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The Rusted Titan
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Unnamed jungle planet
Synopsis: Gigas, Slipstream, and Timber Wolf rescue Ace from a giant robot. Then Slipstream and Saturn Girl discuss star ship repairs and 80's tv with Ace.
Cast of Characters: Ace, Slipstream, Gigas, Timber Wolf, Saturn Girl

Ace has posed:
Space is big. Like really really big. So it's hard to dial AAA or the police when you are in a bind. This is the trouble that Max, AI of the Galaga, finds himself in. It was a half-day ago that his captain Ace found a weak energy signature on an otherwise uninhabited jungle planet. This planet is in a part of the universe that would be like walking half a mile off a country back road and into the woods. Still he broadcasts out the distress call on all standard galactic communication channels and even some nonstandard ones in the hopes to grab the attention of a passerby.

Slipstream has posed:
Settled in front of the control board of the Legionnaire cruiser is Drake. He has one screen up to play a video game with, while the other is monitoring the universe at hand. "Yo! T-Woof! You hear that on the comms?" He says as he leans forward to tap along the buttons to increase the frequency. "You hear that? That's the sound of boredom being flushed down the toilet. We got a distress call! I'm driving!" With that, he flops himself down into the cock pit, cranks up Journey, then shoves it into hyper drive. "Buckle up!" With that, they are onwards to adventure to find the source of that call.

Gigas has posed:
And it is finally answered! Though..perhaps not by the most ideal of potential saviors..

Atop a nearby cliff that overlooks the vast jungles sits a large freighter ship, painted gaudily with scantily clad images of various galactic 'hotties' of humanoid form, if one was familiar with Earth lingo. It bears similarities in tone and style to a boorish uncouth semi truck with its owner and driver quite the fit for such a mammoth uncultured machine.

Within it, a incessant beeping sound goes on and on, mirroring the distress beacon that it had locked onto and the sound rouses a monstrously huge shape from its position of lounging within the ship. It rocks and leans from side to side as a great weight shifts about..and then the exterior opens to reveal the mountainous body of Gigas as he emerges out into the humid weather.

The cliffside rumbles as the behemoth steps forwards and lifts a tiny pair of vision enhancing equipment to his face to begin looking around the jungle surface in search for the source of the beacon. Something gets his attention as a slow smile creeps onto his expressive features, "Oh hoh!"

Obeying an electronic command, his ship locks up and begins to lift off from the cliff while Gigas crouches low. The earth beneath him trembles, cracks and then suddenly explodes violently into a massive crater as the behemoth launches with all the force of an enraged Hulk, and begins blurring across the horizon like a missile, hurtling miles with just a single leap towards the depths of the jungle.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Oh, Brin does buckle up. "Is that our dueo theme song? Don't Stop Believing?" he jokes and then his face gets serious. "So. Distress call. What" he asks. "Are we going into? More to the point, Can I scratch r fight it?" he adds buckled into his seat. Se. Winters gets to fly. Brin? Nah he'll sit back, and watch and take notes. He's also not a happy Timber Wolf though. Distress cals?

Trouble. Usually trouble. Somebody is in distress.

Ace has posed:
The source is a planet orbiting a standard yellow dwarf star. The planet is one of two habitable planets in this system, and being the one closer to the sun. The signal is coming from a ship in orbit around the unamed jungle planet. This ship looks in rather rough shape. It looks like something cooked the right half of it. The armor plating is melted and warped, but oddly seems be be in the process of regrowing. A communication request pings the Legionnaire ship.

Down on unamed-terra-firma Gigas hears a sound that is like a god playing a tuba. The sound causes a tremor in the earth, and various flying reptiles take to the sky in all directions to get away from whatever is making all of the racket. The primary distress signal is still in orbit around the planet, but a weaker signal (likely from a mobile handheld device) seems to be coming from the direction where all of the noise is.

Slipstream has posed:
"If you want that to be our duo theme song, sure. I don't know if we're going to be getting into a battle or not, but I definitely think we should be prepared for anything." Drake says as he pulls the ship into orbit once they pop out of hyper drive. Zip! "We got a ship out here, looks like it got hammered pretty bad." Tapping on the comms, he speaks into it.

