 'loved ones' know she'd be seeking out volunteer opportunities in a broader area than normal, Shannon was off on a wing and a prayer. Literally. Hey--those big feathery things on her back weren't just for show, you know! She's in her favorite dark blue jeans, caramel suede boots, and cream tunic sweater against the chill, with her red and white striped 'Where's Waldo' hat keeping her hair out of the way. What could go wrong with a little volunteering, right? Right!


     Maybe this was a good time to stay in the air for the moment, and hope she hadn't yet been spotted....

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The heavy front doors of the bank crash open from a heavy booted kick, Pooh and Daisy striding inside. The duck-faced woman sends a pair of shots arching into the ceiling to get everyone's attention as the rest of the crew pushes inside behind them, dispersing, each intent on completing their missions as quickly as possible. "Six minutes before contact." he says to the crew as they go before he turns to the patrons of the bank and starts a stopwatch on his wrist. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." Mickey has a clipped accent, not mincing any words. "My compatriots and I are here to make a withdrawal. Please remain seated. We intend to only be here for..." he glances at his watch. "Another four minutes, thirty seconds, at most, and we would very much prefer to keep hostage taking to a minimum."

The crew spreads out through the bank, with Pooh and Daisy doing their absolute best to threaten and cajole anyone who's showing the slightest amount of resistance while the other two teams move to their respective vaults. Donald and Goofy beeline to the safety deposit boxes where Donald's diamond-edged chainsaw starts to chew through the bars surrounding the lock, while Chip and Dale kick down the door leading to the secure teller area - driving two tellers into the lobby - and sprint to the vault where 264 pounds of $100 bills are sitting, unattended behind a simple locked gate. "Placing charge!" Chip calls, attaching a wad of plastique to the gate and ducking behind the door. The explosion shakes the building and blows the lock clean off...

All this has taken a little more than one minute since entry. These guys have practiced!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's eyes open wide as the sound of gunfire triggers the immediate reaction to get down quick. Already halfway out of his chair, it doesn't take long for him to slide out further and roll out of view under the desk of the bank employee. The f-?! From his hiding place, he fades from view. The hat and coffee remain abandoned on the desk as the only evidence he was here.

Witchblade has posed:
Pezz looks around, the little voice in the back of her head telling her this is bad. This is not a good idea, really...and Pezz and McCarthy are right in the thick of it. Two NYPD detectives, in Jersey, in Bloodhaven. Great....Sara can feel the Witchblade stirring. The burrito's still in hand, Jake's coffee stilled. Coffee slides out of his grip and splashes over the floor as Sara touches his arm. No. Don't make this worse. We can get out of here. They've not hurt anyone. Give them what they want, they're not hurting us.

Sara though can't ignore the explosion. Or, Witchblade, tendrils creeping up on her hand. Jake's phone now, speed dialling BPD. The phone slips out of his hand, smashing on the floor. Sara's not stupid enough to draw attention, though she's unziipped her jacket. Being hidden behind a rather tall man gives her a way to get her hand on her gun. Instead though, Pezz is considering going and sitting back to let the Witchblade.But first, she's got a job to do. Oh this'll be paperwork. Great. Pezz has her gun in hands. Is she smart? No. But when the Witchblade is taking it up a few thousand notches....

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi was already on the move as the group slips in, and the first thing she does is pull her hood up, followed by a bandana over her face to help disguise her muzzle. Then she drops down from the overhang, braces herself and grabs the wheel of the van, and RIPS at it, looking to pull the wheel, axel, and everything else outta the get-away car.

    She'll need something to throw once she gets in, figured two birds, one stone!

Nightingale has posed:
     Explosions? This could /not/ end well. Yeah, this was definitely a good time to be staying in the air outside, despite every instinct in Shannon screaming that a healer was likely to be needed very shortly. She would not do anybody any good if she was taken down before that time. Shaking her head, she grumbles slightly to herself. Why, she mused, did people have to be so greedy, cause so much pain to others, when there was help out there if one just looked, and asked? She does fly a little bit closer to the bank, to get a better look at the happenings below, though hopefully staying out of immediate range of explosions or, god forbid, gunfire if such were to happen.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Inside the getaway van, behind the wheel, are two people, each dressed as their own Disney character. Apparently this was a theme. The driver is dressed as Minnie mouse - mask and everything, and the passenger is dressed as Pluto with a shotgun between his knees, aimed at the ceiling. "I don't see why I had to be the dog that doesn't talk." he complains to Minnie. "I mean, hell. Scrooge McDuck, Launchpad McQuack...even Gyro Gearloose is better than Pluto."

