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Yule at Lux
Date of Scene: 24 December 2022
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Festivus at Lux
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Sinister, Kit Killovarras, Phantasm (Drago), Ivory

Lucifer has posed:
Every day seems a holiday at Lux. So when the holidays do come around... they're a bit *more*. More people, more booze, more tits and ass... The dancers are dancing, the music is loud and the drinks are strong. There's also decorations - because what's Yule or...Christmas or...whatever bloody holiday one chooses to follow (or not) this time of year without them. Strings of lights in various colors, the disco ball spins a multi-colored rainbow on the dance floor and there are PEOPLE. All sorts tonight too, from those on the high end of the pay grades to some of the more middling sorts. Waitresses and waiters tend to the various tables and there is no less than three bartenders behind the horseshoe tonight.

Then there's Lucifer. Tonight he's in a Kris Kringle Red suit with snow white vertical pinstripes, a white handkerchief tucked in his left breast pocket and immaculate with a capital I to show no matter how wreckless the night gets he is still In Charge(tm). Standing in his perching spot - because no one else ever dare enter it - he sips on a whiskey and lets blue eyes gaze around to watch as the party only just begins.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
As many people as there are here, normally this wouldn't be the place to find a certain yeen, but it seems he's fairly far outside his comfort zone here - not to mention his postal code - for some reason or another. He's a wall-flower by the standards of most here, but he's not exactly hugging the wall at the moment, especially with the attire he's chosen.

He knows well enough that in the den of the devil, one shouldn't choose the 'shy' approach, so instead of his usual jeans and hoodie, he's dressed down in his finest. A crimson silk vest covering his torso, leaving his arms bare to show off the gold and silver bands around his biceps and the short, thin chains that drape from them. A belt of chains and chimes adorn his hips, barely holding the fiery orange and red sarong that covers the rest of him. A single cuff and chain are connected to his right ear, the delicate silver thing outlining the outer edge of his ear perfectly.

His inhuman form is on complete display tonight for some reason, but he doesn't seem to care in the least. Tonight is a night to celebrate after all, is it not? Besides, he isn't expecting people in a place like this to be the type to run away screaming at the sight of him. So he makes his way into the club, tail swaying to the beat ever so slightly as he decides to explore what he's allowed to of the club.

Nick Drago has posed:
There could probably be a novel written to explain the reasons why a rock star who suddenly canceled their tour a couple years ago and faded to the background would show up in such a busy location. Perhaps it is to prove the weird rumors of oddities popping up to cause problems are untrue. Or maybe it's just to prove the guy is not stuck somewhere in rehab. Or maybe it's just because there is someone here. Sure these times do lead to people choosing to spend time with their families. But for others, that's not an option they can freely choose

Regardless of the reason one Nick Drago has ended up at the bar of Club Lux. This is not one of his usual haunts but for tonight, the reasonably well dressed, young man is here. His attire is somewhat similar to what he would wear playing piano over at the Blue Lady. But instead of the usual blue dress shirt to pair with the nice black pants, he's instead gone for the red. This is quite likely the lowest effort possibly made to make some sort of nod to what season it is but one can probably cut him some slack. He hasn't been home in over a year.

A glass containing a darkly tinted liquid is set before the musician, causing for Nick to nod to the bartender. "Thanks."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister is not in situ, at least not in the way that would be recognizable to most. A face, this one painted in glitter and sparkles of a subdued kind, decked out with antlers and cloven hoof boots, hands out candy coal by the bar. "Well, I do know you've been bad this year," said in a murmur to a party goer that looks as if they might be a lawyer in another life; there's a few hints that this could be him, but when your costume can be an entire change of face, it's hard to say for sure. In the lights decking out the club, his eyes, currently sky blue, have an occasional sheen of red when he turns the right way. Young, pretty. Otherwise nondescript and certainly 'built out' by the costume, not by nature's design, this is a good way to blend in with the party going crowd.

His gaze settles on the Host a moment, gives the ghost of a wink, before it pans across the room, seeing what it might hide, what it might hold.

