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Latest revision as of 14:40, 10 June 2021

Where do you keep the extra blankets
Date of Scene: 08 June 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: People chit chat after all the crazy.
Cast of Characters: Rupert Giles, Phobos, Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane, Spike

Rupert Giles has posed:
As it happens, there are extra blankets at the Magic Box. But they happen to be downstairs. Which is where Giles happens to be. The blankets are kept down here because there's not a lot of room up there. There's also extra stock for the shop, weapons that they don't need too often, and other such assorted goodies. He walks between two shelves down one side of the shop's basement. The blankets and sheets, and pillows, are at the far end. He snags a blanket, a set of sheets, and a pillow. Then turns to head back upstairs.

Once there, he sets the blankets on the small round table in the back. It's late enough the shop proper is closed and locked for the night. He moves to the loveseat and removes the cushions, setting them atop the back of the loveseat. The bronze celtic sword is once again resting on its rack above the loveseat. He grasps a strap in the center of the couch and pulls, lifting the hydabed from its hidden spot within the couch.

Once it's folded out, it seems to be a decent quality hydabed. The mattress not too thin, at least. Giles busies himself getting the sheets and blanket on the bed, and the pillow in place. If more pillows are wanted... well. There's always the cushions or a trip to the basement for another pillow.

Phobos has posed:
    "That's nice of you," Alexander says as he sits on the edge of one of those bench seats while Giles goes to such trouble. He's holding up a small icon of a feathered South American deity and considering it as he touches a finger to the curve of one spine. Tilting his head he looks back towards Giles and says. "I should apologize for forcing myself onto your hospitality, but I thought it was perhaps the best option at the time."
    The small statue is set aside, then he pushes up and onto his feet. Hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans he starts to walk across the way and near the hydabed, tilting his head toward Giles. For a moment he looks the man over, as if this were the first time he truly was looking upon the fellow. Just a casual glance down then back up, a slight tilt of his head to the side as whatever judgment is made is kept to his own counsel.
    "I hope you and your friend can arrange something suitable if Sutekh does not take me up on my offer."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hadn't intended to drop by the magic box at this late hour, especially as everyone kept telling her to take some time off and stop trying to handle everything all the time. Well whatever. She had a nice little rest, and while she's not here for any important business or slayer stuff..

Buffy did leave her phone behind or something. You know, her backup phone, since Harry has a tendency to blow up electronics. And she made the mistake of bringing her old phone with her last time. So that's fried for good. Anyways, she slips in through the back, thinking no one would be here at this late hour, certainly not her Watcher and that weird fear god guy, camping out in the workout room. Or something.

After she slips in and hears voices, she just freezes. "Oh! Geez, I didn't know there were people in here. I hope I'm not interrupting something! Don't mind me, just looking for my phone..Lalalaa..."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Thankfully even when the Magic Box was closed, it was open. At least to those that had the authorization and key. Or those who were really good without keys but that was another story.

It was just a moment later when Faith came in the back door, leaning her head in before her body because if there was someone jumpy in that backroom, she didn't want a crossbow bolt to the forehead. After all, Buffy trained there and Giles was unpredictable despite his nerdish exterior.

"Hellooooo..." Drawing out the word as she spied people inside and they weren't firing weapons at her head. She stepped in with a smile. Especially seeing sheets, pillows and the trio in the room with a bed pulled out.

"If this is part of Slayer training, I'm down for it!" Not that she was or expected it to be but as was her thing, she liked pushing buttons.

Spike has posed:
In through the front door, since it was late enough that vampires could freely walk the city streets, came Spike. The bell above the door rang. He was dressed as ever, in black on black on black, with that red unbuttoned shirt. Did he have several black pairs of jeans, black t-shirts, and red shirts, or did he wear the same thing every day. Only those who had seen the underground beneath his crypt would know. He actually washed his clothes regularly, with a washer and dryer. He had a running shower. Spike was nothing if not resourceful, and it's amazing what the fear of god would do for a plumber, electrician, or tiller. "Evening all," he said.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles finishes up with the bed and is gazing at it, with an almost lost expression. At least, until Phobos speaks. "No, uh.." Giles looks up and focuses back on here rather than wherever his thoughts had been. "No. 'twas the best option at the time, I agree." He turns and walks over to the table and picks up the clipboard with the contract on it. He leans back against the table, as he looks over the contract again. "It.. really, it looks straight forward enough. If the spell I found to seal it works, it should be safe enough. If Sutekh doesn't take the offer. That was.. very generous of you," he says, looking from the contract back to Phobos. Curiously, his demeanor hasn't changed appreciably toward Phobos since he found out the man's identity.

