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Latest revision as of 09:11, 27 January 2020

After All The Mud Has Been Washed Off
Date of Scene: 27 January 2020
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Colossus' cooking draws quite a crowd. Life, classes, frustrations, and birthday plans are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Siryn, Prismatic, Spider-Man, Shadowcat, Samuel Morgan, Magik, Nightingale, Cannonball

Colossus has posed:
    A Sunday evening in Xavier's is this curious twilight of activity for the school and its faculty. There are those quiet hours just before most must be squirreled away tucked into their beds, the heat in the great house just a touch below what might be considered comfortable so that a sweater or sweat shirt is never out of place. Outside the dusting of snow from last night keeps a small blanket of white across the lawn, and just a handful of icicles hang from the eaves of the windows.
    Inside the great center of learning some people are still up in the rec room, the large television screen prominently streaming the latest and greatest as people have some popcorn. In the dormitories above people lean in doorways and chit chat about the coming week. Yet for Piotr Rasputin, the night finds him in the kitchen with a large dutch oven set upon the stove top and a wooden spoon in his hand.
    "Two hours... twenty five minutes..." He murmurs to himself as he slides a finger down the page of a recipe book beside him. "Check." The word comes from him with a heavy emphasis on the latter syllable.
    "Carrots?" He nudges at the cover of the large pot and pokes the spoon inside. "Soft. Check."

Siryn has posed:
The smell of cooking often draws quite a crowd to the kitchen in the school. It certainly draws Theresa in as she comes along sniffing the air curiously. "Warren, are you cooking again?" Her voice sing-songs as she comes through the door only to find her guess completely wrong. The redhead tips her head to the side with a grin as she spots Colossus there earning a little chuckle from him.

"Ah, I knew it had to be someone who knew how to cook at least. How're you doing, Piotr?"

Prismatic has posed:
    Sunday Evening is a good time for planning lessons for the week, but it's hard to plan for the week when you're feeling weak, and coming down in jeans and a sweatshirt, she's caught by the smell of something delicious cooking. She sniffs the air, and following in after Theresa.

    The small, brunette music assistant peers mousily into the kitchen as she purses her lips, curling her fingers a moment.

    "Hullo, all, something smells delish."

Spider-Man has posed:
A fresh snowfall has settled on the yard and several kids are out playing in it. Two such kids, relatively speaking, are entering in the back from the porch laughing, "Tommy, you little twirp, when someone says they surrender you have to let them live... It isn't an excuse to throw a snowball in their face while their 'guard is down'.." Pete says to the green skinned teenager who walks with hands in pocket and head bent.

After ruffling the kids hair, Pete glances to Kitty who seems to have been the target of this unfair attack, "You sure you're okay? I'm not afraid to fist fight a kid for your honor..." Fists up, wiggling them playfully at Tommy who breaks out in laughter. It really wasn't that bad a hit, "I'm not kidding, I'll thrash you, you villain."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde steps up to the open back door, out of the evening that is already growing dark. There's snow clinging to her stocking cap, very dark blue except for the frilly ball on top that has orange mixed in, the color of the Chicago Bears whose logo is on the front of the hat as well.

There's snow on the hat in some places, and on her shoulders and even a few flakes clinging to her face though they are melting. "I'm ok, the snowball wasn't the worst part," Kitty says, stopping just outside and giving a wiggle. Snow falls out of the back of her jacket, not just out of, but through as she phases everything but the snow that went down the back of her jacket. "It was the bunch dumped on the back of my neck earlier," Kitty says, waggling a finger at Peter Parker, but grinning at him.

She wipes her feet and then steps inside, pulling the cap off and biting the finger of a glove to help start it coming off. She removes the band holding her ponytail, ruffling her hair then replacing it. "Something's smelling good," she says, perking up as she looks to see who all are present and who is cooking.

Colossus has posed:
    Over his shoulder, Piotr responds to Theresa with a smile, "Greetings, Siryn." His voice deep and rumbling as he continues to lightly probe at the contents of the dutch oven. "I am well. I trust you are also?" He turns slightly quirking an eyebrow even as he then replaces the lid and adjusts the heat almost delicately with two fingers. As if he were a watchmaker handling the smallest of gears.
    Then he turns, "I am trying something of the new. It is," A pause, almost as if awaiting the gasp of bated breath. "Corned beef, and some cabbage." Though his brow knits as he perhaps understands the lack of full explanation in the name...
    "Well. And some of the carrot. And onions. For onions adds much flavor."
    Then he lifts the spoon in Alexis' direction. "Ah, hello Alexis. Is almost done."
    Of course that is the moment when Peter and Kitty emerge through the doorway, with Tommy in tow. Cautionary advice is given to them as he offers, "Be careful, little Thomas. Floor becomes slippery from snow." The others might not know it, but Kitty has met the elder Rasputins. A very Momma Rasputin thing for her son to say.
    Then at Kitty's inquiry he offers, "Four pound brisket. There shall be much for others. If not tonight, then for tomorrow."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy clucks her tongue lightly as a grin emerges at the mention of what, precisely, he was cooking. "Ah! A good boxty, sounds like. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes. That's from my side of the pond," she explains with a broad grin as she moves further into the kitchen finding herself a spot to lean against the counter. When the others start to enter she nods toward them with an amused grin.

"How'd the snow war go? Looks like you were a casuality there, Kitty." Peter she hadn't met yet so she merely quriks an eyebrow in his direction giving him a once-over. Hm.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Corned beef and cabbage? Thought it smelled very Bostonian in here." Alexis smiles as she makes her way in, giving a wave to Kitty and Peter as they make their way in, and narrowly avoiding the children!

