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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/05/16 |Location=Coffee Shop, Hot Joe's - Gotham |Synopsis=Ash stops for a cup of Joe. Nothing bad happens. |Cast of Characters=1009,1258,55,13...")
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Latest revision as of 04:22, 16 May 2022

A Motley Crew
Date of Scene: 16 May 2022
Location: Coffee Shop, Hot Joe's - Gotham
Synopsis: Ash stops for a cup of Joe. Nothing bad happens.
Cast of Characters: Ash Williams, Cannonball, Supergirl, Loki, Speedy (Queen), Phantasm (Drago)

Ash Williams has posed:
Gotham. It's like Bludhaven, but...less Jersey-ish. So better.

It's also uncharacteristically quiet. For a time. In fact, for the length of time it takes for sound to travel. The sound in question? The suped-up engine of a 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88, followed shortly by the stereo within blaring Motley Crue's magnum opus 'Kickstart My Heart'.

The car skids into view around a corner, tires going well over the line before its sliding deftly back into its lane and screeching to a halt, parking in front of Hot Joe's Coffee Shop, tires still kicking up the smoke of burnt tread.

"Alright, kid," Ash begins, cutting the engine off and swinging the door open. "Gotta grab some grub if we're in this for the long haul, right?" he says, patting his belly with a robotic hand that ushers forth an 'oof' from him afterwards. He steps out and slams the door, stepping around the car and swaggering his way towards Hot Joe's hand still tapping the rhythm of that song on his leg.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie had to come out to Gotham to check in with a band that was supposed to have played at his club last week but did not make it. He also did a check in on a few workers who now work for Wayne tech subcompanies via the X-corp agreement. So after a bit of a day he decided to stop in and get some coffee, while the young man, can fit in ok in New York, in Gotham he looks more out of place.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl was (had been) needed in Gotham City. It was a whole to-do. Batman growled something about Two Face and the Riddler and gestured ominously to a monitor containing a freeze frame of both their silhouettes. There were acid pits, ne'er-do-wells, henchmen, and a lot of throwing knives, but justice was served in the end. And so, Supergirl left Gotham City, leaving only Mild-Mannered Kara Danvers behind to refuel with coffee and a massive plate of hash browns that she had them make for her on the panini press. The barista behind the bar was -elated- to see if it worked.

It didn't.

But Kara looks pretty happy about her mostly-mushy-somewhat-crispy hashbrowns as she shakes some pepper on top of them with her right hand and holds a fork, business end up, in a balled up fist on her left hand. Still, there is the matter of that car skidding into view and the smell of scorched rubber in the air. Kara's nostrils flare, and not because of those totally tasty hash browns. Is that villainy she smells? Or just cheap cologne?

Loki has posed:
It has been some time since Loki was last on Midgard, and as is his custom whenever he finds himself back on the underdeveloped world, he had sought out the one and only thing which made it stand out within the Nine Realms - coffee. And having spent a little bit of time in Gotham, he had determined that without question, the best cup of coffee was not at "Big Jim's" or "The Greasy Spoon" or the twelve others that identified as having it, it was, in fact, here at Hot Joe's.

He inclines his head towards the girl behind the counter as he steps inside, and earns a brief wave from one of the baristas. The one that always seems to see Loki tip with a $20 bill, and thus likes him, but then always mutters at the end of the night when he finds that someone has stolen from his tip jar, and for some reason a coupon has appeared in there instead. Last time it was for a free car wash, and he does not even own a car!

"Your usual, Mr. L?" asks the barista, to which Loki nodded, doing the affirmation that he had picked up from the locals recently - both hands pointing with index fingers at him, thumbs up, the other fingers curled.

