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The Open Door: The Neverending Night
Date of Scene: 20 April 2021
Location: Bryant Park, Midtown
Synopsis: A rare sighting of a solar eclipse is prelude to an army of vampires attacking the park, in search of something important..
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Hellboy, Ivory, Deadpool, Superboy, Phantasm (Drago)
Tinyplot: Open Door

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late afternoon and maybe some four hours before the sun would normally set. Tonight however, is a special night. The kind of night that only occurs once in every few hundred years or so. Not only is it the night of a total solar eclipse, but a convergence of both the sun, moon and earth in perfect alignment.

For Astronomers, this was an incredibly rare and beautiful phenomenon. For the magically talented, it's something greater, a time when magical forces of earth, sun and moon align to create a significant shift in the earth's magnetic field and natural ley lines. Which means there's an unusually large surge of magic in the atmosphere.

New York was considered the best place at a time like this for viewing the total solar eclipse and the park is already filling up with flocks of people, getting ready for an incredible, truly magical view of the sky. There are numerous blankets, benches and tables, food trucks and even light music for entertainment, and numerous tables set up where astronomers and Wiccan alike are selling their wares and offering education on what the solar eclipse means.

Buffy had arrived here a bit early, while the sun is still visible and the sky is still bright, having brought a few friends along to enjoy a fun viewing of the eclipse. Now if they can only find a good spot to sit, away from the crowds.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith being one of those things that goes bump in the night (insert obligatory that's what she said joke from Wade here), is definitely drawn to the park and likely would have been here anyway if not for Buffy. Though he likely would have been here more as a predator then as shepherd. "You know," He says casually setting out a blanket and making sure that their shadow boxes are properly set up, "Harry would suggest we get behind a threshold tonight and ride this out like a hurricane. In fact ten will get you fifty he's got himself, his cat, his dog, the talking Skull, and his Star Wars poster down in that little cell he calls a Lab-or-it-tory hoping to do just that. Oh and Murph, possibly."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy is perfectly comfortable in the park. Do people point, stare, make faces, run away occasionally in horror at the massive red-skinned devil-man with the big coat and the big gun? Sure. But he's got a badge to flash if any coppers give him trouble and anywyas, stayin' indoors all the time is probably bad for your health. Mentally, anyways.

So Hellboy's out and about, a cigar lit and stuck into his mouth as he puffs away casually, giving a nod to some of the people out on the blankets and getting ready to see the stars, "That's a good smellin' rotisserie chicken you got there, ma'am."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory isn't exactly a professional astronomer, or even a hobbyist, but the designer always is looking for chances to either get creative or share their designs. So when they are at the park with their old T2 bus, the side door is open and there's a couple T-shirts hanging there with cat-planets. As in, the planets of the solar system in cat shape, at times playing with one another, or guarding others. Like the big brown Saturn cat watching over a ring of grey-white kittens. Or the super fat, old red Jupiter-tabby with four large cats pampering it while a swarm of kitten-astroids play around them. A Red Mars-tabby with two black cats playing catch. Typical Ivory designs.

Though the presence of a source of magic blood could complicate things...

Deadpool has posed:
From one of the side streets come what looks like a normal family sedan though the driver looks off. The driver is covered head to toe in black and red outfit down to the black gloves on his hands, as he pulls into the area to find a place to park. Though he had no weapons visiable as he drove, he didn't want to be randomly pulled over on his way, he does have a small red bandanna wrapped around his head, or well the mask on his head as he narrows his eyes a bit getting ready. He had been told to be ready for a real fight, so he had he prepaired to rain hell down on anyone who got in his way tonight or so he though as he parked by the park which he did get a chuckle out of.

Getting out of the car if he sees buffy he would wave as he knows her. Though he doesn't pause as he hits a button for the back of the car he starts loading up.. Guns, lots of guns get strapped to different places on his body though most are pistols there are a few sub-macine guns as well. Then comes the belt with a few surprises, though he also brings out some clay looking stoff and smiles a bit largly at it.. "Boom" is all he says as he puts it into another pocket the electronics into a different pocket. Finally he reaches in one last time, and pulls out a chain-saw, with a pull he turns on the thing for it to kick up with the 'Brrrr!' before he nods again.

He looks to be turning then stops, and facepalms turning again he grabs a my little pony backpack... it was all he could find okay.. and puts it over a shoulder. You could never have enough ammo he learned that quickly dealing with wierd people. Before he finally turns again, to walk towards buffy whistling a bit of a tune to himself he skips more then walks as he was going to be able to blow something up he could feel it.

