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Latest revision as of 22:15, 22 April 2021

Titanic Team-up to Trounce Troublemakers!
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: A nice day in the park turns into a hoodie ninja attack
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Spider-Man, Slipstream, Captain America, Punisher

Shredder has posed:
    Teddy Morse was really just minding his own business. He and his friends were out having some morning coffee. What's so strange about that? Well, this young man happens to be the son of a judge. A judge that is on the Foot's naughty list. The Shredder hasn't been happy with the refusal by this judge to conform to his instructions on who should be jailed and who should be set free.

    The hole in the wall coffee shop is a great spot for some college kids to enjoy the moderate safety of a big, always awake city. The NYU hoodie declares his affiliation, and they sit laughing and chatting away the morning. No classes before noon, that's the rule he lives by.

Spider-Man has posed:
Central Park is often a nice, safe place to enjoy oneself. There's police presence, lots of folks around and the occasional superhero flying or swinging by. Of course, that doesn't always stop the bad guys from trying something. That's why Spider-Man is swinging through the area, just checking things out and occasionally waving at people that notice him.

All in all, it looks like the web head is enjoying the day so far as he maneuvers through the city. But coffee, now that sounds like a good idea to him right now. Being Spider-Man, an awesome photographer and a masters level student means he doesn't have a lot of time to sleep. He's not going to the fancy hole in the wall coffee shop, though. No, he's aiming for a significantly less fancy food stand. Doing a cool backflip as he webs over it he lands on his feet at the end of the short line of people looking to get their coffee or breakfast at the same stand, "Don't mind me, folks. Just need some energy to start my day."

Slipstream has posed:
Two more people head for the line to obtain some morning coffee and a quick round of breakfast. Drake Winters and Captain Steve Rogers. The pair of them are in workout clothes. The all American Dream that is Captain America most likely hasn't broken a sweat, where Drake is drenched and still breathing a bit heavily.

"How is it that you can run twenty miles and not have a single hair out of place?" He wheezes, then gives a long stretch of his body upwards. "I'll get the coffee today, cool?" He says as he digs in his pocket to fish out his wallet. It's a rare treat he gets to train with the icon himself and he's willing to brown nose a bit. He pauses for a moment, then squints. "Is that.. Spider Man or a cosplayer?" He says with an amused smile.

Captain America has posed:
Is Steve Rogers wearing a red white and blue track suit that would make Evel Knievel blush? Yes, yes, he is. His sneakers are expensive gifts given to him by a fan who happens to play for the NBA, one fo the few perks of his position he's actually kept. They're so comfy!

"I wish I could take credit. I do put in the work, but the super-soldier serum greases the wheel, so to speak," he says. Cap's eyes follow Drake's attention as he sees Spidey in action, "Fairly sure that's the authentic item. Spidey! Good to see you, chum!" he says.

Shredder has posed:
    As the trio of heroes wait for their food, a rather attractive looking brunette approaches. "Oh...wow!" she says excitedly. "You're...you're Spider-Man!" she holds up a note pad and pen. "Oh, and you're Steve Rogers!? Captain America?" She blushes, and has a very typical fan girl look about her. "I just... I can't even, you are so amazing! And you're the new one, um, Slipstream, right?" Well, new is relative perhaps. "I feel kinda silly, but my little cousin is a huge fan, do you think I could get a selfie and autograph for him?" she asks shyly, holding out the notepad to any of the three.

    However, inside the notepad reveals something a little less jovial. On the first page is a note. HELP! They are going to kidnap me! Another look at those cheery eyes betrays fear. Something is definitely wrong.

    Meanwhile, Teddy and his friends get up from their breakfast a few feet away, and jay walk in the midst of the jammed traffic, working their way between the stopped cars as they make their way to the park.

