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Wonder Who: Wonder Woman Rescue
Date of Scene: 04 June 2020
Location: Magical Island in the Pacific Ocean
Synopsis: The heroes rally and go to save Diana from her island prison!
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Superman, Slipstream, Zero-G, Thor, Willow Rosenberg, White Fox
Tinyplot: Wonder Who

Wonder Woman has posed:
Some gods are jerks.

Anyone familiar with most mythologies would agree about that fact. Certainly not all of them. There were many benevolent and helpful gods. Even some of the jerks could help mankind when they chose to. But they could also do things for random reasons that made no sense to anyone other than themselves. This was one such situation.

Thanks to a Legionnaire with too much time on his hands and super speed with a short attention span, there had been a major discovery. During this time frame on Earth, Wonder Woman was rescued from captivity. Only thing was, Wonder Woman was on Earth and doing good deeds. So how could she be captive? Investigation led to learning that the Diana everyone had been dealing with was a fake! She even was willing to share information about where the real Diana was located. Diana had been taken captive by Susanoo, as a joke. Only the joke had gone on far longer than originally intended due to unforseen circumstances in the Japanese pantheon the year before. Word went out, heroes were rallied and the rescue attempt commenced.

The location that the heroes are approaching is a small island, perhaps two kilometers in diameter. It was tropical, filled with lush vegetation in the interior. There was one beach of black sand, the rest of the isle's perimeter rocky cliffs. One way in. One way out.

As they made their approach, it was as though the elements were against them. Storms raged, hurricane force winds. The waves of the ocean slammed against the isle as though angry. The weather didn't show on radar. It simply was, about a kilometer out from the island itself.

Superman has posed:
This had gone on for far too long, right under his nose. Superman frowns as he was heading to rescue his friend, and was tearing himself up inside because he had been too tied up with his own problems to know that Diana, Wonder Woman, was in trouble and had been replaced by a dopplegangerr. All of this inner monolgue was easily noticeable as the emotions he was feeling inside were reflected on his face on the outside.

When they had taken down this doppleganger of Diana, and used Green Lantern's sciencells on the Watchtower to hold her captive, Superman had know this time would come. Hopefully the allies that they had grabbed, from the Legion and others, were enough to rescue her.

"It will have to be enough. We will not fail." Well, that had slipped out. Inner voice, now outer voice. Steeling himself for what was to come, Superman hits the first turbulence and hurricane force winds buffeted him and the "Temp Justice League". That almost made him smile.

"Push through it everyone! We can get there! This is all a trick!"

Slipstream has posed:
Someone put Drake in charge of flying the Legion cruiser. Huge joke, right? Well, when you're a video game superstar, learning how to use a futuristic flight simulator is easy peasy. As he guides the spaceship from the 31st century through Earth's atmosphere, they hit the storms with a rocking back and forth.

"Computer, compensate for the turbulence and enact defensive counter measures."

The force field erects about the ship in a shimmering blur, looking to deflect lightning away from the hull. Just in case this wasn't an illusion, at least they're prepared.

"Computer, prepare to dock a few miles above the island and prepare the teleporter! Ahem. This is your Captain speaking. Captain SlipStream. We are about to teleport down to Danger Island. Know that here on Legion-Air, we ensure that you will have ALL of your guts put back into place proper soon as you touch land. Seacrest, out!"

He punches a button on the deck, then hops to his feet. "Yo, G-Force! Let's go mah'dude. Time to be full fledged Justice League members." He throws his hand up, looking for a high-five.

Zero-G has posed:
    Fortunately for Drake (and the Legion members not present), Zero-G has a fair share of experience inside the cockpit of a space cruiser. It's nothing compared to 31st-century technology, but in some ways, it's more user-friendly and adaptable than Friday ever was. So Alex makes for an alright co-pilot.