Superboy has posed:
Why people think solar eclipses are cool? Conner might be biased (yes, he is) but in his opinion anything that means less sunlight can't possibly be good. Nevertheless, he is at the park too, possibly enjoying the last few days of his spring break. Oh, and a hot dog. Staying indoors in a good day is probably bad for the mental health, he read that somewhere.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Being the gathering was in his city this time around. This was one invite Nick was easily able to take Buffy up on. A momentary glance is flashed in the direction of his old place. A frown forms briefly before he shakes it off, treking further into the park to go find Buffy and Co. Slung on his back is a bookbag, containing no books but a blanket and two sticks wrapped in said blanket. A period of total darkness in a crowded New York park? Oh yeah that's not a bad thing AT ALL.

The musician glances around. Hmm. Finding those two might be harder than he thought...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Thomas as she smooths out the blanket, sorting through the little cooler of alcoholic drinks, as well as some snacks like sandwiches. She decided to leave the setting up of shadow box thingies to Thomas, who actually knew what he was doing. "Seriously, that brother of yours needs to take it easy. I mean..That's just sad. It's just an eclipse. What could possibly go wrong?" ok really, she shouldn't jinx it. "But Yknow, I gotta check out some of those Wiccan stands, I'll bet they have some cool charms and talismans that might appeal to Wils, maybe even Giles.."

She glances around and spies some familiar faces, smiles and waves at Hellboy, Nick and Deadpool, a,though all the guns are noted too with a curious arch of the brow, "Uh...." There are likely security around somewhere too, eyeing his guns, one or two making their way towards him, though with all the crowds, it's hard to check on everyone easily.

Ivory and Conner are also noted, the former who seems vaguely familiar from somewhere though she's not exactly sure where..The latter is given a slight smirk and nod. Last she saw him, he was lecturing her on killing poor little vamps. Or something.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy approaches Buffy and her gathering, taking a long draw on his cigar. "Oh, hey, look. It's the Slayer. Didn't they give ya a fancy outfit with that title or, like, a big sword? I feel like you got ripped off. But whadda I know, I'm called Hellboy. My adoptive papa was a brilliant scientist but kind of a weenie when it comes to naming things," he shrugs.

"So, any mystic types know the significance of all this? Is it just gonna be a pretty light show or we gonna get, like, batwinged xenomorph toads screaming outta the sky and tryin' to eat our flesh? I mean, I'm gonna have a good time either way."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith has so far counted five sprites, two goblins on each other's shoulders pretending to be one really ugly human, a Nixie who has somehow wandered this far from the lake, a few Red Court, and a pick pocket who is making a killing off the tourists who are not paying attention. As Hellboy approaches he smirks just a bit, "Nothing out of the ordinary for the park so far." He comments dryly, offering the first box to Nick since Buffy is laying out refreshments. "And I thought the same thing... that's why I bought her that big Axe she carries."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory didn't really spot Buffy - or if not recognize them. But the real attention is up to the sky anyway, to the spot that will soon swallow the sun and give everyone a short night at day. Oh, and then tere's of course the big red guy, which prompts Ivory to sketch said guy... as a cat. A rather stoic, large one with horns and all! And a tiger kitten lounging over one of said huge horns, because grumpy demon cat needs something to look grumpy about.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool walks through the crowd, though for some reason it isn't hard. With the guns, and the guns for some reason they seem to veer away from him leaving a pocket of space he just walks through. Until he has to stop as one kid is stuck infront of him frozen in what must be fear, or curiosity. Deadpool stops and smiles down to the kid, "Hey kid I need to get through there... Here." he takes one of the pistols out, and even checks the safty is on as he is trying to be a better person. He tosses the gun to the kid, "There ya go kid... Go play." and walks around him to approach Buffy, and the others.

As he approaches he grins up at the big red guy, and then looks down at Buffy, "I was told I was going to get to blow something up... I brough /a lot/ of c4 to do that." he grins, and whispers, "Could take out the whole block!" before standing again. He glances at Hellboy, "Don't tell me it is big red we are here for is it?" he looks him up and down. "I might of needed to bring more explosives if that is true." and laughs thinking about that one.

He looks at the grouping of the others, and glances back to buffy. "They owe Willow money too?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner is in his regular clothes, but he is easily recognizable for those who have seen Superboy up close. He doesn't even wear glasses. Still, seeing the big red demon and the heavily armed mercenary, he approaches to take a look instead of getting out of the way, which is what most tourists are doing (of course not the real New Yorkers, it is a Thursday for them).

And there is also little Ms. Vampire Genocide there. He smirks back to the blonde, and deciding the other guys must be her friends, goes to get a hotdog from the local (non-Wiccan, for sure) food stand.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick mutters slightly as he looks through the see of people. How in the heck is he going to spot them in all of this? He pauses, getting a glimmer of movement in his line of sight. Turning to look, he frowns as he finds it to be someone else waving to SOMEONE ELSE standing near him.

