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Latest revision as of 03:36, 2 October 2020

The Light in the Darkness
Date of Scene: 01 October 2020
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Catwoman feels compelled to attack the one person who might be able to help her.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Sparrowhawk, Batman, Spike, Batgirl (Cain)

Catwoman has posed:
It's early evening and the sun is just starting to set. The nights are just starting to cool down as Autumn arrives, but the streets are as active as ever, especially in the poorer parts of Gotham where the homeless prepare for colder months.

For once, Catwoman is not causing trouble, and is in fact carrying a basket of apples with her, making the rounds to visit many of the poor and homeless, handing out apples and sandwiches to those who need it most. Who says Ms. Robin Hood only takes from the Rich? She's still invested in giving to the poor too.

Eventually she comes to rest on a nearby rooftop, absently rubbing her wounded forearm, the angry glowing mark hidden under her sleeve, careful to stick to the shadows as she peers around warily for a certain catlike figure that has been causing her trouble lately..

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Sparrowhawk had cooled off enough from encountering the CopyCat to go back on patrol, which had included her usual rounds visiting her connections in the Homeless camps. The dark gray-clad, hooded figure with the blue and slight orange darts on her shoulders had been coming along the rooftops, her partner a few blocks away on his own beat. Her hood was pulled over her face, the domino perched with its white eyes had picked up on the figure totally not making trouble on the rooftop.

    And she stills a moment.

    Subvocal, she broadcasts <I've got a cat and not a hot tin roof in sight> over the Batcoms, and she draws back, watching and certainly *not* engaging. Hard to say if it's Feline Fatale herself -- or her fake feline impersonator!

Batman has posed:
    It's only the space of several heartbeats after she makes mention of the fact that there's a catly-being nearby that she'll hear the answer. She's heard his voice before on the comms, it's often there responding whenever someone has a callout or a situation. That steady rumbling gruff but calm voice that seems to have complete control of the situation.
    Yet this time, it's not over the comms and instead is behind her and to the side, and in person. For only the second time ever.
    "That's Catwoman. Be wary." The dark silhouette is still hidden in part by the long shadows, that grim figure walking forward. The horizon is still lit with the last hints of orange and red sunshine, but the rest of the city is close to fully bathing in darkness.
    Stopping to stand beside her shoulder, a good bit taller than her, the Batman turns his head slightly, not quite looking at Sparrowhawk, but speaking to her.
    "Watch her and tell me what you see."

Spike has posed:
     There are those that are wary of everything and then there is Spike. Cigarette resting between his fingers, nails painted black of course, he walks at the edges of the buildings still. Just to be sure. If anyone looks real close they might think he was testing the air and tracking by scent.

     His long black coat rests of basic jeans and red t-shirt. Combat style boots wrap up his feet. His eyes move over the area as he looks for something....or someone thoughtfully.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman draws a deep breath as she too, peers around, scanning the area with her enhanced goggles. She knows she's being watched and she frowns softly, stepping g back and drawing the basket close to her chest.

She was supposed to meet Spike here later, when the sun went down, and she's feeling on edge already. She taps up a quick message on her phone glancing around warily. "Damn shadows.." she mutters.

And that darned claw mark glows again. She snarls, clutching her arm. Somehow that claw mark makes her feel even more on edge than before. "I don't need more tails tonight..I could really use your backup Spike.." she mutters as she seeks out the quickest way out of here, and steps to the edge of the rooftop.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    You know that feeling where you're pretty sure the teacher who could backflip you out a window just shows up out of nowhere when you're not expecting them?

    That's the sense Sparrowhawk gets when the voice doesn't quite come out over the comm, but from just behind her. If those white screens could have widened, they would have been the size of saucers -- but she keeps her place. She watches the Catwoman quietly.

    "Lean. Athletic. Probably stronger than an average woman of her size. She's scratched her forearm a couple of times now, same place, there's an irritation there -- bug bites maybe? Or a wound that's getting infected." she states from where she's perched. "Basket doesn't have anything in it, looks like. Not by the way she's handling it."

Batman has posed:
    Setting a boot upon the edge of the old industrial air conditioner near to them, making sure they're not limned by the city's skyline, he tilts his head and then touches a hand to the side of his cowl, a faint green grid flickers to life over the eyelets of his mask, sliding across then fading after a moment as he murmurs sidelong toward Phoebe. "She's usually too good to get tagged." A hint of praise? Madness.
    Then he lowers his stance and gestures with a nod, across the way and motions with one gauntlet in a quarter circle movement. "Cross that way, keep on her nine o'clock. I'll bracket on the other side. She's done right by us once before, but still needs observation."
    With that miniscule briefing, the vigilante then turns and starts to set off to put his words into action.

