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Latest revision as of 18:59, 12 April 2020

Easter at the Museum
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: American Museum Nat. His.
Synopsis: An Easter trip to the museum has much weirdness
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Morgana le Fay, Berri Sundae, Dagger, Flex

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It is a pleasant day in New Yor City. The sun is shining, it is reasonably warm but not to the point of being HOT. And it is perfect picnic weather. Coupled with some people chosing to partake in the activity without changing out of their Sunday finest, it is a modern day depiction of a Seraut painting.

While the park is taking on the role of art this late morning, the American Museum of Natural History focuses on the more scientific side. One could argue it is an art of its own but does it matter?

Nick, taking advantage of the extra day off before he has to go back to filiming has opted to swing by the museum after church. Just like with the shelter earlier this week, the visit is on a whim. Unlike with the shelter earlier this week, he is cleaned up a bit nicer. Sunday attire will do that. Instead of the worn clothes he is wearing dress clothes. And as an added bonus, they are actually NEW dress clothes. An EASTER sunday will do that.

Museum button on his collar, he stands in the main lobby area, debating about where to go first. A bit of human culture? Or check out the mammal exhibit? Hmm. Okay.

His body turns, moving him towards the human culture exhibit.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
It's not all fun and games for Morgana being older than everyone here. Or at least the exhibits. She's holed herself away in the human culture section and is wearing her usual dark robes and...no crown today. No, no crown. After the fiasco in the Mjolnir club....Morgana's left that at home. She's still the same as ever though. to destroy your enemy, you must know them

That's her reason for being here, studying her most hated enemy. Humans. See. Morgana wants revenge on the human world. But she needs all the information she can get her hands on. Plus she's feeling the draw of magic. Which isn't exactly a good thing, really given how Morgana is a magic beacon to anyone even remotely magical and her clothes are, well, her clothes are right out of Arthurian times.

Berri Sundae has posed:
The sun was out, it was picnic weather, things were generally pleasent...but that didn't really mean that a seeing someone with a parasol was particularly normal these days. Of course, 'normal' wasn't really what someone would think of when they spotted the icecream-colored attire of the young woman carrying it.

Two-toned eyes sweep over the crowd, passers by and their many thoughts brushing against the telepath's senses while she made her way towards the museum. She didn't have work at the moment, no masterminds, supervillains and such offering the girl employment for her skills. What did a freelance 'henchwoman' do on her day off? Apparently for this mutant, the answer was going for a walk!

Perhaps it was about as normal as she got!

Dagger has posed:
It's Easter and Dagger was feeling a bit suffocated in the church today. Cloak was being his usual huffy self, and after feeding him a good deal of light to tide him over, she decided to get outside and find some fresh air.

Having headed to the museum to sneak in a use of the bathroom and wash her face and nip some brunch from a food cat, she is now wandering about with a curious look on her face. She's dressed in a NYU sweater, a pair of jeans and some worn sneakers. There is a gold cross that hangs from her neck to about mid-chest as well.

Upon spying Nick in the lobby, she recognizes him from the other night. She and her partner saved him from a kidnapping. Could he still be a target? Her brows lift upwards as she turns and follows after him on silent, but quick footsteps until she comes up along his side. She slips a pair of shades on over her blue eyes. "Hey. First time here?" She asks him.

Flex has posed:
After a pleasant breakfast with Karen from Metropolis, Adrian decided to take a walk through the park. He notices the museum and decides to pay it a visit. He can finish shopping later.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick starts to turn towards the human culture wing from the lobby area, his steps falter slightly as he hears a voice right next to him. The bearded but still much better dressed than before man turns his head, looking over to the blonde beside him. He blinks as he recognizes Dagger. "Oh hi! No, not the first time."

He turns his head, looking behind them. "Is your friend here?"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
If Morgana's robes had pockets, her hands would be in them. They don't, so her hands are by her sides. Still she's just lazily walking around the wing and watching everyone. Behind her facade is a deep, burning hate for humans. She wheels around, suddenly searching. There! Somebody's telepathic!

    That's the thought she nudges at the telepath minds with. She's not trying to batter down any defenses. More a knock type of thing. Maybe she needs to telepathically offer cookies or something nice? Not that Morgana and nice go toogether that often.

Dagger has posed:
"No. He's not really a morning person, and we had a late night." Tandy says to Nick as she walks along with him casually. "I'm not following you. This is just a coincidence. I use this place as a shower. It has running water and no one gives me a hard time. So I figured I would see if you were okay."