A glimmer of red figure ends up drawing Nick's attention. Huh. So it's the guy that got brought in for that letter awhile back. And who should Hellboy be speaking to? One of the people he was looking for. Givinga slight smile, the musician trudges on over.

Now THAT'S how you draw attention in a crowd! He looks to the offered box and smiles, shaking his head as he pulls a couple pairs of eclipse glasses from his pocket. They're a bit creased but still functional. "Wade had a few extra from the viewing party they're having on the studio roof." He explains.

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's true, there are a lot of..Less savoury folks, some that aren't even human, mixed in with the vanilla mortals. Really, with all the fancy costumes, flashy lights, music, dancing, laughing..It's easy to hide in a crowd like this. Maybe that's why it's hard to control weapons in such a big crowd too. As the eclipse nears, a few people at stands wave to Connor and Ivory as they pass by. "Hey there, would you like special viewing glasses or shadow boxes? It's free! Oh if you're looking for a free space to set up, there's a nice spot over there.." the friendly, attractive lady who speaks to them both waves a hand towards an empty patch of grass somewhere near Buffy's group. they're pretty generous tonight, although not everyone is.

Buffy smiles, "Hey..Hellboy? I don't suppose you have like, a more casual civilian name that doesn't incite fear into people.." Yknow, because the tall imposing figure with red skin in a long duster isn't intimidating enough? She grins and nods to Deadpool too. "Heh, Deadpool. A bit over stocked for a nice, peaceful social event aren't you?" she chuckles and shrugs. Nick is given a frantic wave, "Heey over here!" at least standing next to Hellboy has its merits. "Um well I guess intros are in order. Nick, Thomas, this is uh, Hellboy and Deadpool." sadly, Nick is probably the most normal friend she has.

The skies are rapidly darkening by now..The eclipse is about to start..

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy shakes his head at Buffy's question, "Nope. My real name is almost unpronounceable and is also one of the keys to starting the Apocalypse so I don't say it and it's better off you don't even know it in the first place. I told this girl once and we were knockin' boots and she started to call it out and I had to clamp my hand on her mouth real fast before she took us straight to hell. Almost killed my mood," he shakes his head.

He waves to the others, "Nice to meetcha. I think I know you, don't I?" he asks, pointing at Nick, "And I've seen your wanted poster around," he gestures towards Deadpool. "Why are you named after a Clint Eastwood movie?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith finishes assembly of the next Shadow box, offering it over to Buffy and smirks a bit at Hellboy, not that put off by the man's appearance considering, yah know, Demonic symbiote in his own brain. "i mean to be fair that could be a mood killer. Up there with her calling out her ex's name or something." He says casually as he snags a beer from the cooler presses his thumb under the cap. The cap flips into the air like a coin and Thomas swats it, banking it off a tree, one of Wade's guns, and right into the green "Thank you for not littering" trash can.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory finishes up the sketch, tossing it to the back of their bus before some of the shirts join it, the door getting closed and locked behind them before Ivory stars to stare up to the sun starting to getting bitten up by the moon, just a few meters away from the friendly group with the red giant, but you can't be too careful if you live of selling T-shirts and stuff.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade stops and looks at her, "You called me out here... for a social event." he looks left then right at all the people. "Are you crazy.." he looks around nerviously. "Alright.. well maybe I can blow something small up like a car or two." and glances over at Buffy with a sigh seeing how that prob isn't going to happen either. He glances up at Hellboy, wih his free hand he pulls out a card, "no idea" is all he says for now, as he holds the card out for him. The card looks burn, torn, and there are still some red flakes on it. On it says 'My name is Wade, and I have lost my memories. If lost don't call us' though he puts it away again in a pocket after showing it.

He watches the paper sail as he continues talking to HellBoy.. "I don't know whats more messed up that you have no last name, or that you still have Boy in the one you use." and laughs a bit. As he laughs the light goes out, and Wade grins to himself. He gives the chainsaw a rev.. "Alright here we go.. Social.. You almost had me there Buffy.. Almost." and chuckles to himself as if she were trying to prank him. Of course it was just the solar ecplise, and though most people stayed away from the crazy with the chain-saw nothing changes as he looks around waiting for something to jump out at him. It wasn't that it was as if he knew something, he was usually like this waiting for trouble.

Superboy has posed:
Conner pays for the hotdog and munches it happily, until the sun begins to darken. He looks up, directly into to the light, frowning slightly. Then he glances to the friendly lady calling him. "Ah, no thanks. I have my own glasses. Sunglasses. Whatever." But he does move to the spot to sit down since he was standing in the middle of the way.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The city has an area called Hell's Kitchen." Nick points out, "Considering that, Hellboy is not that bad a name." He looks up at the two 'new people' Nodding as Hellboy recognizes him, "Yeah. The fan letter thing. How's the agent guy that got taken out by O'Bri?"