"Jesus, Pluto, do what your character would do and shut the hell up?" Minnie rolls her eyes and leans over to look into the bank where everything is going on. She's really paying attention to the bank, so, when a hooded figure slams two hands through the windshield - spraying her and Pluto with glass - and physically wrench the steering wheel and entire steering column up and out of the floor, she yelps and scrambles back and out of the way, metal shredding as the steering column is wrenched free. Pluto panics and fumbles for his shotgun, sending one blast through the ceiling of the van, getting it stuck in the hole it just made while he tries to cycle the action, aim, and fire at whoever's attacking.

Inside the bank...

In the safety deposit vault, Donald and Goofy finish sawing through the bars of the safety deposit cage. The keys are elsewhere in the bank, and finding them would take too much time, so once the door is thrown open and Goofy steps in, a carbide-tipped drill is brought into play, punching out one lock every six seconds. He focuses on the larger boxes, Donald dumping them for anything that looks valuable - stock certificates, jewelry, and the like. A memorial urn is tossed across the floor disdainfully, its contents scattering over the floor in the lobby, along with other mementos that people were wanting to keep safe.

Inside the main vault, Chip and Dale pull the shattered cage door open and push inside, large reinforced duffel bags pulled around, the two stacking and shoveling armloads of bundled cash inside, packing each bag full of over a hundred pounds of cash. Is it any wonder the two burly guys were the ones that they sent to do the heavy lifting?

"Two minutes thirty. Two minutes to exodus." He taps his right ear. "Minnie, Pluto, start the van."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Chip and Dale are tending to the stacks of money in the vault the heavy door swings shut on its own, the large circular handle spinning as it snaps shut, cutting off the two robbers from the rest of their pack.

A few seconds later, the door to the safety deposit box vault starts to swing shut.

Pippi has posed:
    GUNS! She should have thought this one out a little better! The glass is shattered on the two arguing characters, and she looks in, watching Pluto get the gun stuck in the roof of the car.

    "Oh My God Minnie And Pluto You Two Are Like My Favorites Can I Have an Autograph?" she chipperly states, ripping the wheel backwards as she uses all that super strength, and then she grips at her side and throws in the acird, nose-and-eye-burning smoke tablets she and the rest of the sewer crew are so fond of to smoke them out -- and hopefully get them off balance enough to not put up too much of a fight!

Witchblade has posed:
Pezz has a slight angle on Daisy and Mickey, though McCarthy's got his gun out too. Pezz drops to the floor and fumbles with her cell, dialling 9-1-1 and leaving the phone on the floor, then killing the call once it's picked up. She's only got an angle on Mickey and Daisy. Hearing the shotgun blast, she fires on instinct. She was aiming in the direction of Mickey, too. McCarthy takes a moment to fire at Daisy, too. Pezz holsters her gun, mouthing 'Get out of the way' to McCarthy as tendrils creep along the back of her hand. Under her clothing, the Witchblade wants blood. And what the Witchblade wants....

Pez is soon in a metal suit of armor under her clothes (save for her head), it's head to toe armor. She's got a sword in each hand, a tail made of many, many interlinked blades. Check that. The swords are /on fire/. Sara's what would happen if H.R. Geiger's xenomorph got angry and used swords, mated with a dragon, and too a serious dose of angry. In other words. Pezz is not in control. The Witchblade's out to play. Oh boy this'll be a pain in the tail wiping minds. Sara's not worried about that. Clawed fingers are great for holding fiery swords. They're basically jammed onto her clawed fingers, but easy enough to dislodfe and throw if needed. Last thing Pezz wants to do is burn the place down!