"Hey! This is the Legion of Superheroes. Slipstream and Timber Wolf here. Lar-Gand is our Captain. You on the ship, you guys okay?"

As he unbuckles, he heads over to snag his flight suit.

Gigas has posed:

Well that certainly got his attention. Gigas plummets towards the ground like a falling meteor. His impact likely scatters additional reptiles as he'd have set off seismometers miles away from the force of his landing. He skids to a stop after a few additional rebounds and then glances at his bracers in an attempt to isolate the location of the secondary signal..and upon seeing it's coming from the location of whatever made that tremendous noise, the giant raises an eyebrow and then launches again, hurtling across the horizon to try and close the distance in an explosive burst of movement.

Ace has posed:
"I'm just p-p-p-peachy. But mi C-c-capitan is in something of a pickle," a cheerful voice answers back in a tone which does not seem to match the gravity of whatever would necessitate sending of such an urgent distress. On the Legionnaire comm screen the face of a man who looks like he was cast from plastic appeaars. Behind him is a constantly shifting background of neon vector lines. Those who know late 20th century Earth pop culture would recognize him as Max Headroom.

Down on the planet Gigas can see that the traveling more or less in a straight line horizontally to where he is standing. His own rumbling is matched with an even stronger quake. Then a moment later another, then another. It's the rhythm of something walking. Something BIG.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Ah, Timber Wolf's so conversational when Slipstream hits the comms. T-Wolf's whole contribution to the discussion is an 'rrrrr'. Just....that. That's his whole input on the situation while comms are open. Mostly because he doesn't like where a ship with a distresss signal is going, really. Curse these claws. Though he recognizes the face. "Alright, catch a sprocking wave" he grumbles. "Is your captain okay and on the ship?" he asks.

"See Brin can be talkative when things call for it. "What was that?" he asks watching the scanners for a moment before he looks to Slipstream and then to the face again. Great. Conversations with things that freak Timber Wolf out is not something he's good at

Gigas has posed:
"Come out, come out, wherever you aaarrreeee!" booms Gigas after another bounding land and follow up leap. "I am having..places to go and things to do and this rescue..it was not on my list of plans!" He's of course marginally aware he's talking to nobody but that's never stopped him before.

After another land, the blue colossus pauses as he feels the heavy rumbling of the quakes and well recognizes the movements of something particularly massive. He's prone to causing such rhythm himself after all. Nevertheless, this one seems..particularly immense or at the very least heavy..as other people consider such things at least.

"Hmm...strange. Is that what needs help?" Again he leaps, trying to close the distance to the beacon and also get a look from up above as to what is making that racket.

Slipstream has posed:
Being that Drake is an Internet vampire, he immediately recognizes Max Headroom. Causing him to pause, his head tilts to one side. "Yo, am I being jebaited? Are you... Max Headroom, from TV?" He rubs a hand over his face, then squints again at the screen. "Who is your Captain and what's going on? Is that the other signal we are hearing down on the planet? What happened to your ship?" He tilts his head over to Timber, then looks at the radar. "Something just landed?"

Ace has posed:
Well no. If that we-we-we-were the case we would be long gone from here. She still down on the surface. I tried to pop down for a pick-up and y-y-y-ou can see what happened to the paint job." He holds up his hand and makes a motion which indicates *kinda?* "I am M-m-m-Max because Captain Ace made me Max. What I really am is a millenia old AI with amnesia who was in a coma. But we can t-t-t-trade origin stories later." He makes something of a shooing motion. "I'm transfering you Captain's personal transponder code."

When Gigas gets closer to the beacon he can hear someone talking. Well... exactly talking. It's more like a keening litany of profanity strung together in a mish-mash of innuendo, double-entendre, and physical impossibilities that is enough to send most universal translators into fits.

Gigas has posed:
"This is not helpful." remarks Gigas as his universal translator starts having fits and spurtzing out of control in an attempt to keep up with what it is picking up. He furrows his brow in annoyance and begins walking now, his footfalls causing their own set of quakes as his lips press together tightly in thought. Finally he just booms out loudly, "HELLO! I AM HERE TO RESCUE YOU BUT SHUT UP!"

He still can't seem to actually -see- anyone yet so all he can do is press forward though needless to say his explosive shouting should carry a good distance.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf nods to Slipstream and grabs his own flight suit too. Looking to the scanners then to Slipstream, Timber Wolf wriggles into his flight suit.