He looks to Wade, giving a slight smirk "...I've seen him around. But I don't think he saw me."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The lady blinks in surprise at Conner as he stares at the slowly darkening sun, looking quite concerned. But then she is distracted by other people who want glasses. A little girl peers up at Ivory as they sketch Hellboy, eyes widening in curiosity. "Ooooh pretty...CannI have it?" of course, by that time, the sketch and the tshirts are stowed away somewhere and she pouts a bit, watching Ivory curiously. "Can you sketch me too? Pretty please?"

Buffy glances over at Ivory first, nodding to them. "Hey, nice night...uh, Have we...Met before?" Conner is given a more cynical smirk, "How's it going? Been saving any vamps lately?" yeah, she's a jerk sometimes.

Hellboy is given a slight smirk as she hands him a beer. "Well gee, that's a bummer. I mean, I've heard of stories where certain names hold power but..Wow, you can literally call up hell by merely uttering your true name? That's sooo badass.." Faith would sure get a kick out of that.

Deadpool is also given a beer. "Cmon, thought you wanted your memories back. It'll be a nice relaxing night to, uh, contemplate, maybe?" Nick is just given a slight smirk and chuckle. And he's also offered a beer. "Different Wade, I think..." finally, she looks to Thomas and then the box, and nods. "Thanks! Sooo..How do I use this thing?

As they all talk and gather, the skies suddenly grow eerily dark. The crowds are also calming, growing silent as they peer up at the beautiful eclipse that blots out the daylight, casting an eerie golden halo around the rim of the sun. Those who do t have special glasses peer through their shadow boxes..Buffy's phone is also ringing in her pocket, Dawn's name blinking on the display..

And something else is happening too, as the crowd has their gaze focused upon the eclipse..Shadowy figures moving from seemingly nowhere..They are not focused on the eclipse, but on the people watching the eclipse.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy was about to take down a beer in his own right, pulling a can of Blue Ribbon out of the pocket of his coat. He's got a whole six pack down there. But, of course, right as he's about to hit a sip, he sees the shadowy figures and the rising, eerie threat coming with the eclipse.

"Every time," he mutters, reaching down and unsnapping the holster on the Samaritan, drawing out the oversized gun and cocking the hammer. "I really wish astrology were a lot more god damn boring."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sees them too, sighing and giving Buffy a bit of a look. "And to think, we could be behind a nice threshold, with a crazy wizard, a pervy skull, a giant dog, a mountain lion and Karrin right now." He says amused as he stands and stretches... then reaches over and pulls a cavalry saber from under the basket. "Just once, can we have a normal date?"

Ivory has posed:
Ivory blinks at the comment from the side, shruggig at Buffy. "Maybe... but I can't place it if. But you buddy there is rather impressive." They respond, pointing to Hellboy with a wide hand, smiling a little... "Oh, if you got time later, sure, I can do a sketch. What kinda cat would you be though? Black shorthair? No, that's not your style... maybe a white one?"

At which point the shadows appear. Some of which show attention for Ivory in particular, because... Ivory's tasty for things loving magic. Or blood. Or both...

Deadpool has posed:
Oh no she knew his only weakness.. It had been so long since he had drunk anything alcholic as he turns nothing happening yet hat he can see in the dark he sighs reaching down he takes it from her. "They won't let me drink anymore." he says before he lifts the mask to show a messed up chin, and lips. It looks like melted plastic that was beating with a stick, or the true meaning of shit-faced, or... well you get the point. Though it doesn't look to bother him as he drinks down the beer in one tilt back drinking it as fast as he could. With an 'awww' he tosses the can over his shoulder, it bounces off some old man knocking him down from shock that something just hit him, knocking another old lady over that tosses her walker in the air. The falling can bounces off the walker into the trash as everything comes down.

He then looks at the others getting up, and armed.. "See this is why I don't get invited to socials.. I have tried.. You saw me drink that.. this is not my fault!" he points at Buffy, "I want a do over this does not count." before he turns to look to see what the heck is going on. He sighs a bit reaching to his belt he pulls open a small red canister, breaks it over his knee and underhand throws it into the crowd by where the others are looking. "Lets add a little light to situation shall we?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner fumbles for his shades when the woman catches him looking at the sun without protection. Oops. He really expected everyone looking up, for once. Then Buffy speaks, "sure blondie. One or two every night. It is like getting kitties down from trees." He grins at her again, but with very little humor.

And then the sun is going away, and the young man grunts. But it should be just an hour or so, right? Maybe he could go for another hotdog. Or... not. Since there are now moving shadows all around. And isn't that suspicious? Even for New York.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick puts on the glasses. The dark of the lenses blocking out much of the light to allow for the safe staring at the sun. Hearing Hellboy mutter something, the musician cocks his head. "Everytime, what?" Hearing the cocking of a gun, Nick tilts his head down, yanking the glasses off as he looks over to Hellboy in the darkness. The added commentary is not helping.