    "Careful, no running in the kitchen! Bound to knock a pot!" she warns, a little less gentle than Piotr, but she plunks down in a seat. THeresa, Kitty -- Peter, yeah?" Alexis gives a slight smile, the Brit Brunette exhaling.
    ""I'm having dreams in lesson plans and G-minor, might have been time for a break.

Colossus has posed:
    The tall Russian nods in Siryn's direction with a smile, "Boxty. I have not heard this word before." He offers in reply as he walks across the kitchen toward one of the large cabinets in the opposite wall. The wooden panel is opened and from within he withdraws a stack of bowls, perhaps eight to ten, balancing them along the inside of his arm and seeming to carry them easily enough as he rounds.
    "Da." He offers in answer toward Alexis. "A break is good, I have yet to be given any duties beyond resuming my classes." He spares a nod as he sets the bowls down, then begins to seperate them, setting them out as he perhaps gets ready to plate. "So I felt I had best earn my keep in some manner lest Katya has them throw me out for being moocher." His lip twitches.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As a famous punk musician once said, love songs in C, politics in G, songs about your friends in E-minor. Bean has been thinking guitar as much as some other people, and tangentially related to that the safety of friends and many other topics a teenager has no business obsessing about. But one thing is always certain: cook, and he will show up. It's so much of a thing these days that some people have started cooking for one extra knowing that it will almost certainly be eaten. In he comes, in about as informal an attire as he's ever worn, down to the oversized sweater and thick socks, with an eager Bear bounding in next to him.

    He blinks, looks at the gathering, backtracks three steps and looks at the door. Double checking... not the Staff Room. Good, you never know these days.

    "Hi..." the greeting would have probably been longer and more cordial, if he hadn't just stepped into a bunch of melting snow, which soaks straight through his socks. With a frown, he looks down and lifts up his foot, shaking it as if that's going to make any difference. "If this is some kind of secret teacher conference, I can come snag food later."

Magik has posed:
A girl can go through withdrawals. Getting down to Brighton Beach isn't anywhere close to replace the familiar comforts of home that she cannot cook. No one is around to judge Illyana much for the time when she scorches black bread or makes that bizarre New Years porridge that very much threatened to evacuate the school. It only had open flames the one time. Still important to find something to maintain nourishment after a day of studying and worse.

So down she comes in a Pink Floyd shirt, the cover of the <Dark Side of the Moon> splintering rainbows on night. That skirt's illegal, those boots more buckle and belt than continuous leather. No one judge her when she gives a sleepy look at everyone already present in the kitchen.

Turns out kitchens are popular at any hour of the night. All the people.

"Do we have black bread?" This apparently comes from Samuel's shoulder. It is not him speaking though. Not with her sneaking up behind him, just about soundless.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty unzips her jacket, revealing a dark grey sweater underneath with silvery threads working through it as she takes the jacket off. "Walking wounded," Kitty agrees with Theresa's assessment and a grin. "I think I deserve a Purple Heart at the least."

Kitty flashes a grin over to Piotr and says, "Well, save us a couple of bowls if it's not spoken for already. I'm sure a few people missed your cooking especially with winter here," she says to the Russian known for his hearty dishes.

"So Tommy, any idea why it's called corned beef?" she asks. The green student looks back at her and shrugs. "Because it's cooked with corn I guess?" he replies.

Kitty flashes a small grin back. "Nope. It's salted beef. The big rock salt they use, are called corns of salt." Tommy stares at her for a moment. "Why not just call them big grains of salt?"

Kitty laughs. "I don't know. British thing," she tells him. It seems a sufficient answer. "Alexis have you had any of Piotr's cooking before?" she asks. She hangs up her jacket for the moment on the back of a chair, then reaches for Peter's to do the same if he's ready to relinquish it. She maybe notes the glance from Alexis. "Theresa, do you know Peter Parker? Peter teaches science," she adds.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'm decently sure I mooch far more. I can't even cook." Alexis points out, "I had to be rescued because I left my notes in the oven with the cookie sheet."

    Alexis hops back ot her feet, and rummages around a bit for the electric kettle.

    "Not that I'm aware of. Unless it's for senior staff, in which case, oops." Alexis states as she goes to set up the kettle.

    "Corned beef has corning spices in it... a bit more like pickling." she explains to Tommy with a slight smile.

    "And, ah... no, I don't beleive I've had the pleasure of having such a casual moment as to sample directly from the cooking pot of Piotr." she gives a wry smile.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy ohs softly in thought when Colossus points out he had never heard the term 'boxty' before. "Well, it's like an Irish pancake, really. Savory versus sweet, often made of potatoes. But lately it's also come to refer to a lot of dishes that have cabbage and corned beef, too." She holds up her hands making a square shape best she can. "Probably because of the shape of the pan it's all cooked in." It was one of those definitions she hadn't really thought about how to actually define before.

When Kitty explains her prognosis toward the snow fight, and explains the term corned beef, she cracks a grin as well. Then Peter is introduced. "Ah, no I hadn't. Pleased to meet you. Science isn't terribly my thing, unfortunately. Past aerodynamics and sonic matters, at least." She kind of had to know those things.

"And if there's any left to share I would very much like to try a bit myself. Smells wonderful."

