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Latest revision as of 11:10, 28 June 2021

Brood Invasion: After Extraction
Date of Scene: 20 June 2021
Location: Imperial Flagship Starskimmer
Synopsis: Lar gets his Broodling extracted by Shi'ar doctors on a flagship. Supergirl is there for support as Star-Lord and Gamora have a reunion. Lar ends up being taken on the Javelin as the Titans and League head back to Earth.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Gamora, Supergirl, Mon-El
Tinyplot: Brood Invasion

Star-Lord has posed:
It's been a little over an hour since the Milano was towed into the hangar of the Shi'ar Flagship. The Javelin was allowed to dock based on Star-Lord vouching for them, and Lar was taken to medbay with Supergirl just behind him. Shi'ar in Imperial Fleet uniforms have been scrambling in an efficent manner as they went. Say what you will about the Shi'ar, they are very organized.

Peter had been taken to one side by the Admiral of the fleet... and an hour later, Peter is walking away from the Admiral, and finally spots Gamora... and freezes, his eyes taking on a slightly curious, but mostly relieved expression. "Gamora?"

In the Shi'ar medbay, the doctors have had Lar in a cell full of some sort of liquid for abouut fourty minutes... and have finally managed (despite his skin) to get the embryo out of his body. He's been recovering on a bed for the last twenty minutes in a busy medbay, light shaking making it clear that the battle outside still rages.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora crosses her arms over her chest as Peter addresses her, "Peter," she says, giving a bit of a nod to Supergirl as well. "I heard you'd gotten yourself in a spot of trouble. As usual. Luckily, the Shi'ar flagship here wasn't far away from where I was cleaning out a nest of Reavers. Nobody you know, just a regular pack of scavenger scumbags who'd making trawling hits on stranded ships. The crews were lucky if they got killed - the rest got left to survive without any supplies. Just a slower death, really."

She approaches Supergirl, "I'm Gamora, a warrior for hire and an...associate of Quill's."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl knows little of the Shi'ar people, only rumours here and there of them being quite advanced, and often involved in war. She knows little else about them though, and is keeping a close eye on Lar, never leaving his side as they take him to their superior medbay.

Only when the embryo is removed and he's left to recover on the bed does she relax but still keeps a watchful eye on him. As the green woman approaches, she arches a brow at her, then glances curiously at Peter. Ah, a friend of his. They keep running into more. "Nice to meet you, I'm Supergirl."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has had a very long and difficult past few weeks, but at least the embryo is out. That hadn't been an easy procedure, either, but the Shi'ar are advanced enough to have the right tools of the trade. Hopefully, they won't try anything funny, but for the time being, the common interest of repelling the Brood perhaps makes that less likely.

    The Daxamite is still in a weakened state, and though he seems to be stable, no one seems to want to give them any guarantees of anything just yet, either. His eyes flutter open finally, though he tenses up a bit at finding himself in an unfamiliar place. However, the sight of Kara does help. "K-kara? Where...where are we?" he asks feebly.

Star-Lord has posed:
"We almost got infected a few times by Brood." Peter informs Gamora, before he turns to look at Lar on the bed. His right hand comes up, and a finger hits a switch on the back of his ear, snapping his helmet into place as he scans the Daxamite. A moment later, it retracts with another ear switch, and he looks to Supergirl, "I'm not seeing anything inside of him, he's in the clear." Then, he turns fully to Gamora and looks to her, "I haven't seen you in a while, so I was worried. Are you coming back to the team, then?"

Apparently he's leaving Supergirl to brief Lar.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora raises an eyebrow, "Didn't realize your helmet could scan through things that easily. Explains why you always take such a long look at my new armor," she says.

"That's the general plan, provided you haven't replaced me with anyone new," she says, glancing over at Supergirl. "I just needed a bit of space to clear my head. Sometimes it gets a little messy in there," she admits, which isn't easy for her to admit. Vulnerability doesn't come naturally to Gamora, "Brood infection is nasty. You're lucky," she says to Mon-El.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl peers thoughtfully at Star-Lord as he does that, apparently just as surprised that he has that capability. "Thank goodness. What a relief.." as Lar wakes up, she smiles brightly, reaching for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey there, how're you feeling? We rescued you from the brood ship, got picked up by a Shi'ar cruiser and they managed to successfully remove the brood embryo."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches Kara tiredly as she explains what happened, and instinctively grips her hand a little tighter when she gives him a squeeze. He tries to sit up, but doesn't quite make it. "Can we...go get some of that...um, cold creamy stuff...?" he mumbles. He doesn't quite seem to be all there yet, as Gamora's comment doesn't appear to have registered with him.