Spike has posed:
     Not nearly so sneaky as the Bat or his partner, mostly because he isn't trying to be right now, Spike arrives where he says he will be close to when he said he would. He takes a look around and then looks up because why wouldn't he look for someone on the roof? Well Selina anyway. He takes a drag and looks for a fire escape to make his way up, tapping a quick message into his phone text.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
There was more out there in the darkness. A gargoyle that was blending in with those already on another rooftop. The newest Batgirl was one with the shadows, her movements silent. She had been born for this sort of life. Created for it, some might say. Only, on the opposite side of the fence from the heroes. Yet, life took unexpected turns and here she was, on the side of the angels.

She was on a rooftop about two buildings from Sparrowhawk's location. Even further from Catwoman and Spike.

Her job was about following a certain new vigilante, without being spotted. Just to monitor, get her take on things, make recommendations for her later.

As the duo took off opposite directions, she continued to trail Sparrowhawk.

Catwoman has posed:
It's true, Catwoman has been off her game a lot lately. She was looking a bit more sluggish than usual, and that's perhaps alarming for one who is usually so keen, so stealthy. But not tonight, Tonight she seems..Tired, moving a bit slower than usual.
And that wound, whatever it is, isn't helping.

She glances at her phone and smirks, shaking her head. "Hurry." she murmurs simply, pulling out her whip and snagging it on the edge of a nearby rooftop, swinging effortlessly from one edge to the other. She moves swiftly, discarding the basket as it holds her back, slows her down. It's been a while since she felt so wild, so free..But tonight she feels..A bit off, not quite herself, and she continues to glance around warily as if she was being followed.

Wait, what's that? Was it a mere rustle in the leaves? A body moving in the darkness? Certainly Batman and Batgirl are like Shadows, practically invisible even to Catwoman, mistress of stealth. But..Sparrowhawk is still relatively new to this all. She catches just the subtlest movement, perhaps a misstep on the other woman's part. Whatever it is, Catwoman catches a glimpse in her goggles.

"So..." she purrs. "You are spying on me.." who exactly, she doesn't know. But Catwoman's not in the mood for a fight. She should go, lay low, recover til she can fight this Panther demon at full strength. She turns to leave in the opposite direction.

Thats when the pain hits, tearing through her arm again, and stabbing her mind, that voice again. She screeches in pain, collapsing to her knees. "Leave me alone!"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Sparrowhawk had come around Catwoman's nine o'clock, drawing to the left side of the rogue. She had taken precautions. She had moved behind large items where she could, pausing, staying to the shadows, slipping what she thought was noiselessly in the darkness -- but it's true. Batman and Batgirl are one with the shadows, and Sparrowhawk was still getting her feet wet.

    Maybe it was just the hint of the orange dart at her shoulders, color that would have stood out against the gray of Gotham, but she freezes in place, eyes narrowing in case it's a ruse ---

    but as soon as the screech echoes over the rooftop, she freezes, gripping her gloves against the gravel, trying her damndest to stay in place.

    "--Advise?" she asks, looking accross from there she was, looking for Batman.

    "I can't let her just--"

Batman has posed:
    On the comms now, Batman's voice is heard as he tells Sparrowhawk, "Move in, something's wrong. Do not engage." Just a quick instruction and then if the others are paying attention in the direction of the grand skyline that looks toward down town they might well see the flared cape of the lone figure, leaping from his perch and letting the wind catch the bat-winged shape of his cape, allowing him to glide across that distance with a deceptive speed.
    While in the air the comms will also register a double click, perhaps meant only to pass a near silent message to one listening in on the frequency if not conversing. But then that tall man lands with a slight /whumpf/ of impact, ending in a crouch then rising up as the cape curls back around him fully like a shroud.
    "Catwoman, are you alright?" He asks in that steady tone.

Spike has posed:
     The cry out gets the speed out of Spike. They may have only met each other a few days ago, but he gets protective about those he gets close to. He makes his way to the top of the nearby building and jumps the distance from it to where she is. Does he miss the man in the batsuit since he is near her already. He does not,"Bloody Hell!" he starts realizing who it is that is so close by. He shakes that off to get closer to her.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
Batgirl narrows her eyes. The woman isn't faking. She would be able to tell. Yet, she doesn't move. Waits for those instructions to come across the commlink. As Batman says to move in, she doesn't. She stays where she is, knowing her own instructions might differ.

Two clicks.