Spider-Man has posed:
One of the joggers greeting him gets Spidey's attention and he turns around to see Steve Rogers. There's a smile in his voice as he greets the man, "Hey Cap! Lookin' fit as usual." Drake gets a lift of the chin in greeting, "Hey there. Trying to keep up with the man, the myth, the legend? I'm not sure I could hang with him without my web swinging."

Then it's time to place his order, "Large with lots of cream and sugar, please." Money is exchanged and then the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is equipped with something to drink. He moves to stand next to the line so he can continue his conversation when the cute woman heads his way. As he sees the notepad he does his best not to react strangely, instead taking the pen and asking, "Who should I make it out to? Want to do the selfie first?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I'll hold the phone so you can get a shot with Cap and Spidey." Drake says with a smile on his face as he glances over towards the girl who is approaching them. His smile falters though as his eyes give a glance down towards the paper. He squints his eyes and gives a nod of his head as he steps a bit to the side and a few feet away from them, holding his hand out as if to request the phone to take the picture.

Reaching behind him with his free hand, he taps Snowball on the head to wake her up as the little floating robot 'blinks' a few times on her LED faceplate, then detaches from the harness he carries with him. She starts to float around and starts to make light whirling noises as she orbits the small group.

"Snowball, scout mode." He says softly to the robot before he looks back to the trio, giving them a smile. "Ready when you guys are."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers keeps a good pokerface, too, keeping the banter light as he steps in and puts a hand on the woman's shoulder, both to reassure her and to make any move towards shielding her from attack. That said, he remains wary as well - it wouldn't be the first time an innocent in trouble turned out to be the worm on a hook.

He scans rapidly, perhaps not as efficiently as Snowball, but with years of training and experience behind his gaze as he looks for threats, one hand unzipping the jacket of his tracksuit and letting it fall open to give him access to the shield strapped to his back underneath.

Shredder has posed:
    The woman gets...really close to Steve. He's America's Hero, after all, and his commanding presence just has that effect on people. Her hand goes under his jacket, brushing the shield as she smiles for the. "Um, make it out to Chase Donner," she says.

    The surroundings don't have much that is of too significant a note, but one very small detail. It seems that there are several people that seem to look very much alike, or was that the same person. Blue jeans and a gray NYU hoodie. Teddy is one of them, walking past the food stand currently, and he and his friends take note of the girl and the heroes. They point cheerfully, hey, it's superheroes! Surely he's safe here. There's another in line at the food stand. There are two more on the grass sitting on a blanket. Another feeding ducks. It's an oddly common clothing combination at the moment.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Chase Donner," Spidey says, smiling beneath his mask. He scribbles, 'To Chase! Keep being awesome! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.' His attention is pretty divided, however, as he waits for his Spider-Senses to kick in and alert him to danger.

The guys in matching attire are noted, Parker being a sharp sort of man, but he doesn't do anything right then. Instead, he strikes a pose for the camera, ready to grab the young woman and swing her out of danger if need be.

Slipstream has posed:
As he opens the phone up, Drake makes a deal out of looking for the camera app, but first he launches her 'contacts' app. At the top will always be 'your' phone number. He commits it to memory quickly before he launches the camera app. He turns it sideways to get the best landscaped photo, then snaps it three times with rapid clicks of his finger.

As Snowball circles around and continues to scan, she gathers a three-sixty view of the area and composes it into a single digital image that pings off his own device in his pocket. She will continue to sweep the area a bit over their heads about twelve feet high.

"There you go Chase." He says as he flips the phone around in his hand and holds it out to her. "Now you got some legit bragging rights."

Captain America has posed:
Cap mutters close to the woman, keeping his voice pitched for only her and perhaps Drake to hear, "Keep low," he says as he moves swiftly to draw his shield and strapped along his arm.

"I'm going to make this clear," he says aloud. "Someone here is hunting for trouble. More than a few someones. If you think you're going to take us off-guard, you've already failed. Take your shot and fall. Or, even better, surrender now. I'll make sure you get a warm meal in the city lock-up tonight."