His preference stated, the Asgardian currently disguised as a mild manned Midgardian but in a VERY swanky green suit with yellow accents continues along before dropping into a seat in the corner. His gaze turns out to the rest of the shop, mildly curious as to the rest of its denizens.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     A red motorcycle closely follows the 1973 Oldsmobile, the rider is clad all in red leather with a hood and a black mask, parking close by, she turns off the engine and slips off. There is a look in Ash's direction "I've already been in this for a long time." she says, though she follows after him towards the coffee shop, "You're buying." she tells him, passing him and entering the establishment.
     As she enters the, she doesnt lower her hood or remove her mask, she just looks for a place to sit and then without discussion goes to a table and slides in, it just who happens its two tables away from Kara.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Granted, since Nick got moved to live in New York, this coffee shop is not one of the go tos for him to get coffee now adays. But he's been here before and the need for a change from his more recent scenery was needed. So. The incognito rock star sits at a table, nursing a cup of coffee and a comically large cookie. It's not something one eats on the day to day but...

Eh. He's in a mood. Let him have the cookie.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Oh yeah? Well there's statues of me dating back to the thirteen hundreds, so I don't wanna hear it," Ash answers back to Thea, though he does still make sure he holds the door open for her. He's a scumbag, but he's still a gentleman. Right?

"Hoping to get out of this place by sundown," he says, looking to his wrist. He doesn't wear a watch, but he thought he felt a bug on it. "Just gotta pick up something I stashed here," he explains.

"Hot Joe!" Ash says, stepping in through the door and throwing his arms out wide. "Ash is *back*," he problaims with that characteristic winning grin.

Joe, the elderly Croatian man stepping through the kitchen doors blinks at Ash for a moment and snorts so loud it sounds like a lawnmower starting. "I don't know Ash. Who you? Who is Ash? Woman's name."

Ash's lips flatten and he moves to take a seat across from Kara. "That's a little game we like to play. I disappear in the 80s, Joe gets dementia. Back and forth back and forth."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will order a coffee and a couple of pastries, as he looks around to find a seat, blinking a bit as he sees a few people he knows. He will end up at a table near Nick. The man offers the other a nod in greeting but does not interrupt cookie time.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara's eyes turn to Ash and Thea as the pair make their way into the coffee shop. There is a sincere concern in her gaze at the pair's entrance. The loud-mouthed Ash gets more attention than the quieter Thea, though the familiar-looking masked woman is given a bit of a lingering gaze as well. That expression softens into something more closely resembling curiosity when the Girl of Steel's picture-perfect memory associates the costume with the name. Thea Queen.

"Huh!" she says to herself and angles her knees back in the direction of the table she's sitting at. Her soggy hash browns suddenly seem a little bit less appealing, but she takes a big chunk out of the plate to chow down on regardless. Her free hand reaches up to lightly push the black-framed glasses up along her nose, and then (through force of habit alone) reaches back to make sure that her hair has been pulled back into her immaculate disguise-bun. Disguise bun: activated.

"I do not have dementia," says Joe, and looks down at Kara pleadingly as he pours her her third cup of coffee. Normally Joe would use his favorite line: 'Do you plan on flying out of here?' He loves that joke. But he's too distracted by Ash and the man in the (amazing) green suit. "This is no game," he assures Kara, who gives him a stern nod, left cheek still puffed out with the hash browns she's stuffed into them.

She swallows.

"Totally," she says.

Loki has posed:
The entrance of the man with the robot hand and the masked woman certainly attract Loki's attention. "My my my," he murmurs to himself, barely taking his gaze from the pair as the barista walks over to hand him his usual. Loki slips a hand into his pocket and hands over what appears to everyone as a $20 bill, but if anyone's sight naturally pierces illusions is a buy one, get one free haircut coupon.