"So what do we do?" he asks, flexing his fingers for a moment, then sits backk down again.

"What are we going to do about the ship and that plastic guy, Max?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Captain Ace, huh? At least she has good taste in TV." Drake says as he picks up his backpack and slings it over his shoulders. As the coordinates to Ace's location hits his datapad, he taps along it, then gives a motion of his hand to Brin. "Come on, we're gonna teleport down and rescue someone." He says with a grin.

"Snowball! Come on!" There's a doot-da-doo! noise from the small robot that floats after them, then attaches to his harness on his backpack. After a few more taps on the pad, he tips a wink to Brin. "Three.. two... one!"

As the shimmer into view on the planet, Drake goes about patting himself down real quick, then calls out. "Yo! Looking for Captain Ace. Are you aarroooou--- holy fuck you're huge!" He's obviously staring at Gigas. "... A.. are you... the Captain?"

Ace has posed:
From out of the foliage a skinny girl with blue hair in Earth casual clothing bursts out. The soles of her shoes glow with a pale white light, and she seems to be skating across the rough jungle floor as though it were ice. She collides with the meat mountain that is Gigas, knocking her on her butt but not disturbing him at all.

"Damnit! Ow! What da-fuck where you're stepping. ...has anyone ever told you that your head looks like a pea on a pile of lumpy blue mashed potatoes? Oh yeah. We should definitely run or we will definitely die."

The shaking draws closer, enough to knock Ace back down on her ass when she tries to stand up. The canopy of the jungle is torn away. Looming the size of a skyscraper is a humanoid robot. From the covering of moss and trees growing over it, it's easy to tell that it's been asleep until just recently. Rather than a face it's cylindrical head has just a single glowing red eye at the base which stares down balefully at the pair.

Ace manages to scramble back to her feet. She drops a cloth sack at her feet and pulls a metal baseball bat from a sheath at her back. She thumbs the controls on the handle and picks up a rock about the size of a softball. She picks it up and swings for the fences. The bat crackles with energy. The rock is imparted with much more force than a skinny Earth punk should be able to give. The rock shoots toward the cyclopean golem at something like mach 2. But about ten feet out from the golem it strikes an invisible barrier of force and is atomized. The golem does not seem to register any of this.

Ace glances over at the pair when they teleport down. "Geez. Did Max send out invitations or what?" she asks as she scoops down to pick up another rock.

Gigas has posed:
"People have attempted to joke about my head size relative to my body before. Those people can no longer eat solid food without assistance and apparently lacked the ability to judge aesthetics to begin with." quips Gigas with a surprisingly cheerful look to his face, "Do you want to leave or what?"

The arrival of the giant golem seems enough to shake him from his commentary and he turns to get a good look at it, "Hm..I suppose you do!"

He simply gives Drake a look, raising an eyebrow and then he thumbs at Ace and rumbles, "I am a captain but not the one you seek.. She is the one that needs help, in more then one way maybe!" With that he turns and actually starts to approach the golems direction, seemingly unperturbed about its immensity and intent on slowing it down.

Timber Wolf has posed:
"What?" Timber Wolf asks. "What's up with that?" he adds looking to the bat wielding chick, and the golem, too. "Oh sprock. Do I gotta climb up on that thing?" he asks watching them all and shaking his head at Slipstream. Watching it all, he groans.

"So what did we walk into?" Timber Wolf asks simply, watching it all again. Time to flex fingers, muscles, and....

Slipstream has posed:
Glancing between Gigas and Ace, Drake runs a hand back through his hair. ".. Uh.. wow. Okay, so .. you wanted a fight. That thing is definitely .. a fight." H says in regards to the Golem as he glances to Brin with a grin. "Or, what I can do is teleport us up to my ship and we can skip the assbeating. I'm Slipstream. Morale officer for the Legion of Superheroes who protects this quadrant of the universe. This is Timber Wolf. "

Tapping a button on the back of Snowball's head, the robot detaches from her harness and soars upwards, starting to suck the air in around her, freezing it as the temperature begins to drop. Just in case, of course. "So, give the word and I can port us out."