Lucifer has posed:
Another sip is taken from his drink as Lucifer glances around one last time. A brow raises as he observes the Yeen come in, tilting his head just so in the process before his gaze continues. A note of Nick at the bar and he catches eyes with the bartender, giving a slight nod. What that was for...who knows...but Nick may notice that he won't be charged for a single drink tonight. Finally he catches that ghost wink from Sinister and his lips curl into a smile as he finally pushes from his post and walks over to the...absurdly dressed up gentleman. "...What in the nine layers of home are you wearing?"

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit's faintly glowing eyes scan across the crowd, finding a few faces he might recognize, but otherwise he's just here to browse for the time being. He doesn't approach the bar nor any of the servers, seemingly content to simply explore and enjoy the clubs atmosphere for now.

Occasionally he'll find his attention drawn to something or to someone, but he seems fairly content just minding his own. The occasional, subtle dance of what looks like violet electricity across his fur might indicate his mood to those who know him, but for those who don't it'd simply serve as yet another eye-catching display on top of his already flamboyant attire.

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick ends up missing the bit of unspoken exchange between the bartender and Lucifer but it might sooner that Nick finds out about the drinks. It appears the musician's a pay as you go type. One never knows when a quick exit is necessary and he sure as hell is not going to stiff the tender.

Being the bar's a bit busy, the time of revelation is fortunately not THAT soon and the musician eventually allows for him to wait until he asks for the second drink to ask to settle what he's accumulated.

Pale eyes scan the crowd, taking in different partygoers. Kit's hard to miss and honestly hard to forget visually. When the young man appears to be glancing his general direction, he gives a slight smile and a wave in greeting.

Ivory has posed:
Holiday Party? High class club? Yuletide? Well, there's a gruesome gruesome feline tied to Yule, and it's from Iceland. Jolakoetturinn. Huge, viscious and hunting people that have not yet new clothes for christmas! With its grim face - totally turned cute by the style that Ivory has chosen - it peers back at people from the back of the designer's jacket as they enter, smiling a little before working their way to the bar so they can get something to drink. To those feeling magic... it's like the room's aura just spiked.

Sinister has posed:
"A party outfit. What you don't like that I'm all horny?" Sinister drolly informs, squinting up between his brows at the edge of the antlers adorning his head. He reaches up and flicks one of the holly leaves attached to it with a digit, smiles and sets a coal candy infront of Lucifer, also. "Because we /know/ you've only been a good boy this year..." -- Nick is studied for a time, perhaps a cataloguing of the previous encounters with the fellow, complete with a hint of a smile at one side of his mouth. Then a glass of something colourful and minty aroma'd is set on a coaster by him, lifted in a toast to nothing in particular.

Idly, he observes: "I always liked this particular holiday. I always felt it was rather the celebration of being still alive, despite everything..." he sniffs the drink, sips and after a moment of consideration nods faintly in approval of it.

Then a moment, look away and you'd miss the youth melting into maturity and a far more familiar face where the pretty young thing had been, though Sinister's eyes remain a sky blue hue and his skin tone relatively normal. It's upon Ivory that his gaze settles, lifting the glass again, watching them over the top of it. And away, to Kit. And upon Kit that gaze stays. "Well, well, well."

Lucifer has posed:
"It's cold outside. I hate this season." Lucifer whines lowly so only Sinister can hear him. With Kit minding his own, he's not drawing any attention and so no one seems to pay him mind. A waiter may approach to ensure Kit's not wanting for anything but that's it. Nick's drinks are still free as a second one is given to him and no settlement amount is offered.

Ears prick a bit when something in the air changes and he quickly turns to dart eyes around the club. They finally land on the cat that's just settled at the bar and a low huff is given before he turns back towards Sinister, nose twitching. "You know I prefer you horny...and we also know that by some standards I have been a very...very...bad boy this year." Then he shrugs and glances back towards the cat. "A detail, I suppose..."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
The spike in magical energy gets the yeens attention almost immediately, ears perking and eyes moving to find the source, though when he finds it he just smiles and gives a little wave. He's suppressing his own aura well enough at the moment, but those who are skilled at sensing magic could easily see what he is given that the yeen is a literal focusing lens for other-dimensional energy.