Loki settles back into his seat, holding his coffee in both hands for a moment, and then brings it up to his lips to sip. "Coffee and a show. How marvelous."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     "I've died and come back to life again. The fact that you have statues of you from the thirteen hundreds doesnt impress me." Thea picks up a menu and glances at it, not really looking at it, "But it does interest me. Care to tell me more about yourself and what I just had to kill?"
     There is a look towards "Joe" and she looks between Ash and Joe a few times, "He doesnt seem to like you or know you." she comments. Dementia or not.
     When a waitress approaches, she looks long at Thea and her hooded masked self, "Cheeseburger, disco fries and a strawberry shake." she says. Ash was buying after all, right?
     "Uh, we don't have all that here." says the waitress. Thea looks at Ash, "What kinda shit place did you bring me to?" Dismissing him she looks back at the Waitress, "A hot chocolate, then?" That she can do.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Being the clubowner from New York is in the coffee shop in Gotham, that merits a moment of note from Nick. The pale eyes were already upon Sam in time to see the nod. Naturally another one was sent back in return. And once he swallows the bite of cookie in his mouth he follows it up with a small greeting. "Hello Sam. How's the club?"

He blinks, seeing a red hood in the side of his vision, causing for him to look over to someone wearing a mask. It's not QUITE a normal fashion choice but...

Well, so long as she's not attacking him.

He looks back to Sam.

Ash Williams has posed:
"It's tragic, y'know? When the mind starts to go like that," Ash says, looking over at Kara and jerking his head in Joe's direction. His robo-hand rests on the table and he looks back to Thea. "He does know me. That's why he doesn't like me."

"Just a coffee and a patty melt for me, baby," Ash asks of the waitress, flashing a wink at her. "And chicken tender for the kid," he snaps pointing across at Thea. "She's wasting away."

"Not so loud, alright," Ash says, hunching forward and keeping his voice down. "Ix-nay on the ill-kay. We're just a couple of..." he looks at Thea's get-up and suddenly remembers that discretion is out of the question. "Deadites. They're demons. Undead parasites that answer to The Dark Ones. They've had a bone to pick with me for years..." he explains, looking over his shoulder as he hears a ruckus sounding from the bathroom. "Helloooo...sounds like somebody's gettin' a little truck stop special in there," Ash says, sliding out of the booth and moving to press his ear to the bathroom door.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Nick, and says "Pretty good, we had a local band from here that was supposed to been there this past week, but did not make it. Turns out their agent had an accident, and did not get a chance to tell them about the job before it. He should be ok, and we reschedueled."

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
The chicken tenders for the kid comment get some squinty eyes from Thea behind the black mask. She didn't care she was in her get up, she was actually more confident in it anyway. "Make sure there is ranch and bbq sauce then." She adds to the order.
     "Not so loud? This joe guy knows you from forever but we cant speak frankly? You picked the wrong place to fill in details then." Though she waits until the waitress leaves and then listens to the rest of what Ash has to say, she leans her elbows on the table and nods slowly, "This is a problem for me, I work in the Blue Lady, and I cant have these deadites, as you call them, outside of the club. Its bad for business."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara looks AGHAST at the manners (or lack thereof) on display by Thea Queen. Her mouth briefly drops open and she turns her chin to look back towards Ash and Thea for another moment, making brief eye contact with Ash in the process. Her blue eyes flick over his facial features, drawn towards his chin by a force not entirely unlike gravity. Wow. That's some chin. She closes her mouth and turns to look back at her plate full of hashbrowns and nods.

When Ash slips out of his seat, Kara slips right back into it. "Excuse me," she says to the much-flabbergasted waitress who, were it not for Loki's generous tipping, would likely be making well below minimum wage. She plops her butt down on the cushion and gives a few scoots so that she's directly across from Thea. She also rests her elbows on the table. Well, that, and her plate of hashbrowns. She side-eyes Ash as he presses his ear up against the bathroom and, while she can hear some bumping and jostling inside, nothing stands out as immediately threatening. Well, except for Ash.

'Are you okay?' Kara mouths to Thea across from her.

Loki has posed:
There really is no competing with that chin, is there? Loki rubs at his absently, a severe case of chin-envy on his face, that place where his chin is. If anyone is paying attention, they might notice that his chin is a bit bigger after the rubbing. Apparently sometimes that's all it takes to make something grow.