Ace has posed:
Its single red eye begins to glow brighter until it looking at it is like staring into the sun. The rock tumbles from Ace's hand and she snatches up the cloth sack at her feet. She flings it, and whatever the cube shaped object inside of it over her shoulder. She runs over to Timber Wolf and grabs his shoulders and shakes. "Dude, we need to go and we need to do it lik minute ago! I don't know if our friend 'Roid Smurf can survive being cooked. But I know I can't." The top most canopy of the jungle nearest to the eye bursts into flame from the heat being radiated from whatever its about to do.

When teleport is mentioned Ace looks a little uneasy. "Yeaaaaah. I mean if you can," she says sounding uncertain. Her eyes briefly glance back to the object slung over her back.

Gigas has posed:
"I know what a smurf is and I am -not- a smurf." remarks Gigas rather firmly. Infront of the group now, raises both of his arms up and then pistons them into the ground and begins to grip.

Cosmic energy crackles around him, his physique inflating even -larger- then before as muscle and sinew pile atop one another. Soon the entire area infront of him begins to heave upwards as if he was some massive earth excavator. Chasms form, jungle trees topple or are carried along with it and ultimately he hefts up a gargantuan chunk of the earth that just grows and grows in size until finally sundering free from its moorings, entire root systems snapping ripping apart. The entire group and a portion of the entire landscape around them is cast in deep shadow as he rolls the landmass overhead and then braces it atop a single arm.

"Incoming!!!" he cheerfully belts out before shifting his gargantuan arm to cock it back and then press forward, shot putting the building sized chunk at the golem like a fired off asteroid.

Timber Wolf has posed:
T-Wolf grins "Then let's get outta here" he nods while being shaken. Timber Wolf isn't exactly a rational sort at times and being shaken issn't safe for most people...

See. He looks from Ace to Slipstream. "I've no desire to get my ass kicked. Let's go!" he calls out to Slipstream. "More to the point, what is it with giant robots anyway? I mean, they look cool, but...no desire to fight one"

Slipstream has posed:
"How the hell do you know what smurfs are? Do they get syndication on alien space TV or something?" Drake says as he reaches out to grab Ace by one arm, stepping in closer to her. "Dude, I don't know if you can even fit on the ship." He says to Gigas. "Can you uh... wow.. you just threw a planet at that thing..."

Snowball whirls about in a tight circle, then launches a large beam of ice at the Golem, looking to hit it right in the face and encase it and cut off it's abiliy to laser beam. "Snowball, we're porting outta here!"

n.n The Robot dashes back down to her owner quickly once she is depleted of her weapon discharge.

"You coming dude?" He says to Gigas as he taps away at his datapad quickly, feeling the air hum around them as the ship prepares to port them up.

Ace has posed:
The chunk of earth hurtles toward the ancient golem. This is good, as it gets in the way of whatever it was charging. A brilliant flash of crimson light is visible on all sides from the airborn landscape. The light it scattered on all sides around it. Wherever this light touches a forest fire springs up. So now now only is the group in a jungle with a giant robot, but that jungle is now also burning. The rock collides with the forcefield of the golem. An arm the size of a city street sweeps out and reduces the hill's worth of rock and dirt into much smaller pieces of rock and dirt which now rain down.

Ace throws on a pair of cheap looking sunglasses and points at the golem with a Nintendo Powerglove. The flicks of her fingers is like she is navigating menus in a three-dimensional UI. "Damn. Can't hack it. Trinary programming. But the language is almost hieroglyphic, and I'm fresh out of Rostetta Stones."

Gigas has posed:
"Why am I thinking this is -your- fault, little girl. And yes, I know what a smurf is. Good delicacy!"

Gigas gestures with a massive hand at Slipstream, indicating his willingness to be taken along for the teleporting ride. He can always remote call his ship later.

Slipstream has posed:
The sight of the ancient artifact known as 'The Power Glove' almost brings Drake to tears. He now thinks Ace is not only the hottest girl, but the coolest in the universe. Right to his eSports heart. "Whaaaat? You got Max Headroom and a Power Glove? Did you time travel from the 80's?" With his other hand, he reaches out to grab Gigas about his pinkie finger. "Up, up and ... we're not teleporting. Something is preventing us from leaving." He eyes Gigas first, then glances over to Ace with a worried expression. "You called for help, is whatever you got in that bag worth it?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
Oh sprock.

