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Muddy Birthday
Date of Scene: 12 December 2019
Location: Harry's
Synopsis: Rogue beat EVERYONE in a mud wrestling birthday blowout for her 21st birthday. From a wayward Gothamite to a giant harry pokemon man, to a created-from-lube Kitty Pryde and more. What a crazy time!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Cannonball, Polaris, Colossus, Black Cat, Red, Blink, Beast, Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley, Superboy, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Magik

Rogue has posed:
Its a wild night at Harry's Hideaway.

Clearly a lot of time and effort has gone into setup for the celebration of someone turning 21. That someone being Rogue. Somewhat famous in these parts, known to many at Xavier's School and known to others as a former member of the Avengers.

The bar is filled with a lot of random faces, people who know each other and people who definitely don't know each other. Its likely due to the nature of the party's core elements. Free booze, and mud wrestling. Now of course, the mud wrestling is gender eauality, so the four mud pits that have been setup inside of the bar's pool room are not just about babes in bikinis, but also some very portly fellows looking to throw down with those that they signed up to fight also!

Its also all being done in the name of charity for mutants who were effected by the Sentinels. Rogue organized all of this online, offering herself up to her online social media followers to wrestle her if they donated a set amount of money!

She arranged it also to be able to touch folks without draining them of their life force, via a bit of magic from a close friend!

In the main room of the bar there's a country music band live on stage and playing upbeat and party atmosphere music. The bar is being tended to by four members of Harry's employ and Harry himself is moving around to help the wait-staff make sure everyone in attendance is having a good time.

The age range of the party attendees is pretty diverse too, but naturally it slants toward the younger side a bit, due to the style of the party going on.

Rogue, herself, 21 finally and quite happy about it, is located in the back near the mud wrestling pits. She's wearing a bright green bathrobe and has a bunch of flower necklaces on around her shoulders, and two drinks in her hands! She's hanging out with some of her friends from the city prior to her first Mud Fight matchup!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has stopped by to pick up Lorna, and tonight he is escorting her to the bar. He steps into the place holding a wrapped box he has as well as anything Lorna wishes him to carry. He will hold the door open for Lorna, being the gentleman even when he has his hands full.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna entered with a smile on her lips and a party bag on her arm. Sure, Sam had offered to hold it, but she wanted to carry in the birthday gift herself. The green haired Princess wore a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She glanced around, looking for Rogue and making a beeline for her friend through the throngs of people that crowded the bar.

"Hey birthday girl!"

Colossus has posed:
    Punctuality is in his nature. For Piotr Rasputin it is only polite. The arrival and acceptance of a designated time and place shows respect to the one who makes the arrangements. And so, the Russian X-Man shows up square on the dot, primped in his finest chinos and white button down shirt. His pea coat on his shoulders, and a green present likely wrapped by his own two hands.
    The jacket is left at the rack near the door, and then he makes his way through the crowd. From his high vantage point he navigates through it though it takes some time, even with many people slipping out of the way of the tall Russian. He lifts his voice only when he gets near to Rogue and amongst the mud pits.
    "Privyet, Anna-Marie." Piotr's rich voice rolls the 'r's a bit. He extends the present. "Where should I be putting this?"

Black Cat has posed:
Sporting a red-lipped grin and a long coat made of dark sheepskin, with silvery-white lapels and cuffs, Felicia swans into the whole affair as if she were meant to be there. She'd heard it mentioned in passing around the Sanctum, after all. At her neck, a choker sporting a gently-wavering stone inset to rose-gold, its colors aurorally-hued. The Cat's pale-blonde hair is done up into a messy bun and in her gloved hands, a small box wrapped in red with a golden fussing of ribbons.

Putting two fingers to her lips, she blows a wolf-whistle in Rogue's direction and then waves, laughing. "Now the party can start, birthday girl!" Sauntering over to the present collection, she drops her own offering off and then makes her way over to the bar. "Whiskey on the rocks, please," purrs the cat-burglar before glancing back and around the bar. She muses to herself with a nod, "Nice set-up."

Red has posed:
It's not that Alice knew Rogue. Or even knew who she was probably. No, she came to the bar because she had heard about that charity event. For mutants that suffered from Sentinels. Maybe she could get someone that wanted to put their story up onto the stand to change something... deposit their story. Like, sue the US to declare sentinel tech breaking the constitution and go after Trask harder. In her pocket a couple of Matt Murdock's buisiness cards, she had taken a bus to Salem, then went to searc that bar.

As the redhead slips in, she eyes the room all over. Herself she wears pretty much standard for herself. Jeans-skirt, T-Shirt, and some impossible high boots from faux leather. Not much of a heel, but impossible as in lacking a zipper. But nobody around she knew, how anyway, as she grew up in M-town, so she moves over to the bar first, trying to get the attention of a barkeep. "Eh, you running the event? I wanted to ask something... I mean, if I could talk to a few and give them cards for Murdock and partner? They're trying to set up a lawsuit against Trask and the governement to get them for their part in that whole Friends of Humanity thing."

Blink has posed:
The night is finally here!

Clarice has made sure to be here, but she cheats being able to just travel anywhere she wants to. So she even got enough time to go fetch her gift home, then get Conner to join in and go with her. When they are nearing the door she is explaining to him what's it about. "Yes, it's a birthday party. But with mud wrestling." one hand gesturing while she explains, the other holding a small wooden box. "And sure enough I am here for that." a devious enough smile on the purple-haired mutant when she opens the door to walk in. She even keeps the door open for Conner because she is such a gentlewoman. Then she begins walking to where her friends are, though her attention on the birthday girl. "Happy birthday!"

She sets the wooden box on a table. "Four mud pits? Is this going to be a battle royale?"

She then showing some teeth, looking at the Belle. "I am all for fighting you tonight." some challenge to her tone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is sipping from a fruity alcoholic drink in her right hand and holding a brown amber ale in her other. She's got no gloves on and her forearms are bare as the sleeves on her robe sag down toward her elbows.

When Lorna approaches Rogue is immediately moving to hug her with both of her drinks going around the green haired mutant. "Lorna!" She shouts over the noise and smiles when she sees Piotr too. "Over there!" She points at the table between the Mud Wrestling Room and the Main Room, its loaded with presents though she didn't even ask people to bring any, all the invites said the only present she wanted was people's pretty faces. "Thanks, Petey." She says to the Russian before releasing Lorna.

"Check it." She says to her Polaris-y friend and leans in to give her cheek kiss, a quick peck. No strings attached. Including no comas. She grins at Lorna then sips her drink. "Magic spells are great."

The wolf whistles makes Rogue look up to see Felicia, but no Strange (he gave her the magic to touch folks tonight, but can't even show up!). Rogue smoooooooches her lips toward Felicia and grins at her.

When Blink approaches, Rogue grins at her and then nods to the Schedule Board. "You're up first then. Go get changed, and we're gonna throw down in the pit!"

There's already three of the four mud pits in use. Some of the other locals. already fighting each other, covered in a light grey oozey wet muddy mess!

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is aware of a party of course, and after what Rogue's been through, he'll definitely at least visit. He has a wrapped present for her, which he will set where appropriate, before grabbing a drink and finding a place to sit.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde opens up the door, holding it for Carrie Kelley to enter before following in behind her. Kitty has a box wrapped up gaily in green with a sparkly yellow bow and ribbon upon it. "Wow... four pits. No waiting!" Kitty says as she spots the set up.

She flashes a grin to Carrie and says, "Glad you could make it out tonight. About this time next year and we can set the mud pits back up for your birthday," Kitty offers with a wink to her Gotham friend. She looks around the room, finding where the presents are going and sets it down. "Looks like Rogue's back in the back there," she says.

As Kitty spots various friends she flashes them smiles, whether nearby enough to greet, or across the room. Lorna and Sam get a wave, over near Rogue as they are. "Ooo, look at that," Kitty says of a well put together man in one of the mud pits. She nudges Carrie to get her attention that way. "Ok, going to go greet the birthday girl," Kitty says, starting to make her way towards the back.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Alongside Kitty comes her friend from Gotham that at least a few in the room may have met before: Carrie Kelley. She isn't wearing anything overly fancy though she does carry a small satchel slung over her shoulder that seems fairly heavy. Her own attire is just a pair of snow boots, jeans, and a flannel shirt in a mix of greens and blues. Fairly casual, comfortable, and yet still warm enough to make it from the car to the Hideout without freezing her butt off entirely. All in all, given her height and the glasses she wears, the ginger hardly looks formidable or intimidating in any way, shape, or form.

So naturally it's up to her to lift a hand waving toward Rogue. "I heard you were up for a fight, Birthday girl!" It's a challenge all her own as she grins broadly and declares, "I call next!" Plus, she was a bit over-dressed at the moment for such a feat.

Grinning still she glances back to the nudges from Kitty giving a shrug toward her. "We kind of missed my birthday last week," she points out with a chuckle. "I kind of forgot about it myself." There's a slight twitch to her smile but she keeps it in place, and nods toward her friend. "Go greet, I should get changed if I'm gonna get all muddy and hand out a check for the charity."

Superboy has posed:
Birthday party with mud wrestling? The more he learns about mutant culture... still Conner can't complain Clarice does not take him to interesting places with all the blinking around. "Wait, isn't that the girl from the Avengers?" He murmurs when Blink points him at Rogue.

And of course Clarice will mud-wrestle her. Because of course. Wait, didn't Rogue have super-strength or something? "Hi, I am Conner," he offers to the skunk-haired woman when close enough.

Not really dressed up for a party, since Clarice caught him by surprise (again). Just the usual jeans and leather jacket. Never mind the black T-Shirt with the big S on red. Lots of people wear those.

Colossus has posed:
    Piotr's gift is set off to the side on that side table. It takes him a bit of time to find a decent spot amongst all of the other presents. Once that's settled he will walk back across the room to take up a place hovering somewhat near Rogue and those speaking with her.
    Polite, as ever, he holds his words until a suitable opening when he leans in to ask. "Is this..." He uncurls a hand to gesture toward the tableau of mud and grappling and exuberance. "Is this a normal thing?"
    The tall Russian straightens up and then his lip twists, "Or is this a Rogue thing?" Of course before she can answer he espies Kitty and lifts a hand to wave in he direction, noting the other X-people and addressing the ones he knows with a collective...
    "Greetings, comrades."

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops sticks close to the wall at the back for the moment. Given his disposition and his position alike, he tends to have a paternalistic effect on gatherings of mutants. People seemed in the mood to cut loose and everyone here was either of age or not under his supervision. And, truth be told, he didn't mind letting his hair down a little bit now and then. He just tended to make sure he didn't do so in front of people he had to discipline the next day.

Still, he's probably a little more staid than most. He's not drinking for one, sticking to seltzer. He's wearing blue jeans and a black button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up a bit, his eyes hidden behind his trademark ruby quartz shades. He puts his fingers to his lips and lets out a rather piercing whistle of his own, honed through years of coaching. "Let's get it on already!" he calls.

Blink has posed:
Blink takes her time to greet the other mutants she knows, smiles and waves given around. She seems rather happy that there is no need for eye contacts or to hide her mutations, those bright green eyes and long ears fully visible. "Yes, better do it now before you get too drunk and then give that excuse when I beat you. And oh, this is Conner. I sort of kidnapped him all of a sudden so..., but my gift will do for us both." she waggles her eyebrows in a teasing manner to the bday girl and then off she goes to change for the mud fightin'. Gone and back in a ..., blink.