She moves to the next rooftop, crouching in the shadows behind the large air unit there, which wasn't running as the coolness of fall had arrived.

She remained a shadow.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman squeezes her eyes shut, clutching her head. "Get out..Of my head, whoever you are.." she snarls to some invisible entity that apparently only she can see or hear. Was she going mad? Or was something else going on here?

She hears people calling to her, but they may as well be miles away. She doesn't respond, to either Batman or Spike. She does rise to her feet again, slowly, stiffly, almost mechanically.

The left forearm has been scratched at so often that the sleeve is pulled up a bit now, the three claw marks clearly visible, eerily glowing in the darkness, blood red.

She brushes part Batman, unblinking eyes locked right on Sparrowhawk. "The light....Must..Distinguish..." she murmurs softly. Then springs into action, rushing towards Sparrowhawk, quickly closing the space between them. That whip comes out again, bringing her closer, quickly closing the distance between them before she rushes at the other woman with razor sharp claws slashing at her face, her neck..Anywhere unprotected and an easy target.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Catwoman would have a hard time trying to find an unprotected place on Sparrowhawk -- Red Robin constructed the suit with safety in mind. Her eyes do go wide as Catwoman makes her approach, and she narrows her eyes, seeing the claw marks.

    "... did that big panther get you to--OOH!" she back-rolls away from the sharp claws, a dodge to the left, a dodge to the right, and when the claws come for Phoebe's unprotected face, she does light up. BRilliant white light fills her palms, and then for an instant the rooftop is blinding white before her staff is out, and Sparrowhawk is on the defense.

    So much for not engaging!

Batman has posed:
    The Batman holds his place, roughly twelve feet from Catwoman, standing close enough but not too close. "She's wounded left lower arm." He says, and for those near enough to hear him verbally get the double echo of his voice on the comms as well, broadcasting to the team. Then she's moving toward him...
    And then breaks in a rush past toward Phoebe which has him frowning severely, his shoulders turning just enough as he interposes himself between Spike and Selina, though his head turns and he gives a single sharp nod toward the shadows before he starts to step forward himself, making sure that the timing works out properly and then turning fully to face the vampire.
    "What do you know about this?" He asks, his voice stern and demanding.

Spike has posed:
     When Selina gets all weird again Spike sighs and starts to follow. Oh look, there's a Batman in the way. He pauses and looks at the man a moment. The first thought probably isn't nice so, instead, he takes a drag off his cigarette and exhales, not really avoiding Batman's face,"What I know currently, there's one damsel in distress about to cause another damsel distress and the would be savior of Gotham is in the face of the bloke who tried to aid someone in pain. Full marks Bats. Your legend gets a little tarnish tonight." The cockney accent only makes what he says that much more annoying.

     The flash from across the way makes him look back, clearly not a fan,"She's been attacked by a demon. Second time I've seen it try ot take her over. Maybe we should help your flashy little side kick over there before Catwoman breaks her own no kill rule. You think?" Wiseass to the last of course.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
The nod was all it took.

Out of the darkness slices a small item. It's not really obvious, a moving shadow in the darkness. But the Batarang was one of the tools used by the Batcrew daily.

The small weapon was aimed at the head of Catwoman, meant to knock her for a doozy a little at least. Maybe a stun if possible.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman narrows her eyes, moving swiftly, gracefully as she darts about Sparrowhawk, shielding her eyes from the flash of light although the goggles help a bit too. She may lack the strength and the sheer combat skill of some bats here, but she more than makes up for it in speed and agility. Against a relative newbie, she's even more fearsome, especially as nothing us currently holding her back..

She doesn't speak as she flips and cartwheels around the other woman, darting in and out with those deadly claws aimed mostly at the other woman's face, but then she mixes things up further, leaping back several feet, this time flinging out her whip with well placed strikes, trying to distract her with the mere snapping and fake strikes at her face before attempting to snag it around her ankles and jerk her off her feet..

Unfortunately she wasn't expecting a bat a rang from the back. It catches her off-guard, stroking true. Her eyes widen, stumbling backwards towards the roof's edge, momentarily stunned..Possibly in even more danger..

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    It was all Sparrowhawk could do to stay on the defensive, taking a few half-steps back at a time, trying to control the fight, to steer Catwoman as she lashes out at her -- and there is a point where the claws graze the armor, slicing against the chest, up along the neck, and up to Phoebe's chin. The angry red welts appear, oozing blood, and she snaps her head back, back-hand-springing as her brilliant staff snaps back to nothingness as Batgirl's batarang strikes Catwoman.