"Were those people after you specifically?" As she steps around a couple coming from the other direction, her shoulder gently bumps the gentleman, murmuring a soft 'my bad'. A few seconds later, she starts to fish through the wallet she just nabbed from him, trying to find a few dollars.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Steps have Berri drawing closer to the building, perhaps she intended to case the joint...or maybe she truely was just here to look at the exibits. Either way, between the bright pink and brown hair and her attire she probably drew a few curious looks herself. Then again, it was New York, everyone was probably use to a little weird!

As her path takes her past Tandy and Nick, the idle stroll has the short silent girl eavesdropping casually enough with her more tangable sense of hearing...right up until that sudden 'blind' telepathic broadcast actually makes her jump. Another layer of 'odd', but she's left to look around wildly. Other telepaths weren't exactly common after all!

Flex has posed:
Adrian recognizes a common pickpocketing "lay" when he sees one, but pauses. He is not a local lawman...he is not even from this country. He has no authority to arrest. What is the best way to handle this? He thinks and walks over behind Tandy and says softly, "You might drop the wallet, or say you found it and return it. The money probably does not matter much to him, but the other things it it may."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. I can understand. I'm more of a night bird myself." Nick admits, giving a slight nod. "And I can understand coincidences. I seem to have this knack for showing up at the oddest of times."

He shoves his hands into his pockets, starting to walk into the hallway, "Actually had this discussion last night with a friend. I don't think they knew who I was. My being there was more of a fluke. I was just dropping off supplies."

Hearing a murmur, Nick stops to turn, looking to Adrian speaking to Tandy, "Hmm?" His eyes glance down to what is in Tandy's hands, "...crap."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana pauses in her wandering the wing and decides fine, time to try another thought.

You're wearing your pants backwards....she thinks and sends it to, oh, all and sundry in the museum. She's out to cause confusion. Nudging thoughts of crime comes later. Morgana's just getting warmed up with simple things. Still that thought goes, courtesy of one Morgana le Fey, through the humans. Naturally, those with shields won't notice a thing, true...but....but....

Morgana's out to see who she can easily bend to her will, and who is a challenge? She pauses again after walking a few paces to read information, and snorts derisively. "I don't think so" she says finally

Dagger has posed:
"I have no clue who you are." Tandy says with an amused grin to Nick. "Are you supposed to be someone famous? Actor? Singer? Soccer player?" She fishes through a couple of bills, taking out only the smaller ones and leaving behind the larger.

At the sound of Adrian's murmur, she glances over her shoulder and says, "Yeah, the two condoms he has tucked away may be super important to him." As she walks with Nick, she flicks the wallet to the side near a Janitor's trolley in a practiced motion. He'll find it and report it. Maybe. Or steal the rest of the money. That is up for fate to decide.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Trust a pickpocket to recognize another. Berri herself had funded more than one night of sustaining herself on the streets from a lifted wallet...of course. Adrian's arrival has her blinking and stepping back, a light quirk of her lips in amusement punctuated by a 'snap' of her finally closing her parasol. Nick and Tandy's exchange was close, but they may well notice the eerie girl staring at them.

Then there's Morgana and her psychic mischief, enough to finally have the silent woman turning to stare stare at a new subject: Morgana herself.

Flex has posed:
The thought is subtle, but Flex has trained enough with Murmur to recognize a phychic attack. He ignores the pickpocket as he glances around, looking for the source of the intrusive thought. He is not very good at being subtle about searching, so people may notice.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the wallet discarded and nothing REALLY of value taken, there's really no point to continue on the topic Adrian brought up.

"One of those random performer types." Nick supplies in response, pulling out a few loose crumpled bills from his pocket, to press into Tandy's hand, "Most of us try NOT to be recognizable when off the clock."

Nick frowns as he has this sudden thought that his pants might be on backwards. But -being that he had no difficulty putting his hands into his pockets right now, he can state without a doubt that the thought is a ridiculous one. And why would he even think such a thi-


Well, double crap.

He glances around, looking for someone who looks like they are smiling way too much for no good reason.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's been spotted and swishes over to them, moving quicklyand quietly. Adrian's wild searching gives it away, and Morgana's enjoying this too much. Several humans have taken Morgana's thought to heart. Wallets litter the floor, a pickpocket's dream. Oh one thought can do that.t...

Morgana focuses on a couple of college kids by Nick and just smiles to herself. Thought put in their heads....to steal an exhibit. Morgana's making patsies for her schemes...as she looks over to Nick, then the others, then her gaze all but locks onto Nick. She doesn't blink for a good few moments, as if sussing out what he is. She's got a library in Avalon. She's got scraps and bits of info...so....so....great

Dagger has posed:
"Oh. I see. So you're kinda famous? Should I ask for an autograph or something?" Tandy asks as she finds Nick putting more money into her hand. She gives him a wider grin, brows lifting upwards. "Thank you. I'll make sure it goes to good use. I need to get some soap."