It takes her a bit actually, but she eventually returns dressed in tight shorts and top, bare feet and clapping her hands together. She seems eager for it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sets her drinks down on the table beside her then, she's already had quite a lot... though she can take quite a lot too, part of the Danvers powers she swiped a handful of years back.

Her eyes come back to find Carrie and she grins at her. "Well then it's your birthday party too! Happy Birthday to Carrie!" Rogue shouts and several others of her drunken entourage raise their glasses and yell it too, even if they don't know who the heck Carrie is or not! "If ya wanna throw down, there's some clothes folded up back there in the ladies room. I think Clarice here is gonna get me all WARMED UP though in the mean time."

Rogue then turns to Conner and she smiles at him and offers him a hand in return. "Nice t'meet ya, sugah." She says in a way too flirtatious way, but she's in a good mood so thats bound to be the norm tonight for her. "Ready for some fun tonight, I hope?"

Scott's order to get the fighting going already makes Rogue grin and she walks over to him and pulls her robe off, a green and yellow volleyball bikini keeping her decent as she tosses the robe over Cyclops' shoulder and then salutes him. "You got it, Chief."

Rogue turns then and skips her way to the mud pit, stepping over and into it, then starts to wobble back and forth as she grins at seeing Clarice changed. "Ya ready? No mutant powers, no super strength. I promise. Just good ol' fashioned human power levels."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way back to Rogue, grinning as Carrie puts her hat in the ring to wrestle with the birthday girl. "Piotr, you made it, good," Kitty says, greeting the tall Russian. "It's not normal here. Maybe more down from where Rogue is from," she tells him, her grin growing. "Up here it's called wrestling. Down there though it would be mud wrastlin'," she tells him, making sure it's said loud enough that Rogue would catch it.

Kitty moves to give Rogue's shoulder a squeeze as she's heading for the mud pit. "Happy birthday," she says brightly. "Try not to break my friends, either," she adds in a joking tone, grinning before backing away. "Give her hell, Clarice," Kitty says to Blink.

Kitty moves over to join the crowd around the mud pit. Spotting Conner, she offers him a friendly smile. "Hello, did I see you come in with Clarice? I'm Kitty," she says, offering her hand over to him.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was clearly surprised that Rogue openly embraced her and with skin to skin contact too! But the magic explained it all away and the greenette grinned. "Well Happy Birthday!" She cheered and turned to tuck the present away on the table with the others. She had no intents on climbing into the mud wrestling pit, but grabbed herself something to drink to stand around with.

A glance and she spotted Blink, and waved with a grin.

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops makes a playful show of fanning himself after Rogue bikinis herself right in front of him, taking a few steps forward and partaking a bit more of the festivities or, at least, letting himself be seen. He'll nod to those he knows and file away the faces of those he doesn't. Just in case.

"Who's going to referee this madness?" he calls out, as always a stickler for the rules.

Colossus has posed:
    "Wrastling." Piotr says, sounding out the word and making it a little longer than it should be. Giving it the robust treatment as only a Russian can. He nods slowly in agreement as he looks after Rogue and Clarice and how they are dressed. Then he sort of half-smiles toward Kitty, "I could... perhaps see some of the appeal."
    With that grudging admission made, the Russian slips to the side and smiles, giving a wave off in the distance toward Scott. "Greetings, Scott!" He calls, voice booming a bit as he tries to shout over the crowd. Then his attention is drawn downwards to others nearby. "Oh, hello. How do you know Anna-Marie?"

Rogue has posed:
"I got it! I'm the Ref!" A little person says as he steps out from behind the masses of much taller people. "Name's Stilts, and ya better not make any damn jokes, or its your knees!" He shouts angrily up at Scott with a slightly high pitched voice. He's even wearing a black and white Referee shirt. He puts a cigar in his mouth and walks over to the ladies. "Come on now. Keep it not clean!" He slaps his hands together then.

Superboy has posed:
"Happy day, birthday girl," replies Conner. He has no idea what Rogue's real name is, but she seems friendly enough. "Oh, I better find a good place to watch." Even if he has to shove and elbow some people aside. His girl is in the mud pit, people!

Hearing there will be no mutant powers allowed is a bit of a relief, too. Not that he knows all Rogue could do. He is trying to check the Wikipedia with the cellphone, but also busy watching. There might be pictures at some point too.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to put his present with the others and will come up behind Kitty and Colossus "Down home would more likely be done in a mud hole and with cooking out and such, but it s a bit cold for doing it out in the wild." He grins a bit at the music and will shake hands with anyone he is introduced to.

Blink has posed:
"Warmed up? No, I am getting you down." Clarice taunts her friend, but it's all in a very friendly manner. She offers two thumbs up at Lorna. "Hope your bet was on me!" and then off she goes to the mud ring. "Sounds good to me." in truth she seems relieved that there is no superhuman strength involved. That's always a bummer.

She does a little warm up, all supple and naturally athletic, then it's time to go. A final wave to Conner and then she eyes Rogue, stepping into the pit. Ewww, mud.

Sabretooth has posed:
    The door opens and a massive man stoops in through the door frame. Victor Creed steps into Harry's probably for the first time. At least not while trying to surprise the Runt on his birthday for the traditional throw down. He is dressed in a long leather jacket and heavy boots and gloves. His long blonde hair is tied back in loose pony tail. The cold air swirls around him for a moment before he shuts the door behind him.

    It is a birthday party so Victor actually did make an attempt. He carries in a bottle of good Canadian Whiskey although he couldn't be bothered with a bow. He looks around the bar and gives a smile that would look good on a shark with his sharp teeth. "Well, this shindig has brought all the fine people out."

Black Cat has posed:
"Thanks, bud," says Felicia to the bartender and shoots him a wink as she takes her whiskey on the rocks. Shedding her coat to the back of the rotating bar-stool reveals her in a pristine ivory-pale sweater-dress overtop forest-green leggings and knee-high brown hunting boots. About her waist, a matching brown belt accents her figure. She sees that the mud wrestling is about to start up and puts her fingers to her lips for another wolf-whistle.

"My money's on the chick who forgets to dye her roots!!!" she shouts out towards Rogue and lifts her drink towards the young woman.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley actually turns a slight shade of red when Rogue calls out that it's her birthday, too. Grinning in spite of herself she gives a laugh and nod toward Rogue. "I'll let you guys warm up first for sure," she calls out again only to heft up the bag at her shoulder. "And I brought a change of clothes already. Girl scout, y'know. Always be prepared!" Though that wasn't quite the motto. That was the Boyscouts wasn't it? It didn't really matter any.

While Kitty goes to give Rogue a hug, she pauses by one of the table ringing the, er, rings, to set her bag down on a chair. It's there she just starts unbuttoning her shirt as she had worn beneath it what she planned to get dirty. When Colossus speaks up she glances up---and up--at the tall Russian with a friendly smile. "Through Kitty. Kitty brings everyone together it seems," she adds before offering by way of greeting, "I'm Carrie. Pardon my, ah, stripping."

With that she wriggle out of her shirt with a shiver from the blast of air through the door. "Gonna regret this later I'm sure."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blows a kiss to Colossus and smiles to Kitty when she feels the shoulder touch. "I won't! I'm tonin' it down. Years of arduous practice on keepin' these powers in-check. I could wrestle a kitten and not break a single bone in its liddle boddy. Speakin' a which, go get ready and you'll be after Carrie. I got a long night ahead'a me'a wrestlin' hot people and I'm ready t'burn off some steam!"

She's insatiable and she's shameless ...

When she and Clarice line up in the mud pit she continues to sway back and forth then rushes at her friend with her hands out to try to grapple her and turn her down into the pit!

Stilts, the Referee, throws up his short hands. "And we're off! Whoever holds the other down for a four count wins!" He then side-eye glares up at Cyclops as though he's worried that big oaf is going to try to pry in on his Reffing gig here tonight....

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins back to Samuel Guthrie as he comes over. She reaches an arm over to give him a quick side-hug if he lets her. "Yes, that's the problem with a January birthd-" Kitty gets out, before her words trail off as she sees Victor Creed coming in through the door. Sam at least, will feel her tensing, though it's an initial reaction and the tension slips a bit as Victor doesn't look like he's there to cause trouble. At least yet.

Kitty clears her throat to continue. "Yeah, January birthdays, so cold," she tells those by her. Kitty looks to Felicia, smiling as she recognizes the woman. "Hello, nice to see you again," Kitty says with a smile, lifting a hand to wave towards the woman.

Carrie's comment to Colossus brings a grin from Kitty. "Carrie, this is Piotr Rasputin. Piotr, this is Carrie. Up and coming theater savant. Though you can take the girl out of Gotham, can't take the Gotham out of the girl," she says with a grin.

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops puts some distance between himself and the glaring ref, not out of intimidation but just so he doesn't distract. Not that he probably could, given the spectacle currently ongoing. He nods to Colossus, "Piotr," he calls out.

When Victor comes in, he regards the big mutant soberly, but doesn't create any direct conflict. This is meant to be a party, after all, and his lack of trust towards those with unsavory pasts shouldn't affect things. "Fifty bucks on Rogue," he says as he sidles up next to Piotr, nodding to the Russians friends tha the doesn't know. "Scott Summers. Pleasure."

Colossus has posed:
    Sidelong to Sam, Piotr's brow furrows as he looks momentarily confused and perhaps a little saddened as he murmurs, "Why have I never heard of this before?" For clearly he should travel in better circles. Though in the next moment his attention is snared by Carrie.
    "Ah, indeed. Katya gets along well with so many people. She is the great social unifier." His lip twists as he glances sidelong as if to see if she overheard him. Then he offers his hand after Carrie finishes changing.
    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Carrie. As Katya says, I am Piotr. I wish you a happy birthday, though forgive that I have no present to give." That said he smiles openly and then looks up to espy Rogue and her kiss blown his way. His smile twists with a chuckle as he shakes his head as if she was, indeed, shameless.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna cheered, not entirely for who.. her friend or her bodyguard... It was a tough sell either way, so she just cheered. And made her way over toward Kitty and Sam. "I hate the cold, I am so not used to it anymore with living in Genosha these days." She shook her head, glancing back at the mudpit and then sipped at her drink.

"Also, totally a benefit of dating Roberto." She joked, grinning as she glanced back around and caught sight of Victor. She coughed on her drink, looking more like the Princess of Genosha had half inhaled her beer. And was left spluttering for a moment as she caught herself. Making the universal sign that she'd inhaled at the wrong moment.

Red has posed:
Alice isn't introduced to anyone. And besides the general gesture of the Barkeep towards the crowd, she has no idea who to talk to. Great. Drunken people, Mudwrestling and possibly the host of that birthday party is all drunken too. What again was she coming here for? To try to meet the person that hosed the charity wrestling for sentinel victims... And now they were habving a birthday party. Great... better not crash the party, because that wouldn't get her on the good side of anyone. So for the moment she just leans against the bar counter, watching the wrestling for the moment, one hand searching her pockets for some cash.

Blink has posed:
"I will make sure to soften her up for you, Carrie." A re-assuring nod given to Carrie when Clarice finally gets within the ring, grinning at her but then it's wrestling time. She squints her eyes at Rogue and then....