    "Danger Island? Bad name. We'll work on it or ask the locals," Gee decides, rising to his feet and turning to follow Drake. The gesture of camaraderie is returned, but there's a focus in Alex's eyes. "Let's try to get the ship back in one piece."

Thor has posed:
What happens when the Norse Pantheon and the Japanese Pantheon have a fight about storms?

A mess, that's what.

The god of Thunder, being carried along by Mjolnir...notices that this sort of storm is giving his allies a bad time. Let's just see if he can do something about that.

Yes, he can definitely feel the divine hand of another pantheon at work here...but that doesn't mean he can't knock that hand down.

Mjolnir channels the Storm God's power, and he directs his power directly at the storm. A match of god vs. god...even if Thor wins eventually, it's not exactly easy to take one of his peers on. Still, as he tries to take the storm on, he hopes to at least make it easier for others to fly through. The King of Asgard will force the storm to yield!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
llow was watching, "Eeks?" She holds her breath, and hopes. Everyone counted on everybody working together. And her? She hopes there might not be magic..

White Fox has posed:
If there's one thing that White Fox seems to be good at is being called in the last moment. Becasue, nobody expects the spanish inquisition? Well, in this case, it would be better said, nobody expects the Korean NIS. Or that they actually have a superhuman department that is not only armed with state funded superheroes, but also provided them team training. So when she had appeared at the launch with the others, she had brought some basic equipment for everybody... because she knew not all were organized teamplayers, and even before the launch, she had handed out small packages. Each just the size of a cigarette box with a communicator, a couple flares and an earbud inside.

Now, one hand on a railing she was attempting a quick briefing to those in the shuttle. "Make sure to put the bud in to stay in contact. Otherwise, let's try a recap of the enemy. Susanoo-no-Mikoto is a Kami, a literal god of japan. His specialities are storm and the sea, but he's also linked to harvest, war and love. He's best known for pissing of his sister Amaterasu-no-mikoto so she cast darkness over Japan once. Those two and Tsukiyomi are like the triumvirate of the Amatsu-Kami, so expect the worst when facing him directly. So let's hope he's preoccupied with cleaning up whatever he and his siblings had running last year."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The storm is the work of a god and the power there is great. However, there is no hand guiding it. It was set in place as a measure and then it was left along. Much as the false Diana had been. The god Susanoo does not seem to be actively battling Thor so, though it takes some work, the storm is lessened allowing a smoother flight in for the Cruiser. Once the Cruiser is in place above the island, there seems to be nothing keepingthem from teleporting down.

No matter where the teleporter was going to place them, they ended up on the single beach. Once on the beach, the bad weather is gone. It simply ceases to exist where the water meets the land. Mere inches away at the water, the fury of nature continues but the island is peaceful with perfect sunshine. The wind blows a balmy breeze, coming from the ocean. So very at odds to the angry waves and driving rain behind them. It should not be possible with the storm raging above and around, yet there they are.

There are no animal sounds. Nothing outside the wind and rustle of the air through the vegetation before them. There is a single foot path, the grass and plants trampled as though this path had been used quite often. Yet there was not a single print, human or animal. About 50 meters in, the trail twisted to the right, giving them no hint what they might be walking toward.

Then there is the first noise that is not related to the wind and flora. The snort of a pig. Followed by a high pitched squeal, like those of piglets. A moment later, a dozen baby pigs come charging up the path toward the heroes. Each has a single ear and casts no shadow. All in all, it does not seem like much of a physical threat so there must be more to it.

Superman has posed:
Superman was flying point outside the Legion Cruiser...just in case. Before this mission, he had to fly to his Fortress of Solitude to grab his old Legion Flight Ring and telepathic ear plugs in order to stay in touch with the members of the Legion, and the team they were deploying. It was nice having Ami, Drake, Willow, and Alex there. They all made a great team.

While flying through the mess, Superman taps his earpiece, and says, "Thanks White Fox. Copy." A pause. "I hope you can fly through this Slipstream. Keep those people safe back there, and I'll run interference. I'm counting on you!