Nightingale has posed:
     Staying out of trouble was as simple this time as staying in the air, changing course, and heading for home, right? Right! As much as Shannon wanted to help, the smart thing to do would be to get the heck out of there. It didn't seem as if she'd been seen yet, so now would be the time, if she was going to at all.

     The Fates had something different in mind, however. A stinging pain blossomed along her right hip as she wasn't quite out of range enough of a stray shot gone wide from the getaway vehicle. Thankfully it just grazed her, and wasn't that severe to begin with, but still, it was going to take some explaining.

     This was /not/ a good day....

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Outside the bank....

Pippi's smoke tablets do their thing - the masks theset two were given weren't intended to prevent against smoke or stuff getting into eyes and the boom of the shotgun did wonders for hearing and equilibrium. To put it simply, these two aren't in any state to defend against an assault from the front. In the smoke, Pluto hacks and coughs, managing to wrench his shotgun free and aim it in the direction of the front seat, where the overly cheerful voice came from. *BOOM* A second shot shatters the passenger window of the van and decorates the front of the bank, shattering one of the windows but, thankfully, that spray is fended off by the heavy curtains that cover the window. Minnie scrambles towards the back door, trying to find a source of air and something to fight back with. Kicking the door open and tumbling to the street, she settles on a small machine pistol in her left hand and a baseball bat in the right. "Oh fxxk!"

Inside the bank...

"Oh Bother." said Pooh, who had been wanting to use that line since he thought of it two weeks ago while they were training. He thought it'd be a cool moment, followed by a spray of gunfire that would silence all opposition. He turns and raises his MP5, sending a three-round burst in the direction of the gunfire, sending splinters of marble tumbling from the destroyed column, crouching down to move into cover while Daisy does her best to flank.

Inside the main vault, Chip finishes loading his bag up just in time to see the door slam shut with a bang. "HEY!" he yells, slamming against the door. "We're in here!" The door's wheel turns, locking them in. HE turns to dale. "plan B"

In the Safety Deposit Vault, Donald is standing out of the way after slicing open the door, loading things into his duffel bag when the door starts sliding closed. He gets up and puts a hand on it to stop it from closing when the gunfire starts, the man diving behind a battered leather couch, leaving Goofy in the vault to unfortunately be trapped.


Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With one down, two delayed, and another just barely escaping from the vault with the safety deposit box, Donald gets the sensation of a hand upon his back, the robber will soon get the weird sense of losing the sense of touch and smell as he's dragged through the wall into the vault. Upon entering, his senses come back as the hand sensation vanishes as well.

Pippi has posed:
    "HEY! Careful!" the cheery voice calls back, "You could HURT someone with that thing!"

    A swipe of the steering column, and the ninja canine moves into the van while the two are somewhat disabled, and she reaches out to grab at Pluto's collar, gripping, twisting into the fabric as she braces against the driver's seat, one hand going to the ceiling and she pulls Pluto out of the seat, and steps forward, leaning into the throw and she attempts to clobber Minnie with Pluto.

    "Language Minnie! You know, I'm beginning to think you're *not* actually Minnie and Pluto!"

Nightingale has posed:
     This was way above her pay grade, Shannon thought. Having escaped notice, and only an accidental grazing by a stray bullet to show for her trouble, it was time for Shannon to bug out of there, post-haste. She was not about to be so foolish as to dive into this fray alone, even if it seemed there might be apparent allies below. It seemed they had the matter well in hand, and she could just about hear Sam now as it was, chewing her out for getting shot. There were times to interfere, and times not to, and with an incident like this? Yeah, there were bound to be emergency services there in short order. It was not a place to be when the Poo(h) hit the fan. There would be chances to volunteer elsewhere, on another day. Let police and medics do what they were trained to do.