He glances over as Buffy comes in. "Hello Buffy," he says, his tone gentle, and with a welcoming edge to it. Clearly whatever the problem had been, he's over it.

Giles had been known to use that crossbow more than once, too. "Hello Faith, too." Pause. "And Spike." It's a party!

Phobos has posed:
    "Well," Alexander stands there beside the loveseat, then settles onto the arm of it even as Giles finishes tending to the bedding and to being a proper host. He gives a slight smile, those curious eyes offering an eerie tilt as he nods a few times. "I know that your friends would likely be unhappy if you died."
    As if that was sufficient reason to offer that deal to his uncle. But whatever he meant by it is lost in the moment as not only do two Slayers wander through the back door, but there is the jangle of the bell at the front.
    "We were going to start giggling, build a pillow fort, and then talk about boys but now you guys showed up." That first is to Buffy. But likely Faith comes in easily enough to hear that as well.
    "Hey Faith."
    But when he hears the jangle of the bell he leans over and calls out, "Hey, we're back here." In case Spike needed help to navigate the huge labyrinth that is The Magic Box.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers tries not to overthink this as she peers between Giles and Phobos. "Okaay, sooo I'm thinking either late night camping trip, orr magic training session. Or The Magic Box is just *that* popular." she chuckles a bit, apparently in high spirits after her little boating trip and fresh air.

And then of course Faith slips in, followed by Spike. She opens her mouth to say something but just sighs and shrugs. "Right. Late night camping trip then. Don't mind me, just looking for my phone. Wont stay long." geez, she's always losing that darned thing.

She searches quietly around the place, looking under benches and the vaulting horse and other things like the floor. And stuff. "Grr, I know it's here somewhere.." she mutters, but otherwise doesn't pay any attention to other people. For now.

Of course, she catches snippets of the conversation, arching a brow at the whole 'sealing' bit and the name 'Sutekh.' "Okaaaay. What happened this time? And who is this Sutech guy?" She nods and smiles to Faith, having invited her to check out the workout room at some point. Spike is given a smaller, more quiet smile though she just focuses on looking for her phone, and stays mostly quiet for now.

Faith Lehane has posed:
As Alexander explains their plan for a slumber party, and Giles wanders off to the table, that leaves an opening. Faith makes a beeline and sprawls on the bed, arm propped on a pillow but with her boots /off/ the edge because seriously, she wasn't that uncouth. Besides, Giles would yell at her.

"I'm all in for a slumber party. Order the pizza and we'll get into our nighties!"

As Buffy continues her search and actually gets serious asking questions, she reaches into her pocket and thumbs the screen. "Ringing it now, B." So hopefully she can find it easier. Although admittedly watching her wander around like that was fun.

Spike has posed:
One slayer got a gentle tone with a welcoming edge to it, but when the other, and Spike, entered the Magic Box, albeit from different directions, Giles was thinking of that crossbow of his. Hearing Phobos, Spike helpfully offers, "depends on how he died. Some people die and can lead full, active, and rewarding... existences." He would have said lives, but when you aren't alive, it's hard to call it a life. "But, even if it weren't for this chip, you're not my type Rupert. More of a veal man myself."

Hearing of the slumber party, Spike says, perfectly deadpan, "oh no, and me without my pyjamas. Whatever will I do?" Moving over to see Faith sprawl, he'd smirk and ask, "you comfy?" As he walked around the room, all predator like. Once, people would be scared of Spike doing that. Now, at least he doesn't have his shoes on the table. Spike had thought of the same idea as Faith, but it was more fun to watch the other slayer look for it, so he had deliberately not offered to phone. Plus, it might not have actually had a charge.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles looks tired. Then again, it's been.. an interesting evening. To say the least. He lifts his left hand from the contract and rubs his forehead, briefly. His lips curl up as he lowers his hand again. "Well. I'd say I'd be unhappy if I died too, but then, I wouldn't know, would I? I'd be dead." Morbid Giles. Morbid.