She is being charged at! But it's not as if they are all muddied up and slower yet so Clarice can still use her natural athleticism to wiggle out of that first charge, just enoough to have the Belle off-balance and she is able to toss her down! First blood! But then she gets into muddied waters, literally, wrestling really not being her strong point, more the type to evade and hit from afar. But she has heart at least, struggling and trying to keep Rogue down! Mud starts flying.

Black Cat has posed:
Seeing someone gesture towards her, Felicia glances away from the mud wrestling ensuing. Kitty gets a wave full of twiddling fingers and a grin of recognition. "Oh yes, I know you, hey. Long time, no see around the Sanctum! I know Copperfield's been busy, but I'll pass on word that you say hi," she offers to Kitty before taking another sip of her whiskey.

"Shove her face in the mud, Rogue! Stop being such a pansy!!!" she shouts again at Rogue, her smile bright and friendly. Thank god the bar-stool is beyond the mud being flung. Her sweater-dress is far too pristine to indulge in the whole affair.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will be hugged and start to say something but noticing Kitty's tenseness he looks up and his body shows tension as well, but at Lorna's coughing he will turn to her, and reach over to softly tap her back and says "You ok? he will ask her "No dieing on me, Berto would never forgive me, Ah let you choke on a beer at the party. He teases

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor chuckles at Lorna's reaction even as he makes his way to the bar. He sets the bottle of Canadian Whiskey on the bar and looks at the bartender. "That one is for the birthday girl only." He leans in a little bit with a slight rumbling growl in his chest. "Got it?" THe bartender nods quickly. "S-Sure." Victor drops a $50 on the bar. "Good. Now I'll take a whiskey. No ice. Let me know when that money is done." THe drink is poured and Victor takes the small glass in his big hands. He turns to lean back against the bar as his eyes find the mud wrestling commotion. "PIcked a good time to show up I guess." He raises his whiskey to anyone near the bar and takes a sip off of it as his attention goes back to the mud pits.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does indeed charge right at Clarice, not at all trying to make it a real fight fight kind of charge. Just a stupid drunken rush at your friend while yoeur legs are half sunk inside of sloppy gray goop!

Blink moves WAY faster than Rogue anticipated too so she's got her in a hold that then brings her backward and down to splash in the mud!

This sends a wave of wet mess all over the pit and out over its edges toward those standing closely around it! It spills all over the floor and the tarp that is draped across it!

Rogue, is just laughing, she's completely submerged now and not an ounce of her normally dangerous skin is even visible. She's just a female form in a coat of gray paint, essentially. "No! I can't lose this fast! This is impossible!" She shouts as she tries to struggle away from Blink's grasping hands!

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops shouts, "C'mon, Rogue, you can't go down that easy, no matter what the rumors say!"

Colossus has posed:
    When Cyclops steps up, Piotr gives a warm smile and a short nod, "Fifty dollars on Rogue is a wise coice, though Clarice..." He motions toward the ring and nods in Conner's direction acknowledging that his girl may well know how to handle herself. "She seems to be out for blood, yes?" His lip twitches with that smile.
    "I cannot choose who I would bet on if I were to do so." He says thoughtfully.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finishes stepping out of her clothes to deposit them in her bag leaving her in a the one-peice bathingsuit she'd worn. It's not green at least. It was more of the sort of material to be almost holographic irridescent rainbow/white. "I'll be ready, just you wait! Get 'er, Clarice!" Carrie calls out to the mutant currently wrassling with Rogue.

It's all said rather playfully of course, and when Piotr offers his hand she takes it to shake with a warm grin. "Thank you, Piotr. It's all right as well. I have more than I need already as it is. The company and fun is far more appreciated than any objects."

The tension that runs through Kitty earns a slight lift of her eyebrow, and she glances in the direction of the bar only to have the other eyebrow join it. There was a face she hadn't seen in awhile. A hand lifts to gesture at him with a call of, "Hey, Vic!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flings a hand up and away from Blink and slings a handful of mud at Cyclops! Its completely and entirely an accidental coincidence!

Polaris has posed:
Lorna reddened, straightening as she breathed and cleared her throat. Even as Sam lightly patted her on the back. "I'm alive.. breathing.." She got out, coughing again as she smiled and wiped her eyes. Inhaling beer was bad. And she definitely would have inhaled another gulp if she'd dared drink again as Scott's call at Rogue and Blink in the mud pit had happened at the right.. or wrong moment.

"That was Scott.. he said, what I think he said... right?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the wrestling, laughing and cheering in the general sense as if just wanting good action. While Rogue's her old roomie, seeing her take a few spills will amuse probably not just Kitty, but Rogue herself, Kitty would guess.

She grins at Piotr for his compliment, reaching over to pat his shoulder. "Hey Scott," Kitty says to Scott Summers. "Never thought either of us would make it to 21, I bet," she tells him. Her own 21st was the previous summer. "Our little girl is all grown up now," Kitty says, grinning as she watches the mud wrestling unfold.

Carrie's call over to Victor gets a brief look of surprise. Kitty will look to Carrie, and if the redhead catches the look, she might pick up a note of caution without words to explain it. "Going to grab a drink," she says. Kitty heads over to the bar, getting a drink that ends up being blue. Not quite as dark as Beast, but just as tasty! While there, Kitty smiles to Alice who is nearby. "Are you a friend of Rogue's?" Kitty asks. "You should come over and join us all. I'm Kitty," she says, offering Alice a hand.

Blink has posed:
"Give it up!" Clarice exclaims, "The win is mine!" they continue the struggle, Blink also coated in mud all over, though not something she seems to mind at all. This is a night of celebration afterall. In fact she even brings her eyes up to survey the rest of the party. Deadly mistake.... She spots a familiar figure, one she REALLY didn't expect to be here this night.

She eyes Sabertooth over there by the bar, blinking a few times, "Oh, hello..." it's just enough of a distraction that the hold is broken and so is her concentration on the fight, she slipping on all that damn mud and falling down. Just the opportunity for a conniving Belle!

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops ducks the mud flung in his direction, although he does get some spatter on his shirt. Part of his gift to Rogue is him just relaxing a bit and not being quite so uptight tonight. The other gift, of course, is a fantastic Applebee's gift card. Who doesn't like riblets?

"Rogue's a scrapper, as they say. I wouldn't ever count her out, no matter how muddy she gets," he says. He overhears Lorna's comment about him and says, "Hey, I can make jokes. I'm hilarious. You just don't usually get to hear it."

Superboy has posed:
Conner manages to quick wave to Kitty on his way to get the best spot to watch the fight. Definitely he came with Clarice. "I'll cover that bet!" He yells to Scott. Those so close to the pit are going to get splattered by mud, but it will be worth it. He cheers when the elf-girl manages to avoid Rogue and tosses her to the mud. "That's it! You got her right on!"

Splat, there goes the mud. Good thing he is not wearing anything fancy.

And then Blink gets distracted and... ouch. He winces.

Rogue has posed:
The main room isn't quite as crazy as the mud pits in what normally is the pool room. The main room even has a dance floor and a number of couples are set out upon it to dance to the music being played by the fine country band.

Back in the chamber of madness though, Blink being distracted by the hulking hulk of a hunk Victor opens a door for the nearly mud-blinded Belle and she lunges and Blink and sweeps her down and around to straddle her in the mud and pin her as she sits down on her lap and holds her down by the shoulders against the edge of the mud pit!

"Gotcha--" Rogue spits mud out of her mouth and tries to blink her eyes through it to see. "Sugah!"

Stilts rushes in and starts signaling a win. "Skunk Stripe with the win!" Stilts shouts loudly to uproarious reactions!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie may get a little splattered as he is near Scott, Lorna and the rest. "Well no goat-tee, so not the evil alternate universe version of him, cause that's how ya tell." he jokes, even though half the folks here may have met alternate versions of themselves. "And he can claim we were all drunk and imagined it tomorrow he says after Scott's comment about about able to joke.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor pushes off from the bar and makes his way towards Carrie who had just called out to him. He comes up next to Piotr who is probably the only one that matches him in height around here. "Long way from Gotham, aren't you?" He asks with a nod a smile. He looks at the Russian as he takes another sip of his whiskey. He looks over towards Clarice as she speaks but then the grip is broken. "Keep your eyes on the target, kid," he calls out. "She's a fighter."

Red has posed:
Alice finally pulls a twenty from the pocket with her left, flattening it against the bar counter when Kitty talks to her, turning the head to the brunette. Kitty, she called herself. "Nah, Don't know her. Just saw that some kind of charity event for sentinel victims was going on and wanted to look if anybody here was willing to join in on something to make sure that never happens again." She shrugs a moment before taking the hand with her right, shaking it. "I'm Alice."

Colossus has posed:
    Colossus thump thumps a pat on Cyclops' shoulder as he tells the man, "I am going to get something to drink." He looks around those nearby, "Does anyone want anything while I am there?" And if there are a few orders placed with him he will nod politely and try to commit them to memory even as he begins to extract from that social circle near Rogue and Clarice's wrassling match.
    t's then that he starts to cross through the crowd again, though this time more people likely step out of the way. He saunters up behind Kitty and then leans against the bar, "Hello, Harry."
    Then he smiles to Alice, "Greetings," Perhaps just assuming she's part of the party.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shook her head in Scott's direction. "I always imagine you for academic puns and more loft jokes, Scott." She tsked, but was grinning as she did so. A splash of mud came flying from the pit, and landed on her shirt. A noise of annoyance escaped the Princess and she pulled the cold mud stained fabric away from her frame.

"I'm gonna go wash up if anyone comes looking." She murmured, making to set her beer down and to flee to the restroom.

Blink has posed:
Must fight temptation to blink away! Clarice struggles with both legs and hands but again, she is not the type that does well in a wrestling match. And at such a disadvantage she is done for. She acks and sputters, mud getting all over but then it's over. Nope, couldn't keep her eyes on the target. That will be a lesson for later surely ....

She stops her struggling and then gets up when the fight is over and Stilts announces the winner. "Next time!" she shakes a fist at the Belle but then just chuckles, good humored and leaning over to give Rogue a pat on her shoulder before jumping out of the pit, dripping mud all over. "Get her Carrie." she grins at the next contestant.

Superboy has posed:
Conner helps Clarice out of the mud pit, offering her a few napkins to clean up some. "Hey... she just got lucky," he offers, grinning. Now he owes Cyclops fifty bucks, too. But still has some spare change for a drink or three. "Wanna blink out for a shower? Or... well, I can get some drinks and a table for you."

The young man glances curious to Victor. He did notice Clarice got distracted when she spotted the big man. Mental note to maybe ask her about it later.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley catches the glance from Kitty, and nods a single dip of her head in turn. Whatever the silent exchange there was it doesn't seem to drop her mood any. When Victor comes over to greet her she can only shrug. "Can't keep cooped up there forever. Besides, I was told there was a party and I fighting. Could use a bit of both right now." With the match in the mud pit starting to wind down she stretches one arm out to the side catching it in the crook of her opposite arm to give it a good stretch. It's mimicked with the other arm, and then she reaches up to take her glasses off. Given Kitty stepped away along with many others she offers them out to Victor. "And speaking of which, I'm up next. Keep these from breaking, yeah?"

"You're super strong, right Rogue? So I don't have to hold back any?" The corners of her lips twitch with more than a little amusement.