Nick gets a smile and a little wave when Kit notices him and finally it seems like the yeen has a target for his otherwise aimless browsing. Familiar faces tend to be the ones he's willing to approach more often than not.

Nick Drago has posed:
As Kit approaches, Nick ends up missing when the second drink had gotten placed down.

The thunk of the glass leads to him glancing to the glass, brow lifted. Whelp. He didn't get a chance to ask for the amount. That's nice...

Isn't it?

The expression on Nick's face starts to shift, seeming to mirror more one of concern. The musician looks around for anyone who might be looking his way.

Sinister has posed:
"You're very good when you're bad, though. And Good job we're in here, not being out there and frozen then, mmm? We can -always- be sure of turning up the heat..." Leaning in, that much was said rather quietly in very intimate proximity to Lucifer's ear, then with more decorum, the be-antlered Nathaniel Essex goes about the process of cigarettes, the ritual of tapping them down a methodical thing as he uses the bar as his surface of choice. Two of them are prepared, thusly, both are held out to a complete lack of lighter, in the devil's general direction. "The fuzzy one over there, is the one I told you about a long time ago now." He indicates the approaching Kit with a slight lift of his chin. "The mentioning of contracts, bindings with powerful beings and suchlike." This casual information given, he side-eyes Nick, watching the man's reaction with a steady, hooded regard.

Ivory has posed:
With the people staring at them, Ivory doesn't seem to mind. They order a gin-tonic, a smile on her face as they pick it up, then lean back on the barstool, eyes wandering the room like... in the same manner cats seem to watch people at times. With interest, careful, and at the same time... as if they are something different.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is distracted from one magical being to the other as Sinister points out Kit and explains who he is. There's a nod like he accepts this and then his attention is drawn back to the person at the end of the bar. Person? Cat? Something completely different? He's not sure, and he's not sure he wants to find out tonight. A sort of look passes over his features a moment later as he processes what Sinister has said about him and then gives a wicked grin. "Things are getting interesting here... and yet you're teasing me enough to want to leave it all and go upstairs..."

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Kit gives a quiet chuckle as he leans on the bar near Nick, giving him a little smile and a simple, "Long time no see. How've you been?" about as casually as he possibly can with what he's wearing. If the bartender approaches him he'll just decline a drink, regardless of whether it's alcoholic or not.

If he has noticed Sinister or his conversation with Lucifer, he doesn't show it really. His ears haven't given their signature swivel in that direction to show that he's heard anything and he seems all together oblivious to their presence beyond knowing that there are other people here. Perhaps he's simply too amused by the atmosphere to be in his usual hyper-aware state for once.

Nick Drago has posed:
Despite the glance around, Nick can't find anyone looking directly at him save for the one he had initiated some form of contact with. The musician looks back over to Kit listening to the greeting.

"Yes, It's been awhile. Had a few things come up." Nick agrees, giving a small smile, trying to redirect the topic, "How are things with studying?"

Sinister has posed:
Sinister's attention briefly mirrors Lucifer's, then away once again to the two he knows in passing. Lashes lower, then he looks back across at Ivory in time for the cat-being to vacate the premises. "I swear, it takes all sorts. Licorice or otherwise..." then amusedly, the gaze slides sidelong to the devil again. "Took you a moment there..." he teases, but for a moment only. "Something might happen though, if we leave. And then you'd miss the fun..." with a touch of the cigarette-wielding hand to Lucifer's elbow, he leaves his position propping the bar and slipping a hand to the stem of the minty whateveritis, weaves down the way to watch the two mages a little more obviously. There's even a raise of the glass to them.