"What the...what's stopping us from leaving? Is it that thing snowball was dealing with?" Brin asks looking worried. "If it is, I can give it a punch if you want me to?" he adds. yeah sure. That's Brin's solution to most things. Punch or claw 'em. Though really, Brin's had trouble with that, punching Slipsttream didn't end too well really, did it? Still. he doubts a giant bit of metal would be insanely speedy...

Ace has posed:
Ace turns to Gigas, "My fault? That... I... well... I don't tell you how to do your job do I?" But from her expression it can be told that she does probably consider this mess to be her fault.

Ace glances to Drake and says, "Nah. Gramps loved the 80's though. Had a junkyard. Listen if you get me out of here I'll let you play my cabinets on the ship. I'll even give you the quarters. But I don't know if it's worth it. Data cube from a civilization so extinct that this cube and that thing are the only traces in the universe they ever lived."

The beam of ice creates encases the head in a small iceberg. But the steam that is coming off of it tells that it won't last for very long. The golem blasts out a bellow that sounds like a trumpet played at the decible level of an explosion. Ace covers her ears and drops to her knees as agony wracks her skulll.

Gigas has posed:
"Oi." rumbles Gigas. Exasperated sounding now, "I could have been--" and then the noise hits and he grunts, putting a hand to his head and gritting his teeth in both agony and fury. He staggers backwards a few steps and then finally leaps forward a few meters to get away from the group...followed by a much more explosive leap that causes the earth to erupt into a sinkhole and then an exploding crater that trails debris behind the arc of the behemoths launch.

He goes right for the golem at this point, drawing an arm back as he rises and energy crackling around his form as he grows bigger and bigger in flight. Not Giant Man style, more like if someone were inflating Hulk even larger and more shredded by the second. His body once more resembling an asteroid with region demolishing force as it thunders forward at the construct.

Just before he reaches around where he saw, twice now, the forcefield seem to interact with objects..he brings his fist forward in an explosive mountain peak obliterating punch.

Slipstream has posed:
"No, it's whatever is in her bag that is preventng us from leaving. Look, Cap'n Ace. Ditch the cargo so we can get out of here." Drake says as he tugs his goggles over his head. "Shards, we're gonna have to take this thing down I think. Timber do your thing man. I'm going low." With that, he blurs forward in a rapid couple of blinks, generating kinetic energy about him at sonic speedy levels. As Gigas goes high, he is aimging for a leg to try and knock it over once he impacts. He's like a kinetic rocket as the air BANGS around him.

Timber Wolf has posed:
"Ow. My everything" Brin roars. He's not liking this much...and his own ror and snarl isn't helping things. "What've you got in the bag?" Brin asks, "Whatever it is, it's not letting us leave, right?" he asks, ears ringing. Good job, Brin. Good job!

Ace has posed:
The titanic punch from Gigas is stopped ten feet away from the golem by the force field. But the force behind it is enough where cracks spread out like spider webs, or like a fat kid standing on thin ice. There is a cracking sound, and the shield fails completely. The remaining force behind the punch is enough to collide Gigas with the stomach of the golem and even leave a dent in the moss covered metal about the size of an above ground pool. It wobbles unsteady on its feet. The panicked steps as it attemps to maintain its balance enough to roll the earth in another earthquake. It starts to pitch backwards and its arms swing around in an attempt to keep it upright, but from the look of it its going to fall flat on its back.

"Ugh, fine," Ace responds after again climbing to her feet. She reaches into the sack and pulls out the cube. It looks like its made out of crystal. Inside of it fractal geometric patterns spin and change shape, and at the center it pulses with a greenish light. She pulls her bat back out of the scabbard. With one hand she tosses up the cube and with the other swings the bat. The kinetic amplifier buzzes when the two make contact and the cube is sent rocketing at near the speed of sound.

The golem makes a clumsy grab at it as it passes by, forgetting all about trying not to fall. For a minute it looks like it might be able to keep itself upright, but when Drake collides with it like a cannonball the center of balance is tipped past where it can right itself.

Ace turns away and squats down with her head covered. The golem landing sends up an almost gale force blast along with earth and foiliage.

The golem starts to roll over, but strangely seems to be trying to crawl away from the group and to where the cube flew to.