Not that Carrie really waits for a response as she strides confidently toward the mud pit then... very daintily... steps in feeling the mud squelch between her toes. "Eeewww." Then without warning she slips on the mud--Landing on one arm, and using the slipperiness of the mud to help send her legs snapping out to tangle around Rogue's intent on sweep-kicking her down.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles as Alice introduces herself. "Yeah, all the proceeds are going to victims," she confirms. "I don't know if you recognize her, but Rogue was one of the Avengers," Kitty says, giving the Mississippian's most well-known claim to fame. "Great cause. A lot of harm those things have caused," Kitty says with a shake of her head.

As Piotr joins them at the bar, Kitty motions towards him. "This is Piotr Rasputin. Friend of mine," she says to Alice. "Piotr, this is Alice. Came because she wanted to support the charity," Kitty explains, bringing the Russian up to speed.

Harry wanders over, nodding to Piotr and saying to Kitty, "So far the bar isn't destroyed. And we're what, an hour in? That exceeds my expectations." AJ, his son, grins and slides past behind Harry, taking more drinks out to people. "Told you it'd be ok," he says to Harry. "Oh hey Piotr, long time no see," he says.

Kitty points out Felicia to AJ. "Take over a drink to her, would you?" she asks, getting a nod from the young man who makes a mixed drink and takes it over to her.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Giver 'er hell," Victor says as he tucks the glasses into his jacket pocket. This is getting a bit more interesting so he is striding through the bar into the Mud RIng Room proper and moves to find a set hopefully out of range of flying mud, but doesn't seem that worried about it. His large steps thump on the floor as walks deliberately. He settles down with the creak of a stool.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gets up off of Clarice and grins big at her as they both rise back up to the feet, mud and water dripping off of her as she nods to her and reaches her hands up to push her string mud covered hair out of her face and keep it back behind her shoulders. "Thanks for playin', sweetums!" She says back to Clarice as she goes.

"And the next challenger enters..." Rogue says, standing there completely grayed-out by the mud coating her like paint! She grins at the Gothamite and shakes her head side to side. "Ya can't hurt me, no matter what ya do. So do whatever ya wanna do t'try'n pin me. I ain't usin' enough force t'cheat. I promise. I can control it if I wanna. Less I get mad..." She grins again then.

When Carrie falls, Rogue feels the sweep coming though... sadly she can't turn off that Seventh Sense. She does catch part of it and Carrie sends up a big gush of MUD IN ALL DIRECTIONS. Rogue laughs and just dives at Carrie, going right in for the girl to try to get her into the pin! "Come here, you!"

Stilts, the little Referee, runs around the mud pit and keeps a close watch on this fight. Thyough there are 3 other Pits and they've all got their own fights going on too!

Colossus has posed:
    Piotr's blue eyes light up a little as he nods, "Privyet, Alice. That is kind of you to do so, more people should be as supportive." He doesn't have to wait long before Harry and his son are addressing him and he smiles.
    "It has been a time, yes. But I am here now, and were it not Rogue's birthday that would be cause enough for celebration, no?" Piotr's voice is rich with amusement, perhaps enjoying the feeling of the crowd and the general positive aspect of the ex-Avenger's party. He looks across the way and glances perhaps towards a bottle of vodka upon the top shelf, but then shakes his head. "I will be having a beer?" He asks, perhaps glancing at Kitty for an affirmation of some kind but then he adds. "A Corona and lime."
    That order placed he settles back against the bar and seems content to watch for now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is staying near the main one watching the birthday girl, and her opponents. He does make sure Lorna gets to where she was heading all right. at the new splash of mud, he will joke "Think it might have been smart if everyone dressed as if they were gonna fight even if not planning on it. He notices Scott is not drinking and wonders if that is a sign of an early morning training session planned.

Red has posed:
The short greetings from Colossus to Alice is answered with just a short nod, herself not sure who the guy is but knowing that he clearly belongs to that party until Kitty introduces him. With a shrug she offers her hand. "Alice." she repeats her introduction before trying to answer on the other part.

"Never been a fan of the Avengers." Alice admits, shrugging. "Grew up in Bushwick. Gone to school with some that were hit by the purple bots. And actually... kinda came because I was looking for some that might help to make sure that never happens again." Her right hand slips into the pocket for a moment to pull one of Matt Murdock's business cards out. "Like, on the legal way and all..."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The mud splatters in a rather impressive arc when Carrie sweeps that kick. It splatters on her, on Rogue, and on any unfortunate enough to be ringside. Perhaps even Stilts himself gets a dollop or two if he's not quick enough. The failed sweep earns a laugh from her at least and when Rogue launches toward her... Well, there's a whoop of air rushing from her lungs so she doesn't lose her breath on impact as the mud made it a bit difficult to recover quickly.

The ginger gets squished right into the mud as Rogue grapples her around the waist, and she sputters with her face suddenly half in the mud and her chest squished down into the gray goop as well. "Grr!" She offers teasingly as she twists an arm around attempting to headlock Rogue, and roll to the side to try and switch things up with who was pinning who. Not the most graceful of moves, though she actually is trying.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol is late, and while she thought it might be fashionable the sheer roar of activity emanating from the bar as she lands outside suggests it might be cresting from 'fashionable' into 'too' territory. She tugs her jacket tighter about herself, adjusting the scarf she wears under it, and shoulders into the door to be met with the wave of loud music, loud voices, and warm air.

She doesn't make a direct line for the birthday girl, instead opting to keep her distance and let her have some fun. What she does instead is produce a small box wrapped in green and yellow from her pocket, tossing it from hand to hand as she strolls towards one of the tables and leaves it there with its little 'To Trouble, From Carol' tag attached.

Cyclops has posed:
Cyclops gets a bit more distance as the mud flies, shifting a bit towards the back again, but giving an encouraging whoop to Rogue, "You gonna take that? Get her!" he shouts in good natured fashion while he gets a refill on his seltzer, resuming his initial stance of watching towards the fringes of the group.

Magik has posed:
Harry's is hardly the forbidden fruit for the likes of younger students of a certain academic institution of higher education. But like boarding school students in a non-existent castle long for the rights to butterbeer and free port-key use, the outgrown reputation of the bar sucks in erstwhile residents of Westchester County all the same. The door is hardly shut behind Carol before it swings open. Just enough to let a spider skitter in. Much less an actual human being. Cool air thinks of skulking through before hitting a solid object. Somehow she got through, the woman in leather pants and a peculiarly long black coat with an laser-cut upturned collar is there. A pair of twin buns pierced by wicked black hairsticks allude to another name than the one on her identification.

"Not too late? Good." Russian has a way of stamping those words. Illyana gives barely a batted eyelash to the mud wrestling pits as long as she can identify Rogue by hair at a distance. Illyana slips her hand into her pocket and produces a small cylindrical object wrapped more or less immaculately. The paper is completely black except for a pair of crossed white keys stamped on it and absolutely no sign of tape used anywhere.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor glances towards Scott cheering on Rogue and then is yelling at the mud pit to encourage Carrie. "Your other left! Your other left!" He gets hit with a couple clumps of flying mud but doesn't seem to notice much.

Colossus has posed:
    The way Piotr leans upon the bar, his shoulders hunched forward a bit and his considerable height a touch hidden by the crowd, it's understandable how one might not see him as he's leaning forward listening to Alice and Kitty's discussion. His head bobs a little as he nods along with some of what they're saying even as Harry provides his beer to him.
    But then the door opens and through it wanders Carol, causing a second glance to be taken only for it to be stolen when a particular other blonde makes her way through.
    Illyana wanders to the back and the gifts, and a wry grin settles on Piotr's features. He straightens up at the bar and takes his beer, leaning to the side to say to the two women near him, "Forgive me, I must take my leave." The last word sounding more like 'leaf' as he steps away.
    Across the room once again, moving quietly across the way until he is standing behind his sister when he lifts his voice.
    "Has it been so long that you forget your brother, Snezhinka?"

Black Cat has posed:
Rogue gets yet another wolf-whistle and Felicia claps as the first bout comes to an end. "There we go, Bella-Belle, show 'em what for! I'll slap a fifty in the jar for you!!!" With her whiskey unattended off to one side, she leans back in her bar-chair with her arms lazily crossed beneath her chest.

AJ's arrival has her glancing over in mild surprise. "Aw...thanks, you're a gentleman," she purrs to the young man. Taking the mixed drink, she sniffs at it. "That's delightful. Who sent it my way? I've got to thank them." Poor AJ. He's gifted with a wicked little curl of a grin.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't really able to know who is or isn't coming and going from the birthday bash in the bar, but she does hear some of their voices. Of course she's a bit pre-occupied all together, and there's mud in her ears too... so even if she has any super hearing at all, its kinda mudded up at the moment too! There's a lot of hand grabbing, leg sweeping and much much much more closeness to one another than is very common, especially for Rogue! (No matter what rumors Scott has been spreading!)

Its possible that the Belle is lying about not using her strength either, because she pulls Carrie back into the mud and gets up on top of her long enough for the little STilts Referee to scurry back after avoiding the MUD TIDAL WAVE!




Stilts shouts and blows his little plastic whistle that sounds like a cartoon birdy fluttering around.

Rogue, sitting atop Carrie now reaches up to pat either sides of the redhead's cheeks. "Gotcha, Hotness." She says, then grins and moves to stand up and help Carrie up with an offered hand!

Rogue sweeps over to the middle of her mud pit and thrusts her hands up into the air, completely drenched and really nothing left about her to anyone's imaginations fully ond isplay. "Who dares t'go next!"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lays there in her defeat with a little groan. The cheek pat earns a laugh, and she takes a deep breath. "Next time I'm wearing contacts," she mutters using it as an excuse for her horrible failure that she at least didn't seem too upset by. Reaching up she takes hold of Rogue's hand to stand up again with a momentary wobble. Maybe she got just a little squished from the larger woman. Just a smidge.

Sweeping her hands down over her stomach she sluices some of the mud off herself as she steps out with a sigh. "Okay, okay. You got me! Next time, my pretty!" She mocks only to step out of the ring laughing over her own failure.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's attention is split as she sees Carrie getting into the wrestling pit with Rogue. "Go get her!" Kitty yells, not giving any indication who it was she was cheering for. Again, it was just cheering for both of them really. Picking between them is like having to pick between pets. Ok, bad analogy.

Illyana is given a wave of greeting from over at the bar by Kitty, before Kitty turns back to Alice. "Well, I work at Stark and so we kind of hear the gossip a lot. If you don't like Sentinels? Avengers had a lot to do with their downfall," she says in a hopefully tactful way.

And the is impeccable as Carol Danvers comes in. "Hey Carol!" Kitty says, waving a hand over towards her. "Glad to hear you made it back," she says, beaming a smile to the woman. "Thanks for getting the both of you back home safe," she tells Captain Marvel.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and grins "Your beating al the opponents, who ya think is going to be next there girly." He does move to grab a beer mug, and walks back to the ring offering it to Rogue. "Here lets give them a bit of a chance." He jokes, knowing the beer aint gonna get Rogue anywhere near drunk.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor stands up and begins to take off his jacket and boots followed by his shirt. He is wearing just black BDU pants as he heads towards the ring. He offers a hand to Carrie as she is exiting. "DOn't worry," he says with a soft chuckle that sounds more like a growl than real laughter, but that is just him. He looks back at the ring and speaks louder, "Ready to fight in your weight class, Frail?"

Magik has posed:
Black-barbed hairpins thrust fangpoints down to Illyana's neck. She must be careful to turn her head only in certain directions if she wants to avoid being jabbed by her own style. A lesson there to be learned. This might account for missing her elder brother lurking nearby. Felicia's call to Rogue brings up her frosty gaze, muted interest for that fine necklace lingering a touch too long. But stare? Never. Staring is rude, and Mr. Manners would have her head if she--.