    Sparrowhawk didn't have much of a choice furhter -- as Catwoman stumbles, Sparrowhawk dives to try and grab her arm.

    "Maybe we listen to Billy Idol over there?" she asks, straining a moment to brace her feet against the edge of the building.

Batman has posed:
    Without even looking over his shoulder, the Batman tells Spike. "It's under control." And as he says those words, that's the moment when behind him Batgirl snaps into action and the batarang flies, even as he holds an arm out to the side in Phoebe's direction as if to check her advance.
    "What kind of demon?" He asks Spike, the white eyelets of the mask giving little insight into the tall man before him, and then he finally turns away to start to move in Selina's direction, footsteps steady and that turn perhaps offering silently for Spike to move with him as he speaks to the vampire. "We'll need to get her to an expert." Apparently already having someone in mind.

Spike has posed:
     "The coppery scent in the air says maybe it's not so controlled." Spike retorts and takes a drag as Selina continues to try and remove the other one's body parts,"For a great hero and warrior you make a lot of assumptions." he replies. Another drag and he makes a face...that one will leave a mark.

     He exhales again and looks back at Batman,"Tell you what. She's going to see some magic experts, but they have to find time to meet with her. As for what the demon is...not a hundred precent. Some sort of panther. Controlled by another person. Past time to deal with that thing."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
There had been a choice. It came in the form of a wide cape flaring behind a slight masked figure. For a moment, it was that classic silhouette that was the terror of Gotham villains. Then the figure landed on the edge of the roof, right where Catwoman would have been if Sparrowhawk wasn't trying to catch her.

Batgirl wasn't careless enough to stun someone and let them fall to their death. She rose from her crouch, prepared to push the woman back onto the rooftop roughly if necessary. No friendly help and hug to hold her in place, this was just to get her back on the roof but at a distance to allow for better control should she attack again.

She was one of the monsters of the night, her stitched together mask giving her an even creepier vibe than the other Bats. Part of that coppery scent Spike might be picking up on comes from her fists. She'd dealt with a few villains earlier tonight. Though she had cleaned up, the scent likely was still there for someone with his senses.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman is stunned but not out for the count. Still the carefully aimed attack throws her off her game. Sparrowhawk closes in easily and grabs her arm. She snarls, "Let me go...!" but there's nowhere to run, Batgirl's positioned herself so that it's not going to be easy to escape. But how long can she hold on?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe doesn't know what to do. Behind the mask, she's not sure, hesitant. She freezes, her eyes wide, and she feels the blood from Catwoman's claws draw down her neck.

    The red stains a little against the gray of that tripple-weave kevlar protecting her neck, and with Batgirl nearby she holds tight to catwoman.

    And with her legs braced, she pulls the other woman from imminant danger, waiting for either attack or a command.

Batman has posed:
    Moving enough to make sure he stands close enough to intervene if Catwoman continues her assault, Batman gives a nod toward Cass, making sure she's in proper position to handle things if needs be. Instead, for the moment, he tries to talk Catwoman down and tells her, "Catwoman, you are not in control. Get a hold of yourself."
    And as he speaks to her a hand lowers beneath that cape to the belt at his side, a faint ka-click is heard as he withdraws something from a pouch and shifts it from one hand to the other while palming a vial in the other gauntlet. His head tilts slightly in Sparrowhawk's direction, then back toward the troubled cat burglar as he asks Spike, "Who is it you are considering taking her to?"

Spike has posed:
     A shake of his head and Spike takes a drag from the cigarette and thumps the remainder of it away from him. The exhale and he considers Selina for a long moment. Finally he looks back to Batman,"I know a powerful Wicca. An old friend of mine knows a strong wizard type as well." He pauses and looks at the other man thoughtfully,"You understand if I don't start handing out people's names right? Get the idea of secret identity and all that."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
For her part, Batgirl does nothing. She remains standing on the ledge around the rooftop. Her cape flutters in the breeze but otherwise, she could be one of those stone carvings that seem to decorate so many buildings in Gotham City.

Her purpose is control of the situation, nothing more. She waits.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman blinks slowly, focusing on Batman for a moment and nods slowly, no longer struggling. What the heck's happening to her? "I'm..Fine.." she relaxes in Sparrowhawk's grasp, "Just a glitch, of some sort. But it's getting worse.." she grits her teeth, "Just need to buy me some time, til I can get to Bludhaven..wish I could heal this.." she glances at her arm, then at Phoebe. "Your light..It seemed to repel the darkness somehow.."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Well. At least it looked like Catwoman wasn't about to launch her off the building to see if the little bird could fly. Sparrowhawk looks over Catwoman a moment, trying her best to stay focused on what's in front of her and not the nervous blood rushing past her ears.