Colossus has posed:
    "Is not conference, no. You are welcome, Samuel." Piotr says as he continues to bustle. For it is bustling that he is doing. Bowls clatter and clink as they are set down until eight are upon the kitchen's island ready for the due application of the corned beef and its accompaniments. He then catches sight of his sister and her approach, a smile seen there.
    "Illyana, if there is it is there, no?" He gestures with a nod in the direction of the pantry and its closed doors, likely meaning the bread bin within. Whatever bread might be there deposited by whomever does the shopping these days. Kurt? Who knows.
    Once the silverware is handled, and then the top of the dutch oven is removed, Piotr begins to ladle out the broth and the vegetables before he starts to deal with the brisket itself. "It will be but a moment."
    And so continues the bustling, even as Piotr steps to get a knife to cut up suitable sections of meat, then places them in each bowl with little fanfare.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Even Bear was surprised by Illyana creeping up without a sound, and he can hear in a range that Bean can only dream of. The teenager looks over his shoulder, but his reaction is very much subdued. For one he's in the kitchen surrounded by people he knows, for another he recognised the voice. "That sounds like something to ask the local expert."

    Speaking of... he glances at the table and shakes his head. Oh no, that won't do. "'scuse me a moment..." Up to the cupboards for a folded tablecloth, spread that out on the table, find some appropriate silverware, some napkins, glasses, bit of decoration... For those who have never seen Bean set a table, it might come as a bit of a shock that he can be so domestic. But within minutes, the place looks like a dinner setting fit for a country manor.

Magik has posed:
Golden hair falling into her eyes, Illyana skates along the outer periphery of the kitchen closest to cabinets and pantry doors. No one puts Magik in the corner! Or it's just to be polite so everyone else can negotiate around Illyana. She gives a brief wave to the assembled group in passing, and if that look lingers a tad longer on Peter, that's not be rude.

The door hauled open, she peeks inside despite the near black conditions. No one has likely wired up motion-sensitive lights in there. Whatever rummaging happens, it takes a fairly short period of time.

"Hi," she adds. Because 'hi' is polite. Breaking into conversation is definitely not on her strong side. NOt lately.

Spider-Man has posed:

Peter freezes when his spider senses go off. Turning slowly to face the yellow haired young woman and her lingering stare. Slowly, without looking away from Illyana, he reaches out to grab tommy and cover the green skinned mutants eyes, "Run you fool... she can see you.." Tommy laughs, trying to get Peter's hands off his eyes, "Don't look her directly in the eyes... That's where she keeps your soul."

Shadowcat has posed:
The entries of Samuel and Illyana draw warm smiles from Kitty. "Bean," she says with a nod towards him. "Illyana. Hope everything's well," she says. "Good to have the full Rasputin clan about again," she says. "Slishkom mnogo vremeni na rasstoyanii." Too much time apart. Kitty's Russian is still fairly accented, she'd never pass for a native speaker.

"Don't forget to wash up," she tells Tommy. "And maybe replace that Mets cap with a Cubs one," she adds, Tommy giving the same kind of grin that he's used to seeing from Peter on that comment from Kitty.

Kitty follows her own advice, washing her hands and then glancing towards Peter and Illyana. She dries her hands on a dish towel and heads over to the not-green Mets fan. "Already claimed," Kitty says, sliding her arms about Peter's shoulders from behind, giving a brief hug before letting him go, keeping the PDA to a minimum.

Colossus has posed:
    "Ah," Piotr says as he takes up the first two bowls and eyes Samuel sidelong, a small exhalation coming from him that if it only were given a little more energy would be a chuckle from the tall Russian. "Thank you, Samuel." For the table setting. He walks over toward the table and deposits the first servings along the side and begins to work his way around, resting each dish precisely in the center of the setting and then returning to gain more.
    "Come Illyana," Of /course/ her brother singles her out. "Break bread with us, bring what you find in there?" He had not thought so far as bread, that much is clear. Otherwise he might well have had some toasted and ready.
    It's only once the eight bowls are set down that he considers his handiwork, and then with a thought he moves over to claim the salt and pepper grinders that rest in the window, bringing them over to set them in the center of the table. In case they are needed. "There, eat." Simple. Commanding. Very Piotr like.
    He turns toward the refrigerator and draws it open. Over his shoulder he asks, "What are people drinking?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Tea." Alexis states, motioning to the kettle on the counter as she plugs it in, and she leans against the counter, watching the doings nad goings on in the kitchen -- until Kitty insults the Mts.

    "Oi! Don't you start in on the Mets, better than buying the players and all the fair-weather hooligans with their Yankees garb rollin' around in stolen Pirates Players money!" she states defensively.

    She grabs a little tin marked "AL'S TEA (do not add sugar to or else, Guthrie!)" from a cabinet.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter points at Alexis without looking away from Illyana, "Whoever you are, you rock."

Magik has posed:
"Here we are. Now where is the end of an age?" Dark words from Illyana if they were conjured in anything but the faint wry tone. Her sense of humour is drier than the Atacama Desert in summer, so finding the joke isn't easy. Especially when the two kids having a moment of wondering whether the resident teleporter actually does steal souls. She freezes there, midway to reaching for a round of pumpernickel. Not black bread, but dark enough on the bread spectrum, it counts.

She clears her throat. "I have been starving. Run while you still can. If I find you," she tells Tommy and his friend, mimicking Pac-Man chomp-chomp-chomping with her hand. There is no smile, but at least sheisn't clopping along on hooves. The pumpernickel won't be enough. Another bag of ciabatta buns comes along, enough to feed a small army. She points the purloined loaf Peterward. "Illyana. Maybe we have met. But you are?" See, it's being nice. By GRU standards, this is practically flirtatious.

"Alexis is talking about baseball?" Yep, that part of education got punted out of the park about the time she was learning the finer elements of flensing demon skin off a target.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "When someone else cooks, you set the table or do the dishes, that's only fair." Bean nods to Piotr's praise with some kind of half-hearted explanation as to why he went through so much trouble. Possibly best not to explore it too far. And as much as he wants to sit down and eat, he first needs to deal with another diner. Kibble and water for Bear in his bowls in the corner, and plenty of treats for having been a good boy. The chomp is loud with this one...