Looking over at Thor, Superman nods to him, letting the rain and weather wash over his face and around him. As the storm dissipates and ends, Superman guesses who did it and smiles. "Glad to have you aboard Thor! Thank you!" Pointing to the beach, his next words were simple. "How about we land there?"

Landing on the beach, Superman was surprised that nothing had happened yet...enter, the pigs. "Heads up. This is not what it seems. Pigs."

Slipstream has posed:
"We're legit." Drake says through the comms as he taps his earpiece. "We'll be touching down in a minute, Superman."

"Come on peeps. Let's go turn ourselves into tiny molecules and pray that I read the instruction manual correctly." He tips a wink over at Alex, then attaches his flight ring, ensures his medical braclet is secure and functional, then straps Snowball on to his back. "You ready girl?" "DOOT DA DOO!"

Tapping along the control panel, he ushers Willow, Ami and Alex into the teleporter, then taps the big red button. "Engage!" He invokes Picard as he steps in next to Alex.

There is a shimmering light that wraps about them, followed by a gut wrenching 'tug', then poof! They appear on the island. Tapping Snowball on the head to undock her, he says, "Snowball, eyes in the sky. Give me a three-sixty sitrep. Anyone else hear piggies?"

Zero-G has posed:
    Touching down on the island, Zero-G pauses and looks around. "Wow...this place is beautiful," He takes a moment to appreciate the island even knowing its sinister roots. He turns abruptly, watching the piglets 'charge' them. "Huh. Hey, little guys."

    Cautious but also a little bit amused, Alex crouches down and examines them.

Thor has posed:
Pigs? The Japanese Pantheon is sending small swine at them? This does not seem...well, out on seeming! When did seeming ever lead to truth. Satisfied with his victory over the storm, it still bothers him the Diana he'd spent so much time with was not the genuine article. How could he have missed that so long? Did Odin know before he fell? It's all very bothersome.

Wait a minute..."I...do not like the look of those..." Hammer in his hand, he is prepared to smash them if they get too close. Otherwise, he will let them pass.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Thanks!" Willow thanks Drake. Looking around, Willow checks in magically. Just to be certain.

Enter the pigs! Who needs magic when you have pigs to patrol! "Uhm.." She looks around her, expecting to find those pigs on all sides.

White Fox has posed:
Landing on the ground, White Fox instantly scans around, darting backwards at the sight of the spirits. "I'm not the best with what these are, but rule of thumb is the cuter they are, the more you should stay away from them. Keep your distance!" she advised while she glanced around, whipping out an electric baton that's usually used for crowd control. "The goofy ones are the worst. I much prefer Oni, they are just dumb brutes."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As the dozen piglets run at the group of heroes, they don't seem intent on attacking. There is much snorting and squealing but they are more running around. In fact, they will run at the various heroes, trying to dart between their legs in a comical fashion. The fact they are so set on that particular thing is likely a warning to those around.

Willow's quest for magic will pinge heavily for the whole island, especially on those piglets. They are some form of ghost spirit, though they have form and substance. There is a darkness around their auras that will draw a soul into them should they manage to get between legs.

They will not approach, despite Alex trying to coax them close enough to do so. They prefer when the person is upright so they can try their tactics. While they seem cute, they are deadly and dangerous without being a physical threat. The can easily be smited using physical force or can be avoided. After a few minutes, they will lose interest and move onwards allowing the heroes to start into the forest.

There is a gust of wind and something flits across the path they will be traveling. It seems to be a large bolt of white cloth, just dancing on the wind. Then it is gone but a second piece floats along further down the path before disappearing into the trees again.

Superman has posed:
"I agree Thor. I do not like the look of them either..." Using his super speed, Superman makes sure to avoid them from ruinning between his legs, but he also makes sure they don't target the more vulnerable members of the team. He knows Thor can take care of himself. "Make sure they don't get to the rest of the team."