Gigas has posed:
For a few seconds, Gigas remains against the torso of the Golem as the kinetic force of his impact is fully absorbed..and then redirected causing him to spring back off of the construct as it begins to teeter backwards wildly. For his part, the monstrously huge mercenary goes arcing through the air back towards the group.

He lands mere seconds before the Golem hits the ground. The force of his arrival is blunted by the machine's own impact and Gigas braces his huge body against the earthquake and gale force winds. Immovable and a massive wall to possibly shield anyone smart enough to get behind him.

Slipstream has posed:
Breathing heavily, Drake rings one of his ears out with his finger as he tries to shake off the brain splitting noise that the thing was emitting. "Ow. Okay.. so... hooray, we're victorious." He drawls out as he gives a few wobbles of his feet. His powers takes a lot out of him, and the bracelet connected to his left wrist is beeping with a code orange.

"So, uh.. what was that cube you snagged?" He says as he heads back over to the group. "Nice punching by the way, Tyson." He says to Gigas. "Your ship looks a bit wrecked by the way. I'm not sure if you want to hang out with us on ours until it's fixed. Provided you don't try and steal anything." He says to Ace as he taps along his pad once more. "Okay, teleporting in three ... two ... " Whoosh. Hopefully it works this time.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin looks to Ace then Drake as Slipstream counts down. "I..." he begins. Then the whoosh. "Seriously" Brin says through the whoosh. "So do I get to give up my bunk or what? I can sleep in the cargo hold, I don't mind" he mutters

Ace has posed:
Ace picks leaves and sticks out of her now mess of blue hair. "Wrecked? Like more than usual? Ah... well I guess you wouldn't know that. Hopefully its just structural. The hull can regenerate itself. Anywho, the cube is a hard drive. Not that it matters much now." The last part sounds a bit sulky.

The robot seems now completely oblivious to the group that was attacking it, instead opting to seek the cube. The last things that is seen before the teleport is the golem on its feet with both of its hands in front of it, eager to be reunited with the treasure of the planet.

Gigas has posed:
"....Wrecked?" Gigas smile is swiftly turned to a frown and he looks dumbfounded, "What..how?" He muses on this but then swiftly adds, "To your ship then!"

Slipstream has posed:
As the teleport back on to the Legion's cruiser, Drake steps out and begins to unbuckle his flight suit. "Home sweet home. Welcome to Legion's flying head quarters. We can teleport on to your ship in a moment once we get a few readings to make sure it's stable and can be boarded." He gives a long stretch of his body as he peels out of his suit, revealing a pair of normal blue jeans and a solid black shirt. Definitely Earthern.

"So, uh.. Captain Ace. You got Power Gloves and baseball bats. Are you from Earth? You, I assume are not." He says to Gigas, who's the gigantic blue guy.

Gigas has posed:
"Whose ship is wrecked?" questions Gigas after the group materalizes, "Oh you mean -hers-??"

At this he hits a few switches on his bracers to summon his own vessel. "I thought you had seen mine. No I am no Earthling, but I intend to visit soon. Fun times! Good parties!" With that he waves, turning to look for the nearest airlock. "Consider this a freebie!" he thumbs up at the group.

Ace has posed:
Ace gestures to Gigas with her thumb, "I mean he *could* be from Earth. We do have a big green guy. Anyway, yeah. Earth girl." She removes her shades and taps some dontrols on her Power Glove to put it into sleep mode. No reason to be rude and perform any invasive scans on the tech of the people who rescued her after all. "Okay so business. What is the price for such a rescue? I don't have much in the way of liquid assets, but I might have something in the hold to square things. I did recently come into possession of some artificial livers. Can never have too many livers right? I was going to use them to beef up the plumbing in my ship. But they're yours if you want them."

She looks to Timber Wolf and says, "Don't worry about your bunk. I'm not intending to stick around that long. The Galaga is tough, trust me."

Slipstream has posed:
"Later, dude." Drake calls after Gigas as he looks to take off. "That guy is freaking huge and his head is so tiny. It's like a Duke Nukem bad guy.." He trails off with an amused grin on his face.

"Don't worry about paying us back. We're superheroes. It's what we do. We do super stuff." Tapping away at his data pad, he hums to himself. "So you're from Earth and you got a spaceship? That's pretty cool. What's your backstory?"

