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Latest revision as of 04:57, 9 August 2020

Backyard BBQ
Date of Scene: 05 August 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Some Xavier students gather in the backyard to relax.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Nightingale, Faraday, Shadowcat, Red, SpyderByte

Pixie has posed:
It's a warm sunny summer day, and only a few weeks left before the students head back to school. Which makes it a perfect day for a backyard barbeque, complete with hot dogs with all the toppings, cold pop drinks, oh, and nice cold ice cream! Oh yeah, there's music playing too, cheerful dance music for the kids to dance and play to, when they're not busy eating food.

Megan of course, manages to eat and dance and sing and be her usual hyper self, because she can never sit still long enough to do just one of the above.

Nightingale has posed:
     Good food, good friends, fine weather, and good times to be had. What was not to like? Shannon's all but bouncing around as she heads into the backyard, in her black bandeau bikini, with a hot pink batik fringed sarong wrapped around her waist. She's barefoot for once, and thankfully, she is out of the sling that has been on her left arm for the past few days, but has been put on light duty for another day or so. She's moving her arm slowly back and forth at the elbow, gently working the muscle back in, and smiling. Her gifts may have their trials, but it had been worth it!

     The smell of meat grilling draws her like a moth to a flame, and she makes a beeline for the edibles. "That... smells... divine!"

Faraday has posed:
Already out and about is the newest student, Indira, who at present is over in the basketball courts. She's jogging back and forth between the nets, tossing free throws from various points on the court like a one-woman game. She's got on simple, knee-length athletic pants in black and a cropped black shirt with neon yellow banding at the openings.

As the smell of cooking finally ends up too much to ignore, she sets the ball down courtside and approaches the spread. "Geez, you guys keep busy around here. Someone's cooking, or throwing a get together. My social calendar's gonna be busier than my academic one."

Shadowcat has posed:
Sniff, sniff sniff sniff. Kitty's lured out of her office by food. Even if she can't eat most of it at first sniff without inspecting it, she's still coming out o fher office, Kitty's speed walking to the grill, or toward it.

"'Scuse me, coming through, Kitty on the hunt for food?B?" she jokes, and slinkks out of the mansion and stops dead in the back yard. Okay.

All her friends andd family are here. Good! She makes a loping jog for the grill and pulls up short.

"Hey, anything good on there?" she e asks. Or, anything she can eat?

Red has posed:
When Alice makes her way out, she is armed with boots that others might kill for and Hotpants to show those boots off. Others might simply die in boots going up to about three inches of where the shorts end. And no, these boots from faux leather don't have zippers or laces or hooks or any way to open them, besides having been molded to look like snake leather. As if she'd wear a pair of Boa constrictors at her legs.

"Hey there! What's on the grill? Danish Hotdogs?" she offers Shannon and Pixie a quick hug as she passes by them, then giving Kitty a smile. "Don't let her have the cheesy ones or we need to get gas masks!"

Nightingale has posed:
     Hugging Alice back, Shannon chortles. "Actually, it's Lockheed that you need to keep dairy away from. With Kitty, it's a kosher thing, about mixing meat and cheese." Smiling over to the aforementioned guidance counselor, she nods towards the grill. "I'm pretty sure those burgers are okay, nobody's put cheese on top of them yet. Looks like there's some veggies, ketchup, and mustard for fixings."

     For her own part, she snags a burger off the grill, loads it up with cheese, ketchup, and veggies, and ges a fairly large helping of potato salad to boot! "Going to miss this in the winter... I've gotten pretty spoiled." She chuckles, and grins at Indira. "Oh, don't worry, they keep the academic side of things pretty full. But nobody says that and social have to be mutually exclusive!"

SpyderByte has posed:
The backyard doors slide open to reveal Jeremy. Or is it Jeremy? It's definitely Jeremy, but he looks so different. He is wearing khaki cargo shorts and ankle socks. There is a nasty looking scar that is along the back of his left leg as if something sliced through him fairly deep. He wears a long black long sleeved shirt and no hoodie. He takes a moment to peek his head out at the others, then takes in a deep breath.

As he heads outside, he clutches his phone tightly between his trembling hands, blinking behind his thin glasses as his mop of black and brown streaked hair spills over into his face. He lifts a hand up silently for a quick wave, trying his best to not stare at Alice in her hot pants, or Shannon in her bikini. Dumb boy feelings and hot girls are so awkward, even at mutant school. ".. Hi." He rasps out in a single word.