"Nnnyes. Boys. Quite." He glances to Buffy and points to the shelf near where his tea pot is. "'tis there, Buffy." He goes quiet a moment. "Oh.. Um..." He shakes his head. "Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek god of the Underworld. And I might be taking over a guardianship of an artifact. Alexander, what was the punishment that's mentioned here?" He hadn't ever actually caught what that might be.

As the phone is rang, it rings, exactly where Giles had directed Buffy to look. He gives Spike a /look/. "You're not my type either, Spike." That might be a relief. He doesn't seem bothered by the fact that Faith had sprawled on the bed. He's... distracted. By the contract he holds. And the punishment aspects. And by the fact that he might not survive the experience.

Phobos has posed:
    "I mean," Alexander remains on the arm of the chair, but he seems to be making himself at home as he lifts up a sneaker and sets it over his thigh so he can untie it. He takes his time doing so, however. "There were all sorts of nasty things about your physical form. But the real nastiness was what happened to your soul."
    He pulls the sneaker and drops it on the floor with a thubba-thump, a sound that only is attainable by sneakers discarded without a care for them. Then it's on to the next. "Luckily, Giles and his girlfriend gave me Guest Rite, so I could extend my protection to him, so we ended up talking with my uncle."
    There's a pause then and he looks to Giles, "Did you throw out all of the leftovers from the meal? It's possible that he could eavesdrop on us so long as some of his offerings were intact here."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns softly, eyeing the vampire. "Spike." she says simply. It's probably no secret that she's been actively avoiding him all this time. But whatever. She's got other things to think about right now.

Faith is given a smirk as she flops on that bed, shaking her head. "Don't think it was meant for you, Faith. But of course you'd go ahead and make yourself comfortable either way." Still, when she rings her phone, Buffy peels her ears for a familiar ring.

It's faint, buried under something, or probably in a drawer or something. She frowns, standing still for a moment or two, tilting her head, moving slowly towards the front desk..If only she had super hearing..

"Sooo uh, you two gonna tell me what exactly happened here the other night? What, did some Egyptian death god guy hand you some weirdo artefact and go like, 'Here, protect it!?' or what?" yeah she's missing something here.

A belated glance is given Phobos then. "..Wait what, you just say uncle?!"

Faith Lehane has posed:
As the phone rang to voicemail after six rings, Faith flicked it back off. Then she dialed once more, glancing to the spot that Giles indicated for the missing phone. This time when it goes to voicemail, she doesn't call back again.

She sits up, scooting to the edge of the fold-out bed and letting her boots hit the floor again. She is actually listening more or less. Something something Egyptian...somethingsomething. Sukeht. Something.

"Yeah, why you shacking up here? And what's that thing you keep reading, Giles?" Addressed to Phobos and Giles specifically even as she pushes to her feet since no one was taking offense at her choice of location. Dammit. She glances over to Spike and shrugs at his question of it being comfy. It would seem not by her vacating it.

Spike has posed:
Spike looks at Buffy when she says his name, but nothing else comes, so it just seems confusing to him. Moving along, he walked around the room, eyeing up things he might want to nick later. He hadn't been listening to the conversation, whatever it was about Egypt, Sumaria, Disneyland for all he knew. It bored him.

His walk, stalk, whatever it is, seemed to lead him towards the punching bag, which he touched with his hands, feeling the rips that had been repaired, before moving to the weapons locker. They were locked up, and he briefly played with the chain on them, and then took a look to the group, "with you lot all in here, who's patrolling the streets?" And he started to head for the door to the main room, and the exits.

Rupert Giles has posed:
It's not untrue that Giles has a girlfriend. He... really kind of does. He listens thoughtfully at the bit about punishment. "I think I'd rather take guardianship of the stone. At worst, I'll die in the process," he murmurs, shaking his head a little bit. He straightens from the table and moves his arm back to set the contract back onto its surface.

That done, Giles steps away and over to the kettle. An electric thing made of glass and metal, rather than plastic like most modern ones are. It looks a little like a coffee pot. He fills it with water and sets the thing to get it to a boil. Then five mugs are gotten out and arranged on the short bit of counter there. Each gets a bag of tea put into it.

"Thrown out, no. I burned all of it in the parkinglot outside," replies Giles as he walks toward the small mini fridge to get milk for the tea out and sat on the table. That accomplished, he moves on to get the box of sugar cubes out and on the table. He returns to the kettle and waits for it to finish boiling.