With Adrian no longer tailing her, she brushes her hair away from her face, then stuffs her money into her pocket, though as she does, she stares at her pants for a long, confused moment. "That's embarrassing... I put my pants on backwards this morning. Huh.. "

Berri Sundae has posed:
Thus so far? Berri was sort of just left standing in the spectacle. Psionically shielded enough not to be influenced, she almost certainly stood out to Morgana's senses...but she wasn't panicing about pants either. Spotting the teens making for the exibits, there was a tilt of her head, a curious blinking before -finally- she makes her way straight towards Morgana, reaching out with her parasol to -poke- the woman in the side. There was no noise, but the two-tone girl just seems to stare the Avalon native down.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Unless you really want an autograph from me it'd be a waste of your time. I sign so much stuff the autograph wouldn't be worth much." Nick replies honestly, "And your pants are on right. I think we got a telepath nearby planting thoughts."

As Nick glances around, the sight of the uniquely dressed woman staring right over them does take notice. The visual double take, makes him take more notice.

His head cocks to the side once again curiously as he looks right back at Morgana, unapologetic in his stare back.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana watches silently, eyes darting from the parasol to the woman, to Nick then around the room for a second or two. Shee breaks her gaze from Nick to the parasol, shaking her head. "I wouldn't" she says simply. Yes, she's the telepath planting thoughts, though she's got a hunch she knows where the students are headed. Poor college couple wanting a stuffed tiger to show off with...

Morgana's glad she got robes, watching Berri quietly, then flicking her eyes to Nick, Tandy and Adrian in turn. She's got this odd feeling that tiger is gonna turn up on all the social medias...

Flex has posed:
Adrian thinks nothing of the couple walking a different way, until the alarms go off from then trying to uproot the tiger. He frowns at Morgana, but turns his attention to the would-be thieves. He says, "You will probably destroy it easier than you can move it that way. Now I sugget you play nice for the guards who are headed over here...they might not shoot you if you do." Not that the guards actually have guns, but he is trying to get the thieves to stop before they break something.

Dagger has posed:
"A telepath you said?" Tandy said as she squints her eyes at him. "How would you know that?" She grows a bit rigid, eyes glancing about until she follows after Nick's gaze to the funky dressed woman. It seems that she is the source of everyone's attention. She also doesn't look like she is about to expose herself either in public. She gives a quick double check to see that her pants /are/ on correctly, then furrows her brows.

Berri Sundae has posed:
A frown from Berri, she shifts the parasol back to a downward grasp, leaning against it like it were a cane and tilting her head. A threat from the mischief-making Morgana? That earned a slight narrowing of her eyes. There's a glance towards Adrian, a sweep of her gaze towards the guards indeed running towards the teens. Consideration, then a little tilt of her head.

It was a subtle shift, not nearly as outright as Morgana's own magic, instead the psychic tugging made to pull attention of -every last person- she could reach, right towards Morgana.

The center of all the chaos deserved the recognition after all.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Because the same damn thought popped in my head a minute ago." Nick answers, matter of factly.

Morgana's glance to Berri and then back to him causes for Nick to take note of the two-tone haired woman having sussed out the likely troublemaker as well.

As the alarm starts going off elsewhere in the building, he sighs, hands folding together in a slight prayerful motion as he gives the slowest of nods towards Morgana. A token of acknowledgement perhaps?

He starts murmuring under his breath, words not really audible but as he brings his head forward, the tiniest little shock of zolts out from his pointer finger, taking the closest route to his face, popping him in the head. Ouch. DARN these dry rooms.

Hmm. Looks like that really wasn't an acknowledgement. Not sure what that was.

"Hmm. Room's really dry. Static everywhere."

Dagger has posed:
As she hears the alarms going off and people starting to get a bit more crowded and concerned, Tandy gives a glance to Nick. Soon as his attention is turned, she steps back and ducks into the crowd, making her way for the exit and keeping her head down low. She doesn't need the authorities catching sight of her.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana watches them all and her attention is on the alarm, the two poor saps and the stuffed tiger. Morgana's watching them with a neutral expression....and she glances for a moment to Nick, then Berri, Adrian and Dagger. "They're trying to steal a tiger" she says. Like that's not obvious, Morgana, planter of ideas...