There's just enough time to leave her gift hidden in the shadow of Carol's and start negotiating a path to the center of things. Kitty makes a good target for a returned wave. Gloved hands venture back into her pockets of that almost sanctified frockcoat, Inquisition by way of demon queen. A word plucks a note and she turns. Slow, contained.

"How can I forget someone four meters tall and strong as the mountains?" A question batted back casually. She cranes her head up, way up, to find Piotr. Despite all things she stands up on tiptoe like the little girl she should be. And most definitely isn't.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins to Carrie as she starts to leave the mud pit. "They got showers back in the changin' room. Just jump in and wash up. Hopefully not gonna be findin' mud everywhere for the next week!" She calls after her before she turns and sees the mug offered by Sam. She sloshes over in the mud toward him to acept it and smile at him with her hair all one color tonight, the color of muuuuud. To Felicia Rogue does the 'come here' fingers, taunting the Black Cat to come fight her.

With both hands to keep the glass from flying out of her hands, Rogue sips from it. "Thanks." She says to Sam with a smiley muddy face. Her eyes then catch sight of Carol off in the distance and she waves a muddy hand at her, smiling to her too!

Its Victor's words that make Rogue turn to look at him and she looks him up and down. She remembers him, from some time ago, but she can't place a name off-hand. "I'm your huckleberry." Rogue replies to him in a sassy sorta tone. She offers her beer back to Samuel. "Hold this for me?" She stalks back to the middle of the mud pit and slaps her hands together, causing a gush of gray splashing goop to go flying!

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I had a vested interest in getting us both back," Carol tells Kitty distantly, lifting her hand up off the small gift on the table and drawing it up to run through her blonde hair, "But you should thank Rogue. It was mostly her doing - I just played chauffeur."

That said, she moves towards the bar and places both palms flat on the countertop. She waits patiently for her turn to be served, and when she is, she says something beneath the din that just prompts a strange look and a bit of an eyeroll from the bartender. A moment later, she is handed over a glass of something clear which she takes and moves back towards the mud pits to watch. Spotting her muddy, waving friend she waves back.

"Don't break anyone, Trouble."

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh, that young lady there?" AJ's pointed towards Kitty, his response barely audible over the raucous fun of the partying. Felicia waves at Kitty and points to the drink before giving the young mutant a thumbs-up of appreciation and a wink. "Thanks again, bud. I'm set, you go on and make sure everybody else gets good and drunk. You'll get good tips," she teases towards the young bartender; he very likely already knows this.

A sip of the mixed drink proves it to be pop and liquor, something sweet with melon liquer in it, and the Cat approves by the swipe of her tongue over her lips. She cranes her head to watch as Victor enters the wrestling ring.

"No way, girlfriend!" she shouts to Rogue before gesturing to her ivory-clean sweater-dress. "This in your mud pit? I think not! You beat the snot out of that big guy and then I'll think about it!" An idle reach to the aurorally-glowing gem at her throat adjusts it to sit more comfortably and then Felicia smiles to herself, pleased.

Red has posed:
Alice shrugs at the remark about the Avengers bringing down the Sentinels. "Maybe... But that doesn't finish the cleanup. It needs people to tell their story to the courts, how they were victimized for how they were born. It took Martin Luther King and thousands of people to peacefully march upon Washington to end separation. But the nation got better. Now, we had some extremists try to repeat what some others nearly succeeded in and they were not even in power. Never again. If nobody sues the governement to make a case in front of the SCOTUS to establish that carriers of the X-gene are humans with all rights and duties. Maybe even declare it a protected class! But that takes people to tell their story in court... And sadly a dang load of money."

Alice sighs, as she dang near ranted some half minute about taking Mutant Rights to court, shaking her head a moment. "Know what? Where's that money bucket for the pit? I take a spin to get rid of agression..."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes all offers of help out of the mud pit because, let's face it, she hadn't impressed anyone with that showing. A grin is flashed at Victor even as he moves to join Rogue in the pit himself. "This ought to be good," she agrees. Rather than go for the showers, at least straight away, she returns to the table she'd left her bag at to pull out a towel and scrub it over her face. She's still a bith ashy from the clay mud but some people paid good money for those kind fo treatments.

Padding barefoot (and slightly cleaned!) over to the bar where most of the others have gone she raises a hand. "Okay, I need a soda to get this taste of losing out of my mouth." Even as she says this she catches the tail end of Alice's rant giving the girl a little curious look. "How much money?"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor rolls his head to either side as he steps into the mud slowly. He swings his arms loosely to the front and towards the back as the large man stalks the Southern Belle in the mud. "I always enjoy giving a whooping on birthdays. One of my favorite things to do." The mud is clinging to his legs now and slowing his walk through the mud. He crouches slightly with that predator's smile on is face and makes a slow moving charge towards Rogue.

Colossus has posed:
    "Illyana." Her name uttered simply and clearly, though it is likely lost but a handful of feet beyond them with the noise of the crowd and the celebration. Yet at a glance one can see the happiness in her brother's eyes as his smile slips free from that casual calm Russian control. And all of a sudden there in the middle of the bar a tall man is hoisting a small blond young woman into the air as if she weighed nothing at all.
    There is a hug, and a laugh, and likely a stern look given one way or another. But then she is set down as he meets her gaze and tells her simply, "Priyatno tebya videt'."
    It is good to see you.
    He lifts a hand and touches her hair briefly, brow furrowing as he then asks, "What is this?" Perhaps meaning those curious hairpins.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue squares off in the mud pit with Victor...

Stilts looks between the two wrestlers, the muddy girl and the big dude. "I don't like the look in his eyes, eh, Rogue?" Stilts says. "He looks like the kinda guy that sells drugs to slow people." The little Ref puts his cigar back into his mouth then. "Keep your hands where I can see'em, huh, Pal?!" He says to Victor, apparently protective of Rogue, is Stilts!

Rogue, is just grinning to Victor as they slosh around in the mud together but as he charges her she slips backward and loses her grip, allowing him to easily toss her down and go for a pin if he wants! She yelps and laughs at the same time!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Felicia a smile as she spots the wave and returns the wink back to the other woman. Kitty takes a long sip from her blue drink as she turns back to listen to Alice. Kitty nods her head during the other's talk about mutant rights. "The courts might be the best bet," she agrees quietly. As Alice speaks of having a go, Kitty grins. "Go for it. There's Rogue plus the other pits if you'd rather go with one of them instead," she says, glancing at one of the hunky men in a pit and grinning.

"Surprised you didn't get tasked into that duty, Piotr," Kitty teases the large Russian. "Going to head back over towards the action I think," she says, though pauses to grin as Piotr greets his younger sister. Kitty flashes Illyana a wink and then takes her drink and works her way back towards the mud pits. She looks about for Carrie as she does.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Stilts get a slight growl before Victor's attention is back on Rogue. His hands have her grip fails her. Down into the mud she goes. Victor stands over her before getting down on his knees behind her to apply the pin squishing her into the mud, but not roughly. This is just a bit of rough housing after all. After the pin, he stands, whiping mud down across his chest and he shakes it from his fingers. "One to zip," he says with that same rough sounding laugh.

Magik has posed:
A conversation about human rights and mutant rights in earshot might normally get more than a few looks. Not from Illyana. For her the world is a button-up shirt and her brother's broad shoulder, the ground missing somewhere a half meter below her. Far from being crushed by Piotr's secure arms, she fights for her own space against the perilous walls closing in. His neck is encircled with a bit of strategic movement to free up her left hand. Fingers link and drape off his collar without crushing it too much.

"Privet, bratishka." Hi, big brother. Russian traipses right off the tongue. Luckily none of the usual assortment of weapons on her is anywhere near visible. Nor distaste for being hugged, a definite win. "You have seen a hairstick before. I cannot wear ribbons and bows."

The idea seems to be horrifying to her, given her flat tone. "Ask them." A general gesture to Carol. Captain Marvel, not a ribbon girl. Proof!

Rogue has posed:
Kitty will probably notice a face as she's walking through the bar again, in the back corner with his eyes NOT on the mud wrestling is Rogue's father. Sitting there nursing a soda and watching the band and the dance floor, he's wearing a black sweater and just seems to have isolated himself, but a presence in his daughter's big night all the same, even if he completely disapproves of whats going on in the pool room.

Rogue? Yeah, its not the kind of thing a parent would like! She's got Victor prowling over her and she huffs out a big exhale when he tries to descend down for the pin. "Nope! Nope! All the NOPES!" Rogue says as she tries to push him off to the side and roll back around to slosh around in the mud, splashing it all up and across Victor now, as well as herself (as if she can get any more muddy now!)

Rogue tries to tie the big guy up in the mud and pull him down again to get HIM into a reverse pin!

Stilts is running around, trying to judge some of the other matches going on too after just signaling one next to Rogue and Vic's a win for a big huge guy fighting a little nerdy guy half his size! There's all kinds of people mudding it up here tonight.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley was there. Of course she was also a completely different color than normal, being more of a flat grey now as opposed to her usual gingery orange color. She sees Kitty glancing about and raises her arms to slink closer with a grin. "Mud monster gonna getcha!" She jokes before turning her attention back to the couple in the pit. "Know him I take it? I met him a couple of times in Gotham. Had some pizza together." That was months ago though. More than that, even, now that she recalls. Last year?

"I really am going to need to hose off before this completely dries or I'll be in trouble." A glance is cast to some of the other pits where the guys were, and she clucks her tongue thoughtfully. "Then again, I *am* single... Maybe another round wouldn't hurt."

Colossus has posed:
    His sister is set back down and there, emotional display complete. Piotr folds his arms over his broad chest and nods a few times in answer to her words, listening as his brow knits. Then she gestures in the direction of the bar, vaguely in the way of Kitty, Felicia, Alice, and Carol? At least that may be how he perceives it.
    To his sister he responds, "Perhaps I might?" As if calling some bluff she may have made. But then his smile returns and he again gently draws her into just a small side hug before he says, "We should talk more later, yes? You go." He nods toward Rogue and her particular brand of madness. "Enjoy yourself. I shall be around and have no plans for trips anytime soon, da?"
    That said he smiles again to her and then steps back to start toward the bar once again.

Red has posed:
Alice nods with a shrug, folding the bill to make sure it got into that collection bucket better, looking over to Kitty. "Now, where do you get to change? Got no spare clothes with me after all."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor's hands slip on the mud soaked Rogue and now it is his turn to lose his grip. He moves to adjust his stance and get power again, but the mud under his feet has a different idea. As Rogue pushes, he slips and plummets into the mud with a growl of surprise and annoyance. He begins to get back up, spitting mud out of his mouth, as Rogue moves to pin him now. The mud drips off him as he struggles unable to get any kind of traction in the much.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't give Victor even a second, she pounces him like a mountain lion pounces an unsuspecting hiker! "NYAH!" She even adds audibly as she lands ontop of him, sprawled OVER him with body turning and searching for purchase on the edge of the mud wrestling ring which is a big inflatable square pool-thing!

Now, on top of Victor, Rogue uses her bare feet to keep his from getting any sort of grip and she just holds him until Stilts rushes over and does the countdown!

When the little BIRDIE WHISTLE goes off, Stilts says. "You're outta there, Busta Grimes!" The tiny Ref says with a hooked thumb over his shoulder to punctuate his ruling.