Lucifer has posed:
Oh. Right. Cigarettes. Lucifer shifts to take them from Sinister in a graceful manner, places them between his lips and with a snap of his fingers lights them both. One is then plucked from his lips and offered back to Sinister while the thing at the end of the bar makes its escape. His attention, then, is drawn to the musician he's had the pleasure of meeting and the yeen that he has only been informed of. "Which is why we don't go upstairs just yet. Not until we're closed... which... may be soon..." Rubbing the bridge of his nose then for even the Devil can become overwhelmed with the burden of magic levels spiking and falling so quickly.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
Thankfully, the yeen can suppress his own power to some degree.

Nick's question gets a little shrug and a simple, "Weird, honestly." from the aardwolf. "But then again, it typically is, so nothing new there." He gives the man an almost curious glance and tilts his head at the mention of things coming up and just nods a little. "It seems like that's been happening for everyone lately."

It's at this point he gives Sinister a glance, noticing the glint of a raised glass in their direction and for a moment, it almost looks like he doesn't recognize the individual. Though After a moment he gives a little smile and a wave. "Hey, I was wondering when I'd run into you again." he says with his ears perking up ever so slightly.

Lucifer finally gets the yeens attention at this point, his gaze trailing from Sinister to him and for a moment, there's a tilt of his head and a look of faint recognition before he offers a smile and a slight bow of his head.

There's a subtle difference in his greeting to the man and one that might easily be missed, but his gaze doesn't stay on Lucifer when he dips his head.

Nick Drago has posed:
If Nick has a magic signature, he's not really aware of it. "Considering the topic matter being covered, I'm not surprised." Nick replies to Kit's assessment of that school, "I'll try and go once things are fully settled."

There's that feeling again. Nick turns his head and upon seeing a very humany version of Sinister looking back to him, there is a pause. And then the man Sinister is with looks over.




Nick looks to the pair curiously and then gestures to his drink. The head cocks to the side questionably, a bit reminiscent of his bird form.

Maybe it's them behind the drink issue and not the result of the plottings some missed shadow organization trying to stall him for another ambush. Although, considering what he remembered of those two it'd probably be just as short lived as the Thanksgiving Day attempt.

Sinister has posed:

"Thank you, Morgenstern..." Sinister inclines his head to the cigarette, ferrying it to where it belongs as the smoke curls drift in directions that seem to be artful. To Nick's look of bird-like puzzlement, the cancer stick is used to gesture to the man in the festive pinstripe. "It tends to come around, time and again. When I take an interest that is, I tend to maintain it, mister Kilovarras. I'm glad to see you're looking dapper and altogether yourself." With another little bob of a nod, he gestures more open palmed to Lucifer.

"May I present the Benefactor. The Host... Lucifer Morningstar. Lucifer... Kit Killovarras. Nick Drago." He learned the name right? Maybe. Telepaths are odd like that.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer regards Nick for a moment and then inclines his head upon introduction. "I remember you from Hallows Eve in Sunnydale. That mansion which was caught between timelines." Or something along that nature. A shift of gaze to regard Kit just as the yeen lowers his head in some sort of respectful manner and a lip twitches just so. "Ah. The one with the contract. Or some such. Was it that he inquired how to break it? Or how to make it? Or both? The moment is fuzzy now..." A drag off his cigarette taken then, but surprisingly the smoke all trails upwards and no one can seem to scent a thing. Nothing. Not even with magical powers. It's a Devil trick.

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"Neither, actually." Kit says without missing a beat, offering a little smile at the introduction. "More the fact that my father is under one to at least one demon." Then he gives a little shrug and adds, "By choice of course. Most of the people in my family who fall into such a contract do so willingly." Well, at least he's pretty comfortable talking about that sort of thing.

He gives Nick a glance and a little nod as he muses, "I haven't actually been studying there as much as I'd like lately either, but that's probably because of what's been happening lately." he says with a shrug, then adds. "I'll look forward to seeing you there though once everything's settled down. I'm still curious to see what you're capable of.

Then he pauses for a moment, one ear folding to the side ever so slightly before he looks to Lucifer again, studying him for a moment before he offers a little smile and muses, "Now I'm curious.. Shemu'el?"