Punisher has posed:
Then, there's the ever present Frank Castle. A man at eternal war, with many enemies. The Foot clan is just the latest in the list of people who are trying to kill him, and vice versa. Of course, they're among the few to nearly succeed in the attempt.

Unfortunately for them, the Punisher is /very/ hard to kill by slow torture.

Today, he's setup a surveillance nest at the top of a rooftop near the coffee shop. Electronic bicoculars, a backpack of gear, and a custom tooled M16 on the ground next to him. Sniper rifles at this range would be overkill, afterall.

Then, he sees who the 'fangirl' is through the bicoculars, and frowns. "Microchip, I need the recon drone. Send it over that girl. I want to see what's going on. It's the same girl from the garage fight."

Shredder has posed:
    The girl nods nervously, as Steve makes his announcement, and she smiles at Spidey, "Thanks," she says, returning to that cheerful smile. "I'm Betty, by the way, Betty Sanders. Journalism major at NYU. I'd love to sometime like, do a story on you guys, too. It must be pretty amazing, some of your stories."

    As Steve announces to the crowd, the bold proclamation causes a few heads to turn, it might be NYC, but this is the leader of the Avengers who is calling someone out. Anyone with self-preservation instincts notices. Teddy and his friends glance around, as if expecting to see giant robots fall from the sky. A few of the people seem nervous, looking to see who might be the target of the hero's challenge.
    Suddenly, a slight whistling comes like a siren song through the air, a shuriken cruising toward the young woman. Where did that come from?

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey Senses start tingling! The wall crawler goes into action, moving to stand in front of Betty while lifting a wrist and squeezing off a quick stream of webbing towards the flying shuriken to try to knock it out of the sky. "Alright! Now who threw that ninja star? This is a nice, public place and we can't have people playing with sharp objects. Someone could lose an eye!"

Slipstream has posed:
The moment Spidey webs the shuriken in mid-air, Drake appears in a blink of blue light, reaching out to snag it as the world slows down around him as he moves through his tunnel of speed. When he hits the gas, everything feels like it's in slow motion to him. As he lands on his feet, he takes a look at the weapon in his hands as he peels the webbing away from it. His eyes narrow some in recognition.

"The Foot."

He gives a glance to Steve and Spidey, then taps his comm bracelet. "Snowball, combat mode."

DOOT-DA-DOO! The little floating robot's eyes go from n.n to -.- and starts to glow red as a light begins to build beneath her in a loud whirling noise, taking herself higher into the air and continues to scout.

"Give me the play, Cap."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers shakes his head, "I've heard this faction's been a bit of a trouble of late, in various parts of the world. Just what we need, yet another organization dedicated to world domination and terror. You'd think they'd at least fight each other, then let us have winner," he says.

Cap braces his shield, fully prepared to fight off any incoming enemies, "Spider-Man, Slipstream, fan out and take the fight to these ruffians. I'll hold sentinel point here in case they come after the woman," he says.

Punisher has posed:
"Get a location from that?" Punisher asks over his commlink. Microchip replies, "No, just a general direction. This has Foot written all over it. Why is she being hunted NOW, of all times?" Punisher grunts as he watches through the bicoculars, "A question for another time. Keep the drone triangulating. We can at least mitigate the potential damage."

A 40mm grenade is pulled from the backpack and slid home into the M16 grenade launcher. With a last look to the rangefinder on his binoculars, the Punisher angles the launcher on it just so... and fires.

A moment later, a telltale 'cling' can be heard as the grenade lands between the girl and the general direction of the Foot... and does nothing. Yet. It's far enough away to be clear a non-threat to the girl or the heroes... and came from an entirely different direction than the skuriken.

Then, the Punisher goes to one knee, using the rooftop lip as cover, and aims down the scope, "Talk to me, Microchip. Status on the kid." He keeps his aim on the coffee shop, surveying it visually and around it.