"Not... precisely," he says to Buffy. "Doctor Wessex brought me an artifact he got out of a girl's stomach. She was emaciated. It was an Apophis stone. At this moment, it's sealed in my spell circle at home, so Sutekh couldn't find it to retrieve it. His divine servitors followed Wessex here, and found me. It's in my possession, and due to Alexander here, I was offered a... compromise. Get punished. Die. Or take over guardianship of the stone."

He looks to Faith and shakes his head a bit. "Here, because this is where Guest Rites were formally given. And that's a contract. If I sign it, I become the stone's guardian." Giles gets up to /the/ most interesting things sometimes! He reaches to one of the shelves beneath the counter where the tea pot is and pulls out the cellphone Buffy is looking for. He lifts it in his right hand and jiggles it a little in the air. "It's here, Buffy," he says.

Giles slips his left hand into his pocket and pulls out a folded in half wad of cash. He lifts it up and holds it between two fingers, looking straight at Spike. "Mercy is out patrolling."

Phobos has posed:
    As for Alexander he seems entirely inclined to allow Giles to explain all the nitty gritty, but he does nod his head in satisfaction that the foods given by Sutekh were burned and disposed of. Though, to be fair, that skewered lizard dish was tasty.
    He gestures with one hand to the side, "I came by looking for Willow since she's seemed a bit weird lately. But I showed up and there was a big critter. So we took care of it, and then came in and Sutekh showed up and yah. We did the whole talking thing." Which is when he gives Buffy a /LOOK/ as if to say, 'see, it worked again!'
    But then he continues, "And yah. I vouched for Giles, said we needed time to review the contract and that I'd stand for his being here in three days time to answer. So until then I'm stuck here. Already called work and got things cleared. So..."
    A moment as he looks toward Giles as if to make sure he's not forgetting anything. "So yeah."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks slightly as Giles' 'girlfriend' is mentioned. Aha! Thomas was right about those two! though the more she listens, the deeper she frowns, looking quite concerned for her Watcher.

"Ewww, what the heck was a magic stone doing in a girl's stomach and who is this Wessex guy and..Now Alex's evil uncle is gonna let you live if you protect it from being swallowed by anymore wayward girls?" she wrinkles her nose.

"And here I thought you were just some stuffy, boring librarian who moonlighted as a Watcher from time to time cuz that was your idea of fun. Geez Giles." well it'd explain why Alex would camp out here, kinda.

"Soo making sure your uncle plays nice huh? Well..That's good of you.." Buffy actually gives him a warm smile and nod. "No really..Thanks for looking after my watcher..." the part about Willow is noted but right now Buffy has other things on her mind as she just nods slowly to Phobos. "Ah..Hmm.."

Ohh, and there's her phone. "Thanks Giles!" she's already heading for the exit herself, phone in hand, shrugging a little to Spike's comment. "Was about to head for a patrol myself, just stopped by for my phone. Don't have to come with if you don't want..See you later Faith. Night everyone.."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Admittedly, a lot of this was going over her head. But she was picking up on important words. Like punished or die. Or take ownership of some sort of stone.

"So what does it mean if you take ownership of it? Cause options one and two are off the table. You shouldn't be punished for something falling into your lap."

She watches as Spike heads toward the front then Giles answers that question as well. Mercy. Not sure who that one was precisely as they hadn't met officially. Little did she know she kind of outted one day when the woman was around.

"Can someone else take ownership? Is ownership like a really bad thing or how does all that work?"

As Buffy heads back out she gives a brief. "Later, B."

Spike has posed:
Spike stuck around, hearing the lecture by Giles, "right, well, if you need me, you know where to find me." He would help out, he actually liked helping out, but he had a reputation to uphold. Can't be the cool outsider if you're always on the inside of things.

And besides, Mercy was a friend. He might check in on her, make sure that she's all right, or, he could use a beer. In fact, a beer sounded just about right. As he moved towards the front door, he checked his pockets, finding a pack of cigs. He would light up his smoke, and slip out, heading into the night. With the money Giles had offered him, he could get a decent pint, or maybe one of those onion flowers from the bronze, although there were better ways to fritter away the... allowance... Giles seemed to be giving him of late. It was very strange.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles had quite enjoyed the skewered lizard dish himself. Those and the dates had been quite tasty. He blinks. "Willow's been weird lately? I haven't seen her for about a week, I think." He nods to Phobos. "That sounds like most of it was covered." He shakes his head to Buffy. "No, not by wayward girls. I have to protect it from Apophis. The other Egyptian god of the Underworld." That is a little bit more ominous than having to protect it from girls. "It was being marketed as a diet pill. It certainly worked. But isn't what it's for. It stores Power. With a captial P. And if Apophis gets his scaley hands on it, he could use its power to overthrow Ra, the Sun god."