    Bereft of canine but enriched with company, Bean takes a seat and waits for the servings to come his way before helping himself. "Tea does sound good, but considering our host, do we have the equipment to do it properly?" And to Peter, he nods. "She does. Literally. Guitar and everything."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a laugh and a warm grin over to Alexis. "No no, none of those American League teams either. Trying to convert Peter over to something respectable," she tells the other woman. "This summer I'm going to have to take him to a game at Wrigley Field. That'll convert him if nothing else will," she declares gently.

Kitty moves to help with getting beverages, pouring some glasses of juice for herself and Peter. While she's at it, Lockheed comes flying in through the kitchen doorway. He was outside during the snowball fight, so must have come back in through some other entrance. He lands on her shoulder, drawing a big grin from Kitty. "There you are. I thought maybe you were out there melting snowballs still," she says, taking the dragon off her shoulder and giving him a cuddle in her arms, the dragon returning it with nuzzles before returning to her shoulder.

Kitty moves over nearer to the table. "Smells amazing, Piotr," she compliments. "So Theresa, are you much of a cook?" she asks.

Spider-Man has posed:
Tommy elbows Peter in the thigh, "Ow..." Glaring down at the mini green Peter, "Run, go.." Pushing the teen towards the exit, leaning back at that moment to push his shoulders into Kitty by way of returning the small bit of PDA that then goes away.

Likewise just... watching Illyana.

There's two Peter's here, maybe it's that spelling the Russian name the American way made it weird for the American spelled Peter and now he feels weird that at no point was the conversation directed at him. This is what happens when people get all fancy and don't spell peoples names the right why when there's two people in the room with the same name.

Nevermind clear up who they're talking to.

At least that's the expression he has on his face.

One of embarassed confussion.

"Anyways..." Patting his stomach, "While beats and cabbage is wonderful for shitting your guts out.. it tastes, ya know, like beats and cabbage..." Double pointing towards the foyer. "Seeya."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Alexis Carr, former street musician, current music department teacher's assistant and tutor for guitar and piano." Alexis introduces herself to Peter with a smile, and holds up a mug as she pours hot water in, and plugs a teabag from her tin.

    "And yes, Illy, baseball. I don't care for the Yankees and their fanbase is is a bit obnoxious, but I do like the Mets quite a bit."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy lifts an eyebrow at the question of cooking. A hand lifts to her chest poised there with mock indignation. "Cook? Me? Oh, hell no you'd better get an antacid before you eat anything I make. Unless it's breakfast foods, I barely know my way around the kitchen." Grinning warmly she adds, "Warren's the cook. Really good, honestly. He picked it up as a hobby."

When the American Peter dating Kitty heads out she calls after him, "It'll put hair on your chest!" in defense of cabbage. I mean really how can you not like it? The baseball talk just gets an idle nod as she wasn't exactly up on that topic. "Your guess is as good as mine on that, Illyana. I'm not a real big sports fan."

Magik has posed:
Illyana puts down the remaining bag of bread on the table next to everyone. One twist tie down and she has the loaf opened up, already pre-cut. Taking the heel, which is smaller than even her palm, she holds it close on her retreat in case anyone has questions about margarine or corned beef that she might be unable to answer. "Ah," she replies to Alexis. A beacon of clear explanations, here. Theresa gets that knowing nod. "A strange sport. Hockey, now." Of course she would like the nearest thing to a fight where an athletic game broke out, right? True to frozen north, she slinks her way to the back.

"Piotr, later, da?" Her brother gets a friendly nudge in passing. Bean and the cutest good-boye ever too, but she tries to steer clear of interrupting hound or dining humans. Freedom is escape through the door which she entered.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde acks softly at Peter. "Swear jar," she says, swatting his shoulder before he starts off. Tommy is given a wave goodbye, and a stage-whispered, "Cubs," that makes him shake his head repeatedly before being pushed out by Peter.

Kitty takes her seat, offering the extra glass of juice to anyone without a beverage. "I picked up a keyboard, by the way," Kitty mentions to Alexis. "Just started learning it. I might have to hire you for lessons sometime," she says to the other woman.

Kitty glances towards Bear and then up to Samuel. "So you've had Bear for what, couple of months now?" she asks the student. "How is it going with him? Are you both settled into a pretty good routine? Any problems around the school?"

Kitty moves a napkin to her lap then adds to Samuel, "And if you ever want to give him a day off and a play partner, we can bring Jester in. He's really sprouted up. Starting to lose some of that puppy appearance," she says of the golden retriever.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Let the man enjoy his ball teams, Kitty. It won't be the end, all couples have their differences." Alexis counters, and she hold sup her tin, pointing to the 'Guthrie' message, and gives a small smile as she leans back against the counter. Aah, tea.

    "I'd be happy to give instruction, Kitty, just give me some pieces you'd like to learn. Otherwise we'll start with what I learned, and what I've been playing since I was six." she gives a wry smile.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Yeah, Bean can't help but glance over at Bear from time to time while he's eating, and the feeling seems to be mutual. As much as food is currently his most favorite thing ever, the German Shepherd stops from time to time to check on Sam, and then continues. "Three months now. It's... actually kind of impressive how much I can't imagine not having him around. Saved my bacon a couple of times already. And he likes going out for runs, he's just... just perfect. The best boy ever."