     This angel's outta here, heading for home.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's advancing with fiery swords. The three round burst pings off the armor, the wound healing as Pezz is using it to track where the shots came from. One sword thrown. With her free hand. Pezz sends a jet of flame along with the fiery sword. Because a little fire isn't enough. She's saving her other sword for stabbing Daisy and Mickey. The tail? That coils around a chunk of marble, and that's slung at ankle height, from between her legs like some trick shot nonsense. Pez isn't playing around. McCarthy on the other hand is booking it to cover. He's calling the Blooodhaven cops. Or rather, wanting to. He gets his phone out and it shatters on the floor. Pezz is still striding, now even less happy than before. Thankfully the vault door's closed. Just....everything else to deal with

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
It's not a good day for Pluto and Minnie. They were supposed to have the easy job - just wait in the car, drive off to the parking garage once things are done, split up and wait to get a cut. Easy-peasy. Staggering to her feet, Minnie brandishes the baseball bat in one hand and lifts her gun to fire a volley into the van where Pippi and Pluto are when she's blindsided by Pluto being physically yeeted through the van and into her. She and he go tumbling, her mask, bat, and gun each spiralling off in different directions somewhere as they both slide across the trash-strewn street and impact into a stopped car on the side of the road. Minnie and Pluto are out cold.

Inside the bank...

The main vault is silent. There is the occasional bang from inside but they seem to be contained. Inside the Safe Deposit Vault there's yelling, Donald asking why Goofy dragged him in, and Goofy having no idea what happened. "You were out! I didn't grab you!" is the protest that can be heard over the gunfire and the chaos. But in the main lobby of the bank? Oh lordy - chaos.

With Pooh and Daisy flanking, Mickey starts back towards the unlocked front door with his pistol drawn. The rest of the public inside the bank has scattered, hiding behind columns, under desks, behind couches, and even a few running up the staircases to the executive suites above. This has gone very, very bad for them.

"Daisy, tangle! Pooh, Suppressive!" He's still trying to direct the battle, as it were, and to their credit, the two facing off against the Witchblade do their thing as best they can. Pooh pops up from behind the deposit table he was using as cover just in time to get smacked by Sara's thrown sword in the center of his chest. Thankfully the ballistic plate and vest he had on did a great deal to mitigate the damage but he's still knocked back into the wall from the force of the throw. He manages to maintain hold of his weapon and lifts it, sending a stream of 9mm fire towards the Witchblade while Daisy flings her tangling grenade.

It lands around Sara's feet and explodes with a muffled 'thud,' a crazy knot of strong artificial fibers blossoming. She can cut through them or burn through them, but it'll take a second or two.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Bludhaven PD is approaching - lots of them, from the sound of the sirens.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi setps out of the can, her hood still up, fixing the bandana that helps hide her muzzle, dragging the steering wheel column behind her. She hears the sirens, and knows there's not much time left. She grabs the bat, she grabs the Pluto mask, and she makes her way into the bank, slipping the pluto mask on over her head in a hurry as she goes.

    "Ugh. Sorry, Pluto, you smell *awful*." she chokes out, and she makes her way through the broken glass and doors. She brings the bat up, holding the handle between her teeth as she digs out another smoke pellet, and loomingly walks in.

    Yes, Loomingly.

    All five foot one of her.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Goofy and Donald distracting themselves, the Witchblade dealing with the trio in the main area and the main vault being suspiciously quiet, Phantasm jumps into the main vault. He's still unseen but Chip and Dale are greeted with a menacing and unhuman growl, reverberating around the room.

Witchblade has posed:
The Witchblade's showing off now. There's a life size dragon made of fire, that's moving and seems....alive. And oh yes. It's made of fire. More flames from the Witchblade to make it look like the dragon's spitting fireballs. Fireballs aimed squarely at the deposit table, too. Pez's left hand coats the sword in fire, and hurls it toward Daisy andd Mickey, her tail gripping a chair and hurling it past her hip toward Pooh. The Witchblade's done playing around. More limbs grow out of her, each holding a firey sword that's thrown. So all in all, nine swords. One dragon, three fireball...and a chair. The chair's the only one not on fire. The dragon is a perfect Mush. Yes. THAT Mushu. Pez is quoting the movie, too. The Mushu lines.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Inside the Bank...

Inside the bank is a maelstrom of fire and debris being flung around by the Witchblade. Pooh has emptied his magazine and is cowering behind the quickly deteriorating deposit table. It was built to stand up to day-to-day business tinkering, not full-on assault by a Disney dragon. Daisy and Mickey scatter like rats when the lights go on, and it would really look awesome if you were watching from the other side and not in mortal danger. Mickey actually manages to dodge one of the fireballs before a second one - and a sword - take him off his feet, knocking him end-over-end to land facedown with his legs up a column. He's still moving, but he's lost his gun. Daisy isn't so lucky - one of the fireballs catches her center mass and blasts her backwards into a couch. Her clothes catch fire but, thankfully, she went with leather and non-flammable stuff so she does smolder for a bit but she's out cold, her mask cracked in half.