Sending a signal back to Galaga, he says, "Yo, Max. We got your Captain safe and sound. Are you able to be boarded?" He asks as he spins around in his chair a few times.

Ace has posed:
Ace shrugs and holds her hands up. "Not much to tell. My gramps found a ship in a cave. He tried to fix it up but couldn't complete it before he died. So I finished the job."

Max's plastic looking face appears on the screen. "Sounds g-g-g-great. We're not going FTL until el capitan can fix the engine. But life support is chugging away for all her air suckin' needs!"

Slipstream has posed:
"I see. Just randomly found a ship in a cave. Must be nice. I'm trying to find a sixty-eight Mustang to fix up." Drake grins in amusement. "Well, welcome to the Cruiser. I should ask if we have an official name for this space boat. I don't think we do."

With the knowledge that the engine is knocked out, he says, "I guess you can hang with us for now while it's being fixed. You going to do the job yourself or do you need us to tow you to a space garage to get it fixed?"

Saturn Girl has posed:
One of the doors opens, allowing a blonde woman in a pink and white Legion uniform to enter. There is a design on the front chest portion of the costume which seems to be the planet Saturn. She pauses upon entering, giving a glance to the Legionnaires who just returned. "Be sure to file a complete report on what happened. I trust you are all well and need no medical assistance?" Her tone is business like, almost detached.

Since they are sitting around chatting, it seems an obvious deduction. Then she turns her attention to Ace. "Welcome aboard the Cruiser. We will do all we can to assist you. Something about your ship needing repair?" She glances to her teammates.

Ace has posed:
Ace nods a greeting to Saturn Girl. "Hey. Yeah FTL is out. So I need to figure out what I need to do to get it up and running again. The core of the drive I'm sure is okay. But it's probably my additions that are the problem. I only vaguely know how the drive works. I just know the types and amounts of radiation that I have to pump into it to make it go."

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey, Imra." Drake says as he gives her a bolstering smile upon his face. "I'll put the report in. You missed us going toe to toe with a large metal monster that shot lasers out of its eyes. No injuries."

"Well, we'll have the Cruiser scan the ship and we can get an inventory of what you need to start moving about again. This is Saturn Girl by the way." He introduces as he motions a hand towards her.

Saturn Girl has posed:
She glances over at Drake, looking curious. "It is unfortunate Cosmic Boy was not available to assist. He may have been able to resolve the situation far more quickly." It could be taken as a comment about how long their battle lasted or just her saying he would've been a lot of help. Hard to tell with her.

"We can scan and help with any supplies needed for the repair as well. If it is necessary to take you to a port for something more advance, we can do that as well." Imra gives a nod as she gets introduced by Drake. "And you are?"

Ace has posed:
Ace responds to the greeting with, "Sup? I'm Captain Ace O'Connor. Yeah, that would be great. I can make do with whatever you can spare. Not to toot my own horn, but I fixed a space ship that is older than the pyramids with arcade parts and whatever Earth level tech that I could repurpose." What she doesn't mention is that the scans will reveal a ship that is some kind of miracle nightmare of kitbashed tech that would take a rational engineer years to figure out just *why* it works.

Slipstream has posed:
"How did you learn how to do all of this stuff? You look like you're my age." Drake says curiously as he lifts his brows upwards. "I can put together computers to game on and that's about it." Once he gets the read out of the other ship, he taps away at the controls of his data pad to begin building an inventory of parts. "But, yeah, Rokk woulda loved that fight. It was up his alley."

Saturn Girl has posed:
Imra moves to look over Drake's shoulder to read the displays. Her brow furrows in confusion. A moment later and she is sitting in another seat, bringing up the information herself and staring at it. "How are you alive, Captain O'Connor? Because everything I am seeing here, that ship shouldn't work at all. Yet, it does."

She turns her head to focus on Ace.

Ace has posed:
Ace knits her brows together and says, "Learn? I 'unno. I look at the parts, then I can see in my mind the parts that I need to add to it to make it do what I want. Then from there I can see the design of two or three other applications of the tech. I can see how to improve it, or if need be the easiest way to break it. But it's not like I learned anything. Gramps used to let me take apart anything in the junkyard he didn't need. So I guess maybe that's how I learned? Really I don't know."