Shredder has posed:
    Spidey's catch of the shuriken is spot on, thanks to his senses, but that is not the "Grenade!" someone shouts out, the shuriken having drawn not nearly as much attention as the 40mm landing in the grass. People scream, and start running like mad. Several look up in the direction from where the projectile came on the roof, including Betty, who dives to the ground at Steve's feet.

    Teddy is one of the runners as well, in his gray hoodie he takes off, his friends with him, running farther into the park and directly away from the grenade.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Roger that, Cap!" Spider-Man says as he leaps into the air, shooting a web at a nearby building to get into the swing of things. He's good at moving quickly and erratically to make himself as hard a target as possible, all while scanning for trouble. "How about you pick on masked people, huh? Afraid of a little spandex on ninja brawling?"

The word 'grenade' quickly snags his attention, but since his Spidey-Tingle isn't going off he doesn't do more than take a quick look towards it. "What the heck?! Are ninjas packing grenade launchers nowadays? I must have missed that."

Slipstream has posed:
"Aye Aye." Drake says as he hovers off the ground as his Legionnaire flight ring kicks in. he glances down at his communicator to look through Snowball's eyes as she hovers from above and circles around the area. When he hears the word 'grenade' call out and his eyes fall upon it, he grits his teeth.

There is a blur of blue light as he blinks forward, coupled with his sonic speed of flight. "CapI'mgonnadosomethingdumb!" He calls out rapidly as he blinks again to reach out with a hand to snatch it off the ground.

There is an arcing jerk of his body as he soars upwards into the sky, creating a sonic 'rumble' in his wake as he will look to lob it into one of the many large ponds near by. It's better to get wet than blown up. This is starting to become a trend for him.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers calls back after Slipstream, "So what else is new?" he says with a hint of a grin on his face. Good to keep spirits light even in dark situations. The grenade, however, escalates things rapidly and takes that smile off of the Star-Spangled hero's face.

"Incoming fire. Everybody take cover, now," he says, trying to track the line of the grenade to he can spot who's firing the damn thing, even as he remains positioned between the girl and the Foot clan, his jacket open to reveal a Brooklyn Dodgers t-shirt.

Punisher has posed:
It's easy for those who know him to spot the Punisher above, on that roof... though only the M16 and part of his face are visible. With his original goal of scattering civilians to clear out hiding places accomplished (the smoke screen would have been a nice bonus, if they kept up the shurikens) he keeps an eye on the surroundings around Teddy.

So far, the Punisher hasn't actually fired his gun yet, though Steve and company can easily see him reloading the launcher by a practiced hand.

The thing is... he's not aiming towards Betty at all... but in an entirely different direction... and the way he swivels it back and forth, he's /looking/ for something.

He's clearly not here to shoot at Betty... but why is he here?

Shredder has posed:
    Another hoodie wearing young man crashes into Teddy in his escape, and knocks both of them to the ground. "Stay down, stay down!" he shouts, covering him as if to keep him from being exploded by the grenade. The grenade that detonated in the water. Teddy's friends keep running.

    "Shooter on the roof!" someone follows Steve's train of sight, and universally, everyone starts to run from the Punisher. A few of the gray hoodies start to run in the direction that Teddy ran, though, so is everyone else.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Frank?!" Spidey shouts towards the rooftop. "What are you doing here?" Killing people, probably. The red clad hero tries to get some altitude to survey the park and the area around it better, still looking for signs of danger. Other than the Punisher, of course. "Hey! Are you a ninja?" he calls out to the guys laying on the grass together in some sort of defensive cuddle.

Slipstream has posed:
As Slipstream lands once more in front of Cap in a heroic superhero pose, his bomber jacket rustles around him as he unzips it to give himself some air to filter through his body. He continues to look around sharply as he tracks Spider-Man's call towards the roof and at The Punisher. "He doesn't use ninjastars, but he does use grenade launchers."

He gives a crack of his knuckles as he taps along his comm badge. "Snowball, find me something."