He smiles faintly at Buffy. "Well. You did keep trying to tell me that there's more to life than books... I seem to have discovered that." He seems amused. He turns to the teapot as it whistles its readiness. He lifts it and fills the first cup. "It really is quite nice of you, Alexander. I appreciate it greatly."

Giles looks to Faith briefly, then back to what he's doing. He doesn't want to spill boiling water everywhere. "Be careful, Buffy," he says as she makes to leave. Then, to Faith, though he doesn't look to her but keeps his eyes on pouring the second cup, "It means I protect from any who would steal it, because anybody who would steal it would use it for bad things. And I have to keep it away from Apophis."

He finishes pouring the second cup and starts on the third. "I will Spike, thank you." There's some sort of weird friendship there. Or something. "You be safe too." It's better to pay the vampire than keep getting things stolen and pawned. Better paying for both of them, in the end.

Phobos has posed:
    At the thanks given and the compliment as well from Buffy, Alexander answers. "Yeah, I'm kinda great that way." Super modest. But then he lifts a hand to offer a wave, "Seeya, Buffy."
    But when Giles adds his thanks to the Buffster's, Alexander crinkles his nose and makes a face in the direction of the Watcher and says, "Yeah, I'm just trying to avoid all the crying and the grieving and people not being able to go out and do things because they're so /sad/."
    Seriously, it's truly a selfish act.
    "Though," He adds, "I might ask a friend to come by and bring me a change of clothes if that's alright." Which has him looking thoughtful as he digs into his pocket for his cellphone, sliding it out and starting to thumb it to life with a sweep.
    "Do you think..." He starts to ask as he doesn't look up from the phone, not yet anyways. "It would be feasible to turn it over to a stronger guarding entity of some kind?"
    Only then does Alexander look up, "I could ask around and see if there might be some takers of people that are trustworthy."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Give it to me," Faith says simply as she moves over toward Giles. Her intention is to see the clipboard. To find what it was on it. Course, if it was in an ancient language, this was going to be an epic fail.

Wouldn't stop her from trying.

"Nothing personal cause you're great and all but might be better for a Slayer to have it than a human?"

Rupert Giles has posed:
"Well, actually, you kind of are great that way," says Giles to Alexander. Now the third cup is full of hot water, and with the other two having gone, Giles puts the kettle back on its stand. He picks up two of the cups and brings them to the table, setting them there roughly close to wherever Alexander and Faith happen to be standing. He nods to the pair of them in turn, indicating that these cups are for them. Milk and sugar, in cube form, are on the table. Giles goes back to the counter and gets his tea before walking back to the table.

Giles sits down next to the contract and reaches for the string on his tea bag. He jigs it lightly in the cup, causing the tea bag to bob up and down, but to also brew faster. "That's alright, of course. You should be comfortable. If you need, I can give you a ride wherever you need to go." Part of the Guest Rites is escorting to next destination, afterall, even if the destination after that would be back here.

The next question is considered and a nod given. "I suppose that would be a yes. In fact, if it can't be destroyed outright, passing on the guardianship might be feasable." He nods at the offer. "That would probably be a good idea. If there are takers and they're trustworthy." Because let's face it. Giles is mortal, with all the frailties of any other mortal. And he doesn't have the innate magic that someone like Willow does. He's a good warlock, but he has to work for it, and the majority of what he can do is reliant on spellbooks or other empowered objects.

He lifts the contract and offers it to Faith. It's in heiryglyphs. Of ancient Sumerian origin or something very like it. He shakes his head to her. "A Slayer might be able to guard it, wherever it is, but it also needs protective spells." Giles breathes in deeply and exhales slowly. "I think what really needs to be done is to find a way to destroy it. That.. would probably be the best thing for everyone involved." Giles continues bobbing that teabag up and down. "But you're right. I'm .. just me." Translate as 'nothing special'. "Guarding this stone is, I'm afraid, beyond my capabilities."