Superman's eyes begin to glow red, but he feels awful at having to incinerate animals, no matter if they were supernatural or not. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to but if any got close to the team, he would unleash his heat vision.

Distracted, Superman was worried more for the team, and doesn't notice the white cloth dancing on the wind.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Uhm, hello! Those piglets aren't alive. I don't know *what* they are, but something will happen *if* you let around around your legs. Likely between them." Willow tries to get her warning out. "That's all I've got."

Thor has posed:
Not alive? More's the pity, Roasted Boar is enjoyed often on Asgard. But these aren't big enough to provide a proper boar feast. Still, since they present a danger, Thor unleashes Mjolnir on the piglets, and the hammer flies into pig after pig. He won't get all of them, but upon hearing their objective, he drops to a close legged crouch, leaving no space for them to run through. Mjolnir moves just fine whether he stands up straight or not.

Slipstream has posed:
"Up and at 'em, Alex! You don't want to snuggle one of these." Drake says as he blurs up next to his friend's side, snagging him by the hand to tug him to his feet. "While Thor turms them into baconjelly, we should get a move on. Keep close guys."

Snowball gives a loud 'doot!' as it seems that she caught the white cloth flittering through the air, looking to draw their attention. "This way!" He calls out as he starts off, blurring forward in quick blue jaunts as he evades the pigs by ensuring he doesn't jump over them. If any gets close, they most likely will be super-sonic kicked to the side.

White Fox has posed:
Ami Han fights the piglets only when they come too close, but she also just happens to growl at them, possibly in a way they well understand. <Go away or I have a feast of piglet soul...> With an undertone of Fox. But while they also seem to lose interest, it's theballs of white that seem to make her actually worried. "Hey, don't just desert the path!"

Zero-G has posed:
    "Right," Is all Alex says before taking air, carried by minute patterns of black particles over his legs and arms. "I'll scout ahea-" But Drake breaks before he can fully finish that thought, faster than his trained eye can see.

    Still, he follows. Drake might have speed on him, but he can cover distance over great heights, and hopefully look out for tricks like demonic piggies.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once they have moved down the path, the cloths appear more often. They simply flit along but there is not enough wind to carry them. Magic or something else at work. They do not approach the heroes.

Turning the bend in the path, they will come upon a Japanese woman sitting in a clearing. She is standing in the center, dressed in a traditional style kimono in black and silver with a red obi at the waist. She has a swaddled bundle in her arms that she is rocking, cooing to the babe within then humming a soft lullaby. Hearing the heroes approach, she raises her head to focus on them as the humming stops abruptly.

To say she is beautiful is an understatement. She is dazzling, perfect. The sort of woman that appeals to every man who might find a woman attractive, thanks to the magic that enhances her aspect. Even if the man normally prefers blondes, there is something about this woman that is enchanting.

She frowns darkly at their number, focusing specically on Willow and Ami Han for long moments. Then she moves toward the group, at a slow pace as the kimono restricts her stride. When she starts to get close, she holds out the bundle toward Alex. In Japanese she asks, "Please, will you hold my baby." Even if he does not understand, it is obvious what she is asking. She suddenly lets go of the bundle, forcing him to catch it. He manages to do so. Only when he looks inside, it is some sort of sac.

Suddenly the sac explodes, covering him in thousands of small spiders. He goes down under the swarm.

At that exact moment, the beautiful woman suddenly transforms, her body ripping the lower portion of the kimono apart as she swells to about fifteen feet in height. Her lower body is that of a spider with the beautiful woman's torso and head where the head of the arachnid would normally be. She shrieks before moving to attack the heroes.

Superman has posed:
Turning away from Thor's "hammer carnage" and lettin g the glow in his eyes fade, Superman turns towards where everyone was looking. Magic. Shivering slightly, Superman regards the view with a frown. Blinking at the woman's beauty, Superman finds himself enthralled by the magic. His invulnerability certainly didn't extend to that aspect of the universe.