Faraday has posed:
Of all the food present, Indira ultimately grabs some of the lettuce, onion, and tomato from the fixings and a heap of cut fruit. It's a quick run through the assortment to stack a plate, grab a bottle of water from the cooler, and find herself a place to sit. The burger accessories she looks to be crafting into a lettuce wrap.

"Hey if someone wants to wheel a bunch of food into math class, I am down for that. Nothing beats the mid-afternoon slump like a snack cart." This said towards Shannon with a laugh and a waggle of a rolled leaf before she bites off the end. "Oh, yo, Jer!" She greets around pilfered fixins with a bob of her head.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is dressed for the hot summer sun herself, always preferring the thin swingy summery dresses and is wearing a pristine white sleeveless cotton dress adorned in little butterfly embroidery motifs along the edge today.

She giggles at Alice's comment and slows down a bit as she nearly spills ketchup sauce on her clothes. "Meeep!" wings flutter more quickly as she moves to join the others. "Can you believe summer is almost over? I dun wanna go back to school!"

Megan mock-pouts as she reaches for another ice cold ginger ale. Like she needs anymore sugar as it is. She just smirks at Indira and nods, "Heh, do ya think anyone would even notice? Wait, did you opt to take summer classes?"

And then Jeremy steps out. In shorts, and no hoodie. And scars. Her eyes widen in surprise, and curiosity and concern. "Uh, Jeremy! Hii! You...Look well..How you doing?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's cheeks go a bit rosy as she sees Jeremy, smiling and waving over to him. And him without his hoodie, at that! Though her brows do arch ever so slightly at the scar on his leg, she says nothing about it for the moment. She knew better. "Hi, Jer. Looking pretty sharp there." There is a visible expression of relief as she sees he's elected to forego a hoodie in the sultry summer heat.

     Glancing over at Indira, her eyebrows loft, and she tilts her head slightly. "Curious, are you vegetarian? Or vegan? Because if so, that'll give me an excuse to try out some new recipes if you're willing to be a taste tester."

     Megan's the next one to get a hug, and she chuckles. "Another summer almost over. And who knows what craziness ahead. But hey, we're all in it together, so, yay! Wait... summer classes?" She laughs, and shakes her head. "Am I the only one of us here who opted to take summer classes?"

Red has posed:
"Comeon, Summer won't be over when school starts, just the summer break. There's still time till Fall!" Alice notes to Megan as she gets her a tissue to get rid of the ketchup. "And you totally forget that the best things of Fall are bonfires and that winter allows to make marshmellows inside. I mean, rooms got goddang Fireplaces! that's... if you don't use it as a stacking place..."

Faraday has posed:
"Summer class sounds exhausting. Winters indoors are long enough, I don't want to spend the summers inside too." Indira gripes while she pops a grape in her mouth. Shannon's question is given a quick nod as she swallows before she expands on it with, "Vegan, yeah, but not one of those weird ones. I wouln't be shoving it in anyone's face. So... sure, experiment away! I'm not too picky. Free food is free food."

SpyderByte has posed:
There's a flush of Jeremy's cheeks as his apparel is called out. He gives a sheepish smile, then heads out towards his teammates to gather with them a bit closer. "Hello." He says, taking his time to try not to stammer out the words. "T-This Ss-Ssmellsss g-guh-good. I d-di-didn't know y-you were veee-veee.." He pauses. "VEGAN." That word comes out a bit too loud. He clears his throat and ducks down a bit, tugging at his sleeves on his shirt a bit nervously.

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding, Shannon smiles over at Indira. "No worries. Just let me know what things to stay away from and I'll have at it. There's a great vegan chili recipe I've been meaning to try anyways. And summer classes, exhausting? No way. Frankly, I enjoy them." Holding up her plate in salute, she grins at her teammates. "Nerd is the word. Geek is chic."

     And that's the word of the day, dear readers!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head and inspects the burger with a quiet smile, then whirls and sprays veggies around her listening. "Nerd is the word? Alright then" she says with a look to Shannon, then waves over to everyone and wanders over to find a spot to sit. She finds a spot and sits with a quiet smile, settling back on the ground as Lockheed peers at the grill, then Kitty.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I thought Bird Was The Word. >>

Jermey's phone speaks with his voice through the speakers as he holds it up, giving them all a goofy grin on his face. The song that made such a lyric famous starts to play at half volume as he rocks side to side along with the beat. He actually giggles.