Inside the vault, when Phantasm slips in, the first thing he'll notice is that the men have built kind of a bunker in the corner, using what tables they could find to wall themselves off. The remainder of their explosives have been planted in a particular spot on the floor where the steel was pulled away, revealing brick. The voice is what causes them to cower down and hit the button, a large explosion punching a hole in the floor of the bank that leads to the sewers, the building shaking from the force of the blast, one of the chandeliers falling down to shatter on the floor between Sara and Pooh who pops up to try and end this with a fullisade of fire.

That's probably not going to go well.

Pippi sees /all/ of this happening from her vantage point by the door. Mickey looks up and reaches for what seems to be a friendly face. "Pluto...get us out of here!"

Witchblade has posed:
The Witchblade watches silently, more fire sent to the other three. Then to follow up the chair, a pen slung like a javelin, and because why the f*** not.....half a marble counter's dragged to shield behind, the Witchblade hiding behind it. The fusillade of 9mm fire is met by a jet of flame. Fighting fire with, well, fire. She's not conerned with how /cool/ this looks. More quoting Mushu and....

The tail coils around two chunks of marble, and they get slung toward Daisy and Mickey. Pooh gets a third one, only...this marble is thrown by hand. Apparently fire wasn't doing much. Witchblade switched to hurling bits of the building at the three of them.

Pippi has posed:
    'Pluto' has the baseball bat.

    'Pluto' is also carrying the *entire steering collumn of the van*. Keys, wires, plastic ripped out of the dashboard, everything. The bat rises up, and 'Pluto's' head tilts, and a voice that is most certainly not a friend goes:

    "I don't think so."

    Pippi marks the friendlies mentally, her heart pounding in her chest. This was the Real Deal. No mentors or babysitterrs, and she brings the bat up, the smoke pellet leaving her hand, and BAM -- vision goes out again with the acrid, blinding, eye-tingling smoke, and Pippi moves towards Mickey before being enveloped by the smoke -- the last thing the Leader of the Club might see for a while is the grim grinning face of Mouse's Best Friend peering at him before being swallowed by the thick, gray smoke -- and then beaned with some marble!

    "Nice shot!" Pippi calls out, and she sniffs the air, ducking low and moving towards the back, laying the steering mechanism laying on top of Mickey.

    Looks like the terrifying demon-blade-lady-thing has the front well handled, and probably will be lining up outside. Back exit would be a much better option for the dog.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Phantasm glances to the scene and does what he can in prep. He closes his eyes and covers his ears. Not picking up on the visual cues as the loud explosion takes place, any shrapnel passes through him without incident. The hands filter the sound, letting him know when it is safe to look again. As things settle, the eyes open and looks over towards the table accusingly. Or at least it would be accusingly if he was visible. The growl emits again as he lunges towards the Chipmunks, a shrowded, glowing eyed, jagged teeth, clawed figure becoming visible mid lunge ready to lash out.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The explosion in the vault shakes the building but blows a neat hole in the floor that's large enough for a chipmunk-sized man or two to leap down into the sewers that run beneath the place and escape.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
To the Chipmunks credit, they're moving. They set the charge, built a barricade, covered their eyes and ears and opened their mouths, so the explosion didn't cause too much damage. They weren't expecting scary growls, but then, they weren't expecting to be locked inside a vault either, which is what brought Plan B up. As Phantasm starts to growl and move, one bag, then two, are hurled through the hole and Chip starts to make his way over when, suddenly, Phantasm appears! "Holy CRAP!" he yells, swinging a chunk of rubble at the apparition, stumbling backwards as Dale heads for the hole, more concerned about two hundred plus pounds of cash than his companion. He's intent on escaping!