As the whole situation unfolds, Superman finds himself taking a step forward, to speak to the woman...and then all hell breaks loose. As it was, Superman was completely caught off guard, seduced, and taken in by the spell the woman weaved. As it was, he was the first one to be attacked. Always had to be the one out front. The only words that escaped his lips before it all happens was, "Watch out!"

Slipstream has posed:
As he zips to a stop, Drake finds himself staring at the woman, his jaw becoming slack and hanging. ".. Wow." He breathes out, feeling his heart pound faster, his blood rushing through his body. ".. I call dibs.." He trails off, giving a glance over to Alex. When she lobs the basket over to him, he blinks once. "Baby? Wait, she's a milf? I dunno, that's a deal brea-- ALEX?!"

The voice which rips out of his throat is one of fear as he watches his best friend topple down, covered by spiders. When the woman starts to shift, his eyes widen and he takes a step backwards. "S.. Snowball! SNOWBALL!" He screams out. "Ice Storm!"

DOOT-DA-DOO! The small, floating robot zips into view, her eyes glowing brightly as ice and air swirls around her in a bright blue glow. It only takes a few seconds before she launches her ultimate attack at the creature, looking to coat her in ice.

As he pushes off his heel, he blurs towards his best friend, his face filled with concern, fear. He's not just a teammate. He's his brother. Pulling his hand back through the air, he feels the air around him explode as he gathers up enough kinetic energy. With a loud scream, he throws his fist forward in a hard punch, striking the air and looking to send a hard wave of speed-fueled sound crashing into the spider mob, looking to free him.

Thor has posed:
First, there was a beautiful maiden. Something seemed odd, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But...ah, there it goes. One of those shapeshifting monsters. His brother used to pull tricks like that on him all the time.

"You're big. I've fought bigger." Twirling Mjolnir, Thor rushes in to engage in melee combat, and swings the hammer in a powerful upward swing. If he connects solidly, even a creature that size could be flung into the air. A spider creature, of all things. They weren't usually seen around the realms of Yggdrasil.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow eeks, then putting a ward around her, begins to cast. The woman *was* gorgeous, until she revealed as a spider. Thankfully, she has a spell against that.. and if *that* didn't do it, she has one more thing: force lightning. She began to cast a ward. Try that first!

White Fox has posed:
White Fox was about to warn them of the woman possibly being one of the many many monsters that he had tried o war about, but then it already turned out to be a Kumo. Because what else? This was like... 'It wants to eat you island'. She dashes forward to engage together with Thor's hammer, the baton engulfed in electric sparcs as she swings it. "I said´, careful!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
As the Joro-Gumo engaged them in battle, she used her limbs to try to foil their movements. Webs were fired at Superman, an attempt to wrap him up so that she could move in for a bite! Only her movements were physically slowed thanks to the ice attack from Snowball. It didn't stop her but it did keep her from moving at her usual full speed.

Another web was fired toward the two women because, if not for them, she might have been able to get her meal without a fight! The ward snaps into place around Willow just in time, the webbing slamming into the ward with a wet slap sound but unable to reach her.

Then there was electricity arcing through the beast as Ami Han struck one of her legs, getting a shriek of pain and rage from the monster.

That shriek was cut short as Mjolnir hit. The spider went head over tail, flying about twenty feet and landing in a heap. She yelled in Japanese. "ATTACK!"

All Hell broke loose, to use the American phrase.

Monsters charged from the woods into the clearing. The Tsuchigumo were about the size of the spider-woman they faced. They were a mix of animal parts: Body of a tiger, the eight limbs of a spider and the face of a Japanese demon. They were strong and angry as they charged to help their mistress in battle.