Colossus has posed:
    The tall Russian continues to move about the kitchen. Some of the bread is liberated from its imprisonment and yet then only doomed to confinement in the toaster oven as he lets that brown while still moving about the room. At times he'll pause and consider if people have a drink and if not then they are at the least given some ice water.
    One can almost imagine him as a proper head of a household seeing to the needs of his guests before he allows himself to enjoy the mealtime. In passing he will lightly pat Bear on the head twice, just enough to show acknowledgment even as he sets out a glass butter dish with a knife duly ready.
    After a time he looks around at those there in the kitchen, blue eyes flitting from face to face as he asks. "Does anyone need anything else?" Another look around. "Yes, no?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Where there was food, there were bound to be at least one or two hungry students drawn out of the woodwork. And if it was something new and unusual? Count the mansion's resident winged healer right in! A familiar face peeks in through the doorway to the kitchen, nose twitching as she takes in the aromas of something very tasty. Unidentifiable, but very likely delicious. She's in her favorite PJ's, meaning ye olde baggy gray tank top, red tartan sweatpants, and floofy Old English sheepdog slippers. Her little ice blue braid dangles loosely on the left side of her face, the three silver beads glinting in the light.

     "Wow... something smells really good! Who do we thank for cooking?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over to Samuel and says, "Excellent. I'm glad that he's worked out so well." Piotr is next to get Kitty's attention. "Smells delicious," she tells the large Russian before picking up her silverware and getting a first taste of the meal.

"Mmm... hits the spot," she says of the warm meal. Kitty's face has that slightly rosy look that faces get after they come in from the cold, though it's starting to face a little bit. She begins to eat, slowly but steadily making her way through the meal.

Kitty gives a wave of her hand when Shannon enters, her mouth full of a bite of brisket at the time. It's washed down with a sip of grape juice. "I should probably check on some things I have running before long," she comments as she takes another bite. She glances over to Piotr Rasputin briefly, choosing wording as she asks, "So have you and Illyana had time to catch up yet?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It is delicious, and Bean lets Piotr know this by giving him a fully approving thumbs up. No words. Words detract from valuable eating time.

Colossus has posed:
    The tall X-Man offers a wave to Shannon as she enters, "Shannon. There is room. Please sit." He uncurls a large hand to gesture toward one of the open seats even as he's walking back to the dutch oven and its contents. A smirk is given sidelong in Samuel's direction and he returns the thumbs up with one of his own.
    Now, with his back to the room, he begins to dish himself up a bowl of the corned beef and cabbage, the large serving ladle dipping inside and coming up with potatoes and onions and carrots, and potatoes. And still. Damn. More potatoes. He keeps going, then grabs the tongs and gets a piece of the corned beef, and then another piece of it. And a third. Because he is still tall stronk growink boy.
    Over his shoulder he answers Kitty, "Nyet. We have not had the chance yet. We talk, some. Then she looks distant and wanders off. I am sure we shall be catching up soon." Since, he feels, if there was something dire to be conveyed she would have told him without hesitation.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the kitchen looking about nodding to those here. He will head over to the fridge opening it and grabbing a bottle of water. "Hey guys."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon offers a smile and a wave to everyone in the room, but the savory smells of the corned beef and cabbage draw her like a moth to a flame. "That smells utterly divine! Usually only see that once a year!" She dabs at the corners of her mouth, and grins a bit sheepishly. "Would it be rude to ask if that's being shared?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    In the corner, the chomping sounds stop.

    Moments later, Bean detects movement from the corner of his eye and sure enough, Bear has settles himself next to his chair, laying about as content as a dog can be. "I think the words from our host were 'Sit, eat.' in that exact order. It's my belief that this assumes an indulgence towards sharing."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles at Bean's exaggerated formality and nods, snagging a plate and heading on over to the stove. There was no way she was going to pass this up! Quite a bit of cabbage is dished out onto her plate, a fair amount of potatoes, and carrots, with a topping of delectable shreds of corned beef. She checks out the fridge next, rummaging around till she finds a bottle of stoneground dijon mustard, taking all of the above to a clear spot at the counter. Oh yes, she accepts the invitation to sit and eat, and looks as if she's in heaven. "Good, because a meal like this is meant for sharing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and says "So what trouble you two gotten in today, while I was at work?" He smiles a bit at the two younger students.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde finishes up her bowl of corned beef. "Mmm. Very satisfying," she says with a smile. "And now I think it's time to go clean up," she says, the thought of a hot shower after the earlier snowball fight being quite satisfying.

"Be careful Shannon, I hear this dish puts hair on your chest. Might be feathers for you," she says with a wink. Kitty rises and carries dishes over to the sink, rinsing them and then adding them to to the dishwasher.

Kitty waves to Samuel Guthrie. "Just in time before it's all gone," she tells him. "Kitchen's in your capable hands," she tells the Kentuckian, patting his shoulder on her way past. "Good night everyone."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I haven't even left the school today." Bean says in his defense, his tone rather light hearted as he actually smiles. A genuine smile. Bear finds this worthy of some kind of notice and sits up straight, leaning his head into Bean's lap. Ears are scritched practically instantly. Of course, that's not a denial of having gotten into trouble, per se.

    "Good night, Miss Pryde."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "No trouble this time. Not about to poke my nose out beyond the gates for a little while. Nope. No way, no how. I'd like to not wind up in the Wellness Office too soon, thanks!"