Mickey is out cold, thanks to the marble slamming him and his brain deciding to just shut itself off for a little while when the pants-crappingly terrifying image of Pluto with a baseball bat vanishing into a cloud of smoke processes itself. The back door is, naturally, towards the back, and Pippi is quite easily able to make it there without too much further incident.

Daisy is out, covered by more chunks of flung marble. Micky is out, hit by Pippi and marble, and the thrown chunk leaves Pooh staggered, the pen impaled somewhere around the forehead of his mask, the man falling over backwards into a pile of old Reader's Digests, papers scattering as he topples over to the ground. Aside from the men trapped in the safe deposit vault and the men escaping from the main vault....

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The glowing eyes blink, allowing for the rubble to pass through the figure quickly but the red light targets upon Chip. Claws from one hand jabbing into one of the lesser protected areas of the percieved dominant hand while the other hand reaches over, shoving the masked head hard against the floor. Phantasm lets out another snarl as the cloaked figure turns to look to Dale.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi doesn't know Bludhaven's sewer systems as well as the Brooklyn area, but as she slips out the back door of the place, she keeps the pluto mask, and looks for a handy exit strategy.

    ... and lifts a manhole to drop down inside of it -- when she hears a snarling sound!

    "Aa... that might not be good..."

Witchblade has posed:
Pezz is on point with throwing bits of marble. Problem is...now everyone's out cold that was trying to hurt her. The explosion though? Now that's got the Witchblade somehow more angry. Yes. That's possible. Somehow. She's wanting ot find the other robbbers and deal with them. First though, Pooh gets a chair shot. As in 'chair shot at him by an angry symbiote'. It was the chair Phantasm was sat in before all this went down, the one he was relaxing in. Spinning on her toes, the Witchblade grabs the coffeee and cap, one is drank, one is squirrelled away in pockets. Somehow, armor has pockets. Okay so it's really stuffed behind Hez's ear, then she decides to wear the knitted cap to keep it safe, and...undamaged. The coffee cup gets set down back on the desk. Tempting as it was to throw the desk....Pez refuses. She's slowly coming back to herself. The chair thrown at Poooh to ensure he gets out cold. The others out cold, McCarthy's still cowering. Poor soul. Witchblade goes to check on him, but there's the definite smell of soiled pants. Which is probably the most normal reaction to the events. Witchblade's got that effect on people, though, the symbiote wants to snap necks. Instead, Sara comes back to herself. Sara hears sirens, not that they are hard to miss.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Dale is already down the hole as Chip is dealt with. Dragging twice the amount of weight that was planned wasn't exactly ideal, but he was moving. Years of moving crates at the docks built up some hella good core strength. He's moving, but not quickly, using a flashlight mounted to his chest to illuminate the path in front of him as he trudges down through the sewers towards the grate which suddenly...opened? And then, there's a growl, Dale looking back over his shoulder, the light and a pistol pointing towards the darkness. Yes, it won't do him much good, but it at least makes him feel better. He can't stay here. Everyone's gone but him, but he's got the cash. He doesn't need it /all./ I can leave one bag and move faster. He can still make this work!

Pippi can see movement in the sewer and the crazy back and forth of a flashlight as Dale heads for the exit. Climbing a ladder with two bags will be impossible, which is why he left one there to be found by someone later. "Holy hell, Pluto. Get me out of here!" He calls up, seeing the face of the mask peering down from above.

Back inside the bank...

The roar of Donald's Chainsaw can be heard, muffled, from inside the safety deposit vault and, eventually, the nose of it nudges through the plate steel. Yes, this ruins the chainsaw, the vault, and probably deafens him, but dammit, he wants OUT!

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi stares down at Dale. And just gives a smile underneath the mask.

    Once again, t he voice that answers back isn't Pluto's -- who's busy being unconcious over with Minnie -- instead it's light, a teenage girl's voice though muffled by the mask.