He takes another sip from his coffee as he watches Kara huddle with Thea. A wellness check, it would seem. But his ears are prickling with something the two kept saying. Deadites. He tilts his head, wondering where he has heard that before.

He glances over at Sam and Nick talking about a club and then just drifts back over back towards Ash and his ladyfriends. Because frankly, that is the most interesting thing in the joint right now. And given the quality of the coffee, that's saying something!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick frowns as Sam points out the circumstances. "That stinks. But it does happen. Sometimes things are out of your control and-"

Ok reel it back.

He pauses, "But, it worked out right? Do you still have the card for Shaw Studios?"

Now, Nick had been pretty good about tuning out other people's conversations but hearing some one mention of The Blue Lady interrupts that. Nick's head turns, looking to the masked one as the club name gets mentioned. Thomas's club? She works there?

Damn he's been out of the loop way too long.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Oh yeah? Next time I run into one, I'll make sure to tell him that they're harshing your business," Ash says, making a quick jerk-off motion and uttering an 'as if'. "Hey, lovebirds! Knock it out in there; papa's gotta drain the main vein!" he explains, knocking on the door with his fleshy hand as to not put a dent in it. It swings open from the contact.

"We're all alone in here, Ashy Slashy, but we're always down for a screeew. Show us what than hand can do, BABY," calls a distorted voice from the crack of the door before it's knocked off of its hinges and onto the now-downed Ash.

A rotting-skinned waitress with a nametag that says 'Patsy' on it is standing in the doorway, her eyes a milky white and her mouth spilling out a green liquid. She reaches down and grabs Ash's exposed ankle, dragging him into the bathroom and swinging him out of sight of the diners and through one of the sinks, spraying water all over the place.

"KID! The trunk! Open the trunk! Get the-AH SHIT!" The sounds of porcelain breaking rings through the diner.

Moments later and the rest of the diners begin to shamble to their feet, or up the walls, their faces taking on a similar look to Patsy's.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Nick, and says "Yea, got a couple bands, I have told to contact your guys." He starts to say more, but then there is a commotion at the door, and Sam looks over and seeing the "Zombie?" Sam will move to put himself between Nick, and it, and looks to others who might be about "Get behind me." He offers them.

Speedy (Queen) has posed:
     Thea watches Ash gets garbed, his words spark something in her and she runs. Runs as fast as she can to the car, then she comes back moments later with a chainsaw. Its roaring to life and she's welding it, coming towards who has as ash. "The fuck you can take him when I'm watching." The chainsaw buzzes as she roars it towards her subject. This was not something she was antiquating but something she has to do. Good thing she is in red leather and take all the blood splatter.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers' big blue eyes get even bigger when that door flies open and the body of poor Patsy begins to say some rather... unchristian things. Kara has super speed, but even she isn't the first to rise. Thea flings to her feet and scrambles out of the booth that the two are sitting at to... run away. Well, that's probably the sensible thing to do. Kara Danvers follows suit, only, in the moments that Thea is gone and not-yet returned with a chainsaw, she moves to help usher out any of the diners that aren't scaling the walls or foaming at the mouth towards the back kitchen where they should be... well. Maybe safe.

"Ah, um, oh noooo!" she exclaims when she feels one of the creatures lay a hand on her shoulder. With a small jab of her elbow, the zombie staggers backwards clutching their sternum and making a rather gross zombie-sound in zombie-pain.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" she exclaims, just as Thea guides that chainsaw into the human holding onto Ash and blood begins to spray out in all directions.

She gulps and quietly back-hand smacks a zombie charging towards her other side, sending them reeling and crashing against the breakfast nook. Hopefully while no one is looking.

Loki has posed:
Loki is looking. He is going a lot of looking. "Oh, this is more fun than the time we accidentally opened up the..." Whatever word was intended to come out is lost as a Deaddite hurls itself at the Asgardian. It does little to actually hurt him, of course, but it breaks the mug and spills that precious coffee. "Oh, NOW you've done it."