... That's a proper pronunciation of a very old name being posed as a question and one that a lot of people wouldn't likely dare to say in polite company.

But the devil's in the details, as they say and it seems that this particular mage is more curious than he probably should be.

Nick Drago has posed:
To the confirmation that one of those two were responsible for the misunderstanding, Nick's posture relaxes a little. Oh good. No emergency calls tonight. As Lucifer hints to knowing Nick's other side, the musician blinks. "Ah. That was an interesting find." He indirectly confirms. He nods to the drink, "Thank you, by the way."

Well at least he knows he doesn't have to dance around the powers topic at least.

Well, other than the large crowd of strangers who are also occupying the club.

Just don't talk loudly. Kit's comment gets a small smile but he doesn't give any hints. He looks back over to Lucifer as Kit directs his attention over to the club owner.

Sinister has posed:
"That and you considered me under a kind of contract, though I have to say it is likely not the sort of contract that you're accustomed to..." But then? Then Kit went and said a thing. There's a very, very slight wince from Sinister, a tick of the jaw and a flicker of the lip and he glances from Yeen to Host with a slow easing back into his lean. The cigarette suddenly becomes very, very fascinating and deserves to be dragged, considered, the glowing cherry to be appreciated for what it is.

There's a sigh.

"My dear boy, you didn't get permission for that, methinks." Is softly said.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is calm. For a moment. A nod given as Kit explains that the contract is actually his father's and all that nonsense. Accepted willingly and likely not something in dire need to get out of. Well that's a good thing.

He even regards Nick for a moment and nods before giving a shrug. "It was interesting. And fun. I daresay I wish to find another like that sometime soon... I like toying with the divide."

Then. A word. No. A name. Not just any name. THAT name. Not just THAt name, but the pronunciation of it makes even Lucifer wince a bit. His eyes immediately flash red and flicker with hellfire. He goes to say something but then, a pause. A breath. "No. Lucifer. Full stop. You get a pass for saying that name because you do not know. There is no one who is allowed to speak that name to me except one and they are not you. Kindly never use it again or you will not like what happens next." A warning. A polite warning. A fair and polite warning. Because otherwise... well...

Does anyone ever want to experience true Hell on earth?

Kit Killovarras has posed:
"My sincerest apologies," No smile this time, all proper and a nod given as the yeen explains, "There are many who would claim the name and titles connected to such a name, but the response is the proof I was seeking." Kit didn't miss the flash of hellfire in the mans eyes, nor the change in tone or demeanor. He knew the possible risks of such an inquiry, so the lack of sudden pain or singed fur is at very least a pleasant surprise.

Another bow of his head is given, his ears folding back ever so slightly this time before he adds, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Morningstar."

After a moment, Sinister is given a glance and a little smile as he muses, "A proper dance with the devil is still a contract in it's own right, if admittedly a far more personal one."

Nick Drago has posed:
Nick observes the interaction between the group and then Kit's explanation for why he did it. "You're one of those kids who would push the red button even if adults told you not to, aren't you?" The musician wonders aloud.

Pot, meet Kettle.

Either way no one is dying at the moment so at least this means Nick can enjoy his, apparently free drinks. Although, he might keep it just to the two now that he knows someone is paying for them.

No need to be greedy.

Sinister has posed:
Well, nothing is ever free. Except this pass. This pass is free.

It's hard to tell if Sinister relaxes much, as he was fairly relaxed to begin with. However, he does smile a little broader than is his custom in company -- it ends up broad enough that the dimples show. Blue eyes linger on the Lord of Hell with a glint of something in them that is elusive, then he slides the regard to the young egyptian mage.

"Why, that's a very delicate description, mister Killovarras. I find myself quite tickled," finishing the minty julip of a drink, he sets it aside with a nod to the barman of the night and a calm removal of the antlers. They are awkward and cumbersome after all, even if they ARE made to be light.

"My contract, if you care to call it that, began with a choice. What we choose to do defines us a good deal better than what we are compelled to do, I find. Don't you?"