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a smirk from Peter, "It's got all the spectrums. Those things are easy to see on thermal, and I had a baseline comparison to tell where it was ages ago." Then, he steps forward... and offers a hand to Gamora. She's been around him long enough to know a handshake when she sees one, a custom of Terra, "Welcome back to the team then. I wouldn't replace you unless you requested it. Couldn't have come back at a better time either, with the Brood coming out of their space." Once she takes or rejects it, he steps over to Lar, his longcoat adjusted as he stands above him, "You were taken in the same ambush that crippled my ship. I had to rush comm repairs and break my ship more to get enough people together to get you out. You've been on a Brood ship for almost a week." Peter explains.

Then, he looks to Kara, "I just got another contract from the Admiral and I think you two might want to hear what the Shi'ar had to say." As he speaks, a Shi'ar doctor comes over and runs some sort of device over Lar, looks at it, then looks to Peter, speaks in an alien language, and walks off. "When the Milano failed to report in, the Shi'ar got worried and sent out a full squadron from the Imperial Fleet. The Brood have officially started pushing towards one of their border worlds. We're looking at a full on galactic war here. The Brood are coming out of their space and pushing out, hard."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora takes the hand coolly, the look in her eyes a mingling of wariness and almost sadness. Maybe she's glad she wasn't replaced. Maybe she expected a warmer welcome back. Regardless, things were what they were and she could handle whatever the situation turned out to be. She gives his hand a firm grip and listens to the Shi'ar with a curious look on her face.

"Yellow sun?" she says, allowing it to dawn on her what species these two must be. She had heard of this legendary 'Super-Man'. This girl must be some kind of relation or student.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl hmms and nods slowly to Star-Lord's explanation, frowning slightly. "Wait, so you have a contract with these guys? Guess it's the only reason they gave us safe passage. But We'd rather not get caught up in an intergalactic war. Our job as the Titans is to protect earth, not fight wars in outer space. Besides if We don't get back to earth fairly soon, this far from the yellow sun, We'll probably run out of charge in a few days."

She glances at Gamora and nods, "Kryptonian, yeah. We need the yellow sun to charge our powers." Kara glances worriedly down at Mon-El then, frowning, "How long do you think it'll take him to recover his strength?" she's doing calculations, pondering how long they'll be stuck in the middle of a war or if they should offer another hand..But her priority right now is Lar either way.

Mon-El has posed:
    Exposure to yellow or blue solar radiation would likely speed up the healing process--Kara would know this even without understanding what the Shi'ar medic just said.

    Lar struggles to sit back up again. "K-kara..." he tries to get her attention. "I-I...can we go home?" Whether he means back to Earth or back to the Legion cruiser or somewhere else that might qualify as 'home' is left to speculation.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Take the Javelin and head back to Terra then. I had taken a contract to scout this region of space for a distress signal. That was the trap that got us wrecked. They'll leave you alone because I vouched for your neutrality. I just wanted to get the Milano on board and Prince Charming de-egged." Peter smiles to Kara, "You shouldn't have much trouble getting back, the Shi'ar are keeping a corridor open for supply lines while they setup their new front."

Then, Peter turns and looks to Gamora, "We should talk, in private." A bit more subtle than Peter usually goes for...

Gamora has posed:
Gamora gives Peter a long look in return and nods. She manages a weak smile to Kara and Lar, "Good luck, you two. Maybe we'll meet again," she says. She rests a hand on the grip of her blaster as she turns and leaves the medical quarters, "My lodgings are on the 21st Deck. Third cabin on the left."

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl nods to Lar, "Working on it..Can you stand? Need me to...Help you?" she doesn't want to exactly embarrass him by outright carrying him but if they're gonna leave before this ship goes back to war, they'll need to leave like, right now.

She nods to Star-Lord and smiles, "Thanks for your help and good luck." Gamora is given a warm smile too, although she does study the two of them thoughtfully...Hmm.."It was nice meeting you, Gamora, I'm sure we'll cross paths again.."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head at Kara's question, trying to insist he doesn't need to be carried, but ends up just flopping onto the floor. Well it seems he has the embarrasing himself part handled. He is going to have to thank the Guardians properly later on, once he actually has his wits about him.