"Rogue is unstoppable!" Stilts shouts then as the Belle just smiles down at Victor with her matted muddy hair swaying around her shoulders. "Thanks for comin'." She says down at him with a sassy sort've tone, her white teeth showing against that mud coating her whole form when she smiles down at him.

And then, she floats up into the air off of him and softly lands again in the center of the mud ring and raises her hands up, again!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves over near to Carrie, grinning at her current muddy state. "Oh boy, ANOTHER mud monster!" Kitty asks with a laugh. She glances towards Victor in the mud pit and then back to Carrie. Kitty turns her back towards the pit as she looks around the bar, but gives Carrie a tiny nod. An itch to her hair ends with a brief finger over her lips. A topic for another time?

"Yes, definitely get cleaned up. I'm going to say hello to someone," Kitty continues, "and meet you back here." Kitty heads over to Rogue's father then. "For a good cause," she tells him. "I know it means a lot to AM to have you here for such a big birthday. Even if it's... ah... well, means a lot to have you here," Kitty says, grinning to Rogue's father to try to put some levity into the moment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tips her head toward Kitty again at the indication, and moves back to the pit. This time it's her that's standing there offering a hand out to Victor to help him out of the mud with a wry grin. "It's the luck of the birthday girl. There's no beating it. That, and I think the mud is just super slippery," she offers with a wry chuckle. "Gave her better than I did at least."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor is laughing a bit as he pushes himself up onto his hands and knees in the mud and then back to his knees. He pushes his long, mud caked hair out of his face now. "Guess you are still queen of the ring." He shakes almost like a dog sending mud bits flying everywhere as he gets back to his feet and slushes towards the edge of the ring. "We will have to do a rematch some time," he says as he climbs out, almost slipping again with his muddy feet.

Magik has posed:
The two Russians aren't particularly emotional. Illyana is a shade more than her brother, other than this show of a hug. It is much less exciting that watching a southern girl wrestle Victor to be sure. She smooths over her coat with two swift flicks of her wrists and tugs on it to seat it straight. "They are very nice. Would Kitty lead you astray?" The gaping absence of herself in that statement must be purely mistaken. A little nudge of her elbow into Piotr's back is likely to have no more effect than a grain of sand on the whole of a beach. But encouragement it is all the same.

He isn't getting out of it so easy. "Are you saying I should wrestle her? That is not wise. The only way to win is underhanded." Puzzled, she slips her hands back into her pocket. Carrie in grey is a bit disconverting, long enough to give a measured look sidelong. "Did you have fun in there?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol continues to sip on the glass she's been handed. No flourishes to it. No colors or special parasols. Just clear liquid. Getting close enough to her, it's evident that there's no odor either - it's just water. Living the high life indeed.

As Piotr wanders towards the bar, she tilts her head back slightly to look up at the giant Russian and offer a friendly sort of smile. She sets the glass back down on the bar rather than nurse it, tugging the lapels of the leather jacket she wears.

"If it isn't the Russian judge," she says playfully, miming holding up a card with a score on it and makes a somber expression, "Six point five points."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does get splattered a few times in the match and sighs. He just goes ahead and takes his own shirt off, and sets it aside. He will pull a chair over and take the position of Rogue's corner man. He has what's left of her beer and watches a bit smiling

Rogue has posed:
Owen, Rogue's father, in his 40s and with a graying beard and pepper grayed hair looks over to Kitty when she steps over to speak to him. After hearing her words he summons up a smile and raises a hand to rub it over his cheeks and bearded chin. "Oh I know." He says to the friend of his daughters that he knows best. "I'm just electing not to watch." He smiles again to Kitty then. "Good to see you again though. Try to keep her from getting into too much trouble, will ya?"

Red has posed:
Alice slips into the girls bathroom to swap into a bikini provided, returning to the bar and then moving to the rings. Red. She has chosen a simple red one. Because she likes red "Eh, ok. I'm Alice... And you do this for the good cause?" she asks over to Rogue, offering a hand in greeting at the edge of the ring. "Maybe the underdog has more luck than the others...

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor accepts the hand from Carrie even as his hand almost swallows her's. "You are probably right," he says with a shake of his head. He reaches in his pocket and manages to fish out mud, mud, more mud, and finally a rubber band which he uses to get his hair out of his eyes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles to Victor on his way out and her hands go down to her mud covered hips. "I look forward t'rematches, Big Fella." She says back to him with a big grin before her eyes sweep around the room then. "That it? No more challengers?" She glances over to some of the other matches that are going on setup by others from Salem Center, mostly those who hang out at the Music Center store with Rogue... all her little townie friends.

When Alice makes her appearance, Rogue looks over to her and smiles big at her. "Its for raisin' money for mutants yep. And well ... my own personal entertainment for turnin' a little bit older. But don't be bothered none by that, sugah, I'm crazy. So its all good. Come on in if ya wanna go a round."

Stilts sizes Alice up. "Are you even 18?!" The little Referee questions.

Rogue waves a hand at him. "Harry's checkin' IDs at the door, hush up now."

The Southern Belle then sweeps back out to the middle of the ring. "Come on, lets see what ya got. I'm about worn out though, so ya might have an advantage now!"

Magik has posed:
If Harry's checking IDs, and he surely is where Illyana is involved, let's hope her brother cannot do basic math. Or know what non-Russian identification cards look like.

Colossus has posed:
    The smile is there, just set on Piotr's features and a rare thing for those that know him. Most likely there due to his sister there even as she chooses to torment him with her question, which assuredly causes him to blink abruptly.
    "What?" Should she wrestle Rogue. "No. Of course not. Nyet." He holds up a hand to the side as he closes the distance with the bar, looking as if the very idea was definitely a bridge too far for his brotherly brain. "I would deny you nothing, little snowflake. But. Nyet."
    That said he is thankfully saved by Carol as he meets her eyes his smile returns as he returns her small salute with a lift of his bottle in return. He takes up his old seat which is nearby, close enough that she can likely hear him easily despite the crowd's steady rumble. "Carol, it has been some time. You look well."
    His lips twist slightly as she perhaps teases him a touch and he responds. "Bah, true Russian judge never go above six point oh." As he affects that stoic manner she lampooned moments ago.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't help but laugh a little at the mud soaked mess that Victor has become, not to mention Rogue herself. Honestly Rogue was far, far more mud soaked than anyone at this point, but it gave her a good idea of how she must look too. "I'm told there's showers in the back to hose off, and I'm sure towels too. There's enough guys here I'm sure they got something might fit you, too, if you need to change." Though he was one of the taller guys here. She could fit in anything herself.

Red has posed:
Alice says, "Nineteen. That's more than enough. I may model for the 'boy, I may wrestle. Just not drink." Alice remarks to Stilts before stepping into the rink.

Her feet seek for traction in the slippery mud as she works her way to the center, getting into position, waiting for the signal of the short one. "Ok, I'm ready..." she claims, even though she probably has no chance. Well, she might at least go down with grace..."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor chuckles and nods. "I'll get showered off, but doubt I'll find much around here to fit me that doesn't have some Russian cartoon on it," he says with a glance at the Russian choir boy over with his sister. "Little mud under the nails doesn't bother me." He nods towards the bar and looks at Carrie. "Got a tab going on the bill. Get one if you are feeling it," he says as he heads to the back to shower the mud at least off his head and chest.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia pauses in watching the set-up for the next match with her drink still resting against her bottom lip. Carol? A glance over at the blonde woman standing nearby has her squinting jade-green eyes. ...Carol...whoa, no //way!!!// Those kohl-lined eyes widen in blatant surprise.

Reaching out, she very gently and barely taptaps at Carol's elbow. "Excuse me, hey -- I know I'm being a nosy-Nancy, but are you Carol Danvers...? I mean, you kind of look like her." Already, the Cat's other hand is beginning to lift as if to summon a bartender.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Ah, I should have known," Carol says with a laugh, grinning up at Piotr, "I don't think they'll be casting me in one of those sports movies from the eighties anytime soon, huh?"

She nods her head, looking down at herself and then back to the Russian, "Glad to hear it. Not bad for someone who just got lost in space. You're looking particularly colossal yourself. How's the painting going? Or was it sketching? Both?"

Carol lets her gaze drift back over in the direction of the mud pit as another bout starts up, beaming almost proudly as she watches Rogue. The tap on her elbow from Felicia draws her attention, and she turns to offer her best 'meeting the public' face by reflex.

"That's me. What's your name?"

Magik has posed:
A long look for the mud pits follows up with Illyana whispering something to her brother in Russian. Authoritatively dour, that language could be the sweetest promise of buying him a paczki for the coming Easter out of thanks and still come out sounding like she just enforced the contents of an infernal contract with him. Endearments in Russian do have a wrought iron spiked quality to them.

She swivels to put her back to the bar rather than hop onto the stool he might claim. Instead there is reason for conversation, as agonizing as inserting herself into that can be. "He is a very good judge. One of the best, sometimes too fair. Make sure to ask him to mediate when they start getting into the deeper shelves or cellar."

Elbows come down on the bar and she watches with a penetrating, distant gaze for a good few seconds there. Nosy posy is enough to make her shift around Piotr. Not hiding, not by a longshot, but she has the personal space radius of the average Finn. "Mister Guthrie, why are you all the way over there?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A drink. That was a tempting offer, and for a moment by the look in Carrie's eye, she's highly considering it. Though unlike the other redheaded birthday girl she wasn't *quite* of age yet. In another year. Still... She looks over to the bar wistfully in thought at least toying with the notion of getting something stiff to drink. Instead she shakes her head at her own thoughts, and moves to get showered off herself on the women's side of things. That is if there was a difference. At least she had a change of clothes with her.

It's not too long after that she comes out showered and damp and wearing much warmer clothes better suited to the Winter weather. Now she just looked like a drowned puppy instead of a mud caked one.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is now facing off and pacing off with Alice and she grins at the girl as she slips into the mud. "Its squishy between the toes at first. Takes a bit t'get used to, huh?" She says at her before they line up and she sees that change in the girl's eyes that say she's ready to go for it. Alice looks a little younger than her, but not too much.

When the two girls rush at one another, Rogue goes in low this time but Alice comes down above her and it makes her lose her footing. Sure Rogue could use that handy dandy flight power to keep herself up, but she's trying to play it fair, so when Alice comes down on the muddy Belle, Rogue loses her foot and goes down into the corner now with another big SPLASH that goes up all over the now shirtless Samuel Guthrie! MUDDY SAM!

And of course the rest of the party is still in full swing with the current country music song still upbeat, but a good soft dance song and the bar is still loaded up with people grabbing more drinks and more bar food to pass around.

Red has posed:
Alice might not even have taken the school of hard knocks style of fighting certificate, but she somehow manages to dislodge Rogue from her feet, tossing her to the corner before throwing herself forward to try and keep the twin-haired one down, coating herself in mud fully for the first time.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over as Illyana calls him and that keeps him distracted and he gets a good splattering of mud from the match, even across his face. He will wipe the mud from his face, and starts to head towards the bar, looking at Illyana. Once near he looks to the bartender "Two beers." He says and turns and opens his arms like he is going to hug Illyana, mud and all. "Was getting her a drink." He says to Illyana

Black Cat has posed:
Setting her drink aside in a flash, Felicia manages to bring up an expression on the calmer end of excited. She offers her hand out to Carol for a shake and grins, its brightness full-wattage towards the Avenger.