The little robot continues to sweep through the park, bobbing up and down to try and find anything that may seem out of sorts. Weapon, ninja, etc. She will send an alert and ping back to him if anything catches her attention.

Punisher has posed:
Instead of answering, the Punisher scowls as he watches the stampede through his rifle. Instead, Punisher looks directly at Spider-Man as he comes close, points directly at Teddy, and grabs his backpack, slinging the rifle over his shoulder. "Bring it to the north side of the building." The Punisher barks into his commlink, "We have a crowd of potential kidnappers."

A white van that looks like any other side doored van begins to pull up to the building where the Punisher is... and the Punisher takes a running leap off the rooftop, trying to land directly on top of it.

It'll be a moment for the Punisher to get eyes back on his target, but the recon drone is at least showing it's feed to Microchip in the drivers seat of the Battle Van.

Shredder has posed:
    Snowball's scan reveals that there are a few people with criminal records in the area, not surprising. 2 of them are a couple of the hoodies, one is the food stand worker, and another is a guy with his phone out in what looks like a rocker outfit.

    "Who is that?" Betty asks, scrambling to be hidden by the food truck. "Is he with them?" she asks regarding Punisher, not naming the 'them' involved.

    Down on the grass, Teddy and the other young man in the hoodie glance at each other, pointing, then point at themselves, and look back at Spidey. "Me?" they both ask at the same time. Then one says. "There's a guy with a gun, Spider-man, I don't think this is a ninja thing!"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Gun guy is just the Punisher. You usually don't have to worry about him if you're not a criminal," Spider-Man tells Teddy as he swings down to get closer to him for an ocular pat down. "How come you're wearing the same outfit? Is there some kind of flash mob thing going on?"

Slipstream has posed:
As Snowball scans the crowds, her blue light washes along them critically, trying to determine if anyone has any weapons upon them. "Cap, those two in the hoodies got a record, so does that food stand employee, that guy dressed like Bon Jovi does a lso."

Drake glances down at the girl again as he edges a bit closer to Cap, looking to cover another angle as he holds his fists upwards, charging them with blue light as his body vibrates.

The little robot will 'doot' to herself as she drops down towards the pair of hooded boys, scanning them as her LED face plate gives a bit of a squinty eyed look per her programming.

Shredder has posed:
    The two hoodies look at each other, then look at Snowball. Suddenly, one of them suddenly gives a roundhouse kick toward the little robot, and the other makes a sprint toward Betty and the food stand. "Cap, look out!" the food stand guy calls out as the hoodie makes a dash toward him. A few of the hoodies take notice, and as if on some kind of unspoken cue, they turn on their heels, charging toward the food stand. Either it's a bunch of really hungry college students, or something's up.

    Teddy and the guy with him, don't, though."Uh, I dunno, just coincidence, I guess," Teddy offers. "It's a pretty common hoodie in the campus store."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Stay low, guys," Spider-Man says to the hoodies before swinging off towards the group now closing in on Betty and Cap. As he maneuvers through the air with the greatest of ease he extends both wrists towards the charging college aged people and tries to web the ankles of a pair of them with a *thwip* *thwip* of his web shooters. "C'mon now, folks! Get in line for the food stand like you're supposed to! No running, you might trip!" To emphasize the 'might trip' thing he sends out a couple more lines of web to try to entangle some more legs.

Slipstream has posed:
When the kick connects with Snowball, it's a solid 'thunk' of foot upon Starktech. The little robot gets pushed back a few feet, then lets out a loud whirl as she blasts the kicking hoodie with a sheet of frigid ice. Time to cool off! He'll end up a frozen statue by the time she's done.

"Cap, that guy with the hoodie making a run for it. He's one of them." Drake says as he kicks off his foot and blurs three times forward to send a fist hard into the runner's stomach, followed by an overhand smash that looks to be a blur light ripple effect. He doesn't hesitate to move once more as the last strike connects, knowing that his speed fueled powers is going to put most normal people down into the ground.