Drake's explosion of power sent the tiny spiders flying away from the body of his friend, Alex. The young man had been bitten many times, small red bites on his skin where he had been poisoned. He was alive though and would remain so, once they got him to safety and injected some anti venom into his system to combat the bites. They would take time to work but he would be miserable until then, if he had been conscious.

As if that wasn't enough, those odd floating bolts of fabric began to swoop into the field of battle. If they managed to, they would wrap around the throat of a hero to try to choke them, or surround their head to smother them.

Chaos to say the least. There were small tremors of the earth from time to time. Something big was out there still, something they had not seen yet.

Superman has posed:
Hesitation is what Superman feels causes this mess. Superman looks over at what happens to Alex and then Drake, and frowns. Wincing at Drake's response, Superman covers his face to prevent injury, but the aim was at the spider "mob".

Superman looks over at Willow for a quick second as well, hears her chant, and nods. She always could take care of herself. That was why he trusted her to be a large part of the Justice League Dark! Whispering, "Glad you are here, Willow." Superman turns. White Fox was also okay. Phew.

Now it was time to play the game like dark "Gods" and demons would play it. Bring everything to bare. Looking at the former beautiful woman, Superman inhales...aims to avoid Thor and his noble charge as well as White Fox, and then exhales with his super breath, hoping to freeze the woman or goddess or whatever she was, in place with his super breath!

What happened next though was not what Superman intended. The freeze breath freezes the incoming webs, stopping that scheme, but did not hit the spider woman!"Here they come!" Was all that Superman could get out, as the monsters charged at them. He already had his hands full as the Tsuchigumo attack! Using his super speed, he holds back from full power, only trying to knock the attackers on him, unconscious!

Slipstream has posed:
As he scrambles to Alex's side, Drake looks him over, trying to shake him awake. "Alex? A.. Alex.. Come on man.." His voice cracks as he reaches for his arm. He fumbles for Alex's Legionnaire communicator bracelet, then pushes the emergency 'jump' button to teleport him back. "Imra! Alex is on his way back, he's hurt!"

As the body of his best friend ripples away from the battlefield, he brushes his fist against his eyes, wiping a smear of tears along his cheek. Whipping his head back towards the fray, his hands squeeze into tight fists, causing his knuckles to bleed white. There's a loud snuff from the youngest hero on the battlefield, then he's off with a blur.

With a lash of blue light, he appears in mid air, coming down upon one of the spider creatures from behind. He grabs it by the head, then blinks once more. There is the sickening sound of ripping as the head is tore clean off, causing the body to topple forward with a thud.

Another blink. Another blink. Another blink. He moves with aggressive speed, tearing through fabric creatures as he shreds them in half at sonic speeds. He's runnong on pure adrenaline and emotion now, his senses wide open. Rage. Angry. Hot. Rage.

Thor has posed:
Thor is awash in the joy of battle, and better, he can actually hit these things as hard as they deserve to be hit. Well, no time like the present. He could always restrain the spider woman by leaving his hammer on top of her, but...better to simply deal with it, when they're in a mythological place like this, even if it's not Yggdrasil.

"That's it? No more?" He sounds disappinted before taking out as the as the spider did battle. Thor's Hammer came crashing down from above, aiming to hit her rather hard indeed..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
All right, the gloves are off!

Willow glows, positively glows. Her hands begin to crackle, and when she has enough stored up, she lets them go! For a wee little girl like Willow, she can pack a punch when she wants to. Thankfully, usually she doesn't! But for now? She does.

Wonder Woman has posed:
There are small battles raging everywhere. Superman is set upon by several of the Tsuchigumo but they are finding him a tougher foe than they expected. They fling themselves at him, trying to take him out by sheer numbers only to be flung aside, like a child with a toy they found displeasing.

Slipstream is tearing a swath through the foes. Literally. As he rips through some of the cloth spirits, they fall to the ground in several pieces after his high speed passage, just white strips fluttering to the ground. The monster is beheaded, leaving it falling to the ground as silver blood, looking like mercury, leaks from the gaping wound into the soil. Then another. And another. His rage is a living thing as he flits about the field.