"Felicia Hardy, nice to meet you. I actually went to school with Janet, if you know her," the cat-burglar reveals with a little tilt of her head. It's a conniving little comment to be sure; the Wasp is well-known as it stands. She thumbs towards Rogue still at her furious wrestling.

"I know little miss Mud-Pit over there through Doctor Strange, believe it or not. Do you want a drink? I mean, it looks like there's a little bit for everyone, believe it or not. I see straight soda which...boring, but y'know, not all of us like the whole 'walk of shame' bit." Quotation marks are made by fingers with freshly-manicured nails. "What do you want? I'll get the gents over here ASAP!"

Colossus has posed:
    "Bah, then it is their loss, is it not?" Piotr replies to Carol's statement about her not being cast in a movie from the eighties... perhaps missing the point. But then he nods along as she replies to him, and his smile slips a little smaller, perhaps not one who often speaks of himself.
    "Painting. Sketching. Some sculpting here and there. I am..." His blue eyes lift upwards for a brief moment then return to hers as he adds, "Still at times finding my medium, yes?"
    Then Illyana leans close enough to whisper into his ear, providing the perfect moment for Carol's attention to be drawn to Felicia. He listens to what his sister says and when she finishes this whispering his eyebrows rise as he nods in agreement with her. "Da, very strange is it not?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods to Rogue's father. "I'll try to keep her in one piece. And everyone else around her," she tells him. Normally she might make a crack about 'one piece' versus 'two piece'. But the man probably wouldn't appreciate that about his daughter. Even if it would have been funny. "Harry, another drink for Owen!" she calls over to the bartender. She grins to Rogue's father and then heads back into the mud wrestling room.

Kitty smiles to people as she comes in, though eyes on the match. She moves over near to the donation bucket, crossing her arms as she watches. "She's got your number, Anna-Marie!" Kitty calls out tauntingly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue spins about in the muddy pool as she feels the girl coming down to get the pin and she does everything in her power to fight it off without cheating and making her strength output go too high of course... she's trying to play to the power levels of her opponents as best she can!

So now, with Alice completely covered in mud, Rogue turns around and sees it. "This one's got some fire in her after all so it looks!" The southerner calls out through gritted teeth and following it up with a laugh. "Come on now, you're touchin' there on purpose, just admit it already!"

The two wrestlers are really locked in a match here now, swapping who looks like they have an advantage and rolling around in the mud pit, casting waves of sloshing gooy gray fluids all over the place!

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Shame on you," Carol tells Felicia with mock seriousness, reaching out to shake the offered hand, "Thinking someone could live in Manhattan and not know Janet. She'd tear strips off you just for thinking it."

It's all said in good fun, and she shrugs her shoulders a little: "I'm not much of a drinker. Water's good enough for me. Maybe a coke or something?"

She shifts a little where she stands to listen to Piotr, giving him her attention and nodding her head, "You'll find it, I'm sure. At least you know you're looking in the right place, right?" She gestures towards the mud pit, grinning broadly, "Mud could be a medium, you know."

Red has posed:
Alice scamers up to her feet again after the short duel that brought both Rogue and her down, swiping off her hands a moment. "You want me to go touchy, huh?" she taunts, gettign her feet back into position before she darts forward in the next attempt to throw Rogue down and pin her into the basin.

"We'll see!" She yells as she reaches to pull her under once more, swiping at the feet without proper training how it is really done.

Magik has posed:
"You cannot be serious." Illyana looks down at herself and then starts to unbutton the coat, possibly with the unlikely expectation of tossing it over a muddy Sam. But no. She extricates her arms from the sleeves and reveals ink black leather pants probably genetically impervious to mud and a cool white button-down with French cuffs that probably attracts it like nothing. Putting the coat in a folded heap over a stool, she sighs and opens her arms a bit woodenly. Hugs are not familiar territory. "Yes. Here we go."

Like she's shark fishing. With bait made of a stick and a wire, not much else. It's not all that bad. "How are you? No Alexis tonight?" A look around assures that no one has snuck in meeting that description.

Hugs don't make her less of the demon queen, that might be the work of a stiff drink and a stern look. She nods to Piotr when he gives her a bit of attention. "Incomprehensible. But anything to fit in with friends."

Colossus has posed:
    Shifting to the side to allow Illyana more access to the conversation, Piotr settles back against the bar. He holds a bottle of beer in his hand, but seems to not have drunk from it, or at the least not much at all. Perhaps to Harry's chagrin. But it helps him fit in somewhat. His smile returns as Carol offers her insight and then lets a small chuckle slip from him as he glances off and away toward the mayhem in the mud.
    "Da. But then we could embark upon the age old discussion on what is art?" The tall Russian's smile is wry though as he watches what seems to be yet /another/ match where Rogue is dismantling the opposition. His lip twitches as he looks over at Illyana and adds as he nods between the two blond women.
    "If anyone is the art instructor here tonight it is Anna-Marie, for it seems she is conducting a class right now." He pauses to affect that stern Russian demeanour, and in a tone that would be the envy of Ivan Drago he says. "In Pain."

Black Cat has posed:
"Just a Coke? Alright," shrugs the blonde. She finishes lifting that other hand to imperiously hail down one of the bartenders for a Coke over ice. It's easily enough poured and delivered. Felicia makes to offer it out towards Carol, still smiling her pleased little red-lipped smile. "I understand. I'm not too heavy of a drinker either unless it's a good red wine. Then, the bottle's mine and mine alone. Janet and I used to enjoy a few bottles on nights where studying didn't matter much."

A bit of a slouch in her chair and Felicia sips parsimoniously at her own drink, the mixed one delivered earlier via Kitty's summons. She glances over towards the others beside Carol and her smile deepens. "Hey, let's be real here: Anna-Marie's antics //are// art."

Then, turning her attention to the mud pit, she shouts: "DON'T MAKE ME LOSE MY BET, BELLE!"

Red has posed:
The next moment Alice isn't on the feet anymore and back to the mud, one hand stretched out to the side with something muddy in its grasp while Rogue has all the time in the world to pin her down easily - but that doesn't change that Alice took a trophy in going down...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hugs Illyana and yea probably does get her muddy somewhat but maybe that gives her an excuse to get in the pit if she wants to. He shakes his head a bit and says "She was not sure about it with the whole American drinking age and all, and Berto could not make it, So I brought Lorna, but she had to go early. You decided to come on your own tonight?" He asks as if expecting Illyana to have someone with her, but not saying who. He will move to sip the beer he got for himself.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches the current match up of Rogue and Alice continue on. At least someone was having luck against Rogue tonight! Grinning broadly she turns away with a shake of her head, and slings her bag over her shoulder. Slipping over to the donation bucket she pauses to fish out a handful of bills to throw into it while, hopefully, no one was looking. And it really was a sizeable handful of folded bills. With that task done she turns back to scan over the bar looking for the few familiar faces that had gotten lost in the crowd. Where had Kitty wandered off to?

Rogue has posed:
Alice's manages to get Rogue down again into another near-pin but Rogue sweeps her around and is suddenly rolling over to press the girl down both shoulders against the floor of the muddy mess they're in, partially submerging the girl into the mud but not enough to drown her of course!

Stilts rushes over and starts the count down as the two struggle and when he reaches the "YOU'RE DONE!" Rogue jumps up again and once more raises her hands up into the air triumphantly!

Magik has posed:
Embrace a cold statue, it might be slightly more comfortable for Sam. Her arms are halfway to figuring out how to close around him when they stop. Piotr's statement of pain freezes his arctic blonde sister for a moment. Those eyes faded as a snowstorm brewing in the highest aretes of Novaya Zemlya lose what barest blush of blue they could claim. Widened only a moment, then narrowed, Illyana swiftly looks away from him to the safekeeping of a spot right over Sam's shoulder.

A breath pulled in has a bit of an edge, not whistling, not sustaining her either. "Nyet. That is not a study in that art form." Her shadow pools at her feet before she climbs up onto a stool, squeezing herself atop her coat. Mud on her is given the basest of swift looks, and she flicks her wrist. The dust crumbles away from her shirt, stains of moderate dampness to powered clay gathered into the air. She holds out her palm and it condenses into a tiny spinning accretion disk. The larger lumps within collide with one another, spinning off tiny chunks and fine grit. More joins the dance, death spirals in the midst of celestial bombardment. "Everyone says go out more. I did. Better than spending the night hunting." How cool, that statement, as though it's normal.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sees Alice's hand come up, grasping something. Kitty's eyes widen and she grabs a towel from the table near her, tossing it quickly to Rogue to cover up with. "Oh my," she says, shaking her head.

Kitty claps softly at Rogue's string of victories. "Nice performance Rogue," she calls over to her, loud enough to make sure she gets her friend's attention. "But, that streak? Comes to an end." Kitty makes a show of reaching in her pocket and pulling out a small stack of bills bundled together. She holds it out over the donation jar and does a mike drop gesture with it.

Kitty kicks out of her shoes, and then pulls her top off. Beneath is a sports bikini top. Her jeans come off, revealing matching bottoms she wore beneath her clothes. "You and me, Carlyle!" she calls out, pointing at Rogue like a professional wrestler hamming it up. Except she breaks out in a big grin and says, "Please don't break me. Please please don't break me."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You should've seen her on Hoth," Carol mutters into her drink as she lifts it up to her lips, taking a sip. They never did learn the name of the mysterious ice planet they ended up on, but that didn't stop the blonde from giving it one. What else would you even call a frozen ball of ice with aliens and a secret base on it? Please.

"Wooo!" she calls, cupping her hand to her mouth and shouting across the bar and putting on a much less impressive Ivan Drago impression than Piotr just trotted out, "You must break her!"

Colossus has posed:
    As if offering another salute, Piotr lifts his bottle to acknowledge Felicia's comment, his lips curved down seemingly forced to accept that this woman she speaks the truth. But there is something going on behind him that subtly catches his attention. He turns his head at something Sam says and he looks over at him.
    Then he looks down at Illyana, one eyebrow quirking with curiousity. But he perhaps assumes someone misspoke and turns his attention back the other way to Carol and Felicia.
    When Carol shouts he lets a small laughs lip from him... only for his attention to be stolen by Illyana's reaction. The turn away. The chill. The sudden shadow over her eyes. All things a brother can read and it almost instantly seems to affect the young Russian man's demeanor. He leans closer to her and rests a hand on her shoulder to murmur quietly.

Red has posed:
Pinned and thrown to the mud, Alice still manages to get back to the feet with a grin as she clears her face of the sticky stuff. "I'm done, but you miss something..." she notes to rogue, waving with that smeared thing she grabbed in front of Rogue.

"Can I keep that or you need it back? I may not be Nimble, but seems like I am the Rogue tonight... natural 20 on stealing clothes."

Black Cat has posed:
"Hey, as long as that muddy mess there keeps winning, I'm a content little critter," Felicia opines after finger-gunning at the triumphant Rogue. "I've got a bet with Doctor Strange as it stands. He'll rue the day he made it." Her chuckling is just shy of a cackle. It swings into that louder range after Carol's imitation of Ivan Drago for a short period of time and peters off into the cat-burglar sipping at her drink again.

Carol does earn herself a curious side-glance with her comment. "Like...that Star Wars planet? Hoth?" Thus betrayed, the Cat's own knowledge of the genre.