Since chaos has already unfolded, Loki adds to it by flipping the tale. He rises - and rises - and the man in the green suit shimmers out of view, replaced by a rather taller man with a headdress of large curved yellow horns, and what appears to be some sort of battle armor in green. "No one ransacks my favorite coffee shop in the Nine Realms!"

A dagger appears in his hand and flies at a Deaddite that is diving at Kara, catching it in the chest and sending it to get impaled against the wall. "By the All-Power, I demand that you all leave this place at once!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the people who are freaking, and says "Ok folks this way, everyone this way." He will head them towards where their should be a fire exit, and if there is not one he can always make one, but right now, he is trying to get people to safety and make sure there are none of these deadittes outback waiting for them.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
What was once a calm conversation about clubs takes an odd turn when the screaming starts. Nick's brows raise as several of those inside the store are suddenly acting quite zombie-ish. Seems he didn't get the memo about the rebranding.

Oh hell.

Sam's valiant offer to be in front of Nick is not unnoticed but if one were to consider the nature of Sam's ability, being directly behind him might not be a good idea either.

But it seems Nick didn't get the memo about that either as he does follow Sam's instruction at least initially.

He grows quiet. The scar on his right forearm fading away and appearing on his left while his facial features seemingly reverse. The clothes, look about the same because it appears Nick favors solid colored clothing and not patterns.

He sticks alongside Sam as he herds people back, sort of shifting to the X-man's side to extend the barrier of protection.

An assessing glance is given towards the remaining fighters and it appears that at least three of them know what they're doing.

A lingering glance is given to the revealed Loki. "...wow." This place serves EVERYONE.

But where is the loud one he had tuned out earlier?

Ash Williams has posed:
With the immediate threat that is 'Patsy' dispatched by the fast acting Thea, Ash stands up, offers her a quick nod, twists his robo hand off, and takes the chainsaw from her. It's popped into place and held aloft, Ash looking at it with a grin. "Always did love a little girl on girl, but sorry, Kid. Time for me to take over," he says, stepping out of the bathroom and driving the revving chainsaw through a Deadite patron's back before lifting him into the air and smashing him down through a table, following that up with a generous application of the gnashing be-chained teeth to the demon's head.

The deadite that Loki's pinned to the wall catches a quick slash across the face, absolutely mangling it's rotten head. "Gotta destroy the head! And I don't think they know what an All-Power is. Come to think of it, neither do I..." he muses, momentarily distracted before he's tackled to the floor by a possessed babushka.

Supergirl has posed:
Gotham City is -crazy-. Kara turns to look at Loki when the man in the entirely-too-dapper suit reveals himself to be the Trickster god of Asgard. She gasps (!!!) at the reveal and even takes a half step back in surprise. In hindsight, she should have known that nobody unimportant wears a Green Suit in Gotham City, but hindsight is always one viewed with picture perfect clarity. "Wait wait!" Kara says, but it's too late. Loki has hurled that dagger into the chest of a not-zombie and sent it screeching back towards the wall. It jerks and spasms, coughing up blue and green pile as it attempts to rip the dagger from its own chest.

"Don't kill them!" Kara insists.


"Oh... um," she says, and scratches her head. "I mean, we really shouldn't." Destroy the head, that is. Kara is careful not to tip her super-powered hand too much. Even when Ash is tackled by possessed babushka, she -walks- over towards him and makes a pointed effort to sound strained as she lifts it off of him and chucks it elegantly to the side.

"Is there any way we can save them without, well, y'know," she says, and pinches her index finger and thumb together.

Loki has posed:
There is a definite arch of an eyebrow as Loki regards Kara. "Well then. I suppose..." He glances around for a moment. "What is it that they want, and what do we need to do to put them back?" He waves his hands and the daggers in them vanish. He snaps his fingers and all of a sudden there are 12 grinning copies of Ash in the room. "Wow," they all say in unison. "I'm one sexy bitch." as they point to each other.