    "... that scratch--" her voice was modulated. It warbles slightly. "-- the one on your arm. Was that from the phantom panther your copy-cat is accompanying?" she asks, point blank to Catwoman. She lets go of Selina, looking to Batman quietly, then looking back to Catwoman, keeping quiet to let her answer.

Batman has posed:
    Turning his head slightly, Batman says. "Help her if you can, Sparrowhawk." Then he gives a nod toward Batgirl as she hovers nearby just in case matters take a turn. After that his attention finally falls on Spike and he tells the man, "You're going to be able to convey her without getting killed?"
    A moment and the tall man considers the vampire, then he sets the tranquilizer and injector upon the railing of the rooftop's stairwell, then nods. "Use this if she needs sedation." That said he turns to move off.

Spike has posed:
     "Killing me is easier said than done." Spike replies and looks towards Selina,"Bugger that. We've got the time. We'll go to Bludhaven tonight. I'll drive. This needs to end." He takes a deep breath and exhales.  

     Looking back towards the other man and the outstretched hand he takes the tranquilizer and injector,"This a one shot deal?" He's not a doctor after all. His attention back to Selina,"The others will just have to deal with me being back long enough to take care of you and deal with...well you."%

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns, taking several steps back from both Phoebe and Cassandra. She's feeling especially paranoid tonight and not enjoying this at all. As Batman turns to go though, she frowns. "Batman..Be careful. That panther demon is pretty strong..The..copycat uses an electric whip." she glances at Sparrowhawk and nods, "Guess you've met them before, huh. They're not like me, they don't hesitate to kill. Whatever they did to me, they may have infected others."

To Spike she nods, relaxing a bit. "Right. Let's nip it in the bud while we still can.." she's not sure when she'll get another flare up, but..

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Sparrowhawk gives a nod, and she steps forward to Catwoman. "I beleive I may be of some assistence." she states gently. "I encountered them in New York, and yeah, they are not like you in the least. But... I was able to hurt the panther." she states, and she holds out her hands, palm up. Light pools in the palms, glowing brightly.

    "With your permission, I would like to try."

Spike has posed:
     The trouble passed for now, Spike puts the tranquilizer into his coat pocket. Bloody disappearing act anyway. He takes his lighter out and another cigarette. Snapping the Zippo open and strikes a flame to life. Drawing it in, he takes several short puffs to bring the cigarette to life.

     He snaps the lighter closed again and puts it away,"Whenever you're ready love." He nods towards the girl offering to help, curious to see what that might amount to.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman nods to Phoebe, frowning a bit at the scratches she gave her earlier. She's still jumpy, wary, but she's desperate too. "You possess an unusual power...It doesn't like the light." after a moments thought, she steps nearer and nods with a slight sigh. "Can you heal it?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... I can try." Sparrowhawk replies. The scratches are a bit smeared, but they'll heal as soon as she gets home.

    The young woman brings her hands to either side of Catwoman's arm. She has a calming sort of presence, and Catwoman would feel an unusual numbness, like her arm is going to sleep with a pins and needles feeling, adn something akin to comfortably cool water running backwards in her veins, as Phoebe concentrates her Light to try and heal the wounds and drive out the dark magics.

    It's an awful lot of Light Side magic hanging in the air around them. It tingles.

Spike has posed:
     The light comes up and Spike backs way off. He covers his eyes a bit and takes a few more steps,"I'll go get the car and be nack in five." he tells Catwoman. This was a night and tomorrow night is going to be worse. Oh boy. He offers a nod towards each of the Bat family types, turns and stalks out into the relative safety of the night.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman frowns, feeling the healing energy coursing through her arm. It's funny, even though this woman is a stranger to her (And an ally to Batman, making her a potential threat), she still,finds herself relaxing in Sparrowhawk's healing touch.

"Heh...You're pretty talented.." she smirks. But even then, she can feel the darkest corner of her mind protesting, fighting back. She snarls a bit, even as the wound starts to fade..It doesn't heal all the way but it heals the wound partially, buying her time if only a little.

Finally though, she pulls away, rubbing her arm. "Enough..It's..Enough.." she glances back at Sparrowhawk and nods. "Well..Seems I'm in your debt, and you.." she nods to Batgirl and Batman as well, gaze lingering the longest on the latter.

But she says nothing more, glancing to Spike and nodding. "Right. We should head out.." and with that, she quickly follows after the vampire..