Morgana watches Dagger run and shakes her head, wondering if there's a way to silence the alarm. If this wa sAvalon it'd be swords drawn and off to questioning then a dungeon for stealing things. Here?

Complicated human law's a pain in the butt.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Well, at least noone was trying to arrest Berri at the moment, but then for once it wasn't her up to something! Now? It just kinda felt...like a moment spoilt. Perhaps she was simply curious to see how all this would go down, so rare is it that she encountered someone else making use of illusions and mental manipulation after all.

No words from the girl, she hadn't spoken even once as she reaches up to smooth one bright pink lock out of her face and behind her ear, then she's left glancing towards Nick. She hadn't read his thoughts beyond the surface but...well, he seemed to be paying attention!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"They're just kids." Nick replies back, matter of factly. Lowering his hands, not at all concerned about the stuffed tiger. The musician may not be a telepath, but he sure as hell can counteract audibly and with body language. "It's bolted to the floor. They won't get away with it. They probably look like idiots trying. Don't worry."

He's not sure if casting Raphael's flask on himself will do anything against any further attempts to plant thoughts. But eh, if it works against forced nightmares, it was worth a shot.

Flex has posed:
Flex says to the guard, "These two were trying to steal this exhibit. I suspect they are being influenced in some way, perhaps a post-hypnotinc suggestion." He does not want to give anyone the impression that a Mutant might be behind it. He shows the guard his Department H ID so that the guard will know he is one of the good guys (assuming he trusts Canadians).

Things seem to be reasonably under control with the stuffed cat, so Flex starts heading towards the one that others seem to have identified as the source of trouble.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Sometimes, Morgana doesn't need to interfere any more. No. She's just transfixed by how detrmined these two students are. Both are in the exhibit. One of them's remonstrating with a guard or something, by the hand waving and body language Morgana's guessing it's vital they take the tiger home. The other college kid? Well he's got a claw through the bottom part of the ankle of his jeans. If anyone were to lift the tiger up....he'd have a very interesting view of the museum, and pull some Cirque do Soleil act too.

Though she can't hear the words, a radio's lifted up. Morgana's watching as from somewhere, somebody important comes past them and heads for the stuffed big cat. Morgana watches more people come out with wrenches. Are they. No. No way they're going to...no. No way they're gonna let the two kids have the tiger? Okay. Let is the wrong word given what Morgana's done...but...

The process to free the tiger begins slowly, carefully with wrenches turning and bolts coming undone. That's when the tiger gets lifted.

As the big cat's raised up, paws drop (thanks gravity) and the college kid who had his leg caught begins to put on his own Cirque performance. Just for everyone watching, swaying and spinning and twisting from the tiger's paw. Alright so he's got a hand gripping the paw but Morgana's not docking him style points yet. See, the kid's five foot something, got a good foot and a bit clearance to the ground, and the tiger's being carried by museum workers over to where Morgana, Nick and company are.

Today's a weird Sunday, Morgana decides. It must be something in the water in this city...but hey, the tiger's pretty, like her. The college kids got their cat. And everyone else is getting an acrobatics lesson

Berri Sundae has posed:
A little shift, a faint change. Something was...different. Well, at least for some anyway! Those with suitable mental shields might well notice it, push back against the illusion that crosses the senses: Berri couldn't turn herself invisible, but she could make herself 'unnoticed'! Quite the feet for someone in such a striking appearance.

Spinning on her heel and opening her parasol, Berri's left with the choice of practicality: She'd best get out of here, before things got a little more difficult. She still needed another job after all!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the tiger is brought over to where Morgana, Nick, and now Adrian are located. The musician blinks, looking to the tiger, the museum workers, and then to the dangling student. "...You just like making things weird, don't you?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian simply watches for now. Nothing he can do legally, telepathy is a tough thing to prove. There is a reason some criminals are never arrested...kknowig guild and psoving it are two different things.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"Not my doing" Morgana says. Half truth...no quarter truth if that. She'd started all this. Now she watches the tiger be moved and steps back watching Nick. "If I wanted to make things weird .." she mutters trailing off, her eyes flicking from the tiger, to the two others, then the student. Then the workers. Morgana knows exactly what she's doing. Sure, it's stealint a tiger from the museum, but Morgana wasn't involved. It was the college kids. And given the museum let them have the tiger....is it really thef?

Morgana looks over to Nick. "If things were weird, all the exhibits would come to life. Like...what's that movie. Night in the Museum or something?" she asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician looks right over into Morgana's eyes, them being the same height granting him the ability without having to look up and down. "Don't."

Nick shakes his head. "If you can do that, please. Just don't."