He strides over to Kara as the deaddites hopefully attack the various Ashen. "So. What do you know about these things? Why aren't we killing them?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Sam finishes the back out with the folks in the restaurant, Nick lingers behind. "Are they zombies, demonic, or possession?" He asks out loud.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Thank you, baby," Ash says, hauling himself up from the floor and smiling that charming smile at Kara, chin in full force. "But only one of us here is the Chosen One, got it? There's no human part left in them. When the Dark Ones make a weapon, they make a good one," he explains. He looks like he's about to go on explaining but then he's catching sight of a copy of himself. When it doesn't instantly try to kill him (like all the other times), he swaggers towards one of them and says "Helloooooo handsome. My goodness, we are good looking."

"You got that right, you devil," the clone replies, snapping a pair of finger guns back at the OG.

"It wouldn't be gay, right? Right?" asks Ash Classic.

"Not as long as we turn up the Slayer real loud," answers the clone, leading the two of them to enter into a fit of hysteric laughter.

"I /do/ miss college," Ash Classic says, patting his clone on the shoulder and adding, "Hate to break this up, but there's something I need in the Delta and you seem trustworthy. Grab it for me?" he asks, before the clone is nodding and running outside.

Moments later, the front window is shattering and there's a sawn-off shotgun sailing through the air, snatched down by The Chosen One's fleshy hand. "Now, back to the important part. There's no saving these poor bastards, so are you guys gonna join in, or do I have to do this myselves?" he asks, flipping the shotgun barrel back over his shoulder and blasting the head off of an incoming Deadite.

"Possession. But not one we're likely to break anytime soon."

Supergirl has posed:
"You're welcome?" Kara says, the upward inflection added at the ill-aging pet name given to her. Still, the guy -looks- like he's from the 80's. It was a totally different time. Or so she's been told. And then, suddenly, with a snap of fingers, there are -twelve more- of them appearing in the room with them. "Chosen one? The Dark Ones?" she rattles off these and several other questions before ducking and giving an audible yelp when he discharges that shotgun into the head of an incoming Deadite. It recoils backwards and collapses into a heap of blood and bone on the floor.

"Hooooohhhh my god," Kara says, which is both an answer to Ash's question and not an answer at the same time. She takes two steps backwards into the path of two charging deadites and, at the last moment, somewhat-too-quickly steps out of the way and knocks their heads together with a loud -CRCKKKKK-!

They too collapse in a heap, though this one is significantly less bloody.

"Watch out!" she says to Loki, who is being approached from the rear (heh) by three more Deadites! OH NO!

Loki has posed:
Really, Loki should be fine. He generally has good battle field awareness. But he is busy watching Kara. I mean, who wouldn't be? You can watch the 13 Ash's, and somehow Kara appears to be slightly more captivating. At the warning, though, his eyes widen. "Oh, right, yes."

He bends over at the waist, kicking back with one leg to send the middle deaddite tumbling back into the wall. The grasps from the other two go past where he was, and before he starts to stand up he tumbles his head forward. His helmet rolls into his hand and he yanks it up as he straightens. Like a butcher's freezer, each of the horns impales one of the deadites at the back of their neck, and with the force of Loki's upward thrust tear the heads clean off their body's.

He winks at Kara. "Thanks for watching my ass, miss." And then as if to turn that into a prediction, he whirls around to dash at the deadite he had kicked. And he /definitely/ wiggles his ass a bit more than is necessarily as Kara stands behind him.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Possession..." Nick murmurs. An idea comes to mind. "Well, there's one way to find out if they're salvagable..."

And with that, and with no witnesses beyond those currently involved- Nick runs THROUGH the crowd.

Literally through.

Ghost like. Walls are no problem. And this would be scary if he was the one supernatural being not actively trying to kill people.

And he's soon out of sight as he disappears into the kitchen. Save for a deadite that gets tossed through the door into the dining room.

Behind the door there's the sound of dishware and utensils clattering and then the muffled sounds of a quick rhythmic chant of some sort. The door kind of muddles up the lyrics.