Punisher has posed:
At this point, the Battle Van is just in front of Teddy's position, and the side door opens, showing the Punisher in his traditional outfit. In his right hand is a dart gun, loaded with a tranq dart. In the other is a beretta 9mm. Both are idle. "You have potential trouble around here. Get in so I can get you to safety. You have nothing to fear from me. I can take you to a safehouse until I can be sure these assholes aren't trying to kidnap you."

Worse comes to worse, Frank can just put the dart in him... but the Punisher has a reputation for only going after criminals; if he wanted to hurt Teddy, he wouldn't be asking.

Shredder has posed:
    As the Battle Van comes cruising through the grass of the park, Teddy and the other young man in the Hoodie look on in wide eyes. "Let's get out of here!" the other guy says, and grabs him by the shoulder. It doesn't take much to convince Teddy to run, and he takes off with the other on the way to a more forested part of the park, somewhere it'll be hard to follow with the van.

    Meanwhile, Spidey's webs fire true, catching one of the uniformly similar characters, while the other jumps, narrowly dodging it. He was...actually surprisingly fast. Definitely not your average guy. He continues toward Betty, pulling a kunai from under the hoodie and flinging it in Spider-Man's direction.

    The one that Snowball struck with the ice tries to dodge, but finds his arm quickly encased, and the extra weight of the ice causes him to lose his balance, falling to the ground while Slipstream's punch of his partner sends him up into the air, the wind knocked out of him as he stumbles backward.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Whoa!" Spider-Man says as he leans back and allows the kunai to go sailing past. He launches himself towards the guy then, sending lines of webs ahead of him and yanking hard to propel himself forward as quickly as he can. "If you won't come to me, buddy, I'll come to you!" he quips as he swings forward rapidly, trying to close on the guy who thinks it's cool to dodge Spidey's webs. Should he get close Web Head will lead with a swooping high kick towards the face, but he's ready with a hook if that should miss. Ninjas can be dangerous, after all.

Slipstream has posed:
As Drake continues to guard the girl on one side while Cap is on the other, he keeps his head on a swivel as he looks around, tracking the rest of the runners once he downed the one that was on the move. Snowball continues to coat the Foot soldier in a hoodie in ice, encasing his legs up to his chest before she whirls off once more towards her master.

The action is becoming chaotic and hard to follow as he reaches down to put his arms around the girl, pulling her up to her feet. "Come on." He says as he shoulder bumps Cap. "I'll get her out of here." With that, he scoops one arm under her legs, then launches into the air as he looks to soar out of the park and deliver her to the local police station.

Punisher has posed:
All that the Punisher responds to Teddy running is aiming the tranq pistol... at the man with him. He can't be sure if the man is using the Punisher as a scapecoat for his own activities, and the Punisher isn't taking the chance. The dart is aimed and fired, and once the Battle Van nears the end of easy driving, Frank begins to spring after Teddy from the Van, his trenchcoat flying behind him as he goes like the wind.

Either way, he's aiming to tackle or aim the second tranq dart for Teddy himself... and the man with him if he wasn't hit by the first dart. He can just load both men into the Battle Van and get out of here. Too many variables to remain.

To anyone nearby, it very much looks like the Punisher in skull vest and all is chasing down someone in his war, with that icy, grim expression on his face and pistols in hand.

Shredder has posed:
    The ninja is surprised as Spidey comes launching toward him, and he takes it on the chin, knocking him a good fifteen feet back, sliding across the grass. That'll stain for sure.

    The tranq dart strikes Teddy squarely in the back. The other young man turns around, and looks back at the trees. This was a failure. He pulls a pellet from his pocket, and given the soft terrain, he slaps it together with his hands, and it explodes into smoke. It draws the attention of several others in the area, and many of the hoodie wearing characters all seem to disappear, except those who are detained or unconcsious, finding their way back into the crowd of the big apple.