She calls out to Kitty, laughing merrily, "This is a St. Patrick's Day treat every year. If it was gonna put feathers on my chest, it would've done it years ago!" She smiles and waves her fork at Kitty. "Good night, sleep tight, give those bedbugs hell if they bite!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Kentucky fried Cabbage?" He jokes a bit but does look to the kids "Well thats good to hear." he looks to Kitty "Take care." As he talks he walks over to a draw and picks up a sugar packet from it. He then walks over opening a cabinet he will find Alexis' tea container and drop the sugar packet into it unopened before putting it back into the cabinet.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Some people just want to watch the world burn. Some people like playing with fire. Some people... some people put sugar packets in tea containers. Fiends. Bean watches it with amusement, shaking his head. "And you're warning us not to get in troubl... ow. There was a thing yesterday." Because, you know, he can't /not/ mention the explosions and gunfire, or the alien spy.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lofts her eyebrows as she hears Bean, her fork paused about halfway to her mouth. "What the hell did you do, Bean? And whose ass do I have to kick?" The very thought of someone taking a swipe at her bestie has her spreading her wings out to their full span, feathers ruffling. Her voice has dropped to a low, dangerous tone, as she lowers her fork and eyes her fellow student for any lingering sign of injury.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Na, if I was getting in trouble would have opened the packet." He jokes a bit and will get some food, and walk over "Ok fill me in." He says looking over ot the other Sam.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean puts his cutlery down, giving Shannon a smile. He seems to be entirely intact, none of the telltale signs of having been any serious scrapes. "It's not as spectacular as you think. Well, it is, but.."

    And so he starts at the beginning. "Yesterday Mr. Rasputin took me to the studio of a Mister Crenshaw in the Bronx. He was going to pick up some art supplies, and I'm getting close to my test for riding the subway..." which is one of his mandatory goals this year, riding the subway unaccompanied and not cause any collateral damage "... so he offered to kill two birds with one stone. Not in those words. We got off the train and started walking, when a bomb exploded near a warehouse gate and some maniac by the name of Jane drove a car into the explosion to be catapulted up into the second floor. As you might have guessed, gang activity was involved... russian gang activity. Gunfire was heard. Mister Rasputin assumed his more public guise and ordered me to call the police, which I did. He then ordered me to stay put, which I didn't, although I didn't endanger myself or others, and left the scene when the fighting was over. Neither of us was seen by police forces or captured on any camera."

Nightingale has posed:
     Somewhat mollified by the evident lack of injuries, Shannon tucks her wings in neatly behind her, and nibbles on a shred of corned beef with some of the dijon mustard. "Good. So, no need to drop the hurt on some suckas for taking a swipe at you." She just concentrates on her food for a few minutes in silence, enjoying the savory treat. "I've yet to see Mr. Rasputin in that more public guise. Must've been pretty impressive."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yes, we should not go hunting people and pluck their eyebrows or such." He says, looking between the two "So, what did you do while you were not staying there?" He will ask Bean.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It's about as impressive as it gets. I'm talking Hulk levels of impressive here." And that, from Bean, is some serious praise.

    He gives Sam a look, one of pure puzzlement, as if he had no idea what he referred to just now... and then continues the tale.

    "I watched his back. He went in after Jane, using the same route, I followed into the building from the ground floor, in case anyone with malicious intent and heavy weaponry was waiting there. Considering I found enough illegal weapons on the ground floor alone to re-enact a significant portion of the Battle of Berlin, I consider myself justified for that course of action. And I did tell Mister Rasputin later that I had disobeyed him, and why I did."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon gives a low whistle, lofting her eyebrows. She hadn't forgotten how the Hulk brought Bean home, and how surprisingly gentle he had been with her wings. "Wow. Makes you wonder, with a comparison like that, if those two were ever to spar, who would come out ahead." She falls silent, listening to the rest of Bean's tale, munching away on her late supper.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well strength straight Ah think the hulk, but Piotr could probably out smart him to win." He looks over and adds "So what did he say about you not listening?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's an interesting thought exercise, and Bean must have given it some thought over the past few hours, if not overnight. "From a purely technical and raw strength point of view, I would imagine they'd be so closely matched that it would almost certainly come down to momentary advantage. But mentally, I fear the Hulk is likely to come out on top. Mister Rasputin always tries not to harm anyone, the Hulk when enraged doesn't have such a limitation. In either case, it's something I hope to avoid ever witnessing." Understatement much?

    This time, he gives Sam a contrite nod. "He was... disappointed. For a moment, at least." and knowing that Piotr Rasputin is disappointed in you... that hurts. It might have done more to bring Bean over to the light than any lecture so far, barring perhaps the famous 'Hero' lecture he'd gotten from, unsurprisingly, Piotr. "He repeated that when he asks me to stay put, he does so because he's concerned about my safety, and that a request to stay put is made with my best interests in mind. I conceded that point. We had hot chocolate afterwards."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon could imagine all too well how it felt to think that one's hero was disappointed in them. She had thought such for a time just after the entanglement with Loki, believing for a time that the Captain had harbored just such disappointment in her. It had taken some time for her to realize that was not the case, but she still winces in sympathy for Bean, reaching over to gingerly pat his hand. "It's something I wrestle with sometimes. Especially when I worry about... missing friends. It's wanting to rush in and help, but knowing that if you're asked to stay back, it's usually with good reason. Hashed that out with Kitty that one time I blew up at her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "I will admit, am both a little surprised, and a little not oddly that you went in after him to be honest. You have two tendencies that must have wared with one another.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I gave it forty seconds..." Bean shrugs for a moment, digs in his bowl for a few seconds and then tries to put his thoughts into words.

    "It's... I'm trained to run into danger. That's literally what a lot of my training was about, to go into danger and not run from it, but towards it." Bear gets a fond hug against the side of his leg, fingers running through that fur. It helps him think of those times without going back to those times. "And when you're out, and danger happens, you watch each other's backs. The moment you've put on the uniform, once you've earned the right to go outside of the base on deployment, you're trusted. No more being asked to hang back, that's for trainees and people you don't trust. Once you're trusted, that's it, you just... you go in, it's what you do."