Eclipse ignored, Mike slides the bookbag off his back, starting to retrieve the sticks. There's never a quiet day or evening in New York. "Dammit."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The flair catches a few people off - guard, the ones who aren't too busy focused on the eclipse anyway. It shines a light on the shadowy figures, revealing their faces in eerie clarity. Oh, they're armed, as if they came into this prepared, and there are a lot of them, maybe twenty, thirty or so. And their faces, have a weird ridge above the brow, yellow eyes, fangs. For those familiar to their kind, they are your classic vampires.

Buffy ;frowns deeply, resting a hand on Thomas' shoulder, nodding and sighing softly. "Sorry love..We're all just demon magnets I suppose..I'll make it up to you later.." she winks at him, but has a serious expression on her face as she peers down at the message on her phone. "More bad news. Dawn's lost in the crowd..I need to find her and take her somewhere safe. She came with a friend who lives in town, but they got separated..."

Dammit, this is not good. She can't abandon these people, but she can't abandon Dawn - her sister - either. Drawing a deep breath, she glances towards the others gathered here, pulling out her crossbody bag. She didn't carry any badass weapons either, but she did carry the standard stakes, and she tosses a couple to Conner, Ivory and Hellboy, seeing as Nick, Deadpool and Thomas came prepared. "Okay, this is really weird but I need you to use these on these guys. Yes, they're vampires, they're technically dead already..If you care at all about the lives of these humans, then you won't hesitate to kill them. Beheading or a stake through the heart are the only ways..I'll be back soon.."

And with that, Buffy grabs a few stakes, fastening them into her belt and rushes off into the crowd, dusting a few vamps on her way. Meanwhile, the girl peering up at Ivory giggles, "Oooh, can you draw me as a tabby ca---!?" she gasps suddenly as a vampire grabs her around the waist, eyes wide in terror, screaming. Her mother gasps, arching an arm towards her. "Carlie!" another vampire is rushing towards her about to tackle her to the ground..

More vampires close in on the unsuspecting crowd, some hungrily sinking their fangs into unsuspecting spectators, others attempting to drag innocents away - oddly enough they are focusing on the younger, preteen girls in the innocent, impressionable age for some reason.

And of course the group of armed heroes are noted and the vamps hone in on them especially, seeing them as a threat and so they focus on them as well, rushing at them with mostly sabres and swords, clubs and maces, wielding them with an experienced flourish. These are not your typical fresh-from the grave vamps, clearly..

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy grins as he sees what they face, "Oh, and here I was afraid it was gonna be shadow demons or millenialist ichor worms or some of the Unholy Black Brood of Simon. These are just vampires. Vampires are pussies," he says.

He aims the Samaritan, charged with a holy slug capable of blasting a hole the size of a frying pan through an ordinary body and coated with blessings, holy water and silver-shell to boot.

"Come at me, leech bitches. See how Hellboy tastes," he shouts, shooting at one and starting to charge forward to keep them off the civilians as much as possible.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Vampire who scooped up the girl in front of Ivory releases her a second later as Thomas uses one arm to slash the Vampire who grabbed her and take off his head... and the other to catch the girl as the creature suddenly turns to Ash. He tries to give the girl one of his best smiles and says "Now you gotta admit, that's a pretty neat trick huh." Then sets her down to run to her mother. Moving quickly towards Nick he adds as his eyes go Silver, "They are targeting kids..."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory was about to dart forward to try to save the Tabby-kitten-liking girl, when Thomas came to the rescue and vanquished it. One less, but that left still a horde of others, and so the claws came out. With a moment's notice, their fingers grew literal cat claws - not that they were better than actual cat claws, but they were giving Ivory a little extra purchase as they yanked at another robed shadowy leech.

That short moment turned promptly into the white haired human wrestling with the black haired vmpire, long hairs swaying in the red illuminated dusk of the eclipse. Tiger and Vampire. Well, house-tiger, because Ivory is at best a Persian Cat, and those don't qualify for the fierceness of a wildcat or a bengal. But a fistycuff nontheless, the two seeming somewhat ok matched at first...

...till the leech spotted a good chance to try and replace his lost prize with Ivory in a chokehold, grazing a neck with fangs.

Superboy has posed:
Conner looks pretty surprised by the nature of the attackers. Seriously? They don't have too long before -some- sunlight will appear at the edge of the moon. If they are vampires, they are in a very tight schedule.

Whatever they are, they are attacking children, and that is something a notch more creepy evil than the average New York super-criminal. Conner reacts swiftly, though, grabbing one of the vapires by the shoulder and tossing him back a score yards. Then elbowing another on the face just as he was about to tackle a kid. Some bones are broken, but vampires heal those in instants.