"I don't know. Something in the ship breaks, and either I visit a junk dealer, or I scavenge what I need from a ship graveyard."

The scans also show this fact. The technology of at least seven different worlds have been added to the ship.

Slipstream has posed:
"Sounds like to me that you're probably a uh.. machine-path or something. You know, you can talk to machines and they tell you what's wrong with 'em. I'm sure there's a better super power term for it." Drake says as he reclines back in the chair, giving himself a long stretch out. "The Power Glove you have takes me way back though. My dad used to talk about it." He says, then pauses as if that may have been a painful memory. "Either way, it's cool. You're like... Gadget, from the Rescue Rangers. Or Gaige from Borderlands."

Saturn Girl has posed:
As seems to often be the case, the words coming out of Drake's mouth have no meaning for her. Most of them make sense on their own but in a sentence together, they make zero sense. Maybe if she was of a certain planetary birthright, or even this century, she might.

She considers. "Technopath might be a term but not sure. Fascinating." As though Ace is an interesting new species.

"You have a true gift being able to make that ship work. So many different types of tech incorporated. And you come from Earth in this century!" That could be an insult to people of this century or just a compliment to Ace.

"With your abilities working as they do, will you know what you need before seeing it then?"

Ace has posed:
Ace shakes her head, "I need to know what's broke before I know what to fix. But I know at least a half dozen different configurations to accomplish the same thing." She slides on her sunglasses and says, "Yo, Max. send of a damage report of the engine. " From a small pinhole projector on the side of the glasses a 3D hologram of the drive appears.

"Okay... okay... okay. Well that part needed replaced anyway. Okay... okay." Her fingers type in the air and a short list of things is sent to the Legion ship via the comm system. Most of the parts don't seem to actually be engine parts.

Slipstream has posed:
"You know, we could just put a real engine in there." Drake laughs as he rubs the back of his neck, giving her a grin. As he reads the components that have been sent over, he squints. "Duct tape is not a viable tool by the way. Not for everything. I'm calling you MacGuyver. That's your superhero name." He says teasingly. "Oh, Imra. I should show you some episodes of the Mac."

Saturn Girl has posed:
"The Mac? I am guessing you mean this MacGuyver name you are referencing?" Imra asks. She looks at the list as well and stares long and hard. "Drake, there are a few things here I have never heard of. I will leave it to you to help her."

She looks back to Ace and nods her head in the direction of Drake. "We could get you a real engine as suggested. That might be simpler than all of this. Or..." She pauses, eyes narrowing the tinieset bit as she looks at Ace. "Does maintaining it in this manner something that pleases you?"

Ace has posed:
Ace shrugs, "I guess I *could* but then I would have to go through the trouble of revamping every interconnected system to make them all compatible with the new engine. You have to realize that something like 5% of the parts on the ship is things that I've invented to make incompatible technology compatible. It wouldn't be worth the trouble." At the mention of duct tape she adds, "Hey, duct tape is magic and should be worshipped."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, the Mac. He was awesome. He could fix anything and everything and always got himself out of trouble." Drake says to Imra with a wide grin. "Tonight you and I can snag some popcorn and watch it in the rec room together."

"So, you gonna sleep on your ship then for the time being or do you want to crash in one of our bunks? I did hear your computer say that life support is on but your engine is DOA. I'd hate for you to get attacked while being a sitting duck in orbit."

Saturn Girl has posed:
"You are welcome to stay here," Imra confirms the invitation made by Drake. "It may be more comfortable. Then tomorrow, Drake can work with you to obtain things you need."

She looks over at Drake, thinking a moment. "Tonight would be fine. But after ten." Why after ten? She's not telling.

Ace has posed:
Ace shrugs, "Sure. I guess I can crash here. I managed to download a few files off the gian robot, and I want to look at the code more in depth, so at least I'll have some light reading before I crash. I'm beat. Nearly getting squished by an ancient robot really takes it out of you."

Slipstream has posed:
"You know Imra, if you want a rose that bad.." Drake trails off teasingly as he practically skips down the hall. "Come on, I'll show you to your room, Ace. I'll stick you in the girl's wing. That way you won't have to hear Brin snore."