    Now his eyes taking in the entire kitchen, and Bear gives him a reassuring nudge. "When he told me to hang back, I... for a moment I was a bit insulted. It's for people you don't trust, you know? And I know he didn't mean it that way, even then I realised that, that he just wanted to make sure I didn't come to harm. Because he's a great guy. And at the same time, I couldn't let him go in by himself and get shot in the back by an anti tank weapon or something like that. It's... does any of that make sense?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, quiet for several long moments. "It's why it hurts to be asked to hang back. It's why I was so angry at Kitty that time. It felt like I wasn't being trusted to know and learn what my healing gifts can and cannot handle. Even knowing it's just concern and nothing more, it's hard to tamp down a very emotional response to that, and let reason take the lead." Yeah. In her own way, she understood.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well you have to remember even though you have been trained by others, you both are still new in your training here. Ah know this is something that is harder to understand when your age, and as you get older you will understand some more. Putting younger people in the line of danger, seems wrong to you somewhat. It is like your being irresponsible, even with us training and others training you, it just feels that way, not that your incapable of helping but that we are choosing to put you in danger. It maybe a little different for me for the face, I am more hands on in your training."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I know." Bean concedes, in remarkably good humor, and belatedly squeezes Shannon's hand. "It's just that... well, I feel like I've gone through years of training, with some of the best trainers in the world, and I'm back at square one. It's not something I was prepared for, and it's proving to be really hard to deal with. Harder than I thought it would be."

Nightingale has posed:
     "It's even harder when training one's gift nine times out of ten requires practice instead of theory." The winged teen lets out a small noise of sympathy for Bean's plight, though her own situation was a bit different. "It's very frustrating, and not a lot of ways to really bleed that off. Maybe those extra hand-to-hand lessons would be a good way, who knows?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It will in some ways but it will make it worse in some he tells Shannon. You will feel more capable which will make you feel you should be more in the middle of things." He looks to Sam and says "It must be hard I will admit, but you have made some progress showing us that your first instinct is no longer kill or if it is you now understand controlling it"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is a quick glance to Shannon, as if to ask if she told Sam about the other incident at the charity event, and then Bean responds, tapping his leg to make Bear sit at attention... that just makes it easier to fuss his ears and stroke his neck. "I've found... I've found that not killing is the harder of the two. It first of all requires more skill, and secondly requires a different form of environmental awareness. But not trying my best to subdue would be morally reprehensible."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon returns Bean's quick glance with a bit of a sheepish look, and a small nod. To Sam, she just smiles some, a bit tense and frustrated now. Her voice has gone low and soft. "And you think it's not frustrating now, waiting and wondering if that meeting with Kitty, Bean, and Warren did any good? You think it's not frustrating having an ally come to ask for our help, and not know if anybody's actually doing anything about it? That's making me want to scream. Even knowing there may be things going on that none of us is privy to. Trust me, the lessons will at least give some way to bleed that off, 'cause right now just going to the gym ain't cutting it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "Did I say frustrating or more frustrating?" He asks her. He looks to her and says "Would you rather those working on things spend time working on it, or come talk to you and tell you what they are doing?" He looks to her, and says "Wanting to help is good very good, but you have to realize one you can't be everwhere and two sometimes your gifts are not suited for a mission. Take me and stealth missions. " He tells them

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "If there is any way we can help retrieving Captain Rogers, they will come and ask for our help." Bean states as a certainty, going back to his food. It's almost criminal to waste something this good. And the time between bites helps thoughts formulate fully. "Once they've located them both, I'm sure that's exactly what they'll do. But what do we know about space flight? About the prevailing political situation in the Khundian Empire? What even is a Khundian? Or a Khund? It's not our expertise, and we're experts. Once they need us, they really need us, and until then we have to go by the assumption that those who are planning or executing the mission are fully aware of the necessities of that mission, and that they will fill them... as..." Yeah. He just heard himself explaining to Shannon why it's perfectly normal to be asked to hang back. Click goes the brain. "I've heard crow tastes better when it's fresh..."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Maybe so. Yeah, okay, it's stupid to be frustrated. Just wish we knew -something-. I don't like the feeling of letting down friends." Shannon's fork clinks in the bowl as she stabs at a potato, and it just goes right through. Clink. Clink. Clink. "Yeah, we may or may not be suited to help. But doing something--even lessons--is better than sitting and stewing about it."

     She stops and just looks at Sam a moment, brows furrowed with frustration lofting slowly. The corners of her mouth twitch, then lift into a wry smile. "You? Stealthy? Ha! You got your name with good reason."

     To Bean, she just giggles softly. "Caw-caw!" It was hard, no, impossible to stay frustrated for long with these two around.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and looks over to Samuel, and says "Interesting that." He does close his eyes a moment and Sam will hover a bit in his chair, and they will hear only about half what they are used to with the volume of it. "Being frustrated is not stupid it is normal, letting it drive ya into things it should not can be bad.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A nod and a shrug at the crow call. Yup. He'd earned that one. Reflection and self discovery never came without cost. Bean finishes his bowl and stands from the table, taking his bowl and cutlery with him to the sink. "Reflection before action. But speaking of action, Mister Guthrie, I would like to submit another request to teach a class. Hand to hand, this time, focusing on safe defense against knives and disarming techniques." Sure that wasn't inspired by any recent events. Perish the thought. "And personally I've found a trainer which I believe may be able to teach me more than just hand to hand. His name is Danny, and he teaches Kung Fu out of a dojo in New York."