As both vampires jump back to their feet and charge him, Conner grabs them both and flies up. Time to check if they can turn into bats, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the impending group of vamps coming their way, Nick doesn't bother setting the bookbag down gently. Instead slinging it to the ground, leaving just the newly unveiled escrima sticks in hand. Thomas's observation is answered with a narrowing of the eyes. "Then probably should try something different..."

Stepping back, Nick's hands line up the sticks to form a straight line as he takes a deep breath

'Protect against the horde
That holds control of the weak,
From you, solution we seek
Michael present your sword.'

At mention of the weapon, a light radiates outwards from the paired sticks before dying away. With a moment there's a brief flicker of light as Nick separates the two. Stick in each hand, Mike moves forward striking at what he can with the imbued sticks, leaving clouds of dust in his wake.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade pulls a gun, and shoots a few of them the low caliber does slow some down, but doesn't stop them even as he shoots a random one about to bite down on some lady between the eyes. So he sighs a bit, he takes a step forward then stops. "Hey big red.." he moves over to the man with the lage gun. He holds the chainsaw up in both his hands, "Throw me in!" he grins, and shakes his head, "Right in the middle of em.. I got a few surprises." and revs the chainsaw again.

Wade does show he means at an arc releasing the chain-saw with one hand to kind of show him with an arm motion before he holds with both again. As he is thrown Deadpool would do a small flip in the air his legs remaining stiff like he is at some acrobatics center doing a flip he lands whiling the chainsaw around him with a fine circling cut. There is blood and ash that shoots up all around him as thankfully he didn't hit any actual people but not all the vampires he just chopped into died.

Though now he stands in the middle of vampires, panicking people, and just parts of vampires chopped off in the air laughing his butt off. He revs the chainsaw again. "Yeaaa.. See this is what I am talking about!" before he disapears in a small wave of shadows. He isn't down as the chainsaw and his wild maniac laughter can still be heard but it is moving as he was just enveloped by the wave of moving bodies in the mix of the chaos that is happening in the park.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Several things happen. Firstly, vamps were not expecting a super powerful hellboy (who is actually more a man, but really which sounds worse?!) ,who blasts a super powerful silver + holy charged blaster thingie at a few unlucky vamps. Now normally, hitting a vamp anywhere with a normal weapon anywhere on their body won't destroy them unless they're either a)torn apart, b)beheaded, or c)staked through the heart. But this is clearly no normal weapon. Many vamps fall at his well placed blasts, but many more rush at him to replace the fallen, rushing at him in a pincher attack, swords drawn, moving at impressive eye blurring speeds as they attempt to impale him from opposite ends.

The little girl who was enamoured by Ivory is in tears by the time Thomas releases her, and she rushes to her mom, crying a fountain of tears. The mom nods to Thomas in thanks, but has her hands full as she scoops up the kid, wrapping her arms around her, pulling her out of harm's way as much as possible. Three more vamps take that one's place, rushing at Thomas with a flurry of bladed weapons, "Die!," they snarl..

Some random kid who was handed a random gun by a random weirdo earlier glares at the vampire who has Ivory in a choke hold and starts blasting the gun at the vamp, anger in his eyes, "Let her goo!" he screams. He's maybe twelve, thirteen, on the verge of teenager, and at least he's not as bad with a gun as someone younger, but still pretty dangerous. Even so, a mere gun won't kill a vamp but it'll still annoy him to no end! enough that he lets go of the gun she rushes at the teen, swiping the gun out of his hands with a swift flick of the wrist, aiming to try and grab the kid in the next swift movement. "Maybe you are one of the seven..." he snarls..

Conner has his hands full, pulling the vampire into the sky, although it doesn't turn into a bat..It's pretty hardy though and again, they dont injure or die easily...Hmm, maybe he should have grabbed the offered stake.

Vamps warily eye Nick's glowing sticks of holy light, giving him a wide berth..Though while a few fall at his well placed strikes, others are more foolhardy enough to rush at him, about three from different angles with a spiked club, spiked mace and one with a paired katana, showing some impressive skill..

And of course many more vamps are chopped to pieces by Deadpool's violent hack jobs, although more take their place, moving in another blur of speed, four attacking him from all corners, sharp blades at the ready as they simultaneously rush at him, determined to hack him to pieces..

At least the distraction is enough to allow a good chunk of the crowd to flee to safety, although there are still many more innocents cornered or trapped, several teens and kids being hauled away..

There are maybe some 20 minutes left in the total solar eclipse..

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy's hide is thick enough that the vampire weapons don't get too far past the surface, like undersized hunters with spears trying to pierce the hide of a massive elephant. Mostly, they just really piss him off as he holsters the Samaritan and starts tearing them apart with his bare hands.

Like, literally.