Thor battles the spiderwoman though it is not much of a battle. She is no match for his strength, even without adding a hammer that can rend through most things. It doesn't take long for him to beat her back and she falls unconscious in a heap on the ground.

Willow has tapped into primal forces. The lightning from her fingertips is not natural, not born of a storm. This is magic at its base form and she uses it expertly. It rips through the monsters that were approaching her, sending them falling one by one around her as the lightning effect jumps from one to two to four until she is surrounded by fallen bodies.

Ami Han did her part as well, adding to the bitter defeat for the monsters and leading to the battle falling quiet around them. Nothing but the sounds of the heroes for long moments.

That quiet rumble came again. Closer. Longer. The earth shifted with a ripple of contact from something heavy. Another. Each step of whatever it was. Then it appeared, above the trees. A giant skeleton that had to be 100 feet tall. It took a step, a foot landing in the clearing and crushing trees. Then it staggered and the cause of that was visible.

Wonder Woman was there, flying through the air as she punched the giant skeletal entity again. It staggered once more. Then she flew through it, a boom of noise marking her passage, as the skeleton exploded into a thousand pieces to rain down around the heroes and add to the mess on the battlefield.

A moment later, Diana landed, a huge smile on her face. "Great Hera, I wasn't expecting to see you! This is a change for each round I have battled. From what I am seeing, you must be real and not constructs. Only, with your arrival, you will be trapped here too. There is a spell on the island that will not allow us to leave here. It will cycle us back to the start of the trials then repeat itself over and over."

Slipstream has posed:
As the last monster falls, Drake, Slipstream, finally slows. He stumbles a few steps, his face wracked with emotion as his hands tremble visibly. He is covered in splatters of silver blood, his knuckles ruined and bloody as he curls his fingers in and out, staring down at them. The bracelet on his left arm, the one that monitors his health levels is screaming at him in a high pitched noise, glowing orange in warning that any more outbursts and he may be torn apart on a molecular level.

He gives another loud snuff, blinking his eyes a few times before he glances over his shoulder at the siege he laid upon the creatures. For the first time in his life, this wasn't a heroic battle of good versus evil. This was the cork being popped from the bottle. The spark that ignites the fuse. The explosion of Dynamite.

Wiping at his face, he smears blood along his cheek and jawline, then turns around to watch Wonder Woman make her glorious, amazing entrance. A look of relief falls over his face, finally, as it seems that the object of their mission has been found. His mouth works, but only a raspy sound comes out of it, his throat tight and choked.

Thor has posed:
Thor...isn't buying that at all. "...Such spells are only as strong as the caster. Unless Susanoo is actively opposing the Bifrost, he won't be able to hold us here, loop or no loop." Holding mortals here might be one thing. Holding the King of Asgard? That's a whole other thing.

"Heimdall!" And from there, well, Heimdall will try to send the Bifrost...and it should either arrive on the island, or Susanoo will have to reveal himself to do battle to try to stop the Bifrost. Thor is fine with either option.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That's when Willow speaks up, "I might be able to help you. But you have to go fast!" She remembers they narrowed two distances, too nearly nothing. Just how hard really be, especially when the points are all on earth? "I can make it, but you will have to go, immediately!"
Herkay, she hasn't is confident as she says, but she hides it.

"Go! Hurry!" And she opens the door to a portal.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The young witch has more power than she realizes. She is able to open that portal, though not quite to the level she may have planned. Her bending of space opens a passage to the ship that still floats above the island. It allows for everyone to step through to the safety of the craft, including Willow herself.

Yet outside, there is still something there. Something barring their full departure.

The force of the bifrost is met with force. There is a moment of resistance then the barrier falls completely and the way is open for the ship to exit the area via bifrost.