Nightingale has posed:
     "That's the whole thing, though, big brother. I'm trying to find ways to bleed off that frustration -before- it becomes a problem." Even at half volume, the proximity to Sam with his abilities in use in an enclosed space is very, very loud, enough to make Shannon wince. She nibbles on her supper as she listens to Bean's tale of Kung Fu fighting, her eyebrows raised by the request to teach a class. No, she couldn't -possibly- think what events might have inspired such a request. Nope. Not at all.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods as he settles back into his seat, and he aint quite that bad when he is half volume. Well set up a time to let me meet him, and see what we can find out about him and such." He looks over to Shannon "You been working on your arts and crafts still?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    While the noise is going on, Bean takes the opportunity to wash out the bowl he's been using and deposit it in the dishwasher. "Thank you Mister Guthrie. And now, considering I have one night of uninterrupted sleep left, I'm going to make use of it. Good night."

    A quick whistle to get Bear to follow, and Bean heads out of the kitchen, supremely confident that his furry friend will be along for his evening walk. In this, he's not disappointed.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles a little bit, waving to Bean and Bear as they head on out for their evening walk. It had been good to see the pairing, and watch it blossom into a beautiful bond. "Yeah, I have. Especially with a tiny bit of a Christmas present from a certain sea god who shall remain nameless. Not sure if I told you about that one yet...?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "aint told me what he got ya, the lantern was the last thing I knew of."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles a little bit. "You might actually applaud him on this one. See, I hate being selfish when given the chance to request something, you know that. So I thought about it a while, tried to come up with something I could put to use helping others. Wound up asking for a sewing kit with thread and needles that won't run out on me. However, he got a tiny bit sneaky on me, the sly son of a gun..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Oh?" He will ask waiting to let her tell more of her story as he eats a bit.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nibbles a bit more on her corned beef, nodding and chuckling softly. "Oh yeah. He saw right through it. One, for it to work, the sewing box has to be put away by midnight. So a nice little built-in timer to make sure I get enough rest. Two, if I don't make something solely for myself with it every so often, I will wind up freezing in place till I make myself make something a bit selfish. See? Sneaky. Saw right through the whole thing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit to this and says "You will freeze up? Do I need to come by and check on you?

Nightingale has posed:
"Not if I make myself be a tiny bit selfish every now and again. Sly way of getting the lesson across." Instead of being frightened, the winged girl is only laughing, shaking her head with a bemused expression. "It's just a bit more of a direct way of the same thing you've tried, in getting me to ask for things for myself sometimes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit over to her and says "Now, Ah would never try to make sure your doing stuff for yourself would Ah." He grins at her "So whats the last thing you made for you?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and smiles somewhat. "A black woolen opera cloak, with red velvet for a lining. Total, complete indulgence, but surprisingly warm. And, as it turns out, a fairly effective blind when dropping it on an opponent from above, with its weight and size."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Cool don't think it would do a lot for me." he jokes a bit but says "Speaking of making things Ah have two requests for you. One if I show ya an outfit you think you can make a copy of it for Alexis?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head and smiles. "Don't see why not, though I'd have to get together with her and take her measurements. Thinking at this rate, I might want to get a dressmaker's form. Maybe one of those really fancy ones with all the really detailed adjustments so you can make something -just right-."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well I will buy it for the outfit if you can make sure she does not realize that your making that one for her and one for me.'"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles and nods. "All she'll know is that you're having an outfit made for her, one of those 'just because' presents. If she presses for more, I'll clam up. By the way, this means I'll have to get your measurements, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Then let me get ya to make two things for her, let me know how much I will owe you, the other thing is want to help me learn a dance routine?""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and leans over to give Sam a hug. "I'd try to say you don't have to owe me a thing, but I know you'll be stubborn about it. So how about you show me the outfits you have in mind, and I'll cut you a break because of the dressmaker's form?" Her eyebrows go up at the mention of the second thing. "A dance routine...?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will pull out his phone and show her a poster from an opera. "The guy and the lady's outfits, the extra one for her I leave up to you, and the dance is from the opera as well. This is her grandma (Looks alot like Alexis). I want to dance the dance with her us in the outfits on her birthday.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and gets all mushy, unable to hold back. "Awwwww! Dang, hope if I ever stop being kryptonite that I find someone as sweet as you! That is just the most romantic thing! That outfit shouldn't be too hard. Neither of them should, actually."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Your not kryptonite, your just young." He tells her "We have till the 14th of March to get the outfit and the dance down.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins and cracks her knuckles. "Then time's a-wasting, isn't it? I'll have to flag you both down tomorrow. How period-accurate did you want the materials to be? If I have to go hunting, it could add to the time. But we can start working on the dance routine as soon as you like."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We can go with modern stuff, period would be neat but lets be honest I only giving you a month and a half to do it." he admits."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods once. "I'll get as close as I can but it may not be entirely accurate, with less time to work with here. Still, it'll be the best work I can do, I promise you that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "I am trying to figure something out nice for her 20th, course will have to top it on the 21st, but that will be something to think about compared to rogues."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes playfully, taking a carrot from her bowl and chucking it over at Sam. "Riiiiight, the night of the boobies. The less I know, the better." Snickering, she goes right back to chomping away on the rest of her dinner, unable to stifle her giggling. Hey, any opportunity to razz Sam....

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Hey I only saw one set, I had to leave early so if there were more ah don't know.'

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon finishes up her meal and heads over to the sink to wash out her bowl, her wings ruffling behind her. "Should be fun working on that dance routine and those outfits. Speaking of birthdays, mister, it'd be a huge help if you started thinking of what you want for yours, 'cause if I remember, it's coming up real quick!" Oh yes, she did love the chance to spoil the ones she cared about. The day had its frustrations, but at the end of it all, there was good company, good food, and loved ones all around. What could be better than that?