He grabs an arm here and yanks, using it as a bludgeon to beat others as he leaves a bloody stump in its wake. He grabs another around the head with his massive Hand of Doom and squishes it until vampire smoothie runs out between his big red fingers.

"That's it, come at me, buttholes, I'm gonna rip you open like a can of chili!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a little bit as the three Vampires start towards him, a wicked grin in his silver eyes. "My, my aren't you forward. Okay one dance and then I really have to get back to my girlfriend." He says casually, his skin almost glowing as the razor sharp steel whistles through the air, decapitating one and moving with cat like fluidity around the second so that that Vampire actually stabs the third. It actually does look corigraphed... But as Harry once said, Thomas is too pretty to die anyway.. also something something polka, but he'd stopped listening at that point.

Deadpool has posed:
As the mess clears Deadpool can be seen in a circle of vampires. "Wait... wait this is going to be so cool." he is saying as he has a few knives in the back of one vampire on the ground as he is pulling the spine out of the thing. It is yelling, as he is trying to cut/rip it out and say. 'fatality' but the process off getting the dang thing out is messing with him. The vamps around him are shocked as this isn't their normal fighting partner as he is just as vicious as they are not minding the blood shooting out covering him as he digs into the back of the thing.

They all stop, and turn to face Buffy the small group out of the mess and they have a look of almost pity as they figure she had to go and release the lunatics for this before behind them they hear "Got it! Awww" as he finally gets most the spine out for the body, and it to turn to dust in his hands. Right before they all dive for him again he dives back for the chain-saw before a pile lands on top of him. There is a moment, but then from the pile emerges DeadPool chainsaw in one hand gun in the other "Buffy... Over here Buffy... Hey!" he swipes down at the pile now holding him actually in the air "Quick who am I?" and laughs as he poses like he is on the cover of Evil Dead and laughs as the chainsaw goes out not ment for this kind of use, and he disapears in the pile again. His outfit was torn, and he was covered head to toe with blood though that was why he wore red so maybe it was harder to see. The long rips, and tears on his body healing in that small time of him escaping the pack healing up like they were not even there.

Though out of no-where there is a "Whoa.. whooaaa" as a Deadpol sails through the sky back at Thomas thrown with so much force he knocks down the other vampires in the way. Something else grabbed him and tossed him like a plaything, and he didn't even see it coming. Though what did he care he was in the air now thinking about just going 'whooaaaa' as he sailed right at the other man, He didn't even notice he was missing his arm yet though the thing had been removed at the elbow so the outfit waved in the breeze as he flew.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the sea of vampires parts around Mos-nick, it does allow for the musician to see those coming at him a bit easier. Feet shifting, he adjusts his positioning to where the attackers reach him at different points. A stick goes up diverting the path of the club while the other stack smacks into the face to of the attacker.

Spinning around, the draft of his motion causing the new dust cloud to whirl with him, he brings the face striking stick back to divert the mace of the second attacker before slamming his body into him to cause for the vamp to go impale itself on the katanas.

While the two vampires work to free the weapons, The sticks smack them in the head.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vampires truly had no idea what they were up against. They certainly weren't expecting such a strong resistance, and with the combined forces of the various heroes, they really have met their match. Fortunately, it's enough of a distraction to keep them away from the majority of fleeing innocents, although there are a few casualties nonetheless, but a drastically smaller number than had the heroes not been there.

Fortunately, the young teen given a gun is soon forced to drop it as his mom gives him a threatening glare and grabs his hand to flee with the others. Even some of the vampires are starting to flee, though it is not empty handed that they do so..Some mutter something about having obtained two potentials of the 'seven' and from some unknown order, they all turn and leave.

What few stragglers remain are quickly and swiftly dispatched by the heroes who stand their ground. Buffy arrives over the horizon, swiftly slashing and staking and dusting what few remain, preventing them from last minute dining's on a few innocents on their way out, looking a bit breathless as she peers around.

Only a few people remain, hiding or cowering, many wounded, a few dead. Her eyes narrowed she peers around. Someone already called the police, the ambulance. This place will be full of officials soon demanding answers but at least the eclipse is starting to pull away, revealing the last couple hours of daylight. "Hey, is everyone alright?" she looks a bit ruffled, a bit scratched but none the worse for wear. Her gaze sweeps over everyone but is mostly focused on Thomas as she says that last part.

Dawn isn't with her but she doesn't seem super concerned.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy doesn't have to worry about cops. He's got his own badge anywho, not to mention SHIELD covering his ass even above and beyond that. He lights a fresh cigar and shakes some of the remaining vampire goo off of his Hand of Doom.

"Don't think they got anybody permanently ganked. Sloppy ass mofos, pullin' a stunt like this in the god damn park. Whatever hoodoo master or elder vamp put 'em up to it is just tryin' to spread fear, I guess. That or it's just a pack of feral yahoos that needed to get stomped but how. An'...well, we did."