The door is kicked back open and the rocker stands, holding three large wooden stirring paddles.

As a Deadite comes ambling Nick's way he promptly swats them with one of the sticks. The Deadite stumbles back. Seeming a bit stunned but no longer advancing. Instead, it seems confused.

"Cool." Nick comments, running over to Kara, handing her a stick after he swats another one. "Smack the possessed with it. Works as long as I maintain it." He holds up the third stick. "Got one more. Who wants it?!"

Ash Williams has posed:
"It's all stuff they don't teach in history class, Sweet Cheeks," Ash answers to Kara, lopping off a Deadite head with the chainsaw and stomping on it until it bursts. "Dark Ones used to run this place. Earth, I mean. Had all of us enslaved. Deadites," he blasts another one in the face before reloading surprisingly quickly for a man with one hand. "Were the wardens. Long story short, Dark Ones got banished to a pocket dimension, and they /really/ want to get out," he notes before staring blankly at Nick's proffered spoon.

"I hate musicians. You know, this kid's blasted out of his gourd on Mary Jane. That's a gateway drug, y'know! You got a long life ahead of you and you don't need to go wasting it on Big Poppa Puff. Now when we're done here you're gonna fetch all of that sticky icky and bring it to me for, uh...disposal! We clear?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara is doing her absolute -best- at playing a hapless teenager and, to her credit, she gets about 90% there. It's good enough for government work, but Loki is a Trickster God and, well, a Kryptonian's perfection only extends so far. Maybe she knocks those heads a little too hard together. Maybe she moves out of the way a little too fast. Maybe she actually does look at his butt as he turns around and wiggles it! It's impossible to say, because he's facing away! Nick emerges from the kitchen with spoons that appear to... stun the creatures more than kill them. Kara, bleeding heart that she is, takes the offered spoon and brandishes it as awkwardly as she can. When one of those deadites leaps from the ceiling like some sort of awful frog, she back-hands it a little TOO hard with that spoon, redirecting its inertia to hurl it behind the coffee bar. The waitress who made Kara's hashbrowns screams and reaches out to push the button on the espresso machine, shooting hot steam into the deadites face, prompting a blood curdling: "HHRRRHHRGHREEEEEEEEEEE" sound to emit from the flailing creature.

Kara moves quickly now as well, grabbing the waitress and dragging her into the back room while hurling that spoon at a charging deadite. It bonks the noggin hard enough to not only ragdoll, but to lift those feet up off the ground and send them crashing down onto their back -hard-.

"Wow! Nice throw!" the waitress says.

"Oh, hahahaha, yeah! I play softball," she replies.

"Oh." The two disappear into the kitchen.

Loki has posed:
It is too late for the one that had eaten Loki's boot - his head was impaled by one of the mystically appearing daggers. But not too late for the others, as Loki looks to Nick and raises his hand up to indicate a catch. "I'll handle your stick if you can keep it up," he says, with a grin that indicates he is completely aware of the implications of his phrasing. He fends off the approaching deadites with another kick as Nick flicks the stick quick to the Trickster.

Once armed with something non-lethal but effective, Loki becomes a whirling dervish of sticking. "Marvelous creation," he murmurs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Ash refusing Nick's stick, he ends up passing it over to a much more enthusiastic Loki. Nick gives a chuckle to the comment.

What? It was funny.

Moment of humor passed, Nick's expression becomes a bit more serious.

Adjusting his grip on the stick he rushes into the battle.

Now it is odd. The scar that had transitioned over to the left forearm has now made its way back to the right.

But enough about such details. Dipping back into the skills learned when practicing with the Slayer, Nick moves back into form. Dodging and striking Deadites when the opportunities present themselves.

Off over to the kitchen door. The first Deadite Nick struck turns, walks over to a seat and sits down looking dumbfounded. The expression is seeming much more human-like.