The wave of a muddy garment has the platinum-blonde grinning wickedly again. She calls out, "I'M STILL WINNING, BELLE, KEEP IT UP!!!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks down at herself to see her volleyball sport bikini top being entirely and completely gone, leaving just the mud to keep her as... well it doesn't do a lot really. She lowers her arms down to cover herself, even though really anyone who'd been looking would've gotten to see basically everything except in the color of clay gray. Rogue is hit with a towel from her nearby friend and cohort in Kitty Pryde and she just feels the towel stick to her shoulders, arms and chest to help further cover her as Kitty steps into the mud pit.

Staring past the white muddy towel now, Rogue watches Kitty enter the 'ring' and she has to laugh quite amusedly. "She has my top!" Rogue says, raising one hand up to point at Alice. "If i'm fightin' like this, then you're just all gonna have t'deal with it." She's definitely lost all sense of shame or inhibitions tonight, making it clear that turning 21 one might truly have caused her to fully and completely snap.

"I'll let ya keep it!" Rogue shouts after Alice. "I guess ya earned it!"

At Kitty through, Rogue smirks at her. "Ya wanna go?" She asks. "Fine." Rogue tosses the towel aside and without any shame she waits in the pool for Kitty to come at her. She'll wear mud as her shirt, she don't care!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Illyana and frowns a bit. He will nod a bit to something and says "Let me grab my shirt." He will grab rogues beer, and turns to take it over to her and gets an eye full, with a soft "Damn." he pauses a moment blushing just a bit, as he heads over and sets the beer on the table near Rogue grabbing his shirt and looking back to Rogue, eyes up there eyes up there "I gotta go, sorry." He will tell her before heading towards Illyana.

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles as she retreats to the bathroom to get somewhat clean and fade into the bar later...

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol's eyebrows raise as Alice makes off with Rogue's top. Well, things have certainly gone 'Rogue' with a capital 'R'. She can't help but smirk a little at that, glancing sideways when she hears Felicia's question.

"I'm not sure I know where to begin with that one," she explains, "Did you read anything in the news about the strange portals at Tony Stark's New Years Eve party? We went through one. Ended up a long way out on a planet made of ice. We never really learned what it was called, so I called it Hoth."

She waves a hand, shaking her head, "Anyway, Rogue was the one who got us off the planet and back home. Talked one of the locals out of his ship."

The way Carol says all of that is as though it were the most normal thing in the world. Just a day in the life of Captain Marvel.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hops down into the mud pit, landing in it and almost immediately sliding, so she nearly falls on her backside, but catches herself at the last minute. "Criminy!" she says, getting used to the footing then turning to face towards Rogue.

Kitty laughs after the pronouncement about Rogue's state of apparel. She starts to cough then, holding her throat as if something is wrong. "So... many... jokes. Suffocating me..." she says before straightening again with a grin.

"Ready?" she asks, getting into a good stance that Logan would approve of. When Rogue gives sign she's ready. Kitty circles her for a moment and then darts forward, moving to grasp Rogue's upper body and trip her over Kitty's leg down into the mud, hoping to follow her down to try to pin her if the move works.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches the two in the pit with a grin. Given it was both of her friends going at it she has to clap, and give a proper hoot and holler of encouragement. "Go Kitty! Go Rogue!" Well, she knew her as Anna Marie, and Rogue, so... It worked right? Right. Watching Kitty almost slip she just nods knowingly having gone through the same herself very recently.

As interesting as the soon to be fight would be, she needed a drink. After her first round of hollering she slips toward the bar area to at least grab one of those 'boring' sodas that Felicia was snubbing her nose at. A nod of greeting is given to the others gathered chatting. "This has been one heck of an interesting night."

Magik has posed:
"Poka," Illyana says, lifting a hand. She snatches up the coat in one hand, closing the little planetoid in formation with her fist. It turns to a smudged nothing on her gloves, easier to clean than stains on a good shirt. No matter how cold it is outside, nothing in New York beats Irkutsk. A swift wave is mute and quick in farewell to anyone making note. At that point it's a wonder she actually goes through the door rather than vanish this side.

Black Cat has posed:
Delicately recrossing her legs, the Cat curls against her bar-chair with a comfort almost feline. She listens to Carol explain precisely what happened, all the while lowering the volume of her drink by deliberate amounts.

"I saw it in the news, yeah, but it's nice to see at someone's got their ducks in a row. You go, girlfriend." A halted lift of her hand was Felicia averting an offered fist-bump. It feels too familiar at the moment; must be the liquor speaking. Instead, she moves to adjust the hem of her sweater-dress across her thigh. A glance up includes Carrie in her attention and she smirks.

"I'll say. As long as miss Mud-Pit over there is enjoying herself, I'm content," she replies to Carrie. "Plus, free drinks." A shake of her glass rattles ice cubes against the side. " -- and interesting company to go with the night."

Rogue has posed:
When Kitty stabilizes herself after stepping and slipping in the mud, Rogue grins at her and just keeps herself stalking around the other side of the mud pit. Most eyes are on them now, for obvious reasons, but the fun is still being had all around in the other pits as well, though only two of the three have wrestlers at the moment other than their own.

"You don't do none'a that phasin' stuff that you do t'get outta've a pin now, ya hear, Pryde?" Rogue says to her oldest friend at Xavier's. "I'm onta ya and how you pretend t'be the this sweet innocent lil girl next door thing, but you're tricksy... so tricksy!"

And then they're wrestling and Rogue is sent backward down onto her side into the mud as they BOTH slip now, though Kitty gets the clear upperhand on this instance as she got Rogue back onto the pit's floor with a splash of mud all around them! Rogue laughs, but tries to use her wet and sloppy hands to push the other girl off of her! "Unfair! Unfair! She's like a lemur monkey!"

Colossus has posed:
    Looking to those around him Piotr takes a deep breath and nods a little at Illyana as she departs, a hint of sadness creeping into his dour expression. He lifts a hand to offer a small wave in her direction as she moves but then nods to himself as she walks to the door.
    "I..." He looks around and catches Carol's eye perhaps, Felicia's. "Am going to take a walk. It is a beautiful evening." That said he pushes himself to his feet, leaving his bottle of beer there though pushed towards Henry. To Felicia he smiles, "Good night to you."
    To Carol he rests a hand on her shoulder briefly, a small squeeze is given, "It is good you have returned safely, Carol. We should catch up sometime soon." That said he begins to depart, his footsteps carrying him back through the crowd. If other folks glance over toward the door they'll see the big Russian's silhouette as he walks past, holding up a hand to wave at the others.
    Once at the door he reclaims his coat, and without furthe ado steps outside.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie heads on out of the bar putting his wet muddy shirt on and grabbing his coat. He will look over to Colossus, and says "I got her" He will tell the big man.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a loud laugh as she and Rogue go down, having fun even as they exert themselves. "You bet on the wrong one this match, Felicia!" Kitty calls outside of the ring. She and Rogue scramble in the mud, Kitty trying to get a good hold on Rogue and her hands slipping on the muddy skin.

"Where's Carrie!? This is when my manager is supposed to interfere, I think!" Kitty calls out. She tries to flip Rogue over but ends up losing her footing and sliding down face first into the mud. She comes up, wiping at her eyes hurriedly.

"Ah! Blyah! Couldn't you have got better tasting mud?" she complains even as she renews her grapple with Rogue.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins at Felicia lifting her own glass in mock salute. "Been a very interesting, and fun evening, even if I did suck at that. Thought I'd at least get a little more time in the ring," she opines with a laugh. Then she hears Kitty's call out causing her to glance back in that direction. Lifting her free hand to cup around her mouth she calls back over the din, "Don't swallow, Kitty!" She's helping, see?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue and Kitty are locked in a battle for the ages. For the muddy ages. When Kitty goes down face first into the mud, Rogue lunges at her, but Kitty's shapely backside turns into an impromptu spur of the moment slip'n'slide and Rogue just sort've slides right over her right and into the corner of the ring!

"What the heck!" The Belle turns around then and on hands and knees and sloshes her way through the mud and tries to grab Kitty. "You're..." She grumbles grunts and pushes. "Goin' down!" She grapples, but with a complete inability to get any solid grasp on Kitty yet. "Are you made out of lube?!" Rogue cries out in and amongst the raucous shouting and cheering going on in the bar for this latest chick fight!

"Lockheed's not here t'save ya this time!" Rogue says as she rolls over and under Kitty all at once while they tussle!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a laugh as Rogue goes sliding off of her. "They don't call me Slippery Kitty Pryde for nothing!" she announces to Rogue. "Though usually it's because I pay them- oof!" Kitty's words cut off as Rogue returns to grab hold of her.

For awhile it's two bodies, turning over as each tries to get a grip and pin the other down. Kitty thinks she's about got the upper hand and then is just about to grin and croon when she feels the Southern belle manage a better grip on her. "Gah! What are you wearing Stickum!?" she complains as she gets pressed into the mud again, legs over head for a moment before she flops back down to Earth.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs as she comes back up and around. "Literally no one calls you that!" She protests her friend's suddenly new nickname she's never heard of before this very wet and muddy moment.

But as they swap places again, and slosh more mud out onto the floor and onto Stilt's shoes, Rogue finds a moment to sweep up beneath Kitty's arm and then try to get her beneath her with a leg tossed over the other girl to tryyyyy for a good solid pin!

And in a moment of trying to make it all the more hard on Kitty to recover or plan ahead, Rogue speaks out. "What if Peter walked in on us right now?" She says, hoping to make Kitty laugh and there-by lose!

Black Cat has posed:
"There's nothing here that's polite that I can shout," laments the cat-burglar in her chair. She still smiles to herself and half-lids her eyes. The rest of her drink is finished out and she reaches for the watered-down whiskey on the rocks she began with so long ago. A sniff and a shrug means Felicia sips at it and finds it to her liking.

"GET IT OVER WITH, BELLE, I'M ALREADY ON MY SECOND DRINK!" comes the call followed by another wolf-whistle. To Carol and Carrie, she asides, "I bet if Captain America wandered in right now, he'd turn red to his spangled undergarments. He's probably too much of a prude for something like this."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty does indeed laugh, first at what Rogue says, and then at what Felicia says. The latter especially hits Kitty with some side-splitting laughter that makes focusing rather difficult as she feels Rogue grappling her.

"What... gah... are you... darn it... an octopus or something!?" Kitty complains as every time she squirms, there's another Anna-Marie hand there ready to grasp her. Kitty does the mud wrestling equivalent of a barrel roll trying to get squirm free, but it ends up with her just more tangled up with the Mississippi Mud Queen than before.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has Kitty pinned and Stilts calls the match. "The Belle wins again!" The little man shouts before he speaks to a non-existence camera. "Though I was kinda rootin' for the other one this time, she's my kinda gal!" He's weird, its possible he's not entirely sane. Thats why he and Rogue are friends though, obviously.

With the latest victory under her... non-existent belt, Rogue leaps up again, but only ONE hand goes into the air this time as she uses her other forearm to conceal as much of herself as she can, because she's not THAT indecent with herself... gotta leave some room of teasing after all.

But to finish it off, with the applause and the party still going, Rogue floats up into the air and starts to SPIN AROUND FASTER AND FASTER, sending mud everywhere, making people run and hide, dodge or just get slapped with mud splatters from the mostly naked mud caked birthday girl!

After the shouts settle, Rogue drops down onto the ground and starts toward the showers. "Time to eat cake and get wasted!" She says before disappearing to take a shower and clean up, then reeeeturn later!