Phobos has posed:
    "See, now you make me feel all guilty for being so arrogant." Alexander offers back as he looks towards Giles, crinkles his nose again. But as quick as that he waves it off and then leans over to nudge Faith with the toe of his sock and tells her, "Soo you guys are stuck with me for a few days. Should go get some videos and bring them back and we'll watch 'em."
    That said he settles back to listen to what Giles has to say about the coming eventualities, about who might be best suited for protecting said orb and what must be done. He tilts his head to the side as he applies his own formidable thinker to the problem and then says, "Destroying it might be a whole big thing." A hand uncurls, "I have some contacts at SHIELD, I can maybe see what their answer to such a situation like this might be. They have their own division that handles the weird magical things." Considering he is a weird magical thing, only makes sense.
    "Or at least get pointed in a right direction."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"So whoever signs the paper is the protector of the stone?" Faith asks. Since she can't read a word it says, she has to take his word on it. As he sets the cup of tea in front of her, she looks at it curiously then reaches for the cream. And pours in far more than is needed. Then the little tongs are picked up for the sugar. She /may/ stop before the bowl is empty. It's iffy.

"Well you can handle the spells. Willow could help. But if you need a volunteer, you still got one. I mean I'm the extra so it'll keep B fighting the good fight if it all goes to hell and back."

She does glance at Phobos. "What did you mean about Willow earlier?"

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles shrugs ever so slightly. "When there's a reason for being arrogant, you shouldn't feel guilty about it," he says. He finishes playing with the tea bag and lets it drift to the bottom. He adds a single sugar cube and no cream at all. "Well, about that.. there's no television, so bringing videos wouldn't do you any good at all." Giles. There's a computer out in the main section of the shop! Not that Giles is thinking about that or the fact that it can probably play videos.. or dvds anyway. "You're pleasant to be stuck with. Not like Spike," he says. But his tone, despite the words, sounds fond.

When Shield is mentioned, Giles shakes his head. "Absolutely not. Government run entities such as shield are not trustworthy with things like an Apophis stone." Especially when the leaders change fairly frequently and you never know when a corrupt one will wind up in charge. That's a bad combination.

Giles lifts his tea and takes a careful drink of it. He glances sidelong at Faith. "'tis not quite that simple," he starts. He doesn't stop her from using the sugar. She can use as much as she wants. There's more. He shakes his head at the rest of what Faith says. "You're not an extra, Faith. You're as much a Slayer as Buffy is." Yeah, distracted from her question by the comment that had followed. So not an extra.

Phobos has posed:
    Answering Faith, Alexander gestures with one hand, "Oh there was this thing. Where there was a big critter that was banished, she did the banishing. But mmm..." For a moment he looks thoughtful as if trying to figure out exactly how to phrase something. Eventually he settles on something as he motions with a nod in Faith's direction. "Like, for me, you spend time with someone. You sort of get a vibe for them. Literally, a vibration for me. I can sense when someone is afraid, how much sort of ambient fear they have in their daily life. It's a hum, with the whole world's hum in the background. If I'm around someone for long enough I sort of get that feeling for them. And can tell when they're off. She felt off, during a moment when she shoulda been very very stressed. She seemed... not to be? Something was different."
    Though a moment later he's turned his head toward Giles and is listening then he sort of cracks a half-smile, nods. "Yeah, you're probably right. SHIELD can be tough to deal with sometimes."

Faith Lehane has posed:
Faith picks up her now cooled cup of tea thanks to so much cream and sugar. "I know. It's why I offered."
Shehe throws a playful wink their direction and heads toward the back door she had entered through. Not because she wanted to go patrol. But because she didn't like what Phobos just said. He could sense people's fears. Her fears were her own and she wasn't liking the idea of someone knowing them.

Never let them know you have a weakness.

"I'm gonna go find something to kill."

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles listens thoughtfully, and nods slowly. "That makes sense." He might now have a plan to have a chat with Willow to find out what was going on with her. He smiles ever so slightly. "All government entities can be tough to deal with," he says. "Be safe, Faith," he says. He's just as worried for her as he ever is for Buffy, but he doesn't ever try to stop either of them. He rises to his feet and wanders toward the front of his shop. "I'm going to go think. If you need anything, please help yourself," he says over his shoulder to Alexander. The contract is left where it was. The tea is going with him.