Ash Williams has posed:
With all of his clones, and this new merry band of helpers, taking care of the Deadites, Ash finds time to slip back into the bathroom. Slinging his shotgun into the holster on his back, Williams straddles one of the undamaged toilets and grabs the lid off of the back of it. This would be a perfect time to stage a classic upper-decker, but he's got his priorities in-line for once. He slings the lid off to the side and reaches in, producing a book wrapped in a large freezer bag. "There you are. You dick," he says, shaking the excess water from the bag and ripping it open to reveal it's contents, a book bound in human flesh with a very unhappy-looking face adorning the front.

"Alright! Back to work!" he says, stepping back into the dining room, chainsaw revving...and then idling again as he spies that all of the Deadites are now returning to their previous good-natured selves. "Hey would you look at that. We did, other Ashes."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara bursts out from the kitchen a few moments later, her hair bedraggled and glasses off kilter. For just a moment, those looking might be struck with a whisper of clarity. A spark of recognition for the peppy blonde woman's face. But where have they seen that face before?! All hope of recognition vanishes, however, when Kara simply adjusts her glasses that half inch and pulls the rest of her hair back into that fun-bun that sits atop her head. "Wowwwwwzers, there were a lot of them. We got everyone out, though. Well, except," she pauses, and looks towards the pile of hacked-off limbs from the first unlucky Deadites that didn't have the pleasure of being stick-nicked by Nick's sticks. She grimaces for a moment and glares in the direction of that book in Ash's hand but, as the man himself has astutely observed, things seem to be on the up-swing now! The people aren't unpossessed (or are they?) but they do seem to be nonviolent and, though confused, doing normal human people things. We'll call that a victory for the good guys.

"What are you going to do with that Book?" she asks the OG Ash, though one of them has already walked up beside her and hooked his arm around her neck. He gestures grandly towards what might be the horizon, if it weren't a wall with a bunch of pictures of cats dressed up in different colored suits and bow ties. "How's about you and me... and me... and me and me and me... and me," he says, inhaling to continue the thought.

"Hahaaa... oh that's -so- nice but I really can't," Kara politely refuses.

Loki has posed:
With a regretful sigh, Loki snaps his fingers. "My apologies, but I could not allow that much magnificence to remain in one room, lest it upset the balance of the universe." The other Ashen all fade away, leaving naught but Ash Prime. He extends this deadite defeater back towards Nick. "Thanks for letting me wield your stick. It was delightful." The Asgardian glances around for a moment, seeing the chaos of the shop. "I should perhaps make haste and away, before I somehow catch blame for this calamity."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick takes the stick back. "I hear that a lot." He responds back to Loki, giving a bit of an impish grin. With the threat gone, there's the slight int of an unnatural light lifting off the sticks and fading from view, no longer confined. "Ok the sticks are just sticks now. No more demon-begone."

To the mention of Loki leaving before getting blamed for the mess, Nick takes a look around. "Uh. I probably should get going too. I don't really stick around for the aftermath stuff."

And being the police are probably going to be coming. Walking's not an option. "Ugh. I'm going to need a nap after this." He mutters. His scar switching arms again as his features start to mirror. "Well. Glad you guys didn't die. Uh... Bye." With a few quick steps he's out the door, turning to head down an alleyway.

Ash Williams has posed:
"What book? Oh, this old thing? Same thing I always do with it. Keep it out of their grubby little hands. You hear that, you no-good Kandarian? Go crawl back up Yog-Sothoth's keister! Tell him that this world is muy occupado!" he calls out into the air, waving the book around triumphantly.

"Aaaaanyway," Ash says, using the book to smack a length of intestine off of his shoulder. "I gotta beat bricks before Johnny Law shows up. You cats all seem cool, so if you need a ride, pile into the Delta. I got a lot of road to cover, but I can make a few stops," he explains, swaggering his way out towards the car. "But get them leg's a pumpin', because this train's leaving the station pronto."

Any folk riding with El Jefe pile in, the Necronomicon is tucked into the glovebox, and the Delta roars back to life, spearind down the road once more.