"Good job everybody, pat yourselves on the back. And thank you for whatever pay bonus I get from the department for savin' all these fine citizens. I'll buy ya all some t-bones sometime."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith locks eyes with his lover, noting her little sister's rather conspicuous absence. He simply nods to Buffy, the nod conveying that host of messages that lovers can share with such simple gestures. The strongest and most urgent? "We'll find her." Still at the mention of cops he nods, looking down at a prone Wade and saying simply, "You don't have allot of style do you?" before quickly and effectively decapitating the two vamps that the Merc with the mouth bowled over. He makes a face of consternation at the mention of cops. "I really think we should be gone before any officials start asking pointed questions about pointy objects. And lets face it, I am far to pretty to go to jail."

Deadpool has posed:
Rolling to a stop he loks up at Thomas, and grins sitting up he looks out at the vampires running away. "What are you talking about.. You see that awesome pose midfight." he waves an elebow at him the only part that is still left as he walks back out to where they where kicking over some dead bodies to find an arm. He very carefully lifts it, and puts it back into place where it should be holding it with his mouth he ducks tapes it back on looking at the hand. He walks back over to the group and smiles at them all.. "I would of had em.." he adds using his free-hand to return the pin to the explosive inside the torn off one that was in a death grip. "If they didn't run away that is.. Boom!" and laughs to himself.

His fingers are already starting to move as the limb just heals itself back on now that it has been reconnected "So.... did anyone think of putting a tracker on one of them? Or maybe some kind of strong scent that could be followed?" he glances at the group expecing then sighs. "Of course not... Look call me if you find them again, I will start looking my own as well." as he is talking he is starting to move to the car. When the sirens are seen he gives a 'shit.. shit shit..' as he throws some of the other stuff into the car and litterally takes off running. Unlike the others, most likely they would arrest DP, and throw him into the Raft so he had to go and he had to go now. Thogh as he is a small distance off he gives a wave and a call me sign with the arm that had just been severed a few moments ago, before he turns and runs off again hoping to get behind some of the buildings before they showed up, and come to get the car back later.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Upon the vampires leaving and seeing no one left to defend, Nick walks back to where he started. There's a slight glimmer of light coming from the sticks before it fades, making the intricately carved objects seem dull once more.

He crouches down to scoop up the bookbag he discarded, shoving the sticks inside. He looks to the remaining group. "...Things going wrong when the sun went away. What are the odds?" Based from the tone of voice, there's no need to respond. He already knows.

In this town? Pretty damn good.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, looking around. "What a mess.." Of course she's not part of some official fancy badge wearing organization. She *is* however friends with police detectives, a shield member though she doesn't know it, and a JLDark member. So it's likely she'd have some leeway with any cops that showed up.

But of course she'd rather not stick around and answer questions that cops would rather push under the rug. "Dawn? She's fine..She's safe. I found her and took her to her friend's house..They watched the eclipse safely from there for a bit, then stayed up watching movies and having some slumber party or something.."

She glances to the others "Good j--" of course Hellboy beat her to the punch. She gives him a grimace and shrugs, "Thanks for the help..I guess the vamps came out to play once the sun went down..Wonder what they were after..?" she frowns thoughtfully, and will have to talk to Wil and Giles about the solar eclipse'a significance. For now, she wanders towards one of the stalls that is still open, it's merchant having chosen not to flee (He has a rifle under the table for just such an occasion, and isn't afraid to use it!), and buys a crystal pendant for Willow and an old musty book for Giles.

Deadpool's flight is noted with a slight raised brow as she rubs at a scratch on her arm and sniffles a bit..Hmm, could be coming down with a cold..Must be all those sleepless nights. "Thomas.." she yawns, "Ready to head home?"

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy shrugs, "They ain't after nothin' now, that's for damn sure," he says.

"Any of ya old enough, I'm gonna be hittin' Sully's bar. I think I need a nightcap an' it's still only the afternoon. God damn vampires."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins just a little bit, looking down at the shadow boxes that got completely crushed in the chaos. He sighs picking up their picnic blanket and basket and smirking a little bit, nodding to Hellboy. "I appreciate it, I really do... but honestly I have something at home I think I'd rather nibble on..."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Thomas, brow raising before he glances over to Buffy. He looks away, turning to inspect the scene once more, sliding his bookbag back on. "I'll go. Bar's sounding pretty good right about now."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, reaching to interlock hands with Thomas. "I'm a bit sleepy myself. See you guys later." she just smirks at Thomas' idea of a 'nibble' but says nothing on the subject. It's a pity she didn't get to enjoy a peaceful night of moon gazing but...All in a day's work, maybe? She's pretty sure they haven't seen the last of these vamps though...