    "Man, everyone's asking me to get them outta places!" Pippi replies to Dale, and then peels back the mask to show a canine's square maw, curled up in a smile, amber eyes reflecting the flashlight back against his flash light before she simply hops down the hole -- and lets the manhole cover close behind her, the Pluto mask laying discarded on the ground.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's coming back to herself, thankfully. She can always bring the blades out (again), if needed. Instead, Sara's turning her attention to the Bloodhaven PD. Something something heroes soemthing something flamethrowers, something like that. Pezz is waiting on the Bloodhaven cops to come in here and do their thing. Mostly since....well.....Pezz is not sure bringing out the blades is safe in the least.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Chip out cold and an arm in need of medical attention from the stabbing, the shrowded figure withdrawls its claws and turns, leaping in the direction Dale disappeared. No longer running on two legs, the shrowded figure is now using all fours to give pursuit. But, upon seeing what is greeting Dale, a glowing, fanged smile forms, giving a nod towards Pippi before turning around, going back into the bank.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Normally, Dale wouldn't have much trouble getting past a five-foot-nothing of a girl, even with a hundred pounds of cash on his back but things have just been going extremely wrong today. Close-quarters, Pippi has the advantage and Dale, despite his size, has a glass jaw, and goes down for the count without too much trouble. The Bludhaven PD arrive outside in spades, their response time of more than ten minutes since the first alarm better than it has been in months, and begin to set up a cordon. Minnie and the maskless Pluto are cuffed and dragged into cover while the SWAT team sets up to prepare their initial entrance. Sara, turning into something more human and less draconic, is less of a barricade and after a few moments people start to stream out of the bank in an orderly stampede. They're not running, but they're all moving thataway with intent, leaving the bank mostly deserted, save for the four knocked out people in the bank, the two still fruitlessly trying to escape from a locked vault, and the one out cold in the sewers.

Pippi has posed:
    A little bit of dragging, and the glass-jaw'd Dale would be slung back up through the hole, along with the bags of money.

    She gives a soft huff, knowing her family could have used the cash, but far, far more honorably she just... leaves it there, and heads back off into the sewers. Should be an outlet somewhere, Pippi thinks, that leads her back to NYC.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's on her feet, moving to find the securrity place. Slice it up, or alternativelyy, wipe the footage it. Wiping it would be preferable. But wrecking it would keep with the theme, too, the 'chaotic robbers' idea Sara was in the middle of. She's still got Nit that knitted cap on. It's....weird seeing Pez, well dressed, with that hat. She takes it off and keeps it in her hands. If she finds out who this hat belongs to.....she'll hand it over. Pezz is hitting random buttons on the security things, really. mostly just doing her best to wipe it, though, the hat's back where it was found. Good, good. Pezz though shakes her head, she needs to get out of here though.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the Phantasm enters back in, fading from view, he shuffles back over towards where he was when he started. That is until he sees what happened to that general area. Ok fine... adapt. He moves over to one of the untouched cubicles, glancing under the desks to make sure there is a crawlable path to that point before lying down underneath that desk. Checking to make sure there's no one who could see him popping back into view, he unphantasms, going back to normal.

Following the cue of others, he gets up from his supposed hiding place during the whole ordeal, hair messed up, eyes wide, and looking extremely concerned for the events that has occurred inside the bank. Oh Gosh oh gosh. It's so good the police were here. Oh gosh oh gosh. It's a Miracle!

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Sara's random punching of buttons and knowledge of security systems as a police officer allows her to adequately scramble the DVR, scrubbing visual information of what happened from the record. People do tell about 'that Eddie Murphy dragon kicking the shit out of things,' but that's chalked up as hyperbole. The robbers must have gone in with a flamethrower to cause that amount of damage, and some unknown super must have come in to save the day.

Pippi, in flinging Dale and the bags of cash back into the bank, does her civic duty and, luckily, finds a few $100 bills floating in the sewer on the way out as a bit of a reward for being a good dog. The men in the vault are extracted just a few hours after Donald's chainsaw runs out of gas, halfway through the door. Nick is questioned and allowed to leave since he was a poor, innocent victim in all of this. Sara and McCarthy are given coffee (and a change of pants in McCarthy's case), questioned, and allowed to go back to their home district. The Disney Gang, as they were called, failed in their mission to rob the Bludhaven Savings and Loan, and their story doesn't even make page three of the Local section. "Bank Robbery Fails." And two columns about who, what, when, where, and why. No mention of supers, of a giant Mushu, or a bat-wielding Pluto.

The end.